THE BEE: OMAHA, SUNDAY. SEPTEMBER 4. 192!. Real 'Estate Boyers Get Something REAL AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE. Annual Midsummer Used Car Sale During lh coming week, we will bold our mitiUNl Vmrtl Csr Hal. Ws have on hmd urn. of Ihs bet values In Used rata on Iha market. Coma In anil land them over, Kvery i-ar la guaranteed to 10 in ruai-t-iaa mecnamcai -onaiuon. 1131 Hoeclat 81s Hunt. baker. 1 w I III! Six Htudebaker, Kuid l oupe. Kuril lloailalet lll Mitchell. Dodgs Truck. JtlO t'handlrr Touring. 1.20 Oliiamohlla Coup, lull liMk Touring. Itsi Mrrhipa-Booib Tourlnr. llt Na.h Hadan. Also a number ut amall cara. The 0. N. Bonney Motor Company, nTUlJKIUKKR DIMTKI nCTORS. "156US6 Karnain til., Omaha. Neb. Phone Harney Dili. SOME bargains In used Ford cara. Mc Caffrey Motor Co Tb Handy Ford Service Station, lttb and Jackaoo, Douflaa 11,00. BUY A OUT l SMITH USED CAR. A Safe Investment. 14th and Farham 8t. Phone D. 1970. FOR SALE-Cadlllao 66. aeven-paaaenKer. Call Douglas 6360. Pries. $1,160. Good condition. COLli FIVK-PASSKNUER TOURING CAR Bring $150. Drive It home. Kenwood 81 I'd. tia.U Florenca Blvd. U8RD rara, bought, aold and exchanged TRAWVER AUTO CO.. $210 Farnam 8L FARM LANDS. Coloisdo Lands. LAND BUYERS Before you buy that weatern land thla fall, attend the publlo auction sale ot 10,560 Acres in Greeley County, Kansas Thla Is emooth. level, tractor land, . and haa the beat aoll and wheat land In America. Th terms are 26 per cent down th day of the aale, 25 per cent March-1, the balance on or before three or five years. Interest at ( per cent. It foes on sale, don't forgdt the date Sept. 12th, 13th and 14th Write us at one for further desorlp tlona of tracts, prices,, locations, etc. Tnis Is a chance to buy alroady low priced land at your own price. Writ THE NATIONAL LAND SALES CO. T3 Prtlft n-M Tribune, Kan.. . HIE .west Is calling you. But before you heed that call aend for a copy of the Weatern Real Estate bulletin. Reli able Information and many fine lllus- irntiona. 10 centa a copy, none free. Addreaa 1734 Champ St., Denver, Colo. Kansas Lands. BIG LAND AUCTION. 1,520 Acres. September 15, 1921. We will sell 120 acres, live stork and Implements, $. miles northwest of Nor catur, Kan. September 16th. $40 acres and live stock. 12 miles northwest of Norcatur, Kan. September 17th. ' 1 320 acres valley land and live stock. This tract Joins Lebanon, Neb, September 27th. , 320 acres, 1 miles west of Norcatur, Kan. For further Information, addresa SMITH REAL ESTATE AND LIVE STOCK AUCTION CO., 8.14 MINNESOTA AVE., KANSAS CITY, KAN. OR B. F. SMITH, NORCATUR, KAN. Michigan Lands. CLAY LOAM LANDS 10, 40, 10 ac. tracts In clover district of Mich.; rich aoll; $15 to $35 ac. Easy terma. Send for free book. Swlgart Land Co.. J-1252. let Natl. Bk. Bldg., Chicago. Minnestota Lands. IIQUITV Ijir.d Rxehanse, 8t Paul. Minn. Wisconsin Lands. THE BEST LAND IN WISCONSIN Adjoining the best market In Amer ica. $2 per acre cash. Largo and mall tracts. For any line. Arnold Co., Dept. R. Superior. Wis. Miscellaneous. VO you want land? We want to send land free ' samDle everybody wanting copy of American Land Bulletin, con taining land for aale in 80 states. Many xnapa. we are publishers not land deal ers. Write stating kind wanted. Amer ican Land Bulletin. Baldwin. Wla. FINANCIAL Real Estate Loans. tV hav cash an hand to loan on Omaha residences. E. R. LOUOEE. INC, ' - 63$ Keeline Bldg. . OMAHA HOMES EAST NEB. FARMS. O'KEEFE REAL ESTATE CO.. 101$ Om. Nat. Bk. Bldg. Jackson 8715. $100 to $10,000 made promptly. P. D.'WEAO. Wead Bldg. $10 8. 18th St. REAL ESTATE WANTED. Dundee or Field Club Have two all cash $10,000 purchaser for reel ' bsrgalns In Dundee or Field club. 4 bedrooms and garage. Brick veneer preferred. Another all cash $S.Qoo purchsser for 6-room bargain Field club. Must have these Immedi ately. Douglas 6645. Sundays and evenings, Harney 4701. HAVE customers for or 7 roomed hoose on one floor. West or north. $1.60$ cash. Call Mr. Browne. BROWNS ft TRACT. 641 Securities. AT. $350. WE want a I or 6-room home, near Oar - Lady of Lourdes church and near the car line.. Prlca IS. 6 04. Jackson 1264, To buv or sell Omaha Real Estate e FOWLER & M'DONALD 1114 City Nat. Bk. Bldg. Jackson 14t. HANTEf-To buy a six-room bouse, two stories. Field club or southwest district. - " D. V. SHOLES CO.. Jsckson 8046. $16 City Nat. Bk. Bldg. CONSULT ns It yon contemplate bulldlsg. - r wish to buy or sell Omaha real wtat. C. B. 8TUHT CO.. City Kat, Bsnk Bldg. DO. $7$T. . THS Old RalUMs Real Eatat Offtca. M'CAGUE INVESTMENT CO, i0 Pods ?t. Deulu 1646. LIST with as. W STISa BEALTX CO. gaarantee result. IK Be. DO. 64K REAL ESTATE WANTED. HAVE inquiries for hinn-e do you ws to sail your Bron.rivf Mat It wi JC. A. Orlmmel. Omaha Nat I Hit. Bldg, RTRKFTT "' ESTATE. UllttUl X nana, Kama, Insures, 1 1 f raTruajnid g, Jaokann 4413. nRlTF.NTn. '' " i-i.t win u ww. a v, jor quit results, Hit let Natl. Rk. flirt-. Jackson lMt, TO HUT OR SKLL r-al relate s (Hover Spain. Ilt-tt City National Dan Jackson 11(0. PROMPT aal.a ot your real estate: have many buyers and solicit your bust neae. Hhnpew A Co,. Realtors JA. 4:21. Mark Martin ft. l4t Omaha Nat'l Bank llldg. REAL ESTATE UNIMPROVED VACANT LOTS. Dundee Near ltd and Farnam: nan reaident saya will sell at sacrifice: 1 lots; maka offer. We bav asvsral excellent offers In Dundee, Montclair ' Two corner Iota naa 90th snd Hamilton owner snxlnua In sell, Several other de sirabls lots bare. Poppleton Park Near Cethe. dral and 41st Avenus. $1,160. ' Leavenworth Heights BOO buy. Nonr corner S2d and Frederick, vary desirable, two corner lots. 35th and California Very Rood location 12.00(1. Bee our vacant lot Hat before you buy. We sail you th lot and loan you the money to buna. Binder & Otis, Realtors in City Nat'l Dk. Bld(. J A. 1!. Vacant Lots. 60x116. south front on Dewey Avs- nue went of 42(1. (0x124. south front on Locust street near 12d. $I.U00. Two east front lota on 21st atreet Just north of Kountie park for $460 each. (0-foot fronting south on Hamilton atreet near 35th atreet. W.H. 'Gates, (47 Omaha Nat'l Bank Bldg. Jaekaon 1284. Cathedral District Lot NEAR SACRED HEART CONVENT. Cloae to 38th street, lot 411x128, pav ing paid, 1750 cash, balance 110 a montn anil Intereat. O'Keefe Real Estate Co., REALTORS. 101 Omaha Nat'l Bank Bldg. Jock.-8715. BEST buy In North Dundee fuming St. lot west of 50th, $2,000, with all spe cial taxes paid. Call Wayne Selby at walnut 2135 or Jackson 1510. Acreage. ACRE! fronting Florenca car. 4-r. stucco, $3,500. Easy terms. l. c. ratterson REAL ESTATE INVESTMENTS BIO 8-room, fine home, atrirtly modern, full basement, large lot, 60 ft. front, 140 deep. Nice driveway; garage for two cars. Cement floor. Oaa, electrlo light; 3 bedrooms upstsirs, closets In each room. Bath of very best and of latest style up stairs; large hallway, both upatairs and below. New furnace, atorm windows and doors complete. Location fine. Property la worth $6,600, but the owner will sell It ' at eacrlflca, becsuse it Is too largs for two persons. If sold st once It can be bought for $5,000; $750 cash, $35 per month. I will help you finance it if you are the right party. If would be worth your while to see this fine home. Come and see It. Let ; me show you. This must be sold at ' once as the owner doesn't want to put In the winter coal. P. H. O'Dell, Real Estate and Invest ments, 2855 Ohto St., Webster 4810. DUPLEX WEST FARNAM : $15,000 A dandy duplex consisting . of ,- two 7-room, strictly modern flats; all fin ished In oak, each flat has an excep tionally large living room, a dining room and kitchen with all built-in fea tures Including gas range. Three large bedrooms, bath and sleeping porch ou second floor. Plenty of closet space. ' Three blocks to car line, ons block to school. A fine home and a good investment. Sunday call Kenwood 4125. J. L. HI ATT COMPANY, "Better Values" Hiatt . Bldg. ' 1914-16 Douglas. Atlantic 0063. FOR homes or for Investment, fine loca tion firr investment, four modern bouses. Two five-room bungalows, strictly mod- - ern, near car nne, garage; ntce yard .and garden spot; full basement, gas and elec trlo light. These two bungalows I want to aell to one party. Party could livo In one and rent the other for $35 or t $40 per month. These bungalows will " sell on payments for $4,500 each, but If sold together I will sell them for $3, 150 each' and make a loan of $1,250 on each one of these. The bungalows are practically new and In fine condition. Will be glad to show them to you at any time. They must-be sold st once aa th owner wants to leave for Cali fornia by October 1. They are 2722 and 2724 Lake St. P. H. O'Dell, Real Estate and Invest ments. 3856 Ohio St.. Webster 4810. A Regular "Bargain, 25 Per Cent. Two modern houaei. This property Is comparatively close in and a dandy lo cation. Ons house is nearly new, with oak finish and hot water heat. The other house is older, but good. We can rent this property for you at $116 per month. Price for all $8,500, on easy terms, r Bedford-Johnston Co., 06 World-Herald Bldg. JA. 1734. , Speculative Investment 66x112. with three 8-room modern flats; will becomo desirable ciose-in property with the contemplated' Widen ing of 24th street and opening- ot ad jacent and intersecting streets, also the community center planned from 24th atreet to 25th avenue, and St. Marys avenue to Harney atreet, Will surely , make tnis an ideal Investment. Annual rental 1,6$0. O'Keefe Real Estate Co., 101$ Omaha Nat'l Bank Bldg. Jack. 2716. Why Risk Your Money . On Watered Stock! Here Is a piece of real Income Investment property, located close in, in tbe future wholesale dis trict of Omaha. Good siaed lot, alley entrance, clous to trackage. Buildings consist of 6-room house, . v strictly modern, and 3-car garage, present Income $126 per month. . 'Priced right with reasonable terms. Call HA. 7161 today. BROWN REALTY CO.. 106 a 19th St. J A. 1506..' i' Downtown Store . Three-story brick building, near 14th ' and Douglas. Income, $1,866 year and rented cheap. Ground alone worth en tire prioe asked for the property. Price, .Bedford-Johnston Co., t0 World-Herald Bldg. JA. 1734. MODERATE INVESTMENT. PRICE $5,009 RENTAL $756 ANN. Located at 1611-1$ Izard Be Property In fine shape. AU specials paid. On block from Cuming St.. just oft 16th and a good future. Drive out and see 'it. Terms $1,604 cash. PHOPEN CO.. Realtors. Jackson 4226. 1J4 Keeline Bldg. TWO rooms, strictly modern under coRstrocttoa en pared street. All spe cials paid. In Dundee on on corner ' let. PTlc $12.64. WUI rent from $176 to $: month. Horn Builders, ' Harney 2165. I REAL ESTATE INVESTMENTS ItKN'TAL lilt I'HK'B II m ll. ' "AH, BALANCE TERMS. Double house, walking diatante. mod ern but' heat. Uood rendition, Paved street. Rent ha not been rsissd. Hasting' Hk-irpKN, 1H4 Harney ft. AT. , lot with store snd flats sbov and three coltaxea. Incom $i,llt price, $13 860. Al.FIIKI) THOMAS A BON CO, 14 First Nst'l Bk, Jsrkson 4644. REAL ESTATE TO EXCHANGE Sale Or Trade i toO air farm near Klkhorn; well Im proved; near school; will consider trade for Omaha boms up to $i0,oo0 and tarry bark th dlffarnnr. or will lake $i,0io cash and good first mortgages. 1'rk.s right for quick deal. , Binder & Otis, 131 rity Nnt'I Hk Bid. Jarktmn H ON K ACRE 1MPROVKD. On acre, 4 room heuae. Just west of Fnntenelle park; good garage, chlcksn haus. etc. Hnuss hss furnace heut. All clear Will sell or sxchang on 1 nous In city. huoWNK A TRACT. 641 Aerurltli'S lildg. AT. $160, WANT farm, ranch, plantation in chang for apartment building, flood location. Rente 16.600 to $200,000. Pries $25,000 to $7(0,000. Trad sep arately or toxether. (jeorg Stewart, LaSalle. Chicago. ; FOR sals, or would trad my beautiful all-modern 7-room home In Full.rton. Neb., for a grocery etore In good blab school town. For partlculsrs writ Col. 8. P, Burgess, Box 31, Fullertun, Neb TRADE YOUR FORD. I have equity of $600 In fin Minne I.usa lot; will trade for Ford sertsn 01 other 1st light car. Call Mr. Tollver KE. 106. Sunday or Monday. $ ROOMS, new home. $6,600; want new s-paasenger car at once and 10m. caah or Liberty bonda on this home; balance term. Box R-46. Bee. REAL ESTATESUBURBAN. Dundee. Dundee District We offer ah S-room. all modern house with 6 bedrooms; two downstairs and 3 large, airy ones upstairs. The living and dining rooms are large. Lot 60x 130, nicely terraced, and has shade and fruit trees. Big garsge, with alley driveway. This is an ideal horn for th family who neods 5 bedrooms and wants to be In a good district. Price, $6,600, on eaay terma. For appoint ment, mil Max Agor, .Harney 1215. Shuler & Cary, REALTORS. Douglaa 5074. 204 Keellne Bldg. NEW DUNDEE HOME. Choice 2-story. 6-room. strictly mod, home. Beautifully finished in oak and Ivory enamel. Tiled bath, fireplace; very atiracnvo in every detail., uarage. Beau tiful lot; excellent surroundings. 811 S. 60th Ave. See us for special terms. MATTSON ft SMAILS, Realtors, 1214 City Nat. Bank. DO. 8102. DUNDEE NEAR 60TH AND DAVENPORT Beautiful bungalow with living room, dining ronrd, kitchen, bedroom and bath on first floor. Three bedrooms second floor.- Lot, (0x126. See this at once and rnake us an offer. EH. BBNNER COMPANY, 437 Ry. Ex. Bldg. Douglas 8406. Florence. Nethaway, Flor. prop, no colored. KE. 140$ South Side. FOR SALE 53 acres, well Improved farm; 40 acres In cultivation, 10 acres In pasture, 3 acres In alfalfa, 6-room liouse. big barn and other Improve ments; part cash, balance terms; 6 miles south and U mile west, on 86th and Q Sta. Joseph Havel. ' Miscellaneous. : Owner Leaving City rice $12,000, Now $10,500 Buys ari eight-room. -hot water neat; large living room. - fire plaice, sun room, four-corner bedrooms; oak and whlta enamel finish throughout: laras lot; one car; garage; one block to school. This is the snap you have been waiting for. Reasonable Wms. Sunday, Web. 6250. . , : ' Fike and Price ' 813 City Nat'l Bank Bldg. Jack. 2413. NEW 6 rooms, modern, new furniture: desirable location; immediate possession; reasonable terms. FRANK L. KILBY CO.. 440 Petars Trust mag. Doug. 313, Web. 4245, At. 3716. REAL ESTATE IMPROVED West New Bungalow $5,750 Cathedral District , $500 Cash $50 Per Month Just completed, a lovely five-room, thoroughly modern bungalow. Haa liv ing room, dining room finished In osk; oak floors throughout. Two bedrooms : In ivory enamel;, bathroom and kitchen finished In white enamel Large built in cabinets in kitchen; stairway to at tic; base plugs In rooms for floor lamps; soap cabinet In kitchen; full cement basement with laundry, drain, Rogers'- furnace, coal bin, fruit cellar, etc. Fully equipped with screens and lighting fixtures; walks, yard graded and aeeded. Material In this house Is No. 1 and workmanship fs very best. An Inspection will convince you that , we build REAL HOMES Located on Chicago St. near 43d. Let us show you. 7 ' The Byron Reed Company, Douglas 0297. 1612 Farnam Street IMMEDIATE POSSESSION. i OPEN FOR INSPECTION TODAY. ' Just completed the dandiest 6-room bungalow in northwest Omaha, located at 4509 Bedford avenus; quarter-sawed oak floors throughout; oak finish In S rooms; Rex roofing, which reduces in surance rates 16 per cent; rubberoid In between sheeting and siding (keeps out cold, wintry winds); rooms are all on one floor; modern In every respect. Drop your cares and go oat and see this fine hom today. Take Deaf Institute car and get off at end of line, or drlv out Fontenelle Blvd. and turn cast on Bedford Ave. Only $1,000 cash neces sary to handle. Phone Mr. Hudson, Walnut $124, for further details. R. D. CLARK COMPANY, Realtors. Atlantic 8531. 402-3 Securities Bldg. Cathedral District Six Rooms. Full two-story, six-room, all modern, frame construction house. All oak floors and finish. Home Is Just 4 years old and In excellent condition. Double garage. Tbla Is a real home value at $7 800. -Terms. Sundays and holidays call Atlantic 3511 or Harney 7S17. . C. T. Spier & Co., REALTORS. 304 Peters Trust Bldg. Douglss 4857 Edgewood Bungalow, -5709 Mason St. . Brand new. Mlnerallte stucco. -Five fine rooms on one floor. Tile - bath. Large attic. Full light basement. Oak and white enamel finish. Beautifully -decorated. Complete In every detail. Only $7,140. Easy terma Sunday and evenings csll Grant Benson, Walnut 15$e Open for inspection today. Benson & Carmichael; 4 Paston Block. Atlantic 3549. VERY attractive tw-tory fram born on Fiftieth Btreet near Farnam,. ono year eld; eavt front lot, jrarage. cement drive, ahrubberr. splendidly built. We can arrange terma, ?V - j, R. A. Howe- & Co., 401 Peters Trust Bldg. Tel. J A. 4CS7. Real Estate No Grand Jury Asks: "Where Is It?" Where ia my investment? Where h&i my money gone? Where it the factory the "company planned to build? Where are my dividends? Where are the men who made those promises? These, and scores of other similar questions are flooding the courts today. A Grand Jury has been called to answer them. The answers will not be in the form of cash or liquid securi ties. They may locate some of the men that got the money, . but that's all. How About a Investment: The answer is plain and simple Get the legal description from the court house, r: the street address from the telephone book, and go look at it. V It's there, right where it was when you bought it; it's where everybody can see it and touch it. . .No court or Grand Jury will ever be' asked to find the Real Estate which you go look at and buy. For millions and millions spent in wildcat stock selling schemes, the buyer has only a share of stock a scrap of paper. The buyers of Real Estate get REAL ESTATE. They get ground and buildings, something Real. Real Estate pays an income and enha nces in value: . OMAHA REAL ESTATE BOARD (Consult n Hrnltor) REAL ESTATE IMPROVED West LEAVENWORTH HEIGHTS A REAL BUNGALOW $6,350 . Five-room stucco bungalow, one Mock to car line, all rooms on on floor; large, size attic; oak throughout; lire place, all built-in features; dandy base . ment; best of plumbing. Can arrange terms. - Sunday call Walnut .6757. . .J. L. HIATT COMPANY, "Better Values" Hlatt Bldg. 1314-16 Douglaa Atlantlo 0063. ! Cathedral District 4177 Wakeiey Ave., 8 rooms- mod ern with garage. A real home. 301' So. 42d St., 6 rooma modern, double garage, worth seeing. Sunday for Information and prices on tnesa ana omer places, can wal nut Sit(. . . , Creigh Sons & Company, tut Bee tsiag.' : JacKSon 0200, : $3,500-500 Cash. ' - Five rooms, modern except heat. Well located in ..close-in district. Newly painted and papered. A snap at the money. Sundays and holidays call At lantic XDii or Harney 7317. - C. .T. Spier & Co., REALTORS. 304 Peters Trust Bldg. Douglas 4857. HANSCOM PARK DIST. Well built,- well arranged, high grad9 home, 6-r. Enclosed sleeping porch and bath, oak finish, rooms nicely decor ated, stair to third floor, press brick foundation, furnace heat, coal bin, fruit closet,, laundry tubs; a very complete house; double ! garage,. lot 60x135 ft., shade and- fruit trees; a real home. Located on So. 32d Ave., 1 block to park. Price reduced from $8,500 to $7,760: $2,600 cash. At office 6-11 a. m.. Sunday. RASP BROS., 212 Keeline Bldg., AT. 0721. HANSCOM PARK BARGAIN , 10 ROOMS $6,600. 1136 So. 31st St., one block from Park and West side car line. Oak floors and birch finish first floor. Ga rage for 3 cars. Lot 50x160; reason able terms. Open for inspection Sun day 2:30 to 6:30 p. m. W. FARNAM SMITH & CO., Jackson 0564. 1320 Farnam St HIGH CLASS HOME' BARGAIN . We have Hated an eight-room all modern home,, -with four large bedrooms finished In mahogany, oak and birch, full sized basement, regular stairway leading to large attic, two lavatory rooms, double garage, corner lot, all paving paid. Owner leaving city and will make satisfactory terms - to re sponsible party. Let us show you this. Price reduced to $11,000. BEST & OESTRING, DOUG. 6135. 602 SECURITIES BLDG. For Rent One suite of three offices on second floor containing 1,100 sq. ft Ground floor space suitable' for offices or stores. Basement with outside light and entrance. BANKERS MORTGAGE LOAN CO. 318 South 18th St. Jaekaon 1014 WAREHOUSE South Side FACTORY BUILDING Two story, brick, 13,000 sq. ft.. Hot water heat, electric elevator, trackage. Packing house district. Price $35,000, terms. For fur ther details call , W. L. SELBY & SON Established 1886 KsMline Blctff. : Jack. 1510 DUNDEE HOMES $6,500.00 to $40,000.00 .BUILDING SITES . $1,350.00 to $10,000.00 GEORGE & COMPANY Atlantic 3024 Real Estate Where h It? REAL ESTATEIMPROVED West Just What You Need. If you have from $500 to $1,000 cash will build a home to ault you. For partciulars call Douglas 9586. . H. W. Volland, 710 Peters Trust Bldg. Douglas 9586. Modern Bungalow, $3,500 All modern 5-room bungalow on West Farnam, CumlDg car line. Full brick basement, furnace heat, large lot 60x153, south front, and paving paid. A regu lar old-time bargain at $3,500. Terms, ' $500 cash and balance like rent. r . Bedford-Johnston Co., 806 World-Herald Bldg. J A. 1734. SPLENDID six-room home, located near Saunders school. Living room with ,open stairway across front; paneled din? ing room and sun room, nicely deco rated; two bedrooms and bsth; oak floors and finish. Garage for one -car. Owner moving out of city October 1. Earlier possession if wanted. $6,800, on terms. l ; Shuler & Cary, REALTORS, Douglas 5074. . 204 Keeline Bldg. 5-Room Cottage, $2,950 Newly decorated, painted and nifty electric fixtures. 6 rooms on one floor, completely modern but heat. Half block from car. Paving paid. Imme diate possession. Near 40th and Hamil ton. Easy terms. Bedford-Johnston Co., 806 World-Herald Bldg. JA. 1734, CATHEDRAL DISTRICT. SIX ROOMS, ON ONE FLOOR. - Only 4 years old; nicely decorated; oak floors and finish; built-in book cases; three bedrooms; good attic; fur nace and basement; garage; south front; 60-foot lot, on paved street. Owner ask ing $6,500 and will consider reasonable offer on terms.- Call Mr. Qleason, Harney 4996. " R. D. CLARK COMPANY, Realtors. Atlantic 3531. 402-3 Securities Bldg. Omaha Real Estate and Investments. JOHN T. BOHAN, 621 Paxton Blk. Atlantlo 4i. WOULD YOU LIKE A . " NEW HOME? Ws are just excavating for a new five-room bungalow. Wa will change plans to meet your ideas. See us at once. R. D. CLARK COMPANY, Realtors Atlantic 3531 402-3 Securities Bldg. INVESTMENT-- 6TH ST. $25,000 for a two-story brick store and apartment buiding, 44-foot frontage on 16th street. Income about 11 gross. Well located for increase in value. ; HIGH CLASS ACREAGE Fairacres tract of 5 acres, well located, beautiful view. If you are planning to build a fine home do not fail to look at this site. Full information on application. HOUSES We have customers for homes priceS from $6,000 to $15,000 in good location. Call our salesman, DO uglas 5342. WORLD REALTY COMPANY Sun Theater Building TEA The opportunity is here for some responsible business woman of refinement to open a tea room, catering to the business and professional element of our city. The location of this tea room is in the new building now being erected at 17th and Howard streets. v The store room is most excellently located, being between the Y. M. C. A. and Y. W. C. A., places frequently visited by the cul tured element of our city. Stores will be ready for occupancy about October 1st. Detailed information on application. H. A. WOLF COMPANY Merchandiser of Real Estate Saundert-Kennedy Bid 7. ATlantic 3160 REAL ESTATE IMPROVED West. 6 Rooms One Floor Beautiful kcllastone oak-flnlshfd l.,, Klv ronma on one floor and ttm Enst front on boulevard. Owner Is actually taking loss of $750 for quick sale. Price, 6,iuu. adoui Look this over before buying. Bedford-Johnston Co., 806 WorM-Herald Bldg. JA. 1734, BEMIS PARK HOME. , vrnriorn; . dandy 6-room and bath fine lot; one block to car; $6,800 buys It. Half cash. D. E. Buck & Co., Realtors, 442 Omaha Nat'l. Douglas 8890. Sunday: Newlon, HA 6942; Buck. KE 2834. EX. GOOD 8-R.. VERY CLOSE IN, STRICTLY MOD. A CHOICE LOCATION. RENT ENOUGH ROOMS, PAY ITSELF. w $1 000 DOWN PR., $5,500 $60 MONTH. AU large rooms, splendidly arranged to rent some. Keep 4 large rms. and rent 4 large ones at- from $60 to $80 for the 4 rms.' Best and safest buy In Omaha. Call Jackson 2262. $4,000 Cash. Buys one of the beauty spots In the Field club. Terms on balance. Shown only by appointment. Don't bother un ices you want a real home. Douglas 6646. Sundays and evenings Harney 6701. ' , $4,350 Will Buy Dandy 6-room strictly modern bun galow, near car line and school, on North 63d street. . $500 to $700 cash, balance monthly. Possession. Held Land Co., 6054 MILITARY AVE. WAL. 1076. CATHEDRAL DISTRICT. Well built 7-room home. 4 bedrooms, comfortably arranged, nicely finished beautiful lot, large trees, close to cathe dral, school and car line- garage. A real bargain at $7,000; good terms. 4112 aLfayctte. See us for appointment. MATTSON & SMAILS. ""-Itnrs. 1214 Cltv Cl.ohc. i.,xii $35,000 HOME TAKE 1,Mi. Practically new pressed brick home, up to last minute, splendid grounds, very choicest location. Have to see to ap preciate. Wonderful rooms, 4 bedrooms and mald'a room. Call for appointment. Owner, Harney 1487. ' Call for our September list of 6Vz and 7 first mortgages Frank H. Binder 823 City National Bank Bldg. Jaekton 1264 ROOM REAL ESTATE IMPROVED Wttt $1,200 f.Var Iha Weil leaven worth ear Una lis, rooiiia and la all modern wiih uak fuil.h. The hnua new tpluinblita' will be a-t when sold, I'hona air. lieu. sun at Wsl lilt, Amos Grant Company, RKAI.TOIIS. Ijny 11. 1.4-4-4 llr.n.Uls ThsJlldS, "MiKJM IILNtlAllw One floor, w.n built, oak finished, flr,,lr. nicely decorated, hot water hiatlng plant, on I 'oils, street, nmr ,4 ri. price 11, see; ti.sou ra.n win handle. Hhown only by ll'mtm,nt. fall Mr. Illce. AT. 4711. Offba open pvnasr s-i! p. m. HASP it Hon., lllJCeejjnte HI .!. NKVKn'HiVm'h" ANl 11 AH AUK. A HIOH-UHADC HOMR. lilt llanacoin Uld. Alt oak finish downatalrs; four bedroom, second floor; screened aleeplna and dining porches; atllc; othsr speclsl features. "Verms. H. a MANVII.I.K, Heal l or. Atlantlo t4$. 114 Peters Truit Bldf. HKMIH I'AHK. Best ea.h oftr lakes thla all modern hot water brat $room huuse, srsss; lot 4ul76. Been holdlntT for .I,0. Money talks so apeak up and deal with owner. WA. 1441, Address 1114 N. $4lh. A lltiAl, BAItUAIN. In Cathedral District, 4 rooms, nearly completed. Will show on appointment. Hume Builders, Harney tilt. MONTl'I.AIlt ADDITION. V rooms, now completed. IIOMK HlMl.DKHt). HARVEY tltl. Cl.AMNV bunsslow, beautiful osk finish, all built-in features; double fsrsie. Harney tott. J B HOniNSON, real est. ta and Invest ment. 141 Peters Trust. DO, 1017. U. B. BUCK A CO. buy and aell homes. North. ' New Bungalows. Flexollle stucco construction, oak fin ish. Consists of larse living room with bookcaaes, lane dlnlni room, convenient kitchen with built-in wall cabinets and ons-plece sink; two nice bedrooms and bath with base tub, linen closet; full floured attic; full cement basement with floor drain; plsstered coal bin and good hot air furnace; wall plugs throufhout; floors are hand scraped; lame east front lot, 44x140. Purchaser may select lighting fixtures, wsll decora tions, shsdes and Insids flnlxh. Lo cated 6lt and 4J4 Florence Blvd. Open today 1 to t p. tn. Coma out and see them. Price $6,600. Terms. ' Norris & Norris, 1502 Dodge St. Phona Jackson 4170. Miller Park Bungalow 2877 Crown Point Ave. We have a practically new t-room bungalow, new decorations, nicely painted, fine oak floors throughout, linoleum - on kitchen floor, built-in kitchen cupboards, two nice bedrooms and bath finished In white enamel; full cement basement; nice lot and paved street. All ready to move right in. Priced at $5,600, $1,000 cash, balance on easy monthly payments. Payne & Carnaby Co., 25 Years Realtor Service. 616 Omaha Nat'l Bldg. Jackson 1016. $160 CASH BALANCK LIKE RENT Will buy a new, modern, large three room atuooo bungalow with four-room accommodations? Located on boulevard, near Carter Lake club, one block to car line. Sunday call Walnut 6757. J. I,. HIATT COMPANY, "Better Values" Hlatt Bldg. 1914-16 Douglas. Atlantlo 0063. $500 CASH BALANCE MONTHLY Five-room, all modern except heat, south front, large lot, only ohe block to car and school for $$.500. Call today, Mr. Weeth, Kenwood 0050. R. F. CLARY CO., REALTORS. 24TH AND AMES AVE. KB. OlTt. Do You Intend to Buy Real Estate? If you" do remember that we are here to serve you. Creigh, Sons & Co. Established 186S 60S Bee Bldg. J A. 0200 ARE YOU COINC TO LEAVE THE CITY? If so, call as to list your property and we will gladly inspect same prompt Iy and can get you immediate results. We are having a heavy demand for all classes of property, and especially on easy terms. Sunday call Walnut 5711, Walnut 4230, or Webster 6225. H. S. MANV1LLE, Realtor Atlantic 2403 515 Peters Trust Bldg. ABOUT MINNE Approximately one hundred lots have been purchased in Minne Lusa in 1921. 20 HOMES costing $120,000, are now under construction. It is the ideal location for your new home. No other sec tion of Omaha offers such building sites at such low prices. . , FOR $1,000 - you can get a south front lot with fine homes all around. With all street improvements, sewer, water, gas, grading, sidewalks, lighting system, paving and curbing all in and paid for. Compare them with anything in Omaha and yon will set why others are buying. Only a few lots left. Call today. - Sundays call E. A. Hoisington, KE nwood 3472, or - J. Langfellner, KE nwood 2832. , Charles W. Martin & Company REALTORS 742 Omaha National Bank Bldf. ATlaatie 018T REAL ESTATE IMPROVED North. m T r 1 tiooni uungaiow I must sell my t-room bungalow In Minns l.usa addition. Ntnttiy tnodsrn, praeikally n,w, full ce mented ba,,uint, oak listen, full lt. I'srt rash, balance easy isrms, Phoae the owusr. Kenwood 1763. 5-Room Bungalow, $5,500. Near Miller park; oak flnUh; fcsi vestibule, living room with bulll-lc bookessss, dining room with buffet, nli kitchen, resr entry, two good-eUed bed rooms tons uned as sun room), and bath, full floored attie, full cement basement with laundry traya, floor drain and hut air furnace; fine yard with beautiful hedte and abrubbery. This house lu excellent condition and a bar gain for someone. located 7017 North 24th. Sunday call Kenwuod 0440. Norris & Norris, 1501 Dodge St. I'hona Jackson 4J74. A Well Built Bungalow. Hsvlng sersened In porch, vestibule, living room, dining room, sun room, all finished In osk with soma built In af fects, two sleeping rooms, good iarga basement with hot air beat, liouss built by the owner for his home, corner lot with a garage; cloae to Kountse park. W. H. Gates, Webster 1444 REALTORS: Jcken KM. 447 Omaha Nat'l Bank Bldg. HOt LOCUST STREET. t-ROOM, NEW HOUSE, $6,150 TERMS. This Is a brand new bungalow, never been occupied; all rooms on one floor; owner desires to ssll Immediately! can give you Immediate possession. A. P. TTJKET A SON. ' 610 First Natl JJ,ck.n, till Sunday call Mr. Beveridge, Harney 2$M. WaverlyPark . lxok at that stucco bungalow being erected at BH North 45th St J east front lot, 46x116; five rooms oak floors with oak and enamel flnlah, full cement basement, furnace tint. This Is a dandy, see me for prlca and terms. , C. A. Grimmel, Omaha Nat'l Bank Bldg. Jackson UlS. A LIST OF LOT SNAPS. FROM LOT HEADQUARTERS TllINnRR. A M,in.l..e 46th and 4$th. o.iifnrnia to Nicholas Sta., $600 to iAi 'a nutrth.e between 60th and 51st. Western Ave., to Seward Sts., $450 to "on Cuming St., near 51st, si IB 60x1 85 ft. Fruit ana snruos. raving puiu, t, ana On ' 50th St., between Farnam and Dodge. East front, 60x135 feet. Terms. Only $2,000. ... North front In Evanston. $0x136, Owner will listen to your offer. An op, nnrtunltv. South front In Evsnston High and sightly. OOxlSt ft. $500 under adjoining lots. Only $1,100. Three sightly lota In Lockwood, $0x115 ft. each. Only 11,100. South front on Nicholas St., 50x135 ft. All clear, $1,160. . ... Hlehtle corner In Lockwood. 63x116 ft. Paving nearly all paid. The cheapest lot in Lockwood by $500. Only $1,350. On 64th between Dodge and Farnam. Way under adjoining values at $l,S00. nn Burt, between 61st and 51d. South front, 60x185 ft. Driveway In. AH clear, $1,350. ." .' East front sbetween Dodge and Far- nam. Adjoins 75 ft. corner, j,uu. - East of 63d Ave. on Lockwood Ave., cnns t. North front. $3,600. Corner on Cuming, facing 60th, 60th Ave. and Cuming St., esvsxize, Rhvn Howard and Jackson on Lockwood Drive. 40X140 ft. Owner wsnta offer, $3,660. Corner on tlst. north of Underwood, 100x03x135 ft., $3,760. - Corner on 61st, north ot Underwood, 10(li1 5 . ft.. 14.000. And many others from ll.BOO up to $10,000. WEST AND NORTHWEST. A number of sightly lata between Davenport and Cass, $6th Ave. to 17th, $950 to $1,900. ' On Wirt St.. between 414 and 15th, Genuine snaps, priced from $67$ to $760. All improvements in, except pav ing. These will surely appeal to you, n, thev ,r nrlced to sell. - A dozen sightly lots on Fontenelle hlvd.. between Military Ave., "and Maple. They are priced to sell and will cer tainly look good to you. Two lots on Cuming across from new Commercial High. Future increase as sured. $1,800 each. Many others In Montclair, Clalrmont and the West Side. South front on Marcy in Leavenworrn Heights, Priced below others at $900. , .- iti. comer za ana turning,- tonx 140. Wants offer,. $1,700. KUKTU. Sooth front on Bauman Ave, A beau tiful lot, $950. , . Corner on Ida St., Terr althtly, $1,050. ' .-'. A number bf other Inside lota In Mlnne Lusa and on the north aide. priced right. It you can't find what you want In this list, give us an op portunity to ahow yon the many others we have. Wa will find one to suit Alto compare the above values with others and aatisfy yourself. W1LLAKD C. SLABAUGH, ' ; Realtor. McCague Bldg. Jacksat tttt. LUSA LOTS e '.4