A.. THE BEE; OMAHA, FRIDAY. AUGUST 23. 1918. 9 REAL ESTATE IMPROVED. North LOOK AT THIS ONE A nsw 4-room cottars already 'urnishsd, with nice furniture, Nlc else lot -with Harare on rear. Owner drafted and must ell. Good location. Near pretty parte. ast front Modern except beat Price complete I!, 560. 00. 1300.00 caah and bal ance monthly. DOUGLAS 1014 DAYS, OR WAL NUT 677 EVENINGS. MINNIE LUSA homei and lota offer the beet opportunity to Inveet your money. Phone Tyler 187. YOUNQ A DOHBRTT, REAL ESTATE INVESTMENT, til BRANDEI9 THEATER. DO. 16TI. South. GOOD HOME HAN 3COM PARK DISTRICT. 6-room bouse. 1-itory, modern) furnace h.Bf h,,.. In wtfrA nnnriltlnn! )M fire place; good woodwork throughout ; thl la a well duhc auosianiiai nums ui ood location; built better than moat new houses ; qn :sth St., near Pierce; 1 blocks to car; Just right for anyone desiring a good, borne of their own and la priced cheap (t 13,500; terms If desired. F. D Wead. MO So. 18th St, Tyler 161 FIELD CLUB1 DISTRICT. T-K. modern house, garage, lot 70xlM; price 14,10. C. A. Orlmmel Phone Douglas HIS. Miscellaneous. PROFITEERING IN HOUSES. A rare chance to buy four houses; rent 180 per year. Price. 14 600; close In; paved street. D. 1553. W. T. GRAHAM, nee Biag-. ROOM cottage, two blocks from car. full lot. 12,600 Terms. 1300 casn.balance 120 per month. BENSON & CAR MICHAEL. (41 Pazton Block . FOR RENT AND SALE. HOUSES. COTTAGES AND APARTMENTS PORTER & SHOTWELU SOS 8. 17th St. Douglas 8011. 8-ROOM modern pressed brtek house, for only 14,500; oak finish, fireplace; nice order; near park. V. H. Gates. 647 Omaha Natv Bank Blag D. 1S94. WE sell, rent, incure and make loans on city property, north. MITCHELL INVESTMENT CO., 34th end Ames Col. 217. GOOD sin-room modern house; close to car line, price $3,250; would take auto as part payment Mr. Pease, 211 Brandeis Theater Bldg. FOR quick sale or rent of your property call A, J. DAVIS CO.. Doug. 7160. 320 S. 13tb St.. Real Estate and Insurance. W. FARNAM SMITH & CO.. Real Estate and Insurance. 1320 Farnam Bt. Douglas 1064. (! I WRAP 8FT.I.S REAl f'STATB REAL ESTATE Business Property. WE WILL buy your borne or business prop erty and pay cash. H. A- WOLFE COm Electric Bldg Tyler g BUSINESS property and investment. A P. TUKEY St SON, 620 First National Bank Bldg. M'CAGUE INVESTMENT CO. Income, Business and Trackage Specialists 15tb and Dndae Sta Douglas 416 REAL ESTATEt-TO EXCHANGE. 3 14. SECTIONS, H mile apart, near Pierre, 8. D. Nice level hard lam' Government valuation 120 per acre, i ill exchange equity of 15,600 for acreage near Omaha, or clear home in city. INTER-STATE REALTT CO., 913-14 City Nat'l Bank. Tyler 1672. TO exchange for a good stock of merchan dise, lsO-acre Iowa farm, good rich productive soil, land lays fine, extra well Improved; price S250 per acre.. E. Good man, Creston, la. REAL ESTATE UNIMPROVED. South roR 8ALB 1 lota, just south of Elmwood Park In Overlook addition. Owner leaving City. Will aell cheap for cash. Address Box T 11SS. Omaha Baa. Miscellaneous. ACREAGE BARGAINS Must be sold at once. Let me show you these places and then make me an offer. acres In Keystone park, high, tightly location, close to paved road and Jitney line. Beautiful building site. A half block right In Benson. City Water, sidewalk, etc., one block to paved road. An excellent chance for a home br Investment For appointment to sea these places call owner, walnut 1580. POULTRY AND PET STOC- BARLET. 33.60 per cwt, delivered. Wag' ner 101 N Ifith Phone Douglas 1142 REAL ESTATE SUBURBAN. Benson. SPECIAL BENSON BARGAIN. Fine new cottage, 4 rooms and bath, modern except heat, with two large lota, for Ii,i60; $260 cash, balance easy pay ments. Why pay rent? 2024 North 64th St Owner leaving city. P. J. 1EBBEN8, 001 Omaha National Bank. 2030 NO. 60TH STREET. 2024 NO. 61ST STREET. 4-Rooms, brand new bungalow with one third acre, modern except furnace, cement walks to car; 3200 cash and 125 per month. Including Interest PAYNE ft SLATER CO. Douglas 1010. 1(0 ACRES, one mile south of BennlngTon, Neb. Inquire of Mrs. A. Earning, 4188 Cass St., Omaha, Neb. Dundee. : $6,000, DUNDEE; 3LU00 CASH. Fine bungalow, finished mostly In tak; large living room with fireplace and tout bedrooms; a very sightly location. TOHN W, ROBBINS. 1802 KARN AM ST DUNDEE 3-story framf, 7 rooms, modern bo uie on Webster near 60th St Must be eold to close an estate. Price $6,500. C. A. GRIMMEL. Phone D. 1615. (-ROOM new stucco, modern bouse, Dundee, 1305 N. (Oth Ave. Three sleeping rooms, oak floors, fall basement, $2,400. Month ly payments. Phone Walnut 1620. FOR property In Dundee, Happy Hollow and Falracres, call GEORGE AND COM PANT, 802-1J City Nat. Bk. Douglas 76. Acreage TEN ACRES uevel garden land, east Omaha, close to car line, clear, want clear rental or home. S. S. & R. E. MONTGOMERY, 213 City Nat'l Bk Bldg. Miscellaneous. FOR SALE. Two beautiful lota south et Elmwood Park ta Overland addition, full alae lot (0x150. Will take Liberty bond a pay ment. Owner going to oamp, must tell. Act quick. Address B"ox Y (36, Omaha Bee. REAL ESTATE OTHER CITIES. FOR SALE Meats and grocery business In Nebraska town with 1,400 population; own all butcher and grocery store equip ment; rent building; two acres of land; slaughter house well equipped; reason for selling. Write Omaha Bee. Box 1S5. FINANCIAL. Real Estate, Loans and Mortgages. OUR ( per cent first mortgages secured by Omaha residence are safe Investment be cause tbey are based upon not more than 40 per cent of the actual value of the , security and are backed by 25 years' ex perience without the loss at a dollar to aa Investor. E. H. LOCGSE, INC. 638 Keellne Bldg. No Delay Closing Loans. W. T. GRAHAM. 04 Be Bldg Doug. 1538. LOANS ON CITY PROPERTY. Vy. H. Thomas & Son, KeelfncBldg H. W. BINDER. Money on hand for mortgage loan City National Bank Bldg. OMAHA HOMES EAST NEB. FARMS O KEEFB REAL ESTATE CO.. IflU Omnha Nut Bunk Rl1sr CV111 8716 till A.MU rAit.u UiiA.SB $. (H and ( Per Cent J H. DUMONT CO.. Keellne Bldg. $l')l to $10,000 MADE promptly. F. D Wead. wsd Bldg, Uth and Famam St Private Money. HHOPKN COMPANY Douglas 4I Miscellaneous LOW KATES C. Q Careers:, 312 Brandel Theater Bldg.. Doug. ($6. REAL ESTATE WAN TED. I OR (-ROOM houses or bungalows in good Ituotlnna wanted at once: have several buyer wanting good home. F. D. Wead 310 South llth Bt. Tyler ih. WAVTttn for customers. Improved rancbea, (40 to 3600 aorea. Whit Hoover. Oma ha Nat'l Bank Bldg GOOD Omaha Income property for clear western tana or easieru iDra iim. Mr. Pease 211 Branaei Tneater pin FARM AND RANCH LANDS 278 ACRES. $4,400; WITH CROPS, PR. HORSES, 13 COWS AND 3 helfera. 3 bulls, 4 calves, hogs, wagons, harness, machinery, tools, etc. Mile to sawmill, mill and half to railroad town Estimated 37i,O0 ft timber, 200 cords ruin wood, 4,000 cords wood, Produc tlve loamy tillage for corn, potatoes, grain, meadows for many tons prime hay. wire-fenced 40-acre cow pasture, 100 good apple trees. Good l-room house, big stock barn, good condition, new horse barn, carriage, poultry, hog houses, only $4,400 for everything. Small oash payment. Details page I, Strout's catalog of this unsurpassed bargain and others, many with stock, tool, crops; free copy. E. A, S trout farm agency, Dept. $071. 206 South 18th St, Omaha, Neb. Arkansas Lands. SEPTEMBER 3RD. Our next excursion to McGehee, Ark. W. S. FRANK. 201 NEVILLE BLK. Idaho Lands. CAN'T get money for seed, must sell or rent my farm of 100 acres; summer fallowed and plowed ready for fall wheat, level. black soil, all Irrigated, free water right, all fenced, three-room house, good barn and other buildings, two miles from fast growing railroad town on main road, Coal mine close, wood for the hauling. Located close to St Anthony, Idaho. Will sell for $60 per acre, mortgage $1,200 Will take cash and second mortgage, or house in or close to Omaha, or would rent for $700 first year and $200 next, cash, war stamps or Liberty bond. Owner Mrs. L. Shaw, 712 North 22d Bt, Omaha, Neh, Maryland Lands. Maryland water front farm. Cat g'e. Rusll Realty Co . Mild climate Baltimore. Md Missouri Lands. GREAT BARGAINS 35 down. $6 monthly buys 40 acres, good fruit and poultry laud. near town, southern Missouri; price only $220 Address Box 283 C, 8pringfleld, Mo Nebraska Lands. WOODBURY AND PLYMOUTH COUNTY. IOWA. FARMS FOR SALE. 120 acres, Improved, 4 miles from stock ysrds, Sioux City, 1 mile from pavement. price i?25 per acre. 160 acre, new improvements, 1 mile from paving and street car line, Sioux City, price $225 per acre. $0 acres, unimproved, level lend, all In cultivation except 25 acres of hay meadow, 3Vi miles east of Sallx, la. price $126 per acre. 1(0 acres, Improvements small, all level land, all In good state of cultivation, 4 miles Sallx, la., price $150 per acre. 160 acres, well Improved, 1 mile from Luton, 4 mile from Sallx, price $1(5 per acre. 1(0 acre, Improved, all, level land, hi mile Luton, 4 mile Salix, price $160 per acre. 7$ acres unimproved, level land, 4 mile from Bronson, price $115 per acre. 400 acre, well Improved, 1 miles from Hornlck, la., halt the very finest level bottom land and the balance rolling, price $140 per acre. Also 1(0 acres In Lucas county, Iowa. 14 mile from Oakley, partly Improved, all In cultivation, price $136 per acre. $ acres, unimproved close in, West Side, Stoux City, price $2,860, 8 acres, unimproved, Crescent Park Gar dens, Slout City, on pavement, 4 blocks car line, per acre, $2,000. $20 acre. Improved, ( mile from Parkston, Hutchinson county, S. D., all in good state of cultivation, price $126 per acre. I, 10 and $0 acre tracts near Morning side, Sioux City, unimproved,' at from $350 to $600 per acre. These properties are owned by H. C. Fedderaen and H. C. Feddersen & Co. An Immediate change in our business makes It desirable to dispose . of all our present holdings. They are priced to sell and terms will be made to meet the reasonable re quirements of purchaser. Possession March 1. 1811, if sold before October 1. H". C. FBDDERSON , CO. 427 francis Bldg.. Sioux City, la. AT AUCTION IMPROVED FARM, MONDAY, AUGUST 2. 3 P. M. On the above date at the EMPRESS THEATRE. CENTRAL CITY. NEB., we win aell at publio auction to the highest bidder, regardless of price, the following described real estate: The northwest qusrter of section 17, township 14, range 6, west of the 6th T. M., Merrick county. Neb., containing 1(0 acres more or less ac cording to government survey, located BV4 miles northeast of Central Ctty. TERMS 16 per cent of th purchase price cash day of sale, 25 per cent March 1, 1818. Purchaser to assume a mortgage of $4,500 due June, 1 921. rearing Interest : 6 per cent annually, tlwner will carry remainder of purchase price for the same period of time at ( per cent Interest. Good and sufficient abstract of title together with warranty deed delivered to purchaser .rch 1, 1818, when possession will be given. IMPROVEMENTS Good four room house with screened porch, barn for ( hone and good loft for hay, granary, chicken house, hog and cattle shed. Two good well with best of water at a depth of $0 feet Place all fenced and cross fenced, 100 acres undor plow, 20 acre In hay, 6 acres alfalfa, balance good pasture. For further Information see or address NEBRASKA REALTY AUCTION CO.. Central City. Neb. $10 PER ACRE Ranch Bargain. 4,40-Acre, highly Improved, well-balanced ranch, McPherson County. Th best place on earth to raise cattle and hogs. The present owner has got rich here, and, at the age of 66, will retire. He sells from $10,000 to $30,000 worth of Stock off the place every year. 6,000 bushels of corn raised this year. Hundreds of acre of fins farm land; balance heavily grassed for aummsr and winter pasture. Everything raised on the place In the way of feed for man and beast. Meadows cut 600 to 700 tons of hay. 600 fruit trees, 160 now bearing. Flrst-clas Improvements costing $10. 000; excellent 8-room house; large barn, sheds, corralls, etc.; fenced and cross fenced; windmills, reservoir and tanks; always plenty of water; price for next 30 days reduced to $10 per acre; reason able terms; neighboring place recently sold for $15. WHITE & HOOVER, 454 Omaha Nat'l Bank Bldg. "FOR THE LAND'S SAKE." Write to JAMES PEARSON, MOORE FIELD, NEB., about th 80 at $46 per acre: a quarter at $26: half section for $12,000; a section and a half at $25 and other farm. WRITE me for pictures and prices of my farm and ranches In god old Dawes county Arab L Hungarford. Crawford M PR RICK C )I'NTYm proved-corn and alfalfa farms at the right price, W. A LARSON, Central City, Neb. FARM AND RANCH LANDS Nebraska Lands. 640-ACR RANCH (40,-aer Improved ranch, Chtrry coun ty. Nebraska: 120 acres In cultivation; 4 rooro, sod bouse. 80x3; frame barn with teel roof, 86x64; corn cribs, etc.; cave, windmill With cement tank; trees near building and prove In northwest cor ner of the land; the finest raneh In southeast Cherry county. Pressnt owner has lived here 11 years and made money. Price for quick sale only 13 per acre. Terms one-third cash. balance long time WHITE & HOOVER, , I'mana Nationx Bank Flag "INVESTOR, WHERE" ARE YOU? HERE IS YOUR CHANCE. l(0-acre well Improved farm, 100 miles due west from Omaha, 8 miles from Os ceola, Polk county. Neb. 4 mile from good school. 3 miles from church, on R. F. D, route. Worth $150.00 per acre. We offer It to you at $110.00 per acre. If sold Inside of 30 days. This is a great bargain. Get busy, First come, first efved. COMPTON M'FAYDEN, $40 Psxton Block, Omaha. Doug. 3483. FARMS AND RANCHES We have several very atthactlve prop erties for sale in Dawes. Keya Paha and Brown counties. These are places that w have personally Inspected, and .an recommend aa being good buys. Send for list and photos stating aa to your want Klok Inv cb . Omaha FARM NEAR TECUMSEH. 160 acres 3 miles south of Tecumseh at $125 per acre. All under cultivation with fin crops this year. No buildings. A good chance at a good farm. W. T. GRAHAM, Bee Blrtg. Omaha, Neb. Oregon Lands. OREGON LANDS. Irrigation. "In the Heart of the Range" The Jordan Valley Project Malheur County. Oregon. An empire In the making, land $1.00 per acre plus the cost of the water. You can file on gracing homestead entries near.iy Literature and particular on request. Next excursion August 28. HARLEY J. HOOKER. 840 First Natl. Bk. Bldg., Omaha, Neb. Wyoming Lands. WHEATLAND Wyoming farms, $50 per a.. Including paid up water rights Henry Levi & C M Rvlander. 864 Omaha Nat'l. South Dakota Lanas. I AM quitting the ranch business and offer for sale or will trade for land or Income property ninety head of horses, Belgian and Percheron bred, from yearling9 to nlne-year-oida. Dinney Moran Lake An des. S. D. FARM LAND WANTED. FARMS WANTED. Don't list your farm with us If you want to L'eep It. E. P. SNOWDEN SON. 610 Elei-tr Rlrtg rvy.:!a 8871 LOSSES AND LIVE STOCK, TEAM and harness, pri. e $150. Will sell Will take 150 or 75 for one separately at $76 each, chickens for the team horse. Phone Tyler 3566. POULTRY AND PET STOCK WANT baby Persian kittens to put with mother cat. Doug. 9107. MONEY TO LOAN. Organized by the Business Men of Omaha FURNITURE, pianos and note a securltr $40, ( mo., H. goods, total, $3.50. Emaller, larger am'ts. proportional rate PROVIDENT LOAN SOCIETY. 438 Securities Bldg.. 16th ft Farnam Ty (($ LOANS OR DIAMONDS AND SMALLER LOANS. JEWELRY 1 nrrt W. C. FLATAU EST. 1898 60 6TH KLR. 6ECUR1TINE3 BLDO. 1Y. 360 Lowest ratea. Private loan booths. Harry Maleshock. 1614 Dodge D. 6618 Est 1831 DIAMONDS AND JEWKLRV LOANS REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS Salvatora Dimartino and wife to Vlncenje Mercurlo, 17th St., 420 feet south of Charles st, west side, 30x140 $ 200 Julius C. Soukup and wife to Harvey W. Chrlstensen et al, Titus av 363 feet west of 24th st. south side, 44x120 (.800 Cora C. M. Force and husband to Alice Quade, 28th ave 160 feet south of Oak st, east side, 75x144. 2,000 Alice Quade and husband to Cora V. M. Force, Poppleton ave., 195 feet west of 22d st., south side. 39x120. $,(00 John N. Holtmyer and wife to Arthur .Theodore, n. w. cor. 24th and Seward sts., 62.6x60 10.000 Lizzie C. Overholt and husband to George R. Tlmme, Elm st., 80V feet west of 23d st. north aide, 394x95 1.300 Margaret Van Arnam and .husband to saivatore Dimartino et al Sara toga St., $76 feet east of 46th St., north side, 216x126 3,(00 Joseph P. Boyer and wife to Michael Lukaszcyzk, H St., 60 feet east of 87th St., south sida. 50x60 (80 Clifford W. Calkins to Samuel Orloff. n. w. cor. 85th and Paciflo its., 120x125 3.000 Harriet L. Duke to W. J. Weir, 28th St., 60 feet south of Hickory St., east side 50x150 4.000 OMAHA GENERAL MARKET lsh Catfish, odd sixes, large, 38o lb.: Mltbut, 23c lb.; black cod, large .izes. 16c b.; trout, size to suit. 23o lb.; Royal White Chinook salmon, loo lb.; whlteflsh. 18o lb.; eilow pike, 21c lb.; pickerel. 13o lb.; Red Clnook salmon. 25o lb.; blood-red bullhead large, 31o lb.: medium. 18o lb.: rock bass. lb. each. 20c lb.; yellow ring perch. each, 190 lb.; herring, llo lb.: haddock. 130 lb.; steak cod, eastern. 16o lb.: crao- Mes, to 22o lb.; buffalo, large. 14o lb.; white perch, llo lb.; carp, large, 12o lb.; steak cod. western, llo lb.; gulf red snapper, 22s lb.; frozen large bass. 20c lb: frozen skinned whiting, odd sizes, flaky, almost boneless, 15-Ib. baskets, per bssket $2.(5; round, 7o lb.; frozen round pink salmon. 14o lb. 1 frozen red salmon. 22c lb.; frozen pink salmon, 20o lb.; frozen sturgeon. 16c lb.; frozen Spanish msckered, 17c lb. ; fozen atlve fall mackerel, 21o lb.; frozen floun ders. 12o lb.; frozen soles, 12a lb.; frozen western red snapper, lflo lb.; frozen sliver smelts, I2o lb.; frozen No. 1 white mullet 6c lb.; frozen Canadian Tulllbee whlteflsh, verage 44 lb.. lOo lb.; frozen Canadian hlteflsh. large, dressed or round. 18o lb.; frozen Canadian dressed pickerel. 13c lb.; frozen Canadian round pickerel, lOo lb.; frozen drossed herring, large, 8o lb.; round 80 lb.; baracuda, 14o lb.; sea rock baa 14o lb.; roe shad. 24o lb. Catfish, large, fancy, freih. 18c: halibut 23c; trout, 23c: black cod, 15c; white perch, 2o; fancy frozen black bass, medium and large, 16o: fancy frozen buffalo-carp, 6c; salmon, pink, white, chlnooks, falls, 18c; red, aockeyes, chlnooks, 24c; white, lSc, pike, 22c; croppies, 20c, 22c; frogs, genuine Loul- lana black bulls. Jumbo, $4.00; large, 83 60. FruitsOranges: 100-116. t. 60: 324-2S8, $8.60; 160-176-299-216-260 $9.60. Lemons: Sunklat: 300-360, $8.60; red balls, 300-360, Elbertas, $1.35. Pears: Washington. 32.75: Colorado, $3.26; California $3.76. C'al. Plums: red. $2.60; blue, $2.60. Cantaloupes: standards, $4.00; ponys, $3.60; flats, $1.50. Grapes: 4 bask, crates, $2.60. Vegetables Potatoes: Raw Valley, 2ic per lb.: Cat. white tock, $Hc per lb.; home grown, 2io per lb. Cabbage: crate lots: 4o per leb. Onions: white, red snd yellow, 85c per basket; Washington yellow sack lots, 3o per lb. Head lettuce, $1.00; leaf lettuce. 40c; onions, H. O., 20c; radishes, 80c; Michigan celery. 45c; cucumbers, $1.00; summer squash, $1.00; H. o. beets, 60c; carrots, 40o; green pepper market basket 6076c; H. O. tomatoes, $1.00; limes, $8.00; garlic, 25c; egg plant, $2.00. Miscellaneous: crackerjack, checkers, chums, case, $5.60; H case, $2.85; ear pop corn, tQUc per lb.; shelled pop corn, lb. pkgs., 4 dz. eases, $6.00; Three B honey In glasses, 1 dz. In case, $3.85; salted peanuts, $3.00; peanuts, 17 d 20o per lb. France Joins in Protest. San Antonio, Tex., Aug. 22. Mexi can newspapers received in San An tonio announce that France has j jined in' the protest against the alleged confiscatory tarfe on oil '.ands h. the republic. Great Britain and the Unit ed States have already made such protests. . Austrians lose 20,000. London. Aug. 22. Austrian losses on the British front in Italy between June 15 and Augu.'t 15 were 20,000, according to advices received here. British casualties in the same period totalled 2,500, it is said. OMAHA LIVE STOCK Cattle Sell Ten to Fifteen Cents Higher; Hogs Make Five Cent Advance ; Sheep ' Suffer Slump. Omaha. August $3, 1818. Cattle. Hogs.Theep. Official Monday 10.79 4.473 86. 080 official Tuesday .... 4,940 3.044 SC.131 Official Wednesday ... 6.1S8 10,653 2S.471 Katlmate Thursday ... 3,000 3.500 :8.000 Four days this week..:3,90: S3.6M 117,683 Same days last week.. 21, 51$ 31.746 H.1J1 Rams days 3 wks. sgo.45,S79 47,674 45.416 Same days 8 wks. sgo.31.:32 T7.130 58,118 Same days year ago. . .42,341 Cr.914 46. 3S! Recelrts and disposition of live stock at the Union Stock yards, Omaha. Neb., for 24 hours ending at 3 o'clock p. m , yester day. RECEIPTS. Cattle. Hogs Sheep H'a-M's Missouri Pacific 3 1 Union Pacific ....38 C. N. W., east 6 C. & N. W., west 37 C, St P., M. O.. C, B. Q . east 3 C B. Q., west 18 C , R. I. & P., east ( C, R. I. A P., w. . . Chicago at. West. 3 Totals 119 57 3 44 6 IS 30 ( 1 131 87 1 6 105 DISPOSITION, Cattle. 377 Hogs. 333 1.505 2.033 1.918 83 1,309 Sheep. 1.063 1.400 1.919 3.08 Morris ft Co Swift Co 70 Cudahy Packing Co.. 5C4 Armour & Co (H Schwarts A Co J. W. Murphy , Lincoln Peeking Co.. S4 8. Om. Packing Co.. 8 Cudahy, Wichita W. B. Vansant Co.... 64 Hill A Son ; 1.141 F. B.. Lewis 213 J. B Root ft Co. 96 6S 46 172 163 66 26 2 in! 3 18 40 ri .T. H. Bulla Rosenstock Bros F. G. Kellogg Werthelmer ft Degen Ellis & Co Sullivan Bros Rothchlld ft Krens.,. Mo. ft Kan. Calf Co.. Hlgglns Huffman Roth Meyers Olassberg Baker, Jones & Pm'h 55 Banner Bros is John Harvey jja Dennis A Francis . 7 Jensen A l.ungren.... 116 Pat O'Dea Other Buyers 740 14.858 Totals .1.611 8.87 93 9l -ame jrsoe opened active on a light suppiy or ii4 cars, or 8.000 head, and re ceipts Included Just a few scattering lota of western rangers, which sold strong at recent advance, and there were very few odd lots of native steers, which were active sell ers around 1015o higher than yestesday. Best natives were quotabl from $16 60 to $18.00, bulk of the western were edllng from $11.60 to $14.00. Butcher stock was active and higher again, quotably $1.00 to $1.60 higher than a week ago, and over $2.00 nignar man ins low time two weks go Good ta choice cows and heifers were sell. lng from $10.00 to $13.50. medium to good cows irom is.uu o 310.00. quotations on Cattle: Choice to prime nteves, 4i i. oinru. uo; good to cholc beeves, $16.00016.60; fair to good beeves, $18.60 14.60; common to fair beeves. $10.o0ffllSOO- good to choice yearlings, $14.O0l6.0O; fair to good yearlings, $10.000 14.00; common to fair yesrllngs, $8.0008 60; good to choice grass oeevea, 14. 50 15. so; fair to good grass beeves, $11.6013.60; common to good grass beeves, $9.00 11.00; Mexican beeves, fO.eiiejju.Du; gooa to choice heifer, 18.60 12.00; good to cholc cows, $9.6011.60; tair 10 gooa cows, 38.6018)8.60; common to fair cows, $(.608.50; prim feeders, $1X00 riou; gooa to cholcs feeders, $11,118 12.78; fair to good feeders. $8.00iftliMs! common to fair feeder, $7.0008.00; good to cnoice siocKcrs, iio.oojpil.76: stock heifers $7.5009.00; stock cow, $6.6007.60; stock calves, $. 60010.00; vesl cslves, $7,000 13.60; bulls, stags, etc.. 88.00(310 so. Hogs Receipts todav head making receipts for the week to date .ij.ooi neaa. bmppers started out bidding sieaay prices, rew sale being con sidered fully 6o and possibly some higher. Packer market was a very uneven affnir. tale being quoted all the way from steady to fully 10c lower. Bulk Of today's sales was is.zu(oi8.4ij, an early top was made on a choice load of light hogs of $19 15. The general market was quotably steady to lOo lower. Sheep There wis another liberal run of sheep her today, 103 cars, estimated at 28,000 head, making the run for the week today, 117,692 head. Trade was a little slow In getting under way this morning, very few sale being reported on first rounds in the barn. There was a weak undertone to the entire market and while no sales had been reported Indications were that the lamb price would suffer reductions from 1602(o. Quotation on sheep: Lamb, good to choice 317.00017.70; lambs, fair to good, 314.OO017.OO; lamb feeders. 815 25017.60; yesrllngs, good to choice, $13.00014.60; yearlings, fair to good, 312.76013.00; year ling feeders, $12.26013.25; ewes, good to choice, $11.00 0 12.60; ewes, fair to good, $10.00011.00. Chicago Live Stock. Chlcsgo, Aug. 22. (United State Bureau of Markets.) Cattle Receipt, 10,000 head; native beef and butcher cattle strong to 15c higher; westerns, 85 higher; calve, steady: beef cattle, good, choice and prime, $18,860 18.86; common and medium, $10 25016.86; butcher cow and heifers. $7.60014.60; can ners snd cutters, $6.858.00; stockers and feeders, good choice and fancy, $10,600 13.00; Inferior common and medium, $7.75 010.60; veal calves, good and choice, $17.26 017.76; western beef steers, $14.00017.00; cows and belters. $9.25013.00. Hog Receipts, 20,000 head; market closed 16020c under yesterday' best De clines were heaviest In good hogs; butchers, $19.10019.75; light hogs, $19. 10T 19.80 ; packing, $17.$601$.OO; rough, $17,400 17.80; bulk, $18.27019.7$: pigs, good and choice, $18.00018.60. Sheep and Lambs Receipt, 21.000 head: lambs generally steady; medium native closed weak; lamb. $1( 26018.60; cull, (10.00014.00; feeders, $16.60017.76; best medium to prime, $11.00018.00; culls, $4.50 tffa.ooj choice Breeding ewes, $12.60018.00. Kansas City Live Stock, Kansas City, Aug. 22 Cattle Recelnts. 10,000 head, Including 500 southerns. Mar ket steady to strong. Prime ted steers. $17.00018.25; dressed beef steers, $1!.00 16.75; western teers, $10.14.60: southern steers, $7.50014.25; cows, $6.50012.60: heif ers, 89.00014.60; stockers and seders, $7 76 014.50; bulls, $7,00010.60; calves, $5.00 014.00. Hogs Receipts. 6,000 head. Market. higher. Bulk of sale., $18.76019.40; heavy, $19.00019.60; packer and butchers, 319.000 19.601 light. $18.00019.40: dIrs. $16 760 18.00. Sheep and Lambs Recelnts. 8.000 head. Market steady. Lambs, $16.60018.00; yesr llngs, $11.(0018.00; wethers, $10 00014 60; ewes, $8.00018.76; ttcckers snd feeders, $6.00018.00. St. Louis Live Stork. St. Louis. Aug 22. Cattle Receipts. 4.800 head. Market, steady. 10016c higher. Native beef steers, (11.6O01S.26; yearling steers and heifer, $9.60016.60; cows. $7 60 012.60; stockers and feeders. $8.60012.00; fair to prime soutern behef steers. $10 00(g) 17.70; beef cows and heifers, $7.50015.00; nstlve calves. $7.75015.26, t Hogs Receipts, 8,200 heed. Market, lower. Lights, $l$.50iirl 90; pigs, $14 60 18.76; mixed and butchers, $1(.60$V$0; good heavy, $19.80019.90; bulk of sa.es, $19.60019.90. Sheep and Lamb Receipt. 4.200 head. Market steady. Lambs, 4.00(8'17.00; ewes. 1.00012.00; canner and choppers, $6.00 9.00. Moos City Llv Stock. RIour City. Ia., Aur. 32. Cattle Re ceipts, 1,000 head; market stesdy to strong: beef steers, $8.75016.26; fat cows and heif ers $7.76012.00; canner, $8. 207.36; stock ers and feeder, 33.75012.00; feeding cows and heifers, $7.50014.00. nogs Receipts, 6.000 head; market 1 0c. lower; light. $18.75018.80; mixed, $18,400 h 7F. hvv ilXlOfftlSJA, fc.lltr if $18.li018.76.' Sheep and Lambs Receipts. 6,000 head; market steady. St. Joseph IJve Mock. St. Joseph, Mo., Aug. 22. Cattle Re ceipts, 2,200 head; market higher; steers, $9 004(118.00; cows and heifers, $5.50016.00; calves. I6.0014.00. Hks Receipts, 6 000 head: market steady; top, $19.45; bulk, $18.60)' 19 .85. Sheep snd Lambs Receipts, 6,500 head; market lower; lambs, $12.60017.50; ewes, $6,000 12.50. Linseed Market. Aug. 22. Close; Linseed $4.6$. Duluth, GRAIN ANDPRODUCE Wheat Arrivals Light; Other Grains Moderate ; Cora Two Cents Off to One Cent Higher. Oamha. Aug. 33, 1918. Receipts of grsln today showed continued lighter arrivals of wheat and moderate ar rivals of corn and oat. Cars of wheat re ported In were 63; corn, 74; oats, 85; rye, 1, and barley, 3. Corn prices ranged from Ic off to lc high er up to a late hour. Trading was slow. Oat figures were unchanged. Wheat sold lowly. Price wire about unchanged to Ho up. Some of the No. 3 had brought a cent up, bin w of hotter quality than yes terday offerings. OMAHA GRAIN MOVEMENT. Receipts lesrs) Toilay. Wk Auo. L.Tr Wheat Corn Oats Rye Barley 53 101 11 74 M 46 85 n 81 1 1 1 3 7 6S M $ 84 fit 141 39 19 ' 63 1 2 1 I OTHICU MARKETS. Wh-ai. Com. Oat . .. S63 70 273 Coin Oat Rye Harley RECEIPTS Chicago Minneapolis ... Puluth Kansas City... St. Louis, k..,. 2 1 ; f. 157 31 31 Winnipeg 17 UNITED STATKS CLEARANCES. Tot!y. Year Ago. Wheat 697,000 3IS.000 Corn 10.000 Oats 99.000 Cats Standard, 6 cars. 7:",c; No. 3 white, 14 cars, 7!c; sample white. 2 cars. 7m,c. Harley No, 3, 3 cars, $1.13. Wheat No. 3 hiinl, 1 enr, $2.14 (yellow); 1 car, $2.11 (smooth); No. 3 hard, 1 car, $2.13; 1 car, $2 11 (yellow); 1 car, $'J.0i (smutty); 1 car. $2 03 (smutty); No. 4 hnril, :( cars, $2.10; 1 car, 12.09; No. 1 spring, 2 cars, $2.18 tj (northern) ; No. 2 sprlnc, 1 car, 3.' 15 4 (northern); No. 2 miTed, 1 car, $2.12 (smutty). Corn No. 3 white. 1 car. f I S8; No 6 white. 1 car. fl,s,1; 1 car, $1 S2; No 6 white, 1 car, $1.70; sample white, 1 car, $1.66; No. 2 yellow, 1 car, II .83; No. 3 yellow, 8 cars, $1 .78; No. 6 yellow, 1 car, $1.73; No. 6 yel low. 1 car, 11.70; 2 cars, 31 67; 2 cars. $1.66; 1 car, II 61; sample yellow, 1 car, $1.01; 2 cars, $160; 2 cars, $1.68; 1 car. 11.30; No. 3 mixed 1 car. $1.76; No. 4 mixed, 1 car, $1.72; No. 6 mixed, 2 cars, $166; 1 car, $1.63; 3 cars, $1 .60; sample mixed, 1 car, $1.60; 1 fir, $1.63. Closing Chicago prices, uirnished The Bee by Logan Bryan, stock and grain broker. SIS South Sixteenth street, Omaha: Article ! Open. High. Low. Close. Yes'y Corn. I Aug. 1 64 1 (44 1(34 1 688411634 Sep. 1 64k 1 64 4 1(8 1 6SHI1644 Oct. 1 65 1 6S 164 1 (5 1664 Oat. ! Aug. 78 73 72. 72 1, 73 Sept. 734, 73 724 734 Oct. ' 74 76 T44 144 744 Pork. Sept 44 80 44 36 44 20 44 20 44 10 Oct. 44 46 44 70 44 45 44 60 44 60 l.srd. Sept. 24 70 2( 77 2( 70 2( 73 I2( 73 Oct (( 8$ j( (2 28 82 28 86 2( S3 Ribs. I Sept. 24 $1 24 $7 24 87 24 87 134 90 Oct. 26 15 25 20 25 12 25 10 26 10 CHICAGO GRAIN AND PROVISIONS. Profit Taking Sales Check Advance In Corn; Bolls Dominate Oats Market In Main. Chicago, Aug. 31. The corn market early In today' session showed a disposition to recover yesterday' decline, particularly under the Influence of th Kansas re port that this year's crop would b about half of the government' August sstlmat. Profit-taking observable on th advance prevailed In the end and closing price were a quarter to 4 cent under yesterday's with October at $1.66. There war Indication of an Immediate increase of th movement of old corn to market. In th oats pit persistant buying by Im portant house with western and south western connections advanced prlcea, but part of the gain was lost In sympathy with the reaction In corn. Sentiment among students of th crop was mixed, but the bullish ting seemed to predominate. Clos ing prices were 4 to 4 cent higher, Oc tober st 7440. In provision the decline In live hogs wss offset by a better caah demand. Closing prices were unchanged to lOo higher for pork; unchanged to 24c higher for lard and unchanged to 2 40 lower for ribs. Chicago cash quotations; Corn No. 1 yellow, $1.8101.86; No. 8 yellow. $1.7701.(0; No, 4 yellow, $1.7001.71. Oats No. ( while, 72 4 0784c; standard 72 8407340. Rye No. 3, $1. 7(01.7$. Barley $1.07 01.13. eeeas Timotny, .ooo.76: elover. nom ine 1. Provisions Pork, nominal: lard. (36 63U: riDS, I24.UO02O.OO. Chicago, Aug. 8$. Butter Unchanged. Eggs Firm; 88 0 3 9 4c; ordinary firsts. 0374o; at mark, eases Included. 8(0 3740. Cheese Unchanged. Potatoes Receipt. 30 cars: market higher; Minnesota Ohlos, bulk, $2 4603.66; do, In sack, $2.6502.70; Wisconsin Ohlos. hulk, $2.4002.46; do. In sacks. 32.60(92.(6: Wisconsin whit, bulk. $3 6002 60: do. In sacks. $2.7002.76. roultry Unchanged. MlnneapoU Grain Market. Minneapolis, Aug. $2. Barley 9Oe0$l.O4, Rye $1.7301.74. Ursn $29.81, Corn $1.7801.88. Oats 9 070 4. flax $4 490 4.61. St. lAui Grain. Sit Trills Ami. 41 jnrn ti. l. - - .' n - mm. ,, kt IVUILIVr. 11.68 j asked; October, $1(74 asked. uau September, 74c bid: October. 754c asked. Kansas City Grain. Kansas City, Aug. 22. Corn 8Dtembr. $1.70; October. $1.68. Omaha Hay Market. Receipts light on both prairie hav and alfalta. Demand good, market firm and biKiiiT. Straw 1 lower. Upland Prairie Hay Choice. 826.00: No 1, i3.ui'024.OO; No. 3. $20.00022.00; No. $, $12.UO(ul.O0. Midland Prairie Hav No. 1. $23,000 $17,000 $10.00 $27,000 8. $21.00 $8,000 24.00; No. 2, $20.00022.00. Lowland Prairie Hay No. 1 19.00; No. 2, $13,00416.00; No. 3, 12.00. Alfalfa Choice. $29.00: No. 1. 28.00; standard (24.DOV28.00; No. (tfZJ.uo; No. 3, $14.00(0 18.00. Straw Oat. $a.60iii.00: wheat $8.60. 1 Turpentine and Rosin, Savannah, lia., Aug. .i Turnentine Firm, 6Sc. Hala, 62 bbls. : receiots. v: 7 1 bbla.; shipments, 6 bbls.; stock 87,176 bbls. Kosln Firm. Sales. 606 casks rer.mi. l,4os casks; shipments. 19o casks, mock! 67,331 casks, yuote: it, $10.76; L, $10 76jj 10.86; , $IO.76410.96: F. 810.90011 of,- O. tl3.OU4dll.10: H. $11.104111.20: 1. III iff.- K, $12.00; M, $12.1012.25; N, 113.60- WO. 312.76; WW, $13.00. Dry Goods Market. New York, Aug. 22. Dry goods In fini hands rumaiiied iiuiet today. Cotion k iods mills are reluctant to sell and even sucond hands are less In evidence. Men's W f 11 I and dress goods aro awaiting develop ments In their raw material .narket. Kvapomted Apples and Dried Jnir. New ork, Aug. mi. evaporated Apples Dull; state, 1840164c. PruneT-Unseitied; Callfornias, 8164o; Oregons, U4 01o. Apricots turn; choice, 16c; extra choice, 16 c; fancy, I'J'hc. Peaches Firm; standard. 120124c; choice, 13 4c; fancy, 144? 14 4c Raisins Steady; louse muscatel. 94c; choice to fancy aeede.d, IOi01lo; tei-dieus, a ' 11 Wc, London layers, ti.ov. New Vork Col Ion. Now York, Aug Hi. Cotton closed steady at a net gain of 14 to 21 points. Cotton tuiures closed steady. October, 32o; December, 31.4ic; January, 21. 82c; March, ill.lsc; May, 81.16c. New York, Aug. 22. Cotton futures opened steady; October, 21.76c; December, 111. 07c; January, 81.02c; March. 81.42c; May, 30.S0C. New Vork Metal. New York, Aug. 32. Lead Unchanged. Splter Steady; East St. Louis spot, 8.87 bid. London Tin. 573 10s. New York Sugar. Aug. 22. Sugar Raw, New York change' NEW YORK STOCKS M Limitation on Loans Drawback to Operations for Long Ao count; Liberty 31 -2s Command Premium. New Tork, Ang. 1$. Another advance In Liberty 14 per rent bonds to the level where they commanded a premium of 2 4 per cent was th only feature of more than passing Interest on th stock exchange to day. Even this provsd of brief duration, the quotation easing visibly Ister when the Inquiry for that issue diminished. War news received scant attention and the several favorable financial report Issued by Industrial companies fell upon sterile ground. Further limitation of loans on all but high class stock exchange collateral was the chief drawback to any operations for the long account Incidentally enoouragtng the short Interest to put out fresh line. In well Informed circle there appeared to be a growing conviction that nscent credit restrictions suggested by th Federal Re serve board snd concurred In by the local clearing nouse derived their Impulse from powerful financial sources. Pressure was Intermittent, converging mainly around rails and popular Industrials. Canadian Paciflo registered an extreme set back of $4 point, and United States Steel, equipments, shippings and oils were 1 to 14 pcir.ii lower at their worst. Hides and Leather preferred was th main elerrWit of strength, scoring a new high record at 9!1 on Its advance of 3 points. Fertilizers and Union Bag comprised the few other Issues on the constructive lde. th market closing lrrgulrly Bale amounted to 180 000 shares. Total sales (par value) aggregated $3,850,000. Old United State registered 4 declined 4 per cent on sales. Canadian raeme. recently the strongest or rails, yieioen 114 point, but other prom inent transportations were dull and un changed. United States Steel reacted a point from Its early best with Baldwin Lo oomt.tlve and Marine preferred, Mexican Petroleum declining 14. Hide and Lesther preferred was the one strong specialty, achieving the new record of 91 on Its rise of JH points. Liberty 3M cancelled half their gain on reduced i)nllngs. Number of sales and rsnr. f n,l,.a a the leading stocks: ""losing Sale. High. Low. Hid. A m. Am. Am. A m. Can Car A Fdry Locomotive . . Smelt ft R,,f, 810 46 4 46 4 4t!4 mm SS'i 35', 800 864 664 1.200 764 77, 1.400 109 4 1 ns .1.100 9i! 98 700 (64 66 8H0 88 88 810 26'S 251 4't 64 74 Am. Pucar Ref Am. Tel. A Tel Anaconda Copper. . Atchison Butte A Sup. Cop. Canadian Pacific. Central Leather... Chesapeake A Ohio C. M. A St, P C. R. I. A p, ctf,, Chlno Copper Colo. Fuel A Iron Com Prod. Ref Crucible Steel "nha Cane SiiRar. . Diet Securities... Rrl Oeneral Electrlo .. Oeneral Motors .. 19 864 66 86 25i 1.000 160, 1(84 169 400 694 6$4 694 Kim 1,400 3,900 200 800 S.300 1,000 200 700 600 67 4 48 26 36 464 434 68 29 6144 64 67 47 35 39 4( 42 (7 29 68 4 IS (7 47 26 39 46 4:4 67 29 68 16 800 148 146 146 800 1634 1824 1624 1.600 61 4 61 tiu Inspiration Copper int. M. Mar, pfd 13.500 1004 100 100 600 294 294 29 mi. Nickel K. C. Southern.... Kennecott Copper. Maxwell Motor ,. Mex. Petroleum .. Miami Copper .... Missouri Pacina .. N. Y. Central .... N. T , N. H. A If.,.. Northern Paciflo.. Pacific Mall Pennsylvania S" 11i 400 334 600 2(4 8.700 100 13 834 26 99 4 37 284 73 424 89 93 43 23 81 l 604 88 (1 13 334 18 99 27 23 72 434 39 13 48 13 89 14 (04 87 1$ 300 37 83 73 4J4 1.200 700 16,800 400 200 (00 90 33 43 24 69 93 Ray Con. Copper ,, 1,300 Reading i,oo Ren. Iron A Steel. . 800 Shattuck AH. Cop. Southern Paciflo .. Southern Railway. Studebakar Corp... Texas Co Union Paciflo 200 700 $.200 $00 60 87 38 4 48 48 3!f 1,800 160 149 160 1.000 135 134 $4 90S MTU II7U mu U. S. Ind. Alcohol. United State Steel 89 400 11111 iitu U. 9 Steel, pfd 400 110 IIO4 1104 '-"pp" 300 (04 804 (04 Western Union ., 800 62 ((4 131I Westlnghouse Elee. $00 48 434 43U, uemienem B ... 1.(00 (8 (( 83 !- iur mm aay, isu.uuo in are. New Tork Money, New Tork, Aug. 2$. Mercantll Paper- Sterling 60-day Mil, $4.73 1 other on changed. Demand, $4.74 7-16; cable. (4.7655. Francs Demand, $6.63; cables, 16.63. Guilders Demand, (lo; cables, (14., Lire Demand, unchanged. Mexican Dollars Unchsnged. Tim Loans Strong. (0-daya 80-day, ( month, ( per cent. Call Money Strong. High, low, ruling rate end last loan, per cent Closing bid, 6 par cent; offered at ( per cent U. S. 2s. reg.... 96 44111. On r.r 1. 11 h. do coupon ... 96 Int. M. M. .... 9a S. 8. reg 99 UK C. Mo r.t 1. i-.l U. do coupon ... I64L. A N. un. 4s... 144 S. Lib. 3WS.108.30M K A T 1., j. ...7 U, U. 8. 4s, reg....l06 4Mc, Pan. gen. 4. (74 do coupon ...10(4Mont Power 6s.. 88 roc. oeo. e S74N. T. C. deb. (. 9J Am. T. A T. 0. ( 87No Po. 4 (1U Anglo-French 6s. (4 do 8 ($ Arm. A Co. 44 68 0. fl L. ref 4 81 mcnison gen. 4 si Pao. T. A T ( B. A O. cv. 44 7(Penn. con. 44.. Beth. Steel r. 6 89 do. gen. 44.. Cen. Leather (s. 3Readlng gn. 4. Cen. Pao. let... 7(4S.L, A S. F. a. (a O. A O. ev. 6... 88So. Pao. nr. (.. C. .. B. A Q. J. 4s 348o. Railway s.. 86 4 86 83 (84 ill :..M. at B P.c.44s 76'Tex. A Pse. lt. 8. " . R. I. A P.r. 4s 684Unlon Paciflo 4 8(4 C. A S. ref. 4 4s 72t4tT. R. Rubher X. . D. A R. O. ref. 6 (8 V. S. Steel 6... Mu 'D. of C. 6 (1931) 14W-abaah 1st .... o3 Kris gen. 4s..,. (3French Qvt (4 (9 Gen. Electric 6s ( Bld Ot. No. 1st 44 87 New Tork Genera Market. New York. Aug. 22. Flour Barely steady; spring. $11 16011 40; winter. $10 40010.70; Kansas, $11.10011.35 Wheat Stesdy; No. 2 red. (3.844 track New Tork export to arrive. Corn Firm; fresh shellsd No. $ yellow $2.08; do No. 8 yellow, $1.(8, both cost and freight New Tork. Oats Unsettled; standard, 810814a. Hay Firm; No. 1. (1.(601.70; No. 1, $1.6601.60; No. 3. $1.4001.45. Hops Quiet; state, medium to choice, 1917, 33041c; 1916. nominal; Paciflo coaat, 1117. 19022c; 19K, 13015c. Pork Unsettled; mess, $(9.00049.60; fsmlly, $66.00; short clear, $46.00062.00. Lard Barely steady; middle went, $16. SS 026.96. Tallow iulet; city speclsl, loose, 18 40. Rice Steady; fancy head; lO01O4erblue rose, $c. Butter Firm; creamery higher than ex tra, 47 0 474c; extras (92 score), 46 4c; firsts, 44 046c. Eggs Irregulsr; fresh gathered extras, 60c; fresh gathered regular packed extra firsts, 47049c. Cheese Market, firm snd unchanged. Poultry Live, market firm; chickens, broilers, 85c; fowls, S5c; others, unchanged. Dressed, market weak: chickens. 86 0 44c; fowls, 29035c; old roosters, 24 0 264c New Tork Coffee. New Tork, Aug. 22. There wss Utile more scattering demsnd In the market for coffee futures during todsy's earlier trad ing which may have been promoted by bull ish Brazilian crop advices. Reaction fol lowed on early advance under further nesr month liquidation, but the market steadied up again In the Ister trading with Septem ber working up from 8. 3448.38c and De-c-mber from 8.6806.7A. The general list opened, Unchanged to 2 points higher, sold about 1 to 5 points het higher on the active months and closed at a net advance or 1 to 8 points. Closing bids: September,' 8.3c; October, 8.49c; December, 8.70c; Jan uary, 8.78c; March, 8.94c; May, 8.08c; July. 9.26c. Spot coffee, quiet; Rio 7a, (He; Santo 4s, 114c Discuss Rail Prices. Washington, Aug. 22. The steel Committee of the American Iron and Steel institute, headed by Elbert H. Gay, of the United States Steel cor fbration, met Steel Administrator Replogle. of the war industries board today, to discuss rail prices and means to increase steel production. Mooney Will Appeal. San Francisco, Aug. 22. Thomas J. Mooney is to appeal at once to the United States supreme court for a reversal of his conviction for murder in connection with a bomb explosion here, officials of the International Workers' Defense league announced here today. MILLIONS LOST IN DEVELOPING AIRCRAFT PLANS Senate Committee Urges One Man Control Through Cre ation of New Depart ment of Aviation. By Associated Press. Washington, Aug. 22. Strlciirei upon failures, disappointments and de lays in the American aircraft program are coupled with praise for what now, hat been accomplished and a ttate ment that quantity production toon may be expected in a long report sub mitted today by the senate military; sub-committee on its aircraft investi gation. While commenting favorably upon reorganization already effected, the committee strongly urges one man control through the creation of a new department of aviation headed by a cabinet member. Waste of millions of dollar, fanltw executive organization improper loca tion, 01 trading nelds, employment of inexperienced inspector! and favorit ism to contractors are among the fault charged to the old organita tion by the committee. Report Unanimous. The report is impersonal, explain ing that questions of individual dis honesty or official corruption were left for investigation to the Depart ment of Justice inquiry directed by Charles E. Hughes. It was aubmit ted with the unanimous endorsement of the senators who have conducted the inquiry during the last few months, Senator Thomas of Colorado, chairman, and Senatort Reed of Mis souri, Smith of Georgia, New of In diana, and Fcelinghuysen of New Jersey. After approval by the full military committee it was read to the senate. In a ttatement later commenting on the report Secretary Baker taid the country should be gratified to know that quantity production of air planes now is assured.' Senator Thomas put a letter in to the record from Howard E. Coffin, former riir. man of the aircraft production board, disclaiming responsibility for himself and other civilian members for ac tions of army and navy officers. Responsibility Fixed. For the situation that has resulted in absence of a single American-made fighting airplane or heavy bombing plane at the front, and the presence' there of only 67 De Haviland recon naissance machines by July 1, the committee assigns three prime causes dominance nf minmokiu manufacturers with no aeronautical experience in aircraft production, their adoption of the "impossible task" of applying the Liberty motor in all classes of machine! and failure to adopt auccessful foreign planet and motors. . . In the train of disappointments en suing the committee says the ordinal $640,000000 aviation aooroDriatiori i ii u ., : -... . nau ucen practically wasted and the onsioi ngnter and other types had been abandoned after long and costly experiments and loss of life. The De Haviland machine is faulty, It adds, and now in process of change. The Liberty 12-cvlinrli.r eomrnitttee declares, is "excellent," approved by and ordered by the al liet and, although not yet perfected or developed it in quantity produc tion . School Text Books Must Be Cut to Half Size Says Board Washington, Aug. 22. Production of tchool and college text bookt must be reduced to 50 per cent or lest of normal for the oeriod of th war r conserve paper, according to aa order Muca touay dv trie war industries board. Use of certain papers such as the coated cept in cases of printing necessity. Honors for Foreign Legion. ' Paris. Auc 22. A n fA..... or aisruilette. ha tin a.:..a t .t.1 ' ww. yiiBVU 1UI lllfj foreign legion in recognition of its having won 11 r-itatmn. ; -;-( d - wn, in vuiviai vi rs. Important Notice to the Public In justice to our Company and ourselves we desire to in form the public that E. A. Conaway did earnestly seek and agree to become a direc tor, and secretary of this company, and that all adver tising and stationery was first submitted to him for his approval before being used, and with his knowledge and consent, and by his legal ad vice. He was asked to resign, therefore is no longer connected with this company in any capacity. The Omaha Oil and Refining Co. By DAVID H EATON, Director. J. E. MARR. Director. JOHN A. OLSON, Director. C. FRANKLIN POLLOCK, Director PRESERVING EGGS Learn latest and best way EGCOLA TUM. Keep tgga perfectly 1 year, cott Kilt Iff Aitmr K1ji arnantiira 4a A4 ns4 Kept in ordinary box or carton. En- V dorsed by National Housewives League. Successful 3 years. Sample for 60 dot, Kgs 60c postpaid Book free. Geo. H. Lee Co, 1115 Harney, Omaha. SKINfNER, PACKING' N3 aSiSlAI 1 1 TBf f Rl al jWaWM BUI IKK EGOS T AO S MAVtt 1116-1118 Doudlas Srf Tel-Douglas 1521 r. S33a 4 ! .1 I V 1 r rf" -H- r fit