14-iA v THE OMAHA SUNDAY DEE: - AUGUST, 25, 1913. CALVIN NAMES HEADS OF UNION PACIFIC SYSTEM Officials lor Main Line, Salt Lake Route, Oregon Short Line and Grand Island Road Named. Federal control and operation of (he roads that go to make up the plete Saturday afternoon when Fed cral Manager Calvin named the heads of the several departments. The ap pointments are approved by Hale Holden, regional director, and become effective at once. All of the appointees are Union Pacific system men. Sys tem offices will remain in Omaha. The following have jurisdiction over the Union Pacific, the Oregon Short Line, the St Lake Route, and the St. Joseph & Grand Island: H. J. Plumhof, assistant to federal manager, Omaha. J." A. Munroe,', traffic manager, ymana. , : . ,.,!.. . G. L. Hickey. superintendent trans portation. Omaha. G. C Smith, . purchasing agent, Omaha. : v .. ' , , - ei - R. L. Huntley, chief" engineer, Omaha. j - C Stradley, assistant chief engi neer, WLKt city. v F. E. Lewis, manager dining cars ana noteis, ugden, Utah. -, t General Officers. ' The followinar named officials will have jurisdiction over the Union Pa cific and the" St. Joseph &. Grand Island: .' , ' W. M. Jeffers, general- manager, Omaha, r ' ' " ," 'Edaon Rich, general" solicitor, H. J. . Stirling, 1 general " auditor, Omaha. ' ". .. . - . C E. Fuller, superintendent motive power and machinery, Oman:" -" , lH. Hammill, general superintend ent northern district,' Omaha. G. O. Brophy, general superintend' tnt southern district, Kansas City. A. F. Jonas,"chicf surgeon, Oma- W. R; Armstrong, engineer main tenance of way, Omaha. . W. H. ' Sanford, acting ' federal treasurer, Omaha. V Western Divisions. H. V. Piatt, Salt Lake City, is ap fyointed general manager tor the Oregon Short Line and Salt Lake Route, and G. H. Smith, general so licitor. Both will retain their offices in Salt Lake City. .'- Other officers for the Oregon Short Line'and Salt Lake Route are: F. W. Meyer, general editor, Salt Lake City; C, H. Jenkinson, acting federal treasurer. Salt Lake Gty; F. II. Knickerbocker, general ? superin tendent, Pocatello, Idaho; . A. C. Hinckley, superintendent motive pow er and machinery, Pocatello, Idaho; R. B. Robinson, engineer maintenance of way, Pocatello, Idaho; S. H. Pink erton, chief surgeon. Salt Lake City. Salt Lake Route: V. H. Comstodk. assistant general manager, ; Los Angnles; C. C Barry, general auditor, federal treasurer. Los Angeles; D. P. 'Kfllogg, superintendent motive pow er and machinery, i-os Angeles; A. C Maguirc, engineer maintenance of way. Los Angeles," Guy . Cochran, chief surgeon,. Los Angeles The naming of the traffic officials of the Unioi Pacific is a matter that is with J, A. Munroe. i ; Corporation. Appointments, ; . Coincident with the federal appoint ments, the following; corporation ap pointments were made: . t . N. H. Loomis, formerly general so licitor who resigned July 16. becomes corporation counsel. ' Claude Matthai, formerly assistant attorney at Omaha, becomes assist ant to Mr. Loomis. . T. M. Orr, former assistant to the federal manager becomes treasurer for the corporation and subsidiary companies, ;'7" -..r-r'4 :. 'Mr. Bissonette, formerly of the auditing department at New York, becomes auditor of corporation and iubsidiary companies. . Mr. Farrell of Portland becomes vice president of corporation in Charge of properties in the west. : Muny Guards Start Camp , at Elmwood Park Monday "Camp Pershing" will be the name of the Omaha Municipal Guard camp which will be held at Elmwood park from Monday until Saturday of this week. Assistant Commander-in-Chief J. J. Isaacson chose the name in pref erence to local ones on account of the military and patriotic aims of the organization. v.-" The nine companies will assemble at the north side of the postoffice at 8 o'clock Monday mominfc for a parade through the business district of the city. Nearly 300 boys in uni form and armed with guns will be present v This will be the first time that the regiment will appear" as a unit The. regimental staff, consist ing of CoL Richard Wood. Lt. Col. W. H. Camnen. Commandant C L. Mathers and Assistant Commander-in. J chief i. J. , Isaacson, will ,lead the. youthful soldiers. i After the parade the boys will be taken to Elmwood, park, where the camp is already set up. Each guard will carry his own food for lunch, as the camp stoves and mess will not be able to accommodate them until supper time. Mizpah Club is Popular Patriotic Club of Omaha One of the new patriotic clubs, so popular with the Omaha younger set. is the Mizpah club. This is a group of young "war' brides," brought to gether by their close interests, many of them Javing husbands together in the 89th division now-in France. The Mizpah wives will take an ac tive part in Red Cross and war relief work this fall and winter. - .4 . The charter members of this club - are: . : lira. Hurry Badglsy. ; Mr.' Mark McOlnnla. Hm, Win. Barnett Mm. Harold Merrymat ir. Oscar Borsen. Mr. C!arnc White, lra. Edward Pudd. Mra, Lealla Ortfflth. lira. Arthur Gutafon "PESTICATIN" SOLDIERS ARE -Southern Negro Mammy With Silk Flag: . Leads Balloon Men in National Anthem. WON OVER BY "MAMMY MONIE" ' Spectators in the vicinity of Fort Omaha were amazed Friday, at'the spectacle of an old negro "mammy" standing er'ect in front of a squad of United States soldiers, with a silk flag over her shoulders and the regu lar army men drawn up at attention, giving her a salute and singing in lusty chorus, the tune and words of "The Star-Spangled Banner." j It was a tableau that will live long in the memories of those who saw it and a very pretty story is con nected with its inception. . One of the most loved members of, the family of Randall Pollock, 2886 Vane street, is Monie St. Clair, one of those delightfully loyal and faith ful family servants of the post-bellum days characteristic of the old south. ' She is known as Marnmy Monie," and has been a member of the Leo Pollock family for the last 35 years, being the maid of Mrs. Leo Pollock and the nurse of her two daughters and the "mammy" of Randall "Pol lock, with whom she now makes her -home on the old family estate near Lif.le Rock, Ark. She has the sunny disposition of her race .and the same love of re partee, r 'A company of soldiers from the Fort Omaha Balloon school have been accustomed to drill close fo the Pol lock home and in the detail are sev eral southern youths. rriday Mammy Monie, in a white sunbonnet and immaculate house dress appeared in the yard of her home and watched the boys at drill. When the. drilling officer called for trie men to De at ease, one or ine southern youths called out to the an cient colored servitor: "Aunti, what you-all doin up heah? Don't you know Jhat tropical plants wil) be frozen by the cold up nawth? You all should go back to Little Rock befoah frost or you'll be caught like Lot's wife and be frozen to a pillar of ice." "Honey, quit you pesticatin' me!" exclaimed "Mammy Monie." 'Tse homesick enough foh de magnolias an' de Cape Jassammes widout you-all makfn' me mo so." '"How would you-all like to go down to the old spring house and get a 'drink of sweet cold watah out of a gourd?" queried one of the boys. "You-all shut yo moufs," shouted mammy. "I know how I can make yo' quit." She ran into the house and soon reappeared with a silk flag, which she had taken off the mantel in the living room, ind this she held over her shoulder and marched jauntily up and down in front of the company of soldiers. Instantly the detail came from "at ease" to stiff attention. They saluted the flag which she carried with child ish pompousness and then in ohe ac cord their manly voices blended in the splendid chorus of "The Star Spangled Banner." "Mammy" was flattered and she thanked "my boys." She is now the daughter of the de tail and every time they meet her each man comes to a smart salute. Jim Barton Whole Show; At Gayely This Week In 20th Century Maids Tim Barton is the whole show in "All For Fun," which opened a week's engagement at the Gayety yesterday. He is so good that he overshadows the maids of the Twentieth Century Maids company who assist : Barton vocally in a pleasant and clean en tertainment. Barton is a tramp come dian who doesn't overdo the part, and this makes it really funny. His im personation of a drunken hobo in a cafe is one of the funniest things in burlesque. . As a dancer Barton is "there and over,' having a wonderfully nimble pair of feet and a repertoire of dances that are original and unique. He was recalled repeatedly at yesterday's performances. . He is assisted by Billy BarnesXwho ably portraya the part of another happy hobo. The costumes of the chorus show some nifty effects. Flor ence Belmont, Madeline Worth, Til lie Barton and Juliette Belmont, do some acceptable song numbers, ' The patriotic scene shows the deck of a battleshio and various historic heroes appear before the admiring audience. . ''v.--.'-' '. ; Colonel Murphy to Head Red , Cross Surgical Department : Paris, ; Aug. 24. Col. Frederick Murphy of St. Louis, Mo., has been placed in direction of the medical and surgical department of the Ameri can, Red Cross. His appointment is understood to be part of a general reorganization of the. Red Cross, a feature of the work being the allot ment of functions by zones. : Be sure you are registered to that you'ean vote Nov. 5. JEFFERIS FOR CONGRESS Austrians Suffer Severely . ' , In Advance in Albania Rome, Aug. 24-In Albania ' the forces of the central powers yester day renewed their attacks from the lower Semeni river to the heights of Mali Tomorices, it was announced to day by the Italian war office. In the center the enemy made progress to the north of the head of the Buvalica. On the right wing, the statement added! the enemy -"advanced slightly in the region of Point 1150. The enemy losses were heavy. Prisoners were taken by the Italians. I1UGS AT EMERGENCY PRICES 1 -sgaBBjafeX During Our Craat Emerfancy Salt, oflar Ruca at prlcaa away balow tha , wbolaaala coat. Two - ourtdrafl Rua ol all stylaa and aixoa. Good ' room tin Ruga aa low aa. . . . . .$6.78 EXTEnSIOfl Tables Strom, final flnlaftod, all etylaa. Wa oflar than tQ 7C aa low aa ,.......,....;, '' Four-bolo Cat Raafta, worth 2S, Pr':"!'..v;..... $12.50 r Wa apaciaJUa on complete Out fit far the home, rooming houae and hotela. Arrangement! mada to auit yoor convenience. Railroad fart refunded on purchaie gt $20 or mora within 100 mllea of Omaha. Stile Furniture Co. 14th and Dedga Straatt. ' ' Oppoaita U. P. Bldg., Omaha. Why Pay Mora Whan You Can Gat It for Ltaa at tha Stata? Dies on Baitlefield M Quinty, I11.7: Aug. 24. Word was received in Quincy tonight of the 'death of Lieut. Joseph .W. Emery, jr.,, on the battlefield of. France, July rl8. Lieutenant Emery was at. one time a halfback on the Dartmouth football team. He went to France with the regular army last October. ' 7 ' We Make Your OLD FORD New T ' Attention Ford Owners! Amsbilt & Kelsey Streamlme Body S FOR THE Ford Chassis - Beautiful h Appearance Moderate in Price ' Designed for Comfort ', ) ' 50 Easier Riding 1 Four Doors -One-Man Top Option of Four Colors linoleum Banning Board, Jiffy Curtains, Ventilating Wind shield, Fenders, Shrives and Many Other Advantages Which Add to Appearance and Comfort-Iour Old Ford Made New. Immediate Deliveries We make installation and allow credit on .lit A Ford Ilcdles. Also new and used Chassis eqnlpped with new Kelsey Streamline Bodies. Prire Right. Agents Wanted. We sell New and I'sed Ford Sedans. Coupes, Roadsters, Tour ing Cars and Bodies. We have the largest stock in the city. : We Make Specialty of , . , v.- Commercial Bodies tor Ford Cars and Trucks. Local Dis tributors for Anchor Enclosed Winter Tops for Ford, Dodge, Buick and Overlands. , . ; , . , O'RdiiHce-Goldslrom Auto Co. V V OMAHA, NEBRASKA S l ' ' Distributors of Amsbilt Touring and Commercial Bodies for Nebraska ' v and Western Iowa. . I 01 Sentk 24th Street V. Phone South 808. - 2867 Farnaa Street v A Thone Barney 6548. ' See our Exhibit at the State Fair In care of ZInk Senn, Distributors, 3t)8 So. 10th St, Lincoln, Neh. MASONS SECURE HOME FOR GIRLS FORTIIEY.W.C.A. Buy Hayden Home on Cass Street and Lease It to Association With out Cost. " v , Scottish Rite Masons of Omaha have purchased' the Mary Hayden home at 2016 Cass street, will remodel and redecorate it and lease it without cost to the Young Women's Chris tian association for use as a home for girls. .The purchase fence was $35,000. The Young Women's Christian as sociation has been trying to establish such a home for some .months, and several buildings had been under con sideration. The Hayden home seems to meet demands in every way. It is yet not too close, and it will lend itself readily to remodeling for this purpose. The grounds are especially beautiful. G. W. Prinz has the'eon tract for the remodeling. The association will use this build ing as a rooming and boarding house for girls employed in the city and for strangers coming into the city. At the present time, the Y.'W. CvA. is un able to care for such girls on account of lack of room and such accommo dations are badly needed. A capable ind motherly woman will be placed in charge of the home and every effort put forth to make, the guests feel at home and happy. "Dozens of calls for such accommo dations come "over the counter everv day," said Mrs. G. F. Gilmore, presi dent ot tne x. w. u A., "and we have tried for a long time to establish such a home, but were only enabled to do so by thff'generosity of the Bnej City News Elec. Fans, $8. Burgesa-Granden Co. Have Root Print It New Beacon Press. Reopen Surgical Cass The Omaha chapter, ol the Reo cross win reopen US surgical dressing department In the Masonic temple on September 2. Captain Osborne in Chicago Capt L. W. Osborne, supply officer of the signal corps general supply depot In Omaha, Is in Chicago on temporary duty connected with the signal corps. Prof Kilmer to Lecture There will be a lecture on "New Era Thought" August 27 at S p. m. by Professor Kil mer at the home of Mrs. A. C. McKln ney, 2415 Capitol avenue. Freleht Stations Close All freight stations in Omaha will be closed all day- Labor day for the receipt of freight, with the exception that car load shipments of perishable freight will be delivered. ' Old-Time Reunion Union Pacific Lodge No. 17, A. O. U. W. of Iowa, will hold one of its old-time meetings for members and families August 30. No fixed program has been arranged. Refreshments will be served. Omaha Boy Transferred Alfred Bihler, who has been attending the special training school at Lincoln for the past two months, has been trans, ferred to Camp Jackson, S. C, where he will take a 10-weeks course in to pography. Place Railroad Man The United States Co-operative Employment bur eau In the county court house has placed 1,150 men in railroad work so far this month, 156 men in shipyards work, 127 men in harvest work and and , 462 men in other war Industries. Three Seek Freedom Three di vorce petitions were filed in district court Friday morning. Florence Vette asks divorce from Fred Vette, alleging nonsupport and cruelty. Em ily Titenson asks divorce from John A. Titenson, alleging" cruelty, and Emma Krumm asks divorce from Karl A. Krumm, atleglng nonsurport Fine fireplace goods at Sunderland's. i ! , r : If Scottish Rite Masons. Arrangements will be made to ge.t on a running basis as soon as possible." White Slave Charge May Lie Against Salvito A portion of the morals squad in charge of Sergeant Allen raided a rooming huse at 1716 Cass street Saturday afternoon and arrested four persons. M. J. Salvito, proprietor, was charged with conducting an ill governed - house, and his purported wife was booked oh the charge of be-; ing an inmate. Martin Lawless and j Stella Barrett, who had been drink ing, were conducted to the city jail and booked .on the charge of being inmates. Salvito, at the rooming house, told the police he was married, but was unable to produce a certificate. At the jail his purported wife gave her name as Marguerite Holmes. Salvito will, in all probability, be turned over to the ' federal officials Monday. He is alleged to have brought the Holmes woman from Kansas City to Omaha for immoral purposes: ' Two Generals of Former Russian Arnty Joh Czechs Amsterdam, Aug. 24. Gen. D. C. Stcherbetcheff, former Russian com mander on the Rumanian front, and Gen. V. A. Tcheremisoff, former com mander on the Russian 'northern front, a Moscow dispatch to the Rheinish Westphalian Zeitung of Es sen says, have accepted commands in the Czecho-S-ovak army,. Americans during fighting west xof Fismes'were from the Twenty-ninth division "shipped to the west Mileage Book? on Sale. . Washington," Aug. 24. The new $30 mileage book, good for 1,000 miles on any railroad in the United States by any number of persons, now is on sale at all ticket offices, the railroad administration announced today. PERSONAL MENTION, . Rev. Titus Lowe has returned from a six-weeks' vacation trip In an auto and will occupy his pulpit in the First Methodist church today. mi i v a .CHIROPRACTIC TALKS N No one knows bet ter what Chiropractic will do for the sick than he who has tried it out Health is what yon want, and this is what Chiro practic can give. In vestigate thoroughly and you will try it out and gef well. ' 1 Ladies need not feel modest about consult ing a chiropractor, aa we furnish the snrnns onen in .the back and there is no exposure whatever. ' except the spine. The Chiropractor makes his analysis of your spine by palpa tion. Each bone of the spinal column is examined by the Chiro practor's trained fingers. After the spinal analysis, the adjustments necessary are given, and to obtain best results, a pe riod of relaxation should follow each adjustment Individual pri- vate rest rooms are provided for this purpose. - Women in every walk of life are turning to Chiropractic for re lief, because they find it not only effective, but free of the embar rassments of other methods. Adjustments are $1, or 12 for $10 Consultation Is Absolutely Free DR. FRANK F.BURH0RN (Palmer School Graduate) Suite 414-19 Securities Bldg., Cor. , 16th and Farnam Sts. Doug. 5347. Lady Attendant. August Sale Values Are Convincing Arguments for Cash Buying m The Home of Dix's V House and Porch Dresses THE CASH STORE u f ; I J ; , 1 I Z!rWlVOT l4Ml?Ml I Special Plush Coats, New Styles, Great values $25 njonday, at," 1 'A i 1 ' fa 4 '0 A t. - t r A i 4 UTUMH . T N TIME of peace prepare for war" is a saying which applies well to the present dress situation ; we fortunate in having right now for your selection a remarkably broad assortment of the newest cr are having right now for your selection a remarkably broad assortment of the newest crea tions and most novel ideas for Fall in Women's and Children's Outer Apparel. . Think of the cool days com ing. You can't come in too early to get posted. You really can't afford to pass the splendid values Monday. New Fall Dresses t In the popular new fabrics, in cluding Nubana' Cloths, Rayners, Duvet de Laine, Tricotines, Sil vertones, etc, a wonderfully complete assortment of the most charming new modes at , attrac tive low cash prices $39.50 up to $195 Special Monday, $29.75 Hundreds of classy Suits in the very newest of models, materials and colorings. If you want a really classy Suit at a very mod erate price see tQQ HL these at ........ S,57 Select Your New Winter Coat Monday Some thing new and different every day; a thousand Winter Coats here for your inspection, Monday, at $25, $35, $45 and up to $150.00 New Fall Suits A bevy of the .choicest new mod els now here for your selection. If you have a rjersonal preference that is right, it can be readily gratified at surprisingly moder ate prices. Street Dresses, After noon Dresses, Dinner Dresses, priced at ...... $35 up to $75 Special Monday-$25 A splendid assortment of clev er designs in dresses, satins, Georgettes, combinations and choice wool materials in all new est shades; sizes 16 to 46, stouts up to 53 i our special cash prjee. . . $25 Special Showing Monday of Muskrat Fur Coats Made of selected skins. The greatest of values. On special sale here Monday, for our low cash prices of ..... . $95, $150 and $175 Specials in the Skirt Department Monday Silk Taffeta and Poplin Skirts In colors and black, made up in the season's popular styles; spe cial values, at . . . v . .$3.95 Porch and House Dresses, Formerly $5, Monday, at $2.95 These Dresses come in ginghams, lawns and voiles; made up in many dainty styles; all sizes; for quick sale, Monday, at .$2.95 Hundred of Wash Skirts That sold at $3 and $4; for quick clearance sale Monday our special cash price ;.. $1.95 i ' 1 4 1 ' ? ' r i H i N Better Values for Cash in House Furnishings Good Mail Boxes Cash price. 35 Long-handled Dutt Pan....i45 4-tie Brooms Cash Price. .. .60 5 ft. Cotton Clothe Lines. . .30t lH-qt. Aluminum Rice Cookers Cash Price........... ....$1.49 Large Japanned Bread Box, $1.75 Large Sis Splint Clothes Basket Cash Price ...........$1.25 6-lb. Electric Iron Complete with 6-ft cord, cash price...... $3.75 Fine Wash Board Cash price 50 No. ft Low Stand Waffle Irons Cash Price ............. $1.49 J No. 8 High Stand Waffle Irene Cash Price .............$1.59 6 Rolls Crepe Toilet Paper. 25t Wire Canning Racks Quart size, cash pricev....i -i..lO Wire Canning Racks TO hold six quart jars, cash price.,... .45 - : : r nliii:iiiunliiiiii!iiii!intii!Hinluliiiini!in Our Low Cash Prices Will Convince You It Pays to yGo to Hayden's for Quality Goods j I and the Lowest Market Prices . i 12-Ib. nek pur Ry Flour. .... .75c 10 bars Swift's Pridt or Diamond C Laundry Soap....;,.... .38c 6 lbi. best Rolled Whit. Breakfaat Oatmeal 38c I lbs. Barley or Corn Flour. ...... 38 lbs. Whit or Yellow Cornmeal. ,35c S lbs. Oatmeal Flqhr . ........ ..28e Fancy Japaa Rice, per lb 12'e 1-tb. package Corn Starch... 9c No, 1 band picked Navy Beans, lb. 14c Scheipp's Shredded Cocoanut. per 1-lb. pkf. .35c Washington Crisp Corn Flakes, per pki. ....81-Se s Fancy assorted Cookies, per lb.... 18c s 16-ot. can Condensed Milk ......He s t-oi. can Condensed Milk Sc a .No. 1 cans Pork and Beans. .... .Vt ' VT Va 1 1 Tl . Lux Washinr vompound, vkg. ...l!c 6 cans Sonbricht ..24c 22-os. jar pare, Fruit Preserves. . ,28c 22-os. jar pure Apple Butter 25c Lara jars assarted Pickles, 8 vari eties per bottle 23c Red or White Vinegar, sallon...30c lbs. Crocked Hominy..... 38c EAT MORE DRIED FRUITS. AND SAVE SUGAR AND WHEAT Fancy S Crown Muscatel Raisins, per pound ........ 15c Fancy Seedless Raisins, lb...,. r. 15c Fancy Evaporated Apples, lb,...17VtC Fancy Muir Peaches, lb. 17V4e Choice Santa Clara Prunes, lb... 11c Fancy Santa CJara Prunes, lb.. . . .15c Fane Bartlett Pears, lb. ...... . 20c Fancy Silver Prunes, lb. .. Seeded Raisins, pkg No. 1 English Walnuts, lb No. 1 FUberts, lb Fresn Roasted Peanuts. Ib.. No. 1 cans Pork and Beans 14c Tsll cans Alaska Pink Salmon.... 19c 9 Tall cans Alaska Red Salmon. .. .25c S cans Old Dutch Cleanser 23c iiiiiiliJtil'W:ntfilii(iWli'ii!i!l"liiluiiluiiilnlHi ....25c .81-3c , ...30c ,.22:c . . . .20c OMAHA'S GREATEST TEA AND' COFFEE MARKET. The talk of Omaha Our Famous Golden Santos Coffee, lb..., 20c Maracaibo Blend Coffee, lb 25c The well known Mocha and Java Blend, excellent cup quality and of an excellent flavor, per lb.......3Se Three lbs. for $1.00 The best Tea Sittings, lb. 25c OMAHA'S GREATEST VEGETABLE AND FRUIT MARKET. Fancy Bartlett Pears, box. $3.23 Fancy California Elberta Freestone Peaches, box ) $1.65 Large baskets Muscat Grapes.... 55c Canteloupes. each .........5c, 7 Vie IS lbs. best No. 1 Potatoes 45c Fancy Wax or Green Beans, lb... 10c Fancy New Cabbage, lb 5c S bunches Fresh Carrots 5c Fancy Head Lettuce, head...... 7 Vie 12 lbs. good Cooking Apples..... 45c f It ' ' ' rr "4, ' '' fa 'Ay ' i ' m '4 4 'A '4 Y n 1 t I H I i ? It Pays Try Haydens First It Fays