THE BEE: OMAHA, FRIDAY, ' AUGUST 30, 1918 8 Want Ad Hates (Cub Wltb Ordtr I . ttt t word ...Mcb Innrtlon I, m' word for tbr consecutive Insertions X pit word for each additional Insertion ,4a ad Ukan tot ls thin total ot - or lea the 10c oar day. . ' ' CBAUiB ' pat Una count words to Una) ona ttma o par Hn acb tlma. I eoneeutlv time 1 par Uia aacb tlma. It eon utlv time SITUATIONS WANTED lit par Moa P waaS CARDS OF THA'(S AND y: , .. ri'KEBAl NOTICES. , lea par Una ch Insertion (Minimum Charge. 19 Cent) Centrar Bate Oa Application. ror convenience of advertlaara aiant ada will ba accepted at tba following offleee; 11AIN OFF1CB Be Bulldllii Ameaome ......41 North tltb 8t Lake Offlca 25t North S4tb HI Vlntob Offloa 1417 Boom 1Mb 8t Par Offlca ..........2613 Leavenworth Bt Walnut Offlcb HI Nortb 40tb fit South 8ld t31l N fit Council Bluff . 1 Main Bt.. Nortb THE BEB arlll not ba raaponalbla for mora than ona Incorrect lnaartlon ot an dvrtla mant ordarad for mora than ona tlma. Us THB TELEPHONE It too cannot con veniently brlnt r nd your ads to any of tba abov office. Ask for Want Ad Tsker and you will receive tba ssnie Rood arvlca a bao delivering your ad to , P11' PHONE TTLEB 1,800. Want Ad Column Cloaa Kanlnt Edltiona II:M Morning EdIWona - M, Sunday Edition 1 P. M. Baturday Evanlng DEATH & FUNERAL NOTICES. WINDER Elisabeth, aunt of Mrs. Jos. B.' Fran! en burg, August i7, ItH. , Funeral Friday at 1:00 p. m., from ' residence of Mr. and Mra. J. B. Freden " . burg. 6001 Chicago Street Interment at Forest UWr. ' : VONDER Lulu B., an 48. died August 28, Funeral aervtca Thursday evening at I o'clock from her residence, 1601 Amea avo. Burial Friday at Avoca, la. Frlenda Invited. ' J. FUNERAL DIRECTORS. "HULSrOlEPEN Pioneer Funeral Director 76t So 16th 8t Phona Doug. 1121. HOFFMANN FUNERAL BOMB., Hoffmann quality eervlca. eoeia tea Hth and Dodge. Da!M tul ""STACK & FALCONER Independent Undertakera lid t Far H I0 HviSEHTAKKH and Ucenaed embalmrra; alao private ambulance Call Webatat 4?t Wlllla C. croeny. nii,ri- lata tn U. U DODDER CO., Funeral Dlreciora 1 P L. Feto. Mgr., lid and Cuming Bta Phona Douglaa 71 Auto ambulancea JOHN A QENTLEMAN. undertaker and ambaimer. 1411 Farnam. Bt Harney l FLORISTS. Fontanel le rinrleta. 1EE17LARM0N ' 1H14 Dooglaa Bt. Douglaa H44 XDONAGHUE 1 1 yjii A RfJET Flnwera ahlppd everywhere. Kip Prepaid EaTH Careful Florlet. fUI Fafnam Bt. Y. Hendetimn Hll Farnam D U4 MONUMENT & CEMETERIES. WEST LAWN offere aympathetlo aervlc la auddea anrrow; .perpetual carej no aaai-aa-mente. lota on aaay terma Phone Wal, m THE iaraoet dlaplay of mnnumenta In the United State FRANK 8VOBODA, I Hi lt 8 3tb Phone Douglaa Wl-Ull MARRIAGE LICENSE Marrlago llcmma were taaucd to the fol lowing named peraonai ' Nam and Addreaa. . Age. , Harry E. Harvey, Omaha II Vara B. Peteraon, Oaeola, la.....,..,...,' It Joeeph U Connoran, Omaha over II Paulina M. Kleldoati over II Paul White, Omaha 14 Minnie Shaw. Blue Baplda, Kan, .... II William Qrtdley, Humboldt, Neb........ II Edith B Calvert, Beneon, Neb. ......... 11 ' Harr BhulL Caatana. Ia.. lover II n j'Mary Johnaon. Onawa. la over II BIRTHS AND DEATHS DeatFe Cbarlea Huaton, 44, hoapltul; Jamea Dalton, 69, hoepltal: William JI. Covey, 61, 41 California atreet; George Abarlotea, 14, Omaha; Peter Selataa, IS, Omaha; Mra. , Elliabeth Hughea, 10, hoapl tal; Elala U. Lota, 14, 411 South Fortieth atreet; Christine Myara. 20, Omaha; Frank Young, 43, T010 Grace atreet; Vena Young, 40, 1010 Grace street. ' ' Birth John W. and Dorothy C, Mat lock, ll North Twenty-atxtb street, girl; Edward, B. and Either Woolever, 111 South Eighteenth atreet, girl; Runeell Q. and Carolina William, 6715 Military avenue, boy; Fred W. and Agatha Fink, 1S0I Bouth Twenty-alith atreet, boy; Albert and Annie WUnowaky, 4111 Bouth Thlrty-aeventh atreet, girt; Michael and Contantlne , We . clrek, 1134 Hlllalde avenue, boy; Cnariet and Martha Btraadea, Hot U street, girl; Frank and Julie Lokee, 6211 South Fifty third atreet. SlrL BUILDING PERMITS Anton Mldpoy, 3770 Dean atreet, addi tion, 1100. B. L, Ratekln, 1161 Newport avenue, bungalow, 4,000. John Maaon. 4630 South Tbirty-flfth street, frame cottage, li.ioo. "'SPECIAL NOTICES DENf ISTRY. Th Infirmary ot Crelghton ontveraity cotleca of dentistry will reopen on Sep tember 3. All kinds of dental work don under careful auparvlalon of the prole, sors. . Extractloua free. Chlldren'a taftb straightened 110 Uouth lth St THE West Farnam Dancing Club will give dance every Saturday at Keep Dancing Academy. 1424 Farnam. Scholar and patrona who wish Invitation, 'inquire at Academy or prion Douglaa 7060, NOTICE I will not be reionUl for any debt contracted other than by myaeif. J. A. McCarty. . . ; ' ' ' FRATERNAL ORDERS! PAINTERS, ATTENTION! All members ef Painter' union. No. 101, Tou are expected, without fall, to partici pate la the Labor Day parade, Procure uniforms at Palace Clothing Co., 14th and Douglaa Bta, Don't be a alacker; romel LOST FOUND REWARDS. OMAHA at COUNCIL BLUFFS STREET I.AILWAT COMPANY i Pereons having Inat some article would da well to call up th office of th Omaha A Council Bluffs Street Railway eompany to aacectala whether they left It Is Hb street ear. ' Many articles each day are turned. la and the eompany la anxleua to restore them to the rightful owner LOST Coat, between Missouri Valley and Omaha. Pleaae notify R, B. Bolln, 111 N. 30th Bt Tyler 1311. FOUND Man'a watch; initials Cd Lund qulst. 1101 Farnam St. FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS. Furniture and Household Goods. 1 1NAL WEEK OF AUGUST SALE OF FURNITURE. - This will be th greatest week for bar gains In tb furniture and nous furnish- . ngs Id tbs history of Omaha. Every needful household article will be material, ly cut In price. Call this week today ' would ws th best tlm to secure th bet ter choice We make a specialty of com Diet bom outfits, also hotels and, room- nig bouse. Railroad fare refunded to out-of-town buyers within 16 ml lea of . Omaha a purchases or 120 or mora. STATE FURN1TURB CO.. 14th and Dodge Sts Opp. U. P. Bldg FURNITURE A HARDWARE BARGAINS. Beds, seringa, mattresses, dressers, chif fonier, tables, chair, china and kitchen cabinet, rug and linoleum, trunks and alt eases, gas atpvs and los boxes, foil tins screen wlr. poultry oetttng. garden tool 1111-47 Nortb Htb SI Tel weB l7 Open till o m ACTUAL TRUTH FOR BARGAINS Full tin of furniture xs snd coal all stoves. ruga, baby carriage, trunks, eta Loyal run ce.. in w ista.' FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS. Furniture and Household Goods lu-l'l..TE household furnishing for sals, all firnt class. 3011 Lincoln Blvd. Bar . ney itSL . .. . " FOR ;ALE MISCELLANEOUS. Pianos & Musical Instruments. a. HOSPU CO.. 161 Douglas, bava plaooa to rant at 11 la pai oomb. or will aell oo terma Store and Office Fixtures. WE buy. aell and aiake disks.-safes, bow eases, anelvini. etc omaba Fixture A 8up oty Co tltb and Dnuslss D 1714 Ki) MALE Hardware atock and fixture, eaatern Nebraaka Addreaa Boa 4li Oma ba Rea FOR SALE Meat Ice boa. 6x; new; aell cheap. 420 Bo. ISth St. Dairy Products j - - FRESH country buttermilk butter; beat of cream; atrictly freab agra; delivered to any part of Omaha. Pbone South til or Tyler 621 Warner' Sewing Machines. SEWING MACHINES Wa rant, repair, aell needlea and parte of all aewlng machine. MI'KEL8. NEBRASKA CYCLE CO., ISth and Harnev flta Doug. 1661. Typewritera and Suoplies OUR EXCHANGED MACHINES DEPART MENT. la the Urgent of Ita kind in tba weat Tou can alweya find Juat what you want here. Wa buy. aell, rent, repair and ei change typewritera of every kind. E tabllehed nearly 20 yeara. CENTRAL TYPEWRITER EXCHANGE. Ino 1101 Fa mam. TYPEWRITERS, all uinkta. old, rented and repaired. THB W. N. LONG COMPANY, Ull i Farnaro, Tel. D. 1161. ONE f-column Burrougba Adding machine for aale at a bargain. ' 1901 FAKNAM 8T. TYPEWRITERS aold. rented and repaired Rent n Oliver I month for II. Central Typewriter Exchange,- 1901 Fa ma in. ADDING MACHINES, rented and aold. all makes bought. CENTRAL TYPEWRITER EXCHANGE, 1105 FARNAM BT. WE BUT, aell or exchange typewriter; ! guar, typewritera f 10 and up. Write for Hat. Midland Typewriter Co.. I4Q4 podge. Miscellaneous SEE the National Capitol. A aelected act of 21 beautiful poetcard view sent post paid for 26c, National Capitol Souvenir Co., V-t. V, O. Box 1217. Waehlngton, D. O. THREE atake wagona, alao three beer roll wagons. Latter can, at Utile expenae, be converted Into platform wagona. All well built. Offered at bargain prices. Schlltx Omaha Co., 711 So. th St. BARGAIN Two office) tables, two revolving bhalra. -two gueat chairs, good condition 1617 City, National Bank Building or Mr, Jewell, agent of building. OMAHA PILLOW CO. Feather ateamed. renovated and made up In new feather proof ricking 1107 Cumins Doug I47, 10 WILL place a Doty Vacuum CUaner In your home. Demonstration free. Phone Webetee ' mil, for appointment. TWO bedroom aulte. living kitchen furniture for aale. demon. room and 2661 Man- LEAVING the city at once. Compelled to aell plami. Call South 11157. COLT'S revolver, ,3)1 caliber special, new. 11 00. '4113 N0l-,,i',t,!,.l',lrllf'! IH I,, SWAPPERS' COLUMN twitiL trade two-ton trurk for pli-anure car. Graham Bros. Salea Co., 2013 Farnam, Omahtt, Neb, CONN FRENCH HORN, F. V. and K-fat, for sal or trade. It. W. Barber, Ma nilla, !. WANTED TO BUY. WANT TO BUY STRAINED HONEY Want -to buy a quantity of pur strained honey; quota quality and price. Address Box 4734 Omaha Bee. JENKINS ba iuat returned and will live you . th asm good aervlc that he gave In th past Help win tb war Bell your old clothes, shoes rugs, tools, trunks snd buy W 8 S Will call. Rea D 3033. office D 6144 DESKS DESKS DESKS New dssk, used desks bought, sold snd traded J C. Reed, 1201 Farnam D 14t DIAMONDS. Brfmh-h tCo ANNOUNCEMENTS. KEEP Dancing Academy, 2434 Farnam; class and dance every Monday and Thurs day; learn to dance for 15, where learn ing Is a pleasure. Phone Douglas 7860. CABINET work a specialty; old furniture taken In exchange for pew. 111 Worth 40th. Walnut 1107. Accordeon Pleating. ACCORDETlN. ' aide, knife, iun buret, box pleating, covered buttons, sll sixes and styles, hemstitching, plcol edging.- eye let cut work, button holes, pennant IDEAL BUTTON AND PLEATING CO,. 100-101 Brown Bldg Phone Do.ts illl HEMSTITCHING. PLEATING, BUTTON& O U. VanArnam Pleating C., ISS-7 Paxlon Btnck. Phone Doug 1101 Baggage and Express. THFONLY WAY LSia? f,1." THB OMAHA TRANSFER CO. REPUBLIC AUTO EXPRESS COMPANY will haul everything for you Package leaa than 30 lha , IK rente Douglas 7451 Awnings. AWNINGS AND PORCH FURNITURE. Auto touring tents and camping aupplles BCOTT-OMAH A TENT A AWNING CO Brass and Iron Foundries. PAXTON-M ITCH ELL CO. 17th and Martha Bta.. Omaha., Nab. Braaa, bronte, aluminum and machine gray Iron eaatlngs Billiard Tables. PRIVATE for. parllre at Holme' Chiropractors. Dr J. C. Lawrence. Balrd Bldg. D. 1461 SFINOGRAPH. Dr. Edward. 34th, Farnam - Costumes. - FULL dVesa suite for'renL 101 N 16th Bt" opposite Poatotftc. John Feldmaa Doug la 1121. Detectives. JAMES ALLAN. Ill Neville Blk. EvIdencV secured In all Caaea. Tyler Ull Printing and Office Supplies. Waters-Bsrnhsrt Ptg. Co.. 414-16 8. 13th St. Dentists. Dr. Bradbury No pain 121 W. O. W Bldg Tart's Dental Rma . Roe Bldg D till Film Developing. FILM developed, rolls, 10c; packs. 16 one-day service Kas Studio. Neville Blk., 14th end Harney Dressmdking. ORDERS for exquisite Infant appareL . Fllnn. Harney 6630. MISS STURDY, dreeamaklng Doug. Illl Fixtures and Wiring. DURKIN Electrie weaning machine, lectrle Iron and reading lamp tlM Cuming st Dooglaa till nTAMnwnswo p o p"o wuuitvuvu or v ace to buy m at small profit QftOSS. 401 N. ".6th Bt Osteopaths. DR. MABLE WESSON, 614 Brsndels Bldg T tl0 Re,. 4141 Patent Attorneys. PATENTS procured, bought and aold. lntr aunnai raroni o., s pranqeia u. assi STURGES A 8TUKOES. U a an" foreign paienta ana traaemarka II Be Bldg Tailors, Dledrlck. PL 1118 loth Tailor. D. 1411. Towel Supplies. Omaha Towel Supply lot 8 11th. DTT Medical PILES, fistula and other rertal dii eases cured without sutcal oper ation. Cure guararfved. Write for book on rectal uiseases with testi monials, - DR. E. R. TARRY, 240 Bee Bldg, Omaha. Safes. BARGAINS. 1112 Fsrnaa. O A tT'ITC' i 3 Derlgbt Bafs C OAS JO Weeding Stationery. WEDDING annouiiceoii'Mls and printing v Douglas ITiDtlng Co. Tat Douglaa lit. BUSINESS CHANCES. AN unuiual opportunity being a flourishing buatneee showing better tban 110.016 year profit to one of ths best town In Bouth Dskota , Unleaa you bav 150.600 do not waat your-tlm nor ours by writ ing. Bank references. Best of reasons for selling Rigid fnvestlgstlon solicited. Selling snd organizing ability essential. No broker box 64, umana pee, WANTED a good bualneaa man to take charge of retail buslneaa with a good salary and half of net proceed; annual profits, 14,000 to 15.000; you handle your own money; will require 13.000 to 14,000 to handle this proposition. Box 4516. Omaha Bee. . FOR SALE OR KENT. "" Juat remodeled from top to bottom. Modern 30-room hotel In good eaat cen tral Nebraaka town of 700 population. The only hotel in town. If you want a good boatness write or better see me at one. M. A. Larson. Central City. Neb, FOR SALE FOR CA8H Saloon In good lo cation, doing good business. Reason tot quitting, death Addreaa H-. 141 Charts St.. St Joseph. Mo FOR SALE Good 25-rodm hotel and cafe In central Nebraska doing .good business. ( Steam beat, light and water, cheap rent. Call or writ Mra.Q.W.French,Merna,Neh. FOR SALE OR ?RAOE Groceries and meat; good location; fine bulnr; reason for eolllna- slckneee. 420 3th St. FORD AGENCY snd garage f r aale. Ne braska town. F. V. Knlest! Bee Bldg, Omaha. AUTOMOBILES. RADIATORS Wrecked and leaky radiators repaired and rebuilt; large stock used radiators cn band. Mashed fenders snd Ismps repelred like new New stock of Ford honeycomb rsdlstors .- OMAHA RADIATOR AND TIRE WORK. Illl Cuming St Omaha. Nab Grant Six touring ! Bcrlppe Booth roadster V..?M Bolh cara are In the best of condition and sre rsdy to go. BAKNCM AND SMITH CO.. 2133 Cuming 8U Dougli 1014 FOR SALE OH TRADE 60 b. p. Mitchell chummy rosdster, blgb speed snd power. Will accept Ford In Al cotidltlon a part payment A bargain. B K. Frank, Rou le 6 76A. Beneon. Neb FOR" S A L E A good 6-paaeenker Studebaker car. In good repair; good reaaona for aell Ing. Addrca E. E. Zlmmermsn, csr N Y. Life Ins. Co., R. 337. Jmaha National s Bank building. Tel. Tyler 157. Leavs word If 1 am nor mere ONE Packard chaesla, 1360; 1 Peerleaa truck with body, 1160. Both machines in good condition. NEBRASKA WHITE CO.. Fred C. Rogers, Mgr. 1407-31 Cspltol ri a on i iun IN ItRKO CARS All makes Wltb snd without tarter, II to pick from Pbon D 1341 or call at 1611 Davenport. HI 1 1 Li AM AUiU FOH SALE At a bargain- Reo three qusrter ton truck used part time for eight month and In good condition Addreaa Bni Y .616. Omaha Bee USED CARS AND TRUCKS AT BAROAIN PRICES. STANDARD MOTOR CAR CO.. 3020 Farnam at., timaaa. peo FOR BADE or trHde forton truck, an Ap peraon Jack Rabbit In A-l condition. Call DotiKlaa 6SS5. OAKLAND. Sensible 81x7 MARSH OAKLAND CO. 3300 Farnam St. WE ARE THE USED CAR MEN, TRAWVER AUTO CO., 1910 Farnam Ht Douglaa I07O WANTEDFOR" SPOT CASH. 100 USED CARS, quick action; no delay Auto Ex change Co.. 3069 Farnam at. Doug. 6031. BARGAINS In ued cara ORR MOTOR SALES CO.. 4 0th and Farnam Harney 614 0V66 USED CARS. OUT L. SMITH loth and Farnam St Dnuglss 1170 MAXWELL rnadatrr, 11 model, fully equipped; extra ttre and tubea. Call Har ney 7194 after 6 p. m, B A RG A I NS I N USED CARS McCaffrey Motor Co 16th and Jackaon Ford Agenta D 1600 MEEK 9 AllfO CAR. USED CAR BARGAINS 1011 FARNAM BT DOUGLAS 6216 FOR SALE Late 1917 Ford coupe; all new tires; In fine condition. Call Black 1931, Council Bluffs, between 7 and I p. m. FOR SALE Hudson Super Six Sedan. Flvs new tires and wbeela. Call owner between 6 and I p. m. Walnut 8853. BARNUM & BMITH, 1133 Cuming, used ears bought, soto snn exrnsnseo FOR SALE New 111! model Ford. Call T.vier I hi i w HUPP 12. good condition, (or sal cheap. Harney 48. Automobiles Wanted. 1 CAR WANTED Illl or 1111 Packard. Peerless, Wlnton. Btuts, Locomobile or similar car. in good sbaps, at bargal Address Box T 421. Omaha Be A -to Livery and jlGara-ci. RENT A FORD-DRIVE IT YOURSELF 16c a mile, 8 So per hour minimum charge Sunday and holidays, 60o per hour FORD LIVERY CO.. Dnuglss IS33 1114 Howard Bt Starters and Generators Repaired. AUTO ELECTRIC SERVICE CO Anything electrical about your auto 116 S Hth St Douglas 1481 Tires and Supplies. BARGAINS IN USED TIRES WHILE ( THEY LA8TI n.t SA Ktt I't S 1.26 10x3H 17.00 11x4.. 10.00 32x3Vi 1.00 I4X li ve Other sixes up to lixs. Tires shipped subject to examination on deposit of one dollar Omaha RarliatOr & Tire Works. 1819 Cumins. St. Tyler 917 Omaha n Tini'a iNn tiiuks ON SALE. Ford tubes 12.85132x3 115.75 80X3 9,0iJH S0x3H ..113 9534x4, non-skid. 124.76 Flrestons, McOraw, Republic, Congress, 1 T),,ltn.M RAn fitr circular. KAIMAN TIRE JOBBERS, 1721 Cuming. BRAND new tires and tuoes st ?5 to 40 per cent oft list price, nana tor our prlc list , OMAHA 1 CUT RATE TIRB CO.. Dou 2916. Ho 8- l'h St i TIRES AT HALF-PRICE. ' Write us for particulars. Agents wanted. l-ln-1 VULCANIZING CO. 1516 Davenport. Phone D. 1841. REAL bacgalna In allgbtly used tlrea, new tires at very low price. O. and G Tire Co., 8411 Leavenworth st. Tyler i;i-w BUY Le puncture-proof pneumatic tires and eliminate your tire trouoiea i-nweii sup ply C 1051 Farnam 8 Service Stations AVluwuoiun ..... . , ... - - . ---- atatlon for Rayfleld carburetor and Co lumbia Btoragi Battene. tgawaras. idis No. 19th. Webster 1102. MOTORCYCLES AND BICYCLES BULB Y-DAV1DSON MOTORCYCLES Bargains In uaed machine victor it Rooa, th Motorcycle Mao. 271b and Lav enwortb. PERSONAL. THB Salvation Army Industrial Horn so licits your old elothlng. furniture, mega sine. W collect. W dtstrtbut. Pbon Doug 4131 and our wagon will call. Call and Inspect our new boms. 1116-1111-1114 Dodge street. SP MEDICAL. RUPTURE successfully treated without surglral operation. Call or writ. Dr Frank H wrav, sns nee Hina SITUATIONS WANTED. Male. WANTED Job on farm by experienced married man: ean furnlah reference. Ad dress Box T-663, Omaha Be. CLERICAL or bookkeeping poaltton In county seat town, Nebraska, desired by N young t married man, classification SB. 1 Beat reference. L. B. 311, Osceols, la. All around colored man wanta janitor work. Above draft, experienced. 3301 N. ISth Bt George Bcott PAINT, carpet and paper cleaning, the Na tional Cleaning and 8ervlc company, 2701 Leavenworth St. Harney 6011. Female. EXPERIENCED young lady wiahoa clerical or cashier work; . husband In service. Dougls 7896. . WANT small children to car for by dsy or week, prices reasonable. Douglaa 7093. REFINED young lady wlshea clerical poal tton Call Douglae 49 SEWING by day or at bonis, .WalHUt Wit. SITUATION WANTED. Laundry and Day Work. DAY work, cleaning and ironing. Call Col- fas 326. morning or evening BUNDLE and family waahlng; call and de liver Wal. 1663. WANTED Bundle washing. Call Webster J73 COLORED laundress wants day work. South 763. BUNDLES carefully laundered. Call and deliver Web. 4282. UOOO laundress wauta day work. Webster 6894. . RELIABLE colored woman wanta day work. well experienced. Webster 1303, FIRST-CLASS colored laundrea with ref erence. Web. 6301 RKL. col, woman wanta day work. W. 698. BUNDLE waahlng wanted Tel. Red ti71 DAY work wantedCall after 6. Web. 4421 LAUNDRY work by the hour Webster 1061. CURT A INS laundered, w'k guar. HaT. 1130 BUNDLE washing wanted. Webater 1333. BUNDLE waahlng wanted. Walnut 2269. BUNDLE waxhlnxs to take home. Web. 1391. HELP WANTED MALE, Stores and Offices. BOOKKEEPER, 1126. ' I15. $110, 1100; storeroom accountant, 1130; good future ,.., f riffle rlerka. 1100 to 150. WATTS REF CO 1131 First Nat'l. Bank. iva KTP.n Vniinff man for shlDDlng clerk In wholesale jewelry house. Apply 114 Brandels Bldg WANTED Registered or unregistered drug clerk. Box Y 661. Omaha Bee. Piofessions and Trades. SHIP WORKERS; STEADY WORK, LONG JOB; COME. DON'T WHITE; RIVET ERS, HOLDERS ON HEATERS, STRUCT URAL IRON WORKERS. BOILER MAKERS; BEST PLACE TO WORK; NEW YARD AND NEW EQUIPMENT; BEST PLACE TO LIVE; THE METRO POLITAN DISTRICT WITH ITS VARIED AMUSEMENTS AND ATTRACTIONS 13 YOURS FROM WHICH TO CHOOSE YOUR HOME SURROUNDINGS. APPLY SUBMARINE BOAT CORPORATION EMPLOYMENT OFFICE, NEWARK BAY SHIP YARD, PORT NEWARK, N. J. MEN - WANTED NOW For work In modern up-to-date bake shop. Can "use both experienced . and In experienced men. Good wages and steady work. Cafeteria serve hot lunches for 12c. Free shower baths. Apply second floor, 13th St. and Capi tol Ave. , ITEN BISCUIT CO.. Snow White Bakeries. WE NEED CONDUCTORS AND MOTORMEN Apply in person to the superintendent of trans portation, second floor, ')rer,chants, National Bank Bldg., Omaha. OMAHA & COUNCIL BLUFFS STREET RAILWAY CO. WANTED Exoress Handler Driver and Chauffeurs. Incrsassd 8a la r lea AMERICAN, RAILWAY EXPRESS CO. Apply Union or Burlington Station office SCALE shop mechanic wanted, also seals builder; permanent job. FAIRBANKS-MORSE CO., 903 Harney St. WANTED Good general blacksmith, best ot wages. FRED HEAVERIN, Bloomfteld, Neb. WANTED TAILORS, BUSHELMEN AND PRESSER3 ' DRESHER BROS., 2217 FARNAM DRUG CLERK WANTED Hours and sal ary right; permanent. Attebery uroa., Morrill, Neb. WANTED Upholaterer tor furniture de partment Boa 4!4" ree WANTED Candy maker. Rogers confec tionery, 14th and Farnam Sts. WANTED Meat cutters. Apply Washing ton Market. 1 407 uougiaa atreer. Salesmen and Solicitors. 25 STOCK SALESMEN WANTED. ,LIBERAL COMMISSION ALL TERRITORY OPEN. NBO 2107 BEE. AGENTS Tire company organising a atate agency In Nebraaka wanta a few men to take aom territory A man who cannot make at least 110.00 every dsy I laxy. Prefer men owning Fords or the? smll cara 'Previous experience . unnecessary. Are you earning a salary now? Look this up and go to work tor halt a day. It you do not earn at least, 100 pe' cent mor than you earn now in he earn time, then go back to your job. U thla proposition falrT Box Y-656 Omaha Be, SALESMAN for old established line ot paint and roofing for Omaha and close territory, 140 per week drawing account and big commission, can 7 to 10 evenings, tu. Riley. Hotel Castle Agents and Canvassers. WANTED Experieaced agenta and oper ators. Havs aeveral good position open. Can place experienced men permanently. Writ T. H. Sullivan, superintendent. Il linois Central railroad. Fort Dodge, la., atatlng experience and when you can re port for service." Boys. B0T9 WANTED, OVER II TEARS OF AQB. APPLY TO MANAGER SKIN NER UFO. CO., J4TH AND JACK SON. OFFICE BOT WANTED. ! APPLT BRADSTREET CO.. 12TII AND FARNAM STS. BOY WANTED 16 to 18 yeara ot age. Omaha Stationery company, 301 South ITth St A BOY, 12 to 26 yeara of age, to drlv delivery wagon and help In grocery atera. N Address Box 14, Curtis . Neb. WANTED ELEVATOR BOY APPLT SANFORD HOTEL 1ITH AND FARNAM STS. BURNING carrier wanted Dundee route for Omaha Be- Apply Walnut Station, 4tn-nd turning. WANTED A boy over 17 to learn trunk and ease-making . Frellng Stetnl. Ull Farnam St DELIVERY boy wanted. 1714 Farnam st. Teamsters and Chauffeurs. WANTED Driver for delivery wafon. ,.W, Wagner, Svt , iCtU St.- . HELP WANTED-MALE. Miscellaneous WANTED Married man with email family to work oo farm, must be experienced In farm work. Can furnish 4 -room, elec trlo lighted bouse. Apply in person or over - long-distance telephone to J. XL Latts, Mlsaonri-Vslley. la. MEN WANTED To onload hay Apply to timekeeper. UNION STOCK YARDS. Tjooth Oinsha. WAITED Men II to 60-yvara old for gen eral yard work, ateady work for good men. Apply timekeeper. Union Stock Yards Co.. South Omsha RAILWAY 'MAIL CLERK examination Aug II Hundreds wanted 11.100 year Sample questions free Franklin (naU tut. Dept 31-F. Rocheater. N. Y WANTED PORTER AT ONCE. BOQUET HOTEL. DOUGLAS 1821. WANTED A competent houseman at once. Apply Clarkson Hospital, 2100 Howard. WANTED Stableman at once. Apply to American Railway Express Co- 1107 Cap itol av WANTED Twenty-five laborer at once. Report at 27th and Mary Sts., Minn Lusa Addition. EXPERIENCED shipping clerk. Metro Pic ture Corp.. 211 8. 13th at HELP WANTED FEMALE. Stores and Offices. AMERICAN TELEPHONE AND. TELEGRAPH COMPANY Offers exceptional opportunity to several bright young ladiesio learn long distance telephone work. Those with grammar school educa tion preferred; interesting work; congenial surroundings; liberal sal ary, paid while learning. Apply to MISS CARLSON, 6S6 BRANDEIS THEATER BLDG. STENOGRAPHERS ATTENTION I It you want a position In a clean, light and airy cfflcs beautifully furnished and centrally Iqcated, call arfd aee us today. - W need a stenographer at once. Must bs experienced and capable. Phona Tyler 480 for appointment. The Charles E. Walters Company, Bank Stocks, 1424 First National Bank Bldg. CATALOGUE stenographer. We can. offer an attractive position to a girl experi enced In getting out catalogue and price book. Stenographic knowledge would be essential. This Is a splendid opportunity for someone who wants a permanent and good position. Ask for Mr. Hundley, Byrne & Hammer Dry Goods Co., 1th and Howard Sts. STENOGRAPHERS, 1100, 96, 590, 185, 176; stenographer and bookkeoper, 3100; book keeper and some stenographic, 1100; office clerk, some knowledge of bookkeeping, 80; office clerks, t0, 150; typist, 386; multlgraph. 76. WATTS REF CO., 1138 First Nat'l Bank. EXCEPTIONAL opportunity for lady with stenographic and bookkeeping experience. Permanent, position. Must be accurate and thoroughly capable; none others need ap ply. Apply In person Friday a. m. Boom 101, National Bldg., 12th and Harney. WOMEN Twonty-f ive to thirty-five yeara of age for department work In wholesale dry goods store. Merchandise experience not necessary. It you have had any busi ness tell of it In your application. Ad dress 2104, Omaha Bee. EXP. multlgraph opr. to take charge ot sta tionery department, 180. P. B. X. opr.,"beslnner, $40, $41. THE MARTI COMPANY, 1128 W. O. W. Bldg. WANTED -Young woman for clerical work; large Vcorporatlon; excellent opportunity; high school education or better preferred. Reply In own handwriting. Address Box 2134, Omaha Bee. TYPIST, $70. Western Reference and Bond Ass'n. OFFICE clerk, good at figures, $60, West ern Reference and Bond Ass'n. GIRLS WANTED Roger Confectionery, 24th and Farnam Sts. STENOGRAPHER, auto firm, $66, $75 Western Reference and Bond Ass n. WANTED By manufacturing concern, young lady tor file clerk. Good oppor tunity for advancement. State age and aalary expected. Box 1S32. Omaha Be. STENOGRAPHER, $105. Typist. $75. P. B. X operator, 160. Office clerks, $50, $65. Co-operative Ref. Co.. 1015 City Nat'l Bk. Professions and Trades. GIRL3 WANTED NOW.' ' Must be 16 year of age or over. Good places for both experienced and Inex perienced girls. Cafeteria serves hot lunches for 12c. Steady work and good wages. The mora you learn the more you earn. Apply second floor, 13th St. and Capi tol Ave. ITEN BISCUIT CO., Snow Whit Bakeries. WANTED PRESSBBS AND SEW GIRLS DRESHER BROS.. 2317 FARNAM Professions and Trades WANTED Young Ladies to learn telephone operating. Good wages paid while learning, rapid advance ment, permanent positions. Apply to C. F. LAMBERT, 1807 Douglas St WANTED AT ONCB 21 experienced power sewing machine operator We guarantee experienced op erators will earn 23 cent per hour at piece work. Thla guarantee is given tot operator to learn our work and expense for period of 4 week Nice, clean and steady work all th year - OMAHA AOTO TOP CO., , 7M-11 8. 15th St WANTED WOMEN TO WORK yIN FACTORY: GOOD WAGES TO START. GORDON-LAWLESS CO.. . EIGHTH AND DODGE. . SCIENCE teacheta; numerous calls: $100 11.000. Stewart Stfiool Service, Lincoln, Neb. HELP WANTED FEMALE. Professions and Trades. WANTED WOMEN. AFFLT TO MANAGER. SKINNER MFG. CO.. 14TH AND JACKSON. WANTED Carpet aewera. experienced pre- ferred. ORCHARD-WILHELM CO., 414-11 South 16th street. Saleswomen and Solicitors. WANTED. Baleswomen to work afternoon only. Apply H. T. Chapman, BENSON-THORN E CO., WANTED Good saleslady to wait on meat counter. Apply Washington Market, 1407 DouRlaa St. Household & Domestic. WANTED AT ONCE A girl or middle aged woman tor general houses irk; no objections to neat colored girl; no wash ing; help with eooklng; good wages and small family. 1311 Woolworth ave. WANTED Young girl to help with house work and cooking, foreigner preferred. Three In family. $25.00 per month. AVaU 779. WANTED Competent girl to assist with general housework; good home for right party. Walnut 3349. WANTED A neat housekeeper for man and girl of 10. Hans Hansen, MlHard, Neb. Box 236. WANTED Good cook, referencea. Apply ,560 South 28th St., Brownell Hall. LAUNDRESS 2 days each week. Swedish or Danish preferred. "Web. 490. ' WANTED A competent cook. Good wagea Apply Mr (1 Store 1708 Farnam 8t A NEAT girl to assist with housework, 408 North 39th St. Telephone Harney 6033. WHITE girl as housekeeper for family of three. Call Walnut 376. Hotels and Restaurants. IS 1J91 'N 1181 'uouad U jtrddy Tioq uapjs. eqt jo P!inj3'!iDqj pjjoo q3rV3ialX3 Miscellaneous. WHITE janltress, morning . and evening work, $32.50 per month. ALFRED C. KENNEDT COMPANT, 205 South 18th St. TWO young ladles under 25 for adver tising work. Call afternoon 1 to 1, ' Do not call by phone. Miss Byrne, Neville hotel. . - THREE film Inspectors. METRO PICTURE CORP211 S. 13th St. POSTER clerk. -" Metro Picture Corp.. 211 S. 13th at. ' HELP WANTED. Male and Female'. Teachers. it. telephone, telegraph, calls Innumerable. Western calls: Grades, 810-$I,300; high school, $1,100-11,600; Nebraska, South Dakota, Iowa; grades, $630-3810; high school, $810-31,100. Stew art School Service, Lincoln, Neb. WANTED Men. ladiea and boys, learn barber trade; big demand, wage while learning, atrictly modern Call jr writ 1402 Dodge St Trl-Clly Barber College Phone D 2147 WANTED Two good cooks at Wayne Nor mal school. Man and wife preferred. Good salary, board and room. Work to begin September 8. Write U. 6. Conn. Pres., Wayne, Neb. VliiI.F.R Barber College want young men and ladiea to learn th barber trade Call or write for free catalogue. 110 S 14tb nt omsha Nb BOY or girl to drive Ford coupe and run errands, M. C. Peters Mill Co., 29th and B Sts., So. Side. WANTED A second cook, male or female, and two dishwashers, female. 314 South 16th St. MAN or man and wife wanted on 40-acre farm Rot 4684. Omaha EDUCATIONAL. VAN SANT SCHOOL OF BUSINESS. Day school for women; hours 8:30 to 1, permitting afternoon employment: rooms open for study from 8 to 4:30 ex cept Saturdays; enter any Monday morn ing. Evening school for men and women; reopens September 8; sessions Tuesdays 'and Fridays from 6:15 to 1:15. Enter any Tuesday evening. Ths government and all employers need many thousands of office workers; educated women and men not eligible for other forms of government employment must respond to the call at once; do not think ACT. Second floor Omaha National Bank building, Douglas 5190, Omaha Neb. FALL TERM BOYLES COLLEGE. TiAV srHfim.. SEPTEMBER 3 NIGHT SCHOOL, SEPTEMBER 4 , Intensive training tor ouice worner. ' Courses in bookkeeping, shorthand, steno typy, typewriting, railroad and wireless telegraphy, comptometry, machine book keeping and all English branches. Cata logue free. Telephone Douglas 1565. 18th and Harney Sts. Omaha, Neb. rci.iari.r AUTO SCHOOL. Best electrical and self-starter course Easily learned. No books. Free catalog National Auto School. 2814 North 20th St Omaha. Nebraska FOR RENT ROOMS. Furnished Rooms SANITARY modern rooms for men only 12.60 per week sunshine Apartments, our N 17th St J B Robinson. 441 Bee Bldg Dougla 8097 FOR RENT One or two furnished modern rooms, refined home for lady teacner. Clifton Hill or School for Deaf. Wal, 1321. GRAND HO TEL 620 S. 13th, new manage ment, nice, clean rooms. 13 up a week IF YOU HAVE ROOMS SUITABLE FOR TEACHERS COMMUNICATE AT ONCE WITH THE OMARA SCHOOL FORUM: STATE WHETHER BOARD IS GIVEN. AND TERMS. 6553 FLORENCE BLVD. TEL SUNDAY COLFAX 1710. FOR RENT Large front room with private bath, or suite of two rooms with bath con necting, in beautiful private residence. Bemls Park. Phone Walnut 1683 GENTLEMAN wishes room with private family. Place where dog may be kept References exchanged. Box 2140, Omaha Bee. . MODERN furnished room, permanent ot transient, including large front room sultsble for three gentlemen 1711 Dodge. 205 SO. 25TH AVE. Apartment No: 7. Pleasant room in private family. . Ladies only. TO PERMANENT party, nice warm room; modern; private nome; xiauauuiu u,.- triet. Harney hh WANTED Young lady wants furnished room In West Farnam district, near I2d, . . . - a. Eft nmaha i Um 2 FURNISHED rooms with laundry; good home 838 S. 22d St., walking distance. Housekeeping Rooms. 2824 FARNAM Two nice housekeeping rooms; electric light, gas range, refriger ator." Board and Room. 2437 BRISTOL St., four or five unfurnished rooms. Web. 819. Hotels COOL room. 11 week, also apartments wltb kltetinette Marten htl wmi Unfurnished Rooms. HEATED rooms in Creighlon Block, ISth and Dougla Sta - D 6341 ' WORLD REALTY 4IO FOR RENT FURNISHED. Apartments. LATONA APARTMENTS. Completely furnished, best ot service 141 8. 24th 8t Call Dougls 1538. Houses. NEWLY furnished 1-room cottage for board; new piano; north) phone avenlnga. Colfax 3898 ' FOR RENT-HOUSES. West 3648 DODGE Corner 27th, 1-room. modern house In first-class condition; ready to roov Into Sept. 1: very cheap at 130; pres- ' ent tenants will show It; call owner. Webster 487S, 1661 Douglas, rooming bouse. .....131.00 1041 North 22d, modern. T rma.... 8.00 JOHN N FRENZER. Dougls lit 1-ROOM, hot waterheat all modern. Ill 8. 24th 8t- Call Harney isss. 2127 Franklin: 6 rm partly modern. $17 OMAHA LOAM lililLVlAU Asan. FOR RENT HOUSES. North. 4-ROOM cottage; nice yard and trees; partly modern; 34th and Maple Sts.; 4 blocks t csr line. Price. 113.60 per month. Mr. Pease. 211 Brandels theater Bldg. 7 ROOMS, modern, garage, full lot, eaat front; $30 per month, Call Dougla 2411 or Colfax 166S. 6-ROOM flat, modern but heat, newly deeo rated, IIS. 1602 N. 24th St. aecond floor. -Red 682. 7-ROOM modern bouae. entirely new. Titus Av yTcl.- D. 1125. ins Miscellaneous. 111 N 14TH ST., 3 rooms. $11. 2224 Dodge St.. 1 rm .. 160. ALFRED C. KENNEDY CO. REALTORS. 301 S. 11th St. Dong. 722. 1142 South 32d, 7 rooms, 130; 2821- Jackson.y 1 rooms, $40. ' t ARMSTRONG-WALSH CO., Tyler 1536. 833 Securities Bldg. HOUSES IN ALL PARTS OF THE CITY CREIOH SONS ft CO.. BEE BLDG LlfiT your property for renr or sale with FIRST TRUST COMPANY. v Realtor Tvier 719 9-ROOM modern house, 2017 Harney St. Excellent for roomers, u. . Phnpen A "o Rentsla Dougla 4338 FOR RENT APARTMENT S. West. FOR RENT. A beautiful ' 7-room apartment i In on of Omaha's most exclusive apartment houses; $90 per month. J. H. DUMONT & Co., 416-18 Keellne Bldg. . Phone D. 690. HAMILTON APTS., fireproof: fine lawn and flowers; best location; 24tb and Farnam. . Price reasonable. Call D. 1472. TIZARD Palace block, centrally located. I or 4-room apt.; also 4-room flat. Superb. Apply 220 N S3d Phone Red 4232. North 3-ROOM, Apt. 15, 1821 Maple; 4-room Apt, $22.60, 1814 Maple; 4-room and sun room, Apt. 9, Maple Court, $27.60. All are mod ern and steam heated. Red 682. Miscellaneous TWO rooms with 3-room accommodations and 1 rooms with 4-room accommodations in the Coronado, 22d and Capitol avenue; walking distance; $33.60 to $37.60. BENSON & MYERS CO., REALTORS. 424 Omaha Nat'l Bank Bldg. Dougla T4I PETERS TRUST CO., Specialist In Apartment management. FOR RENT Business Property. Stores. BUILDINGS AND STORES FOR KENT. RETAIL. 1609 N. 24tb St., suitable for retail (hop, living rooms lit rear, $20. 713 S. 24th St., 20x30, $20. 612 N. 16th St., aecond floor, for phot gallery, $hop and living rooms, $25. 715 S. 24th St., best transfer corner la city, $25. - 1506-8 Wibster St., near Webster St, depot, ideal for restaurant 2225 Cuming St., 22x60. $35. 2306 Cumlug St., office, yard, sealea and sheds, $40. ... 3102 Sherman Ave., corner Wirt, for first class grocery and market. 3190 Ames Ave., 30x60, furnace heat, shelving and counters, barn, WHOLESALE. 8,800 square feet floor space at 1001 Farnam St. three-story and basement brick building. Electric elevator. Steam heat. Suitable for wholesale and manufacturing. 7,400 square teet floor space, 415-17 S. 11th St., in heart of commission district, Can divide. TRACKAGE. 35,000 sq. ft. This Is only a few blockl from the heart of town with fine level haul In; good office building and tram store house and shade. Very desirable, long term lease can be had. Call on us, tor further particulars. ARMSTRONG-WALSH CO., Tyler 153S. S33 Securities Bldg. Office and Desk loom THE Be building has offices that will pleas you Better investigate ney atnne Investmen Co. Tyler 131 WANTED TO RENT. Furnished Rooms. TWO refined young men want home with private family. Modern room con ven iences, board, two meals, laundry with family's. West Farnam district - Phon Tyler 933. .-Mr. Otto. Unfurnished Apartments ant1 Houses, SMALL heated apartment or two or thre unfurnshed rooms with bath, by small family. Close In or en car line. Address Box Y 669. Omaha Bee. MOVING AND STORAGE FIDELITY STORAGE CO 16TH AND JACKSON DOUG 181, STORAGE, MOVING. PACKING. REASONABLE RATES FREE RENTAL SERVICE. COMPLETE LIST OF ALL VACAJH HOUSES AND APARTMENTS Globe Van and Storage Co. For real service In moving, packing and etorlng call Tyler llu or Dougla 4111. OMAHA EXPRESS CO. f-uARGB) moving fan: careful men Fur niture park , storage 1417 f Wago P. Ilea PIRFPSnn WAREHOUSE Separata locked room to household good and pianos: moving, packing and shipping x OMAHA VAN AND STORAGE CO., 801 8 !6th. Dougla 4161. J. C. REED Express Co.. Moving; Packing and Horace. 1207 Farnam St Web 7741. Dnugla 146 REAL ESTATE IMPROVED. CLOSE. In S-room modern bouse, with large lot iit a bargain. Gallagher & Nelson, Douglaa 3382. ; V.'est NEW HOUSE, WEST 3009 Cass St., between th West Far jiim and Harney street car line thre blocks from the new Henry Tate school; six blocks from St. John,' church and Crelghton college; easy walk to High school or downtown. Brand new, with oak fioors and trim; thre bedrooms, bath and sleeping porch; also attic .Built by owner, Mr. Pearson, a ' thrifty carpenter and cabinet maker. You can see It I well constructed. He will let It go at $5,250. It has a 60xl30-foot lot; atreet newly paved and paTd In full. Thla la a much less price than you could build It tor now. Key at our office. HARRISON & MORTON ' 916 Omaha Nat'l. Bank Bldg. Tel Dj 314 WEST FARNAM, $6,750 A dandy 8-room modern home, with four bedrooms and open sleeping porch; four nice rooms on the 1st floor; hot ws't-r heat Full south front lot. In very desirable-location, with garage and cement driveway. Rented at $60; possession Octo. ber 1st This property la easily, worth 7,50(1. Investlaate now. GLOVER & . SPAIN, Douglas 3962. . 919-20 City National. A REAL BARGAIN , Here's a chance to buy a fine 7-room bouse on lot 43 1-3 by 300 ft. rteep; was built for a home: location, 3215 California St., on Harney car line; splendid apace for garden; also large garage. Owner wishes tJ dispose of this property for busi ness reasons. By dealing direct with him real estate commission- saved. Telephone Harney 133. - 2020 N SOTH ST. Brand new 4-room bungalow, 1-3 acre Easy terms, cement walks to car. PAYNE ftSLATER CO., Douglas 1016. 6-ROOM new stucco, modern house, Dundee. 1307 N. 60th Ave. Three sleeping rooms, oak floors, fuHasement 12,400. Month ly payments. Plrone Walnut 1136. . STRICTLY modern 10-rooiu house, trig lot, nice location. On car line, close to school and church. Will sell tor 16.100. Located at 282 California H" 1S MODERN oak bungalow In weat Farnamj 13.600; nearly new; large lot; terms, vail days. Doug. 3140. LOT with aU Improvements; an Pave ire ei; couu aieirici l, id etva down; II per month. Douc 1071 4 r it - ( is 4