Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 31, 1918, Page 3, Image 3

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AT 1:00 P. M.
orate Stores
Remember, Tomorrow, Saturday
Is the Last Day of Our
Great Money Saving
Fur Sale
Therefore, take advantage.
You can save from 25 to 40,
and we will store your Furs free
of charge until winter.
Second Floor.
School Begins Tuesday
These sales for tomorrow have been especially prepared for the
benefit of , thrifty mothers who want to outfit their children with good,
sturdy wear for the coming school days. Special purchases have been
made and special concessions have been obtained from manufactur
ers to make this event possible. Consider the steady trend of rising
prices, and you will surely decide that you cannot afford to miss this
For Saturday
New wool jersey and tailored
serge frocks. Smart street and
business frocks.
Wool jerseys in beige, taupe,.
sand, navy and brown find high 'j
favor, navy in serges the leading
Clever braid trimmings, yarn
embroidery, satin combined with
cloth, all are features not to be
Prices range
$49.00 up.
$27.50, $35,00
i Fie
Extraordinary Sale of Girls' Dresses
There are close to 200 Dresses in this offer
ing for Saturday. The materials are Serges
and Silks, and this offering would not be
possible if we had not obtained great con
cessions from the manufacturers. Many of
these Dresses would have .to retail at $10
and more if bought in a regular way; sizes
from 6 to 14 ; while this lot lasts, for Sat
urday $6.95
We have a carefully selected line of pretty
serge frocks for girls, for school, high school
and college wear. Charming youthful styles
embodying all the newest fall features, jacket
effects, high and normal waist- lines, novel
sleeves and cuffs in this assortment. Sizes 6 to
16. Prices $8.95 to $25.00
We also carry a complete line of clothes itliy
for Convent Girls, in black serge dresses and JZrF
skirts. k
Practical School Tub Frocks, cut new straight regulation. Made of New Beech Cloth,
with pockets. Just what the girls like. Ages 6 to 14. Price $7.50
New Misses' Apparel
"This merchandise has arrived in this last week.
New Serge Dresses, semi-tailored, and others com
bined with" satin or velvet. New basque effects,
apron skirts
$29.00 to $65.00
New Tailored Suits, in Velour, Serge, Tricotine,
Silvertone, TweecJ. Some are fur trimmed,
$29.00 to $75.00
Smart Coats Some trimmed with fur, collars and cuff s; others perfectly plain; military models, belted
and trimmed with buttons; very unusual styles in Bolivia, Peau de Peuch, Silvertone and Velour; also
Velvets. Prices $25.00 to $150.00
Second Floor, 17th Street Side, South.
School Supplies
Pencil Outfits. .58c to $1.35
Rubber Erasers. . .lc to 10c
Blackboard Erasers . . -.10c'
Art Gum 5c to 10c
Eagle Compass 35c
Book Straps 5c to 25c
Slates 25c to 58c
Composition Books, 5c to 10c
Note Books 5c to 10c
History Covers 15c
History Paper, 100 sh's.l5c
History Rings, each 5c
Pencil Tablets lc to 5c
Ink Tablets- 5c to 10c
Spelling Tablets 5c
School Paints 25c
Rulers lc to 5c
Pen Holders 3c to 5c
Lead Pencils lc to 5c
Fountain Pens . .$i.50 to $6
Pencil Sharpeners, 5c to $1
School Dictionary 35c
Eight-inch Globes 49c
Crayolas 10c and 25c
White Chalk, doz., 2 Vic, 5c
Colored Chalk, box. . . .10c
Mucilage, per bottle 10c
Paste, per bottle 10c
Colored Ink, per bottle, 10c
Slate Pencils lc to 2c
School Bags . .39c to $1.48
Main Floor, rear
Girls' and Misses'
Corset Waists and Corsets
Before starting your daughter to school this fall, make
sure that she is comfortably and properly corseted. To sit and
study is tiring, and every girl, no matter what age, needs
some support. Our Fitters understand the needs of girls thor
oughly. Girls' Corsets and Waists at all prices are fitted free
of charge. We have a complete line of Ferris, H. & W., for
Juniors and Misses, in athletic High School Girls' models, and
Gossard Front Laced Corsets for girls.
Girls' Cambric Panty Waists '. 40c
A Plain Waist for Girls, buttons in front. Two rows of buttons around
waist 60c
Ferris Waists with Shoulder Strap, especially good for growing girls. This
style buttons in front and laces in back. Sizes from 20 to 28 $1.00
Corsets for Girls from $1.00 to $5.00
Third Floor.
Children's Gloves
A Very Special Sale for
Saturday, 65c a Pair.
Just about fifty dozen Children's
Champagne Gloves; guaranteed
washable; exceptional quality;
comes in gray, white and cham
pagne; all sizes of each from 2 to
14 years; Gloves that should sell
at 85c a pair, Saturday, while this
quantity lasts, a pair 65
Saturday a Most Extraordinary "JE"
Sale of Wool Suits for Boys . . . P0 o fl 5)
These Suits, if they had to be bought in today's market, would have to
retail from $10.00 to $20.00. Because we bought them months and'months ago,
and because we are always ready to share our savings with our customers, we
will sell them Saturday, while a fairly good quantity lasts at $7.75. There are
in this lot Suits with two pants and single pants in a splendid variety of patterns.
Light, dark and medium mixtures. Many of these Suits even have double knees
and seats. The styles are all good, and the values are so extraordinary that we
advise your coming early Saturday morning if you want to share in this
Big Bargain.
Here are THREE EXCEPTIONAL Sale Offerings that mean
much to parents who have boys to outfit for school. Buy all you
need of these.
Blouses and Pants
Suits for Little Boys
Fully Worth $2.50, Saturday,
Only, $1.39
Here are Blouses in Eton col
lar styles with pants to
match. Ages, 3 to 8 years;
materials are of fast color,
in heavy weight Galateas, as
sorted colors, plain blue
Cheviots and fancy stripe
Ginghams. Buy as many as
you can use during the com
ing months for they are bar
gains, indeed, at $1.39
About 100 Dozen
Blouses, Worth $1,
Saturday, 65c
If you are wise, you are go
ing to buy these Blouses in
quantities, for they will be
cheap, indeed, this coming
fall at $1.00. There are in
this lot, Madras, in plain
white effects, Chambrays, in
plain blue; Percales and
Madras, in Fancy Stripes,
Ginghams, dark stripe. The
styles are just what you
want. Eton collars for the
little fellows and the regular
collar 'styles for the bigger
boys. You would, indeed,
miss a bargain if you didn't
attend this sale. While this
100 doz. lasts, Saturday, 65c
Odd Suit Knickbocker
Pants, at $1.59
An assort
ment of fab
rics and pat
terns to
match your
boys' suits.
Pants, full
lined, made
of good ma
terials, like
T w e e d s,
C a s slmere
and Worst
ed, in light
and dark
p a t terns.
Many have
double seats
and knees. These pants
should sell at $2.00, Satur
day, while thy last, at $1.59
2 Pants Suits, Galore, $10.00 to $20.00
- Here is without doubt the biggest assortment of new styles, new fabrics and new
models to be found anywhere. 2 Pants Suits withdoub!e seat and knees are our hobby
and double the wear of a suit. Come in and look over the many new style's.
Boys' Department is located on 2nd floor of Men's Store. Take moying stairway.
Second Floor Man's Building.
Girls' Sweaters
Now is the time to (buy Girls'
Sweaters. They soon go to school
and sweaters are the correct ar
ticle for the cooler days.
GirU' Slip-Over Middy Wool
Sweaters, Sailor Collar, Purling at
waist, combinations of col
ors $3.95
GirU' Wool Coat Sweater knitted,
with pockets and belts. Combina
tions of colors $5.95
Second Floor.
School Shoes for Boys and Girls
School Shoes,
$4.50 Per Pair
Made of selected mahogany
color leather, with oak tanned
welt soles, medium English last.
All sizes, 1 to b: Splendid
Boys' School Shoes,
$3.00 per pair.
Gun metal calf with heavy
sole; lace and blucher styles; in
all sizes, 1 to 6tt". Extraordi
nary values.
Little Men's Shoes,
$4.00 per pair.
Black gun metal calf and ma
hogany color calf; lace, button
and blucher patterns; welt soles,
broad nature-shaped last, 9 to
13 1-2.
"Billiken" Shoes,
$3.95 Per Pair
' Dull oil grain uppers, with
heavy soles, blucher, broad toe
shape; every size from 1 to 6.
Children's Shoes.
Black kidskin vamp, with cloth
tops, heavy soles, broad toe
ihapes; prices:
6 to 8, at .....$2.00
B 1-2 to 11. at $2.50
11 1-2 to 2, at $3.00
Children's Patent Colt
Patent colt with cloth tops,
nature-shape last, with heavy ex
tension soles; priced according
to size.
8 1-2 to 11, at $2.75
11 1-2 to 2, at $3.25
Scout Shoes,
$2.95 Per Pair
Scout shoes, brown elk tipper,
with heavy leather soles. Sizes 1
to 6ty.
Children's Patent Colt
White Top Shoes.
Best grade patent colt, with
white kid tops, broad toe shapes;
buttons; prices:
6 to 8., at ..$3.00
8 1-2 to 11, at $3.50
11 1-2 to 2, at $4.00
School Shoes for Larger
Girls, $4.95 per pair.
Patent colt, dull calf and dark
brown calf, welt soles; low heels;
sizes 2 1-2 to 7. Special values.
Main Floor
New Fall1 Hats for Children
Now on Display
Just In Time for the New School Session
The Glengarys Very
pretty Hats of black and
blue . serge, and white
checked serge; some
satin trimmed with
The Aviators are
shown in khaki cloth, trimmed in self ma
terial and two buttons in front; others
have a narrow Allied stripe ribbon at the
Military Tarns Also made of khaki;
large button on top . , $2.50 to $2.98
Toilet Goods Specials for Saturday
Java Rice Powder, 50c size 33c
Hind's Honey and Almond Cream 33c
Milkweed Cream, 50c size , 29c
Derma Viva Face Powder . 39c
Graves' Tooth Paste, 25c size 16c
Pebeco Tooth Paste, 50c size .........33c
Oriental Talcum Powder t.. 15c
Williams' Talcum, 20c size 14c
Djer Kiss Perfume, special, ounce 98c
Locust Blossom Perfume, ounce 29c
Abonita Vanishing Cream , , 19c
Special Underwear and Hosiery Offerings
For Boys and Girls
Special Sale Arranged
for Saturday
Children's Union Suits in Nainsook, Porosknit or Bal-
briggan, on special sale . 35c
Boys' and Girls' Munsing Second Union Suits in odd
lots, long, short or sleeveless; ankle or knee length;
sizes 8 to 16 years... 50c
Boys' and Girls' Country Club Nainsook Union Suits,
all sizes; on sale at 69c
Children's "M" Knitted Waists with patented taped
buttons; sizes 2 to 12 years; on sale at .'25c
Children's "M" Knitted Union Suits with patented
taped buttons;. sizes 2 to 12 years; on sale 75c
Boys' and Girls' Fall Weight Union Suits, drop seat
or open crotch ; long sleeves, ankle length ; white and
peeler color, at 69c
Boys and Girls' "M'Knit Union Suits Fall weight;
long sleeve, ankle length; sizes 2 to 12 years, at. .$1.00
Complete assortment of Munsing Underwear for Boys,
Girls and Children. All sizes ip wool and cotton for
Fall and Winter. Now is a good time to buy, while
our stock is complete $1.25 to $3.50
Third Floor.
Supply Your
School Wants Now.
Misses' and Children's Hose in Thread Silk, fine ribbed,
extra quality; sizes 64 to 94; colors, pink, sky and
black. Extra value $1.25
Children's Sox with rolled and plain tops; white, black,
tan, blue, champagne, a pair 35c
Children's Silk Lisle Hose in colors new tans, black
and white; fine ribbed and fine quality; good dye;
spliced'feet. Extra value 50c
Children's Sox, Cutie style, with the Cutie buttons.
Plain white with fancy tops, a pair 29c
Girls' and Boys' Hose in medium and fine ribbed; all
sizes. Colors black, white and tan ; double heels and
toes; 3 pairs for $1.00, or pair 35c
Boys' and Girls' School Hose, in black and white only;
all sizes; medium ribbed; good dye; pair 25c
Infants' Pure Thread Silk Hose in white, sky and .pink.
Sizes from 4 to 6 12. Very fine quality 75c
Main Floor.
Boys' Hats and, Caps
for School
Boys' School Head
wear, in excellent
styles and assort
ments. All very spe
cial values. Boys'
Cloth Hats, in good
new styles, at $1.25
and $1.50.
Golf Caps, lined or with taped seams,
at 35c, 65c and up to $2.00
Boys' Rah-Rah Hats, special at 65c
Boys' Felt Hats, at $2.50 to $3.50
lr Tiv 11
Drug Specials for Saturday.
Sal Hepatica, 60c size, at
Caldwell's Syrup of Pepsin ...
Walnutta Hair Stain, 60c size..
Aspirin Tablets, 100 in bottle
Milk of Magnesia, 25c size . . . .
Peroxide of Hydrozen
Maroon Fountain Syringe
Jap Rose Soap, regularly 12c.
Essex Peroxide Soap .........
Glycerine Soap
Violet Bath Toilet Soap
. .5c