THE BEE; OMAHA. TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 25 1919. DOUBLE BEAUTY :' OF YOUR HAIR -7 ' i'Danderine" creates mass I of thick, gleamy waves In a few nioments vou can trans- ( form your plain, dull, flat hair. Vou caft have it abundant, soft, glossy and full of life; Just get at any drug or toilet counter a small bottle of "Danderine" for a few cents. Then mdisten a soft cloth with the "Dan 4efine" and drawthis through your iaair, taking one small strand at a u'lfee. Instantly, yes, immediately, yc(u have doubled the beauty of your . hair. It will be a mass, so soft, lustrous and so easy to do up. All dust, dirt and excessive oil is re moved. J J-et danderine put more life, coldr, vigor and brightness in your hair. ,'fhis stimulating tonic will freshen ( oiur scab, check dandruff and fall-' i rig hair and help your hair to grow long, thick, strong and beautiful. MRS. V. E. NORTH DOESN'T NEED SYMPATHY NOW Friends Congratulate Her ."Upon Her Recovery Gains Thirty Pounds. "My friendswho used sympa thize with mem accdunt of my ill health, are riow congratulating me ,ori' my wonderful restoration," said Mrs. W. E. North, residing at 5204 College avenue, Kansas City, Mo., in relating her remarkable expe rience with Tanlac, recently, 'rs. North's high Christian Character afid kindly disposition have won for her a host of devoted friends. , "The past two years," she con tinued, "has been just one un broken period of suffering for me and I had become very near being a nervous wreck. . My appetite Avas very poor and -my stomach was so upset, that I couldn't eat anything but what would sour and make me " miserable for hours. After meals I would bloat up with gas and have such awful spells of palpitation and fluttering of the heart that I would become alarmed fearing my breath would stop. I was extremely nerv ous just any little noise would startle me and I became so weak that I could not do my housework. I could not sleep, lost weight con tinually, and as nothing helped me became so despondent thaf"I al most gave up hope of getting well. "My husband had been reading 'shout Tanlac and was so anxious ;for me to try it that he brought me bottle and it's the truth, I had t net taken it half up before I noticed,! f difference in my condition, jviy ppetite got better and I wasn't so nervous. I have taken five bottles now and have-actually gained thirty pounds. Tnat within itself proves '-now great Tanlac is, but that's the (least of what it has done for me. ! Why, I am now able to eat just any- thing I want and never suffer a par ticle from it. My nerves have ; quieted down so that I can sleep dike a child and I have not enjoyed . such good, health in years.'' I have the greatest faith in Tanlac and my wnderful restoration justifies it. A hav-recommendd it to many of ;my friends, who are how taking it, and I am triad to make this state .mer.t to be used in letting .others t know about it." y- Tanlac is ' sold in Omaha at all t, Sherman & McConnell Drug Com ' nany's stores. Harvard Pharmacy r and West End Pharmacy Also For rest and Meany Drug uompany in .'-South Omaha and the leading drug t grist in each city and town through- jut the state of Nebraska. Adv. ; X- CROWDS ATTEND SIXTH ANNUAL POULTRY SHOW Cock fight Features Opening Night Tank of Mallard Ducks Attracts Attention Rabbit Display Also. Large crowds were attracted to j the sixth annual exhibit of the Omaha Poultry association at the Auditorium last night. There are 1,500 fowls, of 25 varieties, as well as several varieties of ducks, pigeons and pheasants on exhibition. ! (A lartre tank just inside the en trance of the Auditorium filled with handsome mallard ducks attracted much attention. A coop of ring neck pheasants, exhibited by a member of the Boys' and Girls' Poultry club of Omaha drew con siderable comment. A feature of the evening at the Auditorium was a "humane" fight between two game cocks. The birds were equipped with "boxing gloves" and "muzzles" of rubber, to prevent serious wounds during the -battle, but the fight was lively, neverthe less. There will fee another bout tonight. Announce Prizes Wednesdays Much admiration was showered on Sarah, the property of John W. Welch., Sarah's habitat is Cherry Croft farm and she has 247 eggs, laid during (the past year,' to her redit. . . ' Experts were judging chickens ex hibited in competition yesterday aft ernoon and prize winners of some classes will be announced Thursday. The display is one of the largest and best ever neld in the country, ex perts say. Rhode Island Reds are in a slight majority over the other entries. The Nebraska Rabbit Breeders' as sociation also has an exhibit of 250 rabbits, including New Zealand, Flemish Giants, Rufus Reds ,and fancy breeds. In a far corner bn the Auditorium tffage is an exhibit of tiny, pink-eyed guinea pigs. Honey Display Also. The Dougias County Honey Pro ducers' association has a varied dis play of honey products in the Audi torium. . The United States Department of Poultry Husbandry is taking an ac tive part in the exhibition, and has furnished two carloads of equipment for handling the poultry. The show is also sponsored by the bureau of publicity of the Cham ber of Commerce. The largest number of poultry entries of any show vet held, were on exhibition yesterday morning when the show opened. ir Experfs on poultry husbandry from Washington, DjC., will ecture each evening. No admission is, charged to either the rabbit or poultry shows. One of Nebraska's Prize . Turks Ready for Big Day II ' v ! n M gm,t ,k i k 4 I if sW.. I J 1 1 Sixth Annual Poultry Show 5t Te&dy fpt- tK Big- "Dar On of Nebraska's prise turkeys which U ready (or that day of all days, Thaniufivine,'. which comes next Thursday. "King Turk" is in hi glory on that day. But only for a short time. The old cobbler is quickly gobbled up himself by th descendants of John Alden. My HEART and My HUSBAND Adele Garrison's New Phase of 7 Revelations of a Wife Officials Probe False Report o Wilson's Death Atlanta. Ga.. Nov. 24. State and city officials today were investigat ing the, hoax perpetrated here last nieht bv an unidentified man who telephoned to the City auditorium, where Vice President Marshall was speaking, that President Wilson ,was dead and that Washington wasscall ing Mr. Marshall on the longdis tance telephone. , WARNING v Try It! A medicine which has given satisfaction to its users for over 40 years, as Cardui has, must be a good medicine. If you suffer from female troubles, and need a reli able, strengthening tonic, of real medicinal value, as proven by the experi ence of thousands of women users, ' JAKE n a mm Mrs. d S. Budd, of Covins, Calif.t in writing of her experience with Cardui, says:. "1 took a bottle at 13 years old, and it cured my headaches. I have taken itsince mar riage, and received much help from it Cardui is the best medicine i ever took... It was the only medicine . . . that helped -my back... "Try Cardui. v ABDriKists -ZBtt TIMELY M W 4 h'k J W Cold ahd Grip Germs find their earliest victims among those who are weak and run down and whose resisting power is lowest- The pure food elements in Tather John's Medicine build energy to resist cold and bnp germs. The gentle laxative effect of Father John's Medicine helps to drive out impuri ties.' You are safe when you take Father John's Medi cine because it is guaran teed free from alcohol or any dangerous drugs form. m 60 years in use. Is Madge's Guess Correct. "These," as little .Mrs. vDurkee took of! their wrappings and laid them on the bed beside me, re vealed themselves as dozens of roses with the exquisite varied coloring's of the hybrid teas. I caught my breath in amazed admiration at the beauty and the profusion of the blossoms. . " I thought they would make you sit up! carrolled my neighbor. But I forgot, poor dear, you can't sit up. Do you know, though, I'd change places iwith you to have some, of these happen to me." "It's very evident that you never had a. fractured rib, Lillian drawled, and I surmised that she did not like either the offering; of the flowers from Major Grantland or little Mrs, Durkee s pejsiflage concerning it." I uia youf lhe little woman gave her a sly, mischevious glan which amused me. "No," Lillian responded promptly, "but I've seen them in action enough that I know that a few flowers wouldn't be compensate m for it." "A few flowers 1" .Mrs. Durkee shrilled. "Goodness the man must have bought the florist out! Aren't they the most exquisite things, Madge? "They are beautiful, indeed," answered, bijt the very profusion of tne blossoms" trouDiea me. i qia not want Major Grantland to buy out a florist for me, no matter what the truth of my little neighbor's asser tion that he felt himself responsible for mv accident. "Wherever will you put them?" she asked, looking around the room perplexedly. '"Katie will bring you . whatever you need in the way of vases or bowls," I replied. "Won't you ar range them for me?" ' Mr. Durkee'sv Request. Now in our little circles "Lillian, with her highly trained color sense, is the finad authority on the, arrange ment of any decoration. But guessed that this particular task as one not to .Lillian's liking. On the ether hand, I was sure that little Mrs. Durkee, who possesses a dis tinct knack in this direction, was wild to delve into the mass of fra- arrant bloom. Her Fluffiness, however, looked dubiously at Lillian. Doesn t'Mrs. underwooar she asked. "No. Mrs. Underwood doesn't Lillian flashed back with al most a touch of pettiness in her manner." "My, patient is keeping me pretty busy, you see, she added rriore graciously, and you always do flowers so exquisitely and love Lthe task so much that it would jt a crime to keep you fromthem. You ve said it I my little neigh bor asserted slangily. "Now Katie." She turned briskly to the waiting girl,' and in another moment was completely lost to everything else but her.directions. ' t ir..:. v : J.NUW 1C1I1C1UUCI IVdllC, LM Chinese things in the living room, and that 1 big copper bowl," Mrs., Durkee called after the -girl as she went out of the door. Is Katie Careless? "Just a minute, Katie,'" Lillian followed the girt- out of ' the door and I heard a low colloquy in the hall, yo word "of which I could catch. Then Lillian came back and bent over me again. , Is there anything elseI can do for you V she asked tenderly. N Where is Dicky? I asked. I was ashamed that behind the inquiry was vaguely piqued thought that again Major :GrantIand had made Dicky appear neglectful by his own promptness. Dicky is-all-right, Lillian said slowly, and I gained the impression that she wished subtly to reassure me for more than Dicky'i physical well being. "He has gone to see after the car, and other matters." I looked quickly at Mrs. Durkee. She was too absorbed in sorting the roses to hear. Then I glanced ap pealingly at Lillian. She bent her ear to my lips.x "Did Dicky "apologize to Major Grantland for his language?" I whispered. "Really," Lillian whispered back. "You know Dicky's way when he realizes that he is jn the wrong." I. closed my eyes, relieved of a great worry and a- lesser one. I had felt that I could not bear my hus band to be so boorish, and I had vaguely criticised Major Grantland"s taste in sending me flowers in the face of Dicky's anger. Mrs. Durkee's disappointed .voice City to Keep Its Hands Off the Skip-Stop System of Street Cars " The city council committee of the whole yesterday decided to keep its hands off of the skip-stop system in use ty the street railway com pany. R. A. Leusgler, vice president of the company;' explained to the city commissioners that this is matter which is under . the jurisdiction of the State Railway commission. He also stated that the skip-stop means a reduction of $80,000 per year in operating expense of the system, adding that this saving is all put back mto-service. The city council recently made 4h unsuccessful attempt to induce members of the State Railway Com mission to come to Omaha to meet with the city council on matters af fecting the street railway company. The state commission replied that the council should firsts present these matters in writing and then the commission would arrarfge its own hearings. One of The Bee Readers Sizes Up the Contempt Case 1 "If the people of Omaha had any idea that Victor Rosewater and The- Bee would ever be called upon to pay the $2,000 fines levied by a dis trict court iudire the money would be raised by a self-starting voluntary subscription, said Dr. W. L. Capell, Omaha physician and father, of Judge Frank Capell of the superior and police court of Council Bluffs, who was visiting his son there Sun day. That's the way a big ma jority of the peqple of Omaha feel, toward Thi Bee and Mr. Rosewater. I am confident the $2,000 would be raised in less than two hours by any reputable man who would start out with such a purpose. 1 he Bee has the warm support of the best people of Omaha." . An expert from the United States has been employed by the govern ment of Natal to improve the quality of native tobacco. made me open my eyes again qtiickly. , - - "Oh, Katie!" she was saying. "You lve left downstairs 'the thing I most vanted, that v exquisite tall Chinese thing with the -blue and white coloring." ' I no can hnd anywhere, , K -tie declared stolidly, and I distinctly saw her glance meaningly at Lillian when Mrs. Durkee had returned to her task. I put things together, jumped at a conclusion. Lillian must hve instructed Katie to secrete that vase," and to keep it away from Mrs. Durkee. ' ' (Continued Tomorrow.) HAVE LOVELY BR01YH HAIR Ground Green BONE for the pullets that are' low in starting to lay. Green Bone Stimulates them. Greatest egg pro ducer knon 6c per pound delivered. Spe cial attention paid to out-of-town orders. Jas. Vomacka Casing Co. 27th and M Sts. South Omaha. Telephone S. 2469 or S. 2534. 17ALNUT HILL FEED STORE SELLS ALL ' KINGS OF Poultry Feeds, Straw ( HENRIK HANSEN, Prop. V - 43d and Charles Sts. Phone Walnut 1716 Black Rrlinorcas Stoc Blue Ribbon Strain k for Sale Eggs ia Season. C. E. HUNTER, Breeder -3820 CHARLES STREET WALNUT 2567. OMAHA, NEB. v Are you going to the theater or movies tonight? If so,ee Amuse ment page." TRIAL PACKAGE SENT FREE.. Why tolerate atfeaky. gray or bleached hair when it is just as eay to tint your tresses a beautiful brown as it la to pow der your face? , Brownatone give the hair bewitching beauty, and charm, producing instantly any hade brown or black if desired. ! "Brownatone Makes Me Look Ten Years Younger." No other preparation is so simple to apply. Light spots, gray strands or streaks, and all unnatural shades in the hair are quickly restored .to all their original beauty. Absolutely Harmless. Brownatone is guaranteed perfectly safe and harmless to the hair and skin. Con tains no poisonous ingredients sucn as sugar of lead, sulphur, silver, mercury, aniline or coal tar products. It has no odor and is greaseless. Apply it in a few mo ments with comb or Brush, sold by all eading druggists. Two colors: Light to Medium Brown" and "Dark Brown to Black." Two sizes, SSe and $1.15. De mand the genuine. ' Special Free Trial Offer. Send onlv lie with this eonoon for Free 4ial package and helpful booklet on the car of the hair. Mail This Coupon Now. The Kenton Pharmacal Co., 461 Coppin Sldg., Covington, Ky. Enclosed find 11 cents (to cover postage, packing and war tax) , for Trial Package of Brownatone. Light to Med turn Brown or . Dark Brown to Black. Mark with X shade wanted and mail with your .full name and address. , Y0UNKERMAN SEED CO. 164 West B'way. COUNCIL BLLFFS, IA. Phone 3077. HANDLE A FULL LINE OF POULTRY SUPPLIES and REMEDIES- Fun -AIo BUCKEYE INCUBATORS and HOVERS. Line-of BIRD CAGES. We handle Blatchford' Rabbit Meal and Remedies. Distinctive Reds VTin Wherever Shown SINGLE COMB RHODE ISLAND REDS v ARTHUR L. EDSON, Breeder. 4312 Erskin St, Omaha, Neb. s STOCK AND EGGS IN SEASON. Free Admission To Poultry Show AT THE AUDITORIUM ALL THIS WEEK. '. DON'T FAIL TO VISIT THIS ATTRACTION. OPEN. EVERY AFTERNOON AND EVENING. , DON'T FAIL TO VISIT OUR DISPLAY OF POULTRY SUPPLIES THERE. BUCKEYE INCUBATORS STANDARD, COLONY BROODERS POULTRY REMEDIESt Lett's, Prmtt'a, ConkejrVLe Gears. Don Sung Chinese Egg-Laying Tablets. Most 'Complete Lin of Poultry Supplies in the City. ( The Nebraska Seed Co. 1613 HOWARD ST. . - 1 li Blocks West of Auditorium. High Grade S. C. White Leghorns. Stock and tggs in season. POULTRY YARDS H. A. RASGOKSHEK. Prop. The Strain That Is Bred for En Production. Phone Walnut 4677 BENSON STA., OMAHA C. R. PINNEO, Proprietor, OfHdal Registrar; Member of N. B. F. A.; H. A. N. Z. C; N. R. B. A. , W. C. HUNKS, Manager. Oregon Trail Rabbitry We are re-stocking with the best breeders that, can be secured. In the future we will handle AMERICAN BLUES, ' NEW LEA LANDS, FLEMISH GIANTS, CHECKERED GIANTS, RUFUS REDS. - All orders filled promptly. Satis faction guaranteed or money refunded Dressed Rabbits at All Times. Phone Harney 6984. Lincoln Blvd. Ting's Luxus Rabbitry THE HOME OF GOOD RABBITS 1810 VINTON STREET OMAHA, NEB. M- : l in i rz ih Saeak. ssl - jsr hi f i v ' . - ii WeAMW T M A T T A I I II I I XX II II II III I ir tt t t r n i tt ... V n all W W V V ASSOCIATION World's Champion Layers v Tom Barron English S. C. W. Leghorns Exclusively v Three pens at American Egg Laying Contest, 1918 49, averaged over 200 eggs per hen per year. One pen was highest pen in November, 1918, the first month of the contest. - One 'pen was highest pen in August, 1919. vv Bred to lay all the year around. Welch's . Cherry croft Farm . , Benson Station, Omaha Nebraska Will Hold Its Sixth Annual Show AT THE Auditoirium Nov. 24th to 30th y. , " ' . . . . .Rabbit Show Will Be Held in Connection New and Interesting Features Every Night ADMISSION FREE J. W. WELCH, ' President ARTHUR L. EDSON,; Secretary i