10 A Tim PEK: OMAHA. SUNDAY. SfclMKMtfliK 1. 1921. Cliuifitl Alvtrtitint Bates ll M' ha trauat el ward la Iim) I 4a, 1 4 pmt ha h , nmniiH iiit 14 I'M , I (MWtl 4, 14 MT (' M r. M MDMlllr ha 4 lak lar iao tka total af . 1mm rat lf tik.r U ta Daily ar aWaaar In, All 4rtiail ao HM la Mk orjig n4 vlaa ail aaaara lar ika aaa than CONTRACT HATMON APPLICATION Wtat aaa Btpl4 at U (allaatef af. MAIN OFFICE... ..ITtfc a4 lima It. aata Sui ..411 awiia 'a Kb Cmiaeil Jtlaffa fMI II. WANT AD RECEIVED t fHONi ATLANTIC l4s THC BtB anil aat m r.oa.ibl (ar Mora Ikaa aa lorre4 InMrUa a( aa 4vrtiki 0rimrm4 lar sur Ikaa IM tm. tLOSrNO HOUM rOR WANT ADS. Evmias Edliloa ,...1 1 14 A. M. Morning LdHU MIP.M. Sunday EdiUoa fit f. II, Kaiarda, Mini arataiul heart a extend our lhank lo tha kind tialght.or. ana fii.nde, HI. Johna lodge. Nn. ?. 8pnt.h War rteran n4 Auoli.ry, II, of It. I. lodg 6: for iheir ynpatnv, bindnea una beautiful floral offerings niwlit u at lha death of nur beloved haaband an4 father, Nlgned Mil I'.iry J. Miller and wtn. Crunk. FtMil.fc Lr.t.r, ag.d tl yr. 4it4 in aa Iikh October I. 111. Funrr earvlcr will h held from ln.w.r Funeral Hum, !4ih an4 K hi a., Sunday at t p. mi. American I.e. Kloa having t'Karaa, .nI.iI by II.. V. Hhallrroi. Burial ai Or.ccl.na I'ark crinclpr. FUNERAL DIRECTORS FOREST LAWN CEMETERY. Aa Ideal lM-atlon. juat north "f rliy llmlia ami waat of Klor.m. with miloa el tiiacailani rianiant, S"0 acr-a. frr p.liial raia. Not 0wratr4 for prnfit. offU-a :4 and No. Oily l.lmila. Cliy offlr., 7 ? Hrandela Thnilrr, HULSE & RIEPEN, I'NPttlTAKKIlS (Foimcrly at 101 South Sixteenth 81.) Itava muv.d (a t::i CLMMINU 8TRKET. STACK FALCONER OMAHA'S HKHT S5AMBULANCEra Thlrly-trtlrd and Fa num. heafey'OeTfey t nd.rtakar and Kiiibalmrra. Thona II A. tub. Of flea sr.ll Karnam. 'UK AMBUI.ANCK vail- l. rkrt 0D Korl.ko l''unetal Home, iid and O 81. FLORISTS. LEE L. LARM0N ZT I'll Doimla tit. Pnuitla 8244. JOHN HATH. I mil Karimm. .Im'kaun 10. Ita llentleraon, ir,7 r'ariiain. Jackvon 1351. BIRTHS AND DEATHS. Klrllia. AVIlllum and Margaret Khlera, hospital. boA .fpsna and I.nhella reltnteyer, 3431 Miami atreet, girl. John and Mario Ostronlc. 1404 South Twelfth atrert, bo:'. Ward and Laura. Triplet!, 220S North ' Twenty. seventh avenue, gtrl. Preaton and Katherln Uldcumb, hoa . pitnl. boy. , Chirlea and Johanna Luinar, j:o J . atreet. boy. Henry and Lotta Rlcg. 2877 Mary " atrert, boy. Samuel and Ollie Palace, 4614 South .Tnentleth atroet, bo.v. , A. J, and Olive Ftenlpk, 15:3 Grant . atreet, boy. . ISII and Pearl Hsiatonhall, 2S8S Whlt inor atreet, boy. j Roll and Alia Rhodrs. hoipital, boy. . Joaeph and Mary gmejkal, 4640 North Thirty-fifth atreet, boy. 8ebaatlana and Cluseppa Nlgro, 1933 South Fourteenth atreet, girl. J a me and Ruth Podrouzela, 1310 South ' Third atreet, boy. Phillip and Sarah Endelicato, (14 Pop . Jot on avenue, boy. .... i Matthew and Tereaa Schwartz, 171 - Uorraa atreet, girl. John and Ethel Wilson, 4913 South Twenty-first atreet, boy. (lamlblo and Oenevlna Buzssello, 1703 ,'Dorcaa atreet, boy. Deathl. 1 Howard 8. Ehatrom, Infant, 6633 Corby , atreet. , Charlea Marlon Jacos, 74, hospital. ; 1 John Paul Wttner, 26, hospltol. i Byron M. Bnyce. ar., 61, 4918 North Thirty-third avenue. MARRIAGE LICENSES. ' Th following peraons wera Issued per- mlta to wd: Asger Mortenen, 33, Omaha, and Mar Jgaret Klovenkrona, 19, Omaha. f Klmer Benson, 33, HastlnKS. Neb., and Esther M. Travllllon, 28. Hastings, Neb. i F.dwln Davl.- 33. Oms.ha, and Dorothy Jb. Balbach, 21, Omaha. ' Karl W. Fischer, 26, Vinton, la., and ' Doris K. Miller, 22, Denver, Colo. Anthony J. Gerhard. 24, Omaha,' and . Anfellna Septn, 23, Omaha. Ouatof Rodstrom, 34, Onha, and Ormanda C. Olaon, 39, Omaha. f Charlea Collins, 57, Omaha, and Mary C, Waterman. 39, Omaha. 'J Joaeph U Gross, 24. OmahaN and "Madellna Jensen, 18N Omaha. Robert G. Larson, 21, Harlan, la., and Ruth Sargent, 21. Harlan, la. i Raymond C. Merrill, 24. Omaha, and Kland Kirk. 24, Omaha. Otto Tl. Koch. 81, Omaha, and Hazel B. McClaln, 26, Omaha. Michael I, a Mallcy. 39. Chadron, Neb . 'and Margaret B. Klebr, 34, Loulavllla. Nr. JLOST. FOUND AND REWARDS. JTOR ARTICIES LOST on atreet cara tl. ptxina Tyiar sou. va ar m. tora lost artlclee to rightful owner. OMAHA COUNCIL BLUFFS ST. KT. COM FA N I LOST or atolen. Alredal dog about months old; amooth coat; anawer to ' name Bob: reward for return or Infor mation a to wnereaoouia. vawm PERSON who look or found gold Gruen watch with black fac call Walnut 264 or Jackson 4116 and recelv liberal re ward. No questions asKea A RING la Iront Central Qaiage, 13th and Harney, about Aug. 20. Kenwood 4744. Reward. iOST Black portfolio Monday, containing valuable paper. Finder call Jackson 3611. newara FOUND A larga Airedale dog. Call at 2443 Karnam. LOSl" Fraternity pin In amall bo on Farnam car. Walnut 0133. Reward. SPECIAL NOTICES. , IN MEMORIAM. DODGE To tha blessed memory of our beloved mother. Ruth Ann Dodge, who ntered lnt atarnal rest on September 4. 1914. - ' . . 'Her children rlsa up and call her blessed." "Blessed are the dead who dia In th Lord; that they may rest from their labor, and their works do .follow them." PERSONAL. THE SALVATION Army Industrial horn - solicit your old clothing, furnltur. magazine. Wa collect Wa distribute. - Phona Douglas 4136 and our wagon will calL Call and Inspect our new ' boma. 111-1113-U14 Dodge St. HATT1B Putman, Nubon Corset Shop. 603 Karbach Block. AT. 2994 SAT IT WITH FLOWERS FROM HES8 ft BffWBUUA, 11 FAKWAin Bine,r,i, CHILDREN cared for by week. Wal. 4441. MASSAGK 31V North Seventeenth Street. RENT HOOVER vacuum. 81 up. Har. 1071. ELIiCTRIO batba and massage. WE 2911. OSTEOLOGY MASSAGES. Atlantic ilti. SWEDISH MasMge, Chiropody, 204 S. t. SWEDISH inasaage. 414 Neville Block. 4 ANNOUNCEMENTS. Attorneys. W. H. HATTEROTH. Iwer. Notary. Confidential advice. 1414 First Nat'l Bank Bldg. Accord eon Plea ting. ACCORDION. aioV. knife, unburst, boi pleating, covered button, all ilia and etyiaa: ban.etiuhlna. pivot edging, eye let cot wor. buttonhole. Denaaota. "" Ideal Bui ton and Pirating Co-. 44 KB Ch-aiin. Halloa Co., 1SC4 Faruani fit- -d Ituor. Lniughu Ml ANNOUNCEMENTS. Chiropractor, Ir. feat M. lorn', 1:1 itii.4ai rui hidf . An. alia 4414. Contractors, UK U K pl.xerar a ad .ni.nl, aa4 r.p.ir ara. J. Kail. Walnut 4T, Dancing Academies. I.LAK.N TO IIAKl ki RltillT Mildr.4 Meilne l.erhee all kiBnrha 4. a. log JHudio .lian lllda, M. Hit, I'een'o-"" Farnani. i akvv J O reaannabl talc auia methods, Ho. , Kel-Pine far Dancing, ll.l 111. riauilaa Tit. Dressmaking. rIHA(-I.A4 draaainaklns; furanlc4 worn. Walnut 6144, liRKBSMAKING. 44 SOUTH I4TII ST. Detectives. HLt.lAIU.k: iMiaril.a llur.au. Hallway Kl. Hl.ll , J A.lli. N.rht. KEN. Jill. Ind.pand.nl Paiacilta Iluraau. 104 Navllla Hlk. Alkjkl Blhl,H'al.Joi K. 4.. JAMRM A LIMN, 111 Navllla Bill. KOd.nca aarurad In all raa-a Allantla 111. Tailoring. fcUITA praaaad. ramndalrd, lln.d. II A. I04. Kodak Finiahing. HI M davalip.d; prlnllnr and anlarglnf. Wrila for prlc.a Th fcniiin Ce 107 lluwaid Ht. tM AKllKMKNTK. all rulorlng, d.v.luplni, prlnilnr, Kaaa Hludla. ill N.vlll. Illk. Patent Attorneys, PATENT ATTORNEYS J. W MARTIN, pat.nt ally.. ITU IMdia. Printing. Eddy Frlnltt.ar t'a.. SI! 8. lath St. Phono I'oualaa 4T. Klna rommrrrlal prlntmi. Milcellaneous Announcement. Announcing. Tli onnln of our nir offlr. Mannnnc property our apciiult). I'tlVl.KIIIH HK HROTHKRTli.S', Itral l'll.. I.raaaa. Inveatm.nta, llrnlal and Inauranr. tOI Omaha Nat l llank Ulfg. DIAMONDS prlr with prlvllat In buy hark at .mall profit. (IRONS JKWrXKY CO.. 403 N. Jtlb Bt. Doui la ion. VH. PAUL J. llni.ANI) wlahra lo an. nnunca tha removal of offtrea from Itos rirat Nl I Bk. BI'Ik. to ault i::i-24 of aam hull. Una. AT. Hit. OMAHA PILLOW CO. Mattreasea mad ovr In nw Hek at half th prlr of new bed. 1907 filming. Jarkson 3447. RAZOR BI.ADE8 aliarpened. Blngl., J6e: doubl edp. 45o do. Mall order ao llrlted, Omaha 8ha.ru Co., 103 N. 14th. Ii'K I'RRAM Quart. 40c; pint. 3flc: pop. 4c; con... 4c 1445 N. lth St., corner nf Charlea 8t. AKTIFH IAI, eyeo titled at home, r lluoklet free. Denver Optic, 625 Bar clay, Penver, Colo. WH1TKLY. Ilr and radiator man; rraa. prices; work guar. 32V S. 13th. DO. 4403, Ul.l, dies and tuiedoa for rent, John Kewman, nn N. 16lh Bt. Jackson 1 as. NKW and rebuilt electrical appnratua, I.eBron Klectrlo. 814 S. 13th St.. Omaha. ROGrJHU Confeciii.nary Hloi. Hlh and Karnam bt.. Jackmn UI27. BR1TT Printing Co. 7 Klk Bldg. Omaha Towel Supply. i07 R 11th. J A. 0624 FOR SALE. Furniture and Household Goods. K I K NT HIO SALK VICTOR FURNITURE STORE, VAK'8 NEW FLACE 60 PER CENT OKF FOR CASH. All high-grade furnltur consisting of 4112 dining room suite, parlor, bed room and aunroom suites: chiffoniers, writing desks, bookcases, porcelain too kitchen tables; piano benchs. high chairs, gas stoves, nil stoves, heatera and etc.; rugs, 9x12 Wlllon- Axminster mstting, congoleum and many other grades. DON'T FORGET THE NEW LOCATION, 2433 N STREET, SOUTH SIDE. PHONE MARKET 2370. WATCH FOR THE VICTORY FUR NITURE SIGN AND BE SURE TO GET THE RIGHT PLACE. FOR SALE. Houachold furniture of 7-room house, Including piano, uhlna cabinet, buffet, chiffonier, bookcaae and books, office desk and chair. Ice box. gas stove, din ing table and chairs, 6 rockers, a vol nines Masonic history at 8726 N. 31st Ave. or 31t and Tltua Av. Phone Kenwood 0746. SEWING machine and Vlctrola, blrd's- eye maple bedroom set, gaa stove, 4x10 ' Wilton rug. Call Sunday morning. Har ney 6688. ONE good first-class mahogany roller top desk. Two chairs, one revolving and one heavy chair. For ale. Reason able. DO. 4844. FOR SALE Furniture of 9-room modern rooming house; will deal with responsi ble party; for Information call Douglaa 7732. . ONE gas range used only six months. Call Walnut 2608. SINGER sewing machine J a bargain; leaving city. 118 South 25th." Pianos and Musical Instruments. Piano Buyers, Attention. i If you ever expect to buy a piano do not fail to attend our great remodel ing sale. We ran gave you 4160 to 1200 on new uprights, grands and player pianos, and 4200 to 4400 on used tn-struments.- Here Is a partial list of our used In struments: Norrls ft Hyde, upright......! 98 Wlllard, upright 125 J C. Fischer, upright 135 , Arion, upright 160 i Gramer, upright 165 Vose ft Son, upright 176 I,agonda, upright 140 Whitney, upright 210 Smith & Barnes, upright.... 226 Schmoller & Mueller 250 '5 TO 419 SENDS ONE TO TOUR HOME. EASY TERMS ON THE BAL ANCE. Schmoller & Mueller Piano Company, 1514-16-14 Dodge St. Phone DO. 1423. OEORC.t! a. SMITH Dealer In drum, xylopho n, tc Instructions, repairing. Address 2741 Davenport St. for catalog. Phon Barney J94T. Try Smith' pedal. Large Cabinet . Phonographs t less than half price. 947.50. 854, 183 and 167. .Terms, II - down, balance 1 per week. Schmoller & Mueller 1514-16-14 Dodg St. Phone DO 1623. VIOLINS, bow, atringa and repairing at lowest price. Matthew Studio. 60 Dougls Blk.. Opp. Haydena. AT. 2096. PIANOS FOR RENT At lowest prices. Six months rent allowed on purchase price. Schmoller & Mueller 1514-16-1 Podge St. Douglas 1421. BLRTL walnut, parlor grand Bush A Lane piano at lee than ball price. Phon Kenwood 0744. Clothing and Furs. furs: furs! furs: Direct from manufacturer to wearer, saving yon larga retail profit. Offering for this week only a wonder, ful selection of bargain in COATS. WRAPS. CAPES. STOLES, COATEES and CHOKERS. Coma In and let ua how you. All merchandise guaranteed. Deposit ac cepted. CHAS. 3. GOLDSTEIN FUR CO.. 14th and Douglaa. Over Fry She Co. JACKSON 1134. lil orders given prompt attention. FOR sale, a few unclaimed, all-wool "Dun dee aolt. cheap, alteratlor rree. DUNDEE WOOLEN MILLS. Voethwest Cor.. 15th and Hnmey Si. l'KRKEi:TLT new Martin fur stole, Inrrea long and 12 Inch aid dealera. Webster 497. FOR SALE. Cioihing and Fur. r'tlta ramixt.iad, l.n,4 iM . laaaad. M.i.ri. A LA . A im tm, Typawmef and Supplita. TVPEWiTEKS'" ADDING MACHINES. All MAKE4 kauflil, aald, rnird a4 rapair.d. ala afant for ika fOKuNA. Uat ur itrivaa Kafuia ait au. fcvary macbina tuaranta4. Central Typewriter Exc. i-iaia au. I. II rinum WE buy. Mil aaf.a. RiaWa daalaa, ahua? raara. tu. Omaha Fumra aui uly I's. . W. Oar. Hlh an4 Iwualaa. J A. t!!4 I.I'M HKH al law krlraa: klndllna dallvarad! Mh'KI.IN I.IMIIKH a MKKi'KINil lit.. run and Hurrt.lt., ivvhaiar ., "' Miiccllnneoui ArticUt. ill'll.ll that aaraaa or houM thai you iiaan aainr pnur w.ain.r mruiiia II Alan a law Inada of kindlina woo. I will la appraelatad hn tha rhlll auluma lava arriva, H'l ran (urniah auh.r at low prii and prompt awrvlra. MK'KI.IN l.t Mllfin A WHKl klMI CO,, Milt and llurdrii. eh. ti SE WI NG Tl ACH I N ES W'm rant. rnalr, .-tl adl'a and pari. NICKEL'S 13th: and llamay. Inulna Tltl'NKd. Iag, aulit-aaea. Why pay twa mlddlainen profll.T lluy from faeiory dlrerl. Hnd foe frea ralalog. A,m Trunk and Hjg Kailor). Hprlng allay. in. NKW VOHK I'nnrord grape fur j.lly grapa Julia, wine and labia una, llnti.tnn Krult farm. 4701 N. mh 8L I'hun Kanwnod 4444 after 7 p. m, Ft R HAlTlC Lady' .ul'l. ala Ji iTo Baby Rd ulky, li: bed anread and aprlnga, 15, Call Market 4:l SI groaa Jl-os. n.w nuari ii br bntlle. Charlea Jarl, 171 laavenworth. (JHAPKS for Ml, lion. 30 it Ida. Kanwood WANTED TO BUY. DESKS DESKS DESKS New deaka, used deka bought, aold and traded. J. C Rerd, i:i7 Karnam. D. 4144 WANTED SITUATIONS. Laundry and Day Work. IAV v,ork, laundre.ii, phnna Atlantlo 3194, HELP WAN1ED MALE. Stores an3 Offices. WANTED Hundreda men, boy, over 17. government railway mall clerks. Steady work. 4136-1190 month. I.lat po.lt Ion. free. Write Immediately. Franklin In stitute. Dent. 225 Y. Roeheater. N. Y. CLERKS To become bookkeeper and ac rnuntant. Tell your past dutle and fu. tur hope In fli-it letter. My atudent a aucccaa. 1. n. Box 345. Chicago, III. rOUNO man, atudy law) Evening down town seaslon. University nf Omaha. Professions and Trades. Three Billion Dollars more than vrr befnr will ba pent till year nn autn iipkn. Hilt? npportutiltlp.. Miikft $150 to $400 monthly. Irntn n unto and trmMor vprrt tht Rahr-Wiy. Thre biff .ivhnola t'hli'Hffo (Ontario and Mtrhimn ' Blvd.), Kanaaa f!lty and Cincinnati. HpHa auni mrr rpdurtvl ti'ttlon rate. Writ now tor biff book. Henry .1. Ralie. Iepart mnt 21 "1. nmrest nrhtv!. Cement Block Masons! If you are an A -1 Mnrk netter and competent to lay out and httmllo work, un for "toady work. Don't tel"hone. Ideal Cement Stone Co., "lit and Srauldlnff St. KB A BF.TECTIVE G-t particulars; ex j ceptlnnal opportuntliea for thote inter Mted; willlna: to work: libera) com ml s alona for results. Hartley National De tective Anrency. Inc., Sixteenth and Poufftaa Sta., Omaha, Neb. SAKS wan feci for detective work. Expe rience unnecessary. Write .T. Oanor, former United States government detec tive. St. tVmtff. MRX wanted to qualify for firemen, hrokemen, experience unnecessary. Tra nsportu t Ion f ttrnisbed. Write W. Hof-ffea. St. Iouls. TEACHERS Science. manual training, athletics. Innguage. 'Need colleee grad uates especially. Write qualifications, f'line Teachers' Agency, San Diego, Cal. FIREMEN, brakemen. beginners. 150; Inter 4250 monthly. Write Railway, Box Y-14B1. Omaha Bee. BB a detective, 150-100 weekly; travel over world: experience .-unnecessary. American Detec. Ag.. 799 Lucas. St. Louis. MOLER BARBER COLLEGE. 110 s. 14th. Write for catalog. WANTED All-around printer. . lob. Superior. Neb., journal. Steady Salesmen and Solicitors. SALESMEN WANTED TO CONDUCT A BUSINESS OF THEIR OWN. Home every night. No capital needed. No high rent. No hired help. Only your time with a car. We have a proposition open to you In your county selling a necessity of life, where you can call on your trade three to fou times a year. Everybody a prospect. County rights assigned to you provided you can quali fy. Commission haflia. Wonderful oppor tunity. Act nnf'rly. Writ th- SALE SMANAGER, 209 No. 13th St., Omaha. Neb. High Grade Salesman .Large advertising1 concern trmnufac turinff new and high-grade line of calendars, leather goods and exclusive specialties for advertising;, w!hes to appoint a permanent representative for Omaha, also one v for Nebraska. Ap plicant must be a successful aaieaman of good personality, appreciating op portunity oC building a permanent and profitable business with annual earn ings of $,00"lo $12,000. Apply for in terview by letter only, giving your phone number If possible. Mr. Hubbard, Hotel Pontenelle. SALESMEN. Experienced traveling salesman with established trade, for the states of Michigan. Missouri, Kan sas or Nebraska. - Applicants are requested to give references and a record of their experience. The Cincinnati Cloak A Suit Company 312, 314, S16, 318 Race Street. Cincinnati, O. SALESMAN If you are not afraid to work,, a largo manufacturing corporation haa an exceptional opening for you. . You must be - aggressiv asd coma well recom mended. We pay an exceptional com mission, which will yield from 13,000 to 85.000 a year. Wa sell .direct to industrial planta and large building owners. State age. experience and ref erence Address Box Y-14G2, Omaha Bee. . SALESMAN EXPERIENCE! TO COV. R STATES OF NEBRASKA, NORTH AND SOUTH DAKOTA WITH EX CEPTIONAL LAKGE LINE OF CUT LERY AND CUTLERY SPECIALTIES FOR EASTERN MANUFACTURER AND IMPORTER OF REPUTE; COM. MISSION BASIS: BONO REQUIRED FOR SAMPLES; MAN WITH CAR PREFERRED: UNUSUAL OPPOR TUNITY FOR -LIVE WIRE; STATE EXPERIENCE AND FULL DETAILS. SALES DEPARTMENT, GRIFFON CUTLERY WORKS. 151 WEST J4TH ST.. NEW YORK CITY. NKW" SELLING PLAN. Men wanted to supply consumer deman4 i demand for our sugar, flour, canned goods, dried fruit, coffee and other ! staplo groceries and paints, roofing, aluminuiuware and automobile oils. I.nlirely new plan. Not one penny of I Investment in goods required. No ex- nerience nece-.3s.ry. Our men are mak- Vns big protita and have a permanent . i i - ...... 1 1 1 . rb- I LI. Ik jcVHill Co.. Dept. 121, CHicisru, riai v . u r viw.i.tN. ,--..- ..... Menace, any bank 04 axpi company. ' HELP WANTED MALE. SUmB and Solicitors. .ISUIM.IawK aa4 uirr (..r'tlolh laa. ma iM'HlablH and aha, la eia lai4 I itinuaa mining tea la aorikarn Arlaaaa. I'r.f.e 41 e und.r, a4 rrlrl aal.amaa, g. greaai.a aa4 wtik blaaing raAnliir, lu.i m la trim window, and pief. rae vhooa la aa wka ra writ rarda frmaaa puaiilna and good fx. lara la right Hi, Awr la awa handwrltlnf , gtvma full panlralsr la pravlttua iuaraar, aaintag refer, nr. and aiding aalary apaci4, A4 4'm Hi V.t, llmsba lie. WANT Kit Ralisltl. p.rl.ue.4 Mlaaman 14 al rarlaad f palaloea. eabbag a4 apnlr UlrocI la reiailara lu tun, ha and urr.iun.llng larrlmry. Mual M a.penanrad la fruit bu.ineaa. kv good r.r.r.nr. ai4 willing la work aa rmnmlaama aa.ia at alart- leail aa. noriuniiy for right man. A44ra Uu4 V,4a.niiih Ha. TlltE .ate. man. Wa have an ttr.-m proniiian ta ttr deatara on our llur. ion-Hill lira, Th an a.lt at 9;,3 oibar In pmawriion. 9tteaihi rrttnmiaalitn proiMiaillon, 81. la Una If pre. ferrad. Horn rhale territory ol ill on.n Wrlla for Infonnaiien. Andrew llur. Inn Company, l llarriaon, Kansas Cliy,Mo uri'i'HTrvirV K.perlenfed Mlaanicn ran max real monev balan'a af It.'l aelllna i.ur Una aim, leather gnnd, novelnaa and ralandara fr adverli.lng tjirg rnmml.sioiia, writ fully giving sale e.erln.. and territory anted first Inter Tba Nateliy Advrtlsln Co , Coho. tnn. Ohio. RAI.K8MKN To aril well-known aperlal tle io a.eaanrr, garage, hardware, ral anil lumber ilealera throughout tha lata. opportunity for asparlrnced aale.men in e.l.l.ll.h permanent bual. naaa earning 41 monihly. Premier Co.. Illl W, ltlh 81., Clev.i.nd. I. WANTEI First-claea aaieaman l full lima nr si'lellii.), by ol.i-e.tabll.hed beverage house, ta sail roncenlriled fruit riiler., flavoring e.lracl. alcoholic and medicinal preparnllona Th Fran. rla Cropper Company, SI N. Michi gan, Chicago, DIHTRII'T RKlilNTRAR. foe rorreapondenca accounting rouree. Muat b better than 4 j.Ooo-a.year man. Hood rontract to rican-rut. aggre.alva producer. Write full particulars. Amer. Iran Unlvecltv of Conunerr, First Na tional Han't Illdr., Chicago. SAI.K8MK.V Mldelln men making small inwn. Rfir niea; no aale; no rnllec Hon; no asm plea lo rarry; 14 comnils alon paid nn erh trial order taken, Plata line rarrled and territory covered. Keeney 4L Son Co., 70 E. 40th ft, Chicago. HIGH grade ealeamrn for entirely new rreaory for ny automobile. Makes night driving safe. Can rarry In pocket. Every car owner buva. File very make. Men who ran aland big proflta and stay on Job. Ray Filter Co., Marlon. Ind. Sl'IIF. Hot pnt for Ford. Effect msgl- ral. New. 45 In. tailed. Loenl repre- aentatlva wanteii. Ford owner pre. ferred. Sur selling plan furnished. No money risk, over 100 per rent prnfit Flva ! dally easy. Brisco Dovirea Corp..- Pontlsr. Mich. SPECIALTY salesman to sell rhinawara by world a most modern pottery, ruin, mission paid weekly, unusual opportuni ty for permanent connection. Man with auto desired. The Limoges China i ompnny. henrtng, o. MAKE lino weekly selling .nni).mll gunranterd, new auto tire, dlrert to consumers, also dealers at wholesale. Side or msln line. Canltal or experi enro unpeceit.nry. Harrfaon Tlr Co., Hammond. Ind. GLARESCOPB New aulo accessory. Noth ing else like it on the msrket. 410 to 25 dally easy. Costs you 41.25: re ts 111 12.50. Write for exclusive proposi tion. American Reflector Co., Ham mood. Tnd. CANVASSERS! To sell best household sr. tlrln on the market. Sells at sight, Costa 12.60 per doz,, sella at 60c each. Make 815 to 925 per day. Prlscllla Novelty Company, 2701 8. Wells street, Chicearo. III. DRIVE promoters magazines carnival, benefit local charity, new novel Ir resistible. All magazines. Others work, you command. Incompetents av post age. Dunlap Magazine company, Green field, o. WANTED Salesman with car to sell low-priced. 10,000-mll cord tires. Salary and expenses, with extra commissions. Ooodstock Cord Tire Co., 309 8. La Sal lo St.. Chicago. 111. SALESMEN calling on general stores. Sideline. Fast-selling special boy's over all. One sample. Big commissions. Repeat orders. Cincinnati Overall Mfg. Co.. Cincinnati. O. AGENTS 800-8200 week. Free sample. Gold sign letters anyone can put on store windows. Big demand. Liberal offer to general agents. Metallic Let ter Co.. M N. Clark. Chicago. PRODUCING tailoring agents wanted. Men's made-to-order clothing. Finest materials. Prices cut to the bone. Fall swatch line ready, Leed'a Woolen Mills, Chicago. KIDDIE bath tubs sell on sight to furni ture, drug and department storea; some thing new: hustlers with car should make 1500 month. "Write Manager. Paul Rubber Company, Salisbury, N. C. SIDELINE SALESMEN Attractive prop, oaltlon for live men, 5 to 822 commis sion each order. Full credit on repeats, On field Mfg. Co., 4003 Broadway, Chicago. STICK A LITE Best 82.60 auto specialty made. 20 sales a day easy; send 11.60 for sample and selling plan. Stickallte Co.. 2123 Indiana Ave.. Chicago. 111. WANTED Good salesman to handle big money proposition. Hutsler can clear from 46,000 to 110.000 per year. South. era Advertising Agency. Columbus, Miss. SPECIALTY salesmen to work small town, capable of earning 86,000 to 412. 000 yearly. Write J. J. Maaterson, 1131 W.; 11th St., Cleveland. O. 57 MILES per gallon made with new patented gasoline vaporizer. Write for particulars. . Stransky Vaporizer Co., Pukwnna, S, D. Agents ;nd Canvassers. WE WANT MEN AND WOMEN WHO ARE DESIROUS OF MAKING 125 TO 200 PER WEEK CLEAR ' PROFIT, from the start in a permanent business of their own. Mitchell's Magic Marvel Washing Compound washes clothes spot lessly clean in 10 to 16 minutes. One hundred other uses In every home. No thing else like it. Nature's mightiest cleanser. Contains no lye, lime, acid or wax. Fastest selling article ever sold through agents. Free samples make sales easy.. Enormous repeat orders. 300 per cent profit. Exclusive territory. W guarantee sale of every package. No capital or experience required. Baker, Ohio, made 600, last month. Tou can do as well. Send for free sample and proof. v L. Mitchell ft Co., Desk 43, 1304-1314 E. 61st, Chicago. 111. AGENTS Sell Mlntmend for tires and tube; costs 2c repair: surpases vul canizing, aaves 600 per cent. Every auto and accessory dealer buys. Profits ara amazing. Shaw made 821 first day; Hart, 8155 first week. Particulars and frea samples. The Continental Rubber Co.. Dept. O, Philadelphia, Pa. AGENTS Big money taking ordera for overcoats, work pants and blankets, di : rect from wearer. Exceptional values. No deliveries. " No capital- required. Easy sellers. Unusual proposition. Sale. outfit free. Taylor, Well & Co., 2740 N. Paulina, Chicago. FORD driver agents wanted. Self wiom onstratlng Ford motor device, canstant- ly used and often, replaced. Best on market. Low priced. Big money-maker. Write quick.- C. A. Kemper. 301 R, South Canal, Chicago. MEN wanted to silver mirrors, plate and refinlsh metal ware, autos, chandeliers, headlights. Independence assured steady workers. 814 daily easy, without capital or experience. Rogers Dec! a Labora tories. 246 Fifth Avenue. New Yorw. LIVE wire agents wanted for Omaha and Immediate vicinity. Help and training glve.n those willing to work, but with out ' experience. Adolph Prcher. Gen'l Agent. Phone Market 2270, Omaha. Neb. AGENTS Make 35,000 a year. Sell Cresco raincoats, waterproof aprons, utility bags; outfit free. Wa deliver and collect. Improved Mfg. Co., Dept. 157. Ashland. O. AGENTS wanted to advertise our goods and distribute free sample to consumer. 0c an hour. Write for full particulars. American Products Co.. 4706 American Bldg.. Cincinnati. O. CHEWING GUM Sell to stores: profit able business built up qulrkly; spear mint and popular flavora in novel pack age write today. Helmet Co.. Cincin nati. O. COPPER kettles, copper rooking utensils. copper water stills, copper roi. nyoro metera. Write for price and free book let. Boyer A Co.. 221 -A. Federal Re serve Bldg., Omaha. Neb. . AGENTS Wonde-fal seller: 6c profit everr dollar enles. Deliver on spot. LI censa unnecessary. Sample free. Mis sion. Factory !. 241 W. Pico. Los An rele. Cal. PORTRAIT agents. 21-hour service en print, fini-bed work and frames. Write for wholesale- rateljg. E. H. Robrr: Portrait Co.. Rerar. Ct;. Mo. portrait agents, 24-hojr w ic on nrinle clni.hed irm-'c and fra-nr. VriTe fr r.-?MKre.le e-.taior. K. II. l.o.J Cvrtrait Co.. aUssaa City. Alow- HELP WANTEDMALE. Ani and Convars. 4uK.T-a.il ar rwhir apron a4 IraKlngnaard ra.ara, fir law. I'nra ii and aanipla fraa. karoig Male la, JJ6 Hif.i A. Oak Park, III fcXiT.l IVK larriiw7iaraa.ariiela Witch, aa mi: aaw. faal Mllara; roai fla, ra. lall c; aaniplaa 8, Nparutly Mfg. Co., 16 Wi.ra, Mlnnaapuli, Mlna, AiiKNTH Mlto eoloa laat farkr aba Hesillsad. Ill luanay Balling Rrtllll hu) aolo l.raaar.allta, K.lllt Mfg. I'k. ) 8 Mich. Ave, Chicago, III, A III'MIKKa af .'ur awn. Mak .park, ling alaa nam plala. nutHtwr. rharker bo. ida. madalliona, signs, big Illustrated book free K. I'.llM.r, 1 Wooaler, 41. WATk llHMiKjF kllch.n aiiron. aall fur if. Half profit. Free rloih) Minplea linn. Ton, III Kouth Mroadway, Hi. Iuls. Ho. Miscellaneous. JullH IN THE NilMTII PLATTE VALLEY Ileal harve.l.r. leamelri, put a In plrkara and auaar fariory work at pVoiiabluff. Daring. Itayard and Mil rh.ll, Nab. i heel harve.l.ra. I. am. t. is and poialo picker apply la th Hcoii liuff raunly farm bureau. Acott.hluff, Ken. For augar factory work, apply to th Ureal lrn Nugar Co., hVutta bluff, Harm or llayard, Nab, CLF.KKM, 14 upward, for Postal Mall 8arvit. sixo month. Ksanilnation Rep. lembar 17th. Eperlenr unnaraaeary. For fraa particular af Inatrucilnn wrtta J. Ionard (former Civil Her vie K. aminerl, 909 l.qullabl Bldg, Waah Ington. f, t BK a RAILWAY TRAFFIC INSPECTOR' III to l:.'.a monthly. pnaa paid after 1 inunlha' spur, tlin aludy, 8pl.n dld ot.porluntll', Pnaltlon guaranteed or money refunded. Writ fur freo iHMiklet, H-271. Stand. Buslnrsa Training Inat.. Tliif fnlrt, N. Y. lmi'IaIvkiin' free employment kervicm will HELP YOU FIND A POSITION Fit EE TO EMPLOYER AND EMPI1YK: Af.t. KINDH t)F WORK LI8TKII WITH t'8. 111 Harney street, Atlantic 4:"n. 34 Til 4j4 weekly In your apare time do ing eperlal advertising work among th fjinlllr of your city: no eiperlenc nee. ary; writ today for full particular. American Pro.luila Co., 4704 American iildir., Cincinnati, " MAN to work thla city reflnl.hing chan delier, bra.s bed., aulnmnhtles. by new method. 410 dally without capital nr experience. writ Uunnietal Co., it Elm. Decatur. 111. MEN Age 17 In 46. Experience unnec hsary. Travel: make aecret Inveattga Hons, reports. Sslarlea; expense. Amer. I'-an Foreign Peleetlv Agency, 474. St. l.ouls. STOP dally grind, start silvering mirrors, auto bend llgbta. tableware, etc. Pinna free, flnreiir Sprinkle, Dept. 44, Ma rlon. Ind. WANTED A baker at once, steady ioh. good pay. K. A. Marabal, Btanlon, Nn. EXPERIENCED pant flnl.hrr wanted, 142 N. 2nth St. Webster 0703. HELP WANTED FEMALE. Stores and Offices. WANTED Competent atenographer. on with experience In purchasing depart ment preferred. Box R-13. Bee. WANTED Stenographer. Call Western Smelting Rfg, Co, Douglas 3421, 7th and Douglas St. Professions and Trades. BE A DETECTIVE--! lot particulars; ex ceptional opportunities for those Inter ested; willing to work: liberal commis sions for results. Hartley Natlonsl De tective Agency, Inc., Sixteenth and Dnuglaa Sts., Omaha, Neb. TEACHERS Srlence, domestic science, language, othera. Need college gradu ates especially. Wrlta qualification. Cllne TeachatsAgency. San Diego, Cal. WANTED Ladles to learn barber trade. Special rates and Inducements. TRI-CITY BARBER COLLEGE. Saleswomen and Solicitors. LADIES Everywhere. Full or spare time. Make 69 weekly selling waterproof kitchen aprons, sanitary aprons, belts. Samples frre. Write Miller Mfg. Co., Cleveland, O. AT ONCE Five bright capable ladles to travel, demonstrate and sell dealer; 140 to 175 pr week, railroad fare paid. Write at once. Goodrich Drug Co., Dept. 642, Omaha, Neb. Household and Domestic. GIRLS. Watch the Domestic Column of Tba Be Want Ada Good, wall-paid and homelike place always advertised. COMPETENT girl for general house work; small house, three children; good wagea for right party. WA. 2926. COMPETENT white girl tor gem.rnl house work, references. Mrs. F. D Wead, 602 so. 4tn st. Har. u l l . MAID for general housework; permanent place. Harney 6470. Miscellaneous. GOOD weekly income mailing circulars at home all or spare time. Splendid traveling positions also open. Digni fied legitimate work for honest; sincere persons; experience unnecessary; write quickly for work. Home Service Bureau, Dept. 720, Los Angeles. TRY EMPLOYERS' FREE EMPLOYMENT SERVICE FOR ALL KINDS OF WORK, FREE SERVICE. 1911 Harney Street. Atlantic 3300. ; WANTED First-class lady musicians traveling dance orchestra. Season's work. Address Mgr. Dance Orchestra, care Grand Hotel, Cedar Rapids, la. HELP WANTED. Male and Female. LADIES wanted, and men, too, to ad drees envelopes and mail advertising matter at home for large mall order firms, spare or whole time. --Can make 810 to 436 weekly. No capital or ex porience required. Book explaining everything mailed for 10c to cover post age, etc., Ward Pub. Co.. Ttlton, N. II. WANTED Men, ladlea and boys to learn barber trade; big demand: wages while lunrnlng; strictly modern. Call or write 1403 Dodge St Trl-Clty Barber College. FOR SALE Drug store, 86,500, one of the best in state; 40 miles from Lin coln. Cssh sales 141.70 daily. Address Box T-1659, Omaha Bee. EDUCATIONAL. Y. M. C. A. EVENING SCHOOL Opens Tuesday, Sept; 6. Architectural Drafting Mathematics. Arithmetic Algebra Geometry Trigo- nometry. Accountancy I Mechanical Drawing. Accountancy II Penmanship. Businesa Administration Publlo Speaking I. Bookkeeping Public Speaking II. Businesa English Shorthand. . Businesa Correspondence Spelling. Commercial Art Spanish. Commercial Law Shop Sketching. Citizenship Song Leading and Community Singing. Elementary School for Men. English Grammar Typewriting. Electricity School for Coining Americans. Freehand Drawlnc. CHOOSE YOUR COURSE AND ENROLL TODAY. EDUCATION A I, liftfAKi MJCNT. YOUNG MENS CHRIS TIAN "ASSOCIATION Rooms 317 and 318. Phone AT. 1600. FALL TERM SEPTEMBER 6. DAY SCHOOL NIGHT SCHOOL. Complete courses In accountancy, ma. chine bookkeeping, comptometry, abort hand and typewriting, railroad and wireleag telegraphy, civil ervlc and all English and commercial branches. Write, call or pbon Jackson 1645 for larg Illustrated catalog. Addrea BOYLES COLLEGE. Bojle Bldg., Omaha. N"b LEARN tire repairing and retreading; alao lube repairing and all rubber vul canizing IN THE ONLY EXCLUSIVE TIRE REPAIR SCHOOL IN OMAHA. Thre week' training: 426. Wrlta or calL NATIONAL TIRE SHOP. 17th Street and Capitol Avenue. W do not sell vulcanizing machinery. FOR permmal instruction. ahorthnd. type writing, bookkeeping, etc Call Dougla 7774 or write AMERICAN INST. OF EFFICIENCY. I. O. O. F. Bldg., Omaha. Neb. Van Sant School of Buslne. Day and Evening Schools. 220 Omaha National Bank Bldg. Doograa 59! FRANK Henry aaophona instruction. Leflang. 304 BUSINESS CHANCES. OIL IN VtcTMENT S. P. Harrell of Viv ian. I., was the pioneer of the world famous Caddo oil fields; W. S. lie. Gregor of Shrevepnrt, L.. I president of two Wg oil companies; they know lb oil businei and bav pooled their P'ivato Intrrests In the nerr wonder El I'nraoo field and will drill two wells t'.iereoo: tbev invite iou to loin them; .- t"d-r Tor full Information to W ro.i a.iu, i-owcr f.i"pr. wt cleaning iau; 1'aaturiuui. Sutton. Neb. BUSINESS CHANCES. WANT A t.K WIHR rUaia-Ke-N MAN WITH KKCE88AHY CAPITAL TO TAKI! I 1 A T ki l'lTl Hl'TI"N Or NATIONAL MOTOII CAM A. M, VAtO, FWNTKN tl.t.ti IIOILL. A Real Opportunity ana of Iba beat located ladle.' and man'a ready lo-wrar rlnihlng .lorea In Ikiuth Omaha, doing good bualnaaa, will aril cheap lar rah or trad lor g.iod Inrom properly, lall Market 90.6 and ak for Morrta, ar aril R-14. Om. ha lie. LA HUE manufacturing rorporalloy want rapabl man lo open branch offlr and manage aaleaineai U"B upward lierea aaryi bandl yaur own money clu. ...i ...h,. n.ienlad rtl.l: nioil.y. making poaalbllllle unlimited. Will P .pan.e lo Italllinor If you uuallfy. Addrcw 8..reiar), o N. Kula 81.. Il.lllniore, Md . 0r;TINTO lii'Sl.NEbd FOR YOURSELF. Wanted! Two young buslnraa inca with rara and 169 t Inve.t In going aalea aiganlaallun. Can earn 11.0011 to t,a par year, Inveallgata Immediately. For Interview addra X-42, omali Be. fmyo own einrka, bond, oil anrurlllra and wl.h lo know nreaent vlua. HIv full detail, we will mall Information fraa. Your alm'ka may have big v.llua. Invc.lor. Dally Guide, loot llalllmor, Kan.a. City, Ma, IIKKORK buying, and for our fre aalea bullatln: hundred of pylng bualnear ara hated. Any kind. Any prlc. Any where. Western Hualnrs Enchauge, Terminal Building, Omaha, Neb. 'ANTKI Unmarketable oil atnek and a. rurlllra. Our plan may recover for ynu more than lb amount you Invested Write Securities Trul Estate, 267 oil Exchange llulldlng, Wichita Falla. Tex, WANT lo hear from owner having bual nr. for aale. J. C. McConnry, Term!' nal Building, Omaha. Nb. 14 nsr rent dividend sine March. per rent payabl October. Writ Box 9J4. Iiurkburueit, Tea. RESTAURANT for al. Good place for the right man. Price I right. X-tl, Omaha He. FOR KENT-ROOMS. Furnisned Rooms. ARE YOU LOOKINO FOR ROOMS? Or hav you planned on making change, which will ba more convenient for you? If so, then call Tha Bee Want Ad Dept.. Tyler 1000. and w will not only furnish you with a complat room tii or cnotc vacant room in unum but also keep your number on our "Wi.-.'. Rent" list for further refer. ante In ras you wanted to mak in. other change. These list ara absolutely fra of charg to all reader and adver Users of Th Omaha Be and published olely for their convenience and benefit. Call any time. Atlantlo 1000. Want Ad Dept. 4901 DAVENPORT ST. Private home for one or two gentlemen, with references, nicety furnished, south front room, with four wlndi,a-s. Breakfast If desired. PRIVATE home, mahogany-furnished mom. gentlemen. 14 ottd week. 220 N. NICELY furnished room: Field club addi tion; aouthern exposure; gentleman pre ferred. Hnrney 4494. PLEASANT south rm., suitable for 1 or 2 gentlemen. Walking distance. HA 719a. NICELY furnished modern rooms in pri vate home, walking distance, vleb. 376. PLEASANT rm. for 2 girls, private family. near Harney car; breakfast. HA. 4314. ONE warm room for two for rent, fur- nished. Doug. 4K44. TWENTY-FOURTII St., 2:111 8. A choice room for gentleman. Reference. DO. 6693 MODERN ROOMS, WALNUT 6263. MODERN rooms: reasonable. Web. 2415. Housekeeping Rooms. CALL FOR COMPLETE LIST OF HOUSE- KEEPING ROOMS IN CITY. WE HAVE THE BEST IN CITY. CALL TYLER lOOf. WANT AD. ASK ABOUT OUR BEE ROOM LIST. PUBLISHED EVERY WEEK FREE OF CHARGE FOR THE BENEFIT OF OUR ADVERTISERS AND READERS. ATLANTIC 1000. WANT AD. HOUSEKEEPING rooms in private home; no children; couple employed preferred. 1010 South 29th St.. Phone Harney 0230. TWO 2-room suites. HA. 2505. DG. 7986. Board and Rooms. FOR CHOICE BOARD AND RM. WATCH THE BEE WANT ADS. AND IF YOU DO NOT FIND WHAT YOU WANT IN THE WANT COLUMN CALL AT. 1000 AND ASK ABOUT OUR COMPLETE LIST OF ROOMS. 2212 MASON Large rooms, 2 or 3 gentle men, best home conking; walking dia tame. Atlantlo 4682. EXCELLENT board and room, private home. Harney line, for gentlemen. Harney 1297. 4320 WAKELEY, large front room and board for 3; private home. Walnut 1244. FOR RENT HOUSES. Furnished. SPLENDID 7-room home, highly fur nished, can be had three months to year. References exchanged, ii&it. Call Douglas 6136. STRICTLY modern 8-room home, heat, janitor service. HA. 0261. steam Unfurnished. FOR RENT. 3672 Davenport, 8 rooms, modern. Im mediate possession; 890. Jackson 1264, Monday. FIVE AND SIX-room house for rent at 3330 Manderson; electi-lv lights, gas and water. Inquire 33304 Mamlerson. 8IX-ROOM modern house: walking, dis tance. Phone Webstep 3868. FOR RENT APTS. AND FLATS. Furnished. For Rent Furnished Seven-room. modern, near -2d and Dodge streets, Including piano and fur ntshliigs complete. Very desirable and reasonable rent. Walnut 3943. THREE nice rooms, private bath, fur nished complete, 17 week. 2010 N. 23d St.. WE. 1S68. TWO front room apartment furnished. join California St. Unfurnished. Modern Light Housekeeping Apartments Itent, $42.60 per month. In the Dres den or Aberdeen apartments. Only 10 minutes' walk to business district. These apartments consist of large liv ing room, private bath, kitchenette and bed closet. Oniy a. small amount of furniture is needed to make a com fortable home. There are not many of these apartments left, so jou had bet ter make a reservation now, to be sure of one for the wlntee. 121 Drake Court, 22d and Jones. Drake Rental Agency ' Jackson 2S03. J-ROOM suite, modern, unfurnished, with large hall, pantry, clothea closet,' also linen closet, bath adjoining, newly dec orated, polished floors, gas, electricity, heat, water furnished; no other roomer In houae. Phone and laundry privileges. Prefer man and wife only. Reference required. 650 S. 50th. Harney 6730. DANDY APARTMENT Oak finished In college terrace. Built-in bed, ideal ar rangement.' Immediate possession. Bent, 15 and 857.50. Bedford-Johnston Co., 404 World-Herald Bldg. JA. 1734. FIVE, nice rooms and bth, second floor, brick building. 207 S. 13th: St.; modern except heat: rent 140. BIRKETT A CO.. 350 Petera Trust Bldg.. Jsckann 0433. VERY desirable 6-room apartment in th Portland Apartment. Park avenue and Leavenworth Street. Call Jackson 2405. DRAKE RENTAL AGENCY. Peters Trust Company, Speciallai IB partmenl management FOR RENT Business Property DESIRABLE offlr apace lo Wead bldg. F. l. WEAD. 314 Sooth 1th St. AT. 0151. GOOD tor In gvnd location. r . U n tiA u. ath St Atlantic St 1- H. BANNER SEE r. I). WEAD." t.. 1 RACK AGC "iltl t'J. lSTH ST POR RENT Busint Protwrty, TIIU'KAUK niOPICRT. Ta si.iraiooir 4"l. fronting an Naift track, atndn lo alley; alao IMI6 kacanl gruund adiolnin between N and O trel an Railroad aitnu. Apply I J. F. MI'RPIIY. 4411 South Sub 4H. Market 0071. M0V1N0 AND STORAGE. FIDELITY -aV5V8h CO gTllRAOn MOVING, PACKING HOUSEHOLD UOODM AND PIANOS, nAN Allt.E HATES. REDUCED FREIGHT RATKM TO ALL PHINCIPAli CITICH. 117-11 Howard 81, Jarkann !44, FIHEPItlMlie WAREIIOUHE. g.paraia loik.d room for household good and piano, moving, packing " sniuinng, JEKINH OMAHA VAN AND STORAGE, 40 fmuth Kill. Douglaa 4143. METROPOLITAN VAN and STORAGE CO". Owned by H R. Howen Co. Atlantic 44", E8TIMATKS furnlahed on storage' tno Ing, Contract tkii by tub nr In. Illnb Van A Blorag lu JA. 41J4 AT. 2i JacUaon 0'.44. 1320 Farnam bt. PjOJJLTRY AND PET STOCK. Incubators About 1-9 prlc; ciprra paid .ze.ejfg; guaratiieeti ; popular man- II House, -IK. Monlgall, Kan. City, M AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE. I920 OI.DSMOBILB TOURING. ' This I a nearly new light Mix Old mobile and I In ftrat i laea roii.hllon I very respect. Ha had very Illl lo U- and carries complcto equipment, Incluu In extra lire. etc. We will guarantee this car In every way snd tit prlc I right. Call Dougla 147". GUY. L. SMITH. We Make the Price On Tires Since announcing our ant of allghtl used tire, w have been rusheil wit ordera. Thea are not unknown makes, keep lurg' stuck on hand alway and nr passing the saving, on to oui customers. Incluileo In our cut pri stuck ar such well-known make ar Goodrich Fisk v Firestone U. S. Gocd;cir W sr putting on set very day. Next time you are out thla way, com In and Inspect tlirm. W hav all sizes, a few ar listed below. On doilar de posit mutt accompany II mall order. 30x3 13 no 3.60 4 60 4.76 6.00 6 00 4.00 4.60 10.00 CHEAP. 30x3 li, ,. .",2x3 ',4 . 3I4 ... 32x4 34x4 .... 34x4'i ., 85x4'.;, ., 35x5 .... NEW 'dirt TIKES Adams Tire & Rubber Co, 6034 Military Ave. Walnut na9. OPEN EVENINGS AND SUNDAY MORNING. Eight blocks west of Krug park. Benson. Great Used Car Sale Every Day. THE t.UEATUST OPEN AIR SALE OF USED CARS EVER HELD IN OMAHA IS NOW ON IN FULL BLAST AND WILL CONTINUE UNTIL EVERY CAR HAS BEEN DISPOSED OF. Among the ears offered for sale are Forils. Podge Touring, Road Mrr snd Truck, Oakland Roadster, Olds Six Roadster, Olds Six Tour lilT. now Dort Touring. Chevrolet 4-90 Touring. Overland Touring and othera from 3100 up. PLACE OF SALE. Vacant lot between Harney and Howard on 1th t. NO REASONABLE OFFER REFUSED. Every car just as represented by a company of established reputa tion. TERMS IF DESIRED. Nebra ska-0 ldsmobi le Company, 1th snd ITowerd. Phone Atlantlo 1170. 60 FORDS FROM 4125 UP. 1920 Bulrlt Roadster 1760 1 91 S Hupinobile Touring 4750 114 Oakland Touring 8250 1919 Stearns Knight Touring 8725 Hudson 6-40 Touring 1100 mix i.inerty Touring .....8500 1918 Chandler Touring 8650 1920 Ford Coupe 46ll 1920 Ford Sedan $460 siany oiner models at -special prices. GOLDSTROM AUTO SALES CO. 1318 Homey St. Atlantic 0714, Open dny snd night. Central Garage. 1920 LIBERTY TOURING. ' This Is brand new Liberty Light Six 6-pnssenger touring .with complete equip vment. Including new spare tire, ettvllas new ijmeriy motor ami is a very snappy .and powerful car. If you are looking for a real bargain in a standard make car do not f.iil to see this one. Our price Is 60 per cent off list It's new and ready to go. Call Douglas 1970, GUY L. SMITH, HAVE a school bus body mounted on a 1921 Ford ton truck, equipped with a self-stsrt-er and demountable wheels. Thi Job. wns equipped at an expense of I1.2IHI and uMed les than 30 days. Will sell for 81,000. Terms If desired. Hughes-Parmer Motor Co. FORD PK4IEBS. Council Bluffs, la. LiAUGAINS In used cara for ssle or irade Let us give you a demonstration. VINTON GARAGE, 1630 VINTON bT. 1920 HUPMOBILE TOURING. Here is nearly new Hupmolnle with complete equipment, Including extra tire, etc. Has bad careful use here In Omaha only, and Is In excellent condl tlon in every respect. W'e have the right price on this car and it is a real bargain If you are looking for a high, grade small car. Economical, com fortable and lots of power. Call Doug las 1970. Cars Wanted. We have been selling more car than w hav had an opportunity to buy. If they ara used, not abused, w will buy about 40 cars. Saleaday Car Co., - Fortieth and Farnam St. AUTOMOBILE owner, garagemen. me chanics, repairmen, send for free copy of this month s Issue. II contains help, ful. Instructive Information on overhaul- Inff, ignition troubles, wiring, carbure tors, storage batteries, etc. Over 120 pages, illustrated. Pend for free copy tndny. Automobile Digest, 166, Butler Hldg.. Cincinnati. FORD touring rara, roadrtera, trucks 1919. '20 and '21 models, with oi with- out starters. W ar not In the used car business and do not sell for a pront. but ar replacing our old euulpm-nt with new. Drlve-lt-Youreelf Co.. 1314 I Iowa id St. Phone Douglas 3822 FX'R SALK Nash 2- Ion. 4-wheel drive truck with new steel :-;d. boay and wood hydraulic boiat, completely over hauled 10 days ago: 91.600. VMM take good Ford Sedan as part pamnt. See or writ Murphy Land Co., Fremont, Neh. Repairing and Painting LOOK! LOOK I If your old car need a good paint Job or varnishing. Call on m and get my prices before going to others: 4 ears experience. Best of work guaranteed. 2416 Coming St.. Willi. m H. Jonea ' HoLLT. expert auto trimmer. 412 8. 21th Accessories. FOR SALE Good aa new. one complete lop and ide curtains and windshield, for Earex Touring car: only slightly used; bav replaced with winter top. New thia windshield snd lop la or I II 4235. Sublect to lnape.-tlon; priced at 4100: wind hleld alnn worth 414. A bargain, any Eases onncr know. A. V. Iiarrah 'o.. Sidney, la. INTEr.UH'K Inner tire and rellnera do prevent puiirlurea an.l l.low.Mila. Vul. caniera Supply Cih. Hit Fatusui U a . An lit V nu lumuDaco runba Used Ford cars at greatly reduced prices. See the big sign at 2059 Far nam. USED CAR CO. 2059 Farnam St. At. 5057 Attention! Car Buyers. When You Think of Used Cars Think of "Meeks." Rmmbr Every rr on th atraoi I a tl Car, so why hilat In buy. Ing good I'aed Car from an of th larg.al Used Car firm In th e.ntral tr Ls.y terms lo rr.pontlbla ptrll... Will ik In old car pail p)mnl, bJlunc In inoullily p.ym.nu l'1'rii Sunday from I a, m, I 1.3 p. in. 12 Cudillac :. Rnadslrr, 19:0 Uulrk K li, Touring: to I e lit-t from. 12 l'breulel Touring t ar, T. n. Model. 1920 Overland "I," 1920 Curt! Pinna, l: Dud Touring, Ilk ne. 1919 MVrcer Itnitdator. 1919 Slut. 6-Passenger, 1914 Itutck Coup". 1919 Itupmnblla, 4-1'ns.enger, two I aa lec'l from. 191 For.) Roadster. 1911 Dodge, 6-Pauienger. 1919 Oldamnbll "4." Ill OM. mol, II Pacemaker. 191 OliUmubll Itoad.ter. 1911 Hayiirs, 7-Passenger. 1911 Republic Truck, two to select from. 1911 O. M. C. Truck. 1911 Cadillac IT, 1-rasngr. 1914 l.exintbn. l-rassenger, 1914 Slearn Knight, 7-renr. 1911 Chandler, T-Psengr. 191 Bulrk E-46 Touring. 1914 Oldamnbll "4," 7-Passengr. 114 Chevrolet 4-40. 1914 Maxwell Touring. 1914 Ford Truck. 1914 Studrbakar Truck. 1914 One-Ton Trafflo Truck. 1914 Indian Motorcycl. 1417 Packard "Twin I." 1917 Cadillac Roadster. "1917 Hayne Chummy Roadster. 1917 Davie 7-Passenger. 1917 Chrevolut Baby Orsnd Roadster. 1917 Mitchell, C-Passenger, 1917 Studebaker, 7-Paesenger. 1917 Chalmers. 1917 Chrevolct 4-90. 1917 Oakland Touring. 1917 Saxon Touring. 1917 Haynea Model 37. 1915 Tsckard Touring. 1914 Hayne 6-Cyllnder. 1916 Glide. Oldsmobits Chassis. 1914 Overland 83; tea to select from. 1919 Dodge Roadster. Meeks Auto Company, 047-49 Farnom St. Phone JA. 4101. BUY A GUY I.. SMITH USED CAR. A Safe Investment, This week we ar showing some very fine cars which will Interest th shrewd buyer. Our line includes practic. ally every standard make and all body styles. Our prices are rock bottom and our guarantee protect you from all risk. We never have a speclsl sale. Our prices are alway right and our aervice always the best. GUY L. SMITH, 2th and Farnam Sts. Douglss 1970. New Chevrolet 490 Mod els Reduced $100 This New Price will reduc our prices on Used Cars to such an extent that no one can afford to b without on. You Will Get Your Money's Worth out of a Used Car between now and winter. Our Nebraska autumna ar beautiful. Why not enjoy them by get ting out In the country and taking a spin In your own car? Our prices are reasonable our payment plan makes it po.slble for you to play while you pay. The Chevrolet Store Is offering some surprising bargains In' Used Cars this week. Even though you think you are not In the market for a car, step In and look tbese over. There Is no nb licTHtlou on your part. Our salesmen will be glad to show you around. Chevrolet Cars 8 1 o t 490 Tourings Cara 1325 to :oo 1 1920 490 Touring Car 300 1 1918 490 Touring 200 1 1916 490 Touring ,. 110 1 1918 490 Si-dsn 575 1 1919 490 Sedan 400 1 1919 490 Sedan 690 1 1920 490 Sedan 690 1 1921 490 Light Delivery.' 365 1 1921 FB. Touring Demonstrator 1 1920 FB. Touring 600 Chevrolet Trucks We have 3 One-Ton Trucks which you can buv at excontmnatiy low pricee. TIipko trucks are in perfect mechanical condition. Miscellaneous Cars 1 1921 Ford Ton' Truck, with starter. Pamj body 4476 1 1920 Ford Lieht Delivery 125 1 1919 Ford Light Delivery 110 1 1919 Ford Roadster IBS I Ford Touring, with Ame Body. 2011 1 King 8 600 1 Overland 90 Fine condition.... 300 1 7-pai'., 8-cyllnder Studebaker.. SOO elephone Harney 7280. Chevrolet Motor Co., 2659 Farnam St. HANSEN'S QUALITY USED CAR SALE Buy a good used car now at a great saving in cast. RTDI5 WHILE YOU- PA X. Twenty rebuilt, guaranteed cars to se-H-t frqm Luxifres. Buicks, Iludsona, Kb-NfcW-fcD Caailla-.-s, etc. A SAFE PLACE TO BUY We h.'-v the ',uipinnt to make used ca ra R H T I We a re f 1 n ncially r spousible to inwire irtiffactlon. Aik the purclmrers of our used and rebuilt tars about our policies. COME-INSPECT OUR STOCK SEE HOW WE HAVE SLASHED THE PRICES ON QUALITY USED CARS OPEN EVENINGS J. H. Hansen Cadillac Co., Farnam at :sth. .iar. 4714, 3