Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 01, 1921, Page 7, Image 7

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To Save Farmer,
Says McKelvie
L'ntry Into Politic Marli
DrmUe of Farm Organiia
. l . f
lions, mien ovcrnor iu
Speech it SpringfirM, Mo.
Sprlnnfietd, Mo Aug. 31. (Spe
cal.) Co-operation and not politics
it the salvation of the American farm
er. Gov. S. R. McKelvie of Xtbraka
declared here todav before a meeting
of the Missouri Farm cluba.
"For SO yer farmers, realising
the need of organization to protect
their interest!, have banded together
- in various orianiiatoni and the de
mine of nearly all of these farm or
ganization! was marked by their en
try into politic!," Govenor McKelvie
"There Is not a state in the union
that has not some record of progress
that has been made by producers in
the application of the principles of
co-operation. Local conditions have
exercised a large influence upon co
operative effort, and the more local
ized the interest involved, the more
prompt was the success of the under
taking. Organizations Multiply.
"Marketing organization of fruit
and vegetable growers has been fol
lowed by similar organizations of
grain and live stock producers, until
now the number of duch local or
ganizations in the United States
amounts well up into the thousands."
Then; the governor dwelt on one
present day tendency to go to the
legislature for relief for everything
He said:
. "There has been a great deal of
talk about the remedies .hat can I
rn'i'e to farming through legislative
channels, and I think we all realize
that much good does come from this
source, but this legislation should he
founded upon the theory that the
farmer can work out hii problems if
he is riven an opnortunity, and not
upon the theory, that farming needs
to be subsidized or controlled or
Owned by any acrencies of the state.
' . Fallacy of Price Fixing.
J he government fixing and con
trolling of prices during the war
surely indicated the fallacy of such
a program and we should keep just
as far away from that kind of action
as nossible.
"On the other hand, the laws that
have been placed upon the statute
books that protect the farming bus
incss sea'nst unjust encroachments
from other quarters have been highly
beneficial. . .
Summing up the farming situation,
as he sees it. Governor McKelvie
, "On the whole, I think that the
outlook for the farming business is
, most encouraging. Low prices have
been offset in the corn belt by in
creased yields. - Obligations are be
in? met, the farmer is buying the
things that he actually needs and
ultimately bank deposits will grad
ually increase. The very great in
flation in land values and the encum
brances that were assumed by a
laror nntnliftf n( - farmnra fan
liquidated only in a gradurl way un
der the low range of trices that now
obtain, but when this; is done, a safe
foundation will navtt Again been established."-
'Woman Doctor Held for
Trial on Murder Charge
Dr. Ely C. Lyman, 5408 Florence
boulevard, was bound over from po
lice to district court, after a prelim
inary hearing yesterday to answer
to charges of having, performed an
illegal operation.
Dr. Lyman is charged with caus
ing the death of Mrs. Lucille Payne,
wife of Frank Payne, 3218 California
street. Dr. C. B. Foltz testified that
Mrs. Payne admitted having taken
certain medicine and having visited
Dr. Lyman.
More Truth Than Poetry
Where's the rhap who used to say that there would come a time someday
When he'd eschew the bubbling brew
That held him in its clutches,
And, being able to abstain from liquor which benumbed his brain
And chilled his soul, he'd gain the goal
That only greatness touches?
He's kept a portion of his vow; he isn't drinking any now
And yet his mind is not inclined
Toward any high endeavor.
At prohibition rates for booze he simply can't afford to use
Beer, gin or fizz, and yet he is
Ihe same old bum as ever!
Where' the man of whom 'twas said that the besotted life lie led
Obscured his fame and kept the flame
Of misrht nenlus hidden.
The man his friends proclaimed would rUe and write hi! name across the
In brave array when dawned the day
That liquor was forbidden?
For him the liquor ceased to flow on July 1, two years ago,
Upon said morn J. barleycorn
And our young hero parted.
He is not handicapped a bit because he's jingled, corned or lit,
VBut if his aim is still for fame
; ' He'd best be getting started.
Brief City New
Amllt Ortlrrwl Jud U It. y
in rfwiriei euurt yeeteriUy ordi4
that Ilia pooaa uf the American
lrokerie and HeUttmnl cum
(any alia II t audited.
Waul lViruUl A reepprai.
mriit of 104 hare of Nyt-fcVrinld
T-row lor muik, in"ti(Jin in the en
tut of l.uthrr Pmk, lia ln '
iltimiril ty Mr. (Jrt Jrk, rx
ccutru. Ilninrtana MrvtwTha laat Inform
al meeting ft the Notary t lub w
r.l4 yetrdr noon at th Cham
ber of Commerce, Jugular inert
Inge will ! resumed Wednvad?
noun of next week.
IikI Long OuMtwWalier Htevnis
wan arrested Tuesday . night at
70S 1-3 South Duteenth street, on
a federal chare of 111"! pomes
Ion of drug. 11 waa pursued lx
months by a federal tnVr.
JVtw I)lmi(irjw The new city dl
ret lory of Omaha contain nearly
SU.000 names, on whlrh baala thai
utilislur tlittt the nuUtion
t t omith at isi.ooi), Thu i the
4ih iMue tt ihe Omaha Jlrevtury.
lUSurtt -d.l ! ibt Mr. and
Mr. C. A. Mallei, lull Vbtr
trvet, have born notified that th
body of their eon. Unut, will ar
rive lt Omaha r'tUtay. Th aun
w Vlllod In aitlott in th Argonn
t-hii Jury Klecilon Commla
elonrr JUrlny li, Mourh4 and die
tru-t court Judge yrst.-riWy drew
ih nam of 31 vutra trim which
IikI uf I will ba Mlecitfd to rva
a a M.rciui grand jury, beginning
Hitilubr 1.
Ilmiivr llf Mr. Otto Osier,.
rn, I. resident f NVbraaka fr
So year. died Tuesday night at th
home of Iter eon, v. II. uxettber,
Hamilton apartment. r'unewl
arvlca Thursday morning at 10
and burial at Wahoo.
Murjf AlrwUiM A tnytery air
plHit appeared out of tho ky ye,
drrday iimrnliiK, circled ovr the
air mall Dvld time, flew
away and appeared to make a Und
ine about two ntllea wt, according
to V, I. Vouw, aupeiiiitendent of
tne air man station.
Inliglil rrler The l.omea of
lloea Jams, S liotith Ciahtnth
irrct. and S. ttlnuhbora'. tit Chi
iso iri, were rnaekd by dy
daht prowler, according to the po
lice record. Cluthlna, silverware
and other article were stolen.
New Charge FII.nI Smith lime,
nearu, tut Capitol avenue, will
face another churae of highway rob.
l-ery In connection with ha robbery
i f John Koch, Hl Hanrrufl street,
Uat J Vie m be r. The Mmt complaint
waa dUmUeed and iiiother waa au
Ihnrlsed yeeterday,
bank Ctcarlnipvnank rlearlnts
for th month of Autu.t wer mora
than lio.ouo.euo hither than in
July. Th clearing for th month
jut closed were IIM.M J.MT.Sl.
Kor July the:
or Auaukt
wrra ii,M,io: m.
y were (III IIS III il.
Um r the tltsrlna
Two parts ot iron r teel that
luvt heroine runed (irmly together
may be separated by soaking titi
(or several hours in mixture of
one-third lubricating oil and two
thirds kerosene.
There is the usual mortality of guides in Canada this year, but there
will be still enough left to supply color to society divorce cases.
Curiously enough the country hotel proprietors didn't stop giving
away toothpicks with meals and blame it on the lumber shortage. .
About the only diva we know of who hasn't been mixed up in some
sort of marital trouble is Annette Kellerman.
(Copyrlfht, lift, by Th Bell Syndicate. Inc.)
Fremont Methodist Church
' Brings $395 at Auction
Fremont, Neb., Aug. 31. (Special.)
The old Methodist church building
which is to be replaced by a new
structure, was sold under the ham
mer for $395. The furnace and stoves
in the church brought $72.50. Bid
ders were few and bidding was cau
tious. Hardenbrook and Wallace of
Fremont are new owners of the con
demned church building. Wrecking
operations will begin at once.
Schools to Open Sept. 5
Callaway, , Neb., Aug. 31. Spe
ciaL) Callaway schools will open
Monday, September 5. During the
summer the school building has been
te-painted and re-finished. One new
room has been made in the basement
and the building has been wired for
electric lights. -
i jN AW
Ravishing beauty tolling in wealth!
And just graduated from a convent
What a dainty prize for the social
parasites among whom life had
thrown herl But behind her mask
of innocence, Dorothy Dalton played
her own little game of hearts in her
latest picture, "Behind Masks," which
opens today at the Rialto theater.
The story is a romance staged in the
haunts of society.
Today's Attractions.
Sun Viola Dana in "Life's Darn
Strand Clara Kimball Young in
"Charge It."
Rialto Dorothy Dalton in "Be
hind Masks." .'..
Moon "The Invisible Power."
Empress ''Bic Town Ideas."
Muse Thomas Mcighan in "The
City of Silent Men."
Grand "Outside the Lawc."
Douglas Fairbanks has taken un
usual pains to see that the famed
queen's boudoir in "The Three Mus
keteers" be as an exact reprodution
as it is humanly possible to make
it. Ancient book cuts were brought
front all parts of the world so that
everything would be historically cor
rect, even to the paneling of the
walls which is all hand painted. The
picture will be shown in Omaha
Juanita Hansen, the serial star, has
signed a contract to play 14 weeKs
in; vaudeville on the Tantagcs cir
cuit. She is appearing in a 'single'
turn, devised by herself, and is to be
shown executing several ot the him
stunts which have made her famous.
. -1
Frank Borzage has left the Cos
mopolitan studios in New York to
produce his, own pictures in Los
Angeles. He is now reading stories
for his first production. Accompany
ing him west was his wife, who is
known on the screen as Rena Rog
ers. . ' '
Charlie Chaplin suddenly decided
to make a flying pleasure trip to his
native England the first time lie has
been there since he achieved fame.
In New York he will join -Mary
Pickford and Douglas Fairbanks,
who will accompany him to London.
Father of Lad Killed hy
Live Wire Sues for $10,000
Beatrice, Neb., Aug. 31. (Special
Telegram.) Alleging negligence
and carelessness on part of the city
and electric light company. John
Cook, father of Robert Cook, who
was electrocuted August 8 by com
ing in contact with a highly charged
wire, has filed suit against the city
and electric company for $10,000.:
Scotts Caravan Reaches
Bigspring Ahead of Time
Bigspring. Neb., Aug. 31. (Spe
cial.) Scotts' modern caravan
passed through Bigspring about 9
Tuesday morning. It made a stay
of 30 minutes here. It was scheduled
Tne attraction in tne 01 war. H-, , , ., . . .... u.
L.k.ri.w park tntht. School ur fav-. to stay here all night. Put reached
eta. aonn and prank ar echrtaird oa ' Bigspring ahead of time and went
a M procram. Prleas ar feeiBC etlered "
tat Ut kt character OO,
ANOTHER treat for the kiddle ha
been arranged tar by Manager Ee
doux ot the Kmpreee, In th form
ot clrcui to b prented for three days
Martin tomorrow. Rhode Royal' Ele
phant are to lv one ot the best per
formances ot animal training that hat
been presented here. K feature of the
new show la te be the offering of Rlne
hirt and .Duff, whom vocal attainments
and effective repertoire promise a pleas
ant variation. John and Ella Burke are
to how their versatility In singing, danc
ing and Juggling. Sol Bern is to present
a. monologue that includes short stories
and a lineal comedy songs. -.
Tht kind of weather Isn't quite warm
-enough for Herbert William. He wears
fur coat and eermefr. At least, he bun
dl'S up In thta fashion during hie per
formance at the Orpheum, where he and
Miss Wolfus are presenting their eitrav
agantly lauehable skit, "Soup to Nuts.
The vaudeville elage hse nothing funnier
to offer than this absurdity of their.
Another headllner thla week ie presented
by Tempest and Sunshine. There are st
pleasing scenes In their vocal and dance
performance, and the act ! very smart
ly ataged. Their ong autnbers are ae
well liked as the dalntlneee of their danc
ing. One of the funniest featurse of the
ehow is the farce. "Mind Tour Own Busi
ness." as presented by the character
comedian. Hugh Herbert. He himself la
the author ef the play. . , ,
Ticket for the opening week -of the
popular Gayety'a lit eeaeoa ef musical
burlesque go en sale at Is a. m. at the
theater's box office. There have been eo
many tnqalrtee as to when the eeaeon
would open that all doubt to th de
mand for light, frothy entertainment hae
been discarded and immense crowds are
entlripated tor he epenlng performance
ef "A Whirl of Oayety." thla week. Bator
day. The ahow'i brand new la every re
spect. School daye fan tn lie entirety win be
Heavy Rainfall in Omaha Past
Year; Hot Wave Continues
Total precipitation in Omaha this
year to date has been 18.26 inches,
which was more than the entire year
of 1911, according to M. L. Robins,
government meteorologi&t.
Mr. Robins also stated that every
day this Tear has been on the ave
rage 6.3 degrees above normal tem
perature. "Fair and continued warm," is the
best the weather department can do
for Omahans who are yearning for
a surcease from the heat..
Our new fall Stratford models
express the atmosphere of the
Superb modeling has given
them an "air" that is new.
The Style Clothes of America.
Mens and Young Mens Clothing Specialists
1809 Farnam Street
new sugar-coated
chewing gum
"J Sm&S which everybody
s S likes - you
... ... i
A delicious
flavored sour
Jacket around pep
permint flavored chewing
cum that will aid your appe
tite and digestion, polish you.
teeth and moisten your throat.
By the makers of
t$5IfiLV xgS
'After Every Mear
Flavor Lasts?
Smartly Becoming Hats
of Velvet and Duvetyn
May be of crushable velvet, which is so flatter
ingly becoming close fitting models, with here a
jaunty trimming or tip tilting crown to make them
altogether charming; or the larger velvet hat, strik
ingly original in trimmings of Cassua feather or pom
poms of Ostrich.
Colors just any shade you wish.
Pheasant Chen) Red Black
Duddah Rapid Blue Navy
Honey , Mauve Brown
to wear with this or that or any frock you possess.
'Priced : $10 to $15, '
New Gage Sailors
Daily arrivals assure increasing popularity of
these smartest of tailleur hats, in brown, navy and
black Hatter's plush in varied shapes to become the
individual wearer. All moderately priced at
$5.00: $7.50: $10.00
Satin and Taffeta Hats
Now Priced at : $3.50
Silk hats smart in their simplicity offer a
wide selection in becoming turbans, off the face
models and straight brims, in navy, black and
brown. ? v
Visiting Merchant
Burgeaa-Njuh Company .
tend a warm welcome to all
vliitinr mcrchanta and hopta
that tho new atora may arrra
you In every poaaibla rapacity.
Among varioua aervtce featurca:
A Branch Peel Of fie
A Baahlnf Offie
A Cnttk Stand
For parcel, lugf ago, etc.
Nw Ci(r Stand
Telephone Booth
Ask Mr. Fostor
A Travel Information Serv
ice. A Reit Room for Woman
A Louaginf Room for Mn.
A Barber Shop
Barber Bill
The chlldren'a Barber.
Soda Fountain
A Nw Cafeteria
An Auditorium
for the ua of the public.
We Would Bo Clad to
H You Open An -A.
count With Ua at Any
la Our Main Olflc en the Slat Fleer
Boys' School
Hose: 50c pair
Hoae without a aeam heavy
no, xuii lengtn, tn black at SO
a pair pair $2.45.
All sizes from 6 to lV3.
Others at 75c
Children's Lisle
Hose: 35c pair
Fine ribbed lisle hose for
boys' and girls' in black, white
and brown, 35c a pair 3 pair.
.All sizes from 8 to 11$..
Others: 75 and 85c
The Main Floor
4 to li-inch Val
Laces: 3c yard
A new lot of those narrower
lace edginga ia just received,
and are priced 3He a yard and
40c a 12-yard piece.
One Special Lot of
Cluny, Filet and
Val Laces
in 1 to 2 -inch widths offer
very unusual values at 10
a yard.
Tho Main Floor '
! Many other smart hats are
priced from $5.00 to $50.00
Th Hat Shop Third Floor .
New Canton Crepe Frocks
Are Priced : $25 to $49.50
Frocks delightfully new are in clinging, slender
lines with graceful draperies to give that seemingly
wider effect ; or elaborate in trimmings in beautiful
Hand Embroidery
Braid : Monkey Fur
Many youthful models are widening in bouffant
effects. One especially attractive gown is of Navy
Crepe; with smart Sleeves and fuller skirt; with trim
mings in motifs of gray embroidery and beads.
Dress Shop Third Floor
Extraordinary Sale
of aluminum Cooking
Sets Next Saturday
Union Outfitting Co.
Varioua Size Seta of Uaeful
Piecea at About HALF
Regular Prices.
Homemakers whp want to re
place their granite kitchen uten
sils that are always chipping
with clean, sanitary Aluminum
Ware that lasts for years can
save many a dollar in the Special
Purchase Sale at the Union Out
fitting Co. next Saturday.
There are different size acts
in the sale, containing many use
ful, everyday piecea of first
grade, heavy Aluminum. In ad
dition to LOW prices, very spe
cial, easy-to-pay terma will be
All Work Guaranteed M
IS 13 Doufla St. Tel. Dout. SSS8
I ill rA
Ui U1J
A New Fall
Introducing a fall oxford
that you will find pleasingly
designed and. of exauiaita
Brown Calf ball atrap low
walking heel; brown kid in
military heel; black calf ball
strap low heel and black kid
with military heel
Moderately Priced at
$6.95 to $9.95
320 South 16th Stroot
The Ideal Time
Qmt Briutn and Th Continent Ar Host
, atiractlvt In Lata Summur and Autuam
Sailings Every Few Daye from
Montreal to Liverpool, Southampton,
London, Glasgow, Havre ar! Antwerp
Combined Service
Canadian Paeifio Kallwar
Navigation Generals Italian
Montreal Naples Genoa Trieste
T UMwml from Pltturnsiu, Quaint OM Qmtwe
kr The "Ensnw el Francs" n
"Imprtu at Brltala"
Two Delifhtful Day en the
Sheltered St. Lewrence River and
Cull Less The Four Daye At Seel
Everything Canadian Paciiie Standard
Apply to Local Aeents or to
R. S. Elworthy, Can. Ajtent, Pasemrer
Deet., 40 N. Dearborn St., Chlcaeo, 111.
Caudle Pacific Railway, Traffic Agent
A Good Garage
10x16 ft. for $66.95
Don't let yoar car be ipoed to
the weather. Buy an elegant garage
lOxlS for $.&.
Strictly clear a.lnea fir drop sid
ing, red or green slat roofing, good
clear 4-ineh flooring for doors, two
windows with all hardware included,
heavy hinges, sufficient paint in
two colore.
C Haf er Lumber Co.
Council Bluffs, la.
'Hoto jravurc Section
medium fervour