t Classified Advertising Rates BRINGING UP FATHER--- u I rUMi iw tilr4) bit JtU ANU MAUilt, IN VVIL rAce or ioloilj in ihi undav sue Drawn for The Bee by McMtnui Cll(rirnclc Uvungki. t:u lmfMlU.l iwtw U,'lll;ii.l flO 1 till I is MM iraxt.i ii sslbl I a 18 m wi, MMwmm RCMFMPkk-a. ic-lj H DON'T WOSnHC WILL NAT fr -v r TRet TO CCT OOT Or TrlC HOUtC WHILE, Into 19 Systems IM ON I lJi I I II J 1 I JllTB H I If f I THINK Of XT n r I'M , MMNniit H ft lis p )?, f( mmaiiti Wrt . N M tab, (aw ik leiel ! !. 1k wm nr u ik pan r ur Dm. At i4rtMMl tt M balb ar.rg 4 ii4j wily , set' fee ik ar COM TT HA rH ON A ('PLICA HON vt u yt) ti u leiie.i r. , flMI MAIN OKHCt ITik far. It. Amifc lie ...lit twb lk bi leaned Bluff IA I'M I Hi. Ajr am Rttr.ivtn ty rtiONC AIL AMI 10 10 Trig BIB will Ml k iMMMibJ (' Our lk) lnerrt Hi m rile ef a. a.rttt .rder. fur mot lk( a tia. CLOMNU HOUM lOR WANT AD .nig .tliia 1 1 ! A. M. Morning k.itiv. ....MSP.M. . Iunjl!itk. f :t . M.lktura ;" FOREST LAWN CEMETERY. ' A Idrsl lor stint, iul north of rily Hi. in tn wt uf riuiAv wnn mil. lif Bll.llll telnl. iit i'f, I. . ltul cr. .Nul Operated fur profit, oriii 1.4 a No. Cliy l.tinii. City iffiiw. 'i.- t'ii..i. Theater. STACK & FALCONER OMAHA HKKT " Aniw" A M BULANCEfVufc Thirty. third and rrnm. IIEAFEY & IIEAFEY" LmKriakui iif Knifwlmsr. , I'lnm. ill A SU. if(n ;n Frnm. ; HULSE & RIEPEN riii.NKKH FL'NUIIAL DIRECTOR , rvri Cuming m. Js.k.on ISM l'IC AUUDI.AM'K tall' MAlk.l Koritko Kuitnal Hum. SJ.I and O Mia FLORISTS." LEE L. LARMON KM Ifiutflx m. nniiKlm IIM JOHN HATH. K"l Kainam. Jatkxm It'll. I- Hmlroii. lip; Kama in. Jackaon i:3I. LOSTrFOUNbNDRE WARDS flUi AllTh l.l.M I.UST uii atrl ran 11. pl un Tkr "( V r anilnu to r air tii artli'li lo rlchiful nnt. '.MAHA A WlUSUli Bl.liKFa ST. BT. ID.MPANT i'KKNu.N who twit or fiiunil mild liruau wall h Willi lilai k fur rail Walnut iHt or; Jm-kkoii 411 and rwrlv liberal r- "arn. pktt 4utiun MKkr!!. j.iiht -Hiack iiortfoliii MonilHy, ruhtalntiix i iilnnbl iaiir. Kinder call Jackaun SflJ. Itnr.l. PERSONAL. TIIK SALVATION Army Indualrlal hom gclu your old t'lolhlnt, furnltur. . nianajliir. W collect W dlatrlbut. i J'liuu IHjukIu 4134 and our wacon 'will call, rail and Innpevt our ntw hom, lllD-llli-1114 llodK Bt. l,AHIi:s who rih to iln art work at i, liuine. nwro tun", full at Hiiom V). I'ouirla Bloi'k. (ipponlt llavilrn. HATTIH I'ulmnn. Nubon I'orsel Shop. tOS K.irlurh Illock. AT. J9J SAT IT WITH KI.OWURS FROM HES9 ii8WOBOIA. 1418 rARNAM STRBET. CIlll.DHE.Nt cared fnf by week. Wal. 4C61, MAHHAGti sio North Seventeenth Street. HBNT HOOVER vacuum. II up. Har. 107l7 II.BCTRICI bath and nmiujoge. WE mil" OSTKOUIUY MA88AGKH. Atlantla 6365. fjjyfcipi.SH ilmm. Chiropody. 21)1 8. W. SWEDISH maaaaze. Ill Neville Block. MrHONrj coraet. SI. Schaefer. DO. T23S. ANNOUNCEMENTS. Accordeon Pleating. ACCORDION, aide, knit, aunburat, bos Pleating, covered button, all lu and tyli bematltchlng, picot dglng, eye let cut work, buttonhole, pennant. Tileal Button and Pleating Co- III Brown Blki Jackeon J936. .NWa Platlg Button Co., 1801 Farnam BL. 8d floor, Douaia 6670. Contractors. WRICK plasterer and cement, new and f repair vurk. J. Kan. Walnut 466J. Dancing Academies. ". I. EARN TO DANCE RIGHT Mildred Mnxln teachea all brandies dancing. Studio I.eflang Bldg. DO. I47S. Keep' S 1818 Farnam, ur method, reasonable rate. Do. 8440. Val.Pina School for Dancing. 2424 J.VCI JTHie Farnam. Douglaa 7860. Dress rnaidng. FIRST-CLASS dreaamaklr.g; guurantecd Avork. Walnut 6546, DRESSMAKING. 408 SOUTH 24TH ST. Detectives. RELIABLE . Datecttv Bureau. Railway , - Ex. Bldg.. JA. 205. Night, KEN. 8812. Independent Detective Bureau, 804 Neville vBlk. Atl. 6601: night. Wal. 4066; K. 0465. JAMES ALLAN. 813 Neville Blk. Evidence secured In all case. Atlantio 1136. Tailoring. WITS prewed, remodeled, lined. HA. 6804. Kodak Finishing. f 1LMS developed; printing and enlarging. . Writ for price. Th Ensign Co.. 1607 Howard St. . . ENLARGEMENTS, oil coloring, developing, rrintlng, Kase Studio. 213 Nevlll Blk. Patent Attorneys. PATENT ATTORNEYS J. W. MARTIN, patent, atty.. 1718 Dodge. .i Milcellaneous Announcements. DIAMONDS Wo.'MS ' to buy back ' at mtiall profit. GROSS -.IEWELRT CO 40 N. ,16th SL Doug ' la 6041.' - DR. PAUL J. BOLAND wishes to an , nnunce the removal of offices from 1106 i First Nat'l Bk. Bid;., to suit 1223-24 of same building. AT. 2346. OMAHA BILLOW CO. Mattresae mad over in nw tick at half tba price ot new beds. 1907 Cuming. Jackson 2467. RAZOR BLADES sharpened. Single, 16c; ; doubt edge.' 46o doz. Mail order o ' llolted. Omaha Sh-arp Co., 103 N. 16th. ICR CREAM Quart, 40c; pint, 20c; pop, 4r; cones, 4c. 14,45 N. 15th St., corner ; of Charle St.-' - TVHITELY, tire and radiator man; reas. prices; work truar. $! S. 13th. DO. 60S. FULL dress and tuxedo for renL John . Eeldman. 10 N. 18th St. Jackeon 8128. NEW and rebuilt electrical apparatus, LeBron Electric, 318 8. 13th St., Omshs. ROGERS Confectionary Stove, 24th and Farnam St.. Jackson 0127. BRITT Printing Co.. t Klk Bldg. Omaha Towel Supply, 207 S. 11th. JA. 0628 FOR SALE. Furniture and Household Goods. FOR SALE. Household furniture of T-room houae, including piano, china cabinet, buffet. . chiffonier, bookcase and book, office ' desk and chair, ice box, gas stove, dln-ina- tabla and chain, t rocker, I vol umes Masonio history at 672S N. list Ave. or 31st and. Titus Ave. Phone Kenwood 0748. SEWING' machine and Vletrola. bird's . ere maple bedroom eet. gaa stove, 8x10 ; Wilton rug. Call Sunday morning. Har ney 6688. ONE gna rang used only aix months. Call Walnut S08. SINGER aewing roachin at a bargain lering city. 118 South S5th. Clothing and Furs. FURS! FURS! FURS I Direct from manufacturer to wearer. laving you large retail profits. Offering for this week: only a wonder ful selection of bargains In COATS. WRAPS. CAPES, STOLES, COATEES and' CHOKERS. ' Com In and let us show yon. All 7 merchandise guaranteed. Deposits ac eepted. -, CHAS. J. GOLDSTEIN FUR CO, - lta and Pouctas. Over Fry Sho C. -JACKSON 11JS. Mall order given prompt attention. TOR sale, a few unclaimed, all-wool "Dun ' de" suit, cheap, alteration free. t DUNDEE WOOLEN MILLS. -- Norttwest Cor.. lth and Harney Pt. PERFECTLY new Martin fur stole. 71 mche lone and IS Inches wide. No dealer. Webster "3. FURS remcdeiet - reltned and cleaned. KNKETEB, ALASKA FUR CO.. I3 8. litk SL . iMuila 7S8I. FOR SALE. Trpcwnteri and Supplier. TYl'EWKlTliKS AMI ADDING MACHINKS. All MAKKH hnucHI, aol.t. rntr4 n4 rtilrd, hoi (ni fur lb l.'UIK'NA. lt our prior lM-fr )ou buy. tar tiiachlii uaraiitcit. Central Typewriter Exc. Jckaon 4i;. Ill Far nam. H B buy. Mil aafra, nnht druka, liuw caw, etu. Omaha KUlur A aui'Uly t'o. i-W' Sr"r- ' 'I? ". 7K. I.IMMKH T Imr i.rl.'.;"klnillln ilrllvrii MICK (.IK Ut'MHKIt A WHKl'KINU I'll.. Zliri an Human. Wrtntrr 1UI Miscellaneous Articles. S E WI N G M A CH i N ES V rent, rrualr. -il nardlr nd part. r MICKEL'S I'.lh and llarnay. fiougla Mil. Pianos and Miuical Instruments. UKiilt'.IC . SMITH ralr In drum. l"rhn tt, !., Inatrucllun. rialrln. Addrau t7l 1'avmpnrt HI. fur catalo. I'Kona Hrny fK7. 'I'ij Smith dal. Vliil. INK. bowa. (trlna and reualrln at lnwat frtrea. laatthew blurt lo. IS Kuuirla Hlk . Opp. Hayilena. AT. I'M DI'RYb walnut, parlor aranrl Bunh A Ian phitn at .-na than halt prlco. I'hon Kenwuod 07 Id, ' it arm S4.ni. new quart Im beer hnltle. C'harle Jarl, 1703 !, venworth. URAI'KS for sale. 150. Hit IcIhj Kenwood WANTED TO BUY. DESKS DESKS DESKS New deaka, uaed dink bought, anld and traded, J. C. Reed. IS07 Karuam. D. I4 WANTED SITUATIONS. Laundry and Day Work. COLORED lady wialiea bundle waihing or day work. Webater 6431. IAT work, lauudrcea, phou Attantio 31SA. HELP WAN TED MALE. Stores and Offices. roUNO man, study law! Evening down town aeealon. University of Omaha. Professions and Trades. FIREMEN, brakemcn. beginner, 1160; later 1250 monthly. Writ Railway, Box Y-1661. Omaha Bee. idOLER BARBER COLLEGE. 110 S. 14th. Writ for catalog. Salesmen and Solicitors. High Grade Salesman Largo advertising concern manufac turing new and high-grade line of calendars, leather goods and exclusive specialties for advertising, w.'nhca to appoint a permanent representative for Omaha, also on for Nebraska. Ap plicant must be a auccessful salesman of good personality, appreciating op portunity ot building a permanent and profitable business with annual earn ings of 34,000 to 312,000. Apply for In- tervlew by letter only, giving your phone number if possible. Mr. Hubbard, Hotel Fantenelle. . WANTED Reliable; experienced salesman to sell carloads cf potatoes, cabbage and applea direct to retailers In Oma ha and surrounding territory. Must be experienced In fruit business, have good reference and willing to work on commission basis at atart. Good op- portunity for right man. Address Box Y-1668, Omaha Bee. SALESMEN Hit tho ball, hard times money-getter, sells on sight to every auto owner. Exclusive territory, act quick. 3710 W. Broadway, Council Bluff. Red 2245. - WANTED Good aalesman who will invest 3600, with his service, in 310.000 yearly proposition. Southern Advertising Agen cy, Columbus. Miss. SALESMEN wanted for Savabutts Cigarette-holders, good profit for man who want to work. Call Harney 7464. Miscellaneous. CLERKS, 18 upward, for Postal Mai! Service. $130 month. Examination SeB tember 17th. Experience unnecessary. For free particulars of Instruction write J. Leonard (former Civil Service Ex aminer), 809 Equitable Bldg.. Wash ington, u. c EXPERIENCED pants finisher -wanted. 1820 N. 20th St. Webster 0703. ' HELP WANTED FEMALE. Stores and Offices. WANTED Competent stenographer, one with experience In purchasing depart ment preferred. Box R-12, Bee. WAJMTED Stenographer. Call Western Smelting & RfW. Co. Douglas 3424, 7th n.i nn,,.i.. fit . ' Saleswomen and Solicitors. LADIES Everywhere. Full or spars time. . Mak 60 weekly selling waterproof kitchen apron, sanitary aprons, belt. Samples free. Write Miller Mfg. Co., Cleveland, O. . AT ONCE Five bright capable ladles te travel, demonstrate and sell dealer; 140 to 171 per wek. railroad fare paid. , Write at once. Goodrich Drug Co.. Dept. 682, Omaha, Neb. Household and Domestic. GIRLS. ' " Watch the Domestic Column of Th ' Bee Want Ads. Good well-paid enJ homelike plaoa always advertised. WANTED Middle-aged woman to do light house work and be companion to woman. ' Two in family. . No washing. Call Web ster 3994. COMPETENT girl for general house work; smalt house, three rhiidren; good wages for right party. WA. 2926. MAID for general housework; permanent place. Harney 6476. WANTED A maid at' the : Home, reference required. Jld Peoplea' Wal. 3737. HELP WANTED. Male and Female. WANTED Men. ladies and boy to learn barber trade; big demand; wages while learning; strictly modern. Call or write 1403 Dodge St Tri-Clty Barber College. EDUCATIONAL. FALL TERM SEPTEMBER 8. DAY SCHOOL NIGHT SCHOOL. ' Complete course In accountancy, ma chine bookkeeping, comptometry, short hand and typewriting, railroad and wirelesa telegraphy, civil- rvlce and all English and commercial branch. Write, call er phone Jackson 158 tor large Illustrated catalog. Address BOYLES COLLEGE. Boyle Bide Omaha, Neb. - ' FOR personal instruction, shorthsnd. type writing, bookkeeping, etc Call Douglas T774 or write AMERICAN INST. OF EFFICIENCY, t, O. O. f. Bldg.. Omaha, Neb, Van 8ant f.nol of Business. Day and Evening Schools. . S: Omaha Natloaal Bank Bldg. Dougra 689. FRANK Henry aaxophone instruction. 308 Leflang. BUSINESS CHANCES. WANT to hear from owner bavins; buei nese for sal. J. C McConecr. Termi nal Buildiec, Omaha. Neb BUSINESS CHANCES. t BKFultr; hu Intr. ndrur our fre sal as bulletin; hundred' ef paying businesses re luted. Any kl'"l. Any prli. Any where. Western Business Kschang, Terminal Building. Omaha, N'rb. HKkTAI'ltANT for sale. Hood place for th right man. J'rlr is rlglH. X-21, Omaha lire. FOR KALE I'owrr equipped dry cleaning plant Tentorium, Kullon, Neb. FOR KENT-ROOMS. Furnisned Rooms. are you looking for roomht or have you planned en making rhang, which will be more convenient for ou? If so. (hen call Th Bee Want Ad l'ept.. Tyler looo, and w will nul only furnish you 'with complete room list ef choice vacant room In Omaha, but alio keep )nur number en our -V.'ii; f Knf list for further refer once In case ou wanted lo niak an other change Thes !lta sr holutely free of charge to all render and adver tisers f Th Omaha He nd published solely for their convenience and baimflL Call any time. Atlantio 100. Wsnl Ad Dept. PRIVATi; home, inahogany-fu r nlnhed room. i. gentiunien, 3 ped week. is, St. SSd St. PLEASANT smith rln.. suitable for 1 or 2 gentlemen. Walking distance. HA 19.". NICELY furnished modern rooms In pri vate home, walking- instance. Web. 3d76. PLEASANT tin, for ! girls, private family, nesr Harney car; breakfast. HA. 4r 1 4. MODERN Hot l.MS, WALNUT 5S83. MODERN rooma: reasonable, Web. S416. Housekeeping Rooms. CALL FOR COMPLETE LIST OF HOUSE- KEEPING ROOMS IN CITY. WB HAVE THB BEST IN CITY. CALL TYLER 10IM. WANT AD. ASK ABOUT OUR BEE ROOM LIST. PUBLISHED EVERY WEEK FREE OF CHARGE FOR THE BENEFIT OF OUR ADVERTISERS AND READERS. ATLANTIC 1000. WANT AD. TWO 2-room suites. HA. 2505. DO. 7886. Board and Rooms. FOR CHOICE BOARD AND. RM. WATCH THE BEE WANT ADS, AND IF YOU DO NOT FIND WHAT YOU WANT IN THE WANT COLUMN CALL AT. 1000 AND ASK ABOUT OUR COMPLETE LIST OF ROOMS. 4320 ' WAKELEY. large front room and Hoard lor 2; private home. Walnut 1244. FOR RENTHOUSES. Unfurnished. SIX-ROOM niotiern house I- walking dis tance, mono Webster Jo8. FOR RENT APTS. AND FLATS. Furnished. THREE nice rooms, private bath, fur nished complete, 37 week. 2010 N. 23u St.. WE. 1868. FURNISHED mod. 2-room- apt. 23d SL Market 3604. " Unfurnished. DANDY APARTMENT Oak finished In college terrace. Built-in bed. Ideal ar rangement. Immediate possession. Rent, 145 and $57.60. Bedford-Johnston Co., 806 World-Herald Bldg. JA. 1784. FIVE nice rooms and bath, second floor,, brick building, 307 S. 13th SL; modern except beat; rent 340. BIRKETT & CO., 350 Peters Trust Bldg.. Jackson 0633. Peters Trust Company, Specialist In apartment management. FINE 3-room apartment, with sunroom, close in location.. Best condition. Call Douglas 5564. FOR RENT Business Property DESIRABLE office apace in Wead bldg. F. D. WEAD, Sll South t8th St. AT. 0161. GOOD ator in good location. F. D. WEAD. 318 SO. 18th St. Atlantic 0161. OFFICE in Wead Bldg., overlooking 18th and Farnam Sts. 137.50 per month. F. D. Wead, 310 So. 18th. At. 0161. E. H. BENNER CO., TRACKAGE. SEE F. D. WEAD. 310 SO. 18TH 8T MOVING AND STORAGE. FIDELITY 8and van CO. STORAGE MOVING. PACKING HOUSEHOLD GOODS AND PIANOS. REASONABLE RATES. REDUCED FREIGHT RATES TO ALL PRINCIPAL, CITIE& 1107-11 Howard St. Jackson 0288. FIREPROOF WAREHOUSE. Separate locked room for houachold good and pianos, moving, packing and shipping. V JEKINS OMAHA VAN AND STORAGE, 806 South 16th.. Douglas 4163. METROPOLITAN VAN and STORAGE CO. Owned by H. R. Bowen Co.'Atlantlo 8400. ESTIMATES furnished on storage A mov Ing. Contract taken by lob or hr. Globe Van & Storag Co J A. 4338. AT. 02311. Jackson 0564. 1320 Farnam St. POULTRY AND PET STOCK. Incubator About 1-3 price; express paid; 230-egg; guaranteed; popular make. C. B. House, 2545- Montgall, Kan. City. Mo. AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE. ' Cars Wanted. We have been selling more cars than we have had an opportunity to buy. It they are used, not abused, we will buy about 40 cars. Saleaday Car Co., Fortieth and Farnam St. FORD touring cars, roadsters, trucks; 131. '20 end '21 models; with or with out starters. W are not lo the used car business and do not sell for a profit, but ar replacing our old equipment with new. Drive-Jt-Yourself Co.. 1314 Howard SL Phone Douglas 3622. SALESMEN .lust patented ready for the 'market, new gasoline saver. Double mileage and power of all motors. In stalled in 20 minutes. Sells on sight. Territory open. Act quick. 3710 West Broadway. Council BlrfTs. la.. Red. 2245. 80ME bargains tn used Ford cars. Mc Caffrey Motor Co. The Handy Ford Service Station. 15th and Jackson, Douglas 3600. BUY A GUT L. SMITH USED CAR. A Bate Investment Mth snd Farnam SL Phons D. 1878. FOR SALE Cadillac 15, seven-passenger. Call Douglaa 6360. Price. 11,350. Good condition. U8ED cars, bought, sold and exchanged. TRAWVER AUTO CO.. 2210 Farnam St Repairing and Painting. LOOK! LOOK! If your old car needs good paint Job or varnishing. Call on me and get my prices before going to others: 8 years' experience. Beat of work guaranteed. 2415 earning St.. William H. Jones A Co. HOLLY, expert auto trimmer. 813 8. 24th. Auto Livery and Garages. LOOK! LOOK! Autos stored for $7.6 and 38 5 per month. I want 18 -auto for dead or live storage. Best care given car. Wil liam H. Jnne eV Co.. 2418 Cumin. An investment that pays dividnds-Be s- ad TRUNK .OOT I'VE JoVg : . JCC BK rol 1 " 1 I itai't lNTrATuiif stnvict.' Inc. "95 "j 1 , n it w ii r i i AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE. Accessories. Foil SAI L tlnoj as nw, on complete top bimI sll rurialn and windshield for Esses 'louring car; only slightly used; itav replaced wllh winir lop, New this windshield and top I worth l:Si. Huhlrct to Inspection; prlctd st Hoc; wind shield alon worth 171. A harsnln, any Esaex owner know. A. V. Irrsh A Co.. Kidney, la. INTERLOCK Innsr lire and rellner do prevent puncture and blowout, vui raulKer Supply Co.. 181 3 Farnam bt. FARM LANDS. Minnestota Lands. EQUITY land Kxuhang, St. Paul. Minn, FINANCIAL Real Estate Loans. have cash on hand to loan on Omaha residences. E. II. I.OUGEE, INC, blh Keelln Hldg. OMAHA HOMES EAST NKB, FARMS. ' O'KEEFU REAL ESTATE CO.. 1018 Qui. Nat. H k. Bldg. Jackson 2711. 1100 to 110.(10(1 mud promptly. F. D. WEAP. Wead Bldg. 110 S. 18th St. REAL ESTATE WANTED. To buy ir sell Omsha- Resl Estate ee FOWLER & M DONALD US') City Nat. Bk. Bldg. Jackson MM. WANTED To buy a alx-ronin house, two stories. Field club or southwest district. D. V. 8IIOLF.S CO., Jackson 0048. 81 City Nat. Rk. Bldg. CONSULT us If you contemplate building, or wish to buy or sell Omaha real estate. C. B. STUHT CO., City NsL Brink Blilg. DO. 8787. THE Oldi Reliable Real Estate Office. M'CAGUE INVESTMENT CO., 1608 Dodge St. ' Pouglaa134e. HAVE inquiries for homes do you want to sell -your property 7 List It with C, A. Orlmmsi, Omaha Nat'l Bk. Bldg. RTPtTTT REAL ESTATE. 1J1IVIVI-1 1 X gells. Rents. Insures. 350 Peters Trust Bldg. Jackson 0633. GRUENIGfRqtuyicu'itt,.w,th u" 1418 1st. Natl. Bk. Bldg. Jackson 19(16. TO BUY OR SELL' real estate aee Glover A Spain. 910-20 City National Bank. Jackson 2850. PROMPT aales ot your real estate; wt hav many buyer ana aoiicit your ousi nes. Shopen A Co., Realtor. J A. 4229. Mark Martin Insurance, real estate, loans. 1045 Omaha Nat'l Bank Bldg. LIST with us. We guarantee results. ST1ER REALTY CO.. 715 Bee. DO. 6645. REAL ESTATES-UNIMPROVED. DUNDEE LOT BEST OFFER TAKES IT lixcellent location. Worth 32.250. Will sacrifice. Only 1600 down. HA 4P9C. REAL ESTATE INVESTMENTS BIG 8-room, fine home, strictly modern, full basemenL larae lot. 60 ft. front, 140 deeo. Nice driveway: Earage for two cars. Cement floor. Gas, electric light; 3 . bedrooms upstairs, closet in each room. Bath of very best and of latest style up stairs; large hallway, both upstair and - below. New furnace, torm windows and (loots complete. Location fine. Property 1 worth 36.500, but the owner will sell it at sacrifice, because it is too large for two persons. If sold at once it can be bought for 16,000; 1760 cash, 335 . per month. I will help you finance It if you are the right party. If would be worth your while to see this fine home.' Come and see it. Let me show you. This must be solo at once a th owner doesn't want to put in the winter coal. P. II. O'Dell, Real Estate and Invest, ment. 2856 Ohio St., -Webster 4810. FOR homes or for Investment, fine loca tion for Investment, four modern houses. Two five-room bungalows, strictly mod ern, near car line, garage; nice yard nd garden spot; full basement, gas and elec trlo light. These two bungalows I want to sell to one party. Party could live In one and rent the other for 136 or $40 per month. These bungalows will sell on payments for $4,500 each, but if sold, together I will sell them f.or $3,. 150 each' and make a loan of $1,260 on each one ot these. The bungalows are practically new and in fine condition. Will be glad to show them to you at any time. They must be sold at once as the owner want to leave for Cali fornia by October 1. . They are 2722 and 2724 Lake St. P. H. O'Dell, Real Estate and Invest ments, 3855 Ohio St.. Webster 4810. RENTAL $510 PRICE $2,975 " ' . ' $1,000 CASH, BALANCE TERMS. Double home, walking distance, mod ern but heat. Good condition, paved street. Rent has not been raised. HASTINGS & HEYDKN. 1814 Hwney St. AT. 8050. CORNER lot with store -and flats above . and three cottages. ,. Income 81.935; price, 112.500. ALFRED THOMAS ft SON CO. 604 First Nat'l Bit Jackson 0064. REAL ESTATE TO EXCHANGE TRADE YOUR FORD. I have equity of $600 in fine Minne Lusa lot; will trade for Ford sedan or other late light car. Call Mr. Toliver. KE. 1086. Sunday or Monday. REAL ESTATE SUBURBAN. Dundee. HAVE number of lot in Dundee, on and two block from street car line, few block to Dundee school. Reasonable -restriction as to building. - It i pos sible for you with only a reasonable amount of cash to build your own home to suit your wlshe. Terms and condi tions and how to accomplish this is worth investigating. Call personally, 250 Omaha Nat'l Bask Bldg., or 310 South Forty-ninth Ave. Florence. Nethaway. Flor. prop, no colored. KE. 1409 Miscellaneous. NEW 5 rooms, modern, new furniture; desirable location; immediate possession; reasonable term. FRANK L. KILBY CO., 440 Pet;ra Trust Bldg. Doug. 4313, Web. 4S46, At. 8716. REAL ESTATE IMPROVED West. LEAVENWORTH HEIGHTS HOME . Dandy 5 -room modern bung low, oak finish and floors; nic large lot; good attic; basement. ' Priced f 1.209 below market; will sell for 96.300; $1,600 cash, balance 5 a month. D. E. BUCK & CO. Realtors 441 Omaha Nat JACK. 2008. Sunday. Newton. HAR. 6942. Buck. KEN. 2134. Omaha Real Estate and Investment. JOHN T. BOHAN, 821 Psiton Blk. Atlantic ImI CLASSY buncalow. beautiful oak finish. all built-in feature; Harney 801. double garage- ) J B. ItOBINN. real eet. I and Invest ment. SIS Pete's Trust DO. 807. L E. BUCK CO. buy and svil aine. , Omaha Grain Omaha, Sept. J. Cash wheat offering sold at an ad vance of I&i'Jc today, taken ecu rally. Com was Jjtfvlc higher. White was up a tent, yellow jc and mixed Jtelc. Oats weie generally Jic higher. Kyc advanced VM 2c. Barley was about unchanged. Wheat receipts were moderate and other grains light. WHEAT. 6) No. 1 hard: 1 car. 61.21 (dark, choice); 1 car, $1.19; I cars, $1.18. No. 3 hard: 1 car. $1.20 (dark); lot ear. $1.17; 1 car, $1.16 ismutty): 3 car, $1.11 ( yellow); 4 car, $1.18 (smutty). No. 3 hard: 1 car, IL17 (heavy); 1 car, $1.18; 3 cars, $1.16; 1 car. $1.13 (heavy); 1 car, $1.15 (smutty); I car. $1.15 yl low); 3 car, $1.14 (smutty); S car, $113. , No. 4 hard: 1 car, $1.14 (dark, tnutty): 2 4-8 car. $1.13; 1 rnr. $1.13 (smutty): I cars, $1.13 (smutty); 1 car, $1.11 (smutty): 1 car, $1.06 (very smutty). No. hard: 1 oar. $1.14: 1 car, $1.13: 1 car, $1.11 (smutty); 1 car, $1.10 (smutty). Sample hard. 1 car, $1.10; 1 car, 98c (yellow, hot): 1 car. 96a (yellow, heating). No. 1 spring: t-i car, 11.50 (dark northern)' No. 3 pring: 2 car. $1.28 (northern). Sampl spring: 1 car, $1.10 (dark, north ern). No. 1 mixed: 1 car, $1.10 (durum). No. 2 mixed: 1 car, $1.10 (durum); 1 car, $1.89 (durum, smutty). Na h mixed: 1 car, $l..' enmity). No. 1 durum: 3 ran, $1.12. No. 3 durum: 1 car. $1.11 (amber); : ears, $1.10: 1 car, $1.10 (amber). No. 4 durum: 1 car, $1.08 (choice). CORN. No. 1 while: 2 cars, 44c. No. 3 white: 1 car. 44 He. No. 1 yellow. 1 car, 45 Uu (special bill tllgl; 5 cars, 45c, No. 1 mixed: 3 cars, 44Hc. No. 2 mixed: 1 car. 44c. No, 3 mixed: 2 cars, 4 4 lie 1 OAT9. No.' 3 white: 1 car, S2o (hoary); $ cars 31c. No. 4 white: 4 car. ,30jC. RYE. No. 2: 6 cars. 9(c; 2-6 car, 93c. No. 8: 1 car, 93c; 1 car, 93c (shippers' weight). No. 4: 2 cars, 92c; 1-3 car, lie BARLEY. No. I: 1 car, 62c. No. 4: 1 car, 60c; 1 car, (Sc. No. 1 feed: 1 car. 46c. Rejected. 2 care, 46c. , OMAHA RECEIPTS AND .SHIPMENTS. Week Year TtlntaM Today ...110 ...23 ... 16 ... ... - 7 Abo. Ago, Wheat 144 23 19 12 4 - 125 " 40 Corn Oats 24 9 Rye .-. Barley Shipments Wheat Corn Oats Rye Barley . . . . . .115 . 44 . 28 . 11 . 4 137 81 13 8 3 CHICAGO CAR LOT RECEIPTS. Week Year Today Wheat 116 Corn ..627 Oats 165 Ae-o Ago 310 681 128 114 159 165 KANSAS CITY CAR LO TRECEIPTS. Week; Year Today Wheat 334 Corn -. S Oats 22 Ago , Ago 359 . 8 36 206 14 34 ST. LOUIS CAR LOT RECEIPTS. Week Year Today Ago Ago Wheat 146 .184 134 Corn St - S3- 40 Oats 32 - 34 69 NORTHWESTERN CAR LOT RECEIPTS OF WHEAT. Week A so 611 30:1 338 Year Ago 251 173 214 Today ....604 464 ....604 ' Minneapolis Duluth .... Winnipeg' ... PRIMARY RECEIPTS AND SHIPMENTS Today. . .2,240,000 ..1,131,000 . . 764,000 ..1.883,000 ..1,073.000 . . 410,000 Yr. Ago. 1,636.000 576,000 1,388,000 902.000 138.000 695,000 Wheat ......... Corn .......... Oats Shipments Wheat Corn Oats -. EXPORT CLEARANCES. Receipts " Wheat .......i... .1,322,000 80,000 Corn 26.000 k ' ' ? . Knnsa City Grain. Kansas City, Sept. "8. Close: Wheat-September,- $1.16; December, $1.194 1.1S-H; May, $1.23i. Corn September, 43'Ac; December, 46c; May. 61c. . REAL ESTATE IMPROVED North, PRETTY HOME ' NICE YARD. Modern 5 rooms, corner lot. Look at 2902 Ames. For appointment call D. E. BUCK & CO., 442 Omaha National Bank. Jackson 2000. Sunday, Harney 5942: KEN. 2834. MINNE LUSA BUNGALOW. I will finance a dandy bungalow for you In this fine addition. I have the lot all you need la about $1,000 and monthly payment. Call Mr. Toliver, Atlantic 0721, or Ken. 1086. RASP BROS. - South. NEW 6-room bungalow with grocery store, 2 lots: $1,600 down, balance like rent. Call Kenwood 0304. BEAUTIFUL large modern brick home, double brick garage. 3634 S. 25th St. Telephone Market 0062. 810 Forest Ave., dandy S-room modern bungalow on very reasonable term. Creigh, 608 Be. JA. 0200. NEW all modern 8-room bungalow near ' 24th and Bancroft $4,500. Easy term. Atlantic 8540. 'Miscellaneous. This One Will Sell Five-room, strictly modern bungaliw, II on one floor: Oak floor throughout, pine finish: splendid basement: furnace heat: east front lot, with garage. Price $1,600; reasonable terms. Payne Investment Co. 637 Omaha National Rank Bldg. Douglas 1780. Sunday, Call KEN. 322T. W Mak Omaha RESIDENCE LOANS Monthly Installment PI, Prepayment any time Also L'sans Business Properties Liberal Optional Privilege. Reasonable Commission. StNWpa30H Live Stock Omaha, Sept. I, It reel pi r: CsKI Hun IIihi Official Monday ... 10.433 3.171 4MH umct.l Tur artsy .... I,11 4,1 4'!,:l Official Wednesday. 8.9 1,760 21.171 official Thursday..., 3.77 M7 U.II6 orrii-lal Friday .... 1,17 1.996 1,811 Estlmal Saturday . 10 t.0 .... His day this wk.,.:4.l3i 28.303 117.394 Sam day last wk 12.933 31,97 105. M0 Sam 2 wk. ago... 34,118 31,201 80,874 Same 3 wk. age. ..30,: SLIM M.I: Sam )ar ago S1.8M I0,i:i $4,191 Receipt snd i disposition ef llv atoek at th Union stock yard, Omaha, Ntb., for 24 hour, ending at 3 p. m., Septem btr I. 1921: RECEIPTS CARS. Cattle. Hogs. C. M. St. P. Ry. 1 Union Pacific R. R , 13 C. A N. W. Ry., east I O. A N. W. By., west 14 C. St. P.. M. ft O. Ry I ('., R. A I. Ry., t 1 C, B. A Q. Ry., west 4 (.'., R. I. A P., esst 2 C. R. 1. A. T., west 3 Total receipt ..4 DISPOSITION HEAD. Armour tt Co Cudahy Packing Co Dold Packing Co Morris Parking Co. Swift A Co J. W. M,urphy 40 131 .... 43 .... 643 .... 373 .... 437 .... 605 ....2.851 Total Cattle Cattle of all classes were nom inally xteaily today. Only Hire car or 100 head were reported In and no tales were made. The weeks' receipts of 24, 000 head are the smallest sine July Corn fed steers advanced sharply and while there waa some reaction on the close, they are still 25 50c higher for the weeK, yeaning wmen reacned I10.I showing the moat gain. Good westerns advanced a quarter; prime beevea top ping at 37.75. Receipt of row and heifers were relatively light and they are fully 6076u higher. Light atockera are strong, to zao higher but the best fleshy feedear ar as much a 26c lower and medium klnda look about ateidv. Quotations on Cattle Choice to prime oeeves. ss.zjsi'i.sb; good to choice beeves, $8.C0(j9.25: fair to good beeves. $8,009 8. CO: common to fair beevea, $7.6098.00; choice to nrlme vearlinas. 19. 86(810. 3t: Rood to choice yearlings. 39 2599.75; fair to a-ona yearling. ia.4uw.zo; common lo fair yearlings. $7.2598.25: cholca to prima grasa beeves. $7,00 0 7.76; good to cholc gras beeves. I6.OOW8.90; fair to goon grass oecvrs, sn.zbrre.flti; common in rair grass beeves, 94.759 5.25; Mexi cans, $4.00 94.78: choice gras heifers, l.vr,07rfi.2r.; fair to good grass heifers, $4.25ft)5.50; choice to prime gras cow 85.26tfif6.75: rood tn rhnlrol armum Mv, $4.6095.00: fair to good grass cows, $4.00 "; common to rair 'grass rows. 13.00 '.: cnoic to prime reeuers, 17.009 k'joo 10 cnoice -leeaers. ss.zofjs.Sfi rair to good feeders. 35.5096.25; com mon to fair feeders. 84.756)5 .80; wnnA in i-iiuice siocaers. sn.u'ifjre.sv; rair to good stockers, 35.O0ffl5.76; common to fair siocKers, 8i.uoiii)6.00; stock cows, $S.0O 4.25; stock heifers, $4.0096.25: stock calves. $4.6097.00; val calves, $4.50 9 9.00; wjiiH, siaa. etc.. I..IDV1,:,, hobs rne week is closing -with a rather small run' of hog, about 2,600 neaa. ana very little change In price. Mixed packing and heavy hog add on a generally steady Basis but prices paid for good butcher end bacon hog were in some cases a dim or more hls-her. The general market was quoted steady 10 iuc miner, nest I ant hoe mads a shipper top of $9.20 and bulk of the re relpt sold from 16.6597.50. Trad dur- inc (ne past week has shown no very great change from flay to day and cur rent prices or hog or all weight ar substantially th same as those of a week ago. '' HOGS. No. Av. Sh. Pr. No. A v. Sh. Pr. 24. .312 60. .334 70 $ 6 40 ... 8 65 6 73 70 86 7 00 7 15 r ... 7 35 ... .'-I 65 70 - 7 85 8 60 . .. 8 90 ' ... 9 10 44. .319 40.. 328 70 $ 6 50 6 70 8 '90 6 90 7 10 7 25 7 60 7 75 8 00 8 60 - 9 00 9 20 26. .374 82.. 872 140 "17,. 301 110 37. .267 S3. .311 39. .265 66.,. 29 34. .317 68. .287 68.. 247 87.. 275 66. .240 61. .258 39..17S 80 40 110 ;40 .245 73, .201 36. .186 72. .229 40 109. .199 ... 73.. 232 Sheen No heen or lambs "were .re ceived today and values were nominally steady. Receipts during the week hav Been llherai ana me trena 11 price sharply lower. Killing lambs ere closing at declines of $1.0091.25 with the best selling st $7.7597.90. Fat sheep' show a loss of about $1.00 for the week and good fat ewes ire not wanted aoove $3.00, with'-agetrwethers around $3,609 3.75. Good feeding lambs at $6.0098.25 are about 75c lower than a week ago but the. demand during the past two or three days ha shown quite a little lm Fnnit Ririctiv choice light feeding inmh. trnuld likelv sell ud around $6.50. Quotation on sneepr rii mnios, errs, $6.5098.00; fat lmbs. $5.7o97.ooth feeder lambs.. $5.59 8.60 ; cull lamps, 14 notati on fat yearlings. ii.mazio.uv; feeder yearling, $4.0O4.56: fat ewes, $2.0093.00: feeder ewes, $2.002.1o; breeding ewes. $3.0096.00; cull ewes, 7oC CHICAGO CLOSING PRICES. By Updike Orsin Co. DO. 3627. Sept. 3. Art I Open. I High. I Low. I Clo. I Ye. .1 1.58 1.24 i.V6 1.25 1.29 1.98 1.28 1.'28 1.32 1.32 1.29 1.03' 1.05 i.'qVi .6Si .63 '.63 .63 -57 .67 ,S5 .S4 .38 .38 .41 1.05 1.074 i.'oVvi .54 Wl 4 .64 .58 '.35 .sV .36 .42 .42 17.60 1 11.95 17.60 11.90 9.97 9.00 9.1 9.77 9.80 9.11 Omaha Bay Mark. rr.iri. ii. v Recelnt Ilaht. rood de mand for better graaes; prices ninr. Alfalfa Receipt nominal, fair dsmand; price higher. ... , " " etrw i.lgni receipts, ",u" """-I'r: No. 1 uoland pralri hay. $11.60 9 12.6: No i upland prslrl hay. S9.6910.: No. 3 upland prirl hay. $7.0098.00; No. t a.a nr.lrl h.v. 811.00912.00: No, 3 midland pralri bay. 88.60910.00i No. 3 midland pralri Jiay. $7.0098.00; No. 1 lewland pralri hay. S8.0099.08; No. I lowland pralri hy, $7.0098.00; cholc alfalfa hay. $18.091 oi No. 1 alfalfa hay. $18.00917.00: atandard alfalfa hay. 12.009 15.00: No. 3 alfalfa hay. $8,809 11.0; No. 3 alfalfa hay. 37.09$.00; oat straw, $8.0099.10; whest atraw, $7.00 3.0. i Terpentine od Heeia. Savannah. G.. Sept. - S. Turpentine Firm. e: aales. 100 bbis.; rcitpa, 457 bbl.; shipments, IS bbls.; stock. . 8,499 bbls. ' ' Rosin Steady: sales. 34S casks; receipts. ; 1.31 risks: shipments, tun; .iocs, 1 75.4S1 casks. - I Quote: B. 83.70: D, 33.TS; B, 93.80; P. ' $3.95; O. $4.00: H. 84.08; I. 84.11: If, : 4.:5; M. $4.39; N, 14 30; WO, i.lsr.WW, I I6.9. p Wht III, Sep. I 1.24 1.27 1.234 1.234 Dec' 1.25 1.28U 1.24 1.24 May 1.29 1.S294 1-28 - 1.28 H Ry I ' Sep. 1.03U 1.054 1.03 Dec. 1,05 1.08 1.0614 1.05 May 1.09 1.09 1.08 Corn ' Sep... .63 .64 .63 Dec. ' ' .63' I ".'54" ' '.'ssi'; .S8l 'I May .5741 .58 ."Ha, .67i !! Oats I I Sep. .34 ill .35 4 .14 Doc. ".3's"-".8l'i' '.37 May -WlS ". " Wl' .41 Pork Sep. 17.60 17.50 17.69, Lard I Sep. 11.91 11.96 11.92 July 9.7 1" 9.87 ! 3.75 I Ribs Sep. .0O 9.00 800 Oct. 9.10 9.13 9.1 I Financial By ALEXANDER DANA NOYES ( hkg Trlbone-Onuiae fie iMsed Ire, New York, Sepe. 4. Two devel opments in last week's n.-ws stand out rather conspicuously because of the force with which they illustrate, each in a separate way, the means that are being employed to correct some of the most difficult influences underlying the trade depression. For the continuance of falling price and of unsettled credit there have hith erto been two powerful causes among many others unwillingness of consumers to buy when no end to the decline of prices seemed to be in sight and difficulty of doing business when costs were keeping up out of all proportion to revenue. It had begun to seem as if no revival of any sort from he present hand to mouth trading could occur until those influences were removed. The government's report on the cot ton crop showed what was happen ing with regard lo one of them. The railway reports for July showed what was being done about the ctner. In both cases what has been ac complished was brousht annul through methods which are in them selves adverse to the larger eco nomic necessities of the dsy. The worm ts in need ot c Othinrr a we as food; the railways came out of tne war with urgent requirements for better roadbeds and better equipment; yet the way out of tie difficult financial position is being found by an American cotton crop mici-cucriieaiy small, even when compared with consumers' net. t,A by a scale of expenditure for rail way improvement hrrmo-l-.t n ,. j, m i,lc HTcaucioie minimum. lottaa Acreage Cut Dowa. - Th 7,000.008 bale forecast of the cotton crop I a consequence partly of dellber- ... purpose Dy the -grower and partly of th accident of nature. Plantera who had nearly one-half of last year' cottoa " le't n their hands unsold at th " r-un, uocerminea to cut down acreage for th new crop 30 per cent and very nearly did so. The rail In price, had been so abnormally violent that a large part of the agricultural south had -virtually applied a moratorium on dejit Another larg crop would apparently not only have driven the price for the new crop even lower, but might hav post poned indefinitely the marketing of the old holdings. Bnt the bank, and merchants who pressed for a reduced acreage could not have Imagined 'that at the nd of August the condition ot the crop on It smaller acreage would De tne worst ef siTV month In the bait century of oar government re ports and the indicated yield net much more than half of last year s and actually mailer than any of the so-called "short crops" of th past 29 years 30 per cent smaller than the' crop of the "Sully coi ner" fn l03i fof Instance. Such a situation opens up all kind, of possibilities. It has already brought re covery of 7 cent, a pound from the 32 rent. decline from the highest price of 1920. In these days, when prices hav become largely a matter bf popular Imag ination, It' I difficult to predict what th ultimate measure of the cotton market win be. . But the grekt reduction In the crop will almost Infallibly correct the difficult credit situation in the south, though it will have deqe so through; an immensely reduced output of a necessary product at the very moment when every economist and public man had been preaching in creased production a. th cure for the affliction ef the world. . Cass of Rallsahy. The ess of the railways la equally an omalous, though In a different way. In productive industry, the present goal of endeavor Is clearly t restrict new output sufficiently, both to keep the price of a given staple a Dove cost or prenuction nu to make possible the absorption of th unwieldy, unsold supplies carried over from previous yoars. in tne iransnortanon industry. m remedy is unavailable. Price of the railways' service is fixed by law ana tne companies must give maximum legiti mate facilities for moving such freight offers. But since restriction of out put by - producer and the smaller trauei,hft Chicago and Northwester nf a rtmrinA nf wn.flneft reaction, neces sarily cut down the pfferings of freight, the railway have, for the present, no re course but reduction of expenditure. . That process has been appnea wnn an unsparing hand, the resultant net earning In July being possibly 120,000,000 larger than in any previous month this year and more than $60,000,000 In exeess of July, 1920. . It has. indeed, been es timated that when all the reports are In. net earnings will virtually equal the $78, 000,000 allotted to July by the wartime government auarantee based on that month's average earnings during the three prewar year. , Omaha Produce By Glllnsky Fruit company: Fruits Bananas: per lb., 7c. Orange, 126 150, 17.00; 176-200, $7.00; 260; $6.00: 288 $5.60; 824, $5.00; 360. $4.50. Lemons: 300 sunklst, $7.00; S00 choice. $6.80. Pcachea: Levels or Salwaj-s, $1.35; 2 box lots. $1.30: 100-box lots. $1.26; Colo. rado, bu., $3.26. Pears: Box California Bartletts. $3.75: box Washington Bart- letts, fancy, $3.25; box Washington Bart. lett. choice, $2.60. Prunes: Oregon Italian prunes, box, $1.10; 2$ Oregon Italian prunes, box, $1.06; 100 Oregon Italian prune, box, $1.80. Apples: Box Gravfn.teln, $4.25; basket Michigan. $3.80; basket Jonathan, choice, $2.50, Grapes: Crate Tokays, $3.25; crate Malaga. $2.60; basket Concords. 46c. Cantaloupe. Standard Rocky Fords, $3.00; flat Rocky Fords. $1.25. Watermelons: Crated, per lb., 3c. Vegetables Lettuce: Head, per cratf, 11.80: leaf, per dr.. 40c. Potatoes. Ohio. per lb., 3c; sweet potatoes, hamper. southern. $2.28. Cabbag: Crate lots, 3e: small lots, 4c. Onlona: Red home grown. 3c; yfllow Whington. 4c; yellow, hu. bskL. 32.60. Tomatoes: Baskets. 60c; tomato climax, bskl., 73c Cucumbers (Colorado), bskL 81.60. Parsnips: Starket bskt., 75c. carrots: Market Dskt., &"c. Beets: Market bskt., 50c Turnips: Mar ket bskt., 75c Red peppers: Market bskt., 10c; green peppers, market bskt., 60c Egg plant: Market bskL, mkt. Cauliflower. Per lb., 16c Celery: Michi gan, per dos.. 75c. Mlscelaneou Peanuts: l-lb. ran aU ed. 31.80; 16-lb. carton, per lb.. 13c: 30-ib. pell, per lb., 12c: 10-lb. eerton. per 1 11 c; 176-lb. bbl., per lb.. 11c; Ne. 1 raw. pr lb., 10c; No. 1 roast, per lb., lie; jumbo bew, per lb.. 15c: Jumbo . roast, per lb.. 17c. ' Repack baskets: Per crate (26), $3.6. Checker, chuma. cracker Jack: 10 te esse, prise. $7.00: SO le esse, prise.' $3.10; 10 to ess, ne prize, $l.i; 80 to cs. no prlt. $3.4. All price subject to change without notice. . Wholesale price ef beef cot ar as fol lows: N. 1 rib. !6c; No. 2. 16c; No. J. lc; No. 1 loin. 31 c: No. 3, 2c; No. 3, 15c: No. 1 round. 17c; No. 2, 14c; No. 3, 1S: No, 1 chuck, lie; Ne. 2. 9c; No. 3. 7c: N. 1 plates, !c, N. 3, 6c; No. J, 3c PUn of lf.rvurJ Profmcor, To Be CqiiMilrrrtl ly I. C. ('., Similar lo One At trinpteil Before. By HOLLAND. Soon after Charle S. Mellen be came president of the New Haven railroad system lie began to forme late fitans for the consolidation intf a single syislrm tf all ecept two t the railroatli in New I'.ngiaml. lie was warmlv .imported in his Pur- pom by J. V, Morgan. rrritlent Mdlen's argument in favor of eon solldniion f ttie Xew tXniflanJ roads wa based upon the certainty in bis opinion of ecuring create teoiiomic in the operation of the railroads, better service tor the maiw ufseturrr of New Knitland and po- nldy the uliimaie elerlriiicutioii ol the entire system. It wai not pnsMlile lor linn to ol. tain for Ahe New Haven b-triii complete control of all the railroads in New Knglnad. One of the Ca nadian companies secured years ako control of the New London and Northern railroad bv means Of which it had a tide-water terminal at New London. It would be neces sary to pans this Canadian railroad by, but when an attempt was niado to extend the Canadia line to Provi dence, K. I., with intent to secure a better terminal for its business than New London offered. Mr. Mellen became aggressive. There began an earnest contest to prevent the con struction of this proposed extension to Providence. Out of that grew some of the difficulties which tne New Haven company met with and at last complete collapse of the plan through the action of the department of justice at Washington. . Retire A President. sir. , , 1 1 , , 1 1-111.. - - . ucreedrd by Howrd Elliott. - ho founfl blimelf far to rac wnn ciiiu..v . prist lent a ever confronted a railway manager. He deemed It h better Prt to rerh n agreement wnn ine l"'""" ment ef Justice at Washington, o thst th contmplted prosecution of 'h New Haven company for alleged violation of the federal law might be abandoned. Now the very plan which Mr. Mellen ws the first to advocate, and in trylnlo consummate which he met with failure, I recommended by Professor AMIIlam K. Mole of Harvard university. It 1 now before the Interstate Commerce enmm .. .ion for approval. Should ''l.T'V," Lj len approve the pln nd jhould It by end by, when condition are favorable, be put into effect, then all the, railroads in New England, excepting those which ar controlled by Canadian companies, will constitute on. .one In addition here will bo th. Ontario A W etrn. .h J.. Hudon River and the Lehigh '4 New K"rote..er Rlpl-V .uggest. .nother plan .. f,..lbl. which if adopted will expand New "England', .one by taking In the i; :."' rt...i.nn ib Lackawanna, tne Buffalo. Rochester A Pittsburgh and one ,r two other rallrosds In Yori r d the nsme of thl ytem will h. th)V England-Great Lake ytem. Great Chaag. - a suggestion of this kind made vecri ao the opposition to the pt wou intense. Yet It represents . th. Durpe. which E. H. Harrlman had ' mlno when he contsmplated a greater comtlnrtlo;. perfecting a true transcon tinental system, Included In which wi b. the Union Pacflclc, the Lake Bhor. the New Yrk Central and the New Eng. land roads, Mr. Harrlman waa confi dent that th. railway situation In- the United State. 1 """j, lly adlu.tea mu . - -were brought Into uch combination would erate two or three ?'"' oven thought that ultimately all the rs I -road of the United St wi '" , vantageously , b brought Into a " "now Professor Ripley, than- whom, th". s no higher authority upon the railway sltuatloin has perfected a report which w U " ? considered by the Interstate Co -mere, commission. It is of course tenia- d0Cpfed9Pt,TLJ.rd.'oftOthebr,LnpBitc,d, State, into IS independent .ystem.. , Kail Manager Sceptical. mgr. Celtics? w'Tss?' ' .rtS whtcr7..:. trlK.nglyJllu.traled T.J.L2 h Chlcaeo. Burlington -and Qulncy, the Northern Pacific the Chi cago and Great Western, the M'nneopoli. and SL Louis, with one or two other ?.llroads be so combined as to create a "it'VmevTtabl, that this feature con- por should call to mind, the battle which wa fought 20- years ago. Mr. HiU nd Mr. Morgan Being tne T", T"h-t and Mr. Harrlman on the other. That battle T resulted In a draw o to speak and It was followed oy """"" ,;f the Securltie company fe"""" propose." " Yet". h. department of , , Justice at Washington brought suit against this Securities company and. gained a verdict - Groan Suggested - Then again Professor Ripley describes a system comprising th. Union Baclfic o.. ,ihir.n and Northwestern, the Lake Superior and Ishpennlng and th.JVaba.it ..... f the Missouri river. Had Mr. Harrlman recommended a c0"0J'dtl0" of that kind he would have been severely Orprof"'or Rlploy'. . grouping- ot th southern railroads Into on. .ystem i in line with suggestions which hav ' been made by railway manager. If adopted r":u.l.ii .,uM be of advantage to th Totb for Tt would malt, possible many economies in uiiri..v,. ""'--"-' facllltiea in th movement of trains. No longer la there any PPrje" i that railway combination may be detri mental to the public '"trt beceu.e it , now thoroughly understood that any hat may be mid will be subject to reg ilatlon and oversight by the government, ictmg through the Interstate Commerce "mmlMlon. But it is very suggestive of Change In opinion that now "llway combinatlona are recommended officially and formally to the eon.lderatlon of In terstate Commercle com.mis.ion. a few year, ago a .uggestion Of that kind would have been regarded prepos terous and against public Interest. Chicago Mr Stock. Chicago. Sept. S.-(U. S. Market. )-Cttl-Recelpti.. B00 head; compared with a week go; belter grades lZI..jl:o:er;, ers and federa.steao. 3,000 head: h.r than ye Hog Kercipis. largely 10c to 25o nigner n... ;"'--- averaee' mled and pacKing most too : bu,k US-nt-and "h' ta"hrV!V'.': 22in ,owt' d and packing grade. up ,Vhr.ndPLVmb7-R.ce.p.s:T0 he.d; thJ fdeck i native Ismbs. 37.5097.75; nd fit Jndfo'f 10 csrs W.shingtou, t 17.73 48 00' four cars rang wether. $4.00: all stead": market for week on fat Iambs and vearllng around $1.00 lower; feeder and fat heep about 76c lower. Bloas City Llv Stock. Sioux City. Sept. 3 Cattle Receipt. 200 head; market .teady; fed steers r.d vearlings. $6.00910.00; beef steer, $8.60 r.0- grass eowi and heifer. 14.0097.00; fat cows and heifers, 34 09S.0 canner. $1.092.00; veals. $4.0098.60: feeder. $4.0098.76; calves. $3.00(7 8.60; feedlnc cow and hlfr. $3.094.50. Hog Receipts, 2.000 head: market teady to 15c higher; llaht, S8.26W9.10; mixed, $7.2697.75; heavy, $5.5097.60; bulk of aales, $8.8598.0. Sheep Not quoted. SI. Joseph Live Stork. ; St. Joseph. Sept. 8. CetHe Receipt, none: market, neminel: teer. $4.60 .7: cow and heifers, $3.899.;S: calves, $s.eo. Hoes Receipts. 1,3 hd: market. steady to ie higher; top, IS.30; tulk ot ale. $8.59 9.30. Shecu Receiot. none: market, nomlnall tomb, $7.vOCI.:5; wes, I1.80JI.7. P Sr. -2 .r