" i ' t,-- ,t f - THE BEE : OMAHA, . WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 4, 1918. 5. Want Ad Rates ' , CD With Order.) u... nra each lnertloo 3 per word tor three consecutive Insertion 1 per worn tor "en muu.nvu.. No d toku for lee than total of i - . or than lOe per day. . . CHARGE. , . hm ii n. r'Annt t word to line) on tlma 14 par tloa each tlma. onecutlv time la ief too each tlma. It eonoecutlve lme - , SITUATIONS WANTED it par Una ..par wees CARDS Off THAMES AND - rt'NEKAJ- NOTICES. It par Una :' ,let. ,",rUon Minimum Charge. (0 Cent.) Cootract BatesOn Applicatioa. ... "ror convenience of advertisers wsnt ads will ba accepted at the following omen: main oFFica Ames Offloa ! Norte 14tb SL 57 Offloa " Nortn Mtb 8t. vtawmgei 8ontn iet 8t Walnot OOIe. Nort.b0,,b1 .-. a,. 1311 M DC Ceonell Bluff M Ut!2,.8bNm0tr. THB BE8 will not ba rponlbl for mora than ona Incorrect insertion u u mtat ordered for'mora tbah ona time. mai mtt KPHONB it oo cannot con veniently bring or aand your ad to any of tha above office Ask tor a Want Ad Tsker and yoa will reoalvo tba same food Af -h.n d.UTtrloa your ad In I iiu. mm - person. - rBONE IsTEB 1.000. Want Ad Colon Cloaa Ertnlnt Edltlona "",i-o0 p M n.i.. VAltlnn ...............10.00 r M. K.nda Edltions-10 P. SL Saturday Ev.nlng DEATHS & FUNERAL NOTICES. RITCHER Mra. Jessl O.. affd 41 m". Sep" I. Service at family residence. 1521 Grand avenue, Wednesday, f p. to. Interment In Forest Lawn tceeed ta arrived by husband. Charie E four children. Kathertne. A lbert Georg .I. r-,j- winther. Mr. Nina E. Jep- ion, Ea.t St Loul.; also three .later, at . - n-maiAdk JniuB. Alnf. Theresa Wernav and Brtba E. Jensen. LITTLE Thereea Mary. September 3. 1. .urvlved by her mother, four brother.. John 8. and William of Omaha, Ralph and Phillip with tha American expeditionary fFuneraI Wedneeday mornlnf from the reitdenca. US South llth m o olock to 8t Phllomena church at a. m. Interment. Holy Sepulcher cemftery. eTRONO-Arthur E.. 'I)"1"' ' It daya beloved aon of Mi and Mra. Ar thur Stronr. September I. ml. . Funeral Wedneeday afternoon at t o clock from N. P. Swaneon'a chapel. IHh and Cumlm. Poreet Lawn cemetery. Frtende are welcome, -Cl)OK Georgia A.. September I, 1M. aged A A van r from family realdence. Ill North Fortyaecond treat. Service private. lHv... Ungton. It. FUNERALRECTRS -THIjQirOvIEPEN Pioneer Funeral Diractora tei an idth BL Phone Doug, 1111. u7T?HfXNN FUNERAL HOMR i, mi. lit aarvlca. ooata leaa. .iPh Dod.a. - Douglaa II -STAf!K & FALCONER Independent Undrttlra lii f". UNDERTAKERS and llnaad "b18! alio orlvata amouiance. - Willi C Croeby. 1511 W. Ktb St 1 "'nnnriien "o . Funeral Dlrectora. r U FaroT Mgr, Id .nd Cuming 8ta. Phone Pouglaa til. Auto ambulancaa. JOHN A GENTLEMAN, """J"' f"4 .K.i lu Faroara St Harney 1I- FLORISTS TEE'LLARMON Fpntenella Florlata, JHI! Douglt St, Douglaa I2e4. XTnTMAGHUE 1,. riowera ahlpprd avarywhera. ErpjPjropnid. r 1- ',' .n.mVRL alriTT-eTetul-F W Farnam 'Bt. UHyndeteon .1511 Ftrnam. D. "MONUMENT & CEMETERIES. WEST LAWN otlera aympathetlo eervlc to euddeo aorrowi perpetual oerei no aeaeaa. mental lota on aeey lerme. " Wit largeat dltylay of nioiiuinenta la the United Stataa. FRANK 8VOBODA, 1116. 11 8. 13th. ,4"hona Douglaa II7l-Mltt CARD OF THANKS Tv IS wish to- extend our siucerest thank to our many friend for their klmlnes and sympathy hown during th loath of our beloved brother! alao for th many beautiful floral offering. . STEVE ; ABARIOTE9 ' GUST ABARIOTE3 IwTs-t to extend my atneerest mank to my many friend for their kindness and ympathy ahown duIng tha death of my brloved brother; alao for th many beau tiful floral offerings. llU GEORGE SELETOS. MARRIAGE LICENSE " Permit to wed hav been Issued to th following: . ' " Name and Keildeno. Raymond Ny, Omh " Batty Steam, Clyd. Ko. ................ OrA Andrew. Omaha. JJ Katia IS. yiaher, Omaha......... ........ T,oul Pelleaky, Omaha..,;,.-,.. Franc Boran, Omaha..... Pamond ItaxwtU. Omaha ...r...... II SalU B. Drury, Omaha.. ,v. ........... Klmr N. Spurgwn, Omaha... 17 Anni Bwlgart, Omaha..... II u...M T.lnall. Omaha 10 u.i.. M. Watson. Omaha. ....... ... SO iimm I IWV Omaha.. ........... ovr H Jowl V. Reed, Omaha over 31 iK.r n Newton. Omaha............. 37 Eva U. William. Omaha..... . H Donald I Braniop, Omaha., .t,., ...... 1 Luvr N. Valhowe, Omaha.... ......... 11 BMTt n. PlckreL Seward. Keb.. ...'... II r.rv Ues Maine. la... .......... 10 BIRTHS AND DEATHS 1 nirthbDiYid and Minnie Jones. 3010 UuthL iri- Levi and Vlrgtnift Franklin, 10th and T, glrlj John and Katherlna Sleryk. 101 S. lth. girl; Fred and Berth fuik. lid and U. girl; Tony and Mary Os- traga, 1011 K, girl; William and Rene Blaby. till N. 17th, boy; Lero) and Katie Davloa, 1660 8. 31d, boy; Carl T. and Ada M. Nelson. 4111 S.,3th. boy; Alol and Anna, Dvorak, 1101 B, 16th, boy; Albert and Sofia ChaJeh. S. 43d. girt; Edward end Clara. Abernathy. 702 S. 18th. girl; Howard and. Ella Thompson, 3710 Parker, boyi John and Acnes 11. Rich. 4131 Lata lita av.. srtrl: Harry and Wary Stroesaer, tit K. 40th. airl: Jams and Dorothy WU- liam. 1220 N. 10th. boy and girl; Sara tad Juliana Chrlsteneen, East Omaha, Boy; Emll E. and Anna HcKnlght, 1603 cuming, girl; John and Mary Kobshaw,61l Vlerce, girL Death Joseph Hnberger II, 1211 Do minion; Vema S. Boumann, 3663 8. 25th; Mr. Mlnnl Vohlkamp, 10, hospital; Laura L. Sturges. , 23SJ S. 13d: Robert P. Mad ison. 16, 1361 Haskell. SPECIAL NOTICES DENTISTRY. Th Infirmary of Crelgbton university eolleg ot dentistry will reopen on Sep. tember t. All kind ot dental work done under careful supervision ot th prote- ' sora. Extractions free. Children's teeth straightened. 110 South 18th Bt NOTICEI will not be rsuonlblefor ahy debt contracted other than by myself. 5. A, MaCarty. . LOST FOUNDREWARDS. OMAHA At COUNCIL BLUFFS STREET I.AILWAY COMPANY. ' Person having lost some article would do wei to call up th office of the Omaha Council Bluff (Street Railway company to ascertain whether they left It to the street car. ' " Many artlote eack day are turned In ai th company I anxioua to restore there to the rightful rwner. LOST Aug. S. beiwoea Union depot and Bhuii & Thorn a on Dundes atreel car, gentleman' Hamilton gold watch and chala with acanular locket fob; Reward for return to The Bee offk. l'OCKETBOOK lost Tuesday morning on Park car going aouth on llth at. Finder ,S pleaso call WeWter 6014. - LOST Thursday night from automobile, black oblong: hand purs. Reward. ; Call ' Colfas 140, ' , LOST Wrist-watch between llth and Far. I nam Tuesday at noon, Reward. . Webster 4444. lo-DoUar Liberty bond oa Norrn 34thetrt car. Serial number 19,!9i,3l. CU Wb- . Mr XHU Jiewaxd. , ATTRACTIONS. StWARI county fair, Sept 17. 1, 1. 20; 4Cth annual fair; big program. Concee elor.i for a!e. Write, wire or iee H. D. Landli. Supt. conceeeloni. Seward. Neb. FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS. Furniture and Household Goods. HOCSB FURNISHINGS AND FURNITURE IN BIG SEPTEMBER' BALE. The fell month! eusgeat "coiilfying" your home. A now rug, a new dresser, a new stove or range bespeaka mora pleaa ant surroundings. For less money than eleaewbere,,the State Furniture Co., 14th and Dodge atreeta. will supply your neede. Our September bargains should attract you. .We 'mike a specialty of tomplete home outfits, also hotels and rooming houses. Railroad farea refunded to out-of-town buyers within 60 miles of Omaha on purchases of 120 or more. STATE FURNITURE CO., 14th and Dodge Bta- opposite U. P. Bldg. FURNITURE HARDWARE BARGAINS Beds, spring, mattresses, dressers, eblf tonlers. tables, chairs, china and kltoben ' cabinets, ruga and linoleum, trunka and ault cases, gaa stovea and lea boxes, full line screen wire, poultry netting, garden tools. 1131-47 North 14tb St Tel Web. 1n7 Onen till t 0 m ' ACTUAL TRUTH FOR BARGAINS Full line of furniture, gas and coal oil stovea. rugs, bsby carriage, trunka, eta Loyal Furn Co.. Ill N ltU. COMPLETE household furnishing for sale, all first clas. 1011 Lincoln Blvd. Har ney 1411. FOR BALE Complete furnishing of 2 rocm apartment, nrw and priced reason ' able. Apartment 29. . Angelus Apta Sewing Machines. SEWING MACHINES Wa rent, repair, sell needles and parts of all wing machine , MICKKLS, NEBRASKA CJCLB CO., 16th and Harnev Sla. Ooug. Kit. Store and Office Fixtures. WE buy. sell and snake dfsks. safes, show ' caseaMlhelvtng. eto Omaha Mi lure A Sup ply Co.. tilth and Douglaa D. 1714. OFFICE furniture, settee, ball safe, desk, chairs and filing cases, 110 Be Bldg., i Dour. int. Typewriterb and Supplies. TYPEWRITERS, all makes, sold, rented and repaired. THE W. N. LONG COMPANY, 1111 Farnam. Tel. D. 1111. ONE l-column Burroughs Adding machine for sal at a bargain. 10S FARNAM ST. TYPEWRITERS aold, rented and repaired. Rent an Oliver 1 months for 15. Central ' Typewriter Exchange, 1106 Farnam. ADDING MACHINES, all makea bought, rented and sold. CENTRAL TYPEWRITER EXCHANGE. 1106 FARNAM ST. WE BUY. aell or exchange typewriters; guar, typewriter 110 and up. Writ tor Hat. Midland Typewriter Co.. 1404 Dodge. Dairy Products RE8H country huttermllk: butter: Deal of oream; atrlctly fresh eggs; delivered Ml f any part of Omaha. Pnon South 111 or Tyler tit. Warner' Pianos & Musical Instruments. i. H08PE CO., 161 Dougla. have planoa to rant at 13 60 pi Booth, or will ll on y terms. Miscellaneous. ART TREASURES, DIAMONDS AND ANTIQUE JEWELRY, t ara Instructed by the court to offer privately for sal the valuable painting, Diamond and antique Jewelry belonging to the eatata of the late Carrie E. Ramgc. Interview i by appointment. LYSLE I. ABBOTT. Executor, 114 McCagu Block, City. 4 FOR SALE. 1 Single white bed with mattress for ale: cheap, 3483 Larlmor Ave. Phone Colfsjl 4040. : : ; ; OMAHA PILLOW CO. Feathera ateamrd. renovated and mad up In new feather proof ticking 1907 Cuming. Doug. 1487, I AMERICAN tool wks. shaper, 16-ln.; I 76-lb.power hammer, flno ihap. -?eli & Blnkley. Jit! Harney St. 30 SHARES North Amurlcau Hotel Company etock for eale cheap. Mak offer. E, A. Iiullock, 1012 Farnam St., Omaha. STOCK Patton's Sun-Proof palnls, small lies. Will aell cheap. 2303 Cuming St. at Wlemer' store. 6 JIAKTMAN wardrobo trunk, 125. In quire evonlng J. Kennedy, 611 North Nineteenth street. INFANTS' APPAREL. Order for exquisite . infant' apparel. Harney 6130. B. Friend SWAPPERS COLUMN WILL trade two-ton truck tor pleasure car. Graham Bros, Bale Co., 1013 Farnam, Omaha, Neb. CONN FRENCH HORN, F. D. and E-fat, for aala or trade, - R. w. Barber, Ma nilla, la. ( WANTED TO BUY. JENKINS baa i Juat returned and will giv you th asm good ervlc that he gsv In th pait. Help win th war. Sell your old cloth, ihoea, rug, tool, trunk and buy W. a S. Will call. Rea. D. 1033, offVD. 1144. DESKS DESKS DESKS . New desk; used desk bought aold and traded. J. C Reed. 1301 Farnam. P. 114. ANNOUNCEMENTS. KEEP Dancing Academy, 3424 Farnam; ola and dance (very Monday and Thurs day i learn to dance for 16, wher learn, lng I a pleaure. Phone Douglaa 7160. Accordecn Pleating. ACCORD EON, aid, knlfa. aunburit. ' box pleating, covered button, all else and tylei; hemstitching, plcot edging, ay, let cot work, button hoi, pennant. IDEAL BUTTON AND PLEATING CO.. 100-808 Brown Bldg, Phone Dujg. III. HEMSTITCHING, PLEATING. BUTTONS G, U. VanArnam Pleating Co., . 131-7 Paston Block. .Phone Doug. It. Baggage and Express. THE ONLY WAY SEl TrUf OMAHA TRAK3FER CO. -REPUBLIC AUTO EXPRESS COMPANY wlU haul avarythlng for you. Package lee than 10 lb.. 16 centa Dougla 7461. Awnings. AWNINGS AND PORCH FURNITURE. Ato touring tent and camping supplies. SCOTT-OMAHA TENT At AWNING CO. Brass and Iron Foundries. PAXTON-M1TCHELL CO, 17th and Martha Sla., Omaha Neb. Brans, bronze, aluminum and machine gray Iron castings - Billiard Tables. PRIVATE tables tor partlea at Holmes'. Chiropractors. Dr. J. C Lawrence, Balrd Bldg. D. 1411. SPINOcTraPH. Dr. Edward's. 34th, Fsrnem. Costumes. FULL dresa suits tor rent 101 N. ltth Bt, opposite Poatotftce. John Faldmaa. Doug, la list. Detectives., JAMES ALLAN. Ill Neville Blk. Evldeno ecured In all cases Tyler llll Printing and Office Supplies. - Waters-Bsrnhert Ptg. Co.. 414-10 8. 13th t. t Dentists. 3r. Brdbury. No pain. 931 W. O. Bldg Taft' Dental Rms.. JOii Rose Bldg. 318" Film Developing. FILM, developed; rolls, 10c; pack. 16o: one-day service. Kas Studio. Neville Blk.. 16th and Harney , Dressmaking. ORDERS for exquisite infant epparcL Kllnn, Harney 6630. MISS STURDY, dressmaking. Doug. 4391 . Fixtures and Wiring. niTPlTM Electrlo washing machine. electrio Iron and reading tamps. 1223 Cuming st. Imugls ill! Jewelry. at small profit GROSS. 401 N. :4th Bt Osteopaths. DR. MABLE WESSON, 14 Brandels Bldg T 10 Res . 4741 , Patent Attorneys. PATENTS procured, bought and soli, Inter national Patent Co.. 61 Brandtl. D. ll TURGES' STUV.OES. V, patrau And uadtaarka. B. nf farelgr lift St Bldg. ANNOUNCEMENTS. Tailors. "Dledrick. P. L. 311 S. 30th Tailor. P. 3433. Towel Supplies. Omaha Towel Supply 307 S llth. D. 131. Medicah PILES, fistula and other rectal dis eases cured without lu'iical oper ation. Cure guaranteed. Write for book on rectal uiseasei with testi monial'. ' IR. E. R. TARRY, 240 Bee Bldg., Omaha. Safes. BARGAINS. 1313 Farnam. CAFP.S J. J. Derlght Saf Co. k3n.A iJtJ Wedding Stationery. WEDDJNO announcement and printing. Douglaa Printing Cn Tel Dougls l BUSINESS CHANCES. WANTED a good business man to take charge of retell buslnes with a good salary and lialf of net proceeds; annual profit. H.000 to 15.000; you handle your own money: will require 13,000 to 14.000 to handle thl proposition. Bog 4616. 'Omaha Be. WANTED To correspond with Commercial club of om live town who want to se cure an up-to-date canning factory, east ern Nebraska or western Iowa preferred. Addreaa R. E. Hawley, Nebraska City. Neb. FOR SALE Restaurant; new building, new fixture; good place for llv man; 11,600 .: cash eale past three months; will ell building or rent; no competition. Address Lock Box 14, Fllley, wo. FOR SALE A growing abstract business, Incorporated. Hall County Abstract Co.. Orand Island, Neo FOR SALE FOR CASH Saloon In good lo cation, doing good business. Reaaon tor quitting, death. Addr H.. 1410 Charle St.. St. Joseph, mo. NEWSPAPER for sale at a bargain, town of 600. Not a dead one. J. U. G., Orient, la. V.l. . FORD AGENCY and garage for sale. Ne- braska town. . v. tiniesi, e sius Omaha. FOR SALE General morchandls itock. Good town,, lot ot ouiness, bdoui e.vv. Karr-Newlon Co., Columbus, Neb. AUTOMOBILES. LOOK! 1911 Studebaker Touring, In A-l condl dltion, at 1260. Twenty other bargain. Manager has enlisted and w art cleaning house this week. - TRAWVER AUTO CO. 1110 Farnam St. Douglaa 1079. RADIATORS Wrecked and leaky radiator repaired and rebuilt; large itock used radiator cn hand. Mashed tender and lampa repaired Ilk new New stock of Ford honey com 0 radlstors OMAHA RADIATOR AND TIRO WORKS. HI Cuming St. Omaha. Nab FOR SALE A good 6-passenger Studebaker car, In good repatri good reasons (for wil ing. Address E. E. Zimmerman, car N Y. Lit In. Co., R. 337, Omaha National Bank building. Tel. Tyler 137. Leav word If I am not there. ONE Packard chassis, 1360; 1 Peerlea truck with body, 1460. Both machine lo good condition. a NEBRASKA WHITE CO.. Pied C. Roger. Mgr. 1407-11 Capitol, uKilAINS IN USED CAR8 All make. With and without tartr, 16 to pick from Pbon D. 1341 or call at 161 Davenport - - BOYLAN AUTO CO.. - OLDSMOBILE SEDAN' PRACTICALLY NEW OWNER GOING TO CALIFORNIA CAR AT WEBSTER 1383. QUALITY USED CARS. VAN BRUNT AUTOMOBILE CO., 34 LEAVENWORTH ST, UUPP 33, good , condition, tor sal cheap. Harney 41. : - FOR SALE At a bargain- Reo three quarter ton truck used part tlm for eight , month and In good condition, AT8rea Box Y. 111. Omaha Bee FOR SALE OR TRADE 60 B. p. Mitchell chummy roadster, ntgu speed and power. Will accept Ford in Al condition part payment A bargain, a E. Frnk. Rout I. 76A. Benorr. Neb' USED CARS AND TRUCKS AT BARGAIN PRICES. STANDARD MOTOR CAR CO, 1020 Farnam t Omaha. Neb. BUlCK Roadster Model C-31, four-cylinder, run 8,000 mile In first-class condition. Can b seen at Davenport garage. C. I Smith, Morris Apartments. METIS touring car, indtrood running order. 1916 model. Will demonstrate and sell cheaps 2803 Cuming treet. GRANT SIX, 6-passenger touring, driven only 1,000 mile at a bargain. Barnum Smttht 3133 Cuming St OAKLAND. Sensible Six. MARSH OAKLAND CO, 3300 Farnam St. tTE ARB THE L'SED CAR MEN. TRAWVER AUTO CO., 1910 Farnam St. Dougla 1070. WANTED FOR SPOT CASH. 100 USED CARS; qulok action; no delay. Auto Kx - cbang Co- 1059 Farnam st. Doug. 1086. BARGAINS In used cars. ORR MOTOR SALES CO.. 40th and Farnam. Harney 414. ' GOOD USED CARS." ' GUY L. SMITH, llth and' Farnam Bt. Douglao 1170. MAXWELL roadster, 1916 model, fully quipped; extra tiro and tube. Call Har " ney 7194 after I p. m. BARGAINS IN USED CARS McCaffrey Motor Co. th and Jaokeon. Ford Agent. D. IIP. MEEKS AUTO CAR. USED CAR BARGAINS. 1038 FARNAM ST. DOUGLAS 131. FOR SALE On new 3-ton Indiana truck, model D. Price 12,400. Oplts Motor Co., Clarlnda, la. FOR SALE New Tyler 2407 W. 1911 model Ford. Call Automobiles Wanted. CAR WANTED llll or 1917 Packard. Pearlesa. Wlnton. Stuts, Locomobll or similar car. In good ahap. at bargain. Address Bog Y '31. Omaha Bee. WANTED Touring car under $500; describe fully. ,Addree Box 3368, Omaha Bee. , Awto Livery and Caramel. RENT A FORD DRIVE IT YOUR8ELF. 15o a mile, 85o per hour minimum charg Sunday and holiday. 0o pel4 hour. FORD LIVERY CO.. - Dougla 1133. HU Howard Bt- Starters and Generators Repaired. AUTO ELECTRIC SERVICE CO. Anything electrical about your auto, 116 8. llth St. Douglaa 6488. r, Tires and Supplies. BARGAINS IN USED TIRES WHILE THEY LAST: 30x1 ,,...,....1660 12x4..........! 1.36 10x34, I7.0U 33x4 10.00 33x4... M- Other sire up to 17x6. ' Tire shipped subject to axamlnatloa on ; deposits on dollar. Omaha Radiator & Tire Works, I8fMCtnit St.' Tyler 917 Omaha. N E V7r I R E iT"A N D TUBES ON SALE. , Ford tubes..... t3.S;!:xS .115.76 Sx3 '....lO-OoiaSxt ..133.43 S0S3i 113 95i34x4. non-skid, 124.75 Firestone, ' Mr.Graw. Republic. Congress, Lee Pullman. Flsk. Sond for circular. K AIM AN TIRK JOBBERS. 1781 Cuming. REAL baigHins In sightly uavd' tlree; new lire st very-tow srlcc. O. na u. Tire Co.. 5418 Leavenworth st Tyler 1361-W. BRAND new tire and tubes at :6 10 40 per cent ofr list price. ; Semi tor our , prlo list I'll! Lit 4 CUT P. ATE TIRE C&. Pouu. IH. ' 110 8. lth St. TIRES AT UALF-PRICK, , .,. Write , for particular. ' Age sranted. ' j 1-ln-l VULCANIZING CO. 1611 Davenport. Phono P.' 1841. BUYXe punctur-prort pneumatlo tires and eliminate your tire trouble. Powell Bop. ply rn ton Fsrngm 8 Service Stations AUTOMOBILE electrical repairs: service station fur Rayfl'UI rarburetura and Co. tumble Slorag. Ustiene. ICdwards, 1414 Mi. Hia. W.Veier lit. MOTORCYCLES AND BICYCLES. B A R L B Y-DAVIDSON MOTORCYCLES Bargain In used machine. Victor H. Roe, th Matorcycl Mas. ::tb and Leav- en worth. ; PERSONAL. THE Salvation Army Industrial Home so licit your old clothing, furniture, maga sines, W collect: W distribute. Pbon Doug. 4136 and mt wagon will call. Call and Inspect our new home. 1110-1113-1114 Dodge street - MEDICAL. RUPTURE successfully treated without a urglcal operation. Call or writ. Dr Frank H Wray. 301 Be Bldg SITUATION WANTED. A MARRIED man with a family who has had 30 years' experience a an office man and bookkeeper, desires position:' Address Y 483, Omaha Bee. Male. PAINT, carpet and paper cleaning, th Na tional Cleaning and Service company, 2701 Leavenworth St. Harney 1013. Female. WANT email children to car for by day or week, price reasonable. Dougla 7093. PRACTICAL Web. 6040. nursing. Doctor reference. WANTED A position filing Harney 6033. Laundry and Day Work. GOOD laundress wants day work, 6894. Webster DAY work, cleaning and Ironing. Call Col fax 3288, mornings or evenings. BUNDLE and family washing; call and de liver Wl. 1661. WANTED Bundle wasllng. 1871. Call Webster BUNDLES carefully laundered. Call and deliver. Web. 4283. REL. col. woman wanta day work. W. 9S. BUNDLE washing wsnted Tel. Red M73. DAY work wanted Call after I. Web. 4426. LAUNDRY work by the hour. Webster 3068. CURTAINS laundered. wk guar. Har. 1130 BUNDLE washing wanted. Webster 1333. " BUNDLE washing wanted. Walnut 3269. COL. lady wants day work. Web. 1174. BUNDLE washings to take home. Web. 1391. Hotels and Restaurants. SITUATION wanted by bakur. tlrst-clasa on bread or pastry; wishes steady, posi tion In bakery or hotel. J. L. Sctaeter, room 64. Merchants hotel. . HELP WANTED MALE. Stores and Offices. BOOKKEEPER, grain, 1150s Bookkeeper, whl., 1136, Bookkeeper and cashier, 1125 THE MARTI COMPANY, ' 112ft W. O. W. Bldg. BOOKKEEPERS, 1160, 1125, $110. 1100, $90. Stenographer, 1100 to 1126. Btock clerk, 190. WATTS REP. CO., 1131 1st National Bank. BOOKKEEPER, 4 wholesale house. 1126. Western Reference & Bond Aee'n. FOR bank positions see th Walter Co., 1424 First Nat'l Bank Bldg. Tyler 480. WANTED Registered drug clerk. Box Y or unregistered (58, Omaha Bee. Professions and Trades, HELP SAVE THE v CANADIAN CROPS When ' Our OWN HARVEST Requirement Are Completed1 United States Help Badly Needed. Harvest Hands Wanted. i . Military demands from a limited popu lation hav mad ucb a icarclty of farm help In Canada that the appeal of the Canadian government to th United States government for HELP TO HARVEST THB CANADIAN GRAIN CROP OF 1918 meets, with a request for all available a slstanc to go forward a soon a pur owrt'-irop 1 secured. Th allied armies must be fed and therefor it I necessary to av every bit " of the crop of the continent American and Canadian: Those who respond to this appeal will get a WARM WELCOME, GOOD WAGES, GOOD BOARD AND FIND COM FORTABLE HOMES. A card entitling the holder to a rate ot 1 cent per mile from Canadian bound ary points to destination and return will be given to all harvest applicants Every I facility will be afforded for admission Into ' Canada and return to the United States. Information as to wages, railroad rates and routes, may be had from the UNITED STATES EMPLOYMENT SERVICE urancnes at, - Hastings, Lincoln,. North Platts or Omaha, SHIP WORKERS; 8TEADY WORK, LONG JOB; COME. DON'T WRITE; RIVET ERS, HOLDERS ON HEATERS. STRUCT URAL IRON WORKERS. BOILER MAKERS; BEST PLACE TO WORK; NEW YARD AND NEW EQUIPMENT BEST PLACE TO LIVE: THE METRO POLITAN DISTRICT WITH 'ITS VARIED AMUSEMENTS AND ATTRACTIONS IS YOURS FROM WHICH TO CHOOSE YOUR HOME SURROUNDINGS. APPLY SUBMARINE BOAT CORPORATION EMPLOYMENT OFFICE, NEWARK BAY SHIP YARD, PORT NEWARK. N. J. WE NEED CONDUCTORS v AND MOTORMEN . Apply in person to the superintendent of trans portation, second floor, Kkrchants' National Bank Bldg., Omaha. OMAHA & COUNCIL BLUFFS STREET - RAILWAY CO. I . . WANTED i Exoress Handler Driver and . Chauffeur. Increased Salaries. AMERICAN RAILWAY' ' EXPRESS CO. Apply Union or Burlington Station office -Ah WANTED Experienced help In the sho de- ..... a partment; permanent position, good salary apply Mr. Singer, Brandeis Stores. ' . . , WANTED BUSHBLMAX H TAILORS AND : PRESSERS. GOOD WAGES AND STEADY WORK. DRESHER BROS.. 3217 FARNAM. EXPERIENCE? CAR WASHER. DUNDe'e GARAjGE, i ' t 18 DODGE ST. V WANTED Can glvo steady employment to a man capable ot .taking charge of high - tension line design, construction and main , tenanc. Maa familiar with hydroelectric power preferred. Address -Box T III, Omaha Bee. . WANTED Good -general blacksmith, ot wages. 1 FRED HEAVERIN, Bloomfleld, Neb, best DRUG CLERK WANTED Hours and sal , ary right: permanent. Attsbery Sro. Merrill, Nsb. . , HELP WANTED MALE. Piofessioni and Trades. WANTED A man to do electrlo power line building and repair work. Address Y-667. Omaha Bee. , WANTED Steam engineers and firemen. Steady Job, nine and 10-hour shifts. Ap ply Nebraska Electric Co., Crelghton, Neb. WANTED One porter and fixsr bell boy. Apply Sanford Hotel. . ' - WANTED Upholsterer tor furoltur Oe- oartmeot Bo 41408. Be FIRST class mechanic for general repair shop. Ford garage. O'Neill. Neb. Salesmen and Solicitors. Be. WANTED SALESMAN With aom knowledg of th elctrlc line, to sell a government rated essential In Omaha and vicinity. Stat reference, age and experience. Box 4303, Omaha MEN WANTED AT ONCE. For house-to-house canvassing ; sale not required. Call South 3340 and ask for soap dep't. THERE Isn't another opportunity like ours In Nebraska. Exclusive territory, effect ive co-operation, careful training. Some thing new. Country work. Th war has greatly Increased the demand for our products. The crop in South Dakota ara the best ever. N. W, Mfg. & Mill. Co., Aberdeen, S. D. WANTED. Salesman for men' hat department, ply Mr. Young, main floor. BENSON & THORNE CO. Ap- Agents and Canvassers. WANTED Experlence'd agents and oper ator. Hav several good position open. Can place experienced, men permanently. Write T. H. Sullivan, auperlntendent. Il linois Central railroad. Fort Dodge, la., atatlng experience and when you can re port for service." WANTED One prescriptlonist and one counter salesman. Apply General Office, 3d Floor, 19th and Farnamv Sherman & McConnell Drug Co. Boys. WANTED Offic boy. Apply at once, Ad vertising Department Omaha Be. WANTED Colored boy between II and It year ot ag to assist with Janitor work. Must be clean and an honest boy. LOOSE-WILES BISCUIT CO., 13th and Davenport. ERRAND boy wanted by large electrlo com pany; good chances for advancement; steady work. Apply 4th floor Electrlo Bldg., 15th and Farnam Sts. Nebraska Power company. . WANTED A boy over 17 to learn trunk and case-making. Freling A Stelnl. 1803 Farnam Bt. MORNING carrier wanted Dundee routes tor Omaha Bee Apply Walnut Station. 40th and Cuming. WANTED Errand boy with bicycle; good wages and chance for advancement. Call Dougla 7474. M. F. Shafer & Co. ' WANTED A 16-year-old boy after school hour. Harvard Pharmacy. Doug. 348. WANTED Errand boy with wheel. Baker Bros. Engraving Co. Douglas 3628. DELIVERY boy wanted. 1714 Farnam st. WANTED A boy with bicycle. Douglas 137. Hotels and Restaurants. WANTED Second cook; also fry cook. Ap ply tochef;BlarJtstoneHotel; Miscellaneous MEN WANTED To unload hay. Apply to timekeeper. UNION STOCK YARDS. South Omaha. RAILWAY MAIL CLERK examination Aug 10. Hundred wanted. 11.10V year Sample question free. Franklin In'J- ' tut. Dept. S3-F. Rochester, N. Y. WANTED Experlenoed married man with mall family to work on farm. Address Box Y 671, Omaha Bee, WANTED Stableman at once. Apply to American Railway Expre Co, 1107 Cap itol av. ' ' WANTED PORTER AT ONCE. BOCjUET HOTEL. DOUGLAS 1829. HELP WANTED. Male and Female. WANTED Men. ladlea and boy, learn barber trade; big demand; wage while learning; atrlctly modern. Call or writ 1401 Dodge Bt Trl-Clty Barber CoUw Phone D 1147 ' MAN and wife, without children, In private home; chores, gardening, cooking and general houaework; good wage; per manent place. Apply Box 2364. Omaha Be. . MOLER Barber College wanta young men and ldle to learn th barber trad. Call or writ tor free catalogue 110 a litb m nmnh. Neb - HELP WANTED FEMALE. Stores and Offices; GOVERNMENT civil service examinations, Omaha, in September. Government clerk, teacher, lnspectresa. research clerk, type writer. Salary 11,200-13,000. Experience unnecessary. Women desiring govern ment position write for tree particulars to j C. Leonard (former civil service ex aminer). 636 Kenols Building. Washing ton. " BOOKKEEPER and cashier. A man's posi tion but a capable lady can handle it Must be neat in appearance, til. ONLY 60 CENTS TO REGISTER, THE MARTI COMPANT, 1126 W. O. W. Bldg. THOSE wishing to prepare themselves for competent stenographer in th shortest tlm possible should take advantage of -our special twel4fc weeks' course. Night - classes open soon. Webster 3405. STENOGRAPHERS. 1100, 190, 185, 180, $75. Bkkpr., $100. Typist and clerk, $65. WATTS REF. CO.. 1138 1st Nat. Bank. FOR bank positions se the Walter Co., 1434, First Jfafl Bank Bldg., Tyler 480. WANTED Neat, reliable girl to anwer phone and office work. Harney 6012. ASSISTANT bookkeeper, branch office, $100. Western Reference A Bond Ass'n. WANTED An experienced cashier. Apply Washington Murke. 1407 Dougla 8 Professions and Trades. WANTED-Young1 Ladies to , learn telephone operating. Good wages . paid while learning, rapid advance- " ment, permanent positions. . Apply to C F. EAMBERT, . - 1807 Douglas St. t WANTED A flrt-clas oounUr waiter, lady or man; also a dining room girL BRUNS WICK RESTAURANT. rRXMOXT, KEB. HELP WANTED FEMALE. Professions and Trades. GIRLS WANTED NOW. Must be 16 year ot ag or over. Good placea for both experienced and Inex perienced girls. Cafeteria serves hot lunches for 13c Steady work snd good wages. Ths mors you learn tha more you tarn. ' Apply aecsnd floor, 13th SL and Capi tol Av. ITEN BISCUIT CO.. I V Snow .Whit Bakeries. ' WANTED AT ONCE 25 experienced power aewlng machine operators. We guarantee experienced op erator will earn 33 cent per boui at piec work. This guarantee Is given for operators to learn our work and expense for period of 4 weeks. Mc. clean and steady work aU th year. OMAHA AUTO TOP CO 701-11 S. llth St WANTED. WOMEN TO WORK IN FACTORY; GOOD WAGES TO START. GORDON-LAWLESS CO., EIGHTH AND DODGE. WANTED SEWING GIRLS. GOOD WAGES, STEADY WORK. DRESHER BROS " 2217 FARNAM. WANTED Experienced film Inspector. Ap ply Metro Pictures Corporation, 211 South Thirteenth St. Saleswomen and Solicitors. ; LADIES WANTED AT ONCE. For house-to-house canvassing; sales not required. Call South 3340 and ask for soap dep't. WANTED EXPERIENCED SALESLADIES FOR SKIKTS AND SUITS. APPLY SUP ERINTENDENT, HAYDEN BROS. WANTED Girl for general housework, 3126 Chicago t. Mr. A. P. Tukey. Harney 8176. Household & Domestic. COMPETENT white second maid. Refer ences required. Phone Harney 506. Good wages. WANTED A young girl to assist with housework. Small family. . Call Walnut 3271. WHITE girl for general housework, three in family. Mra. A. H. Walsh, 624 North 60th i Walnut 1461. COMPETENT white girl for general house work, no laundry; references; best wages. 5126 Bur't St. Walnut 338. WANTED Experienced . cook. Reference required. Mrs. L. F. Crofoot, 122 S. 33th St EXPERIENCED second maid wanted In family of three, references. Mr. W. J. Hynes, Harney 4760. WANTED A girl to assist with house work and children. Harney 1343. WANTED A competent cook. Good wages Apply Mr. G. Storx. 3708 Farnam St WANTEDv-Girl for general housework, small fajnlly. 408 N. 39th St.. Har. 6033. Hotels and Restaurants. WANTED Chambermaid at the Brown Ants.. 608 N. 31st St. Red 8960. WANTED-Experienced waitresses; good pay. 314 eouin loin oi. WHITE Janitress, morning and evening work, $32.50 per month. ALFRED C KENNEDY COMPANY. 206 South 18th St. JANITRESS wanted, 640 First Nat'l. Bank Bldg.: colored need not apply. Miscellaneous. TEACHER of piano will give lessons to dressmaker in exchange for sewing. Har ney 6966. EDUCATIONAL. VAN BANT SCHOOL OF BUSINESS. Day school for women; hour 8:30 to 3, permitting afternoon employment; room open for tudy from 8 to 4:30 ex cept Saturday; enter any Monday morn ing. , Evening achool for men and women; reopen September 1; sesalon Tuesday and Fridays from 6:15 to, 8:16. Enter any Tuesday evening. Tho government and all employer need many thousanda of office worker; educated women and men not eligible for other form of government employment must respond to the call at once: do not think ACT. Second floor Omaha National Bank building. Douglaa 6800. Omaha Neb. CAT T TTTRM BOYLES COLLEGE. DAY SCHOOL, SEPTEMBER 3 NIGHT SCHOOL, SEPTEMBER 4 Intensive training for office workers. Courses in bookkeeping, shorthand, steno typy. typewriting, railroad and wireless telegraphy, comptometry. machine book keeping and aU English branches. Cata logue free. Telephone Douglas 1665. mtk enri Harnev Sts. Omaha. Neb. Beat electrical and elf-tarter coursea Easily learned. No book. Free catalog. Sttlonal Auto School. 2814 North 30th St. Omaha. Nenrasaa FOR RENT ROOMS. SEPTEMBER 16 Furnished room in pri vate borne in Dundee; on car line. Ad dress Box 3378, Omaha Be. Furnished Rooms. SANITARY modern room for men only 13.60 per week. Sun.hln Apartments. 106 Nlttb St J a Robinson. 441 Be Bldg. Dougla MODERN furnished room, permanent or transient. Including large front room suitable for three gentlemen. 1711 Dodge. LOOKING for a room with kitchen ad joining, pleasant, with prlvat tamilyt We have it. ian uougm m.o. TWO furnished rooms within walking dls tance to gentleman of good character Kea oil. TO PERMANENT party, nice warm room; modern; private home; Hanscom park dis trict Harney iui. TWO nicely furnished rooms, eaat front and modern, half block to car. reasonable. 3513 N. 23d St. Web. 4128. GRAND HOTEL 630 S.VS'h. M manage n, nice, clean rooms, 12 up a wek. NICELY furnished, room in private modern home, one bloctf to car. Webster 4971. LARGE beautiful furnished room near car. Harney Housekeeping Rooms. . THREE housekeeping rooms, modern, pri vate faintly. 10,f Ca St. Board and Room. WANTED Board aud room In roftned pri vate modern home, walking distance from downtown, ,by woman employed. Refer ence exchanned. Box 6039, Omaha Beeu AN attractive double and aingle room. rood board. Karney 6143. 2437 BRISTOL St., four or five unfurnished room. Web. 811. Hotels. COOL room. 11 week; also apart meets wlt kltchewHeo, adei hotel Ho Btwff Unfurnished Rooms. HEATED room In Crelghton Block. 16tb and Dougla Sla rj 84 .nuni.u TWO rVrg ttnfurnihd rooms, all modrn except heat Call Sunday morning or evenings from 4 till I. Webster 1117. ROOMS WANTED. GENTLEMAN wlshe room with private family. Place where dog way be kept. References exchanged. Box 2140. Omaha FOR RENT FURNISHED. Apartments. Houses. MY home on west Harney ot I room, modern, furnished or unfurnished, Har- ney 1800. FOUR-ROOM furnished house In Dundee. Inquire 806 N. 49th t FOR RENTHOUSES. West Flat 2306 Leavenworth, I rms., $30.01 2868 Dougla. rooming hue, $13 01 JOHN N. FRENZER, DOUGLAS 164. 8-TtOOM, hot water heat, all modern. S. 14th St Call Harney 1161. Ill 3937 Franklin; I rra partly modern, OMAHA LOAN A- BUILDING ASSN. HI North. 4-ROOM ccttage; nice yard and tree; partly modern; 14th and Mapl St.; 4 block t car line. Price, $12.60 per month. Mr. Pease, 311 Brandel theater Bldg. $30.004 ROOMS and bath, store with helving and barn, corner 48th and Cum ing. Tebben, 605 Omaha National Bank. 6-ROOM flat modern but beat, newly deco rated, $15. 1602 'N. 24th St second floor Red 683. S . 7-ROOM house, hot water beat, adults only. Harney 2049. - 7-ROOM modern house, entirely new. $741 Titus Ave. Tel. D. 1136. Sou.h. WANTED tojent, six or sevens-loom modern house. Hanscom mra district. 4718 Hartley, Miscellaneous. 1143 S. 3id. i rms V $30. 3869 California St.. 8 rms., $30. ARMSTRONG WALSH CO., Tyler 1536. 833 Securities Bldg. HOUSES IN ALL PARTS OF THB CITY. CREIGH SONS CO.. BEE BLDG LiaT your property for rent or sate with FIRST TRUST COMPANY. , Realtors Tvler t ' Phonen Co Rentals Dnusla 4228 FOR RENTAPARTMENT S. West. HAMILTON APTS.. fireproof; fine lawn and flowers: best location; 24th and Farnam. Price reasonable. Call D. 1472. Miscellaneous PETERS TRUST c6 Specialist In Apartment msnsgement FOR RENT Business Property. Stores, n FINE new store room and basement at 27th and Leavenworth Sts.; steam heat; ' tor particulars see Conrad Young, 122 Brandels Theater Bldg. Doug. 1871. Office and Desk Hoom THE Be building ba office that will pleaae you. Better Investigate. Key atone Investment Co.. Tyler 181. .Miscellaneous, WOULD like to hear from local merchant anywhere In Nebraska who have room to' store a few sample pianos and player pianos. Address M. F. Kirkbrids, HOI S. 28 th St., Omaha. Neb. WANTED TO RENT. Unfurnished Apartments and Houses, SMALL beated apartment or two or three unturnsbed rooms with bath, by small family. Close In or on car Unv Address Box Y 659, Omaha Bee. WANTED Young lady wants furnished room in West Farnam district, near S2d, - September 1. Box SO, Omaha ,Bee. Bee. ' MOVING AND STORAGE. FIDELITY STORAGE CO 16TH AND JACKSON DOUG. 381. STORAGE. MOVING. PACKING. I REASONABLE RATES. FREE RENTAL SERVICE. COMPLETE LIST OF ALL VACANT HOUSES AND APARTMENTS JO DITtrn Expreaa Co.. Moving, . J. 1EjS.U packing and storage. 1307 rarnam 8t Web 741; Douila 14. FIREPROOF- WAREHOUSE. Sepsrate locked " rooms for household goods and planoa: moving, packing and shipping. OMAHA VAN AND STORAGE CO.. 806 8 llth. Douglas 4161. ! Globe Van and Storage Co. For real service In moving, packing and storing call Tyler 88o or Douglas 4181. OMAHA EXPRESS CO. LARGE moving vans; careful men. Fur nlturw pack.. torage. 1417 Chicago. D 1664 REAL ESTATES-IMPROVED. CLOSE in 8-room modern house, with larg lot at a bargain. Gallagher at Nelson, Douglas 3383. NEW up-to-date 7 rooms, oak finish, large lot fine location; prtce $6,360; terms. 6137 N. 24th St. Norrls & Norrls. D. 4370. West , NORTHWEST BARGAIN. DANDY MODERN COTTAGE. Five rooms and bath all on on floor, oak finish, neatly decorated, strictly mod ern, only one year old. Nice corner lot Owner transferred to Detroit Price only $3,000; $600 down and $28 per month, OSBORNE REALTY CO., 701 Omaha Nat'l Bk. Bldg. Tyler 491, $200 DOWN & $12.50 MO. Just listed a 5 -room partly moderg house at 3604 South 40th st; large lol 60x130 ft; priced at $1,400; a snap. PAYNE INVESTMENT CO., 687 Omaha Nat'l Bk. Bldg. P. 1787. 1020 N. 60TH ST. Brand new 4-room bungalow, 1-3 acre. Easy terms, cement walk to car. PAYNE A SLATER CO., Pougla 1011. (-ROOM new stucco, modern house, Dundee. 1307 N. 60th Ave. Three sleeping rooms, oak floor, full basement $3,400. Month ly payments, rnone wainui isse. LOT with all improvements, on paved street; good district; $398 to $4t5 $1 down; $5 per monttt. uougias em. 7-ROOM dwelling with store room attached; small, barn. Walnut 824. 6ROOM cottage, goodrepalr, Clifton HUL By owner. Wal. 1723. ' : North. PRETTIEST MILE BARGAIN. A fins 7-r. house, strictly mod., oak fin ish, only about 6 years old. Owner bad house built tor a home. Lot 71x600 ft., a little farm, house and lot worth $10. 000. Owner i willing to tak $7,760. If you want a tine house and a big tract of ground look this up. RASP BROS., Realtors. . J 310 Keellne Bldg. Tyler Hi. MILLER PARK SPECIAL. BUILT BY OWNERFOR HOME. , Seven rooms and bath; oak finished and oak floors throughout; fireplace; book cases; buffet; sleeping porch; full brick foundation; laundry tubs, etc.; about $3,000 necessary to handle; thus Is pol ' tlvely a snap. OSBORNE REALTY CO., 701 Omaha Nat'l Bank Bldg. Tyler 498. 7-ROOM modtrn house, at 4303 Burdett St.. corner lbt 60x120, for $2,600. W. H. GATES,, ' I Kir Omaha Ts'st. Bank Bldg. P. 1394. 6-ROUM w alucco, modern house, Dundee, 1307 N. 60tb Ave. Thre sleeping rooms, oak floors, full basement $3,400. Month? ly payments. Phone Walnut 19ZO. IF you are going to buy a home, see this first; a "fine five-room house; electrlo lights, gas and water. Price $2,000. See , owner ai ajav jiannprwa. M1NNE LUSA homes and lots offer thg best opportunity to Invest your money Phone Tyler 187. ' South. HANSCOM PARK, $10,000 FOR W00. This Is an exceptionally well built hornet entire first floor finished in quarter, sawed oak, with four large rooms on the first flooi" and four dandy corner bedrooms on the second; tilo bathroom; third floor fin ished In one largo room; hot water heat: dandy east front, with lot xl50: paving paid: cement driveway and garage. Thl is net an old-timer, but thoroughly modern and up-to-date and in excellent condition. We can rerommmd thia house very strong. GLOVER & SPAIN, Dougla 3942. 119-30 City National. $2,000 BUYS th -roora bouse, modern, ex cept heat; gooa ioi, v., ... Bouth 30th 6t; par cash, balance at I per ent. co . -. 434 Omaha Natl. Bank Bldg. - Doug. 74 FIELD Club District 7-r. modern hou garage; lot loxise; price .. Grimm!. Phono Douglas 111. ' :'v; i 5