Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 03, 1921, Page 3, Image 3

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First Train Run
On U. P. Extension Cering for L)mau at
8:15 Thursday; Regular
irin will run at pial between
litrrinf au4 Lyni wVl September
I, when regular tram emc wilt
b inaugurated.
Si eoarhet anj lail f
mad up the train, whkh wat in
tharfc tf Conductor I 1. Uailrr,
with F, It Mtllt at uutr. W. C.
Silver, trainmaster of tin Valley di
ction, wat a panrngrr,
At oo at tin ro4 it completed
m Voder, work will begin on the
Cherry creek tpur, 1J mi'n b rg,
tunning northra.t to a point lour
itiilrt touth of Torriiig ton
1 he tpecial -train wat r.'.n at a
fr.nirniriw-r in rt.irvkM turn wha
tember o. Over 5,000 people were
Gompers Issues Call
Fo Conference of All
Packing House Unions
Chicago, Sept. 2. In an ecort to
rilablUli a uniform wage and work,
itig agreement for packing houte em
ploye. Samuel Go ni pert, prrtident of
the American Federation of Labor,
Utued a call for a general confer
ence of all trade uniont employed in
the packing induttry. The meeting
of labor Icadcrt wilt be held Satur
day. "Our union held a conference of
rrpretentattvet ot packing houte cen
ters throughout the country at Oma
ha, Augutt IS to 17 and at that meet
ing we formulated the detnandt (
our membership," tald Dennit Lane,
tecretary of the Butcher' Workert'
"I'pon the completion of the Oma
ha meeting we communicated with
Sam Gompert. notifying him of the
retultt of the action of our inter
national union, lie then ordered a
general conference of international
union official! for Saturday."
Bonded Indebtedness
Of Victor, Colo., More
Than Assessed Value
Denver, .Colo., Sept. 2. Dlt
iKmire that the bonded indcMednen
of Victor, Colo., exceed i the scied
valuation of the town by JOC wat
made in an aiuwcr filed today by
the town to a writ of tiumUtnut
ought by the Firtt National Hank
of Ithaca, N. V., holdert of unpaid
municipal bondt of Victor.
The bank it atempting tJ force
payment of a judgment of $38,107
due with interest time December 1,
I9J0, A special tax levy hat been
propoxd to meet the Judgment
The answer dcclaret that a ipei la)
ta levy to meet the amount of' the
judgment would mean confutation
of property of the cin'iena of Victor,
Shipping Hoar J to Control
British 7srU Proposed
London, Sept. 2 Control of Urit
Mi thippiug would be placed under
the tuprrvition of the Imperial ship
Bluffs Man Named on
Fruit Market Board
Chicago. .Sept. 2. rrcnidrnt J. R,
Howard of the Amerkan Farm Uu
leati federation today announced the
appointment cf 21 men to serve on
tin- farmer' fruit marketing cone
mittrr, which will evolve a plait
"whereby the frutt producer may
rktablith and conduct co-operative-fruit
marketing organiatMini."
The committee will include the
In the city of Mocow ai
1,000 churchct.
n Lyman daring the day.
$140,000 Bridge Completed
In ScotuMuff County
Cerittg, Neb, Sept. 2. The , new
Cering-Stottiblutf bridge has been
opened for traffic. The bridge it 24
(eel wide of reinforced concrete and
the approach it 1,800 feet long in the
khtpe of an elongated "$."
The bridge cot $140,000.
Thii bridle, it U aid, carrict more
traffic than any other bridge in the
ttate. and only one bridge tint
touchet the ttate exceed it the
Omaha-Council Blufit bridge.
Srvicft Soon.
Gerinir. Neb., Spt. 2. (Surtul )
Oirr llkl (ii-rlnn irrm in
tlie firtt tMctigcr Iran ovrr lte
Union Pacific North I'lati valley
rxtrntlon, which Irlt h"r for !.
'man at 8:15 Itiurtday inornin. Tlif
Whrn closed a new ttove intended
to heat three room at a time re
temblct a phonograph of the cab
inet type.
ping board if the report of the tnt
penal ihipping rommittee, made
public here, thould be adopted. .
art flocking to Lyman and Voder to
rrguter lor lite una opciing -p-
Men's Clothing, Boys Clothing, Boys
Furnishings, Hats and Trunks, are now
all located on the Fourth Floor.
Our new Men's Furnishing Depart
ment and Men's and Boys' Shoe De
partments now on Main Floor West.
Special Sale Saturday!
Men's and Young Men's
0 A
All Wool
Iff' 7 1- rfei 'I jmWs Mw
7 SSgS
II - . 1 f i
. t .- .. J - i.
Be Ignored!
The two trouser .idea lias" been the
means of doubling the wear of a suit,
and that's why; your 37.50 will bring
double its worth. ' -
Every suit is tailored of an alt wool
fabric, in a smart " fall model ; single
and double breasted; two and three
button styles; hundreds of suits and
dozens of styles to select from; in all
sizes,v including stouts, longs, shorts
and regulars.
New Arrivals Daily
New Fall Styles in Hart Schaffner & Marx Suits and Top
Coats coming in daily. -
Fourth FloorEast
Saturday Specials in Bags, Suit Cases and Trunks
Genuine Cow Hide Bags Leather
lined; three pockets; Japan- pin
frame; good brass plated trimmings;
good lock; black and brown; 18 inches
m size: a real bag at
real good price; values up
to 18.00; Saturday, each
Vulcanked Fiber Suitcases Better
than leather; warranted to wear;. cow
hide "straps all around outside of case ;
the only safe case to check; you will
have it when you arrive at '
your ; destination. A 12.50 -value;
Saturday, each vJ "
; . ' Fourth floor West.
A Box Fiber Trunk with two straps;
hard fiber straps all around; well pro
tected with brass corners; goed lock;
a trunk that means serv
ice; very special, " .
Men! Saturday is the Day!
985 Silk S
These are our Regular 7.50 to 8.50 values
985 of them all crisp and new, in white and beautiful colors; broadcloths,
crepe de chines and jerseys, also exquisite Jacquard effects.
A Special Purchase Gives You This Opportunity!
Hundreds of men hare been asking daily when we were going to have shirts at this price, and now
good fortune brings us this choice lot, and we pass it on to you. . It's A
your chance, don't fail to see them! Saturday, at jC SJ
Arrow Both ,tif and ft;.ir
Collars re8ular 2c grafe Sat JL C
A wonderful line ot new
Fall Bilk knitted ties,
priced, each, at
Men's Athletic Union Suits, the 1.50 kind; all
sizes, each, 85c
Men's Knit Union Suits, the 2.00 kind, ail
sizes, each, , 1.00
Sample Work Gloves, the 1.00 kind, pair, 65c
Men's Pajamas, all sizes, all colors, 2.25 value,
per pair 1.79
Munsing Winter Union Suits, the 3.00 kind,
per suit, . , 1.50
Fibre Sox, all sizes, all shades, pair, 50c
Lortex Rep Shirts, wonders for wear, 1.85
Mercerized Pongee Shirts, collars attached,
at - ... ; 2.15
Main FloorWest.
Special Saturday!
x On the Fourth Floor - J . S -
Men's 111 Hats v 87;
Specially Priced
for Saturday
t New fall , shapes in the new and wanted shades; lined
throughout with silk; leather sweats; - . , E?f
regular price 5.00; special, ' 3V
- New Fall Stetson Hats From $7 Up. r
Men's Fall Caps
Imported and domestic materials; -in the new
fall shapes; plain colors and mixtures; priced
at 1.00 to
. ' ...... Fourth Floor Center,
Special Saturday on the Main Floor
Men's Quality Shoes
In Buying Fall Shoes, the quality, more than the price, must be considered."
But in these two new arrivals offered for Saturday, Ave can give you both
quality and a price that is right. Here they are at two" special prices:
Men's Fall Shoes, made
on the new semi-French
and medium round' toe
lasts; smooth brown
leather; sizes 6 to 11;
B, C and D widths; a
real value, Sat
urday, per y r2
Turkish Towel Bath Mules In blue, gray and
brown; leather soles; special, per pair,
Brandeis Top Grades, 10
Tip , Top styles, made
from specially selected
black . and brown leath
ers; glove finished;
medium ,or heavy
weights; all' are on the
popular lasts; nn
specially priced, Jj
Main Floor West.