THE BEE: OMAHA,v SATURDAY, SEPTEMHKK 3. mi. 11 ) 1 V i'l Don't Let the Past Always Haunt By BEATRICE FAIRFAX. 'A mot unusual letter has conic lo me from a nun ho feci and think and who doe in' t find it cay ennlrnl liia Imminittnn ihouah lie 1 hat fared and conquered a big prob- ! lent. Walter'a letter is worth think I linr about. Here it i: i '.."I am 27 and have known a girl T for three veirs. Before meeting me : he had a love ailair ith a man 10 veara her leiuor. Alter giving Win everything a woman ha to give the was Iniormea mat ne nau no in tention of marrying her. She took me into her confidence and told me this after I had known her about three month. Now (hit doe not make any deference to me, for 1 realize that he ha been un fortunate and misplaced her tnut But what trouble me i thin: We go out for an evening and enjoy ourtclve in a fine way tince almot alt our interests are in common, iiut when I take her home, and the thinks I am not looking, the hat a far awav look in her eye that I cannot explain. And if 1 talk to her the doesn't even hear me. I've asked her one or twice, what the vat thinking about and the just told me. "Nothing." . "Now, I love her dearly and I want to marry her, and know her wish is the tame. But playing sub stitute all my life doet not ecm very encouraging. 1 thought three years oi friendship would make a difference. But that look in her eyet . comet back tometiines. I've spent many sleepiest nightt over the problem and I am about ready to give up." ' . Here it a man who has enough vision to accept a girl he love and to feel that her past blundering hat not touched on her present beauty of toul or that the has even climbed throutrh sufferinir. Yet he cannot 1 quite trust the, girl- he to niagnani- mously forgives. ' - '.. The truth ol if all eeemt o oe that Walter it rather proud of him self for overlooking, the past, but he doesn't forget it He doesn't trust the girl he loves to forget it, either. Vell suppose she doesn't? ' Does Walter wish to feel that the Woman h wishes-to make his wife gave herself lightly and has nothing of regret nothing of. sorrow. in her memories? Does he want her to be callous and smilingly put out of her life all thought of a love which cost her so much? - - . Most of us stumble acrqsj unhap plness in love throagh an over developed sense of possession. We wish to own a human soul. We cannot bear to, have a thought un shared with our beloved or to per mit that beloved to care for some thing which threatens our suprem acy, . But. it isn't possible to fetter the raind. or to say: , ' "Yoit shall not think of this.. You must not remember that." . 'Walter cannot know how much 'the girl he loves suffers in the 'j thought that she has been compelled to make her sorry confession to him. H rannnt sruess how. belittled she feels at the need of forgiveness and Jipw much she longs to qe able to five royally the gift of herself with out any tragic oacKgrouno oi mis takes and shame and sorrow. Per haps in his very Acceptance of the (situation and in his very generosity there is a tiny quality of priggish ness or condescension which humbles his sweetheart anew and over and ' over, again. '.'. . . , To "forgive without forgetting is to make life a series of adjust ments and torments. Happy the man who is . fine enough to listen to a woman's tragedy and say ' -"Your suffering has made you the woman I love. Let us forget it.". ; But if he only says that he loves and must try to forgive and accept, and does ,not look ahead to the .fuure in proud refusal to let -he past ' haunt him 1 with'" suspicions, none of his seeming, "generosity" is big enough to insure happines. " Sweet Potato Fritters. . Wash, peel and grate finely some raw sweet potatoes. Squeeze a little, if extra moist, then add one beaten egg to every small cupful of raw -potatoj and a scant tablespoon of flour; mix. weft nd fry in Crisco or other fat Serve on a doiley, with sprinkled sugar and slices of lemon. This may be used as a savory by adding more pepper and salt Serve with sprigs of parsley. " J i ) GUffiO OHO (LGRUB iW I. aac-v r l e -sixHTm'tast kiivi. a Cooking for An Invalid By LORETTO C LYNCH At the average American family cannot afford a trained nurse it be hooves every woman to know how to do tome of tie thing required m"a tick room. Thera are a num. brr of book to be had at the library touching on home and even readmg otirie it better than no training at all. It l the purpose of thi article to help the woman who ha the prob lem of cooking for. an invalid lhrut upon her. Tirst, ak the physician for a of Just what the patient may have. Orangeade it one of the thing frequently ordered.. It it well to make it up fresh each time. Squeeze the juice of an orange through a ttrainer into a glass. Fill the gl to the top with water previously boiled and cooled. Stand the gl into a bowl of crushed ice until suf ficiently chilled. Sweeten at per mitted. Egg-nog it a favorite drink among invalids. To prepare thi, beat one fre.h egg ami add to it three fourth of a tablespoon of lugar and a few grain of alt Add very alow. Iv. beating constnntly, one table spoon of bandy. I'our in gradually two-thirdi of, a measuring cup of milk. Strain and erve. If brandy is unobtainable or not permitted, add one-half teaspoon of lemon or orange extract instead. Patients u'J to drinking tea often miss it dreadfully. If it it allowed, put one tcaspoonful of tea in a tea ball. Warm a cup by dipping it into boiling water. Tour half a measur ing cup of freshly boiling water into ihe run. Lower the ball into the cup, let stand one mil He, then re move. . Serve witn tuga. ana cream. Man'v rrouest have come to me for a good recipe for fruit bran muf fins. Grease and flour your muffin tins. The recipe ought to make about eight In a mixing bowl, beat 1 egg until light. To it add 2 tablespoon of molasses, I cup of milk, 1 cup of bran, Y cup . of graham or entire wheat flour. V teaspoon of salt, 2 teaspoons of baking powder, J4 cup English walnut meats and 'A cup seeded raisins. The walnut meats should be broken int9 pieces and the raisins should be cut into pieces. Beat for several minutes and bake in the muffin tins in a liot oven about 20 minutes. " The serving tray should be just large enough to hold the needed dishes. It should be covered by a scrupulously clean cloth. Occasion ally, a single flower laid upon the tray cloth will add to the attractive ness. . Left Over Cake. An interesting method in which to use left-over cake is in Diplomat Pudding. ChoD toeether a few cherries and raisins and three-quarters of a cup ful of currants. ut into small dice a number of slices of cake, riace ihM increriienta - in a mold and pour over them custard made from two cupfuls of milk, four eggs and three-auarters of a cupful ot sugar and flavored with vanila. Bake in a medium hot oven in a pan of water for half an hour.. Turn out of mold when very cold and serve wifli a sauce made from .crushed red cur rants and sugar syrup. ' Flour , should be measured after a single sifting. 1 Like the rich, juicy goodness "of MtM-aschino Cherries? You'll enjoy the flavor of Cherry Ice Cream The special for this week in Harding's Ice Cream made only as Harding can make it. Locate the dealet . closest to home and order some for dessert. 7 f ' II i ssmwc Tomato Time Oriental Prttem (Green Tomato.) Cut on dosen lemon in exceed ingly thin slice, add one qaart of water and let tund over night. Cook in th water in which they have soaked until the lemon rind begin to be tender and add two pound of tugar, 10 pound of young green tomatoes, cut -in "thin titer, and a Urge jar of preserved finger. Cut the ginger in small ttript and add th tyrup at welt Let tunmer until the tomatoes look clear. Seal at (or canned fruit and divide the ginger and lemon equally between the jar. Grandmother! Tomato Catsup. Wash one peck of ripe tomatoes, cut them in small piece, add a rhopped clove of garlic, four cup ful of nnl J vinegar and cook until th tomator are toft and pulpy. Then ores through a puree sieve. Turn into a preserving kettle, add a spice bag, containing one table spoonful of whole allspice, two table tpoonfult of broken ttick cinnamon and one and a half tahlepoon(ul of whole clove. Add alio one cupful of sugar, one tablcspoonful of talt and paprika, or cayenne, to taste. Simmer until of the desired consist ency, stirring frequently, turn into self-sealing sterilixed bottles and teal air tight. Tomato Jelly. Use tdmatoet that are not quite ripe, cut in tlicet and let cook over boiling water until toft Drain AnvniTiatKMKXT 1 CAUSE SUCH GREAT PHYSICAL WEAKNESS AND MAKE ONE AN EASY PREY TO A MULTITUDE OF DANGEROUS DISEASES- Every human being is born with a certain quantity of "nerve force" some with Mora than other. Your body normally makes or generates nerve force . only about ao last, ana if through overwork, worry, constant nervous strain or other excesses, you use up your nerve lorce taster than your body makes new nerve force, then your nerve power becomes weakened, and a consequence your blood mar btcom thin, pal and- watery, and you become feeble, crots. and irritable. In sueh a elate you may not only gutter terrible, tortures from a multitude of alarming- eymptome, but in your greatly weakened condition you are an easy prey for the multitude of dan sreroua germs with which you. muit coma in almost daily contact, and you may there fore easily contract some dangerous or even fatal diieaie. In such caiea you ehould immediately take something to revitauta your wornout, exhausted nerves and create new nerve force. This is moit effectively accom plished by the free use of Nuxated Iron. This valuable product quickly aids in en riehinft the blood and thereby helps It to furnish an additional aupply of new nerve force with which to revitalize and regen erate the brain and nerve, ceils. It also contains a product which represents the principal chemical eonetitaent of active living nerve force in a form most nearly allied to that in the nerve and brain cells of man. Nuxated Iron may therefore be aaid to be both a blood and nerve food as it furnishes strength-giving organic iron to the blood and the most important ele ment of the nervo-vital fluid to the nerves. The effect of Nuxated Iron, in eases . of ex hausted nerve force and impoverished blood ia so 'Kmarkabland strrprlffhg that" it often increases, the strength and endur. ance of weak, nervous, "rundown" men and women in two weeks' time. In fact, the manufacturers guarantee aattsfaetory re sults to every purchaser or they will re fund your money. Nuxated Iron is for sale by all druggists. i of etfl ICE CBEAM m m NERVE AND mm n if v7 M a mm mmrt HI Ommm through a Jelly bag, without pres sure j and fr etch quirt of the Juice add h thin yellow rind and Juice of a Union. Let cook for '0 min utes with three-quarter of a cupful of strained apple juice and add a cupful of heated tugar for each cup ful of th combined juices, Remove the lemon rind and cook, skimming well, until it jellt when tried on a cold plate. Cover the next day with melted paraffine. Piccalilli. Chop on quart each of green and rip tomatoes, one small head of celery, two tweet, red repper. one green pepper (remove the teed from pepper), on cucumber, on large Bermuda onion and half a head of small cabbage. Let stand over night in layer, sprinkling between half a cupful of salt. In the morning, drain and press in a cloth to remove all the liquid possible. Turn into a pre serving kettle and add three cupful of vinegar, one pound , of brown sugar, half a teaspoon of mustard and half a teaspoon of cayenne. Sim mer until clear (about one hour) and store a for fanned fruit. ( Chamois gloves may te kept toft and pliable by adding a tcatpoorful of olive oil to the water in which they are washed. SATURDAY SPECIALS 0. BLU MENTHA I Phone Harney 0701. For twenty-five years we have been giving our patrons service and quality at right prices and today we are bet ter able than ever before to take care of your needs. We deliver free. 1'hone your order to us and you know you will be satisfied. 48-lb. Sack Sweet Tooth Flour ,.....$1.85 48-ib. Seek Cold Medal Flour $2 23 (These are both old wheat flours.) Calumet Baking Powder, per 1-lb. can 2Sc Blomenthal Special Coffee, per lb. 33c ' S lbs. for v6, Leo's Malt and Hops r.75c FRUITS AND VEGETABLES Large Sweet Potatoes, per basket ..' 65c Beans, green or wax. per bas ket Oc Large , Potatoes, peek 40c MEATS MEAYS MEATS Special Horn Dressed Spring Chicken, per lb.. . ...32c Fancy Pot Roast, lb lSe I Home-mad Hamburger or' Pork Boast, per lb. 20c i Pork Sausage, S lb 33c Boston 113 North 16th St. OPPOSITE COMBINATION NO. 1 100 lbs. fine Gran. Sugar for .$ 4.50 6 lbs. Choice. J, ,R. San- tos Coffee::;...... 2.40 2 lbs. Uncol. Japan Tea 1.00 1 lb. best Black Pepper .60 12 Large Cans Peas.... 1.80 1 lb. Fine Shredded Co coanut .40 2 lbs. Best Cocoa 1.20 Total $11.90 Pennant Flour,' guaranteed, 48 lbs: $1.82 Choice Tuna Fish, white meat, -lb. can, 25c seller, ape. 15c Choice No. 1 Iippered Her- 'V .ring, reg. SBc size, per can 15c Reed & Murdock 35c size Catsup, each. ......... 17c Santa Clara Prunes, per lb.l2c - Per 25-lb. box, special, .$2.00 Gallon Cans Syrup. ....... .45c Puritan Malt 'and Hops.... 85c Peas, Corn or Tomatoes, can 10c Quality Coffee, 45c grade, lb.35c Advo Coffee, lb... 38c , PLEASE MENTION THESE ADS We deliver to all parte of the city. Write for our price Hat. Mall orders filled at above prices good for one week. Check or money order must accom pany orders. Reference' Corn Exchange National Bank. . . .. .... . Particularly Pleasing Special for Sunday Banana Icu Cream Ripe bananas crushed so that the whole flavor is obtained and then combined with those rich, pure, wholesome ingredients that always go into the making of Delicia Ice Cream. -The result! Just try It Ice Cream The SPECIALS FOR Home Dressed Spring Chickens, per lb............. 28&c Best Creamery Butter, per lb -37c Choice Steer Round Steak, per lb.:.....,; ...22Hc Choice Steer Shoulder Steak, per lb. ...17Jic Extra Fancy Veal Roast, lb.. 15c Veal Breast, per lb 10c Young Mutton Chops, Loin or Ribs, per lb: ....... . . . . . ,15c Choice Steer Porterhouse Steak, per Ib.i... .............. 2Se Choice Steer Sirloin Steak, lb. 2c Sugar-Cured Breakfast Bacon, per lb, ... 19 Sic Sugar-Cured Picnic Hams, lb. 15c Pure Lard in Cartons, per lb. 15c Fresh Spareribs, per lb. ft)c W. carry a full and complete line el finite and veritable, at the raweet Dries. WASHINGTON MARKET 1407 DOUGLAS SiflHNEtfs; We Sell Fruit Used for Its Decorative Effect. To what extent will fruit replaci panelled with medallions of fruit done in brilliant colors. Take many of the new frocks. They show tiny bunches of fruit on the houlJers. They show girdles formed of artificial fruits held about f Twin- 1 ' EIGHT J CHOCOLATES IMNER-CIRCLt CAN OI EJ K 2902-4-6Cumlng Street 10 bars Big 4 White Naphtha Soap for. SBc And on bar FKEE. Palmolive and Ivory Soap, S bars for 23c Beechwood Creamery Butter. per lb 3c ii i ill i n Italian Blue Plums, four-basket . crate, per crate. . ; $130, Colorado Peaches, extra fancy. per -bushel i . S3.7B Bartlett Pears, box. ...... .-.2.S t The Highest Grade Macaroni Egg Noodles, Spaghetti and other Macaroni Product Markets POSTOFFICE Douglas 1069 Tall Cans Salmon.... .'....10c 1 lb. M.G.Iced Tea Sitt ings ...v.. ...12Kc Carolene Milk, per can..... 8c Danish Pride Milk, per can 10c Fresh Boston Pork Butts, lb 18c Fresh Spareribs, lb ......... 8c Steer Rib Boil, lb. ....... .5 Jic Steer Pot Roast, lb. . . . . .10Hc Steer Round Steak, lb. . i ; . 19c Steer Sirloin Steak, lb..... 19c Fancy Veal Roast, lb. . . . .12J4c Fancy Veal Steak, lb......2Sc Fancy Sugar-Cured Bacon, per lb. ,18c Sugar-Cured California Hams, . per lb 15 Mc Choice Cream Cheese.....! 9 igc COMBINATION NO. 2 18 lbs. Fine Gran. Sugar .70 3 lbs. Choice J.R.Santos Coffee 1.30 Total .$2.00 Fairmont Creamery Co. SATURDAY Regular 10c size Perfumed Toilet Soap, special, 3rfor. . . . .10c Regular 35c size Pure Tomato Ketchup, 3 Dottles. ...... .50c Nomis Pure Cider Vinegar, quart glass jug with handle, special for Saturday, each.. 24c Washington's . Special Coffee, 3 lbs. for $1.00 2 doz. bottle caps free with each set of Malt and Hops, special, per set 75c Large, Nice Ripe Tomatoes, per .basket ...10c Bartlett Pears, Freestone Peaches and Plums, -per basket 25c Log Cabin Maple Syrup, special per can 34c Five 1-lb. bars Big Jack Laundry oap for 39c STREET The Highest Grade Macaroni Eff Noodle. Spaghetti and other Macaroni Product ill waist. They show garlands and rlowers as a decor ttiv motile? Nobody know. Hut it is a (art, (or th present at Irast, that (ruit is much used where a (ew year ago dwer would have been naturally chosrn. Take, (or instance, a new and charming tea room. It walls are Itsloona of fruit on the skirt. They show designs of (ruit embroidered or even in Paris painted on the (rocks. V don't car very much S Douglaaayw. "pefgat" $1.3T Sugar, 10 lbs, for 64c Blue Bell Flour, 48-lb. sacks $1.85 Tall cans Salmon, per can ....10t 011 Sardine, 7 cans for 25 En-Zo Milk, small cans, 7 for 25 Pearl White Soap, large bars, 10 for.47V Crem Oil Soap, ( bars for ..47t Assorted Pure Preserves, per Jar....20t Baked Beans, large cans 10 1 Large Queen Olives, per quart Jar...43t Beat Creamery Butter, per lb 4Qs Young American Cheese, per lb......JJ33 Advo Jell, 3 pkgs. for 2ftc 8. D. Japan Tea, per lb 48 Santos Coffee, per lb.. 225 Ankola Coffee, per lb 4Q H-lb. cans Llpton'a Cocoa 221 CIGARS Just Inside the Door Manila Cigars OCR OWX IMPOnTATIOX flora De Intals. I for 254; 1A0 for 4 OO Adelaide. 4 for 15): 100 for S3.2S La Armlda. 2 for 25c siae, 60 for S3.75 Mosart Sublime, ISo value, 50 tor 94.85 Camels, Spurs and Chesterfields, per carton S1.60 Horseshoe Tobacco, per lb...... 754 Whale Smoking- Tobacco, full lb.484 Tuxedo Tobacco, Glass Jars.. 81.44 CANDY SPECIALS Kisses, per lb 20 1 - Borden's Chocolate Bars, box of 24 for $1.00 g Homemade Fudge, 25c box 15t Salted Peanuts, 2 lbs 35 ? We Carry a Complete Line of All Fruits Come Once and You . - ... Will Come! .' Always ' Steer Pot Roast, per lb. ......... 124c Young Mutton 1 Ol Shoulders, lb.' 12V Fancy Young Veal Roast, lb. ........ 174c Pig Pork Roast, per lb. 184c Kellogg's Corn Flakes, , pkg. 13t ;Excello Cake Flour, pkg. 12 Swansdown Cake lour, pkg. ...... i...;....,.37 Tall cans Red Salmon. . . . .25 Tall cans Snider's Tomato Soup, per can 12 Campbell's Tomato Soup, - - per can ... ,10t . Tall cans Borden's Milk, per can . . )''...,. .10? . 10 cans for. . . . . .V. . . .8d 10 lbs. Cane Sugar. J... . . . 63c 100 lbs. Fine Granulated Sugar at .....!i,.......$e.75 Shredded Wheat,Ipkg. . . . . .15c Extra Fancy Colorado Peaches, per bu 83.50 California Grapefruit, each ....... 5 and IOC Extra Fancy Italian Prunes, per crate. .'. .81.10 McCombs' Home-Made Chocolates, 70c quality, Saturday, lb ........ Butter-Nut Creamery Package Fresh Cottage Cheese, lb. .15d Best Fresh Checked Eggs. - ptta ik qqj Central X-tra Quality Creamery " ' , Butter, per lb... ...... 39 Butter, lb. ..... ,w, .. .41t Pedoz- --; -25c anaVaHaVlsHHBVH JU -Ui 0uT only 8u??estion 13 that you Off! 1C10US Vjl SlJ make fresh coffee. Don't use - - JvVlS - ' coee that has stood in the Vjfflfth raw grounds and become bitter. - ' . XKlTj feaSt. A little experimenting wfll show yon wlf fifTSv "which you like better; your iced Batter-Not Coffee served 3 cream r witnnt . . . l M Mmwmr V Y V' .,Bjt r 11 "r (or paintrd (rocla, ven when they 4i t smnrd by th nam of lh artist, s some Iroiks hsr been lately. Uut Pari hat ' (rocks paintrd by hand with luscious and beautiful jniits. - .Sot long ago in lh window of famous silversmith there wa an in teresting grouping ol sculpture. It in the lovely soft greens ol bronie. To give th tone of con trasr needed lo bring out the full beauty of th green there was a ' ' SPRING CHICKENS 63C Leg of Lamb, per lb........ 20c Veal Roast, per 15c Rib Boiling Beef, per lb..... 5c Shoulder Roast of Beef (best cuts), lb ...13c Pork Loin Roast, per lb.... 20c Pot Roast of Beef, per lb 9c Pure Lard, per lb 15c Fresh Wax Beans, per quart 5t Italian Prunes, crate $1,15 Sweet Pota--toes, 4 lbs. for 25 SO. 1 SIZE CANS PEACHES, PEAKS Ariurors tn runs, CA 16c Cracker Dept. Iten's Creme Sandwiches and Cocoanut Creme Cookies, per lb 29 Iten's Ginger Snaps, per lb ,.19 Graham Crax, per lb.. 17 Fancy Milk Fed Fresh Dressed Spring Q1 X Chickens, lb. . . . . OLC Legs of Young ' Mutton, Jb.', . . . 174c Elkhorn Milk, can. . ..... .10 . 10 cans .98 No. 2 cans Baked Beans, . ; per can ............ .'.10t 3 cans for ...252 No. 2 cans Morris' Brancf Apri- : cots, per can 20t 5 cans for .986 No. 3 cans Kamo. Pineapple at . . . . .'. ............. 30e Gold Medal Flour, 48-lb. sack ..,;R2.35 Omar Flour, 48-lb. sack. 82.05 Blue Bell Flour, 48-lb. sack . 81.98 Honey Dew Cakes, each; . . . . , Fig Layer Cakes, each . , Cookies, dozen, 15; 2 dor.. French Rolls, per dozen regular CQ.' '. .... . Cooling, Delicbns, RefresMag grrrn ratidle, lif one, litfhied and turning Mtib a brilliant or". tm. And ivttirrrJ about anion tlit slant's i big rtMinJ oi anges. JiM orange. Hut llicr gav tb right color, and ihur spher ifl shape good, too. Interot ing, wasn't n Look wide ruff of (ur on coaU are similar to the type oi ituilon curf employed on dreaws (ur the sjmnirr season. 17th and Douglas.. J s Honey Dew, 3-layer cake ....50 Fig Layer Cak 40 French Ralls, per dot .20 Cookies, per doz.,15 2doz. ...25 Salad Dept. Potato Salad, per pint. 30 Cabbage Salad, pint. .30 Box Lunches, each . . .25 Sandwiches, each ....10 Catering a Specialty. and Vegetables. 1608-10-12 Harney St Douglas 1796 Spareibs, 8ic . per lb, Fancy Young Veal Breast, lb. 10c Armour's . Shield Breakfast Ssfe:v294c No. 2 cans' Del Monte Peaches or Apricots, per can ..... .22 5-lb. box Sunsweet Prunes 65 lobars Fels Naptha Soap,68J 10 bars P. & G. Naptha Soap at ...........680 10 bars Pearl White Soap 48c 10 bars Crystal White Soap 58 3 bars Creme Oil Soap, . . .25 10 bars D. C. Soap...... .35jk, Ivory Soap Flakes, pkg,. . .10 40c Grade Central Special Coffee, 3 lbs. ...... .98 Extra Fancy Santos Coffee, ,v 4 lbs. for 98t 50t 40t 25 20 i . . . . Fresh Ceylon Cookies, a rich brown cake with Ceylon Cocoanut, per lb ........ ?, ... . 28j Fresh Fairy Sodas in 14-qt. cans. ,81.20 j Ji .4 r