Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 01, 1921, Page 5, Image 5

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BALLOON roktumri (or bulkon girls. Wit not? Gertrude Kountie,
Kowrna I'ixlry and Hetty ton Hill cell bttllootia (or the Assoeiaietl
Charities' dinntr-dsnre it tht rtrenrtris tea room, &ritcinher 11 Tliry
will Hear ott. fluttering costumes o varicolored silk. The skirts will be
cut in point it the bottom. To C4h point ktring will be attache J and
Walloon will float at the end of e.uh string.
CieraUine Hess, who will ell whistles, rattle ami confetti, wilt be
be dressed in a clown' costume of white atin.
Oretcheit Mrs and Kegiiia Council, telling candies and cigarets, will
be In Spanish costume.
A black and white tatin l'irrot uit will be worn y Mildred Weston,
who. with Mr. Nsoi Young, will ell randies. Mr. Young will be
a companion to Mi Weston, wearing a 1'irrotte creation also of black
and white sati". ..... ... ... .. . . .
Josephine Sihurnwn and Mildred Kogeri will appear a ratima Turk
$h girla selling cigsrets and randir. .....
No costume alfair i complete without a little loy and girl. Mr.
Mayer ieberger and Mr, l'liil WoK.on, at charming children, will sell
whistles and rattle. , . . . .
Mr. Frederick I. Dcvrrcux U chairman of the committee which is
planning these fantastic, colorful gown.
Mr. Clara Swobe and Mr. Alvin I'". Johnson are receiving donation
of cigaret and candies. V
The marriage of Mi Ettal June
Ryan, daughter of Mr. ami Mr.
William M. Ryan, and Wallace
Lewis ton of Mr. and Mr. S.
Arion- Lewis took place Tuesday
i veiling at Kountie Memorial
church. Rev. O. U. Mainly ofliciat
ing. Mist Florence Doll and Law
rtnee Lewi, brother of the groom
vi ere the only attendant. The bride
wore a tailored suit ot tatip troau-
cioth with hat to match.
Relative! and a few ultimate
friend of the families were present
at the ceremony. 'Hie wedding
suoner was served at the Lewi
home owing to illness in the lamily
of the bride.
Mr. and Mrs. Lewis will reside at
7?d and 1'acilic street.
Omaha Woman's Club Luncheon.
More than 100 reservations were
made for the Omaha Woman club
luncheon Wednesday at the I'icttiest
Mile club. Garden flowers formed
the talil decorations.
Follow ing the luncheon Mri. rnni;t
Totter, vice president of the club ana
chairman of the ways and means
committee, gave a report of the prog
ress made in the campaign for
iimds for the new dub house. Flans
"for the coming season were outlined
Tjv riettartmcnl cadcrs.
Readings were given by Mrs. John
llaarmann and vocal solos by Mrs.
K. 15. McOuillan, accompanied iy
Mrs. Kay Abbott. Vocal selections
were also given bv a quartet coivi
iirisimr Mesdaines Burton Laird, My-
rnn 1 nntr. Dale Daw SOU and E. S.
Williams. -
Mr. Charles Johannes, president
of the club, presided.
Mrs. Palmer Remains East.
Harry O. 'Palmer returned Tues
day from Sandwich. N. H. His
mother, Mrs. Alma Palmer, will re
main in Boston for the- winter with
her son, Arthur L. Palmer. Mrs.
Palmer and her son are at Plymouth,
Mass., today, guests of Elder Brew
ster, direct lineal descendant of
Elder Brewster, who was pastor of
' KttU flm-tr that landed there in
1620. Following the visit at Ply-.
X mouth, Mrs. rainier will go to tape
Cod and later to Boston.
i Sandwich, N. H seems far re
l moved from Omaha, but Mr. Harry
1 Palmer found some crossing of in
terest s. He gave a lecture in the
Methodist church: there one Sunday
I night, and after the meeting met the
L.ii.r nf Austin dailev who mar- Marl-av of Omaha.
' Sandwich was formerly the home of
Robert F. Leavens, recent pastor of
the Unitarian church of .Omaha. .
Atnh Chi Omen.
" A luncheon will be given triday
at Olive Crest by Alpha Chi Omega
sorority. Covers will be placed for
30. The out-of-town guests will m
! elude Mesdames Marion Whitmore
1 Vebster, Burton Whitmore and
SNcIs Johnson, and1 Miss Frances
'Whitmore, all of Valley, Neb.; Miss
' Delia Robinson of Waterloo, Neb.;
! Mrs. Frank Mattes and Miss Han
innh McCorkindale of Odebolt, la.;
J Misses Frances Harris, Lois Melton.
Vivian Hansen and Lois Boone, all
ot Lincoln. Miss -Beatrice Mont
gomery will be in- charge of the af-
fair. - ,: V '-'
Birthday Party
Robert Btiell, son of. Mr. and Mrs.
Dexter Bnell, celebrated his fifth
i birthday Tuesday " afternoon with a
party. The guests were Carolyn
: Reoe, Frances Nicholas, Enzabeth
' J lay ward; Joan Milliken, Jane Scott
" Ainzonicttc Nicholas. Elaine Biiell,
' Sam Reese. John Lowe. Harding
Reese, Sumner Hayward, Thomas
; Reese. James Milliken. Dexter Buell,
1 jr., John Polcar, John Durruss and
Robert Durruss. ' '
' Rag-a-Ja'ai Band.
The Original Southern Rag-a-Jazz
band of Lincoln is now playing at
Rector's in London, according to m-
formation received here. Plans for
-their tour are indefinite, but they
will not return to the United States
5 until the latter part of December
The members of the band are Gayle
. V. Gubb, Harold S. Peterson. Ed
" ward C. Cressell. Bert L. Redd. Dcn
) ville S. Fairchiid and A. Harold
- Schmidt
Slumber Party.
Miss Anita Edmiston entertained
a group of Midland college friends
I at a slumber party Monday night,
f August 29. The guests were Miss
f Ruth Brown of West Point, Blanche
i Sherwood. Thelma Black, Inez
Moore, Lorene Northcutt. Doris
'Host. Miss Host being a special
: srucst from Kansas City. She is visit
ing Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Armstrong
' in the city. - .
. "'
i Directors Luncheon.
I The board of directors of the
5 Associated Charities and committee
j chairmen for the benefit luncheon
and dinner dance to be given at the
i new Brandeis tea room September
; 14 and IS, met for luncheon Wed
nesday at the Chamber of Com
m. mcrce. ; '
Wedding Invitations Out '
Invitations have been issued by
Mr. and Mrs. .H. S. Clarke, jr., for
. the marriage of their daughter,
Louise Eastman Clarke, to Harkness
T" . .1' l f
xvounue, eonesaay evening, oep
tember 14, at Trinity cathedral. The
ceremony will be followed by a je-
Afternoon Bridge.
Miss Margaret Williams enter
tained 20 guests at a bridge party
at her home Wednesday afternoon,
complimentary to three brides-elect,
Misses Eleanor McGilton. Mar
gretha Grimmel and Dorothy Bal-kaclv
Forum Will Open
Rest Room for
The Omaha School Forum will
conduct a ret room for the teach
ers of Omaha on the sixth floor of
the city hall.
A list of room will be available,
writing material will be furnished
and tea will be served.
The room will be open September
2 and 3 from 9 a. m. until 5 p. in.j
on September 5, from noon until 5
p. m.; on September 6, 7, 8 and 9,
from 3: JO p. m. until 5 p. m.
Dinner Party.
Mis Mildred Weston entertained
at dinner at the Country club
Wednesday evening complimentary
to Misses Margrctha Grimmel and
Dorothy Balbach. September brides-to-be.
"The guests were Misses
Ruth McCoy, Emily Keller,
Marion . Coad, Stella Robinson,
Ecthcr Crider of Kansas City. Dr.
F.dwin Davis, Dr. George Boehler,
Virgil Haggart, Walter Hoye, Dr.
Allyn Moser, Louis Mtclenz, George
Flack and Harold Mulligan.
Fritz Kocnig returns the early part
of next week from New York City.
Miss Eloise West returns Friday
from a trip to New York
Miss Elizabeth Kern will arrive
home next Sunday from an- eastern
trip. '
Mr. and Mrs. George E. Mickel of
Ann Arbor, Mich., are vsiting Mrs.
1. W. Mickcl.
Mr. and Mrs. C. L. West return
Thursday from trip to Denver
and, Cheyenne.
Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Welsh and son,
Jimmy, are motoring to Lake Oko-
boji and southern Minnesota.
Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Milliken
and children are home from Lake
Okoboji, where they spent several
weeks.; . y y.; ,,
Mrs. C P. Crider nd daughter.
Miss Esther 'Crider of Kansas City,
are visiting Mr. and Mrs. Homer B.
Dr. Allyn Moser was expected
home Wednesday from encampment
otthe Nebraska National Guard at
Camp Dodge, la.
Mrs. Blanche Paterson and sister,
Mrs. May Davison, leave the latter
part of the week for Chicago and
other eastern points.
Mrs. E. H. Jenks, who has been
visiting her daughter, Mrs. B. A.
Funk, at Winnipeg, Canada, re
turned home Wednesday. ;
Miss Eva O'Sullivan will arrive in
Omaha late this week after a sum
mer in the British Isles. She lands
in New York Thursday.
; Mr, and , Mrs. E. H. Phelps, Mr.
and Mrs. Bryam Smith and Dr. S. N.
Hoyt have returned from a stay at
Isle . Royal, in Lake Michigan.
II. A. Doud and daughter, Miss
Mary, leave Friday for the Dcud
cabin, near Allen's park,- Colorado,
where, they will spend a month.
Miss ? Mary Cooper has returned
from Los Angeles, where with Mrs.
Caroline Crawford of Des Moines
she visited all the dancing schools of
note; 1 " ;
Mrs. Charles, Byron Prewitt of
Kansas City is visiting her mother,
Mrs. Elizabeth Kleffner. and sisters,
Mrs. B. B. Booth and Mrs. H. Lauf
enburg .
Mrs. Walter Weeks of New York
City, formerly Miss Louise Bailey,
will come to Omaha in November
for a visit with her parents, Mr. and
Mrs. H. J. Bailey.
Mrs. Thomas Niles of Indianapolis
will come to Omaha this fall for an
extended visit. She was formerly
Miss Eleanor Austin of Omaha,
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. T. W.
Miss Florence Jenks returned
Friday - from ' Winnipeg, Canada,
where she visited her sister, "Mrs. B.
A. Funk. Enroute home she visited
Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Rahel, who have
been summering at Lake Francis,
Minn. Mr. and' Mrs. Rahel and
Miss Jenks motored home . from
Lake Francis. .' "
(14-28 Sacarities
Tel. Dong. 5347
Omaha, Neb.
Problems That Perplex
, Answered by
Why ho I'M-tuftlte-r
lleae Ml Fairfax: Tli're I a
man In th oftu-a whore I work whu
tfin tell ni lie llk- me. H bus
ituketl lite out to kIiows, but I re
(lined. Uhu0 he often upetks of
another atrl; but lately h told me
h gave lier up. Frwii other people
I hear ho till foe with licr. And It
happfiia he take her out vii the day
lit atka me. Would you pWum Ml
me what to do and what you think T
Well, Jf you will not anoept hU In
Vllutlou imlumlly ht would take out
Hume oihr girt. W hy do you liulxt
upon Mn the only Ctrl trlend he
may haveT There's nothing vron
If a man ha aeveral icirl friend
whom he like to tnk out.
Jut lrl: 1 have not known of
"Junior" being ud for a girl uiiIvmi
the mother la famous and has uwd
her name In tho mine way as the
rtauchtrr. There la no way to dm between father iind aon
where the names are Ihu mhiic, hut
with mother and daughter the
Mm." and "Minn" telle the story.
Mine. Louise Homer, famous shiver,
however, ban a daughter who I
friuently culled Loulne Homer, Jr.
I'Ii-hiiu don't nk ma to idvUe Rlrln
to bob their hair. Personally, I like
It on many girls, CNpeulitlly when
they take good care of It after It I
bobbed. Hut th subject ecenia to be
one of groat feeling in moiuu fainltlf
and hardly a mihjivt for an outHlder
to decide. 1 think you would have
to um an iron to keep your hair
From 115 to 120 pounds would be
correct weight for you.
Happy: The only way to meet
the girl properly Is by securing an
introduction. J'erhiun jour mother
would help you out by culling on the
girl's mother t If they aro new neigh
bors). If you could meet tho girl's
mother, it would be a simple matter
to meet her. 'If you go to the same
parties, which your letter Indicates
you do, you surely ran And a mutual
friend who will introduce you. un
less you are very faint-hearted.
Housewife: I suggest that vou
consult a drugglttt Hbout the fleas.
A Btrong disinfectant Is the thing to
I'lixlcd: Tea, do send wedding
Invitations to the groom's family,
Thoy may wish them for keepsakes
and. besides this, they certainly are
entitled to the courtesy of a formal
Picnic Supper.
Dr. II. f. Fitzgibbon entertained
at a picnic supper, Tuesday evening.
Among his guests were Mr. and
Mrs. Will Coad, Mr. and Mr. T. F.
Kennedy, Mr. and Mrs. George
Brandeis, Miss Evelyn McCaffrey,
Miss Beatrice Coad and lit house
guest, Miss Isabel Harrity of Phila
delphia, Ed Moore, Harlcy Conant
and A. V. Kinsler.
Movie at Settlement.
"The Miracle of Money," a five
reel motion picture, will be shown
at the playgrounds of the Social
Settlement Thursday evening at 8
o'clock through the courtesy of the
Pathe exchange and Daniel Jensen,
who will operate the machine.
Mrs. Baker's
and Cafe'
Now open at the same ad
dress, where the Qiaickserve
formerly was located, under
the' City NatT Bank Bldg.,
16th and Harney.
Mrs. Baker is continuing to
serve the' same clean, home
cooked foods, prepared by the
same cooks at the same low
prices Bhe formerly ' charged
at the Y.M.C.A. ,
Don t endure
those ugly skin
blemishes when
oothinq a,nd Healinq
Clears away blotches
easily and at little cost
' Have a healthy skin
. that everyone
Keep djdron hand
Chocolates l
; The Chiropractor, Says:
It 10O mr 200 ymn ar Cairepractic had beca
kaowa, it it a ccrtaiatr that tada? tht haalth af
tha warM waaM ha fifty par cast batter, at laut.'
Aa iavttatiaa is axtaaacd ta jraa wha ara aaffar
ia( with acuta ar chraaic ailmeata, la can la my
aflica aa4 talk arcr raur health prahhnaa, Soch
a caafarcaca UI ha ma tractive ta yoa. aa4 may
laaa la tha aatatiaa af year difftcslty.
Aa X-Ray mt yaar aaiaa wilt ahaw tha exact
lecatiea mt tha BtispUcemcat that ia tha cauaa
af yaar traahla.
We asaha caBa te yaar haaM hy aaaaiatBMat
Office aaiaatamati ara 12 far f 10.00 ar 30 far
Oar CaaacS Staffs effice is mealed ia tha Wkh.
ham Black Taaaa 1075 Caay atteaaaat Office
haara 8 A. M. ta TJO P. M.
Adele CarrUea't
The Way Madge Broke the Newt
to Dr. Pcttit
Dicky ct Junior down precipitate
ly. His fare was black with anger,
and 1 knew that be meant to dah
cut and call to account the . man
from arrota the road who had fright
ened me.
1 caught him by the arm and held
iiim (irmly.
"Oh, Dicky, don't say a word to
him!" I pleaded. "Let hint go. Sec.
he'a walking along liarmlcly
enough now. I don't want to make
him any angrier than he ia. He
think he ha reason for his anger a:
me, anyway,"
Dicky wai twisting hie arm away
from me, ignoring my admonitimi,
but his mother placed herself in
front of him in such adroit fashion
that he could not move without
thrusting cither her or me aside with
actual physical force.
"Margaret is right, Richard,'' she
said authoritatively. "There's no
use stirring tin a j.inxerous animal.
ami that's what that man is. He is
going along peaceably enough now,
so let him alone."
"The time to compter a dangerous
animal is when he shows his fangs,"
Dickv retorted. "Hut. of course, it
you N wo have decided he must not
be disciplined, why,. I'll not butt in.
Uut who is he, and why the savau.
grouch he displayed just now?" -
I explained briefly that lie was the
man who lived acros the road from
the Ticcr farm, and who had beaten
Ins wife so savagely the dav of our
arrival there. Dicky listened quietly
to my story of drivine the little fam
ily to the hospital, and of the man'sN
subsequent incarceration in the jail
for a day, and of his release upon
suspended sentence. For a long
minute alter 1 had ceased talking he
did not speak. Then he asked a sin
gle question.
Dicky Reassures Madge.
"He's the lad whose horses
plunged over Marion and Junior,
isn't he?" '
"Yes." I returned, "hut I don't
think he intended that "
"Just get one thing firmly planted
in your brain, my dear," he retorted
loftily, "and that is, there's no limit
to the deviltry one of those animals
lHlfllll'llll!l till
HowManyObjectsinthe Picture Start With
The above picture contains a Bomber of objects beginninr with the letter "It." Take a good look at the picture
and yon will find all kinds of things whose names begin with the letter "R." Nothing is hidden. You don't even
need to turn the pietare upside down. Hake a list of all the objects yon can see and write them down. Tht
answer having the largest and nearest correct list of words will be awarded first prise ; second best, second prise, etc.
1. Any person residing outside of Bt Paul who
Is not an employee, or relative of any employee of
the Minnesota Pen Co., may submll an answer.
It coals nothing to try.
AU answers must be mailed by Sept. 34 th.
3. Answers should be written on one side of tits
paper only, and numbered 1, 3, etc. Write
your full name and address on 'each psge In the
upper right hand corner. , If you desire ta writs
anything else, use a separate sheet
4. Only words found in tha SogHsh dictionary
will be counted. Do not use obsolete words. Use
either the singular or plural nat where the plural
Is used tha atugular cannot be. counted, and rice
i. Words of tha same spelling ean be used only
once, area though used to designate different oh
jecta. An object can be named only once. How
srer, any part of the object may also be named.
0. Do not use corn pound words, or any word
foTned by tha combustion of two -or mora com
plete Knrlish words, where each word in itself
is a separate object- ;
T. The answer having Jbo largest and nearest
Correct Hst of names of Visible objects shown in
tho picture that begin with the letter will be
awarded first prise, etc. Neatness, style, or hand
writing bare no bearing upon deciding the winners.
&. Candidates may co-operate In answering tha
ptjszle, but only one price will be awarded to any
one house bo'd : nor will print be awarded to more
than one of anr roup outside of the faaally when
two or mora have been working together.
t. In the event of ties, the full smount af the
prize will be paid each tying contestant.
10. Throe well-known business men baring no
connection with tha Minnesota Prn Co , will juries
the answers submitted and award the prises. They
will use Webster's New International dictionary
aa their reference. Participants agree to accept
tho decision of tha Judges as tnal and conduaiTe,
Tba following men have asgrced t act as Judges of
this unique competition :
W. ft. Beaveoa, Cajbier Produce Exchange
Bark. 8t Paul.
D. O. Shepbered. Treasurer Grave Ads. Agency,
Bt Paul.
Was. Hrckroth, Farmer. Hudson Bead. Bt PauL
11. All answers will receive th no caoaider
atinn trgardisa af wnether or not an order lor ft
Minnesota, Fountain Pen baa been sent in.
12. Tho sjmoueeaoent aX tba prise winners and
the correct bit of words will be printed at tho
close af tba contest and a copy mailed on or
before Oct 25Ci ta eacb person purchasing a Min
nesota rental Fern. .
SJUAHAWTI-C-We gusranten tha finrwU FbunU a ef'1 JJZ
Pen to bo iwrfeeCy saUsfacw?. If vea are net eatis- ' ' f "1?
0ed when it arrtves we vtil each an re
ta saoafansvey. Poaitrvely no BMoey
prvaa wwam are
245 West Foarth St. Dept. 115 St Paul Minn.
New Phase of
of a Wife
tan evolxe from hit aboriginal in
(trior. He's evidently planted linn
ly in hi ruimtot the uka that you're
rttpontible for his jailing. I II jut
keep an rye on that lad. He'll bear
watching, though he probably won't
dare do anything until the memory
of hit last adventure dies down. Hut
keep Junior away from hi vicinity.
He could caaiiy manage some acci
dent to the child in which til own
skirts would be entirety clrar,"
He had picked up our little lad a
few second before tnd was rapidly
striding homeward. Hut at his lat
words 1 stopped him long enough to
bestow a convulsive Hug upon my
small son, for the least hint of any
danscr to him make every nerve
uuivcr. Dicky patted my shoulder
"Don't get so w hile." he said com
paskkmatrly. "lie wouldn't dare to
io anything overt. Just k-:cp the
child on hi own side of the road and
it -will he all right."
We hurried on to the shelter of
Mrs. Xierr's sitting room, and for
the rest of the day barring a flying
visit I made to the hospital, finding
Marion much improved, and her
mother tcs listless, more animated
than she had been I hovered over
my little lad to my mother-in-law's
openly expressed disgust.
"If you'd spread a little of that
over some of the times wheu you
jaunt away with Richard with never
a thought for the blessed darling
this morning, for iustance it would
be more to the point,", she said
caustically, and though I knew that
her choler rose principally from the
fact that Junior will hardly look at
her when I am near him, her words
stung me deeply, nevertheless. ,
Dicky came to the rescue, as he
generally docs when he is in a good
"Now, mother, this morning was
my fault," he said, "and I've got to
have Madge go with, me tonight,
loo. Applcton's down in tliis vi
cinity, and I've got to give a little
dinner tonight. But don't hold it up
against Madge, Blame., me, I'm a
good goat." i
Im not aware that I have ever
blamed Margaret for anything which
1 1 WUnlH!!!!!',mi"i.i 1 1 1 j I mi I II im 1 1 1 1 iirTT'tiil' 1 'Jill 1 1
This !ictur fuatfo tm Is prt of oar pablidty plan to fet nora peopla ac
quainted with tha jftnneaotav Food tain Pan. TfMuaaArti mt folk ara umg
this pea every day. 'ovw as school approaebaa. your hoy or fir! will need a
food fountain pen. Why not get them a Minnesota t- Toti. and tha whols
family will have loads of ' fan- worktnf out the picture pnssle, and if roar
amwer Is awarded first prist, wen, yoa know better than aiurons else what
you could do with a tiioaaand dollars.
The Easy '.Writing; Fountain Pen '
A better pen than the Minnesota esn not ha had.' It Is real nuaiy dear
through, and well worth the reasAnah pries ws are seninf it for. Once mu
nse it, ou will nerer be without It Tho pstented locking derictt oil the fl.llng
lerer is an excellent feature, and yon will appreciate the easy flow of the Ink. Of
course the object of this platan pamle game is to sell Minnesota Fountain
Pens, but you do not need to buy a pen In order to win a p?iia.
Ot the who's ft rally together tonight, and sn who' ekn find the mwt "A"
Wo-d. - Then srter rot haTe found all the words send your list to us. If year
answer Is awarded ff'rt prise mnd yoa liara net purdhiMd Minnesota Foun
tain fen, you will win IH, but If you would Ilk to win mora than $20.60,
we are making the following Hg special offer during our b'g booster and ad
Tcrttfthig campaign to e-rybodj who purchases 4 ifinneaota Fountain. Pen.
ir your Hit of "R" Worda ia awarded first prltt by the judges and you bars
purehaaed ft $.0fl Minrseevta Foufitatn Pea daring this campaign. Tou will
win $300.00; 3nd prise $150 0", ate.
Better stil), if yur Hit of "R" Words k swart cd firtf print by tha Mgs. and
you have pwrvJijeed n $ft-M Minnesota Fountain Pen during this campaign, you
will win the $j,0o.0 Just Ilka Fraud A. McftUgne? of WUmington. Del.
did in our recant 'S"-Word contort ..vfj f . ; . ,
Mail Your List and Rentittarice Early .
Tti earlier you mall your list of "Rrt Words ana nniittanca for tho pan the
better. When sending mooay, use -posto9Si wsAes order, bank draft, or per
sonal fties wnen oonTenient. If m tend- enmney, 1" is beat and safest to
send by registered mail. All .ofders-pttMpUy ill-4. tnd. mailed by insured
parrel post. Make up your mind to win
opportun.ty as anjtme. Start In nowt-
Be Sure to State
Tha Ml nesota
Fountain Pen
tprae in two sty lea.
ladies' and gentie
mer'e. in both the
t-1. and $5 09
atxes. Tho pens
prcaared hero Ara
our See dollar
ladVa and) gentle
asen'a van. Tha
- : f ".lfj XtvUtiM
- , rM era . pen IS
- '-: svidbasSljiSmsV
1st Prizcl.$).M' StvMO
tni ' Prise .
pictures ohovn ara
about twuttilrds
ft for one tbst
wbetber yn wish
itfaadad alter
stub paint.
Prizes, 3.00
10th U 15th
ai not her fault," hi tiiotUr said
icily. "As for our duiutr, go
; ahead, both of you. I think I am
perfectly rapalde of taking (arc of
, my grandchild." '
1 "VMio's Maehiavelll. nor t
hiipered, a hit mother flounced
out of the room.
"Well, AppUton i. at Southamp
ton, and I have to give thi d'linrr."
he retorted with a drliant gnu. "I
isn't help it that the two lacts arc
rot related, can I?"
' No, but ou ran help being late
for the dinner." V said, "'allien you
will be if you delay dressing much
longer." 1
"Vou're right. a uual. "I.'ght of
My Eyes." he laughed, and wt both
hurried through our dressing, ar
riving at the quaint old mn, in
Shelter Island, just a Dr. I'rttit
drove up with Claire Foster be.idc
him. The girl immediately monop.
olired Dicky' attention, a I had
counted on her doing, and 1 had the
opportunity I wished to speak con
fidentially to Dr. Pcttit.
"I must tell you somethini: which
may shock and displease yo'i. doc
tor." I said hurriedly.
He looked inquiringly at mt.
"The guest whom you have been
asked to meet is Grace Draper," I
raid slowly.
Things You'll Love
To Make.
at Si
Need a nightgown have a straight
hem? Here is a new scalloped
nightgown' that proves it must not.
Cut the bottom of the gown in scal
lops (large, or small, according. to
your own taste.) Face these scal
lops with a six-inch facing. A pale
pink or blue facing is attractive. Fin
ish the edges of the scallops with
narrow filet lace or a fine cro
cheted edge A new scalloped night
gown together, with a petticoat and
bloomers to match makes a hand
some set.. FLORA.
(Copyright, 1SJI." by Public Ledger Co.)
tha 11,090. to.
You her aa good aa
Style1 of Pen Wanted
' 11 1
If ess KM
sen i.
- 40.00
10.00 - IM.OO
3 00
PtoSt Plelsrsi Fne ea assseat
Entertains at Pinner.
Mai. I'eiil Potter of !" Crook
ttiieitaiiird at dinner Wednesday
evening at the Country club. Ids
itursts were lieiieral and Mr
Omar lliiudv, Colonel and Mrs. U
P. t'pttm. Mr. and Mts. Luther
Koiiuif. Mr. and Mr. V. II.
heeler, Mr, and Mr. I.eiHge Prim.
Mr. Frank Judson, Col. William
I.) tier and Hot kion I (rath.
Phi Gamma Delta Dance.
The Omaha and Council UlulTs
alumni and acme members of Phi
Gamma Delta fraternity will enter
tain at an informal dancing party at
the Council II I nil Cooutiy club
Thursday evening.
MiBiiu mlfpU Jfi Am Ctw H'aj
! aef ThtmQuitk mud Srnrw
Folks all about you now treat
corn in this scientific way. That's
why corns are becoming to uncoin.
nion. At the first corn pain they
apply Clue-jay the liquid or tho
plaster for sale at all druggists.
The pain stops instantly. Soon the
whole corn gently loosens and
comes out
This Is not like old ways, harsh
and crude. It Is the modern method,
put out by a laboratory of world
wide repute.
For millions of people it ha
solved the corn problem. It will
bring you freedom and forever
when you know it. For your own
sake, find this out tonight.
Liquid or Plaster
Slope Pala Inetantty
Ends Coras Qnkkly
Take Yeast
Vitamon Tablets
To Round Out
Face and Figure
With Firm Fleah
If you (re hallow-checked, sallow
skinned, eiinkrn-rhested and gener
ally weak or run-down and want to
round out your face and fttrure "to
pleasing and normal proportions you
will find this simple test well worth
trying-:- First weiirh yourself and
measure yoarself. Next take Msstin's
VlTAM3N--two tablets with every
meal. Then weiirh and measure your
seelf again each week and continue
taking VITAMON regularly until yoa
are satisfied with your gain in weight
and energy. Mostln's VITAMON
tablets contain highly concentrated
yeast-vitamines as well as tht two
other stilt more important vltamines
(Fat Soluble A and Water Soluble C)
and are now being used by thou
sands. They positively will not ap
se! tha stomach or cause gas. but on
the contrary are a great a;d to di
gestlon, to overcome constipation
and . at a general conditioner of the
whole system. Pimples, boils and
skin eruptions seem to vanish like
magic under its purifyfns; influence,
the complexion becomes fresh and
beautiful, the cheeks rosy instead of
pale, the lips red instead of color
less, the eyes bright Instead of
dull. So rapid and amazing are tht
results that success is absolutely
guaranteed or the trial costs you
nothing. Be sure to remember the
name Mastin's VI-TA-MON the
original and : genuine yeast-vitamine
tablet there is nothing else like it
to do -not accept imitations or sub
stitutes. You csn get Mastin's
VITAMON at any druggist.
Kidney and Bladder
Troubles HAVE TO GO
Clogged up Kidney Deposits are Dis
solved and the Toxina (Poisons)
Completely' Driven Out. Drug
fists Told, to Guarantee it in
Every Instance. y .
"Your very life." says Dr. Carey,
"depends upon the perfect functioning
and health of your kidneys so whatever
you do don't neglect them. "
Dr. Carey's famous prescription No.! 777
known as Marshroot is. not recommended
tor everything, but we cannot too strongly
urge its use if you suffer from annoying
blndder troubles, frequent passing of water
night and day, with smarting or irritation,
brick dust sediment or highly colored
urine, bloating Irritability with loss of
flesh, backache, rheumatism or any other
tendency to Brlght's disease, Diabetes or
Gravel, for kidney disease in its worst
form may be stealing upon you.
Don't wait until to-morrow to begin the
use of this wonderful prescription if you
have any of Jhe above symptoms. Kidney
and Bladder troubles don't wear away.
They will grow upon you slowly, stealthily
and with unfailing certainty.
Never mind the failures of the past if
you even suspect that you are subject to
Kidney Disease, don't lose a single day
for Sherman A McConnell Drug Stores
snd every good druggist hat been author
ised to return the purchase money on the
first two bottles to all who state they
have received no benefit.
nntuaiil see ear book which tails
a (not SKXTOHIQUm, a lastoatrra rssssdy
that witt east yon notMag if yoa' are set
earad ar bsasmed. Every mat aasdiat; a
tank: to otsrteme asrsoeal weakness, ate..
saseM aat this ins beak at ease.
41 Barry Block, MashvUlt, Ttna.
VB Without a
Sarfical Operation.
. Call orWrite.
Dr. tYriy's Hernia Institute
410 Peters Trust Building. Omaha
tsfiiV . ' SlUM
BT I over
lit waviriA
If rsa ara asmaa, dtsaeadaat, west,
mmm iiuuaeh eaeiss ar other castas.
IPfiHatts Fistula-Pay Whn Cured
JL JLJLUSrSj m"4 "u treatment that carta Piles. S'l.tata eae etka
JAtiSasV Hactal Diseases ia a short time, withoat a sever, sargieal aa
eratie. Na Chloroform. Ether ar ether geeerai aaasthetic ataaV
A curt gueraatma: la every eata accepted for treatment, and as asoaey it to he paid aatl
carta. Write for book aa lUeSal Diseases, with aamea ami testimonials af mora IS.
l.SSS prominent people wha have Beta terms neatly cured.
--. TAMY S.t.jsilasa. f start Tract Baf. (Baa BMg.) Otaaaa, Nek.
Valut-Gtelng Sltre
Hig Values in
Dining Chairs
Never br-ioia have wo leeo
able to offer such big values
Am. Walnut and Mahogany
Leathtr Stat Chair, former
value from 117.50 to I24.0U In
Iota or one to four of a kind.
$5.95 each
Dawsn's Guaranteed
fl Lb. Electric Iron
Genuine Aluminum
Black Ebonized Wood Handle)'
family size.
Genuine Aluminum
Stew Kettles
Genuine Aliimrnryrn
Double Boiler
Guaranteed Broomi
Useful and Serviceable
Stepladder Stools
3-Piece Aluminum
- Sauce Pan Set
s Illustrated
for $1.25 complete
Clothes Backs
Stftde of seasonable wood .lias e'ght
anna, can be closet! float to tht
wall when not in use Bowen'r
price, 90c. ;
Howard, Between 15th & 16th