Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 03, 1921, Page 10, Image 10

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The marriage of Mii Helen
O'Brien, daughter of Mr.' and Mra,
W. P. O'Brien, and ll.rry W. Wen
berg, an of Mr. G, Wenbtrg, took
. plare IhunHay tiirrnoon at AH
tint church. Rev. Thomai Caddy
Mm Margaret O'Brien, titter of
- the lirile. and timer Wenberg,
brother of the groom, were the only
" attendant. Only relativei ol the cou-
pie were pretent.
. The bride hii graduated from
nrthany college in Kanat and at-
tended Iowa State college at A met,
where the was a member of Alpha
t"" Gamma Delta.
Mr. Wenberg wai graduated from
the Omaha Univertily College of
The couple have gdne on a trip to
, Kaunas City, after which they will
reside at the l'almer apartments.
j- Iowa Wedding.
Announcement have been re-
reived telling of the marriage on
Thuriday at Moorhead, la., of
, Leone Anita, daughter of Mr. and
Mr i, Charlet E. Moorhead of Moor
'" head, la., and Earl Norman Bret
. man of Amet, la., aon of Theodore
- Bremman of this citv.
. The Kev. V. M. fclUlon of Ute,
' la., former pastor of the bride's fam-
- ily. performed the ceremony. The
T bride i a graduate of voice under
m' Dean Holmei Cowper of Drake uni-
vemity and i a member of Mu i'hi
"Fpiilon and Alpha 'Chi Omega
Mr. Brrtaman is a graduate of
'Omaha High school unci of Iowa
Slate college at Ames, lie served!
- as lieutenant in the world war. lie
' it a member of several fraternities
" including Alpha (ianima Klio, l'hi
Kappa Plit, Gamma Sigma, Delta,
. Sigma Delta Chi and Alpha eta.
The young couple will reside at
Ames, la., on their return from
.Christmas Lake.
Federated Club Notes.
The Grand Island Woman's club
'..will celebrate its second birthday an
; nivcrsary with a I o'clock luncheon,
October 3. '
m The membership committee is
planning a campaign for new incni
- hers during the month of Scptem
. ber. The goal set is 500 en-
thusia.-ilic.i live members for next
year. Every woman of the city who
-cares to unite ber influence rnd en-
terprise for the betterment of the
educational, social and moral concil
ia tions of the community is welcome.
Mrs. W. A. Prince is president of
the club, which is one of the most
active women's organizations in the
'A state.
' Pre-Nuptial Dinner.
Mr. and Mrs. Alan McDonald will
entertain at dinner, at their home
Friday evening, in honor of Miss
".Margrctha Grimmcll, fiancee . of
George Flack, and members of the
- Flack-Grimruel wedding party. .
What's What
Dain pom cards are used only to
convey brief and buiinesslike mes
taget. Thete cards cost one-half the
pottage required for ordinary letters;
for this reason, at well as for the
accompanying economy of time,
mimeographed, printed or written
pott cards are customarily utilized
lor notices of meetings.
It is not good form to write a
personal note on a government pos
tal. Hasty travelers have nude a
convenient exception of the omni
present pictorial cards which, al
though quite as public as the offi
cial postals are frequently uied to
send messages concerning safe arri
val, etc. But the ultra-conservative
persons, even when they are hurried,
prefer to take an extra minute ot
time and an extra pennyworth of
postage to inclose the card in an ad
dressed envelope. This may be a
wie precaution if the message is at
all confidential, and if the open card
would be likely to come under the
inspection of inquisitive eyes.
(Copyright, by rublle Ledger Co.)
Problems That Perplex
Shower for Miss Youngman.
Miss Elizabeth Youngman, fiancee
of Carle E. Dhnond, was honor guest
at a miscellaneous shower given by
Miss Ruth Allen at her v home
Thursday evening. Fourteen guests
attended. - .
Mr. and Mrs. William Ritchie are
borne from an eastern trip.
Ruth Nickum is spending the week
in Seward, Neb., with relatives.
Miss Gertrude Kountze will re
turn Sunday from Des Moines.
Lewis Carr has returned from Fort
Sneiling, where he was in camp.
The condition of Mrs. L. A. Dictz,
who is ill at the C. X. Dictz home,
is improved.
Mrs.' O. D. Kipliuger and son,
Donald, have returned from a motor
trip to Kansas City.
Miss Helen Rogers, daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. II. M. Rogers, will en
ter assar college tins year.
A 1 son. Dominico, was born to
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Sansillipo, Fri
day, at St. Josephs hospital.
Mr. and Mrs. Martin Bush and
daughter, Patricia, have returned
from a motor trip to Minnesota.
A daughter. Catherine Anne, was,
born Thursday to Mr. and Mrs: J.
A. Hanahan at St. Josephs hospital.
Miss Elinor Kountze, daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. C. T. Kountze, who
recently underwent an operation for
appendicitis in Boston, had a second
operation performed upon her Wed
nesday. - Her condition is reported
to be 'serious. , ,
Stylish School Shoes
That Are Serviceable as Well
Our stocks of juvenile' footwear for; this .
autumn and winter are. complete to the last
detail. Those parents who in the past have
supplied the children's needs from this store
know that they practiced real economy. To
those who have not we can only urge you
to see for yourself the advantages offered
. in style, serviceable quality and price.
Bring the Children in Tomorrow ! '
' - 16th and Douglas Streets
The Lure of Money.
Paar Miss t'alrtax: 1 am !6. Have
t een thinking about roarrlaia (or the
last tw year, but finding a real
companion ia o dirncult that I fl
InrhneJ to siv It up.
I have met many girls. Every on
was gla4 to meet ma and ready to
help ma waata my earnings. M"t of
them would hava considered being
loving wife, If I could provide an
absolutely comfortable hums. Money
teems to ha the absorbing Idea.
Not long ago I bad the opportunity
of reading on Interesting artle-la
of voura about "home makera and
homo wrerkem," Wonder whether
tha forniee claa has l''n exlln
gulshsd. If It hua not cnjld you Blve
edvii-fl in tha search for a faithful
I am a small water earner. Money
never lured me, and hope It never
will. 1 have Iota of ambition, but no
mmiry ambition. Thouuh It la dim
cult to find a person who will agree
with ma In that Darticular Hunt,
do not doubt there might be aomt
one. J. M.
Wo are Jiving- In a period of phy
Meal rather than spiritual longtime.
Iut not everyone contributes to thia
atmosphere. J'robably tha very girls
who attract you are tha onea or
whom you cannot approve, for you
know subconsciously that they won t
be sutlbfled with the aimpia things
you can provide. I've an Idea that if
you were to beatlr yourself find work
hard to earn some of the things you
desire. Instead of Hitting back and
approving of yourself because your
Ideala are above those of your mer
cenary acquaintances, you would be
better off. Wo all get what we want
In this world "provided only we hold
the Idea firmly enough and hustle."
Iuttlng Ijove to the Test, Mlsa Knlrfax: I have bren
going about with a man of 25 since
last summer.. I am 19. When I am
in his company he seems to care for
no ono but me, and yet has never
said anything to encourage me or
told me he cared for me. I like him
very much. I am moving away soon
and I want to find out how much lie
cares for me before I go. I must
rind out how much he cares for "me.
Now. how can I? Please advise me.
The fact of your near departure
may bring the man to a realization
of hla feelings. If you are willing to
risk everything and are tine enough
to want htm to be sqimre and tell
you honestly it he doesn't feel as
you do. then you might talk the mat
ter over without mental reservation.
You canj't perform miracles but
you can stake everything on abso
lute frankness and a brave standing
by your feelings.
TUirht or Wrons Hero?
Dear Miss Fairfax: I am an only
daughter, with five brothers, and we
have no mother, so that on a matter
rif thia kind I have no one to go to.
and wish you would please advise
During my high school days I be
came friends with ono of .liy school
mates. This friendship increased
during his college days. He has just
graduated and started out in the
business world. During his college
days I was the only girl ae ever In
vited to any of the school affairs.
There has never been any talk be
tween us of love, but all our friends,
both his and mine, believe we are
engaaed and tease me about my an
nouncing It now that he la through
with his studies. At all a fairs we
two are coupled together and every,
on always speaks of ua two aa be
ing engaged. '
This la, of course, keeping other
men away from our home. I do care
much for this young man. but I do
not like the embarrassment. I am
sure they must say tha same things
to him, and If he war aerioua aon I
you think he ought to say something
to ine? I am not anxious to marry
now nnd would be perfectly willing
to wall until h la settled a long aa
there was some uderstanding be-
twen iis. I cant spisk to hlin on
the matter. Do you think anyone In
my family should, In a tnctful way?
I don't want them to, but know my
brother wanta to, J. Si.
I'robahly the renson for the young
man's silence la his financial situa
tion. I suppose ha isn't in a posi
tion to marry. Kit her pride or stub
bornness may be keeping him from
asking you to wait. Uut In any case
he is either selfish and Indifferent to
the poaltinn In which he's putting
you or he doesn't care for you except
aa a rriend. I see no reason why you
shouldn't permit one of yoir broth
era to approach hhn tactfully on the
subject. If the man docs care for
you your brother's asking him about
bin feelings for you won't destroy
them. If he doesn't care you'll be
better off knowing It now and not
golna on with the weaving of dreams
about the wrong hero. -
Out of the Running.
"Really, you know,"vhe drawled,
"I can't decide whether to marry a
merely beautiful girl or a girl with
"I'm afraid." she told him gently,
"that you will never marry either."
"Kh. why not?" he demanded.
"Why, she explained kindly, "a
beautiful girl could do better and a
girl with brains would know better."
butterfly Salad.
(iood sound tomatoes, red cr yel
low, rut in slices little more than a
quarter of an inch in thickness, put
curved sides facing each ulhei, thus
resembling wings. Cream cheese
colored green, ol cone like shape lor
body. A seedless raisin (or tlu head,
swelled in water until plump and
easily shaped, or a head made of ths
Things You'll Love
To Make.
Ribbon. Trimmed Curtains
SimpU wmyt to Af rf
reeiiNf fuse
Tired, aching feet are a needles
handicap. You can free yourself
from constant nervous strain and
annoyance, from smarting and ex
cessive perspiration.
Thanks to scientists who have
made a study of the feet. Blue-iay
Treatment is now bringing relief to
men and women everywhere.
A refreshing, deodorant bath with
Blue-jay Foot Soap, a cooling,
soothing massage with Blue-jay
Foot Relief, and then a light coating
of Blue-jay Foot Powder this is
bliss for tired, aching feet.
Write for free booklet "The
Proper Care of the Feet" to Bauer
& Black, Chicago.
Your druggist has
yrllow of a barj boiled egg, mathrd,
moittened with a little inavonnaite
with liny points of clove (r eyrs.
Antennae of green pepper or t u ft Ira
or pimento, according to the color of
the tomato, so that there ai ron.
trading colors. Arrange Hal on in
dividual plates with lettuce leaves
round or water crets; if the toiusto
slices are laige, cut In two, being
sure to bae the curved aide in, i
lacing each other, body between. Pu(
a little French dressing over and 4
Bee Want Ad produce Reulta i
Ordsri et
11.00 er Mere
to Any Part
of the City.
Phone AT Untie 4603
Mall Orders
1814-16 18 Farnam Stmt Phone AT Untie 4603
Foot Treatment
Keeps feet feeliag flue
Ribbon-trimmed curtains are easy
to make and look so charming on
bedroom windows. Make simple cur
tains of voile or marquisette. Draw
sufficient threads to have the hem
stitching three-eighths inch wide
Make double hemstitching. Use one
fourth inch ribbon of a color to har
monize with the color scheme of the
rooin. Run the ribbon through the
hemstitching on the side and bottom.
Finish the corner with a flower
made of loops of the ribbon. These
ribbon-trimmed curtains are lovely
in their simplicity. FLORA.
Copyright, 1921, by Fubllo Ledger Co.
easy way
to heal
A pure ointment
that has brought
joy to thousands
tortured by skin
5oolhinq and HeeJina
K fD SPRIKa Cltf CKZNS OR DitsA. LB 29Uo
rreh Dreased Roasting Chickeni, lb IQVzt
RMWmh ee eairSMa are hmfht eUta iM I. tort. auiMlllM. terhft eaa ll thwn at hM law prWM.
W 4rrm lm hmIim.
Think and Act Ahead of Time and Save Both Time and Money
-lat dwnoniiratlon and sale f MbSy's ''omM Hf Hull, Rout h-t anil Apple Butter, all In te
punt nt woiaht tlni. fin la rut wr tor h rlntr, n1 far unttpMtM vlmort.
L'urm the iU will Mil thM waiuWrful pradiiria at
Corned Beef Hash,
Pr 5lh. nt tin ....
33c I?
Roast Deef,
lb rift tin
Apple Hutter,
Jlh. net tin .
Special demonstration and sate of Swansdown Cake Flour. Com in and try a piece of delicious
cake made frem Instant Swansdewn Cake Flour. During the demonstration we will sell 3 pack,
ansa of this flour for , 88
Meat Specials
rig Pork Loin Roast, per lb
Genuine- Lamb Legs, per lb,
Rib Roast, boned and rolled, per lb
Sirloin Steak, per lb
Forterbouse Steak, per lb.
Steer Tot Roast, per lb. ..
Steer Rib Doll, ppr lb
Steer Shoulder Steak, per lb )
Fancy Young Veal Roast, per lb,
Fancy Young Veal Chops, per lb,
oung Veal Stew, per lb,
Fresh Spareribs. per lb.
Genuine Lamb Stew, per lb
Our own cure. No. 1 Sugar. Cured Skinned
Hams, half or whole, per lb
Sugar Cured Lean Breakfast Bacon, lb...
Sugar Cured Bacon, per lb.
Grocery Specials
Furc (Iranulatcd Sugar, 10 lbs. 63c
" 100 lbs. for $6.69
CiooclYs Best Flour, per 4S-lb. sack.... 1.08
Just received a new Nhiprncnt of Eng.
lisli walnuts, all 100 per cent good,
Special Saturday, per pound .34c
Fancy Smoked Norwegian Sardines in
puro olive oil, per can 12c
BiK 4 "White Nnptha Soap, 11 bars for . . 64c
A full 2-pound can of Kamo Syrup, for 10c
1 pound of our best bulk Cocoa with
every purchase of 3 lbs. of our Food
Center Special Coffee for 1.00
Fine Delicious Coffee, per pound 23o
Saturday Specials
thia Bll Flour, jr 24-lb. ek, a
retl flour, a real price .Mc
Advo Gold Mtdal Coffee per S-lb.
can. beats them all S1.19
Walter Baker's Premium Chocolate,
per lb. , 47e
Pearl White Soap, 1 br. ....... .4B
Lars Slender Coeambert. each.. ... ..10c
Fancy Colorado Peaches, per bas
ket Me
California Bsrtlett Pears, per bas
ket 23c
The Very Best Creamery Butter,'
per lb 39c
Rocky Ford Cantaloupes, the finest of the season, green or pink nest,
per crate IJS
Damsea Plums. Order early, as our supply is limited. Quart box. ...... .30c
Per IS-ouart Crate .....$4.65
Fancy Evergreen Sweet Corn, just as it runs, per do ten.
Blue Italian Prunes, by the "suitcase," get them while the fettins is
tood: net weight. $ lbs.; per ease S1-3S
Red Siberian Crabapples, Alligator Pears. Strawberries. Hubbard Squash, Horse
Radish Root and many other good things:
Sommer Brothers
:. Friday Orders Meaa Early B
Harney 018. - ' - '
Friday Orders Meu Early Deliveries Satarday
. ! . . ' 7ft. k mmJ (.. Si.
Tka Hifhwat Gratia Maarat
Saturday and Monday
HAIR NETS $1.00 Krank'a Lemon Cream
Special Sale at .69
Elona Human Hair Nets, 25c Flexible Nail Files. 12
per doz. ......... .50t '
Venida Nets, double or single 35c gjoan's Liniment. . . . .28
mesh, 2 for ....... 25 Kosine for epiiepSy . . . , $2.00
nmir WANT; ? H-25 Listerine 70s
DRUG WANTS - $1 10 NuxateA iron ..... . 89t
20c 2-in-l White Shoe Dressing ?125 Lyko Tonic 98tf
4 o PeVokide" HydVoVen,.1!? Click's Ibltad Mjk
vEZlJu nr'iiYiH;;' " ' ' qoJ 25c Mentholatum '. 17
Beaton s Bnlhantine . . . .39 35c Castoria 25
60c Phillips' Milk of Ma I $&$ftZu,
nesia at ......... .ocfC ---u oca
85c Jad Salts 56 cach 25
35c Allen's Foot Ease . . 23t I n . . ,
35c Beaton's BandoUne 60c Orazin Tooth Paste
at ............. .22 st
F $0,00 Electric Curling Irons
$1.00 Neet .. I ........ . 79 : : - -83.98
30c Lavoris 20 3-00 Thermo Pacft
35c Cutex Preparations. .29 'y.-.y Sir
60c Gputorbe Imported Liquid H-00 Touring Solid Alcohol
Nan Polish ......... .29 Stoves at ........ -49
Large Toy Balloons, different - '
shapes, 6 for .25 $1-60 Pinaud's Lilas Vegetal
$1.00 S. K. & F. Aspirin Tab- at 98t
lets, bottles of 100 tablets, Piver's Azurea Face Powder
at .59 at .98
50c Pebeco Tooth Paste.. 39 i
30c Kolynos Tooth Paste. 18 INSECT DESTROYERS
60c DeMar's Benzoin and E1 Vampiro Insect Powder
Almond Lotion 42 and Gun for... 10
1 30c Hofstra .22,
New Gillette Razors, with 3 15C Peterman's Ant Food
Bladea ......... .81.00 at . 12
$1.10 Boro-Phenoform Supposi- RUBBER GOODS
' tories.. ...89 Complete Lin
66c Lister's Sanitary Napkins, Lady Attendant
, medium size, doz 48t $2.00 2-qt. Velvet Red Rubber
Now la the Time to Rid tha Combination Hot Water Bot
House of Mice and Rats tie and Fountain Syringe,
35c Stearns' Electric Paste at .............. . .81.45
27 $1.50"2-qt.'Veivet Red Rubber
Mouse Traps, each 5 Fountain Syringe at . . . 95t
Per doz. ............. 50 $3.00 Le grand's Female
Douche 81.98
$3.50 Houbigant's Ideal Ex- All above rubber goods
tract, per ounce . .82.25 guaranteed for two years.
$1.00 Palmer's Toilet Water, ,
, allodora ...... ....73 PHOTO DEPT.
. Films Developed! Free When
50c Pepsodent Tooth Paste Prints Are Ordered
at 36t 1 '
16c Sternb Canned Heat, ' CIGARS
3 for -25 t , m j.
20c Pears' Unscented Soap 7c Flor de Intal , .5
at .12 Box of 50 82.25
$1.25 Pinkham'a Vegetable ?ew Bachelor .......... .6
Compound , 98 15c Mozart Amencanos. .10
Box of 60 84.00
$1.00 Milkweed Cream 79 15 L A?ira' Pali' eac-'Jl9
65c Doan'a Kidney PUla 44 Box of 60 84.00
60c Non Spi 38 I : i
30c Absorbit .......... .12 . The Orif inal and
35c Odorono ...21 ' Reliable One
60c Newbro'a Herpicide . .39 J 5 to 50-Watt '. .40
15c Lux Soap 12 60-Watt Lamp 45
30c Woodbury Soap . . . .18 Fuse Plugs, -10 to 30 Am--
Life Buoy Soap, cake .... . .8 peres, at 10
50c Stationery, per box. .29a ' 1
Mail Orders Receive Our Prompt Attention
Beaton Drug Co,
Macaroni Foods
It contains genuine Semolina, from
which the best Macaroni is made.
For sale at all grocers. -
Manila Cigars
Our Own Importation
La Flor de Intal, 6 for .25,
100 for 4.00
Adelalda, 4 for .15, 100 for...) 3.25
La ArmMa, 2 for 25c sizer
50 for 3.75
Mozart Sublimes, .15 value,
.11; 60 for 4.85
Camels, Spurs, Chesterfields,
per carton 1.69
Horseshoe Tobacco, per lb... .75
Whale Smoking Tobacco, full
pounds .48
Tuxedo Tobacco, In glass
jars 1.44
Fruit Department
13 to 20 lb. box Italian Plums
or Prunes, per box.... $1.19
Crate of four baskets Italian
Prunes or Plums $1.80
Per square baskets.... 45c
Bartlett Pears, per box. $3.25
Muscatine Watermetona,
per lb 2',4c
Extra Fancy Colorado
reaches, bushel or boxes, at
lowest prices.
Butter Eggs
Thomarn'a Dairy Maid Fancy
Creamery Butter, per lb. ...40c
Danish Pioneer Fancy Creamery
Butter, per lb.. 3Vie
Hex Nut Butterln. per lb.,.. 22c
Wisconsin Full Cream Cheese, per
pound , Z5e
EggB Kerira Strictly Freeh
Checked Egcs, per doi :3e
Honey Pew Cake, ea., 50c
Fig Layer Cake, ea.. . .40c
Cookies, per doz 15c n
2 dozen for . 25c g
French Rolls, per doz.. 20c
the highest grade Macaroni,
Spaghetti, Egg Noodles and
other . Macaroni Products.
EiueMeir Bros.
We Guarantee the Quality of Our Meats and Provisions
Stores Close at 8 P. M. Saturday
v Hens
Sugar Cured
Skinned Hams
y or whole
Spring Lamb
Beef Pot
Choice Beef
Chuck Roast
Special at
Sugar Cured
Yz or whole
Choice Rib Boiling Beef . 7c
Choice Beef Pot Roast. .9c
Choice Beef Chuck Roast
at lie
Prime Rib Roast ... . . 16c
Fresh Cut Hamburger 12c
Choice Corned Beef . 12c
Fresh Beef Liver . .... 10c
Fresh Beef Hearts .... .8c
Choice Wienies ....... 18c
Choice Frankfurts .... 18c
Choice Polish Sausage. 18c
Fresh Liver Sausage ... 15c
Free h Bologna Sausage 15c
Smoked Liver Sausage . 25c
Choice Minced Ham . . . 20c
Choice Pressed Ham ... 20c
Fancy Summer Sausage
at .... ...;. .22c
Fancy Large Dill Pickles,
doz. .... ...... ... , 30c
Fancy Cream Cheese . . 28c
Fancy Brick Cheese. . .25c
Best Creamery Butter,
special at . 37c
Fancy Hindquarters 20c
Fancy Forequarters ... 14c
Fancy Lamb Chops . . .22c
Choice Veal Stew
Choice Veal Roast. .
Choice Veal Chops
Choice Veal Leg, or
whole . . . . ......
Choice Veal Loins .
Cudahy's Puritan Lard,
100 Pure Leaf
5-lb. pail ......... .98c
; 10-lb. paH . .. . . .$1.95
Pure Lard, per lb. . . .'. 16c
Compound Lard, lb ... 121c
Fancy Early June Peas, "
2 cans ...... ... . 25c
Fancy Sweet Corn, 3 cans
, for . . ." . . . . . . . .. . .33c
Fancy Tomatoes, 3 cans '
for . ... .30c
Fancy Pork and Beans,
- 3 cans . ...... .30c
Fancy Sardines, 5 cans . 25c
Evaporated Milk, 3 tall .
cans ............. .33c
Kasper's Bargain Coffee
at .Sc
Kasper's Stars and Stripes
Coffee at 30c
Kasper's Big 5 Coffee . . 35c
Sugar Cured Picnic Hams
at .15c
Sugar Cured Regular Hams
at . . ... .... .... . ..30c
Sugar Cured Strip Bacon
at ..... . . . ... . . . ..18c
Sugar Cured Brisket Bacon
at . .17c
Armour's Star Bacon. .41c
Cudahy's Puritan Bacon
at . . . . . . . . ; . . . 41c
Choice Pork Loin Roast 20c
Fresh Boston Butts. . . . 19c
Fresh Leaf Lard . . . . . 12c
Fresh Spareribs .... . . 9c
Little Pig Hearts, 4 lbs . 25c
Frish Neck Bones, 4 lbs. 25c
Fresh Pig Livers, 2 lbs . . 15c
Choice Salt Pork ..... 18c
Fresh Cut Pork Sausage
at........ ..18c
Mb. bar White Naptha V
Laundry Soap, 3 bars 25c
Special Prices on
AH Brands
Swift's Butterines
Express and Mail Orders
Filled From This List
EkNwJ1m. SfMfrMtti audi
athar Macaroni Pr4ticta