f; THE OMAHA SUNDAY BEE: SEPTEMBER 1, 1918. 8 B v ; n C: V iv,.CI Ms o? Cum.u Week Rialto David Wtrk Griffith'! only picture since "H'arU of th World,"" '"The Ortat Love," U tbo offering at th Rialto th first four dayi of this woek. Thla picture wu taken In co-ODeratlon with the Biitlah fovernment, and la baeed on "The Great Love," the love that piaeea country aoovo all else, and some of England' most royal perionag-ee. Including the Dowager Queen Alexandra, Lady Diana Mannera, Mlaa Ai quith personally appear In the picture. The leading parts are In the hand of Robert Harron, Dorothy Olsh and Henry WalthalL Owing to the length of this feature, bo comedy will be shown, the only other picture being the Official Government War Pic tures. The last three daye, Dorothy Dal ton In "Green Eyes," 1 the attraction. Strand Mary Plrkford la borne again at the Strand the first rive a ays 01 mis week In one of the best tmngs aoe oas ever done In pictures, "M'Llsa," from the pen of Bret Harte. This la a typical Plck fnrdlan picture, giving her Just the part best suited for her particular style of act Ins. and It la a dead moral certainty mat she' more than makes good In the part of the wild harum scarum girl of the mountain country. Of course, Harry Oliver man and hi Strand Symphony orchestra can be counted on for ome wonderful musical selection. Friday and Saturday a charmln little comedy with Dorothy Ben nett In the leading role ana canea "ine Vamp" la presented. Ran Beautiful June Elvldgs, the famous tar of many World picture euccesse. 1 coming to th Bun theater on emnaay ana Monday In her latest attraction, "ine rower and the Glory." The atory la laid In the Tennessee mountain. Miss Kiviag pisyr the part of a typical mountain girl whs finuiiv iMMmn so dlacusted with the pover ty stricken condition of the little family of which she Is a member that she goea down the mountain to the little town xor me purpose of finding a Job and making enough money to get the family out of debt She not only finds the Job but she also finds romance, and the atory Is delightfully told In thl gripping and exceptionally interesting picture. Included In the cast are Johnny Hlnes, Madge Evan and Frank Mayo, un the asm day the Sun also present rauy Arbuckle In "Fatty and the Broaaway stars." Roscoa Arbuckle as Fatty, we Janitor, la supported by Sam BernaroT, Wm. Collier, Max Bennett and Weber A Fields. The official allied war review complete the program. On Tuesday and Wednesday Gall Sane Q I It J ' 1 -JsV I UL 1 Oil ma - 79 7 . a fjrreuoeiiy & '06 J UOUL , (LothROP) 9 Nobility T tiled Persons Prove Their Right by Taking Part in Great Film Showing True Devotion D Ssssssl 1 4s S,ySl -i Mi f .... 1 NJ I V-:. I g VBasssBBeaaBBSSBBiaueBHK- . . .. presentea to i.ing ueorge ana in viomca nu cuiar euccis hit Mary, and the king complimented the direct bearing on one! emotions and great producer highly on his clay. "Intolerance," which he had seen re cently, and assured him that he could be assured o f hearty co-operation from himself and the English public in the making of his war film for America. ' 4 Just why Norma Talmadge should be so popular with every woman film fan was a mystery to many for a long time, but now it appears that Miss Talmadge has the reputation of being one of the best dressed women in mo tion pictures, showing an especially fine discrimination and excellent taste rather than a merely expensive ward robe. Norma Talmadge herself believes that clothes and color effects have a ipwBininiiiiiiii insists on certain shades when she plays certain kinds of plays. In de picting a passive ticaime wmi vuij neutral qualities, she decides on pas tels, while n scenes requiring envy, hate or great sacrifice, she insists on the more flamboyant coloring, scarlet being a great favorite with her. When it is remembered that all pictures come out black and white on the screen, this is a little deep for those who go to a picture to enj'oy it, but Miss Talmadge a.fter a long study con tends that she is working along the right lines. 3 - One of the most notable gatherings of Scotch characters ever brought together in this country for a public performance recently met in a little village in eastern United States to aid in the filming of a Scotch and American war drama with Peggy Hy landasthe star, which will be shown this week at the Empress. In the party are members of the British recruiting stall in this coun try. who had obtained leave to aid in the film, and well known Scotch characters from all over the country, Miss Hyland, who played the lead as "Bonnie Annie Laurie," from whom the title was taken, made a most in teresting and loveable Scotch lassie, and when the time tor the bagpipes and a real Highland fling was called there was none more skillful in the dance than Peggy. - -$- Two imoortant additions to the cast wilt be seen in Harold Lock wood's "Pals First" in the persons of Ruby de Remer in the feminine lead and James Lackaye as the other pal Miss De Remer's best known screen work was as the lead in "The Auction Block" and her stage work was with last winter's "Midnight Frolic" and "Back Again." Mr. Lackaye has had 30 years' experience on the stage and screen appearing opposite many well known stage folk. , , Dorothy Gish's next offering is a modern society drama, "The Hope Chest." 1 U!Ul!IUll!l!tlHlt!tlltI!!lll!Slt!Dtlt!UTlltini!S11Ug!!)ltili!ill!HUM will be presented In "LoTt's Law." This la a atory of a poor girl with a natural Latest for meslc For the last three day of the week the Sun ha Blltte Burke In "Let s Get a Di vorce." Thl play la adapted from th famous novel Dlvordone. Mts Burke por traya the. role of a romantic convent bred girl, at once fascinating and artistic, who live la convent la Southern France and who -ertly indulge In harmless flirta tion. After wedding a student he later believes that she love another maij. an ' officer whose fin uniform attracts her. She beg her husband for a divorce. He ap parently consents to the divorce but the romantic wife finally realizes her mistake and becomes a loving, practical minded , woman. Empress Beginning today, th Empresa theater will feature for four day the Wil liam Fox tar, Peggy Hyland In a tale of lor and patriotism, called '-Bonnie Annie Laurie." Mingled with realist lo scenes of the battlefield of France and No Man' Land, I told a tender story of the romance of a noble hearted Scottish lassie, who be come th queen of two gallant soldier of Scotland. William S. Hart In "The Re formed Outlaw,'1 and the regular Pathe Newa Weekly will, be on the bill. For the laat half of the week, May Allison, beau tiful Metro atar, will ,1m seen In "A Suc cessful Adventure," a aparkllng comedy. Mlsa Allison ha th , role of Virginia Houston, a llttl beauty of the Sunny South, who la admired by Lionel ana Daniel Houston. A celebrated cast Interpret thl attractive feature, which contrast northern nd southern location and a masked ball at a fashionable country club la among the Interesting icenea. Muse Norma Talmadge In "Her Only Way" will be the headllner at the Muse th first five day of thl week In a strong drama of love in which Ml Talmauge comes out vtctorlou in th end by (licking to th right through all th troubles that could b found for her heroine. It Is an In tsrstlng atory and a In many of Miss Tal madge' production ahe 1 (upported by an excellent company and the eoitumtng and producing of the play ha been the finest that could be Imagined. On Friday and Saturday will be seen Jewel Carmen in an other powerful story of romance "Lawles Loe." Maryland Baby Marie Osborne In charm ing child story, "The Voice of Destiny," will be the feature here today. The little star ha an Interesting atory and I well sup ported by the rest of the company. In ad dition there will be a comedy. On Monday will be seen June Elvldge In "The Family Honrfr," a stirring drama of a woman who undergoea every sacrifice In order to save th honor of th farmfty. It Is a bright story and well acted by Ml Elvldge. Pathe New run bar today and a comedy com plete th program. Tuesday and Wednes day will be seen Madame Petrova In "Tem pered Steel," which I the drama In which she waa pictured when .the famous star made her visit to Omaha a short time back. It 1 a strong drama, and on In which the emotional acting of the Polish actreaa ap pear to excellent advantage. From now on the Maryland theater program will be run In Th Be every day and oh Sunday. Brandels Harold Bell Wright's cyclonic story of romance and adventure, "The Eye of th World," will be here all of thl week and moat of next. Readers of th book will recall many of th thrilling acenes, all of which have been reproduced on the screen. The flight of Sybil Andre Into the moun tain and th search mad there by the forest ranger for her, th kidnapping of the girl and th pathetio wanderings of Wlllard, th escaped convict In th moun tains, th combat of the rival lovers on the cliff, ending In the fall of one of them Into the sea make a story that never lack for Interest. Th play In. addition to being a drama of great Interest 1 a beautiful pro duction from th point of having Incor porated Into It much of th finest scenery of southern California, where the plot of the atory 1 based. Lothrop Douglas Fairbanks In his lively comedy drama, ,-8ay, Young Fellow," heads the bill here today, with the Pathe Newa and bright comedy Included. On Monday wUI be awn Nail Shlpman and Alfred Whit man ia "Bare Son of Kaxaa." a thrilling story of oriental love and lite and one of. the best production of these two (tar.1 Tuesday come Tom Mix In a western com edy drama, "Cupid's Roundup' In which Tom get himself Into love affnlra and mlxnps galore, bat finally works out a way to win the girl and aid the other fellow, too. Friday at the Lothrop will aee Jack Plckford In "The Spirit of '17," a patriotic war drama, with the additional touch of the Allied War Review on the program. Apollo J. Warren Kerrigan In the role of "Toby" In "One Dollar Bid" la the offer ing for today. Toby I a worthies ne'er-do- well who 1 finally sold Into a year'a bond age to th pretty niece of a Kentucky plan tation owner and, arising to hi opportunity, h demonstrate that there 1 a real man In him and, becoming overseer, finally wins the girl who haa bid one dollar for him. On Monday and Tuesday will be seen pretty Conatanc Talmadge In on of the more erlou of hr play, 'The Lesson." In which (he demonstrate that ahe la a dra matic actress of no (mall ability. Elsie Ferguson In "The Lie" Is the offering tor Thursday and Friday In a dramatic photo play that allows Miss Ferguson opportunity for splendid dramatlo effects. Grand Dorothy Dalton fn "Tyrant Fear" head the bill here today In a atrong drama of the Canadian wood Charle Ray In "HI Own Horn Town" portray an Ideal drama of the screen, wherein a yobng man driven from his town by the vll gang there come back a editor of a newspaper, goes after them In red-hot editorials And clean ing np the town, win th adulation of his townspeople and th lov of a pretty girl. Wednesday will be seen the "House of Hate." No. 14, the Pathe New and a Chap lin comedy, and on Thursday comes June Caprice In "Miss Innocence," and the Allied War Review, No. . Orphean (South Side) In addition to the Sunday vaudeville bill here today there will ROHLFr Leavenworth MAY ALLISON in "The Winning of Beatrice" Monday "House of Hate" No. 13 WILLIAM RUSSELL in "HEARTS OR DIAMONDS" Ttifldaw THEDA BARA in "THE SOUL OF BUDDHA" LUELLA ANDERSON Violin Studio Raopant September 3 SIS McCafu Bldf ISth ft Dodge St. Residence Thone Harney 6718. SOPHIE NOSTITZ-NAIMSKA Pianist Announce that sh will return from her vacation September 16 nd will re ceive pupil at her studio. 860 S. 28th St. 'Phon Harney 3346. be eaown Alma Scubena in on ef her r cent production, "Fale Ambition," a tlr ring theme of what ambition will lead a girl Into. On Monday and Tuesday come Norma Talmadge In "The Safety Curtain," probably th strongest play In which Miss Talmadge has besn starred this year. Wedneday, In addition to Marlon Davlea In "Cecelia of tha Pink Roaes" will be seen the third Install ment of th western serial. "Handa Cp." with Ruth Roland In the lead. It 1 a thrtlllng tory of cowboys and Indtna la th higher state of development In which they were found In this country. Kohlff May Allison In a charming story of the south In "The Winning of Beatrice." has a strong plcturlzation of thl well know book. On Monday la shown the "House of Hate," No. IS, and William Russel In s western tory of cowboy and how a girl It won In "Heart or Dlamonda." Theda Bar In her East Indian tory, which sh wroU herself, "The Soul of Buddha," will be the offering for Tuesday, and on Wednesday comes Edna Goodrich In a melodrama play, "Her Huband'a Honor," In which th tar turn burglar In order to same om paper that meant aavlng her loved on from orison. William Farnum in hi vlrll play. "The Plunderer." will be the offering for Th'irdy. LOTHROP HZ' DOUGLAS FAIRBANKS In "Say, Young Fellow" Monday "BAR EE SON OF KAZAN" With Nail Shipman and Alfred Whitman. 'Tuesday TOM MIX In "CUPID'S ROUNDUP" MARYLAND 1423 S. 13th St. BABY MARIE OSBORNE ! "THE VOICE OF DESTINY" Monday JUNE ELVIDCE in -THE FAMILY HONOR" Tuesday and Wednesday . Mme. Petrova in "TEMPERED STEEL" 16th and Binnay GRAND DOROTHY DALTON ' in "TYRANT FEAR" Monday and Tuesday CHARLES RAY m "HIS OWN HOME TOWN" Wed. "HOUSE OF HATE" APOLLO 29th and Leavenworth J. WARREN KERRIGAN in "A DOLLAR BID" Monday and Tuesday, CONSTANCE TALMADGE in "THE LESSON" ORPHEUM South Sid VAUDEVILLE Today Only. ALMA REUBENS, "FALSE AMBITION" Mon. and Tues. NORMA TALMADGE In "THE SAFETY CURTAIN" Wednesday "HANDS UP," No. 3. r,, y , ul,iBB, -,.,WW - y SUN TODAY AND W. GRIFFITH'S most . ambitious icrein effort. "The Great Love." brings to " ' America something that has not been thoroughly under ' stood here as yet the extent to which the leisure classes in England have given themselves and all that they have to the world war. i In the photoplay Mr. Griffith Has not actors representing these people, hut has actually persuaded such dis tinguished people as Sir Frederick Treeves, head of the British Red Cross: Baroness Rothschild, owner of the Havre-Paris railroad; Sir Henry Stanley, a prominent worker, and whose brother is the earl of Derby and head of the War council; and in his hospital scenes he has acting be fore the camera Queen Alexandra. who personally supervised the scenes taken in Lady Diana Manners con valescent home at her country estate. The chief roles of the play are in the hands of such well known Amer ican motion picture stars as Lillian Gish, Henry Walthill, Robert Harron and a great many of the actors who were with Mr. Griffith in his great production "The Birth of a Nation." , Mr. Griffith whi'e in England was DOUBLE FEATURE DAYS t i Power LVD N THE LORY k V A Tender Lov Story .Laid In th Tenn Mountains Where Paaaions Blaie Hot. ""SO, -AND- FATTY ARBUCKLE -IN- "Fatty and the Stars" irS SOME KEYSTONE COMEDY. Official War Review LIMITED ENGAGEMENT ONLY mm iiaiii!!!!Hiini!!nn!iaiinn!!tiiii!in!iii!iiKti!:!ni SUM m MJ.t 1 Wljl',lll.,,.M LETS ALL GET TOGETHER - ON THIS ONE BIG MATINEE 2:30 P. M. sf V if fl-v.Ta sr et. f 1 Oi i " 11 1 1 i w 0 LY S Days Beginning Today Added AUrsdzon cSunshirte Gfbmedif 5 Days Beginning Today S x4 V"- & 1 . 1 SM 4-.- 1 iV. hi ' Kv- 4 hi MM am VTsfe aTHssT mi', T- m : 1 sstasssstasssaWsstt var- 5 SHOWS DAILY 2:30 P. M., 25c; 7 and 9 P. M., 25c-35c THE RECORD SMASHER a Doors Open 2:15 P.M. 6:45 . P.M. V