V, THE BEE: OMAHA. SATURDAY, AUGUST 24. 1918. FORCES OF OLD JOHN B. LOSE IN POLICE COURT City Treasury Swells from Fines Levied by Judge on Offenders of Nebraska Bone Dry i.aw. After making a desperate assault 'n the prohibitionists' trenche's Thursday night, the forces of Old John Barleycorn were hurled back to their own lines with frightful losses in prisoners and material, according to the number 6f names appearing on the police blotter in connection with the illegal possession, sale and trans portation of liquor, and the amount of the liquid confiscated. .- The firs: 'prisoner" to say "good morning, judge," in police court Fri day was Harry Kane, negro, 1811 Wil liam street, who was charged with the illegal possession and sale of intoxi cating liquor. Special Officers Cash man and Heisler of the Union Pacific railroad and Detective Knudson tes tified that they had gone into Kane's place and purchased a bottle of .whisky themselves for the purpose of trapping Kane. The evidence was produced in court and Kane was fined $100 and costs on each charge. Nabbed at Depot. ' William Clarkson, negro, giving his (address as Chicago, was next to ap pear on a charge of illegal possession and sale of liquor. He was arrested at the Burlington station by detec tives, who found 12 quarts of whisky in his suit case. A. R. Toozer, 607lA California street, testified that he had Purchased four quarts of the whisky from Clarkson, paying $16 for it. Clarkson was fined $100 and costs pn each charge. . H. Biddiex, negro, 2218 North ITwenty-seventh street, was charged jwtth illegal possession and transpor tation of liquor. He had several quarts of whisky in a grip when ar rested at the Union station by Detec tives Muldoon and Schwager, testi mony showed. He drew a fine of $100 and costs on each charge. - Sam Mehan, 1117 Pacific street, and Max Siref, harness maker, 14U6 North Twenty-fourth street, both charged with illegal possession of liquor, had their cases continued. Murty Guards to Play and Drill at Park Encampment About 300 Omaha Municipal Guards are ready to encamp at Elmwood park for the annul onting. The camp, however, will not begin until next Monday morning. After considering Nathan's Lake and Carter Lake, J. J. Isaacson, recre ation director and commandant of the guards, finally selected Elmwood park for the drilling grounds. The boys will be tented at one end of the park and will drill in the central portion. This year camp will last six days, from Monday morning 'till Saturday afternoon. Most of the boys will be uniformed in the official outfit. The organization of the regiment is now perfect. All commisioned of ficers from commandant down have been filled. J. J. Isaacson, himself, will be commandant. There will also be a colonel, a lieutenant colonel, three majors and nine captains. The . boys will be given rigid military drill and discipline. Although the regular daily routine has not been drawn up, it is under stood that about one-half of the camp time will be devoted to games, hikes and other sports. - The companies attending will be from Miller park, Florence, Kountze park, Benson, Gifford tract, Hanscom park, Spring Lake park, Morton park and Clearview park. The first three companies comprise the first battalion with Major Hall in charge; the next three, the second battalion, tinder Major Boyer, and the South Side companies will be under Major Zimmerman. The companies will form at their respective parks Monday at 7 o'clock in the morning. From there they will ride downtown and parade through the business district at about 8 o'clock. Boys Deny Charge They Force Selves Upon Young Girls Malcolm Linville, Gerald Hittle, Harold Butler and Harry Scoggins, arrested Saturday-night in East Oma ha by deputy sheriffs, were released after six days in the county jail Fri day, no complaint having been filed against them. The four young men were taken into custody, in company with four young women, while riding in an automobile on an East Omaha road. The deputies alleged that the boys were forcing their attentions upon the girls. This is emphatically denied by the boys, who say they were merely showing courtesies to the girls by taking them home from Krug park. The girls have refused to complain against the boys. The boys insist they made no efforts to force their attentions on the girls and that the deputies were "romancing" when they recited their story. Salvation Army Will Give Subscribers Pr and Card Subscribers to the $60,000 Salva tion Army war 'fund which will be collected in Omaha during the week of September 9, will be given pins to wear and cards to put in their windows, showing they have sub scrioea. the pins and, cards will be decorated with the red circle or the Salvation Army, with the words, "I have subscribed." American Aviators Score Many Hits on lailway Yards Washington, Aug. 23. General Pershing's communique for Thursday says many direct hits were obstrved when the American aviators su-cess- -x fully bombed the railroad yards at Longuyon, Andun-de-Roman and Conflans August 21 and 22. Boys4 $1 Blouses and Waists, 75c "Quality" BIouet and wonderful values; dark and light colors; Madras, Percale or Chambray; these are much better fabrics than you will fjpd this fall ih any $1.00 Blouses; all sizes. DMlfe Stows Girls Tub Frocks for School, $2, $2.95, $3.50 to $5 Chambray, beautiful Ginghams, Percales, Plaids, Crash Stripe, etc. Second Floor. Prepare tor School Days Right No tu - Complete Stocks Are Here . Mothers will be glad to learn, that even thus early, we are prepared to outfit boys and girls with excellent wearing apparel and all needfuls, at very reasonable prices. Those who do their outfitting now will be enabled to shop at leisure and when school really opens, be well prepared. Boys' Suits, $7.75 Over 500 Suits, With 2 Pair Pants, At a Very Low Price Exceptional values, every one of them; many are with double seat and knees; just the suit for boys' school wear; a splendid variety of colors, dark, light and medium; this is without doubt the last chance to get a good 2 Pant Suit at this low pricing. Plenty of sizes up to 17 years. Scores of Other 2-Pant Suits At $10.00 to $22.50 Priced to you with two pair of pants as low as many stores are asking for one-pair pant suits of equal value. 2 Pant Suits Are Our Hobby We feel that this is the feature which has made this Boys' Department so popular. Every boy require 2 pairs to one coat; torn re quire 3 pair and for these we have 2 pants with double seats and knees, equal to the wear of 3 pair. Every new pattern and every new color ; every new style from plain conservative to the wonderful military stylings. Yes, and many are PURE WOOL, even to Imported Scotch Tweeds, in beautiful colorings. Not forgetting hard wearing Worsteds and Dressy Cassimeres ; it will be of real interest for you parents to visit this popular de partment and see the many new styles in your boys' wearing ap parel for fall. Second Floor, Men's Bldg. Girls' Frocks, $7.50 to $25 Now is the time to get the girl's wardrobe for board ing school, college, convent and school. This merchandise was contracted for a very long while ago, and you will enjoy the benefit of the savings. We have carefully selected the outfits that will please all school girls, at pricesthat will please mothers. Frocks, Coats, Raincoats Rain Capes, Wool Middy Skirts, Flapper Wool Skirts and Girls' Tub Dresses. Most Charming Frocks, showing the new straight line, regulation ; made of real French Serge, adopted by the best schools in this country. Won derful assortment of Black Serge Dresses for convent wear. We make a specialty of this service. Many Other Pretty Frocks, such as jacket effect, with pique waist,"TTTrt toned on skirt with large pearl but tons; the new Oliver Twist style, $7.50 to $25.00 Wool Middy Skirts A wonderful variety of this wanted garment at prices of $5.00, $5.95, $6.95 up to $8.95 Flapper Wool Skirts Specially designed for growing girls hard to fit, youthful lines; sizes 12, 14 and 16 years; beautiful plaids, serges, navy and black, priced $6.50, $6.95, $7.50 to $12.50 Second Floor New Fall Skirts $6.95 Subdued shades in plains are much in demand, side or box pleated; smart for Fall wear; also Silk Poplins, featuring the new pockets and belts; also many odd Silk and Cloth Skirts, in many cases only one of a kind; left from late good selling styles; some sold for as much as $10.00 and $11.50. Second Floor Sweaters Just Arrived $4.95 For young girls from 12 to 20 years of age, also to fit women. The short hip length, Knitted Wool Sweaters, vwith purling at waist; large collars, long sleeves; just the garment for cool evenings and school wear; all bright, popular shades. Second Floor . MISSES' HATS - Just Arrived from New York Extraordinary Values for $5.00 Our buyer was fortunate in making a special purchase of these beautiful hats for our Misses' Opening $10.00 Values Will Sell for $5.00 They consist of Velvets, Georgette Crepes and Ra tines in all the beautiful new shades of Burgundy, Rose, Green, Algeria, Brown, Navy and Black and White. Suitable for Girls from 7 to 16 years oj age Second Floor. Unusual Hosiery Values If there is one thing we pride ourselves on more than another, it is the immense stock of hosiery that we carry, and the wonderful assortment a size and a style and a price for everyone. At 85c Here's an offering that will serve as an in dex of the unusual value to be found in this de-' partment. Women's Fiber and Thread Silk Hosiery, in all the wanted shades, including black and white and some fancy stripes in 'full fashioned and seamless with, spliced feet and lisle tops. Main Floor. Four Unusual Underwear Offerings Women' Italian Silk Vetta and Bloomers; extra heavy d QE quality, in pink or white, on sale at this special price. . P A JO Women's Silk Topped Union Suit, in pink or white; tailored tops; tight knee; regular and extra sizes, d1 AQ on sale at , vl 1 Women' Fine LiIe Union Suit; beaded tops, tight knee or lace bottoms; on sale at Children' Fine Cotton or Naintook Union Suit, with patent topped buttons, sizes 2 to 12 years, on sale at. . . . OlC Third Floor. 75c Children's Strap Sandals jby rft'r'jfiii--.fc -yir' - vakOty vs r.;;apT&Mmjgtf?&tsfZ $1.00 Patent Colt Sandals, ankle strap pattern; turn soles, nature shape last; sizes 3 to 8 and splendid values, all. Misses' and Children's Sandals, $1.95. Mary Jane pattern; dull calf and patent colt; welted soles, with low heels, and sizes from 8 to 2. Women's Oxfords . and Pumps, $2.95. Assortment consists of white Sea Island canvas, patent colt and gray patent leather; sizes 2 to 6. Women's Shoes, at $3.95. Values to $7.50. Black kidskin and patent colt, turn and welted soles; lace and button styles; sizes 2 to 4 only and widths B to EE. Main Floor Rear School Hosiery For (Soys and Girls. Boy' School Hote in the Black Cat brand, in all sizes from 6 to 10; with triple knee, double heels and toes; good dye and good quality; 3 pair for 11.00, or a pair for 35c Boy' and Girl' Hoie i n black; midium and fine rib bed; double heels and toes; good black; special at.. 25c Girl' School Hoe in fine ribbed and quality; in the new tan, black and white; extra values at 39c Children's Half' Sox with rolled tops, plainand fancy; all sizes, at 25c Main Floor CBJloseman PRj:ssg Featured in Harper's Bazar and Vogue For Women, Misses and Small Women Styles that represent the best efforts of master de signers to produce smart frocks at a moderate price. Six models have been selected to bear the name "Rosemary" which are featured by the leading stores in the largest cities. These dresses may be obtained in sizes 16 to 44 and are made in various materials, Georgette, Satin, Wool Jersey and Serge. The garments featured are exact reproductions and may be seen on display in our Misses' and Small Women's Specialty Shop as well as in the Ladies' Gown Section. Standard Price $35.00 Second Floor I ' 1 ' dfci1"1" ittl '" 1 n r -iii;mm-t"iim inH-wr mt " 1 irfHHT 1 tMft Drugs ard Toilet Needs Peroxide of Hydrogen, 1 pound bottle, special. .. .23c Orchard White, very spe cial, at 29c Canthrox Shampoo, 60c size, special, at 40c Bromo Seltzer, 60c size, special at 39c Fletcher's Castoria, special, at 24c Wanous Shampoo Bag, spe cial, at 7c S. S. S. for the Blood, $1.10 size, at 79c Listerine Antiseptic, 60c 'size, at . . .39c White Rose Perfume, spe cial, an ounce 29c Trailing Arbutus Perfume, special, an ounce 29c Pepsodont Tooth Paste, 60c size, at .43c Forhan's Pyorrhea Paste, 60c size, at 43c Senreco Tooth Paste, spe cial, at 18c 35c Abonita Vanishing Cream ...... 19c Mary Fuller Nail Polish, 25c size, special, at 18c Benzoin and Almond cream, 25c size, at ISc Simplex Cuticle Remover, 30c size, at 18c Simplex Manicure Sets, special, at 24c Lustrite Nail Enamel, 30c size, special, at 18c Palm Olive Soap, very special at 8c Violet Bath Tablets, spe cial, at 8c 12c Coco Castile, special, at ,8c Spanish Castile, 20c cake, special, at ...,12c 4711 White Rosa Glycerine Soap 14e Woodbury Facial Soap, spe cial, at 19c Elder Flower Soap, special, at 8c Sempre Giovine, 60c size, special, at 39c Main Floor, Rear. . ' 1 i . t - ) 7 1