THE BEtl: OMAHA. SATURDAY. SEPTEMBER 3. IVil. Medical College Dean Speaks at .Kiwanis Meeting Outline of Growth of Univer lity of Nebraska and Hos pital Outlined by Dean Irving S. Cutter. Regular weekly meeting! of the Kiwinii club were returned it the Rome hotel at noon Friday when Dean Irving S. Cutter, head of the University of Nebraska college oi medicine and hospital, spoke before the mcmberi of the club. Dean Cutter outlined the activities of the state university and the col lege of medicine In all their ramifica tions, Since its establishment in Omaha 40 years ago today, the col lege and hospital have more than doubled their capacities and the val uation placed on the land and equip ment is close to $1,000,000. The applications from young men wishing to enter the freshman class at the college this year number US. Only 90 men will be admitted. This is remarkable in that six years ago the entire enrollment of the college was only 68. The club members voted to accept Dean Cutter's invitation to visit the college and hospital in the near fu ture for a noonday luncheon and a tour of the college and hospital. L. D. Ladd has been appointed sec retary to succeed Walter Rose, who has resigned. The Kiwanis or chestra has been increased to 10 men. There were 114 members at the open ing meeting. Street Projects Mav Be Called Off Wholesale Protests and Opin ion of Legal Department Influences Council. Six big public improvement pro jects of the city council will probably be called off, the prospect is. Wholesale protests from property owners that the burden of taxation would be too great, together with an opinion of the city legal department that special assessments would have to be. paid by property owners within 50 days, will bring about the defeat of the projects, commissioners indi cate. Several of the commissioners would favor the projects if the assessment payments could be spread over a period of 10 years. The decision will be announced September 12. Omaha Lawyers Favor Criticism of Landis By Bar Association Omaha judges and lawyers back the American Bar association in its condemnation of Judge K. M. Landis for accetiW a $32,000 base ball com- missionership, while occupying the federal post - lr- I 1 -J 1 : . L, accepting the base ball ' job, said County Judge Crawford. Many would have been tempted to adopt Landis' course, observed Judge Sears with a smile. , Judge Troup, Judge Fitzgerald arid County Attorney Shotwell were among those who favored the bar association's protest. ..-. Alleged Ppstoffice Robber; Identified By Postal Inspector Besides "blowing" the postotfice at Hamlin, Kan., Wednesday night, W. J. Welch is one of a trio who fobbed a garage at Emerson, the same night, according to Emmett O. Hal lock, postal inspector of the Kansas City district. He arrived yesterday to identify Welch, who was arrested by Police man Crawford of the South Side, following in auto collision in front of the officer's home, Thursday morning as Welch was driving into Omaha. . :- A master key, made out of a silver teaspoon, is part of Welch's "equip ment." i t i Northern Lights Bigspring, Neb., Sept. 2. (Special Telegram.) Northern lights bright ly illuminated the sky Thursday night and attracted considerable at trition in this vicinity. AT THE THEATERS AT t:l thl afternoon th bit "Whirl of Uaysty Co.," Emit Homann Harmonlnts and all the reat of tha house staff at tha Oayaty will (at tha als nal "Go!" and the stasun o( musical bur lesque for im-li will be on. Advance aales for today'a two opening performances Indicate tha public's hunter for tha Oay cty'a menu: that It will ba kept at tha same high pitch li a matter entirely up to tha IS muatcal ahowa booked for tha cur rent seaaon. Aa usual, tha Sunday mat inee will start at 1. Terminating performance, matinee and evening will be given today of tha eremely entertaining Orpheum ahow which la headed by two headline acta One of these la presented by Williams and Wolf, as, and the other by Tempest and Sun shine. The curtain rises tonight at S o'clock. Opening with the matinee to morrow com ps Charles Irwin In "On Fifth Avenue." Thla la an elaborate girl revue in six scenes. There are to be two feat ured acts. The one to be presented by George Yeoman and Li site la called "Ed itor of the Assassinated Press." Excerpts from musical comedy, aa presented by Frank De Voe and Harry Hosford. will be the other chief feature. Tha new bill la to have four other select Orpheum acta. The famous Georgia Minstrels will make very attractive street parade Introduc ing several novelties, and give a free band coacert in front ot tha theater. We all know how it feels to hear the minstrel band and hear those trombones slur that "Jaaay" mustc The company will be at the Brandeie theater four nights start ing tomorrow matinee A wonderful exhibition of animal intelli gence Is presented by Rhode Royal's Ele- for the last times today. A musical num ber which relunevatea one la that offered v Rblnehart and Daft, two dainty saissea. who present a vocal sketch that is anasBally effective. Ezreedlagly versa tile are John and Ella Burke, whose varied aeeonpltshmeata laclude singing, dancing an jugf ling. , jKfli. wnica are ipimniis st in. nnRn. I Dog Hill Paragrats I l r t: l ' Slim Pickens, while fn Ttckvitle Monday afternoon, was run down by a woman pushing a baby buggy. A mule being driven by Tobe Moseley got frightened at the Wild Onion school house Tuesday after- first time the mule had ever seen the scnooi nouse, as ne is not considered a close observer. The Depity Constable left this morning ' in pursuit of a wooden legged man who is accused of steal ing a calf from a man cn Musket Ridge. When last seen the Depity was making splendid progress as he just had one track to follow instead of two. Copyright, 1J1, Georse Matthew Adams. Brief City News Open Library Sunday hours, 2 to 6 p. m., will be resumed at the pub lic library tomorrow, Negro Celebration Omaha ne groes will hold an emancipation celebration September 12 at Krug park. Firemen Fight For engaging- in a fist nght. George Wilson and Joseph Sherry, city firemen, were suspended yesterday. . Steal Pop Two trunks, contain ing pop and magazines, were stolen from the Union station news stand Thursday. Returns Home Mrs. Blanche Pamp, Vinton school teacher, landed In New York Tuesday from a trip to Oermany. Rob Coal Company Burglar stole $9 In cash from the Rlvett Lumber and Coal company Thurs day night. Plum Tree Blooms A plum tree Is blooming, three months late. In the yard of Frank Patrick, 3855 Seward street. Surveyor Arrested Lew Adams, county surveyor, was arrested on a charge of drunkenness and reckless driving Friday. Arrested Fourth Time For the fourth time, E. A. Lacy, 8333 Em met street, was arrested Friday for passing spurious checks. Rob Store Cigarets, candy and gum made up the loot of burglars who broke Into the Caldwell shop, 321 North Sixteenth street. Friday. Prospective Dean Tho Rev. Ste phen R. McGinley of Suffern. N. Y., may be chosen dean of Trinity ca thedral. He will be In Omaha Sep tember 17. Artist Asks . ; Damages Jennie Frost, artist, asked $25,000 dumas from Dan Turner for injuries re ceived in a collision with bis auto mobile July 80. Named Trustee Robert J. Webb of the law firm of Mulflnger, Webb & Ratchford was elected trustee of the Guarantee Securities company at a creditors' meeting held Friday. Tighten Regulations Passport regulations Into Canada have been tightened by - Immigration officers. Citizens of Great Britain and the United States are the only ones who can enter without a vise. Must Pay Note To pacify Thomas L. Elvine's wife, James L. Mansell signed a note for $400 list May. Elvine didn't make good the note. Judge Holmes of the munici pal court ruled Mansell must pay. Theater Fight Ends Empress theater employes, including stage J hands and musicians, go back to wura at yay rtuiuuuuus ut iv 10 xa per cent over last year, Wilfred Le doux,' manager, announced yester day. Refuses Gold Badge At Samuel son, police sergeant, shied when a gold badge was presented to him yesterday, because two predecessors, who wore the badge, were demoted. They were Phil Wentz and Phil Carney. . Insect Pest Joseph Ihm, tree spe cialist, warns Omahans to take pre ventive measures against a recur rence of this year's tree, insect pest in 1922. Trees should be sprayed with a powdered lead arsenic solu tion, he says. Omaha Well Off Omaha is much better oft financially than many other communities, according .to G. W. Wattles. Omaha banker, who re turned yesterday from a long trip to California. Prospects for the coming crops are good, he stated. ' No Liquor Drive Leaders of the "Committee of 6,000" deny reports that a cleanup drive against . liquor law violators was discussed at their meeting Thursday night. F, W. Wead. Elmer Thomas and Pr. Jen nie Callfas Issued the denials. Halt Profiteering The new Czech republican government forbids apartment house owners from charging more than a .15 per cent rental . increase over prewar prices, according to Senator- Klofac, In Omahaf - yesterday. A six-room apartment rents for $54.60 per year, Jie said. " : j tj Postpone Sentence Sentence of Clarence R. Gray, who brought Tex Rickard's famous flfrht films 4nto the state, contrary to federal law. then surrendered to federal authori ties, has been postponed for 60 uaya by Federal Judge Woodrough. A $1,000 fine, a year's imprisonment, or both, are provided by-law. fenglish scientists have found that glass can be permanently tinted by immersion in the hot mineral waters of Bath, long famous as a health re sort. Where It Started Italics. Italics, or letters Roman in style but sloping 'to the right, -were de signed in 1500 b vatjutius. a Vene tian printer. He defoekted this style' of lettering to the Italian states, I hence the name. The first book print ed in italics is a copy of Virgil, print ed at Venice by Aldus, 1501. Their use to emphasize words or sentences came at a later date. (Copyright, mi. Wheeler 8ndlcata, laej I mm- Bids Received On Extension Of Ames Paving Seven Contractor. Seek Coun ty Work Engineeriug Department to Ex amine Offers. Seven biU on approximately three Quarters of a mile of oronoied brick paving, extending from the city limits in Ki(tv.seeond street on Ames avenue, were received ycsler- cay by the board oi county commis sioner!. The bidden were John Ikebe, Baur h Johnson, American Paving rn-nanv. Allied Contractor. J. J. Parks, National Construction com pany and tlie Murpny Construction company. They were turned over to the countv enaineerinir depart ment, which will figure which are the lowest. County Commissioner O Connor aid lie believed the bids were 'rood." Contractors' estimates av- eriireH vr v r-' te a nrrord- ing to Mr. O Connor. The itreel to dc paved win us io Kit widis and nrnhaMu will cost the county about $30,000, which wiil be paid from the inheritance tax lund oi tne county court, Mr. O'Connor said. J'.S.ISSWS.W Big 3 Days Drug Sale ; At 5 Sherman & McDonnell Stores Ends Saturday, Septenber 3rd ; This Sale Include ' rififio Prnnrlfitnrn Medicitl8. i Toilet Soaps and Perfumes, Face Powders and Talcums, Cigars, Stationery, Miscellaneous Household Requisites ' Buy at any one of our Sherman & McConnell Drug Co.! - 1C.L I IMmmmmm m Corner I6th and Dodfe Cornr I9th and Farnam Corner 49th llHIIIIIIIIIWIWIIMllSIIII 414-26 Securities Building-. Tel. Doug. 5347 Omaha, Neb. Men's and Young Men's $30 and $35 Two Pants Suits Extra Pants With Every Suit They're this season's smartest single and double-breasted . models and popular sport effects. Many just right for fall wear and many young men are buying these Suits for school and college wear. Choice of these $30 aud $35 suits, all with an extra pair of trousers to-match, at Men'a and Young Men's All-Wool Suits All-wool Suits, made of such popular materials as flannels, cassimeres, velours, worsteds and cheviots. Newest stripe, check and herringbone effects, in all the fashionable color ings. Fashioned in the most up-to-date models for men and young men, . $ J Q 75 all sizes at mm CLOTHINfi r.OMPACT COK.b&D000L45 Gives Self Up To Go to Prison Cabaret Owner Coei to Coun ty Jail When Cae U Lost In High Court. Frank (Bake) Seller, proprietor of a ubaret in East Omaha, volunteered to go to the penitentiary yesterday when Detectives Trapp and Munch accosted him at Sixteenth and Dv. tnport streets. Seller had been convicted in dis trict court and sentenced two yean . A a il,iia trr inn allrsrri I he It U V I w . . .w. " - " " oi an automobile. He appealed the . A I M I caC ana v. as reienea on do no prim ! tha Arrltinn of the auoreme court The higher court confirmed sentence and an 5. O. 5. call wai lent out iur Seller'! arrest, r v.,'j hitr lat It tri Sheriff Clark'i office," advised Detective Trapp when he met aciicri. All rial.. 1" era tin now. rcolird Scllcn. The detective! walked part way with idlers, out auowea mm alone when within lour block! of the court house. Seller! reported amicaoiy io mt .i,.riir mid will ba on hi way to Liu coin by next Wednesday. The Bank of England has 32 dif ferent method! of detecting forged bank notei. i 5 Good Drug Storea vorn-r Corn.r 24U and Farnam and Dodge , DR. BURHORN The Chiropractor, Sayt:' If 100 or 200 years age Chiropractic had been known, it la a certainty .that today tha health ol tha world would ha lllty par cant better, at least. An invitation la extended to you who are suffer inf with acuta or chronic ailments, to coma to my office and talk over your health prohlema. Such conference will ba instructive to you, and may lead to tha solution of your difficulty. An X-Ray of your spina will ahow ft exact location of the misplacement that to tha causa of your trouble. We make calls to your homo by ltm?nV Office adjustmenta are 12 for 10.00 or 30 for $25.00. Our Council Bluffa office la j 'fj SlSS: ham Block Phone tOTS Lady attendant Office hours 9 A. M. to 7:30 P. M. Young Men's and StudentV All-Wool Suits Splendid all-wool Suits, made in the most popular models and all superbly hand tailored. Splendid worsteds, cheviots, velours, cassimeres, flannels and serges in fewest patterns. Styles for students and young men, including CA sizes for all. . .. V 1 VsOU Boya' All-Wool SUITS You'll be certain to like the serviceable material in these splendid Suits. Knickers are full cut and lined. Also a splendid assortment of blue serges. All tt-C QC sizes from 7 to 18 years PJee7iJ Boya' 2 Panto SUITS Woolen Suits of an exceptional quality; coats fashioned with full belts. Come in from 7 to 18, $7.50 Boya All-Wool SUITS All-wool Suits; coats lined with excellent mohair and knickers are full cut and lined. Also an attractive assortment of cassimere Suits with two pairs of t 1 O CA knickers. Sizes 7 to 18....ePle&oiJU 7! sHsndC 0 Now Candy 9Ht New eee oa the Mesaoalae fleer, I tin aU rUraey atreal Cause. School Days Saturday : Important Items for Boys and Girls Everything from pencils to shoes and from suits and dresses to ice cream sodas is here in our wonderful new departments for boys and girls. Burgcu-Nosh Quality Aeaw Economy Long Trouser High School Suits : $25 Sizes 14 to 18 years Very smart new fall models In all wool herringbone and cassimeres, in gray and brown mixtures and pin stripes Sports models, Others at $30 1 $35 $37.50. Til. Men's Shop Mala Floor A Wonderful New Line of . Boys' Sweaters : $3.50 to $6 Sizes 6 to 16 years Sturdy, practical, ribbed, slip-on sweaters in splendid colorings. Boys' Hats and Caps in New Assortments : 75c to $2 In the Downstairs Store Children's Hair Bows : 49c Pretty bows all made up . and ready to wear 1 yards of ribbon. The Downstair. Store Boys' 2-Trouser Suits : $6.95 In sizes 6 to 17 'Knicker bocker styles. The Dovrnitalrs Store Girls' Serge Middle Dresses : $4.95 Sizes 7 to 14 in all-wool navy blue serge. The Downstair. Store ' Let Tom Repair , Your Shoes He's an expert and the friend of all boys and girls. We will call for them and deliver them if you prefer. Just telephone Douglas 2100. The Downstairs Stora And All Can't Be Beat Tablets, Sc. Jumbo Tablets, 10c. Composition Books , 10c to 25c. Drawing Tablets, 10c to 15c. Handy Note Books, 5c - Science Paper, pkg., 10c. . History Paper, pkg., 19e. History Kings, each. Sc. History Covers, 15e and 20c. Dandy Pencil Sharpeners, each, 10c. Chicago Sharpeners, $1.50 to $2.00. School Compasses, 25c and 50c. - School Erasers, 2c to 10c. Sale of Priced for Clearance Saturday Many are at less than manufacturer's cost. merchandise in many delightful styles. Included in most attractive shapes; . , Your choice Saturday at $1.95. Come early qualities are limited. RVftRYCOOV!l STttri" Free Movies : Saturday 9:30 A.M. Mary Pickford in "Rebecca of Sunnybrook Farm" la Ike AodJferlum Fifth Floor TwoTrouser "Knicker" Suits : $9.95 Sizes 7 to 16 years Sturdy two trouser auits, the coat and trousers both fully lined; new fall modcla in brown and gray wool mix tures. Other very excellent auits, special, $12.50 The Boy. Shop Mala Floor School School Art Gum, 5c to 10c. Library Paste, tube, IDc. 12-inch Rulers, 5c and 10c. School Bags, 50c, 75c, $1.00. School Paints Prang or Mil ton. Bradley, 35c. Paint Brushes, each, 10c. Pencil Boxes, each, Be to $1.50. Self-Filling Fountain Pens, $1.50. Conklin or Waterman Pens, $2.50 upwards. . Eversharp Pencils, 50c to $7.00. Leads for pencils, 15c a box. Address Books, 35c to $2.50. The Stationer Shop Mala Floor Fine Hand Bags $1.95 Real Pin Seal Puraes with top strap handle, moire silk lined. Quantity limited; ' . English Calfskin Hand Bags in black and various color combinations, with pannier handles very attractive styles. Quan tities limited. , Shopping Baga of India Goat Leather in black, tan and red; moire silk lined; in con-' venient size. ' Taffeta. Silk and Duvetyn Baca in black, navy, gray with inner purse and mirror. The Leather Coeds Shop Mala Floor Are at Girls' Brand New Jumper Dresses : $1 Sizes 6 to 16 years A wonderful shipment just received one-piece jumper dresses In smart, practical Linene, in every possible desir able ' color smartly bound around neck and arm holes. Girls' Gingham Dresses : Now $1.95 : $2.95 Sizes 6 to t7 years A very pretty assortment in plaids, checks and two-color ef fects -formerly much higher priced. The Junior Shop Third Floor Supplies Loose Leaf Memo Books, 85c to $2.50.x Autograph Books, 75c to $4.00. Acme Scratch Pads, 3c, 5c, 10c. Wax Paper, 40-sheet roll, 10c Book Straps, each, 10c. Writing Cases, $2.00 to $20,00. Iron Clad Typewriter Pads, 80 sheets, 30c Pound Paper, 72 sheets, 65c Envelopes to match, 20c. Memory Books, $1.50 to $5. Our own regular are : and old silver; nicely lined, for full selection, as BarW Bill TU ChUdrea's Berber to oa the Mesaaalae Fleer, 1 7 (a aad Naraey Street Calraaa. Hand "Ahout the Shop" ooooo New FallGloves At Remarkable Price 95c Imported Lambskin Gloves in twosclasp styles, with plain or embroidered backs, in black, tan, white or brown. All sizes, though not all sizes in each style and color. Saturday, 95c Also Cape Cloves In one ' and two-button styles, with spear and plain embroidered backs, in black, white, mode and tan. Our Silk Cloves in gauntlet and two-clasp styles, with plain and embroi dered backs, in gray, white, black and mode are G5c a pair. The Mala Floor New Laces in Narrow Widths a bolt : 40c Val Laces, to lib inches in width, are priced 3 He yard; 40c a 12-yard bolt Cluny Filet and Val Laces are priced at 10c a yard. Other lacei in full assort' ments range in price' up to $25.00 a yard. , The Main Floor New Jersey Silk Vests: Bloomers $2e95 These are of a splendid qual ity and are a few of many items which ahow that the new fall prices are down. The bloomers, in pink, navy, brown, taupe', green ; the vests, in pink only. All sizes. $2.05 each. Other vest and Bloomers rente in .price from $2 to $6. Women s Silk Envelopes An excellent quality silk Jersey, in bodice and regulation top, in pink, sizes 36 to 44, are $3.95. Other Silk Envelopes range in price from $2.50 to $10, Tha Main Floor Saturday Sale of Photograph Albums : 98c 7x11 inch, 60 page loose leaf Album with flexible back. For Saturday only at 98c. Other Albums $2.50 to $7.50 Cardboard Photograph Mounts: 5c . One-Day Printing and Devel oping Service) All work guar anteed. Leave your films with us. The Mala Floor Sewing Machines A Saturday Offer White Rotary Machine: $29.50 A machine whieh has been slightly used; is in good condi tion and is fully guaranteed; all attachment. Thia price for Saturday only. Rockford Setting Machine: $31.75 A new 1921 model, complete with attachments, drop, head style. Guaranteed for 10 years. Thia price for Saturday only. Other machine, range in price from $21.00 to $102. The Fourth Fleer