THE BEE: OMAHA. TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 3, ,1918. Want Ad Kates Cb Wltb Order , per word ....... ecn insertion Is per word for three consecutive Insertion Jo pr word for each additional Ir-ertloo N ad uku (or lee tbaa total of ' or les than I0 par day. CHABIiE. (a pet Una (count word to lint) ona tlma la par Una aaca tlma. eoncutlve tlmee la par Uie aacb tlma. 10 consecutive time SITUATIONS WANTED tie par Una p,r w CABDS OF THANKS AXD ' FirN'EBAl NOTICES. to par una oacb InaarUoa tMlnlmura Charga. 40 Cents.) Contract Rate Ob Applkatlo- For convenience of advertlaara want ada will ba accepted at tba followtnc office-. I! A IN OFFICE JA'll,2? Am of flee North 24td Bt tk Office 2614 Nortb 34tb Bt Vinton office 344T South Ktb 8t Park Office WIS Leavenworth Bt. w.inut offlca Nort .1 Soui a Sid. N 81 Sam-.l B.uffi t St. Nortb THE BEE will not ba reaponalbla for mora than ona Incorrect Insertion of as advrtia nwiit ordered for mora tba ona tlma. t, rHK TELEPHONE !f tou cannot con veniently bring or oand your ada to any of tti above offlcea Ask for a want Ad Taker and you will racelva tba aama good aervlca a whan delivering four ad U PHON rtLEB 100. Want Ad Column aoaa Kvenlng Edition " Morning Edltlona p ,M lunday Edltlona 10 P. M. Saturday Evening PUNRRAI. DIRECTORS. rnatjLSE & riepen Ptuneer Funerel Director :-)! So. 14th 8t ' Phono Pour 1324. ' HOFFMANN FUNERAL HOME. Hoffmann quality eervlca. eotta lea 54th and Podge. Douflaatia H5TACK & FALCONER lndpndeoi Underukuf. SM A Far H. W tiiTHf nTi vrUhi nd lintnaed amb .intra alto prlvata ambulance. Call Webster 47 Willis C. Croaby. 3611 N 34th Bt, , ? U DODDER CO. Funaral Director. . L. Fero. Mir., ltd and Cuming Phona Douglss 7i Auto amnui.m;.-. IOHN A GENTLEMAN, undertaker and . embaimer. 1411 rarnarn o. FLORISTS. onunella Flnrtata. LEE L. LARMON lilt Domlaa Bt Douglas 4344 57DONAGHUE .mMn'et riowara thlpped vrywhr. Exp. prepaid. s BATH Careful Florist. 1104 Farnam St. A L. Henderson .1419 Fajcnam. P 1348. MONUMENT ft CEMETERIES. EST LAWN off era eympatbetlo aervloe In uddaa aorrow; perriotual carai no a- mnta, lota on eaay teiwa. rnone 'JIB largest dlaplay of monument In i the United State FH.nB -14 8 ISth Phon Poualaa 7-fia x ' -FUNERAL NOTICES. fltOMSEN Mrs. Katir, aed tf. S81J Avail. " - ua O, Council Bluffe. Funeral from Dod der'a chapel, 23d and Cuming 8ta., Wednea- ' day at p. nu Interment fiprlngwell ceme. ' tery. Frlenda Invited. f e VaThKAMP ilra. Minnie, 80 ara. Hemaina wlH bo ahlpped from the Hea'e A Heafey chapel, Tueaday, 8i-ptember , at I P. u., to Berlin, Neb., for burial. CARD OF THANKS. H wlab to extend our aincereat thanlca to our many frlenda for their klmlneaa and aympatby ahown during the Joath of " our beloved brother; alao for the many beautiful floral offering. s . STEVE ABARlOTEf GUST' ABAKIOTES 1 WISH to extend my elncereet thanka to my many frlenda for thelf klndneaa and aympatby ahown during the death of I'ty beloved brother; alao for the nany beau titul floral off erlnga. ',.-.... GEORQS 8ELETOS. 5 ATTRACTIONS. f bJJWAKD oouuty fair, Sept. 17, 1, 1, XO 48th annual fair; big program. Concea ' alone for aals. Write wire or aeo it. P. Landle, Bupt. conceaalona, Beward, Neb. SPECIAL NOTICES- "DENTISTRY, ' Tha infirmary of Crelghton unlvtraity college of dentistry will reopen on Bp tember 1. All klnda of dental worn dona under careful aupervlalon of tha profea aora. Eztractlona tree. Chlldren'a teeth otTatghtened. 110 Bouth th 81 t NOTICE I will not ba reaponalbla for any debta contracted other than by nyaalf. : 3. A. McCarty. LOSTFOUND -REWARDS. OMAHA A COUNCIL BLUFFS BTRKKT I.A1LWA I COMJ-AWX. I Paraona having loat aoma artlolee would . do well to call up tba office of tba Omaha Council Blutfa Street Railway company , to aacertaln whether they left It la tba : etreet ear. Many artlciea each day are turned In , and tha company la anxloua to reetore them to the rightful ownera. LOST Thursday night from automobile, black oblong band puree, Beward. Call Colfax 640. fcTKAVEU dunday. a bay pony about 400 lbs., white face, brand R, R. W, Call Walnut B433. 4314 Wlrt tj.MALL- cameo brooch, valued as keepsake; reward, Phone Harney 4006. FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS. Furniture and Household Goods, UOUSE FURNISHINGS AND FURNITURE IN BIG SEPTEMBER SALE. The fall months suggest "coaltytng" your home. A new rug, a new dreaser, a ' new alove or range, bespeaks more pleas ant surroundings. For less money than elesewhere, tha State Furniture Co., 14th and DcaJge atreeta, win supply your needs. i - Our September bargains should attract ' . you. We make a specialty of complete ' home outfits, also hotela and rooming houses. Railroad fares refunded to out-of-town buyers within 40 miles of Omalja on purchases of 20 or more. STATE FURNITURE CO., Hth and Podge Sta.. opposite V. P. Bldg. . tUKrllTURE A HARDWARE BARGAIN! Beds, aprlnga, matireaaea. dreaaora. chll foniera. tables, chairs, china and Kitchen . cabtoeta. rugs and linoleum, trunka and ault cases, gas atoveet and lea boxea, full Itne acreen wire, poultry netting, garden toola 1431-47 Nortb 34tb St Tel Web 14t)7 Onen till ( o m ACTUAL TRUTH FOR BARGAINS Full tine of furniture, gaa and coal oil atovea. ruga, baby carriage, trunka eto Loyal Furn Co.. 134 N 16IU i OR SALE Brand new French Wilton rug 4x3 by 10x4, aeveral small ruga and por- tier orapery. can colfax 3J. COMPLETE household furnishings for sale, all first claaa. 3011. Lincoln Blvd. Har ney 3481.- 1'GR BALE Complete furniahlng of 3- room apartment, new and priced reason able. Apartment 29, Angelua Apia Sewing Machines. ""SEWING MACHINES We rent repair, aell oetdlea and part t all ewlng machines -MICK ELS. NEBRASKA CTCLB CO.. IStn and Harnev Sta Doug. 1443. Store and Office Fixtures, . WIS buy, aell and anak dtaka. aafva. show- ease, shelving, etc nmaha Fixture A Sup ply Co. Iltb and Uougia D 3734 OFFICES furniture. ettee, ball aafe. desk, chair and filing cases, 310 Be Bldg.. Poug. 3404. -"- -' type sewriter and Supplies. I TPBWRiTEKS. all makea, wld. rented and repaired. . THg W. M. LONG COMPANY, 1915 Farnam; ' Tel. P. 3949. Ush I-eoluma Burroughs Adding machine for-eai-t a' bargain. 1908 FAKWAMHT. , xYffjEWRlTERS Jd- nti and repaired. Rent an Oliver 8 month for 85. Central Typewriter Exchange, 1405 Harnam. AlioiSQ MACHINES, all xnake bought OTBAuVtWWBITBE fOXCHANGa 190 rAfla " CbW. aell or axchsng lypewrliai: guar typewriter. 10 and pf " WrtU r Iwt, Midland Typewriter Co.. HH iodie. FOR SALE -M1SCELLAN EOUS. Dairy Product! KKttiH country buttermilk; butter; beat vi cream; atrtctly freab etga; delivered to any part of Omaha Phone South tie or Trier Warnera Pianos A Musical Instruments a HoSPB Cif.. 161 Uouglai. have planoa to rent at S3 10 pet oonih. or will eel! oa eaay terma , Miscellaneous ART TREASURES. DIAMONDS AND ANTIQUE JEWELRY. I am inatructed by tha court to offer privately for aala the valuable patntlnga, Diemonde and antique Jewelry belonging to the estate of the late Carrie E. Bamg Interview by appointment. LTSLB L ABBOTT. Executor, 4 114 McCagua Block, City. -f FOR SALE. 1 Single white bed with mattreri for aal; cheap. 3183 Larlmora Ave. Phone Colfax 4040. OMAHA PILLOW CO. Feat here atearord. renovated and made up In new feather ' proof tlrklng U07 Cuming Poug 3447. 310 WILL place a Doty Vacuum Cleaner In your home. Demonstration free. Phone Webster tm, for appointment. 1 AMERICAN tool wks. ahaper, 14-ln.; 1 75-ib. power hammer, fine shape. Tell BlnkJey. 2118 Harney Bt. 30 SHARES North American Hotel Company atock for aala cheap. Make offer. E. A. Bullock, 3013 Farnam Bt.. Omnia. STOCK Patton'a Sun-Proof paints, small sizes. Will sell cheap. 3302 Cuming St. at Wlemer's store. f 96 HARTMAN wardrobe trunk, IJ5. In nulre evenings J. Kennedy, ill North Nineteenth street.' LEAVING the city at unce. Compelled to sell plana. "wn i"" SWAPPERS' COLUMN WILL traUa two-ton truck for pleasure car Graham ttroa. Sales Co., 2012 Farnam. Omaha. Neb. , CONN FRENCH HORN. F. V. ami E-fet, for sole or- trade. R. W. Barber, Ma-mile.- la. ' ' Victor and Columbia Phonograph Hecorda. Want to swap even for othera. Box 8. C. 444. Omaha Bee. ' WANTED TO BUY. TPMTZTMQ nM J"' "turned and ilNJViiIO win give you the aama good aervica tnat ns gave in tne paac neip win tba war Bell your old clotbea. shoes, ruga tools, trunba and buy W 8. 8 Will call. Res. P.JOJJ. office D 6444. DESKS DESKS DESKS New desks; used deaka nought, anld and traded J C. Reed. 1201 Farnam. D 4144 ANNOUNCEMENTS. THU annual benefit dunce given by Fun tenello court 168, Trlbo of Ben llur,, will be held Tuesday, September 3, at 28th and Farnam treela (formerly Turpln'a Panelng Academy). Ailmleslon 6rto each. KEEP Dancing Academy, 2424 Farnam; claaa and dance every Monday and Thurs day; learn to dance for .. where learn ing la a pleasure. Phona noughts 7880. Accordeon Pleating. ACCORDEON. aide, knife, aunburat, box pleating, covered buttons, all alsea and atylea; hemstitching, pivot edging, eye let cut work, button holes, pennants. IPEAL BUTTON AND PLEATING CO.. 300-308 Brown Bldg Phone Do.ig. I34 HEMSTITCHING, PLEATING. BUTTONS. O. U. VanArnam Pleating Ca 134-7 Paxton Block. Phone Dnug. 3101. Baggage and Express. THE ONLY WAY. r.1." THE OMAHA TRANSFER CO. REPUBLIC AUTO EXPRESS COMPAN? will haul everything for you. Packagea lesa than to lbs.. 15 centa. Douglas 7443. Awnings. AWNINGS AND PORCH FURNITURE. Auto touring tents and camping auppltea BCOTT-OMAHA TENT A AWNINO CO. Brass and Iron Foundries. PAXTON-MITCHELL CO. 17th and Martha 8ta.. Omaha, Neb. Braaa, bronse, aluminum and machine gray Iron eastings - Billiard Tables. PRIVATE) tanlea for part lea at Holmee' Chiropractors. Dr. J. C. Lawrence, Balrd Bldg. P. 4441 BPINOORAPH, Dr. Edwards. 34th. Fwnam Costumes. FULL dreaa eutta for rent 101 N. 14th Bt . oppoaita rostoince. Joan rtiaman uoug. Iss 3138. Detectives. JAMES ALLAN, 313 Neville Blk. Evident). secure, in all eases. Tyler 1144 Printing and Office Supplies. Watera-Barnhart Pig. Co.. 414-14 8. 13th at. Dentists. Dr. Bradbury. No pain. 431 W. O. W. Bldg Taft'a Dental Rma., 4nx Rose Bldg D 3184 Film Developing. FILM developed; rolls. 10c; packs, lto: one-day aervlce. Kaae Studio, Neville U1K.. I6tb and Harney Dressmaking. ORDERS for exquisite Infant apparel. U. Fllnn. Harney (630. MISS STURDY, dressmaking Doug. 6344 - Fixtures and Wiring. TlTTPtfTNl Electric waahlng machine. U KJ elsotrlo Irons and reading lampa 2333 Cuming at Douglaa 1619 Jewelry. nUMfMnC!W Py boat price wit 4-lXHAVyili-kJ privilege to buy back at amall profit GROSS. 403 N :6th 8t Osteopaths, DR. MABLE WESSON, 414 Brandele Bldg T 340 Re.. 4741 ' Patent Attorneys. PATENTS procured, bought and aold. Inter national Patent Co.. 63 Brandela. P. 4441 STURGES A 8TUKOES, U & anf foreign patent and trademarka 3 Bee Bldg Tailors, Pledrlok. P L 814 8 2"lh Tailor D 3438 Towel Supplies. Omaha Towel Supply 078 Hth P 638 Medical. PILES, fistula and other rectal dis eases cured without su'iical oper ation. Cure guaranteed; . Write for book on rectal diseases with testi monial. Drl. E. R. TARRY. 240 Bee Bldg.. Omaha. . 6af es. BARGAINS 1212 Farnsro Q A TT'T7'Q J J Derlght Safe C OIXS A-O Wedding Stationery. WEDDING announcementa and printing Pouglaa Printing On Tl Doul 644 BUSINESS CHANCES. WANTED a good business man to take charge of retail business with a good salary and half of net proceeds; annual profit. 44.000, to 35.000; you handle your own money: will require 33.00 to 84.000 to handle, this proposition. Box 4s96 Omaha Be. I OK SALE A growing abstract business. Incorporated. Hall County Abstract Co.. Orand Island, Neb. FOR BALE FOR CASH Saloon In good lo cation, doing good bualneea Reaaon foi quitting, death Address H. 141 Charles Kt. Bt Joseph. Mo NEWSPAPER for sale at a bargain, town of , 600. Not a dead one. J, U. G., Orient, la car independent FORD AGENCY and garage for sale. Ne braaka town. F. V, Knteat Bee Bldg n Oman.- ' AUTOMOBILES. .' " OLDSMOB1LE SEDAN PRACTICALLY NEW OWNER GOING TO CALIFORNIA . i CAR AT WEBSTER 1232. QUALITPV USED CARS. .VAN BRUNT AUTOMOBILE CO., 2404 LEAVENWORTH BT. HUPP ti. good vuudltlott. tr sale cbea Uaroey 48. AUTOMOBILES. NOTICE. Manager has enlisted. Must close eat used car thla week. TRAWVER BROS., 1910 Farnam, Poug. 4070. RADIATORS Wracked and leaky radiator repaired and rebuilt; large atock need radlatora en band. Maabed fenders and lampa repaired ilka new New atock of Ford noneycome radiatora ' M AHA RADIATOR AND TIRE WORKS. 1414 Cumlna St Omaha. Nab FOR SALE A good 6-passenger Studeb-ker car. In good repair; good reaeone foi aell Ing. Address E. E. Zimmerman, care N i y. Life Ins Co- R. 337. .maha National Bank building. Tel. Tyler 357. Leave word If I am not there. ONE Packard chassis, 3350; 1 Peerleaa truck with body. 3450. Both macninee m good condition. NEBRASKA WHITE CO., Fred C. Rogere. Mgr. 1407-21 Capitol WANTED A Ford roadster body or coupe body in good condition or a 1417-13 Ford roadster or coupe car at reasonable price. Mall description and price to Box 44. Madison, Neb. BARGAINS IN USED CARS All makea Wltb and without starter, 35 to pick from Phone D 1341 or call at 1514 Davenport lit iy I a n uru Ft lit SALE At a bargain- Rao three quarter ton truck used par' time for eight montha and tn god condition Addreaa Bus V. 413. Omshe Bee FtK SALE OR TRADE 60 h p. Mitchell chummy roadater. blgh speed and power, will accept Ford In A J condition aa part payment A bargain. B E. Frank- Route 7. Benson, nto USIiD CARS AND TRUCKS , AT BARGAIN Plll-fca. STANDARD MOTOR CAR CO., 2020 Farnam St.. Omaha. Neb. BUCK KoadWr Mud'el C-36. four-cylinder, run 8,000 ra'.le; In flrst-clasa condition. Can ba sci at Davenport garage. C. L. Hml'h. .Morris Apsmmnij, ilKTZ touring car, in good running order. 1916 model. Will demonstrate and aell rhenp. 2303 Cuming street GRANT MIX, 5-paj-senger touring, driven only 3,000 miles at a bargain. Barnum Kmlth. 2t?2 finning bt. OAKLAND, Sensible Six. MARSH OAKLAND CO, 3300 Farnam 8t WBUrTTHEUSKD CAR MEN. THAWVER AUTO CO., 1910 Farnam St. Douglas 4070 WANTED FOR SPOT CASH. 100 USED .ia ..tit,. i. antinn. nn deiav. Auto Ex change Co.. 2063 Farnam at Doug. 4038. niDni'fh'K In naeif rare OUR MOTOR SALES CO.. . 40th and Farnam Harney 414. ' GOOD USED CARS. OUT L. SMITH. 36th and Farnam Sts Pouglaa 1470. MAXWELL" roadster, 1916 model, fully equipped; extra tire and tubes. Call Har ney '7144 aftor 6 p. m BARGAINS IN USED CARS McCaffrey Motor Co. 16th and Jackson. Ford Agenta. P. 3500. MR KKS AUTO CAR. USED CAR BARGAINS. 2023 FARNAM BT. POUOLAB 4244. BARNUM & SMITH,"2122 Cuming, ueed rare bought, aold and exenanred FOR" BALE New 1418 model Ford. Call Tyler 141)7 w. Automobiles Wanted. CAR WANTED i914 or l'17 Packard, Peerlesa. Wlnton. Stutx, Locomobile or almllar car. In good shape, at bargain. Address Box Y 421. Omaha Bee. WANTED Touring car under'$600; describe fully. Address Box 2264, Omaha Bee. T Aao Livery and Garages. RENT A FORD DRIVE IT YOURSELF 14a a mile, 36o per hour minimum-charge Sunday and holidays, 600 per hour. - FORD LIVERY CO.. Pouglaa 8423 1314 Howard Bt Startera and Generators Repaired. itlTO KI.RI-TR1C! SERVICE CO. Anything electrical about your auto. 314 8. 19th St. Douglaa 4488. Tires and Supplies. BARGAINS IN USED TIRES WHILB THEY LAST! . 30x3 ...46.40 82x4 1 8.36 10x3 Vi 87.00 33x4 10.60 12x8M., 8.00 34x4 11.00 T Other slxea up to 17x6.' - , Tires ahlpped subject to examination on deposit of one dollar. Omaha Radiator & Tire Works, 1819 Cumin St. Tyler 917 Omaha NEW TIRES AND TUBES ON SALE. Ford tubea 33.3532x3tt ....... .318.76 3x3 4-9533x4 323.45 311x3 313 9534x4, non-skid, 324.75 Flreatone. MoGraw, Republic, Congress, Lee Pullman, Flsk. Send for circular. KAIMAN TIRE JOBBERS. 1721 Cuming. REAL bargain in alightly used tirea; new tires at very low price. O. and O. Tire Co.. 2416 Leavenworth at. Tyler 1361-W BRAND new tires and tuDea at 26 to 40 per cent off Hat price. Send for our price lint OMAHA CUT RATE TIRE CO.. - Douir. 2910. 310 9. 19th St, TIRES AT HALF-PRICE. WriU us for particulars. Agents wanted. 2-ln-l VULCANIZING CO. 1516 Davenport. Phone D. 1541. BUY Lee puncture-prof pneumatio tire and eliminate your tire trouble rowan sup ply Co 40S1 Farnam 8 Service Stations AUTOMOLILE electrical repalra; service station for Rayfield carburetors ana Co lumbia Storag) Batteries. Edward. 2614 No. 19th. Webster 1103. MOTORCYCLES AND BICYCLES. H A R L B Y-DAVIDSON MOTORCYCLES Bargain In used machines victor n Reoe. the Motorcycle Man, 2Tlb and Lea enwortb. - l PERSONAL. l"HK Salvation Army Industrial Home so licits your old clotblng. furniture, maga slnea We collect We distribute. Phone Doug 4135 and our wagon will call. Call and Inapect our new bora. 1110-1113-1114 Dodgs street MEDICAL. RUPTURE successfully treated without a surgical operation. Call or writ. Or Frank H. Wray. 306 Be Bldg. SITUATION WANTED. Male. CLERICAL or bookkeeping position in county seat tewn, Nebraska, dealred by young married man, classification 2B. Best references. L. B. 2s. Osceola, la, All around colored man wanta janitor work. Above draft, experienced. 2302 N. 26th St. George Scott Clonal cleaning anu nc-rviv ovmiwor, aivv l.-aviwortn tit, narney nu. Female. EXPERIENCED young lady wishes .clerical or. cashier work; husband In aervlc. Douglaa 7894. WANT amall children to care for by day or week, prices reasonable. Douglas 7093. Pit ACT1CAL nursing. . Doctor references. Web. 5040. Laundry and Day Work. EXPERIENCED laundress would like to work first of week. Colored. Webster 1678, DAY work, cleaning and Ironing. Call Col- fax 3286, mornings cr evenings. BUNDLE and family waahlng; call and de liver wal. 1653 WANTED Bundle waahlng Call Webster H7S BUNDLES carefully laundered Call and deliver Web. 4283. REL. col. woman wanta day work. W. 698. BUNDLE washlnxa wsnted Tel Rd 73 DAY work wanted Call after . Web. 4426 LAUNDRY work by the hour Webater 3663 CURTAINS laundered, w'k guar Har 1134 BUNDLE washing wanted. Webater 1333. BUNDLE washing wanted. Walnut 229 COL. ldy -wanta day work. Web. 3174. BUN PL, washings tn take home. Web. 1391 Hotels and , Rtstaurants. SITUATION wanted by U,r, first-clan on bread or pastry; wishes steady posl tion In bakery or. hotel. . J. I Sctiaefer, room o t, .Merchants hotel. HELP WANTED MALE. Stores and Offices.. Bookkeeper, grain. 1150. Cost accountant, salary depend. Offlca cleric good at figures. 8115. Stock clerk. 460.74. , Office bo ye, 340-45. THE MARTI COMPANY. 1124 W. Oj W. Bldg. WANTED Competent etenographer and clerk by Live stock commission rirm. Good salary to right party. Must be proficient etenographer. Stat age .and experience. Address Lock Box 2. South Side Station. Bookkeeper, grain, 3160. Cost accountant, salary depends. Office clerk, good at figure, fill. Stock clerka, 357.71. Office boys. 340. 845. THE MARTI COMPANY, 1126 W. O. W. Bldg. ACCOUNTANT, 8150; store room account ant. 3130; bookkeeper, 3125, 115, 3100; stenographer, with grain exp., 890, 1126; corres., 3100. WATTS REF. CO., 1183 1st Natl. Bk Bldg. FOR bank poalttona aee the Waltera Co., 1414 Flrat Nafl Bank Bldg. Tyler 480. WANTED Registered or unregistered drug clerk. Box T 668. Omaha Bee. Piofessions and Trades. SHIP WORKERS: STEADY WORK. LONG JOB; COME. DON'T WRITE; RIVET ERS. HOLDERS ON HEATERS. STRUCT URAL IRON WORKERS. BOILER MAKER8; BEST PLACE TO WORK; NEW YARD AND NEW EQUIPMENT: BEST PLACE TO LIVE; THE METRO POLITAN DISTRICT WITH ITS VARIED AMUSEMENTS AND ATTRACTIONS IS YOURS FROM WHICH TO CHOOSE YOUR HOM.E SURROUNDINGS. APPLY SUBMARINE BOAT CORPORATION EMPLOYMENT OFFICE. NEWARK BAY SHIP TARP. PORT NEWARK, N. J. WE NEED -CONDUCTORS AND MOTORMEN Apply in person to the superintendent of trans portation, second floor, Merchants' National Bank Bldg.. Omaha. OMAHA & COUNCIL BLUFFS STREET RAILWAY CO. WANTED Exoreas Handler -Privera and Chauffeur. Increased Salsrlea. AMERICAN 'RAILWAY EXPRESS CO. Apply Union or Burlington Station office WANTED Experienced help In the shoe du partment; permanent poaitlon, good salary; apply Mr. Singer, Brandela Storea. WANTED Can give steady employment to a man capable of taking charge of blgh tenaion line design, construction and main tenance. Man familiar with hydroelectrlo power preferred. Address Box T (68, Omaha Bee. WANTED Good general blacksmith, beat of wage. ' FRED HEAVERIN. 1 Bloomfleld, Neb. HELP WANTED Factory and trades; ex perienced battery man; good wages. Unl ted 8ervlc Co, Telephone D-1536. DRUG CLERK WANTED-Houra and sal ary right; permanent Attebery Bros,, Morrill. Neb. ' , WANTED A man to do electric power line building and repair work, Addresa X-667, Omaha Bee. WANTED Steam engineer and firemen. Steady Job, nine and 10-hour shifts, Ap ply Nebraska Electric Co., Crelghton, Neb. WANTED One porter and four bell boys. Apply Pnnford Hotel. WANTED Upholateret tor furniture de- nsrtment Pox 41411a. fcee WANTED Candy maker, Roger confec tionery, 34th and Farnam Sts. FIRST class mechanic for. general repair shop. Ford garage, O'Neill. Neb. Salesmen and Solicitors. Bee. WANTED SALESMAN With aom knowledge of the lctrle line, to aell a government rated essential tn Omaha and vicinity. Stat reference, age and experience. ' Box 4303. Omaha THERE lan't another opportunity like our In Nebraska. Exclusive territory, effect ive co-operation, careful training. Some thing new. Country work.- Th war has greatly Increased th demand for our product. The crops In South Dakota are the beat ever. N. W. Mfg.. A -Mill. Co., Aberdeen, S. D. "' WANTED. Baleaman for men's hat department Ap ply Mr. Young, main floor. BENSON A THORNE CO. Agents anJ Canvasser. WANTED Experienced agenta - and oper ator. Have aeveral good poaitlon open. Can place experienced men permanently. Writ T. H. Sullivan, superintendent, Il linois ' Central railroad. Fort Podge. la., tating experience and when you can re port for service." - WANTED One prescriptionist and one counter salesman. Apply General Office, 2d Floor, 19th and Farnam. . Sherman & McConnell Drug Co. - Boys. BOYS WANTED. OVER 16 YEARS 'OF AGE. APPLY TO MANAGER SKIN NER, . MFG.. CO., 14TH AND JACK SON. - MORNING carrier wanted Duude route for Omaba B Apply . Walnut 8tatlon. 40th and Cuming. - WANTED A boy ever It to learn trunk and case-making. Frellng Stelnla. 1803 Farnam Bt . WANTED A 16-year-old boy after acbool - hour. Harvard Pharmacy. Poug. 348. DELIVERY boy wanted. 1714 Farnam at Hotels and Restaurants. WANTED Second cook; also fry cook. Ap ply to chef, Blackstone Hotel. Miscellaneous OILERS wanted at once: ateady work; eight hour a day; large power atatlon. Ex perience preferred but not absolutely ne cessary. Chancea tor advancement. Ap ply at Nebraska Power company power station. 4th and Leavenworth Streets. MEN WANTED - . To unload hay Apply to timekeeper UNION STOCK YARDS. South Omaha. RAILWAY MAIL CLERK examinatlooa Aug 10 Hundred wanted 81.100 yea' Sample question free Franklin Ins-' tut. Dept 8S-F. Rocheater. NY WANTED Stableman at one, . Apply to American Railway Express Co 1107 Cap itol ave WANTED PORTER AT ONCE. BOQUET HOTEL. DOUGLAS 1321. ; Male and Female, WANTED Men. ladies and boy, learn barber trade; big demand, wage while learning, strictly modern Call or writ 1403 Dodge Bt Trt-Clty Barber College Phon. O 3147 MAN and wife, without children, in private home;, cborea, gardening, cooking and general housework; good wages; per manent place. Apply Box 2254, Omaha Bee. MOLER Barber College want young men and ladle to learn th barber trada Call or writ (or free catalogue, 110 a lttb Bt. Omaha. Neb. HELP WANTED FEMALE Stores and Offices. GOVERNMENT civil service examinations. Omaha, tn September. Government clerk, teacher... Inspectresa. research clerk, type writer. Salary 31.200-32.000. Experience unnecessary. Women desiring govern ment positions write for free partlculara to J. C, Leonard (former civil aervice ex aminer), 526 Kenois Building. Washing ton. , WANTED , 16 to 20 Young and middle aged women as cash iers and Inspectors to take th placea left vacant by young women returning to school. BURGESS-NASH CO. Apply Supt Balcony. THOSE wishing to prepare themselves for competent stenographers In the shortest time possible should take advantage of our special twelve weeks' course. Night classes open noon. Webater 3405. STENOGRAPHERS. 3105. 3100, 895, 390, 385. 375. 366; steno. and bkkpr., 3100; typist some steno., 875, 8125; stenograph er, grain exp., $75; typist, 360, 350. WATTS REF. CO., 11.18 4st Natl. Bk Bldg. OFFICE clerk, good at figures, 160. Western Reference A Bond Aas'n. TYPIST. 360. Western Reference & Bond Asa'n. STENOGRAPHERS, 8100, 196, 330, 385. 376, 865. WATTS REF. CO., 1138 lat Nat'l Bk. Bldg. STENOGRAPHERS, 3105. Typist, J76. P. B. X. operator, 350. Office clerks, 850, 366. Co-Operatlve Ref. Co., 1016 City Nat'l Bk. FOR bank positions sea the Walters Co., 1424, First Nat'l Bank Bldg., Tyler 480. Professions and Trades. WANTED Young Ladies to learn telephone operating. Good wages paid while learning, rapid advance ment, permanent positions. Apply to C. F. LAMBERT, 1807 Douglas St GIRLS WANTED NOW. Must be 16 years of age or over. Good place for both experienced and Inex perienced girls. Cafeteria serves hot lunches for 12c. Steady work and good wages. Th more you learn the more you earn. ' Apply second floor, 13th St. and Capi tol Ave. ITEN BISCUIT CO, Snow Whit Bakeries, WANTED AT ONCE 25 experienced power aewlng machine operators We guarantee experienced op erator will earn 33 centa per hour at plec work. Tbt guarantee I given for operator to learn our work and expense tor period of 4 weeka Nice, clean and steady work all th year - OMAHA AUTO TOP CO., 709-11 8. 15th St WANTED A first-claaa counter waiter, lady or man: also a dining room girl. BRUNS WICK RESTAURANT. FREMONT. NEB. WANTED. WOMEN TO WORK IN FACTORY; GOOD WAGES TO START. GORDON-LAWLESS CO., ' EIGHTH AND DODGE. Saleswomen and Solicitors. BURGESS-NASH CO. HAVE VACANCIES FOR EXPERI ENCED SALESWOMEN, as well as s number of refined, educated young wom en without experience. Opportunltlea of fered to eatablish permanent and well paid positions. Apply superintendent, balcony. WANTED EXPERIENCED SALESLADIES FOR SKIRTS AND SUITS. APPLY SUP ERINTENDENT. HAYDEN BROS. Household & Domestic. WANTED A competent girl for general . housework, small family, good wages; no laundry work; private bath. Call Harney 4394 or Tyler 2724. ' WANTED Cook in family of three, where second girl la kept; 810 per week,. Ref--erences required. Call Walnut 46. WANTED Experienced cook. References required. Mrs. L. F. Crofoot, 122 S. 39th St. WANTED Girl tor general housework, 3126 Chicago at. Mrs. A. P. Tuaey. Harney 3176. EXPERIENCED second maid wanted In family of three, references. Mrs. W, J. Hynes, Harney 4760. WANTED A girl to aasist with house- work and vchlldren. Harney 1342. WANTED A competent cook Good wage Apply Mrs G Stors. 370" Farnam 8t Hotels and "Restaurants EXPERIENCED colored chambermaid for the Warden hotel. Apply In person. 817 N. 14th. St. WANTED Chambermaid at th Brown Apt.. 608 N. 31st St Red 8950. WANTED Experienced waitresses; good pay. 314 South 15th 8t WHITE janltres. morning and evening work. 332.(0 per month. -ALFRED C. KENNEDY TYMPANY. 205 South 14th Bt . JANITRESS wanted, 6.40 First Nat'l. Bank Bldg.; colored aeed not apply. EDUCATIONAL. .RELIABLE AUTO SCHOOL. Best electrical and eelf-starter courses. Easily learned No book Free catalog. National Auto School, 2114 North tOtb St , Omaha, Nebraska, . EDUCATIONAL. VAN BANT SCHOOL OF BUSINESS. Pay achool for women: hour 8:30 to 1, permitting afternoon employment: rooms open for study from 8 to 4:30 ex cept Saturdays; enter any Monday morn ing. Evening school for men and women; reopens September 3; sessions Tuesdays and Friday from 6:15 to 9:15. Enter any Tuesday evening Th government and ail employer need many thousands of office workers; educated women snd men not eligible tor other forms of government employment must respond to the call at once: do not think ACT. Second floor Omaha National Bank building. Douglas 6690, Omaha Neb. FALL TERM BOYLES COLLEGE. ' DAY SCHOOL. SEPTEMEER 3 NIGHT SCHOOL. SEPTEMBER 4 Intensive training for offlca workers. Course In bookkeeping, shorthand, steno typy. typewriting, railroad and wireless telegraphy, comptometry. machine book keeping and all English branches' Cata logue free. Telephone Douglas 1566. 18th and Harney 8ts Omaha. Neb. FOR RENT-ROOMS. Furnished Rooms SANITARY modern rooma for men ooly 93.60 per week Sunshine Apartment. 60 N 11th St J B Robinson. 442 Be Bldg Douglas 4047 LOOKING for a room with kitchen ad joining, pleasant, with private family? We have It Call Douglas (713. T PERMANENT party, nice warm, room; modern: private home; Hanscom park dis trict. Harney 1044. TWO nicely furnished rooma. east front and modern, half block to car. reasonable. 1512 N. 22d St. Web. 4123. GRAND HOTEL 620 S. 13th. new manage ment nice, clean rooms. 33 up a wek NICELY furnished rooms In private modern homo, one block to ear. Webster 4971. LARGE beautiful furnished room near car. Harney 1913. Housekeeping Rooms. THREE housekeeping room, modern, prl- vate ramuy. case t. Board and Room. AN attractive double and single room, good board. Harney 4143. 2427 BRISTOL st.. four or the unfurnished rooms. Web. 819. Hotels. :OOL room. 82 week; alao apartmert wltb fcltch'-nettea (igden hotel Co Riuff Unfurnished Rooms. HEATED rooma in Crelghton Block, lotb and Douglaa Sts. D 6342 WORLD REALTY CO TWO large unfumihed rooma, all modern except heat. Call Sunday morning or evenings from 4 till 9. Webster 2397. ROOMS WANTED. GENTLEMAN wishes room with private family. Place where dog may be kept. References exchanged. Box 2140. Omaha YOUNG man of good character wants board and room In private family. References exchanged. Address Box 2256, Omaha Bee. FOR RENT-FURNISHED. Apartments. LATONA APARTMENTS. Completely furnished, best of aervlc 641 S. 24th St. Calf Douglas 1533. 05 SO. 25TH AVE. Apartment No. 7. Pleasant room In private family. Ladies onl ' Houses. MY home on west Harney of 8 room, modern, furnished or unfurnished. Har ney 3800. FOR RENT-HOUSES. West MODERN 7-room housa, fine condition, references. 3920 N. 17th st. Inquire 1st house west. Flat 2305 Leavenworth, 6 rms.. 320.00 2658 Douglas, rooming house, 333.00 JOHN N. FRENZER, DOUGLAS 554. 8-ROOM, hot water heat, all modern. 118 & 34th Bt Call Harney 1963. 2927 Franklin; 6 rm partly modern, ill OMAHA LOAN & BUILDING ASS'N. North. 2224- PODGE ST. 8-r. modern bouse, 360. 113 N. 24th St.. 3-4 house, 311. ALFRED C. KENNEDY CO. 205 S. 18th St. Douglas 722. REALTORS. 4-ROOM cottagb; nice yard and trees; partly modern; S4tn ana mapie oia.; mui; m car line. Price. 312.50 per month, Mr. rease, zu pranaeis mmwr iu. 6-ROOM flat, modern but heat, newly deco rated, 81S. 1602 N, 24th St, aecond floor Red 682. 320.00 4 room and bath, atore with shelv Ing and barn, corner 48th and Cuming. Tebbens. 606 umana ivationai nana. 909 N. 17TH, 6-r. mod. Apt. 327.50. 'ifioi rnmhr Kt ... 4-r. mod. Ant. 322.80. Rasp Bros., 210 Keellne Bldg. Tyler 72L 7-ROOM house, hot water heat, adults only. Harney 2049. 7-ROOM modern bouse entirely new. 2740 Titus Ave. Tel. P. 9125 Miscellaneous. HOUSES m h i. parts nir tub CITY CREIGH SONS CO.. BEE BLDG LIST your property for rent or sal wltb FIRST TRUST COMPANY. -Realtors Trier M Phonen Co Rental Pouglaa 4934 FOR RENT APARTMENTS. ' "West . ' ' : HAMILTON APTS.. fireproof; fine lawn and flower; best location; 24th nd Farnam. Price easonable. Call P 147H TIZARD Palac block, centrally located, 3 or 4-room apt.; also 4-roora flat 8uperb , Applv 820H N 26d Phone Red 4232 North COLLEGE Terrace Apt., 23d and Cslifor nla. new. fireproof, . modern., only on apartment left. 3 rooms with 4-room ac commodations; choice outside exposure; 340 summer. 3 winter. Se Janitor or call Tyler 496. "f- Miscellaneous "mERS TRUST CO., 8pfla"at In Apartment management FOR RENT Business Property. Office and Desk "oom LIKE TO SMILE 7 Office In the Bee Bldg., and smile with aatlsfactlon. Keystone Investment Co Tyler m LAWYERS It is essential for you to office In 'The Bee BIdg Keyston In vestment Co - Tyler tt Miscellaneous WOULD like to hear from local merchants anywhere In Nebraska who have room to store a few sample pianos and player planon. Address M. F. Kirkbride, 1396 S. 28th St., Omaha. Neb. - - ' WANTED TO RENT. Unfurnished Apartments s6. Houses! SMALL heated apartment or two or .three unfurnahed rooms with bath, by amall family. Close in or on car line, Addre Box Y 669. omana see. WANTED Young . lady want furnished room In West Farnam district near 2d. September 1. Box 80, Omaha Bee. ' Bee. ' 't , REAL ESTATE IMPROVED. CLOSE in -room modern bouae. with large lot at a bargain. Gallagher A Nelson. Douglas 3382. NEW up-to-date 7 rooms, oak finish, large lot. fin loction; price 34.250; terma 4187 N. 24th 8t. Norris A Norrla. P. 4270. : West. OPPOSITE ST. PETERS NEW. SITE. T room, reception hall, good living room, dining room, breakfast room, good kitchen, 4 bedrooms and bath upstair: good cellar, hot water heat; eat front. 44x143; close to car line; good neighbor hood. Can be 0ld on terms. ALFRED C. KENNEDY CO. REALTORS. , ' 305 South 18th St. . Pouglaa 722. ' REALTORS - - . REAL ESTATE IMPROVED " West " 2u2 N 40TH ST. Brand new 4-room bungalow. .1-2 acre. Easy terms, cement waika to car. PAYNE A SLATER CO... DouKlas 10l6. 6-ROOM new stucco, modern house, Dundee. 1307 N. 60th Ave. Three sleeping rooms, oak, floors, full basement. 32.400. Month- ly payments. Phone Walnut 1420. 7-ROOM dwelling with store room attach, d amall barn. ' Walnut 821. 6-ROOM cottage, good repair, Clifton HllL By owner. Wal. 1723. ' North North Side Cottage, Bargain, 5 Rooms, $2,800. 6-room strictly modern cottage on Sprague street, near 18th. Hardwood finish, full basement, furnace heat, attic. Property in fine repair. A decided bar-' gain at 32.800 on terms of 3500 cash atT4. 130 per month. J. L. HIATT CO., 900 FIRST NATIONAL TYLER (33 BANK BLOG. BUNGALOW SNAP $500 Down $30 a Month 5-Rooma, strictly modern, nearly new bungalow; located near Monmouth school: all on one floor; oak finish and oaU floors: full basement; furnace heat; large lot on paved street. Thla house and lot can be bought for (500 less than the house can be built for. Payne Investment Co., (REALTORS) (37 Omaha Natl. Bk. Bldg. Douglas 1781. 0-RuuM new btucuo, mouern house. Dundee. 1307 N. 60th Ave. Three sleeping rooms, oak floors, full basement, 32.400. Month ly payments. Thone Walnut 1920 IF you are going to buy a home, see thla first: a fine five-room house; electric lights, gas and water. Price 32,000. See owner at 3300 Manderson. M1NNE LUSA homes and lots offer the best opportunity to invest your money. Phone Tyler 187. YOUNG & DOHERTY, REAL ESTATE INVESTMENT. 322 BRAXDEIS THEATER. DO. 1671.- South. 32,000 BUYS the 6-room house, modern, ex cept heat: good lot, 2 blocks to car, 2707 South 20th St.; par cash, balance at 6 per cent. BENSON & MYERS CO., 424 Omaha Natl. Bank Bldg. Doug. 746. BIG SNAP. 40x66 with 9-room house, on 24th Just south of Leavenworth, only 31.800. JOHN W. ROBBINS, 1802 FARNAM ST. FIELD Club District, 7-r. modern house; garage; lot 70x165: price 54,250. C. A. Grlmmel. Phono Douglas 1615. Miscellaneous. FOR RENT AND BALE. HOUSES. COTTAGES AND APARTMENTS. PORTER & SHOTWELL, 202 8. 17th SL Douglas 6012. WE sell, rent, Inture snd make loan on city property, north. MITCHELL INVESTMENT CO., 24th and Ames cJll." BARGAINS In homes, investments, -properties and acreage near Omaha. Harrison Morton. 916 Omaha Nat'l Bank Bldg. W FARNAM SMITH A CO Real Estate and insurance. 1320 Farnam Bt Pouglaa .444. F. D WEAD SELLS REAL ESTATE. REAL ESTATE Business Property. BUSINESS property and investment. A. P. TUKEY A SON. 620 First National Bank Bids. M'CAGUE INVESTMENT CO. Income, Business and Trackage Speclallat. 15th and Dodge Bt Douglas 416. WE WILL buy your home or business prop erty and pay, cash. a. a, wubr s w. Electrto Bldg. Tylei 88. i REAL ESTATE EXCHANGES. HAVE you an Improved farm, datachtc. home, apartment building or business property valued from 32,500 up that you wish to exchange? We can give part cash and give one of aeveral valuabla parcels of property In city of Superior, Wis., five blocks from Duluth Superiot 'Harbor and adjoining locations for steel. Industries all clear of encumbrance. Ex change must be on cash value basis. We prefer clear property but are authorized to consider good equities. State cash price, amount mortage and full details with correal legal description. No Inflated price considered. McBEAN-NESBITT COMPANY. Duluth. Minn. TWO beautiful lots Just south of Elmwood; full-size lots, 60x150. To exohang a first payment with some cash on modern bungalow. Address Y-660. Omaha Be. FOR sale or trade a retail business, nti ' profits from 34,000 to 35,000 a year; wiff stand Jhe closest Investigation: good rea Bons for selling. ' Box 4287. Bee. FINE 2 acre, seven-room mod. house; fruit etc.; close In. All clear- Will exchange for home In city. Call Wal. 3007, or Tyler 1672.. REAL ESTATE SUBURBAN. Benson. FINE BENSON HOME Consisting of 7 rooms and bath, strictly modern in every respect, will be sold for 33,500; 3600 cash and balance monthly; 4 rooms downstairs, all finished in oak; fine location; close to car and school. Owner leaving city Is reason of sale. WALNUT 677EVENINGS. or DOUG. 1014 PAYS. South Side. SOUTH OMAHA BARGAIN 82,600 buys the 3-story brick tor ' building and flats at 2606 N St.. Rents 3558 per year. I The price Is only a fraction of tho orig inal cost of building and the Income bet- ' ter than 20 per cent. You will not find a better bargain In Omaha. . BENSON &MYERS CO. . 424 Omaha National Bank Bldg. - Doug. 746. Dundee. $4,500. 7-ROOM ; . DUNDEE HOME. This house is about 4 year old; is on "corner lot; downstairs arranged with, re ceptlori hall, large living room and built in bookcases, dining room with paneled and built-in aeat, kitchen with, cupboards; rear vestibule and rear porch; oak flnirb downstairs; oak floors throughout; up stairs arranged with 2 large bedroorm and enclosed sleeping porch; bath, liner closets, stairway leading1 to large attiol pressed brick foundation, full basement ; only one block from car line. HASTINGS & IIEYDEN, 1614 Harney St. Phone Tler 50 DUNDEE, $7,000 HIGH-CLASS STUCCO Very well built home, near 50th and Chicago streets, with large living room, dining room and kitchen on the 1st floor; three bedrooms and sleeping porch on the second floor; two rooms finished In th attic: attractive fireplace, tile bath roomj garage and cement driveway. Price right terms can be arranged. y GLOVER & SPAIN, ., Douglas 39S3. 919-20 City Nation-. FOR property In Dundee, Happy Hollow anl Falracres, call GEORGE AND COM PANY. 403-12 City Nat. Bk.' Douglas 766. tAcreagc , TEN ACKES . upvel gsrden land, east Omaha, close , to car line, clear, want clear rental or horn. r S. S. & R. E, MON1GOMERY. 213 City Nat'l Bk Bldg. ... REAL ESTATE OTHER CITIES. FOR BALE Meat and grocery business In a Nebraska town with 1400 population; own all butcber and grocery (tore equip ment; rent building; two acre of land: laughter house well equipped: reason for selling. Writ Omaha Bee. Box 1866., - REAL ESTATE WAN -ED. GOOD Omaha Income property for cliagi western land or eastern Ntbraaka tas4S ilt. Pease, 311 Brandels Theater ' I