Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 04, 1918, Page 3, Image 3

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SEPTEMBER 4, 1918.
Big Drive Scheduled "for Today
y and the "Taggers'JLWill Be
Out in Big Force to Help
the Cause.
. Forty South Side women will be
fcusy today in the tag day campaign
waged by the Visiting Nurse associa
tion In collecting contributions for
the carrying on of the work of the
Some of the women have planned
to begtn work as early as o ociock
and this part of the city will receive
thorough canvass by the workers.
Mrs. Roy H.' Dennis, who is in
charge of the South Omaha canvass,
is assisted by the following captains
and their helpers: Mrs. Watkins, cap
tain packing house; Mrs. Pike, Mrs.
Kunce, Mrs. Ray Castelle, Mrs. E. A.
Kelly, Hortense Eads, Era Yeanan,
Madeline Doan, Ruth Laverty, Louise
.Watkins, Maurine Murdock.
Mrs. F. E. Ames, captain Htock
yards; Mrs. L. M. Davis, Mrs. James
Harold, Mrs. Otto Radzuweit, Mrs.
R. E. Nixon.
Mrs. GeoMcDonald, 24th street
from A to N; Mrs. Allingham, Mrs.
Davidson, Mrs. Norack, Mrs. Tobin,
Mrs. Murphy, Mrs. Sharveys, Alta
Davis, Mildred Bliss, Josephine Con
nell. . ,
Mrs. W. B. Tagg, captain exchange
building, Mrs. Lightfoot.
' Mrs. Orin Merrill captain east of
24th street, Brown park, Mrs. Ernest
Ball, Mary Voltz.
-Mrs. F. 0. Beck, south and west of
24th and N; Mina Ames, Bonnie
Scott, Beatrice Farrar, Helen Adkins,
Frances Castell.
- The organization is doine an ex
cellent work In this locality. In ad
dition to ministering to the sick, milk
and ice and even clothing have been
iurnished to destitute families.
The werkers are desirous to re
ceive even small contributions so that
none need feel his "mite" is too small,
if he cannot afford more.
Parents Surprised by a
; Phone Call From Soldier
Leo Roosevelt Robinson - son of Mr.
and Mrs. D. Robinson, 4755 South
Eighteenth street, passed through the
city enrouta to Camp Dodge, where
he will stop a short time before con
tinuing toward the embarkation port.
He had just 15 minutes stop here and
surprised his parents by calling them
tip. They had not been able to hear
from him for two months.
His brother Lester has been in
France since November.
South Side Brevities
Bernard Slate has reported tK the police
the loai of his gold watch. ;
P. O. Caldwell- reported to the police
the loss of a. young white Angora goat.
Clzaer MarcKenskl, Thirty-sixth and V
atroets, was fined $100 and costs In police
court by Judge Madden for the Illegal sale
of intoxicating liqquors.
' Henry Jones, colored, was given 90 days
by Judge Madden In police court on an
assault and battery charge, which was made
Vy Fannie Owen, colored. She was present
with a broken Jaw to substantiate her
Harry Reschke, an old resident of South
Omaha, who leaves today with the contin
gent from the South Side for Fort Riley,
Kan., was presented with a wrist watch
Tuesday afternoon by the members and
helpers of the Live Stock Traders' exchange
ef which he was an employe. The presen
Iktion address was made by J. H. Bulla,
president of the exchange.
Ask Estelle to Address
Leavenworth Soldiers
Ju'dge Estelle yesterday received
an ifvitation from a committee from
Fort Leavenworth, Kan., to speak to
the soldiers. ' The judge visited his
son at Leavenworth 4ast week and
met many of the men stationed there.
Having been in the ranks himself,
he was able to relate some experi
ences which interested the boys.
He will probably speak next Mon
day and Tuesday, once at the canton
ment and once at the barracks.
J. H. Wallace; New Member,
Takes Office; Many Teach
ers Quit and New Ones
v Are Named.
Starting the enormous machine of
Omaha's educational system kept the
Board of Education busy at their ses
sion Tuesday night. New teachers,!
were employed, a health supervision
plan was adopted, a resolution for a
school tax of 35 mills was placed on
file and scores of other things, neces
sary for the education of thousands of
children, were planned.
J. H. Wallace, new member of the
board, was sworn into office.
Dr. E. T. Manning was elected
health supervisor at a salary of $2,000
a year. The fear was expressed that,
since Dr. Mahning is city physician,
he would be serving two masters if
elected as school doctor. Nearly all
of the board members declared that
it is unfair for the board to have to
pay $2,000 of Dr. Manning's $5,000
salary. The city refused the board's
request that it pay a larger share of
it and, after some discussion, the
board decided to pay the $2,000, but
many of them were a little "peeved"
about it and there was one vote
against it.
Nurse Supervisor.
The following plan of health su
pervision was adopted: There will
be a supervisor of nurses and 10 field
nurses, emoloved for 10 months; five
field nurses employed for 12 months
and an office clerk.
Resignations from the following
teachers were accepted: Anha Still
mock Agee, Ruby Coleman, Myrtle
Graham, Elsie Magnussen, Janice
Morgan. Leave of absence was grant
ed to the following: Elizabeth Allen,
H. J. Green. Marie Hoye, Grace Lowe,
Nellie McDonald, Frances Nieman,
Mary Phillippi, Gertrude Jfteitter,
Helen Potrue. Ruth Randolph, Alfreda
Traulsen, Mabel Van Brunt, Bloom
White, Lydia Zahn.
The-following teachers were elect
ed for the elementary department:
Faye Brittain, Ruth Crane, Mary
Crane, Kathleen Doyle, Margaret Kel
ly, Gladys Kloke, Bernice McLeod,
T.illie Perkins. Iowa Tones. Norma
Jones, Euphrosyne Planck, Helen Re
tail, Nona Robinson, Nellie Seidel,
Alice bheehy, denaa sinkuie, Miriam
Smith, Dagmar VVestergaara, rarue
Whitehouse; lola Witte, Lela Kyler.
The following were elected ior nign
school positions: Mliibel Burns, L. M.
Cammack. Hedvig Provaznik, Edwin
Puis, J. E. Raymond, John Schmidt,
Mildred Thompson.
A contract for cadet uniforms for
pupils of Central High school was
let. Each uniform will cost
See the
at the
Lincoln, Neb.
Dampness Fails to Stop the
Open-Air Circus Perform
ance; Thursday Will
Be Omaha Day.
1917. 1918.
Sunday .... 9,651 9.75S
Monday 22,589 30,312
Tuesday ...... .33,446 25,277
From a Staff Correspondent.
Lincoln, Sept. 3. (Special.) The
raincoat and umbrella men were eas
ily the most popular fellows at the
state fair today, rain setting in this an falling steadily the en
tire c'ay. The grounds were we: and
mutcy. but a fanly good crowd filled
the buildings and at times crowded
the walks when the rain wouji ease
up a little.
The average state fair visitors come
to Lincoln for the purpose of enjoy
ing themselves and a little rain docs
not appear to bother most of them
very much and to some the mvA ap
peared to be something new for them
and was made to have a good time
in. -
R. W. Dailey Commissioned
Lieutenant at Camp Sherman
Robert W. Dailey, son of J. P.
and Dr. Eleanor Dailey of 8020 North
Thirty-first street, has received a
commission as. lieutenant at Camp
Sherman, Chillicothe, O. He has been
assigned to the 158th depot brigade.
Lieutenant Dailey was born and
raised in Omaha.
When Eczema , burns, itches, disfigures,
Poslam instantly soothes the angry skin,
splendidly exerts its healing power, not only
to make the disease more endurable, but tu
cause it to grow less and less each day.
So effective is Poslam that a little of it
will cover a large surface. It is its QUALI
TY, not the quantity of it, that does the
.You do not have to wait in uncertainty
for indications of improvement. It loon
Sold everywhere. For free sample write
to Emergency Laboratories, 243 West 47th
St., New York City.
"Out of Town"1 Folk
Haven't An Excuse to
Offer, for We Pay Par
cel Post or Express
Charges One Way on
Any Sized Bundle." -
Dyers, Cleaners, Hatters
Furriers, Tailors, Rug Cleaners,
Shoe Repairers.
2211-17 Farnam St., Omaha
Phone Tyler 3-4-5.
An Sirmu of aooaooo
Z - jm J mm mm
General Gordon, Hero of the Battle of Gettysburg
' Leads the Way; United States Judge
N Atkinson, Former Governor of West Va.
Tells Benefits He Derived From Its Use;
-Former United States Senator Chas. A.
Towne Commends Nuxated Iron to All
Who Feel the Need of Renewed Energy.
n ii i am,.
In dTscusslng Nuxated Iron at a dinner in
fashionable hotel in New York, a well
known man of affairs said that the fact that
over three million people annually were en
dorsing it by
their use of it
conservative es
timates was to
him the strong
est possible ar
gument that
' could be ad
vanced as to its
theraneutie ef
ficacy. Nux-
. f
in iron is
such a valuable
product to give
the "stay
there" strength,
power and en
duranee so
much demanded
b y soldiers in
the army that
General Gibson
. . .
'ays- oi,
judging from
the results in
hia own case
lie feels , that
vrv Soldier
- who goes to tne
-iront enouia
take Nuxated
Iron, and that
it has brought
Aaek to him in
geod. ' measure
that old buoyaney and energy that filled his
veins in 1847, when he made Iris triumphant
entry with General Winfield Scott into the
City of Mexico.
- General David Stuart Gordon, noted In
dian fighter and hero of the battle of Get
tysburg, says "When I became badly run
down this year. I found myself totally with
out the physical power "to eoma back," as I
had dona In my younger days. I tried dif
ferent so-called "tonics" without feeling any
batter, but finally I. heard of how physicians
were widely recommending organic iron
to renew red blood and rebuild strength in
worn-out-bodies. A a result I started
taking Nuxated Iron and within a month
it had aroused my weakened vital foroas and
mad bi feel strong again, giving me en.
durance such as I never hoped to again
eotitit." .
- n
rsaSy te a "tUtae.
Hon Leme nl. Shsw,
lorner Secretary et the
treasury, in the cabinet
el one ef ttu arest stren.
moms of Americas Preel.
dealt. Alee termer Gov
ernor of Iowa, Secretary
Shaw tiae takes Nuxated
Iron himself and expo,
rlesoed the benefits ef
Its tonle and halth-flv.
Int srosertlee so that la
wrltlss hie - endorse
Rente he knows whereof
he sseaki.
United States Judge
George W. Atkinson of
the. Court of Claims of
Washington, D. C. says :
"It is without hesitation
that I recommend Nux
ated Iron to persons
who in the stress of
physical or mental
lnhni fmvft turtnfttpri
the system to betfome debilitated, the
body exhausted or the nerves run down.
It har restored my appetite and my vitality.
I fael that I have dropped off the burden
of months of toil in the few weeks that I
have been following the very simple direc
tions for the use of Nuxated Iron."
Former United States Senator Chas. A.
Towne eaysi "Recently I have been taking
Nuxated Iron and have found it of the great
est benefit as a tonic and regulative.
Henceforth I shall not be without it. I am in
a position to testify for the advantage of
others, to the remarkable and immediate
helpfulness of this remedy, and -i unhesi
tatingly recommend Nuxated Iron to all who
feet the need of renewed energy and the
regularity of bodily functions."
Dr. T. Alphonsus Wallace, a physician of
many years' experience in this country and
abroad! says: "I do not make a practice of
recommending advertised medicinal products,
but I have found Nuxated Iron so potent in
nervous, run-down conditions that I believe
all should know of It. The men and women
of today need more iron in their blood than
was the ease twenty or thirty years airo.
This because of the dimineraliied diet which
now is served daily in thousands of- homes
and also because of the demand for greatef
resistance necessary to offset the greater
number of health hazards, to be met at
every turn."
Dr. Ferdinand King, a New York physician
and medical author, says: "There can be no
vigorous iron men without iron. Pallor
means anaemia. Anaemia means iron de
ficiency. The skin of anaemia men and wom
en is pale; the flesh flabby. The muscles
lack tone; trfe brain fags, and tha memory
fails and they become weak, nervous, irrit
able, despondent and melancholy. When
the iron goes from tha blood of women the
roses go from their cheeks. You- should
supply the iron deficiency In your blood by
using some form of organic iron Nux
ated Iron Just as you would vie salt when
your food baa not enough ealt. '
It la surprising how many people suffer
Tim .I
from iron deficiency and do not
know it.
If you are not strong or well
you owe it to yourself to make the
following test: See how long you
can work or how far you can
walk without becoming tired.
Next take ' two five - grain
tablets of ordi
nary Nuxated
Iron three
times pe day
after meals for
two w e e k s.
Then test your
strength" again
and tie how
much you have
gained. Num
bers of nervous,
run-down peo
ple who were
ailing) all the
while have in
creased tmir
strength and
endurance i n
two w e e k a'
time while tak
ing iron in the
pro per form.
Many an ath
lete and prize
fighter has won
the day simply
because he
knew the se
cret of great
strength and
e n d u ranee
which is so
greatly aided by having plenty of iron in
the blood, while many another has gone down
to inglorious defeat simply for the lack of
Mannfacturer'a Note; Nuxated Iron, which Is ore-
scribed sod recommended a bore by phyetclsns. Is not
a secret remedy, but one wuca is well known to
druaslsts ererrwhere. TJollks ths older tnorganle
Iron products. It Is easily SHtmUated, does not In
jurs the teeth, Bake them black nor upset the
unaach. - The manufacturer sua ran tee successful
and entirely satisfactory results to snry rurchaeer or
they will refund your money. It la dlspmeed la
this elty ay Basrmaa McConnsll and all other
druiflrta, . - ,
General John L. Clem.
U. S. A.. Retired, the
drummer bey. ef SHIIoh.
who entered ths U. 8.
Army at ths see of II
years. He was pro
moted te be Serasant
for sallantry at ths bat
tle of Chickamauga when
only 12 years eld. He
saysthat Nuxated Ins
le the ens and ever-re.
liable tonln that be ob
tained most surprising
results from Its use Is
two weeks' time,
1 " t
.IrgjM .
Store Hours
StoreHour. -SrVim
I 8:30 a. m.
I 6:00 p. m.
i Saturday In
1 eluded.
II II 11 II ik :
Uh.ltlln. 'V ,tMlllHln.. .Sir NlUilH
, Now 1
8:30 a. m. to 1
6:00 p. m.
Saturday In-
New York's Foremost Creators of Suits
Give Us Their Exclusive Productions
ALL IS HERE and the Colder Days Near at Hand. Never in the History of
Omaha has there been assembled such a vast Display of Women's Beautiful
Tailored Suits. Notwithstanding the present .strenuous war time conditions,
we are able to maintain the high standard in Women's Wearing Apparel that
has sriven this store its reputation as a Smart Dress Center. Beautiful and
Artistic Garments of Handsome and Fashionable Fabrics, made in all the New
. '.Shades, and embodying Wonderful Workmanship, Smart Originality, and Style Cor
rectness are striking features of the Suits we are showing this season. To the
woman of distinctive taste in' dressing the custom tailored suit has its own appeal.
Its lines, styles and wearing qualities cannot be duplicated in a factory-made suit.
Most of the Models Shown Here
Are Handled Exclusively
In Omaha By Us
They Are Made by the Foremost
Manufacturers of Women's
Clothes in America
All the New Materials Are Shown
Silk Duvetynes, , Evora Cloth Duotone,
Silvertone Crystal Cloths, Broadcloths,
' ' ( Velvets, Bolivia, Velour Cloth, Suede
Cloths and Velvets.
There are exact copies of French models. Novelty Short
Coat Effects Custom hand-made suits. Short hip length
coats Many with the new straight lines Others with rip
pled coat effects and more fitted waists Some with novel
ideas in belts Many come with deep fur "collars and cuffs
Others with fur collars and borders of furs. Still others have
Hand-Embroidered Motifs.
In all the New Shades of Army, Oversea
Blue, Silver, Brown, Algeria, Blue, Plum
Never was the wisdom of buying your Fall Clothes so ap
parent as right now. The materials used in the making of
these suits are, in many instances by this time, almost entirely
off the market, and others can be obtained only at consider
able advance in cost. Our later purchases therefore will have
to be sold at higher prices. All sizes from 34 to 46.
Styles to Satisfy Every Taste and Prices to Suit every
Pocketbook Ranging from
$29,$35$49, $59, $79, $95, $125, $195, $245
We Mention Below 3-Groups of Suits That Have Been Arranged at Attractive Prices..
IE 1
pgr d. I
AT $59.00
We are positive these suits will ap
peal to you. All the newest coat
shapes with belted and tailor
ed effects. Braid trimmed, Vest
effects, New collar ideas.' Velours,
Serges, Gabardines, Tricotines and
Silvertones. All the new
new shades Spe-' 59 QQ
piallv nriced at y',',ww
"-t tr
SUITS AT $29.00
If you want to buy'now arfd save
a nice amount, here is your chance.
Remarkable values for the prices
asked. Fine Tricotines, Serges,
Gabardines, Poiret Twill and Pop
lin. In all the new styles and shades.
They will surely please you. . Buy
while the assortment of styles and
sizes are here. A
&8:al!y... $29.00
SUITS AT $49.00
Finest Wool Velours Wool Mix
tures, Broadcloths and Velour
Check, in the military effects, pock
ets, belts and coat shapes or plain
tailored. Some trimmed with plush
or velvet. Full silk lined. A splen
did assortment iri . m '
all the new fall CQ ffl
shades. Priced at .p,i7UV
Smart, Comfortable and Healthful Results Can be
Obtained When You Have Your Corsets Fitted Here
The figure is the essential feature
in the costuming of a woman, and the
correct corset, properly fitted, mean3
individuality and distinction.
Be sure to get your new corset
first. Very often it will save you an
alteration on the new dress or suit.
You will be interested in the New
Fall Corsets we -are now showingin
both front and back laced styles and
our Corsetierres will be pleased, to
give you the benefit of their exper
ience in the selection of the proper
model for you.
CORSETS FROM h $1.00 TO $25.00.
All fittings are free. When you
buy your corsets here, you get the
most 'value for what you pay.,
We feature such popular brands
of corsets as the
Every corset fitted here is guaran
teed satisfactory; if it is not, we ask
you to come in and tell us.
i air 9 rioor. 1 1
i it
g ,,-i,1.ii,i niiaiiiisiiM Ml.iU'llrTfT,Wffit;tM 1 I
v.-.-' ": " y . "... . ' . ..--V. . V . v.