1 V , THE BEE: OMAHA; ' THURSDAY, AUGUST 29, 1918. s't Want Ad Hates iCut Wltb order I 1 Vt pet word ' . utl inserttot. le per word for threw consecutive Insertion la per word for each ddliloml insertion No ad takes (or lees tbaa total of ' or lea thin Iwr per day CUARCE te per line (count word to line one time to per line each time. consecutive time to per line mcb time, 10 conreutl time , SITI'ATION WANTED J (a per line -.. . . . . ... pet ws j . CARDS OF TI1ANKS AND ' Ft NERAI NOTICES. . 18 per line . eatn lnrtka (Minimum Charge. S Ceti,, , , Contract Rat re Ob Application For convenience of advertisers want ad will be accepted at the following ufflct-a VAIN OFFICE . Bee Bulldln Am office 44111 Norm nib St . Lake Office .......... SS1 North 14th 8t ' Vtntoa office 246? South I8tn St ' Park Office 2(11 Leavenworth 81 Walnut office Ill North 40m 81 South Sldr 831 N 81 Council Bluffa 14 Main 81.. North THE BEES will not be responsible fot trior than One Incorrect tnaertlon of an dvrttaa , ruent ordered for more than one time Cee rHB TELEPHONE it Tou cannot eon enlently bring ni eend ouf ada to n of the a bore office. Aak for Want Ad Taker and tou will receive the lame good 1 service a when delivering rour ad In . pereon. PHONE rTI.EB 1,000. Want Ad Col a mm Cloee Evening Edttlnna 11:00 M Morning Editions 10.00 P M ... Sunder Edition 10 P M. Saturday Evening DEATH & FUNERAL NOTICES. WINDER Elisabeth, aunt of Mr a. Joa. li. Fradenburg. Auguat 27, 1011.' Funeral Friday at 2:00 p. m from realdence of Mr. and Mr, i. B. Fraden- burg, COOS Chicago Street. Interment at Forest Lawn. Funeral Thuraday afternoon from resit . dene of his parents, 4223 North 36th Ave., at I p. m. Interment Forest Lawn cemetery. LOTZ Mr. Charles A., 411 South 40th St, paused away at Blrchmont hospital. Serv ices Kountze Memorial church Thuraday - at I o'clock. Body will be aent to Spring field, O. rr-r. r -i ir urn i FUNERAL DIRECTORS. HULSE & RIEPEN Pioneer Funeral Director 7tl 8o 16th St Phone Uoug. 1221 uiivruiKM ritNlcRAt. Iinue , H'ltfmann quality eervlc. costs lea I4tb and Dodge. Oougla li.l STACK & FALCONER Independent Undjrtker l3rloY'Far II WD UNDERTAKER and licensed embalmer. also private ambulance Call Webster 47 Willis C Crnly. lt.ll N 14th 8t E. U DODDER CO., (Funeral Director F I Faro. Mgr., lid and Cuming Bia Phone Dougla 77 Auto ambulance JOHN A GENTLEMAN, undertaker and etnbaimer 411 Karnam Hi Harnee 201 FLORISTS. Fontenulle Florists LEEL. L ARM ON H14 Dougl St. Douglas 8244 A. D0NAGHUE ltti$tn Flnwera ahlppwl everywhere. Exp prepaid HATH Careful Florist,' 104 Fa'fnam Bt I. Henderson Hit Farnam D 114a MONUMENT & CEMETERIES. WEST LAWN offer eympathetlo service In udden sorrow; perpetual care, no asaisa menta. lota on eaay term Phone Wal. all THE largeat display of monutnenla In the United Htate FRANK 8VOBODA. 12)6 I 8 1.1th Phnn HouBlje "'-JJ MARRIAGE LICENSE Marriage license wer iasued to the fol lowing named persons: ' Name and Address. Age. Zlmrlah Jenkins, Omaha., 21 . Martha Luby, Omaha .....A 12 Thomas Schejhol, Omaha 21 . BieUa Kokea, Omaha II . Oeorg Wood, Dawson, la. it v Maurlne Wood. Cambridge, la...., 24 : Albert 0. Spencer, Marlkato, Minn...... II Lola lama, Webster City, la 21 Paul ChetnJk. Omaha..,,,. ..... 28 Kosanka Ulcb, Skancatele Fall, N. T.. 26 John Welnfurtner, Omaha ............. II Myrtle Wagner, Omaha II Jim J. Hansen, Florence, Neb.. , 31 Agnes Mathksen, Floren.ce....,.,, , 22 Benjamin T. Williams, Omaha..', 24 Pearl K. Preyer, Omaha 18 BIRTHS AND DEATHS Births Charlie and h,thol Steveua, 1602 Pacific atreet, boy; Jesse and Carolina Tay lor, Florence, boy; John and Martha Gold en. 1711 Vinton atreet boy: William Henry and Bessie Bullock, 7811 North 28th atreeit, boy; Erlck, and Lennea W. Llndgren, 2120 California street, girl; Ernest and Lotls Caaey, 111 Booth 24th street, girl; Virgil K, and Mina David, 1964. Jones atreet, girl; Harvey and Cora Rogers, 1611 North 21th street, girl! Frederick W, and Mattle Lea vltt, till Wirt atreet, boy; Nick and Vln chas Vetro. 2101 Poppleton avenue, girl; Raymond and Hllder TeodortM, 111 South Hi street, boy; Thorns and Minnie Askew, 312(4 California atreet, girl; John 11. and Ella Jurgensen, 2611 Marcy street, girl; Lawrence Henry and Mary M. Miller, 1621 Jefferaon atreet, boy; Abraham and Sarah Fried, lSll'i North 22d atreet, girl', Joaeph and Mary Shukls, 3421 V street, boy. Death Katharine Lee Marahall, 1 montha, 312 North 66th street; Norbert Mlenik, II, 1721 Bouth 1,'th atreet; George J. Hendolaun, 46, 60?0 North 23d street: Edward T. Nelson, 1 days, 4401 South ltth street! Mr. K la ten Nikolalen, 71. 3111 U areet ' - im BUILDING PERMITS Joaeph Jui man, 6441 South Twenty-fourth street, frame and stucco bungalow, 13.260. Joseph Jerman, S441 South Twenty-fourth street, auto shed. 200. William Marlrlne -Brooks, 4C8-30-32 Eraklne street, frame ahnp, '11,000. SPECIAL NOTICES "T-DENTISTRY. The Infirmary of Crelghton. university college of dentistry will reopen on P tember I. All kinds of dental work done under careful supervision of the profea , son. Extraction free. Children' teeth etralghtcned 210 Bouth ISth St THE West Farnam Dancing Club will give dance every Saturday at Keep Dancing ' Academy, 2424 Farnam. Scholar and patron who wish Invitations, Inquire at Academy- or" phone Douglaa 7860. NOTICE I will not be ri sponsible for any debt contracted other than by myaelf. 3. A. McCarty. LOST FOUND REWARDS. OMAHA A COUNCIL BLUFFS 6TREET 1.AILWAT COMPANY Persona having mat aome article would do well to call up the office of the Omaha tt Council Bluff Street Railway company to aaci-rtaln whether they left tt In tb treet car. Many article each day are turned In and the company I anxlou to restore them to th rightful nwner Lost Wednesday, gold brooch with d'a mond Center. Reward. Walnut ISO. FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS. Furniture and Household Goods. FINAL WEEK OF AUGUST BALE OF FURNITURE. This wilt be the greatest week for bar gain m the furniture and house furnish' ing lo tb history of Omaha. Every naedful household article will be material. ly cut In price Call. thla week today would be tb beat time to aecur tb bet. ter cbplce. W make specialty of com Dlete bom outfits; also hotels and room Big house Railroad fare refunded to ' out-of-toets buyer within 10 mile of Omaha on purchases or 12 or more.. STATE FURNITURE CO., 14th and Dodge 8ta Opp. U. P. Bldg 2.1x12 WILTON ruga; 2 email Wilton ruga; Chlckerlng piano; piano lamp; Edison and . It records; t mahogany rocker: Oustave . Etlckley fumed oak library table and chair; 14-inch mahogany dresser and J chair to match; bras bed ana box springs: 1 Mission oak dining room set - Uajtsiis (teel rang and electric fan; all In first class condition. I3C Park Av., Phone Harney 1032. r UKNITURE t HARDWARE BARGAINS Bed springs, mattreaaea. dresser, chit- ' fonier. tsK,es. chair, chin and kitchen cabinets, rsga and linoleum, trunk and uu case, ga (love and let boxes, full lino oeren wire, poultry netting, gstden tools 1X31 41 North 2ltb L TL Web J7. Open till I p, m. FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS. Furniture and Household Goods ACTUAL TRUTH r'OR BARGAINS Full tine of furniture, gaa and coal oil stoves, ruga, babr carriage, trunk eta ' Loyal Furn Co 111 N lll'i Pianos & Musical Instruments 4. HOSPE CO. 161 Uouglaa. have planoa to rent at II M pei nonth. or will eeli on eaey term ' Store and Office Fixtures. WG buy aell and jke d sks., safes, show cases, shelving etc Omaha Future Hup ply C 11th and Pnuglae O 1724 KOR SALE Hardware atock and fixture, eaatern eiebraaka Addrea Ho 484 "mi ha Be . FOR BALK Meat Ice box, 6x8; new; ell cheap. 420 Bo. 18th St. Dairy Products FRESH country buttermilk: butter; beat Of cream, strictly freab eggs, delivered In any part nf Omaha Phone Sou'b tie Or Tyler 821 Warner' a Sewing Machines. SEWING MACHINES We" rent, repair, aell needle and part nf all aewlng machlnea MICK ELS. NEBRASKA CYCLE CO., ISth and Harney Hi ... Dong 1681 Typewriter and SuDDlies. OUR EXCHANGED MACHINES DEPART MENT 1 the largeat of Ita kind tn the weat Too can alway find Juat what you want her W buy. aell, rent, repair and ex change typewriters of every kind. Ea ' tabllshed nearly 20 yeara. CENTRAL TYPEWRITER EXCHANGE. Ine 101 Farnam. TYPEWRITERS, all makea. aold. rented and repaired. THB W. N. LONO COMPANT, 1011 Farnam Tel, D. 311 ONE l-column burroughs Adding machine for sal at a bargain. 1IU& FARNAM ST. TYPEWRITERS aold, refTted and repaired Rent an Oliver 3 montha for ti. Central Typewriter Exchange, 1 B0E Karnam. ADDING MACHINES, all makes bought rented and sold. CENTRAL TYPEWRITER EXCHANGE. It'll FARNAM ST WE BUY. aell or exchange typewriters; guar typewriter 110 and up. Write for Hat Midland Typewriter Co,, 1404 Dodge. Miscellaneous SEE the National Capitol. A selected art of 25 beautiful postcard view aent post - paid for 26c. National Capitol Souvenir Co., D-3, P. O. Box 1287. Washington. D. C. THREE atake wagons, also three beer toll wagons, Latter can, at little expense, 'be converted Into platform wagona. All well . built. Offered at bargain prices. Schlltj Omaha Co., 711 So. Ith St. OMAHA PILLOW CO Feathers ateamrd. renovated and made up In new feather proof ticking 1107 Cuming Doug 1407 110 Wlt.l. placo a Doty Vacuum Cleaner In your home Demonstration free. Phone Webster &991, fur appointment. TWO bedroom suites, living room and kitchen furniture for sale. 2S60 Man dernon. LEAVING tile city at once. Compelled to aell piano. Call Pouth tSM SWAPPERS' COLUMN CONN FRENCH HORN. F. D. and E-fit, for salo or trade. R. W. Barber, Ma nilla, la. WANTED TO BUY. WANT TO BUY STRAINED HONEY Want to buy a quantity of pure strained honey; quote quality and price. . Address Box 4734 Omaha Bee, JENKINS ha Just returned and will give you the same good (ervlc that he gave In the past Help win the war Sell your old clothe, shoes ruga, tool, trunk and buy W 8 8 Will call Res I) 1032, offlc D 1144 DESKS DESKS DESKS New dealt, used desk bought, aold and traded J C Reed. 1201 Farnam D 1141 DIAMONDS8' Er ANNOUNCEMENTS. KEEP Dancing Academy, 2424 Farnam. claa and dance every Monday and Thura day; leara to dance for 16, where learn Ing I a pleasure. Phone Uouglaa 7360. 5T Accordeon Pleating. Al.'L'ORDboN aide knife.' sunburst, box pleating, covered button. (II sites and tyle. hemstitching, plcot edging, eye let cut work, button hole, pennant IDEAL BUTTON AND PLEATING CO.. loo-ion Brown Bldg Phune Do.ig ill! HEMSTITCHING, PLEATING, BUTTONS. O U VanArnam Pleating Co.. Ill-T Paxtnn Block Phone Doug Hot Baggage and Express. THE ONLY WAY ft'. THE OMAHA TRANSFER CO REPUBLIC AUTO EXPRESS COMPANY will haul everything tor you Package tea than 10 the 16 cents Douglas 7461 Awnings. AWNINOS AND PORCH FURNITURE. Auto touring tenia and camping aupplle 8CPTT OMAH A TENT A AWNINO CO Brass and Iron Foundries. PAXTON-M ITCH ELL CO !7tb and Martha Sta., Omaha. Neb Brass, brnnxv. aluminum and machine ray Iron castings Billiard Tables. PHIVATE tH I.I. p for i.nru. e Holme.' Chiropractors. Df jl C. Lawrence. Balrd Bkfii D 1461 -SI 1NOGRAP1I. Dr. Edwards, 24th, Fa-nam Costumes. FULL dresa auita for" rent 101 N l$th 8t opposite Postofflre John Feldman Doug Iss 1128 Detectives. JAMES ALLAN 312 Neville Blk EvJdenc. secured In all rase Tyler 1134 Printing and Office Supplies. Watera-Bamhart Ptg. Co., 414-I6 B. 13th at. - Dentists, Dr Bradbury No pain 121 VV O W Bldg Taft'a Denial Rma So Rose Bld"g D Hill" Film Developing. FILM developed, rolls. 10c; packs. lie nne-day service Kas 8tudlo Neville Blk . ' 16th and Harney Dressmaking. T-r e ORDERS for exquisite Infant apparel. Fllnn. ' Harney 6680. MISS STURDY. dreaamakin,g Doug 4896 Fixtures and Wiring. nTTRKllM Electric weaning machine UUltnill electrlo Iron and reading lamp 1213 Cumin at Dnugla 61l Jewelry. DIAMONDSoC' bae. at amall pmflt 0RO8S. 401 N :lth 8t Osteopathi. DR. MABLE WESSON, irandelw1 Bldg T lt Rei 41 4 Bra Re.. 4141 Patent Attorneys. PATENTS procured, bought and eoid. later national Patent Co.. 63 Brandel D tl 3TUROES A 8TUKOES, U 8 aof foreign patents and trademark 130 Be Bldg Tailors. Dledrlck. P L 111 8 loth Tailor D 1481 Towel Supplies. Omaha Towel Supply 201 8 11th D 111 Medical PILES, fistula and other rertal dis eases cured without sur.tcal oper ation. Cure guarantied. Write for book on rectal uiseases with testi monial. ' SR. E. R. TARRY, 240 Bee Bldg, Omaha. Safes. BARGAINS 1211 Farnam J Dorlght Safe C SAFES Wedding Stationery. WEDDINQ announcements and printing Douglas Printing Co. . Tel. Douglaa 144 U ; er.. ; . - BUSINESS CHANCES. LFOR BALK OR TRADE Groceries and roeat; good location; fine buamcas; reason for selling cicknes. Hi So. 31th SI BUSINESS CHANCES. AN unusual opportunity being a flourishing business showing better than 110,000 year nroflt in on of the bt-at towns I South Dakota L'nltia you have 160.000 do not waste your time nor ours by writ Ing Bank references. Best of reasone for telling Rigid Investigation solicited Helling and organizing ability easentlal No brokers Box 464. Omaha Bee. V ANTED a good buslniss man to take charge of retail business with a good' salary and half of net rroceede; annual profits, 14,000 to 15.000; you handle your own money; will require 13,000 to 14.000 to hand e thla nroposUlon. vox taxs, Omaha Itee. FOU SALE OR RENT. Just remodeled from top to bottom. Modern 20-room hotel In good east cen tral Nebraska town of 700kpopulatlqn. The only hotel In town. If you want a good business write or better see me at once. M. A Larson, Central City. Neb. oR BALK FOR CASH Saloon in good lo cation, dnlni cood business Reason foi Quitting, death Addrass H 141 Charlee at., ft Joseph. U) FOR SALE Good 26-room hotel and cafe In central Nebraska doing good business. Steam heat, llirht and water cheap rent Call or write Mrs.O.W French. Merna.Neb. FORD AGENCY and Karaite for sale. Na braska town. F. V. Knlest, Bee Bldg., Omaha. AUTOMOBILES, RADIATORS Wrecked and leaky radiator repaired and rebuilt: large atock used radiator ee hand Mashed fenders and lampa repaireo like new New atock of Ford honeycomt radiator IMAHA RADIATOR AND TIRE WORKS ltl Cumin St Omaha. Neb Grant Six touring 1660 8c rip pa Booth roadster HO Both car are In the best of condition and are ready to go BARNUM AND SMITH CO., 2122 Cuming St. Douglua 1044. FOR SALE 'oft TRADE 60 h p. Mitchell chummy roadaler. high speed and power Will accept Ford In A condition ai part payment A bargain B E Frank Route 76A Bensnn. Neb FOR SALE A good 6-passenger Studebaker car, In eood repair; good reaaona for aell-Ine- Addreas E. E. Zimmerman, care N. Y. Life Ins Co.. R. 337, imaha National Hank bulldlnif. Tel. Tyler 937 Leave word If I am not there ONE Packard chasaia. 1350; 1 Peerless truck with body. 1450. Both machlnea In good condition. NEBRASKA WHITE" CO., Fred C. Rogers, Mirr. 1407-21 Capitol BARGAINS IN USED CARS All make With and without starters. 26 to pick from Phone D 1241 or call at 1611 Davenport. BOY LAN AUTO CO.. FOR SALE At a bargain. Reo three quarter ton truck uaed par' time for eight month and In good condition Address Bn Y 012. Omahs Bee USED CARS AND TRUCKS , AT BARGAIN PRICES STANDARD MOTOR CAR CO, 2020 Farnam at.. Omaha, Neb FOR BADE or trade for ton truck, an Ap person Jack Rabbit In A-l condition. Call Douglas gr. OAKLAND, Senalble Six UAR8II OAKLAND CO, 2300 Farnam St WE ARE THE USED CAR MEN. , TRAWVER AUTO CO., 1910 Farnam St. Doubles 1070 W AN TED- FOR SPOT' CASH 100 USED CARS, quick action, no delay Auto Ex change Co.. 2061 Farnam at. Doug. 6031 BARGAINS In used cars ORR MOTOR 8ALE8 CO.. 40th and Farnam Harney 414 GOOI USED CARS. GTJY L. SMITH. 24' h and Farnam8ts Pouglaa 1170 MAXWELL roadster. 19H model, fully equipped; extra tire and tubes. Call liar ney 71S4 after 0 p. m. BARGAINS IN USED CARS McCaffrey Motor Co 16th and Jackson Ford Agents D I6U0 MEEK3 AUTO CAR USED CAR BARGAINS 1031 FARNAM ST DOl'OLAS 2I FOR SALE Lb te 1917 Ford coupe; all new tires; In fine condition. Call Black 1931, Council Bluffs, between 7 and 8 p. m. FOR SALE Hudson Super Six Sedan. Five new tire and wheels. Call owner between I and I p. m. Walnut 3863. BARNUM A SMITH. 2122 Cuming, rare bought, aold and exrhanared used ""Cali FOR SALE New Tyler 1407 W 1111 model Ford HUPP 32. good condition, for sale cheap. Harney 48. Automobiles Wanted CAR WANTED 1111 or 1117 Packard. Peerless Wlntnn. Rtuts, Locomobile or similar car In good snap. 'at bargain Addres Box Y 621. Omaha Be Ato Livery and Gara-es RENT A FORD -DRIVE IT YOURSELF 16o a mile. Sfc per hour minimum charge Sunday and holiday, inc per hour FORD LIVERY CO, Dnugla 1822 1114 Howard St Starters and Generators Repaired. AUTO ELECTRIC SERVICE CO Anything electrical about yout auto tilt 8 19th St Douglas 641 Tires and Supplies. BARGAINS IN USED TIRES WHILE THEY LAST! 80x1 16.60 12x4 1 1.26 80x3 17.00 13x4 10.00 32x2V 1.60 14x4 11 00 Other alses up to 17x1. Tires shipped subject to examination en deposit of one dollar Omaha Radiator & Tire Works. 1819 Cuniina St Tvler 917 Omaha NEW tTrESAT-HALK PRICES 10x3 Republic. 19 76; Ford tube. 12 26 S0x3 IMPERIAL TIRES. 813 SS S0x3H NON-SKID PULLMAN. 114.26. 33x3H NON-SKID'CONCRESS, 116 48 34x4 NO-SKID M'ORAW. 123 46 . K AIM ANSf TIRE JOBBERS. 1721 Cuming. BRAND new tires and tune at "6 lu 40 per cent off list price. Send for our price list OMAHA CUT RATE TIRE CO., Doug. 2911. 310 8. 19th St TIRES AT HALF-PRICE. Write us for particulars. " Agent wanted. -ln-l VULCANIZING CO. 1511 Davenport. Phone D. 1241. REAL bargalna In slightly used tires new lira at very low prlcea Q. and G Tire Co.. 2411 Leavenworth at Tyler 1261-W BUY Le puncture-proif pneumatic tires and eliminate your tire trouble pnweii sup- plv Co tiial Farnam 8- Service Stations "T AUTOMOLILE electrical repairs; service station for Rayfleld carburetors and Co lumbia Storag) Batteries. Edward, 2618 No lth Wehater 110 MOTORCYCLES AND BICYCLES H A R L E Y-DAVIDSON MOTORCYCLES Bargain In uaed machlnea Vic i or H Rod, the Motorcycle Man. STIb nd l.e n worth PERSONAL. FH8 Salvation Army Industrial Horn so licit your old clothing, furniture, maga lne W collect. We dlalrlbut. Phone Doug 4136 and out wsgoo will call Call and Inspect our new home. 1 110-11 11-11 II fmdg atreet MEDICAL. RUPTURE successfully treated without , surgical operation. -- Call or writ. Dr Frank H Wrav. 808 Bee Rid SITUATlnr. WANTED. Male. WANTED Job on farm by experienced married mam can furnish- reference. Ad dress Box Y-661, Omaha Bee. CLERICAL- or bookkeeping position In county seat town, Nebraska, desired by young married man, classification IB. Best references, L. B. 298, Osceola, la. WANTED By the Mid-West Land A Leaa . Ing Co. manager for eastern Nebrnsk and western Iowa Write for territory Jay C. Crosby, Linden hotel. Lincoln, Neb All around colored man want Janitor work. Above draft, experienced. 1302 N. 26th St. George Scott. PAINT, carpet and paper cleaning, the Na tional Cleaning and Service company, 2701 Leavenworth St. Harney 8011. t Female. v - REFINED young lady wishes' clerical post tlon. Call Douglas 490 BE WING by day or at home. Walnut 1061 Laundry and Day Work. RELIABLE colored woman want fay work, well experienced. Webater 1303. FIRST-CLASS colored laundress with ref erence. Web. 6303 - BUNDLE washing to take home. Web. 1391. SITUATION WANTED. Laundry and Day Work. DAY work, cleaning and TVonlng Call Col fax 1288. morntnge or evening. BUNDLE and family waabtng: call and de liver Wal 3663 WANTED Bundle waahlng 1871 Call Webster Col,oRED laundress want day work South 761 BUNDLES carefully laundered Call and deliver Web 4283 GOOD Ibunilresa wants day work. 6894. Webster RKL. col. woman wants day work. W. 698, BUNDLE washings wanted Tel Red MS 71 DAY work wanted Call after I Web. 4421 LAUNDRY work by the hour Webster 2061 CURTAINS laundered, w'k guar Har 1130 BUNDLE washing wanted. Webster 1232. BUNDLE washing .wanted. Walnut 2268. HELP WANTED MALE. Stores and Offices BOOKKEEPER, 1126, 1116, 1110, 1100; storeroom accountant, 1130; good future (out of town) office clerks, 1100 to 410. WATTS REF. CO., 1138 First Nafl. Bank. WANTED Registered or unregistered drug clerk. Box Y 868. Omaha Bee, INVOICE clerk, 100. Western Reference and Bond Ass'n. Ptofessions and Trades HELP SAVE THE CANADIAN CROPS Whon Our OWN HARVEST Requirements are Completed United States Help Badly Needed Harvest Hands Wanted. Military demands from a limited popu lation have made 'such a scarcity of farm help In Canada that the appeal of the Canadian government te the United Sta tea government for HELP TO HARVEST THE CANADIAN GRAIN CROP OF 1118 meet with a request for all available aa I slstance to go' forward as soon a our own crop la secured. The allied armies must be fed and therefore It Is necessary to save every bit of the crop of the continent American and Canadian. Those who respond to this appeal will get a WARM WELCOME. ' GOOD WAGES, GOOD BOARD AND FIND COM FORTABLE HOMES. A card entitling the holder to a rate of 1 cent per mile from Canadian boundary points to destination and return will be given to all harvest applicants. Every fa cility will be afforded for admission Into Canada and return to the United States. Information a to wages, railroad rate and routes, may be had from the UNITED STATES EMPLOYMENT SERVICE , Branches at Hustings. Lincoln, North Piatt or Omaha, I SHIP WORKERS; STEADY WORK, LONG JOB; COME, DON'T WRITE; RIVET ERS, HOLDERS ON HEATERS. STRUCT URAL IRON WORKERS, BOILER MAKERS: BEST PLACE TO WORK; NEW YARD AND NEW EQUIPMENT; BEST PLACE TO LIVE; THE METRO POLITAN DISTRICT WITH ITS VARIED AMUSEMENTS AND ATTRACTIONS IS YOURS FROM WHICH TO CH008E YOUR HOME SURROUNDINGS. APPLY SUBMARINE BOAT CORPORATION EMPLOYMENT OFFICE. NEWARK BAY SHIP YARD, PORT NEWARK, N. J. MEN WANTED NOW For work In modern up-twdat bak shop. Can use both experienced and In experienced men. Good wages and steady work. Cafeteria serve hot lunches for 12c. Free ahower bath. Apply second floor, 11th St and Capi tol Ave. 1TEN BISCtJIT CO., . Snow Whit Bakeries. WE NEED CONDUCTORS AND MOTQRMEN Apply in person to the superintendent of trans portation, 'second . floor, Merchants' National Bank Bldg.. Omaha. OMAHA & COUNCIL BLUFFS STREET RAILWAY CO. WANTED Express Handlers Drivers and Chauffeurs. Increased Salarlea. AMERICAN RAILWAY EXPRESS CO. Apply Union or Burlington Station office FUR CUTTER WANTED. Splendid opening for experienced man. Also operators. Apply at once to MILLER & PAINE, Lincoln, Nebraska. oCAI.E shop mechanic wanted, alec builder; permanent Job. FAIRBANKS-MORSE CO., 903 Harney St. WANTED Good general blacksmith, beat of wages. FRED HEAVERIN, Bloomfleld, Neb. .. WANTED TAILORS, BI SHELMEN AND PRESSERS PRESHER BROS., 2217 FARNAM BROOM-MAKER wanted. permanent ployment to practical man. OMAHA BROOM- FACTORT. . 1348 8 2th St WANTED One flrat class blacksmith and wagon maker. Apply Union Transfer. Fremont, Neb. " WANTED Upholaterer tot furniture de partment Box 41401. Bee WANTED Meat cutters. Apply Washing ton Market, 1407 Douglas street. Salesmen and Solicitor. 25 STOCK SALESMEN WANTED. LIBERAL COMMISSION ALL TERRITORY-OPEN. BOX 2107 BEE. ' AGENTS Tire company organising; state agency In, Nebraska wants a few men to take aom territory A man who eannot make at least 110.00 every day Is laxy. Prefer men owning Ford or othet mll car Previous experience unneciry Are you earning a salary nowT Look tht op and go to work for half a day If you do not earn at least 100 pe cent more than you earn now in 'he same time, then go back to your Job le thla proposition fair? Box Y-461 Omaha Bee. WANTED Collector for country route. Age 41 to (0. Single man preferred. Experi ence not necessary. Bring two letter of reference. Bond required. We pay the premium. Salary 127.00 per week and bonus. F. A. Becker. Ill Balrd Bldg. SALESMAN for old established line of paint and roofing for Omaha and close territory. 140 per week drawing account and big commission. Call 7 to 10 evenings, K. Riley, Hotel Castl HELP WANTED-MALE Agents anJ Canvassers. WANTED Experienced agents and oper ator. Have several good positions open. Can plac experienced men permanently. Write T. H. Sullivan, superintendent, n llnols Central railroad. Fort Dodge, la. stating experience and when you can re port for service." Boys. WANTED OFFICE BOYS. Good pay and chance for Advancement Call Bouth 1460. LARGE MANUFACTURING CONCERN ON SOUTH SIDE CAN USE A NUMBER OF BOYS FOR OFFICE WORK. THE PAT AND CHANCE FOR ADVANCEMENT ARE GOOD. BOX 4829, OMAHA BE& WANTED Bright, ambitious boy to work In boy' department after school hours and Eatur day. Apply to Mr. Chapman. BENSON -THORNE CO. BOY WANTED 16 to 18 years of age. Omaha Stationery company, 301 South 17th St. WANTED An office boy. Apply McCORD-BRADT CO., 13th and Leavenworth. A BOY, 12 to 20 yeara of age, to drive delivery wagon and help In grocery store. Address Box 24, Curtis Neb. WANTED-ELEVATOR BOY APPLY SANFORD HOTEL 18TH AND FARNAM 8TS. MORNINU carriers wanted Dundee route for Omaha Bee. Apply Walnut Station 40th and Cuming. WANTED A boy over 17 to learn trunk and case-making Frellng A Stelnle. 1803 Farnam St Hotels and Restaurants. WANTED Night clerk At HOTEL FLAT- IRON, 17th and St. Mary' Ave. Apply In person. Teamsters and Chauffeurs. WANTED Driver for delivery wagon. W. Wagner, 801 No. 16th St. Miscellaneous 6 LABORERS WANTED LEHRACK CONTRACTING A ENGINEER -ING CO., 26th and Center streets. 46 cent per hour, pay every evening. Apply at once. WANTED Married man with small family to work on farm, must be experienced in farm work. Can furnish s-room, elec trie lighted house. Apply in person or over long-distance telephone to J. H Latfa, Missouri Valley, "la. WANTED LABORERS or band men; steady employment, good pay No time lost on account of weather or material IMAHA OAS WORKS. 20th and Center 8t WANTED Professional and good amateur entertainers. Splendid opportunity. Apply In person to Jack Connors, Rome hotel, between -the hours of 10 a. m. and S p. m. MEN WANTED To unload hay Apply to timekeeper. UNION STOCK YARDS South Omaha. WAr'TED Men 1 to 60 year old for gen eral yard work, iteady work for good men Apply timekeeper. Union Stock Yard ' Co . Soi South Omaha RAILWAY MAIL CLERK examinations Aug 10 Hundreds wanted 11.100 yea' Sample queatlon free Franklin In" tute,1 Dept 23-F. Rocheter. N Y WANTED PORTER AT ONCE. BOQUET HOTEL. DOUGLAS 1829. WANTED A competent houseman at once. Apply Clarkson Hospital, 2100 Howard, WANTED Active, courteous man for check room service; salary 60 per month. Apply T. M. C. A., Physical Department. WANTED Stableman at once Apply to American Railway Expreas Co.. 1107 Cap itol av ' WANTED Porter tn kitchen: pan waaher. Apply Blackatone Hotel, 36th and Far nam. EXPERIENCED shipping clerk. Metro Plc- ture Corn.. 211 S. I3th at HELP WANTED FEMALE Stores and" Offices. .AMERICAN TELEPHONE AND. TELEGRAPH COMPANY Offers exceptional opportunity to several bright young ladies to learn long distance telephone work. Those with grammar school educa tion preferred; interesting work; congenial surroundings; liberal sal ary, paid while learning. Apply to MISS CARLSON, 636 BRANDEIS THEATER BLDG. STENOGRAPHERS ATTENTION I If you want a position In a clean, light and airy office beautifully furnished and centrally located, call and see us today. We need a stencgrapht-r at once. Must be experienced and capable. Phono Tyler 480 for appointment. The Charles E. Walters Company, Hank Slocks. 1424 First National Dank Bldg. CATALOGUE stenoKrapher. We can offer an attractive position to a girl experi enced in getting cut catalogue and price book. Stenographic knowledge would be easentlal. This Is a splendid opportunity for someone who wants a permanent and good position. Ask for Mr. Hundley, Byrne & Hammer Dry Goods Co., 9th and Howard Sta. STENOGRAPHERS, 3100, CJk. 390, 386, .'u; stenographer and bookkeeper, 3100 book keeper and some stenographic J1U0; office clerk, some knowledge of-sboikkeeping, 180; offic clerks, J 6s, u0; typist, 186; multograph, 376. WATTS REF. CO., 1138 First Natl. Bank. EXCEPTIONAL opportunity for lady with atenographlo and bookkeeping experience. Permanent position. Must be accurate and thoroughly capable; none others need ap ply. Apply In person Friday a. m. Room 101, National Hid.. 12th and Harney. WOMEN Twenty-five to thirty-five years of age for department work In wholesale dry goods store. Merchandise experience not necessary. If you have bad any busi ness tell of It In your application. Ad- . dress 2104, Omaha Bee. STENOGRAPHER, auto firm, $65. Western Reference and Bond Association. BKKPR. and CASHIER, 1100-3125. Stenographers, 305-375-1100. Office Clerks. 150-360-375. THE MARTI COMPANT, 1126 W. O. W. Bldg. WANTED By manufacturing concern, young lady for file clerk. Good oppor tunity for advancement. State age and alary expected. Box 1932. Omaha Bee. U. S. CO-OPERATIVE Emp. Service (base ment) Court House. No charge. On book keeper. 390. Must be good penman. U. S. CO-OPERATIVE Emp. Service (base ment) Court House. No charge. Five stenographers. 365, S5. V. 6. CO-OPERATIVE Emp. Service (base ment) Court House. Three clerks, $80, 75. STENOGRAPH ER 3105. Typist, 175. P X operator, 50; Office clerks, $60, P. B. 166. Co-Operstive Ref. Co, 1015 City Nafl Bk. WANTED A first class bookkeeper, one fa miliar with telephone. Apply Union Trans fer. Fremont Neb. CASHIER, wholesale bouse, $100. Western a Reference and Bond Ass'n. Professions and Trades. WANTED Carpet aewers. experienced pre ferred. ORCHARD-WILHELM CO.. 414-11 South 16th street. WANTED PRESSERS AND SEW GIRLS DRESHER BR08., 2217 FARNAM HELP WANTED FEMALE. Professions and Trades WANTED Young Ladies to learn telephone operating. , Good wages paid while learning, rapid advance ment, permanent positions. Apply to C F. L.AMBERT, 1807 Douglas St. WANTED AT ONCE 25 experienced power aewlng machine operator we guarantee experienced op erator will earn 22 cent per hour at piece work Tht guarantee I given for operator to learn nur work and expense for period of 4 week Nice, clean and teaay work all the year OMAHA AUTO TOP CO., 701-11 8. 15tb St. Must ba 18 yeara of age or over Good place for both experienced and Inex perienced girls. Cafeteria serves hot lunches for 12c. Steady work and good wages. The more you learn the more you earn. Apply aecond floor, 13th St and Capi tol Ave. 1TEN BISCUIT CO., Snow White Bakeries. WANTED EXPERIENCED INSPECTOR MUTUAL FILM CORP., 1308 FARNAM. Call Douglaa 5993. WANTED WOMEN TO WORK IN FACTORT; GOOD WAGES TO START, GORDON-LAWLESS CO., EIGHTH AND DODGE. WANTED Experienced girl for sewing and hemming new ruggs; good wages; 1423 N. 24th St.; Thursday between 10 and 12 a. m. Saleswomen and Solicitors. SALESLADIES AND SOLICITORS. Wanted A few young ladles of neat ap pearance to make a bouse-to-house can vass In city taking orders on grocers for Important food Item, which the gov ernment Is asking the housewife to use; easy work; experience not necessary; salary, car fare and commission. Ad dress BOX 1993, OMAHA BEE. WANTED Good saleslady to wait on meat counter. Apply Washington Market, 1407 Douglas St Household & Domestic. WANTED AT ONCE A girl or middle- aged woman for general housework; no objections to neat colored girl; no wash ing; help with cooking; good wages and small family. 3311 Woolworth ave. WANTED Cook In family of three, where second girl ta kept; 110 per week. Ref erences required. Call Walnut 46. WANTED A competent floor maid and dining-room girl wanted. Apply at uiaru son Hospital, 2100 Howard St. , WANTED Good cook, references. Apply 660 South 2th St.. Brownell Hall. LAUNDRliSS 2 days each week. Swedish or Danish preferred. Web. 490. WANTED A competent cook Good wages Anplv Mra O Stons 87x Farnam St A NEAT girl to ass.st with housework, 408 North 39th St. Telephone Harney 6033. WANTED A maid for geeral housework. Call Walnut 2829. WHiTE girl as housekeeper for family of three. Call Walnut 376. Miscellaneous. THREE film inspectors. METRO PICTURE CORP.. 211 S. 13th St. POSTER clerk. Metro Picture Corp., 211 S 13th st. HELP WANTED. Male and Female. WANTED Men. ladles and boy, learn barber trade, big demand; wage while learning, strictly modern Call.jr write 1402 Dodge St Trl-Cltv Barhetv College I'hone O 2147 WANTED Two good cooks at Wayne Nor mal EChool. Man and wife preferred. Good salary, board and room. Work to bcrjin September 8. Write U. S. Conn, Pres., Wayne. Neb. MuLtlt Barber College wanta young men and Indies to learn the barber trade tall or write foi free catalogue. 110 8 I4ih Kt omnha Neb ANTED A second cook, mala or female, and two dishwashers, female. 314 South lath St. MAN or man and wife wanted on 40-acre farm Box 4'!34. Omaha EDUCATIONAL. VAN S A NT SCHOOL OF BUSINESS. Day school for women i hours 8:30 to 1. permitting afternoon employment rooms open for study from 8 to 4:30 ex cept oaturuays; enier any aiouuay mum Ing. Evening school for men and women; reopens September 3; sessions Tuesdays and Fridays trom 6:ia to :u. tnier any Tuesday evening. The government and all employers need many thousands of office workers; educated women and men not eligible for other forms of government empioymeni mint resnond to the call at once; do not think ACT. Second floor Omaha National Bank building, Douglas 6890, Omaha Neb. - FALL TERM BOYLES COLLEGE. DAY SCHOOL, SEPTEMBER 3 NIGHT SCHOOL. SEPTEMBER 4 Intensive training for office worker. Course In bookkeeping, horthand, ateno typy. typewriting, railroad and wireless telegraphy, comptometry, machine book keeping and all English branches. Cata logue free. .... Telephone Dougla 1565. nth anil Harney Sta. Omaha. Neb. "RELIABLE AUTO 8CHOOL. Best electrical and aelf-atarter course Easily learned No book Free catalog National Auto School. 2814 North 30tb St Omaha. Nebraska FOR RENT ROOMS. Furnished Rooms 3ANITART modern room for men only 32 6 per week Hunsnine a pari men is. vr N I7tb St J B Rohlnaon 447 Re Bldg Doug! I7 FOR RENT One or two furnished modern rooms, reftnea nome ior iuy ickuc,. ri'f..n psn o' School for Pesf Wal. 1321. GRAND HOTEL (62 S llth. new manage ment, nlc. clean room. up a w. FOR RENT-ROOMS. Furnished Rooms. MODERN furnished rinim permanent or transient. Including large front room suits hie for three gentlemen I'll lodo. 205 SO. 25TH AVE. Apartment No! 7; Pleasant room in private family. Ladie only. TO PERMANENT party, nice warm room; modern; private home; Hanscom park dls trlct.' Harney 1044. WANTED Young .lady wants furnished room In Weat Farnam district. neaT 32d ' September 1, Box 60, Omaha Bee. FRONT room, two closets, alcove, hot water; near three car lines. 15 minute walk downtown.- Call Harney 6918. Board and Room. 2427 BRISTOL St., four or five unfurnished rooms. Web. 819. Hoteis OOL room. 12 week, slso apartmerta with kitchenette order, note! Co R'offs Unfurnished Rooms HEATED rooms In Crelghton Block. 15th and Douglaa St D 1342 WORLD REALTY CO. FOR RENT FURNISHED Apartments. LATONA APARTMENTS. Completely furnished, best of lervle. 641 8. 24th St. Call Douglas 163S. Houses. NEWLY furnished 6-room cottage for board; new piano; north; phone evening. Colfax 2S98. FOR RENT-HOUSES. West I ROOMS, suitable for rooming house, 2037 Harney street, 840. J. H. DUMONT & CO., 416-18 Keellne Bldg. Phone Douglas 690. 2568 Douglas, rooming house 13100 2049 North 22d, modern, 7 rma .... '800 JOHN N FRENZER, Douglas 164 8-ROOM, hot water heat, all modern. 118 8. 34th St. Call Harney 1963. 2927 Franklin; 6 rm partly modern, OMAHA LOAN & BUILDING ASS'N. 117 North. 7 ROOMS, modern, garage, full lot, east front; 330 per month. Call Douglas 410 or Colfax 3668. 8-ROOM flat, modern but heat, newly deco rated, 115. 1602 N. 24th St, second floor. Red 682. 6 ROOMS, strictly modern. One block to car line, good location. 125 per month. Red 653 7-ROOM modern house, entirely new. 1740 Tltu Ave Tel. D. 9125. Miscellaneous. 113 N 24TH ST., 3 rooms. 811. 2224 Dodge St, 8 roms, 367.60. FOR COLORED. 1102 8. th St.. 7 rooms. 120. ALFRED C. KENNEDY CO. REALTORS. 205 8. 18th St. Dotg. T2I. 1142 South 32d, 7 rooms, 330; 2821 Jackson, t rooms, 40. ARMSTRONG-WALSH CO., Tyler 1536. 333 Securities Bldf. HOUSES IN ALL PARTS OF THE CITY CREIOH 8DN8 A CO.. BEE BLDG. LIST vour property for rent or sal with FIRST TRUST COMPANY. Realtor Tvler III p h o pen A Co Rentals Dou!a 4228 FOR RENT APARTMENTS. West. FOR RENT S-room brick, all modern, nlc nelgh borhood, good furnace, located at 1717 Park avenue, fronting park. TRJ.VER BROS. CO. Doug 6886. 810 1st Nat. Bank Bldg. HAMILTON APTS.. fireproof, fine lawn and flowers; best location: 24th and Farnam. Prices reasonable. . Call D. 1472 North 3 ROOMS and bath, second lloor. Steam heated. 815 'summer. 1821 Maplf St., Tyler 1812-J. Miscellaneous TWO rooms with 3-room accommodation and 3 rooms with 4-room accommodation In the Coronado, 22d and Capitol avenue; walking distance: 133.50 to $37.60. BENSON & MYERS CO., ' REALTORS. 424 Omaha Nat'I Bank Bldg. Douglas 741 PETERS TRUST CO., Specialist In Anartmi-nt management FOR RENT Business Property. Offict and Desk .om ATTRACTIVE offices at reasonable rental In the Bee building, where service Is REAL. Keystone Inv. Co , Tyle' 131. Garages and Barns FINE garafc-e doing a 310,000 business every month, built of ton and a very da Irable residence, all goes for 115.000. Son has gone to war and can't handle the business. Write or see Walter Hendrick aon, Adrian. Mo. ; WANTED TO RENT. Unfurnished Apartments anc Houses. SMALL heated apartment or two or three unfurnshed rooms with bath, by small family. Close In or on car line. Address Box Y 859, Omaha. Bee. MOVING AND STORAGE FIDELITY STORAGE CO 18TH AND JACKSON UoUO 281, STORAGE. MOVING. PACKING. ' REASONABLE RATES FREE RENTAL 8ERV1CE. COMPLETE LIST OF ALL VACANT HOUSES AND APARTMENTS Globe Van and Storage Co. For real service In moving, packing and storing rail Tyler 830 or Dougla 4881. OMAHA EXPRESS CO. ..A RGB moving van: careful men Fur niture paok . storage 1417 Chicago D 8164 FIREPROOF WAREHOUSE Separate locked rooms for household 'goods and planoa; moving, packing and shipping OMAHA VAN AND STORAG ID CO., 808 S t$th Dougla 4161. Jn PlWri Expre Co.,- Moving, . j. IliUJ Packing and Jtorage. 1207 Farnam St Web. 1741; Dnugla 6148, REAL ESTATE IMPROVED CLOSE in 8-room modern house, with largt lot at a bargain. Gallagher & Nelson, Douglas 3312. vV'esi WEST FARNAM DISTRICT , 7 Rooms Modern Reduced to $4,500.00 7-room, strictly modern home on Dav enport, nee.r 35th St.; oak throughout; built-in features; full basement; furnace heat; south front; paving paid. House has just been painted and redecorated. Owner Is leaving city and has cut price to $4,500. House alone worth tho.-motity. If Interested in a snap call J. L. HIATT COMPANY, 90(J FIRST NATIONAL TYLER (jj BANK BLDG. $500.00 CASH This makes the first payment on 1317 So. 31st St. A good 7-room, 2-story house, on a fine lot, 5ux 142. This is in a fine neighborhood and close to Hanscom Park. Only a block to street car. Owner has reduced the price to sell at this time. Can give immediate posses sion. See it today. , CREIGH, SONS & CO., Douglas 200. 508 Bee Bldg. Realtors. WEST FARNAM, $6,750 A dandy 8-rdbm modern home, with four bedrooms and open sleeping porch; four nice rooms on the 1st floor; hot water heat Full south front lot. In very desir able location, with garage and cement driveway. Rented at 860; possession Octo ber 1st. This property 1 easily wortb 17,600. Investigate now. GLOVER & SPAIN, Douglas 1882. 111-20 City Nat r 1! i m Hi is