Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 25, 1919, Image 3

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H UUhlr nUhllOL
Believes It Will Be Disposed of
- Shortly After Congress:
Convenes Again Next
x x Week. " v
C . - - TT:i.t t 1
ocuaiur xiiicncocK, uoinc lor a
few days, asserts that he is enough
of an optimist to believe that the
treaty will be disposed of shortly
after congress convenes again next
week; that it will be a compromise
agreement and that the compromise
will be agreeable tb the president.
"It is my belief," said the senator,
"that disposition of the treaty will
be rapid when the president sends it
back. I feel confident that a ma
jority of the senators are desirous
of agreeing on a compromise and
there are strong hopes that this
compromise will be effected between
those who have expressed different
opinions on this subject."
The senator further expressed his
belief that the treaty will not be a
national campaign issue next year,
because, as he contends, the treaty
will be ratified at the next session.
"I am a candidate for the demo
cratic leadership, to succeed the late
Senator Martin," he replied to a
The senator explained that much
Indigestion, Acidity, Sourness
and Gases' ended with
"Pape's Diapepsin"
The moment you eat a tablet or
two 'of Pape's Diapepsin all the
lumps of indigestion pain, the sour
ness, heartburn and belching of
gases, .due to acidity, vanish truly
Millions of people know that it is
needless to be bothered with indi
gestion, dyspepsia or a disordered
stomach. ' A few tablets of Pape's
Diapepsin neutralize acidity and give
relief at once no waiting 1 Ruy a
box of Pape's Diapepsin now I Don't
stay -dyspeptic I Try to regulate
your' stomach so you can eat favor
ite foods without causing distress.
The cost is so little. The benefits
so great. 1
No class of people devotes as
much time to beauty as do actresses,
Rnd no class must be more careful
to retain and develop their charms.
Inquiry develops the information
that in hair care they find it dan
gerous to shampoo with any make
shift hair cleanser. The majority
say that to have the best hair wash
and scalp stimulator at a cost of
about three cents, one need only get
a paekage of canthrox from .your
druggist; dissolve a teaspoonful in a
cup of hit water and your shampoo
is ready. This makes enough sham
poo liquid to apply it to all the hair
instead of just the top of the head.
After its use the hair dries rapidly,
with uniform color. Dandruff, ex
cess oil and dirt "are quickly dis
solved and entirely, disappear when
you rinse the hair. After this your
1 W lliiffir if .will Innb
nail V 14 av iiuiij v " ...
"much heavier. Its luster and soft
ness will delight you, while the stim
ulated scalp gains the health which
insures hair growth.
i 'If you arc aot tnc or wcfl
fyon owe it to youraeU to make
we louowinc test: we now kmc
'you can work or tow far joa can
jwalk without becoming tiredj
We take two fire rrata tablet
times per day (or two weekly
Then test your strength mm
nit see how- nraeb yoa htTC -reined.
Many people have mdi
this test and nave been astoat
ished at their increased strcnatbi
endurance and energy. Nozated
Iron is guaranteed to give uhi
(action or money refunded. Ai
iJjfi all good druggists.
Owl Drug Co., Sherman ft MeConnell.
TKe Bee's FreeShoe
A boy, 8 years old, was found by
the police Sunday, wandering about
i nthe cold without any shoes.
He was taken to the police sta
tion and within a short time shoes
were provided for the poor lad and
he went away happy.
Will you help in this most urgent
work. There is no other way by
which shoes can be provided for the
very poor children except through
The Bee's fund. . x
PrevloUKly acknowledged 1377.00
Alice C. Houghton, Hampton,
Nob. v
William Edmunds, Broken Bow
Neb ' 100
Cash, Gothenburg, Neb S.00
Total .. SJ8S.00
Bring or send contributions to
the Free Shoe Fond, care of The
legislation has been .delayed at
Washington by the treaty discus
sions. iHe stated that the railroad
bill is ready for the senate and add
ed that legislation is needed for
tariff matters that are pressing.
"The Omaha riot had the effect,"
the senator said, "of making it pos
sible in future contingencies for the
governors to call directly on the
military posts for assistance,-instead
of applying through Washington.
"When I was called over the tele
phone and was told that the Omaha
court house was burning, I replied
that the court house could not burn,
which I thought at the time."
The senator stated that the presi
dent has shown marked improve
ment for the first time during the
last two weeks.
"I have visited the president sev
eral times and saw him in his bed,
his head propped," he stated. "The
president has been a very sick man."
The senator is optimistic as to
the restoration of normal conditions
in the industrial world.
' The senator's friends will give a
dinner for him at the Omaha club
Wednesday night.
Crime Wave Continues While
the Police Heads Are
. Away. N .
i Burglars and robbers continued
their rampage upon downtown
stores in Omaha Sunday night, ac
cording to reports made to police.
The meat market of Schauber &
Hoffman, 408 North Sixteenth street,
was stripped of its stock of hams
and bacon, according to a report
raade to police.
The thieves entered the place by
climbing through a front door tran
som. Evidence of the robbery shows
that an automobile truck was used
to haul the loot away. .The loss
amounts to" $350, according to the
report. vThe store is in full light
of a street arc lamp.
A big safe, taken away on the
truck, was found on the South Side
near the big high hill last night,
blown open and stripped of all valu
able contents. A basket full of pa-
,pers .only, was recovered by the
Burglars entered the office of the
Omaha Hat'Factory, 1321 Douglas
street, by dropping through a trap
door in the ceiling, a police report
states. They stole $7 from the till
and made their getaway through
a rear door. . - 1 .
In the face"'of the many rampages
made upon Omaha homes during
the past two weeks by ."high
jackers," burglars and highwaymen,
Chief of Police Ebersteln was on a
hunting trip in Sarpy county Sun
day, ' and Police Commissioner
Ringer has been attending the Y. M.
C. A. convention in Detroit.
The entire work of investigation
concerning the robberies and murder
of the girl,- whose body was found
in a gully in Washington county, is
under the direction of Chief of De
tectives Dunn.
Alleged Ex-Safe Blower Gets
' Sixty Days for Vagrancy
Joe Lepinski, alias Kenyon, al
leged ex-safe blower and convicted
highwayman, was given 60 days in
jail in Central police court yesterday
on a charge of vagrancy. Lepinski s
identification was learned through
photographs of him hanging in the
rogue's gallery, police'-say. . '
He was arrested last Friday in, a
toom at the Haven hotel, Fifteenth
and Chicago streets, upon a "tip"
furnished police that he was carry
ing a'revolver. -
f - '
Ask Court Action Against
- Them Under the Alberts
cleared my skin
If your complexion is red, rough
and blotched if it-is excessively ,
oily or unnaturally dry try Resinol
Soap. It will help to heal your sick '
skin, and to enable you to have that
clear, healthy complexion nature
Intended you to have.
When the skin is in very bad con
dition, a little Resinol Ointment,
applied after Bathing with Resinol
Soap will usually bring
more beneficial and
quicker results.
For sale by all drug
gists and toilet goods
Discriminating men use RESINOL SUA VING STICK.
Rgsinol Soap
Fistula-Pay When Cured
A mild system of treatment that caret Piles, FUtnl and
other Recta 1 Diseases In short time, without a severe sur
gical operation. No Chloroform, Ether or other genera
anesthetic nd. A intra tfm ran teed in ever ease accented
or treatment and no money to be paid until cared. Write far book on Recta 1 Diseases, with names
and testimonials of more than 10CO prominent people who have been permanently cured.
Alleging that the houses num
bered from 611 to 619 North Seven
teenth street, are disorderly houses,
Chief Deputy County Attorney Cof
fey, filed petitions in district court,
asking for injunctions against them,
under the provisions of the Alberts
law. r
The law provides that if, on
hearing of the case, the houses are
found to have been used for immor
al purposes the contents may be
confiscated and sold and the houses
ordered closed for a period of one
.Injunctions were asked by Mr.
Coffey on request of the city police
department with a showinjg that 88
arrests have been made in the
houses in a little more than - one
Injunctions were asked against
the following houses:"
No. 611 North Seventeenth street,
Ruth Livingston, tenant; Jane Alex
ander, owner.
No. 6J3 North Seventeenth street,
Mrs. Stella Moore, alias Ashmore,
tenant of the first floor; Kate Allen,
tenant of the second floor; Sarah
Vangrovitsch, owner.
No. 615 North Seventeenth street,
Mrs. P. C. Mathews and Ruth Mad
sen, tenants; Sarah Vangrovitsch,
owner. .
No. 617 North Seventeenth street,
Mrs. John Morris, alias Nell Clay
ton, tenant; Sarah ' Vangrovitsch,
No. 619 North Seventeenth street,
Mrs. C. E. Doedendorf, tenant, Mor
ris Newman, owner.
The petitions all state that the
furniture, fixtures, musical instru
ments, etc., contained in the houses
are a nuisance and ask injunctions
against the use of the houses.
Fight for Possession
Of Children Ends as
Judge Dismisses Suit
" .
John A. Blair, manager of Kopac
Brothers, and his former wife, Mar
saline, have agreed upon the cus
today of their two children and
Judge Sears in district court yester
day dismissed the suit brought; by
Mr-. Blair four years ago to get pos
session of the two children which
were awarded to Mrs. Blair when
she was granted a divorcee June 9,
The suit was dismissed because
Mr. Blair and his former wife have
agreed that she shall have the chil
dren all of the year except during
half of the summer school vacation
when they are to be with Mr, Blair.
Mr. Blair married again last1 June.
Mrs. Blair lives at Douglas, Wyo.,
where she has taken up a home
stead." tvlrs. Blair secured her divorce
here on the ground that her hus
band had knocked her down and
had mistreated her and the children
hi other ways. ,
New York Printers Who Took
"Vacation" Return to Work
New York, Nov. 24. Book and
job compositors bowed today to a
mandate from the executive commit
tee of the International (Typo
graphical union and ended the
eight weeks' "vacation" which has
contributed largely to the general
printing -rtieup in this city. About
2,250 out of a total of 3,000 who at
tended a meeting of the, local union
last night voted in favor of ac
ceptance of the mandate.
Thin, , pale, anaemic men and
women are starving their blood.
They are simply not supplying to
the blood the oxygen, iron and
cell-salts that the blood must have
in order to maintain the health and
vigor of the body.
The red bipod cells and the white
blood cells are constantly, warring
in the blood. If you starve the red
blood cells, which -vitalize the blood
and build up the body, the blood
becomes thin, and full of white
blood cells, and the body starves
until it becomes thin and emaciated,
weak and sick " '
Healthy blood makes the entire
body healthy. Rich, red blood,
vitalized with oxygen, iron and the
cell-salts that Nature must have to
keep the body well, or make it well
if it is sick, will renew the strength
and restore vigor and vitality. ,
REOLO, the wonderful discovery
of Dr. A. L. Reusing, rapidly in
creases the number of red blood
cells, and supplies the oxygen, iron
and cell-salts that make rich, red
blood, vitalized with oxygen and
rich in the plasma and cell-salts that
nourish the cells of the body, .and
restore strength and health.
REOLO is sold under the Positive
Guarantee that if it does not give
you renewed strength and energy
your money will be returned gladly.
Each package of REOLO contains
100 pleasant, tasteless tablets, suf
ficient for two weeks' treatment,
and only costs one dollar.
REOLO is sold in Omaha by
Sherman & MeConnell Drug Co.,
16th and Dodge, 24th and Farnam,
49th and Dodge, 16th and Harney,
19th and Farnam, Licensed Dis
tributor for the Dr. A. L. Reusing
Laboratories, Akron, Ohio.
Buy your car tickets before leaving
the store, at the Information Desk,
MAIN FLOOR. .Just another little
service to save you time and trou
ble, hunting for change on" the
crowded cars.
No charge.' for wrapping your bun
dles and packages for shipment by
Parcels Post or Express. It doesn't
matter where purchases were made.
Let us do it for you Accommoda
tion Desk, BASEMENT. v
i y
Opening PALM BEACH Display
of Advanced Season Millinery Styles
Week of November 24th
For theidemi-season, we will exhibit, the week of Nov.
24th, the ultra new millinery,' including an introduction
of the new straws of particular interest to the Southern tourist.
The styles to be shown include: Avenue In addition, the display will be of fur
Hats, Sport Hats, Dinner and Dance ther interest' in that the much discussed
Hats, and the straws introduced for the new colors will be represented; Omar
coming season. Khayyam Tomato Capuclne and Sapphire
A street display will be made Jn ' ' ,
the windows at 17th and Douglas. , . '
and in Addition a Showing of Novelty
In connection with the Palm Beach Millinery
Exhibit, we have arranged for a stunning
display of Sweaters in novelty silk fibres. -combined
with rich metallic effects of both gold and sil
ver. '
The models to be featured include Tuxedo and
Slip-on styles, in combinations of brown and
gold; navy and silver; peacock and silvr and Amer
ican beauty and gold. These will make lovely wraps
for the traveler to Southern resorts to say nothing
' , ' of the exquisite gift possibilities.
To-Be Shown for the. First Time on Monday'
Featuring .
Everett House Slippers
Monday In the
Basement. .
They come in tan and
black imitation leather
uppers, leather sole and
heels; sizes 6 to 11. A
great bargain:.
At 1.49
And Speaking- 6i Children Here Are
Splendid Shoe Values
First step shoe, nicely finished, come In
patent with white uppers, all black, brown
kid vamps; cloth tops to match; white kid
vamps; white cloth uppers; X. AQ
sizes 1 to 5 ' IT.TXV
Children's Shoes In all black kid, patent kid
with neat kid uppers and all brown kid;
mostly button styles, spring heels, 1 QO
sizes 5 to 8 XsO
Continuing for Tuesday
The Sale of Women's Shoes
That caused so much comment among
Omaha women Monday. It was, the sale
of ,
- Surplus Stock From
f (Famous Chicago Bootery)
High Grade Shoes
At 6.95
; Worth Regularly $12 to $14
That women know the . values offered in
our "O 6" Shoe Sales, was plainly evU
denced in the large attendance of enthus
iastic purchasers. v
Those who; were not here Monday have
the opportunity, Tuesday of availing them
selves of this offering and making a de
cided saving. . r
First Because of the Last
'. , .
While children's feet are grow
ing they require training oth
erwise' they are . likely to be
come imperfect. Unless the
shoes worn during the growing
years are rightly shaped the
feet will become wrongly shaped.
- Produce the graceful lines of
physically perfect feet.' They -are
made in different leathers
- and many patterns.'' Every boy
and girl should have Buster
Brown Shoes.
Beautiful Petticoats
From the Orient
Yea Imported from Japan. Surely you would
like to add another to -your wardrobe for in
stance, one of these which are hand embroidered
in such beautiful and pleasing designs. We'll
mention that they' are of finest quality of Jap
anese Silk. "
Priced at 13.95 and 22.50
Happy Thought.
Our Greatly Enlarged
Art Section
Incidently one of the larg-"
est in the middle west
Where suggestions of all
kinds with your anticipa
tion of Christmas Glvlngs,
may be received.- Oh,
the many, many things that
you'll want to buy for gifts.
Things you'll want to make,
for Instance,
Fancy Work
and that reminds us to
mention . ,
Prof. Shaw's FREE
Embroidery Classes
You can learn to makef cut
lace work 40 new stitches
- shown by Prof. Shaw. The
l most fascinating occupation
for long winter evenings
and right now for Christ
mas gift making. Lessons '
are free when materials are
purchased here. Hours, 10
a, m. to 4 p. m.
Envelope! Chemise 1.50
Moderateness of Price and Fine Quality'
Make This an Interesting Offering
A val insertion trimmed envelope chemise, with a
built-up shoulder and narrow ribbon straps, 1.50
Another lace trimmed style
with deep motifs on front
and band trimmed back,
round topv lace shoulder,
at 1.50
A straight top envelope
chemise with a combination
of shadow lace and val, rib
bon drawn top and satin
. ribbon strap ' . 1.50
Did You Know That
Brandeis Toyland
Covers nearly a third of a city block nearly an acre of floor space,
You will find toys of every description thousands of varieties
and at every price from the lowest to the highest. Tons and
tons of toys the inexpensive kind and the high class expensive
ones that Omaha fathers have been in the habit of buying in
Chicago and New York. No need to go elsewhere we have them.
And Listen, Little Girls
Don't forget that your own Dollie may be the nicest one of
all ver likely she is-so bring "her to the contest in Toyland;
last date for entry in contest, November 29th,
The Four
. - - i ... .
Beautiful Shetland Ponies
' . : .
Real, live, pure-bred, honest-to-good-
ness ones stiirhold the attention of
all the boys and girls.
f '
If you are under sixteen, tell mamma or "daddy"
that they simply must bring you down to see them
quickly so that you won't lose your opportunity to
get a number in the drawing, which is ABSOLUTE-
LY FREE. ' - v