Today tlmiiEScunidls off ppfe m all parti f Omalha aedl tfe tmtory Mf.iF OMaha w Feafcg amd tadpniig tM Gbreat Catalog .off Waimte amid Oppipti!Mtn8. 1 Bargains are mapped up quickly-"first come, first served is the rule" -you'd better look now. i Ad Rates WUb Or. ST I 1H pat word Mel insertion to par word far tbr oonecuttv rnrtlon I pr word (or cb aainoni insertion N ad bin lor tuaa totaj or or low tbaa I per day. CBABflB Is dot ttno (aounf word to n do) obo tlmo , t pot lino c tlmo. eonoocutlvo Hmee To por 111 sack tlmo. 10 consecutive tlm- MTBAtlONB WANTED It pot Uno ... pot wook CARD" OF THANHS AND 11 NEBA1 NOTICES. ICo nor iibo . . oocB iBoortloo (Minimum Charge. I Cnu l Contra Ft Bate Oa Application. ror convenience of advortuor want ada win bo accented it ttao following officio. 11A1N OFFICE B.- Building Amo omeo ! Nona I4ta at Lake nrfieo norm itn si Vinton offlco 347 Booth Uta HI Park offlco ..Mil Uavonwortb St Walnut offle ..........11 North 40ta 8t Mouth !d. Mil N 81 Council Bluffo 14 Main St.. Nortb THB BEB will not bo rponlbl for trior tbaa ono tncorroct Insertion or ao aavru Bitot ordered ror mar toB ono um. rim. ran TELEPHONE if too cannot COD veolntly bring oi send tour ad to ant of h aha office - Ask for a Want Ad r sad ton will receive lb m cood aarviea u when delivering four ad Is coroott. rBONB TTLCB 1 .000. Want Ad Column fhm aiMitlno Edition 11:00 M Mnmln Edition-.. ...10.00 F M Bundsv Bdltlona 10 P M. Saturdsy Ev.nlna DEATHS & FUNERAL NOTICES. AM RAM Emma M.. wife (if Gate H. Ahum. 1801 Fowler Ave,, died Friday, August tter inM of Barly (ur year. Service ana nunai at uienwoou, la., at three o'Cloca sunaay anernooii. T FUNERAL DIRECTORS. HULSE & RIEPEN , Pioneer funeral Director 101 So. Htb St Phono Doug. 1121. HOFFMANN FUNERAL BOMB Hoffmann quality eervlce, cot Jeeo. 14th and Dodg. pougia sin, STACK & FALCONER Independent Undertaken Hd A Far, a 400. tiiiiMrOTivcnii and iiaensad eroba Inner also private ambulance. Call Webatai 41 Willi O. Crosby, nil N I4ib St kV""L. DODDER COi. Funeral Director, r. U Fero. Mir., lid and Cuming at. Phono Douglaa $7T Auto arabulancoa. JOHN A GENTLEMAN, ondertakor and omhalmer. 1411 Frnm St Harnev 101. i FLORISTS. Jrontenello rieriata. LEEL.LARMON 1114 Douglaa St. Douglaa 1344. 5JD0NAGHUE inragb Flower shipped overywbero. Exp, prepaio. BATH Careful FIorlL 1804 Farnam 8t MONUMENT ft CEMETERIES; WEST LAWN offer lympatbatlo rvlc la . audden aorrowi perpetual ciire; do i ment; lot on oaey term, mono o, THB largest dlaplay of monument la the United State. FRaJJK SVOBODA. II1&. til 8 1 t 1 MMJJt,1,' !??g.g!iiiinf ii V CARD OF THANKS. ' WB with to extend our alncerest thank to our mny friend for their klndnes and eympathy shown during the loath of our beloved brother: also for the many beautiful floral offerings.. - !. STEVE ABARIOTES . GURT ABARIOTBS ' , X Wimi to extend my tincerest thank to my many friend for their klndnes and sympathy ehown during th death of my beloved brother; also for th many beau 'tlful floral offering ' ., . GEOROB BBLETOS. FRATERNAL ORDERS. ' ' PAINTERS. ATTENTION I " All members of Painters' union. No. 101. Tou ar xpcted, without fall, to partlel. pata la tb Labor Day parade. Procure uniform at Palac Clothing Co., 24th and Dougla St. Don't be a Blacker; cornel BIRTHS AND DEATHS Births James B. and Nora Llnstrom, 4101 Booth Seventeenth street, boy; Verns and Ida Gibbons, 4410 Evan street, boy; Frank and Margaret Bwlmanskl. 1771 Du pont atreet, girl; Cirtno and Carmellna La Fata, 1767 South Nineteenth atreet, boyi Francesco and Gnlsaepena Coccamo, 1241 South Fourteenth atreet, boy; Anthony and Marv E Koona. 1120 South Elghteentn atnet, boy; John and Emily Jacovla, 0011 South Twenty-first street, girl; Olenn and Marjorl Clifton, 1814 Chicago atreet. girls Harvey and Jennie Emmett, tlOt Jacksoo street, boy) William and Sadie Turner, Omaha. Ctrl: Frank and Minnie Else. 2641 Laurel avenue,, boy; Albert and Blanch Covert, 2412 Hawthorn avenue, boy; Paul end Gertrude N In dell. 2411 Hamilton atreet boy; Oscar and Marlon Pearson, 1122 North Thlrty.Uth trt, girl; Alver and Ruby Scounoe, 2571 Evan atreet, boy. Peter and Beesl Smalls, 2420 North Twenty-second street, twin boys; Ban and Maria wanonay, 2211 M street, girl: Martin L. and Irene B. Bogar, 2(21 Capitol avenue, boy; Phillip and Mtnnl Lynch, 2221 Hickory atreet, girl; Patrick and Helen Deane. 2624 R (treat, boy. Deaths Jesnnette Graham; It. 1714 South Twenty-ninth street; Edward Viet, 27. 2420 O street; Norah Wetrner, 07, 2122 Leavenworth, streets Mrs. Xlttsoetb winder, 17, 2002 Chicago street; Vernlce Sums, 2 months, 2010 Gold street; Albert T. Grldley, 17. 1S30 South Thirty-third (treet. MARRIAGE LICENSE Permits to wed hav been Issued to th xoiiowing: Nam and Residence. Age. Julius Brummond, Randolph. Neb.,..,, 2S Orac Donahue, Randolph, Keb....... ,. 80 Vano Chrlsman, Omaha....,,...,,.... It Emma Btlrk. Omaha 17 BUILDING PERMITS A building permit baa been . Issued to the roiolwing: , - H. Roska, 2501 E street, store and real. dunce, H,0, ATTRACTIONS. HEWARD county fair. Sept 17, 10, It, 20; tn annual (air: Dig program. Conces sions for sal. Write, wire or ee H. D. Lsndla. Supt. eonoaealons, Seward, Neb. SPECIAL NOTICES NOTICE OF SALE BARGAIN Oa the I8th day of Sep- tember, HI J. at Shelton at 1 o clock p. m., the undersigned wlU sell at publto auc tion for caah, the entire atock of Jewelry and - fixture heretofore owned by J. B. weaver, Shelton, Neb. Stock In good eon ditlon, and first class fixture. Inquire of trustee for particulars. John N. Dry- den, trustee. DENTISTRY. Th Infirmary of Crelgbton university college of dentistry will reopen on Sep tember 2. All kind of dental work done under careful uparvialoa of th profes sors. '. Extraction free. Children' teeth straightened - 21 South 1Mb St THE West Farnam Dancing Club will give d styles every Saturday at Keep Dancing - Acsuemy. X42t ram ant scholar ana . patron who wish invitation. Inqulr at Academy or phone Douglas T2(. NOTICE I will not be responsible for any debt, contracted other than by myself J. A WcCexty LOST FOUNDREWARDS. LOHT Between Logan, la-, and Oma ha Thursday. August 20th. aa automobile easing, else 1x27, with new black tire raver Suitable reward if returned to Flat Iron Garage, Omaha. - Went iCaak LOSTFOUNDREWARDS. "OMAHA At COUNCIL BLUFFS STREET . .null niVPiNT . ... a. nine lost MIDI artlOl WOUld do well to call up th offlc of the Omaha Council Bluff street nauwsj to ascertain whether they loft It In th treet car. , Many article each day ar turned tn and the company i sniiou. w them to tb rlghtroi owner r iqt Tk..nvi,ii niffht from automobile. . , , hirk nhinna hand ours. Reward. Call Colfax 140, LOST Diamond ring on 2d St., between Meredith and Ames Ave., ioer Call Colfax 1873. t j-.a.i- n viii rlub Saturday afternoon. mu-aai-ia case and glasses. Reward. ir ' South 1068. LOST Saturday on ieiu ciuo arum"". Lady' Gold wstcn ana oo. ihij.iuii ,,r. I..., 4ii fnr iiiHf.rlntlon and reward. ijht iiraft on Pullman car Ilnespay- able to M. H. Long. rnone kou.iu 032. Reward. FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS. Furniture and Household Goods. HOUSE FURN18HINOS AND FURNITURE IN BIG 8EFTEJIUEK BALE, The fall months suggest "coslfylng" your home. A new rug. a new dresser, a new stove or range, bespeak mora pleas ant surroundings. For les money than lesewhere, the State Furniture Co., 14th and Dodge streets, will supply your needs. Our September bargain should attract you. W mak a peclalty of complete home outfit, also hotels - and rooming house. Railroad fare refunded to out-of-town buyer within to mile of Omaha on purchases of f 20 or more. STATE FURNITURE CO., 14th and Dodge Sis., opposite U. P. Bldf. FURNITURE A HARDWARE BARGAINS. Bad, springs, msttresae. aressors, cnii fonlers. Ubles. chairs, china and kitchen cablneta. rug nd linoleum, trunks and ault cases, gas stove and Ice boxes, full line orea wire, poultry netting, gsrden tool. 1222.47 Nortb 24th St Tel Web H07 tloen till 0 p m FOR SALE Furniture and undertaking, wall paper, etc Invoice about S7,uuv.uu. Sales Jan. 1 to July 1. 211.000.00. Brick building, two story, cemented basement, apartment oa econd floor. Cheap rent Will stand closest Investigation. R. W. Mote. Axtell. Kan. ACTUAL TRUTH FOR BARGAINS Full tine of furniture, gs and coal on stoves rugs, baby carriage, trunk eto Loyal Furn Co.. 221 N ltU . FOR SALE Brand new French Wilton rug. 8x2 by lOxt, several imall rugs and por tier drapery. Call Colfax 2082. COMPLETE household furnishings for sals, all first class. 2011 Lincoln Blvd. Har ney 1421. , FOR SALE Complete furnishing of 2- room apartment, new ana pricea reason able. Apartment 20, Angelus Apts. 1VERS A POND piano, walnut case, first- class condition. Harney n. FOR 8AL& Three-burner coal ell stove, with oven. 2402 Dodge. Pianos & Musical Instruments. A, HOSPB CO.. Itl Dougla. have piano to rant at 12.10 pet oonto. or win u oa easy term . WANTED Ue of piano for torag will be well taken care of. 318 South .a Ht. Store and Office Fixtures. WB buy. aell and nk dteke, esfes. ehow- eaae. ibelvtng. to (imana ruture or sup ply Co.. lllh and Dougla D. 1784. OFFICE furniture, gettee, hall afe, drake. chair and filing cae. 310 He via.. Doug, 2904.' FOR BALE Hardware atock and fliturea. oaatern Nebraska Addre Bot 4( nma ha Beo FOR SALE Meat Ice box, 0x8 s new; sell cheap. 430 so. 88th St. - Dairy Products FRESH country buttermilk; butter; beet of1 oream; atrictly fresh eggs; delivered to any part of Omaha. Pbno South 210 or Tyler 020 Werner" Sewing Machines. SEWING MACHINES ' W rant, repair. Mil needle and part et all sewing machine. MICK ELS, NEBRASKA CYCLE CO., lttb and Harnev Ht Doug. 1801. Typewriter' and Supplies. OUR EXCHANGED MACHINES DEPART MENT. I th largest of it kind in tb west Tou can alwaya find Just what you want here. W buy. eell, rent, repair and ex change typewriters of vry kind. Es tablished nearly 10 year. CENTRAL TYPEWRITER EXCHANGE. Ine ' loot Fdrnam. TYPEWRITERS, all make, cold, rented and repaired. THB W. N. LONO COMPANY, 101S Farnam. Tel, D. 2181. ONE 0 -column Burrougha Adding machine for sals at a bargain. 1001 FARNAM 8T. TYPEWRITERS sold, rented and repaired. Rent an Oliver I montha for Is. Central Typewriter Exchange, 101 Farnam. ADDING MACHINES, all makea bought, rented and sold. , CENTRAL TYPEWRITER EXCHANGE. , UOt FARNAM 8T. ' WB BUY, sell or exchange typewrltara; guar, typewriter 110 and up. writ for list Midland Typewriter Co., 1404 Dodge. Miscellaneous. ART 'TREASURES. DIAMONDS AND ANTIQUE JEWELRY, t am Instructed by the court to offer privately for sale th valuable painting, Diamond and antique jewelry belonging to the estate of the late Carrie E. Ramge, Interview by appointment, i LYSLB I. ABBOTT, Executor, - 214 McCaguo Block, City. FOR SALE. V 1 Slngl whit bed with mattress for ale: cheap. 2483 Larlmore Ave, Phone Colfax 4040. SEE the National Capitol. A aelected aet of It beautiful postcard view tent post paid for 28c National Capitol Souvenir Co., D-2, P. O. Box 1287. Wasblngton, D. C. i'HREE slake wagons, also three beer roll wagons. Latter ean, at little expeneei be ' converted Into platform wagons. All well built Offered at .bargain prices. SchltU Omsha Co., 71 So. 0th St OMAHA PILLOW ,CU. Feather (teamed. renovated and mad Up In new feather proof ticking 1007 Cuming Doug 2401. 210 WILL place a Doty Vacuum Cleaner tn your home. Demonstration free. Phone Webster 89t, for appointment. AMERICAN tool wks. .hapor, U-tn.;,2 76-lb. power hammer, fine shapef Tell A Blnkley, 2318 Harney St 20 SHARES North American Hotel Company atock (or sale cheap. Make offer. J.. A. Bullock, 2012 Farnam St., Omaha. , STOCK Pstton'a Sun-Proof paints, smalt sixes. Will sell cheap. ' 2303 Cuming St at -.Wlemer' store. LEAVING the city at once. Compelled I sail pisno. ( til south 1687. . DRUG STORE wall shelving for sal. Street Pharmacy, So. Side, 8outh 60 COLT'S revolver. .38 caliber special, new. 010.00. 4113 No. 24th St Colfax 824 A NEW but used gaa stove; also good ice box: cheap. Addrese 70 North 20th. HIGH school csdet suit first-class condl- tlon; cheap. Webster 430. SWAPPERS' COLUMN WILL trade two-ton track for pleasure car Graham Bros. Sale Co., 2013 Farnam, Omaha, Neb. CONN FRENCH HORN. F. D. and E-fat for sal or trad. R. W. Barber, Ma nilla, la. Victor and Columbia. Phonograph Record. Want to swap even for other. Box 8 C. 44. Omaha Be. - WANTED TO BUY, DESKS DESKS' DUSKS Nw deka. ud nought sold nd traded, J. C Reed, 1201 Farnam. D. 1144. WANTED TO BUY. WANT TO BUY STRAINED HONEY Want to buy a quantity of pur (trained honey; quote qusltty and price. Address Box 4734 Omaha Bee. JENKINS bas lust returned and will give you the earns good service that he gave In the pest Help win tb war Sell your old clothes, shoe ruga tool, trunk and buy W 8 8 Will call Re. D 1032. offlc D 0144 WANTED TO BUY One 25 K. W. gener ator, direct current. Also three motor. on 10-horse, 2 4 or t-horse voltage, same ss generstor. Must be priced at a bar- rain. Glatfelter & Powell, Central city, Nob. WANTED to buy a pair of ferreta. No. 2144. State price. Box ANNOUNCEMENTS. KEEP Dancing 'Academy, 2424 Farnam; else and dance every Monday and Thurs day; learn to dance for h. where learn Ing Is a plessure. Phone Douglas 7860. CABINET work a specialty; old furniture Jtaken In exchange for new. li aorta 40th. Walnut 1107 Accorde-rn Pleating. A CCO KD EON side knife, sunburst box pleating, covered buttons, sll sixes and styles, hemstitching, plrol edging, eye. let cut work, button holes, pennant. IDEAL BUTTON AND PLEATING CO.. 800-308 Brown Bldg Phone Do.ig i930 HEMSTITCHING. PLEATING. BUTTONS. O U VanArnsm Pleating C.. 828-7 Pxton Block Phone Doug 2100. Baggage and Express. THE ONLY WAYJUJSS1 THB OMAHA TRANSFER CO. REPUBLIC AUTO EXPRESS COMPANY will nsui everyrnina lor ruu. raraaiire leas than 20 lbs., It rents Douglas 7412 Awnings. AWNINGS AND PORCH FURNITURE. Auto touring tents and camping aupplle SCOTT-OMAHA TENT A AWNING CO Brass and Iron Foundries, PAXTON-MITCHELL CO. I7tb and Martha Sts.. Omaha, Nsb Brass, bronze, aluminum and machine grey Iron csstlngs Billiard Tables. PRIVATE tables for psrtle at Holme Chiropractors. Dr. J. C. Lawrence. Balrd Bldg. D. 8401. SFINOORAPH. Dr. Edwards. 24th. Farnam Costumes. FULL dress suit for rent 10 N. lttb St. opposite Postofflc. John Feldman Doug la 2122. Detectives. JAMES ALLAN. 112 Neville Blk. Evidence ecured In all eaae Tyler 1120 . Printing and Office Supplies. Waters-Bamhart Ptg. Co., 414-18 8. 13th St. Dentists. Dr. Brsdbury No pain. 021 W. O. W Bldg Tart's Dental Rms . 208 Rose Bid D 2180 Film Developing. FILM developed; roll. 10c; pack, lto. ona-dav service. Kase Studio. Neville Blk.. 10th and Harney Dressmaking. ORDERS for exquisite Infant apparel E. Fllnn. Harney 6630. MISS STURDY, dressmsklng Doug. 4318 Fixtures and Wiring. 'rvItpTTVt Electric washing roaohln. UJ IVIVliN .leotrio iron and reading lamp. 2223 Cuming at Douglas 1611 Jewelry. DIAMONDSwW5. JTi-W Z2 to w't uy baa at small profit. GROSS. 401 14 :8th Osteopaths. DR. MABLE WESSON, 014 Brands! Bldg T 160 Res.. 4741 Patent Attorneys. PATENTS procured, bought and sold. Inter national Patent Co.. 63 Brandels. D 891 8TURGES A 8TUKOE8. U S. am foreign patents end trsdemarka 231) Be Bide Tailors. Died rick. P L 218 Join Tailor D 2422 Towel Supplies, Omaha Towel Supply 307 8 11th D 428 Medical. PILES, fistula and other rertal dis eases cured without surreal oper ation. Cure guaranteed. Write for book on rectal uiseases with testi monial. DR. E. R. TARRY, 240 Bee Bldg., Omaha, Safes. BARGAINS 1212 Farnam. J J Derlght Haf Co SAFES Wedding Stationery. ' WEDDING announcement and printing. Dourls Printing Co Tel Douglas 044 BUSINESS CHANCES. ' CAFETERIA OPPORTUNITY Owner enter military service soon. This handsome, well-equipped cafeteria, tn the best downtown location of ths finest health and resident city In America. Now doing - a thriving business. W'll stand closest investigation. Ideal busi ness for either man or woman, whether 1 experienced in cafeteria business or not Write at one. i P. O. BOX S6, COLORADO 8PRINGS, COLO. YOUR opportunity Act at once, govern ment's request restricting use of pleasure ears la your opportunity to secure a serv iceable truck at a saving of 3500 to 31.000. A Dearborn Improved Universal Truck Unit attached to your old pleasure car carries out tho ruUlonal policy of con servation. Immediate deliveries. Some valuable territory open for live dealers. Write or wire for proposition.- Wo are financially strong. Dearborn Truck Co., Manufacturers, 2610 W. 86th St., Chicago. PATENTS PROTECT AND THAT PAY. BOOKS AND ADVICE FREE. Bend skstch or model for search. Highest reference. Best result. Promptness assured. Watson E. Coleman 2wyer Pacific Bldg. Washington. D. C CLOTHING STOCK FOR SALB. Hlgh-grad, clean stock of clothing, shoes and Jhrnlshinrs, also oak fixtures, for sal at big discount for cash. In , best farming community In Nebraska. 20 years' established business. Rent Is small, expense low. Beat location and only clothing stock In city. Address Box T-069, Omaha Bee. - SHOE SHOP FOR SALE. On of th bet paying shoe shops fat sals with Landis No. 13 outfit; also small stock of shoes. This shop ha never been for sale before; will give prospective buyer reeson. for elllng , Royal 8b o Shop. Boulder, Colo. WANTED a good buslmss msn to take charge of retail business with a good salary and half of net proceed; annual profits, 14,000 to 32.000; yon handle your owa money: will require 33.000 to 14.000 to handle this proposition. Bos 4it(, Omaha Be v t FOR SALE OR RENT. Just f smodeled from top to bottom. Moderi 30-room hotel tn good oast cen tral Nebraska town of 70 population. The only hotel In town. If ou want a good buslnees writ or better e me st ence M A Larson. Central City. Neb I OK SALE A growing abstract business. Incorrorated. Hall County Abstract Co., ursnd Island, Neb. - BtJSINESS CHANCES: CAPITAL RAISED For new or going enterprises, on com mission. To gsln attention, show -who you are and what you hav fully In first letter. Securities Sales Co., Stock Sellers, SV D, t.S OBIte Dl., IIMJBBWi BE INDEPENDENT Chlropractlo doctors am 13,000 to 28,000 yearly; work for yourself: this good paying profession quickly .learned by correspondence; iw rates, easy terms; Illustrated book ana Charts free.- American University, 167 Manlerre Building, Chicago. A WELL equipped wholesale and retail bakery. Including Ice cream parlor, candy and cigar stand. In one of the best state school towns In the state. Will bear the closest Investigation. Address Box Y.664, Omaha Bee. FOR SALE One of the best dray and trans fer lines In N. E. Neb. town of 1,200 Line doing big business. Reason for selling, poor health. If Interested arid ready to talk business, write Box Y-683 Omaha Bee. ADVERTISE coast to coast: 20 words 100 monthlies, $1.00; 07 weeklies, 32.60; 20 Sunday papers, 36.00; McCarthy, 423 V. Gross Bldg., Los Anrelos. Cal. GROUND floor opportunity In Oil Company producing now, stock low, good terms, tor particulars, Welmer Desk, Securities Hold ing Co., 812 8tewart Bldg.. Houston, Tex, CAFE FOR SALE OR TRADE Best cafe In best city In Nebraska. Cleared tS.OOO last year. For H price, account military service. Address Box. Omaha Bee. FOR SALE FOR CASH Saloon In good lo catlon, doing good business Reason for quitting, death Address H . 1410 Charles St.. St Joseph. Mo FOR SALE Good 25-room hotel and cafe tn central Nebraska doing good business. Steam heat, light and water, cheap rent. Call or write Mrs.O.W.French.Merna.Neb. SNAP Controlling Interest In farm ma chinery manufacturing business, win take part land or Income. Address "Ma chinery," Brookings, S. D NEWSPAPER for sale at a bargain, town of (00. Not a dead one. J. U. G., Orient, la. Care Independent FOR SALE Shoe repairing shop. Progres sive Ilnlsper. iot. n. jsioore, uiimon, Iowa. ' FOR SALE OR TRADE Groceries and meat; good location; fine business; reason for selling sickness. 420 So. 28th St FORD AGENCY and garage for sale. Ne braska town. F. V. Knieat, Bee Bldg - Omaha. SITUATION WANTED. EXPERIENCED bank clerk wants position la qualified to handle most any depart ment Seven years' experience. For tho past four years cashier of the Setbert State Bank, Selbert, Colo. Can furnish best references. Must have good salary and steady position. Would Invest tn country bank. Twen-seven years old, married, good appearance. Address E. L. Johnston, Selbert, Colo. Male. CLERICAL or bookkeeping position in county seat town, Nebraska, desired by young married man, classification SB. Best references. L. B. 298. Osceola, la. Competent and experienced bookkeeper and general accountant deslrea position. Ex empt from draft. Good reference and record. Box 2174, Omaha Bea. WHOLESALE credit man, 36 years old, IS years Intensive experience Is considering change with responsible firm. All around colored man wants janitor work. Above draft, experienced. 2302 N. - 26th 8t. George Scott. FAINT, carpet and paper cleaning, the Na- tlonal Cleaning and Service company, 2700 Leavenworth St Harney 6012. Female. EXPERIENCED young lady wishes clerical or cashier work; husband In service. Douglas 7896. WANT small children to care for by day or week, prices reasonable. Douglas 7093. PRACTICAL nursing. Web. 6040. Doctor references. Laundry and Day Work. EXPERIENCED laundress would like to work first of week. Colored. Webster 1673. DAY work, cleaning and Ironing. Call Col fax 3386, mornings or evenings. BUNDLE and family washing; call and de liver Wal. 3663. WANTED Bundle washing. 1873 Call Webster BUNDLES csrefully laundered. Call and deliver Web. 4283. GOOD laundress wants day work. Webster 6804. FIRST-CLASS colored laundress with ref erence. Web. 6308 REU col. woman wants day work. W. 698. BUNDLE wsshlngs wanted Tel Red M173 DAY work wsnted Call after 6 Web. 4426 LAUNDRY work by the hour Webster 2068 CURTAINS laundered, w'k guar Har 1130 BUNDLE washing wanted. Webster 1333. BUNDLE wsshlng wanted. Walnut 2269. shlnj rants COL, lady wants day work. AVeb. 3174. BUNDLE washings to take home. Web. 1391. Hotels and Restaurants SITUATION wanted by bak.r. first-class on bread or pastry; wisnes steaay posi tion In 'bsksry or hotel. J. L. Schaefer, room 64. Merchants hotel. HELP WANTED MALE. WANTED Steam engineers and firemen. Steady Job, nine and ten-nour snms. Apply Nebraska Electrlo Co., Crelghton, Neb, . Stores and Offices. "BOKEEPERS AND ACCOUNTANTS Ambitious men who recognise the tre mendous shortage of "specialised brains" and who have .some accounting ability, will welcome the Information that a prom inent firm of certified publlo accountants has made available a scientifically simple and Intensely Interesting home-study training. The shortage of accountants to fill 33,000 to 310,000 positions Is re garded as a national deficiency which can only be remedied (as wer our mili tary and naval shortcomings) by intensive training. Accepted applicants guaranteed satisfaction. In replying give experience, draft status. Address J. 53. Tanner, Pre Ident. 1016 Grant Park Bldg.. Chicago. BOOKKEEPER, $200: bookkeeper, I13S; bookkeeper. Bohemian speaking, i.; bookkeeper, 3100-125; bookkeeper, 3100; offlc cleVk and typist. 3100; stock clerk, 385-126: office clerk. $75. WESTERN REFERENCE At BOND ASS'N Originator of the reference business. 73ii First National Bank Building., ACCOUNTANT, $150. Store robm account ant $130. Bookkeeping. $125, $116. $110, $100; chief cleric and cor res., $100, good future. Accountant milling ex perience, who can develop Into sales mgr., out of town, $125. Office clerks, $100, $85, $75. $60. WATTS REFERENCE COMPANT, 1138 First Nat l Bank Bldg Bookkeeper, grain, $150, Cost accountant, salary depends. Office olerk, good at figures, $115. Stock clerks. $50.7f. Offlc boys, $40-65. f THB MARTI COMPANT. 1128 W. a W. Bldg. WANTED Competent stenographer and clerk by Live Stock Commission Firm. Good salary to right party. Must - be proficient stenographer. Stat age and experience. Address Lock Box 2, South Side Station. WANTED Experienced bookkeeper and cashier, not subject to, draft competent to handle complete set of books and pay roll. Salary $100 to $125 per- month. Box H9. Omaha Bee. WANTED Young man for shipping clerk In wholesale Jewelry bouse. Apply 344 ' Brandels Bldg. BOOKKEEPERS $100-125; aalcamen, sal. and com.; (tock elks, $78-36; of. elks, 390-100. Co-Operatlve Ref. Co.. 10H City Nat' I Bk. W A N TED Reg 1st ered or unregistered drug clerk Bos V 058. Omshs Be DRUG CLERK Patterson, 10th and Hickory. HELP WANTED MALE Piofessiong and Trades. SHIP WORKERS: STEADY WORK. LONO JOB; COME. DON'T WRITE; RIVET ERS, HOLDERS ON HEATERS. STRUCT URAL IRON WORKERS. BOILER MAKERS; BEST PLACE TO WORK; NEW YARD AND NEW EQUIPMENT: BEST PLACE TO LIVE; THE METRO POLITAN DI8TRICT WITH ITS VARIED AMUSEMENTS AND ATTRACTIONS IS YOURS FROM WHICH TO CHOOSE YOUR HOME SURROUNDINGS. . APPLY SUBMARINE BOAT CORPORATION EMPLOYMENT OFFICE, NEWARK BAY SHIP YARD, PORT NEWARK. N. J MEN WANTED NOW For work in modern up-to-date bake shop. Can use both experienced and in experienced men. Good wage and steady work. Cafeteria serve hot lunches for 12c Free thower bath. Apply second floor, 13th St and Capt- toi Ave. ITEN BISCUIT CO., Snow Whit Bakerle. WE NEED CONDUCTORS AND MOTORMEN Apply in person to the superintendent of trans portation, second floor, Merchants' National Bank Bldg., Omaha. OMAHA & COUNCIL BLUFFS STREET RAILWAY CO. WANTED Express Handler Driver and Chauffeur. Increased Salaries. AMERICAN RAILWAY EXPRESS CO. Apply Union or Burlington Station offlc WANTED Can give steady employment to a man capable of taking charge of high tension line design, construction and main tenance. Man familiar with hydroelectric power preferred. Address Box Y 698, Omaha Be. WANTED Experienced ga engine sales man to sell a well-known, high grade line of engines In Nebraska. Give age, refer- ' ences, experience, and territory previously covered. Address Box Y-670, Omaha Be. WANTED Good general blacksmith, best of wages. . FRED HEAVERIN, Bloorafteld, Neb. WANTED First-class tailor. Prefer el derly man, or one above draft age. Good wage paid to right party. Address May Clothing Store, Cyaad, Ner, WANTED First-olass meat cutter. City man preferred. Write or wlr. Fred Blake, Jr., Hastings, Neb. HELP WANTED Factory and trades; ex perienced battery man; good wages. Uni ted Service Co, Telephone D-1534. DRUG CLERK WANTED Hours and sal ary right; permanent , Attebery Bros., Morrill, Neb. WANTED A msn to do electrlo power Uno building andr repair work. Address Y-667, Omaha Bee. WANTED Man with drug experience for city desk to take order. Richardson Drug Co. WANTED Upholsterer for furultur de partment Bo 41405 Be WANTED Candy maker. Roger confec tionery, 24th nd Farnam Bta, FIRST class mechanic tor general repair shop. Ford garage. O'Neill, Neb. Salesmen and Solicitors. SALESMEN High pressure, real producers who can get to tb buyer and command attention, with a real service to hardware and Implement dealer. Our service saves him 20 per cent on his purchases, and he buya aa cheap as the jobber. It has th endorsements of th leading merchant of th country. Sale average $50 to $100, and ara made on first call. We can show salesman now making $10,000 per year. Will entertain only those who csn show good selling record, clean charaoter and good personality. To such we have ex clusive territory and will assist them to make success. No advances only after ability. Stock, Bond Advertising, Hard ware and Implement salesmen mak good at this buslnesa For personal interview call today and Monady. Ask for J. H. Fre. Home Hotel. , Be. . - WA'NTED-SALESMAN With soms knowledge ot th electrlo line, to aell government rated essential In Omaha and vicinity. State references, age and experlenoe. Box 4302, Omaha HIGH CLASS. EXPERIENCED SALES MAN. ACCUSTOMED TO EARNING BIG MONEY TO REPRESENT PROMI NENT MANUFACTURER OF SPECIAL TY LINE, SALARY, EXPENSES AND DOUBLE BONUS ON SALES. APPLY TODAY. WITH CREDENTIALS, BE TWEEN 10 AND 2, FONTENELLE HOTEL, TO W. L. BTROTHER, SALES MANAGER. THERE isn't another opportunity like our tn jveorasica. Exclusive territory, effect ive co-operation, careful training. Some thing new. Country work. The war haa greatly Increased ths demand for our product. The crops in South Dakota are the best ever. N. W. Mfg. A Mill. Co., Aberdeen, 8. D. SALESMEN for Nebraska, vacancy Septem ber lata, permanent position; old nous aelling staple Una on exceptional term; high commission; $25 weekly advance. Sale Manager, Suit 4$, 800 Woodward. Detroit ' WANTED Salesmen to sell first mort gage bonds secured on business property, 46 per cent ot value, large issue. Give qualification ' and experience tn letter when answering. Box 2208 Omaha Bee. SALESMAN lac and embroidery Import er, work established ttsde Nebraska and adjoining territory, excellent opportunity right man with established trad smaller town Fuld, 1140 Broadway, New York. SALESMEN Inexperienced or experienced. city or traveling; fre employment service for members. Sent) for list of opening and full particular Add res Nat'l Sales men'a Tr. Ass'n, Dept 420, Chicago, 111. WANi&iJ On prescrlptionlst and on cennter salesman. Apply General Offlc, 2d Floor, lth and Farnam. Sherman A BE AN AUTO and tractor expert la a few weeks; earn $90 to 300 a month Oar big free book explains Rah' Auto School 2130 Oak St. Kansas City. It. HELP WANTED MALE Agents anJ Canvasser. WANTED Experienced agent and oper ator. Hav several good position open. Can place experienced men permanently. Writ T H. Sullivan, auperintendsnt, II llnol Central railroad, Fort Dodge. la., atatlng experience and 4 hen you can re port for service." WANTED Collector for country route, Age 46 to iO; slngl man preferred; experience not necessary; bring two letters of ref erence; bond required. Wa pay the pre mium: salary $27 per week, bonus and railroad fare. Apply Monday before 11, 312 Balrd Bldg. u.IAKEM Captain (under draft age), every community to orranlx and manage pror. ttable toy making club (commission hun dred dollars), for school; neighborhood, war savings or Red Cross Better enclose dollar for sample outfit Address UmakeM, New York. EARN $40 weekly In your spare time tak ,ing orders for Goodyear raincoats. Profit In advance. W deliver and collect. Sam ple coat free. Write today for agency, Goodyear Mfg. Company. Lull Blag, Kansas City, Mo. Teamsters and Chauffeurs. STEADY man wants Job driving Ford truck vveo. l.ia. j Boys. r W.VTFT) HOYS ,15 to 18 years, splendid opportunity, steady work and good pay to ngnt Doys. Appiy HERZBERG'S TOGGERY, 1517 Douglas St BOYS WANTED BY BURGESS-NASH CO. Varlou place open for boys tbat In tend going to Commercial High school and wish to earn extra money by work' ing after school. Apply Supt Balcony. BOYS WANTED, OVER 13 TEARS OF AGE. APPLY TO MANAGER SKIN NER MFG. CO., 14TH AND JACK SON. OFFICE BOT WANTED. i APPLY ' BRADSTREET CO., 12TH AND FARNAM STS. MORNING carriers wanted Dundee route for Omaha Bee Apply' Walnut Station, 40th and Cuming. WANTED A boy over 17 to learn trunk and case-making Frellng A Stelnle. 1803 Farnsm St DELIVERY boy wanted. 1714 Farnam st Miscellaneous MEX WANTED for various kinds of work. A' few posi tions open are In the men's furnishings, carpets, draperies, warehouse. Apply superintendent balcony, Burgess-Nash Co. OILERS wanted at once; steady work? eight hours a day; large, power station. Ex perience preferred but not absolutely ne cessary. Chances for advancement Ap ply at Nebraska Power company power station, etn and Leavenworth streets WRITE THE WORDS FOR A SONG. We write the muslo and guarantee pub lisher's acceptance. Submit poems on war, love or any subject Chester Musi Co., 638 8. Dearborn. Suite 1977, Chloago. MEN WANTED To unload hay Apply to timekeeper. UNION STOCK YARDS. South Omaha. RAILWAY MAIL CLERK examination Aug 10 Hundred wanted 31,100 year Sample question free Franklin Insti tute, Dept 23-F, Rochester, N Y WANTED Stableman at once. Apply to American Railway Expre Co 1107 Cap itol sve WANTED Twenty-flv laborer at one. Report at 27th and Mary St., Minn Lusa Addition. WANTED PORTER AT ONCE. BOQUET HOTEL. DOUGLAS 1829. WAr'TED Men 19 to 60 years old for gen. ral yard work; ateady work for good men. Apply timekeeper. Union Stock Yard Co., south Omaha. HELP WANTED. Male and Female. TEACHERS Mail, telephone, telegraph. call Innumerable. Western calls: Grades, 3810-31.300; high school, $1,100-31,600; Nebraska, South Dakota, Iowa; grades, $830-3810; high school, 3810-31,100. Stew art School Service, Lincoln, Neb. WANTED Men, ladlea and boys, learn barber trade; big demands wage while learning; atrictly modern. Call jr writ 1403 Dodge St Trl-Clty Barber College Phon- D 1147 WANTED Two good cook at Wayne Nor mal school. Man and wife preferred. Good alary, board and room. Work to begin September 8. Writs U. S. Conn. Pre., Wayne, Neb. MOLER Barber College want young me and ladle to learn th barber trad Call or writ for fre catalogue. 110 a 14tb Ht Omaha Neb Janitor and maid. Experienced. Living room furnished. 2100 Chicago street Tyler 2607. WANTED Man for nailer in packing room. also man for shipping room. Richardson Drug C ' HELP WANTED FEMALE. Stores and Offices. STENOGRAPHERS ATTENTION I If you want position In clean, light and airy office beautifully furnished and centrally located, call and se u today. W need a itencgrapher at once. Must be experienced and capable. Phon Tyler 480 for appointment. Th Charles E. Walter Company, Bank Stocks. 1424 First National Bank Bldg. STENOGRAPHER, tip town office. $85; stenographer. $30; stenographer, $76; typ ist. $60; bookkeeper, 386-3100; bookeeper, $86; assistant bookkeeper, $76; office clerk. $60. WESTERN REFERENCE A BOND ASS'N. Organiser of the Reference Business. 730 First National Bank Building. STENOGRAPHERS. $106, $100. $95, $90, $86, f76, 65, 350. Stenographer, out or town, 3105. Typist, some tno, 375, $125. (Good personality) steno and bookkeeper. $90, $100. Steno and bookkeeper. $100. Book keeper, $90, $100. Typist $50. Multlgraph oper., $78. WATTS REFERENCB COMPANT, - . 1128 First Nat'l Bank Bldg.' GOVERNMENT civil aervlc laminations. Omaha, In September. Government clerk, teacher, Impectress. research clerk, type writer. Balary $1,100-32.000. Experience unnecessary. Women desiring govern ment positions writ for fre particulars to J. C Leonard (former civil aervlc ex aminer). 525 Kenota Building., Washing ton. Typist and biller, $66-76. Ledger clerks, $70-7t-t0. : Bookkeepers, $80-00. - Stenographer, $50-75-33. Only fO cent to register THE MARTI COMPANT, -UlSeW. O. W. Bldg. HELP WANTEDFEMALE. Stores and Offices WANTED 15 to 20 Young and middle aged women a cask" ier and Inspectors to take th place left vacant by young women returning to school BURGESS-NASH CO. Apply Supt Balcony. EXCEPTIONAL opportunity for lady with stenographic and bookkeeping experience. Permanent position. Must be accurate and thoroughly capable; none others need ap ply. Apply in peraon Friday a. m Room 101 Natlonsl Bldg.. 12th and Harney WANTED Young woman for clerical work; large corporation; excellent opportunity; high school education or better preferred. Reply In own handwriting. Address Box , 2134. Omaha Bee. THOSE wishing to prepare themselves for competent stenographers In ths shortest time possible should take advantage of our special twelve weeks' course. Night classes open soon. Webster 3405. STENOGRAPHERS. 366-100; typists, $65-75; office clerks, $75; ledger clerks. $76-85. Co-Operatlve Ref. Co., 1015 City Nat'l Bk. LADY bookkeeper and cashier in general merchandise store. State experience. Box Y 665, Omaha Bee. GIRLS WANTED Rogers Confectionery, 24th and Farnam Sts. V. WANTED Stenographer. beginner pre ferred. Box 2195, Omaha Bee. Professions and Trades AN OPENING FOR EXPERIENCED DRESS SHIRT MAKERS. We can use a number of operator who ar (killed in h!rt-maklng and who can glv us competent, careful, Intelligent service. l In return w offer you well-paid tnte eating work tn light, airy, well-ventllted room, under th best of working condi tion. Plenty of fan to keep th air cool and eonfortabl for you. Aa abun dance of sunlight and fresh air, Ice water. Tb ar lone of th thing that will make It pleasant for you in our plant. Within a very ihort time a cafeteria will b installed, wher you can proour wholesom meals at a nominal cost. Musi and a library provide diversion for your noon hour. Th power machine used In your work ar not hard to operate and you will b working with fresh, dainty fabric that are a real pleasure to handle. Hour ar from 8 a. m. to 5 p. m., and th pay 11b raL Coma down and talk It over with us. We have work her for yon that you will enjoy and find rery profitable. Apply em ployment department M. E, SMITH & CO., . . , 10th and Douglas. . ' . WANTED Young Ladies to learn telephone operating. Good wages paid while learning, rapid advance ment, permanent positions. Apply to C. F. LAMBERT, 1807 Douglas St, GIRLS WANTED NOW. Must b 18 year of aga or over. Good: placea for both experienced and Inex perienced girl. Cafeteria serves hot lunches for 12c Steady work and food wages. Th mot you learn th mora you earn. Apply aecond floor, ISth St and. CapU tol Av. ITEN BISCUIT CO., Snow Whit Bakerle. OVERALL OPERATORS v WANTED. Our plant In South Omaha can use th ervlce of a number of skilled overall worker and to those we offer well-paid, pleasant work, under agreeable surround ings. Girls of South Omaha, her la a chance for you to work near borne and save both time and car fare. The machine are power driven and easy runnlnr. The work clean and pay liberal. Hour from 8 a. m. to 5 -p. to. Apply M. E. SMITH & CO., 24th and Q Sts., South Omaha. WANTED AT ONCB ' It experienced power aw!ng machine operators W guarantee experienced op erator will earn 32 cent par hour at piece work Tbt guarantee I given for operator to learn our work and xpena for period of 4 week Nice, clean and steady work all th year OMAHAAUTO TOP CO, 749-11 8. 15th St WANTED. WOMEN TO WORK IN FACTORY: GOOD WAGES TO START. GORDON-LAWLESS CCy EIGHTH AND DODGB.