Tf..-, -A ft THET BEE: OMAHA. THURSDAY. AUGUST 221918. Want Ad Rates (Cub With Ordr.) IS per word. ........ .....en Insertion . le per word (or thrss consecutive Insertion I pr word for eacb additional Insertion , Mo ad taksa tor lee than a total of "e or lea ttaia ISO par day. , CHARGE. to ft Una (count ( word to Una) ena ttm lo par Una aacb time, I consecutive ttmea to per U-ia aacb time, 10 consecutive times SITCATIONS WANTED tta par Una P weak CARDS OF THANKS AND FUNERAL NOTICES. IDs per line eacb Insertion (Minimum Charge, to Cents.) Contract Bates Ob Application. , For convenience of adverttaera want ada will be accepted at the following offices: in iv fiwirm Be. Bulldln Ames Office 41 North Zttb 8L Lake Office 151 North 24tb BL VlntoQ Office 241T South 16tb St. n.-i. nilin. 9X1 f ...v.nwnrlh flt. " Walnut Office lit Nortb 40th St. South Side n an .......... d 11 ll.ln Ht . North THE BEE will not be responsible for mora than one Incorrect Insertion of aa edvortiaa- neiil ordered for mora tban one time. n Turn f r.t.ff.PPnviB if van cannot eon violently brine or send your ada to any of ths above office Ask for a Want Ad Taktr and you will receive tba aaroe food service aa wben delivering your ad In f HONK TTLEK 1,000. , Want Ad Columns Cloaa Kvsnlnc Editions 1$:0 M, l.,ln. Rltlnna 10 DO P 11 Pundsr Editions 10 P. M. Saturday Eve. In DEATH & FUNERAL NOTICES CANNON Mrs. Robert 11.. aged 67 years. Funeral Thursday morning. August 23. at 1:3 o'clock, lrom thsiHeafey & Heafey chapel. 28th and Farnam ts., to Holy ..Angela' church at a. m. Burial in tsi Mjry'a cemetery. There are left to mouru 1,1' Ions, a husband, a sinter, Mrs. Mar jev..ard. of Omaha: a brother, I'etor Leon . t. of Pollack. 8. D. St. Paul. Minn.; LtUsville, Ky and Washington, D. C, unpen please copy Bt'lif R William, sgs 13 years, August 20, till st 3 a. in. Finer! service from Haynes' chapel. 4th and Ames Ave., Wednesday evening t 7:39. Interment, Dunlap, la. Mr. Nurse is survived by four brothers and two uls ters; Charles and Mrs. C. J. Mtlltgsn, of Sioux City, la. A. J. of Omaha, Walter and Mrs. H. McDal of Dunlap, la., ana ICrnest of Decatur, Nab. ADAMS William M., August 30. 118. age 60 years, at bl residence, 2623 8. 12d ' Ave. . ' . Funeral from Dodder chapel Thursday V at I p. m. Interment, West Lawn came tery. Friends Invited. ' CARD OF THANKS. WH wish to thank, our friends, for the sym pathy and beautiful flowera at the death of aur only cniia, Harriet uiosaom, u. M. Barrows. Mrs. Frank Hathaway, Mrs. W. B. Hathaway, Mr. and Mrs. T. Bar rowfi and children, H. W. Ware, J. H. Ware, Mrs. Ivor Malone, Mr. and Mrs. C. W. O'KourK. a MR." AND MRS. M. W. BARROWS. YtB wish to thank our frlenda and neigh bours, and especially the Knlghla and ' Ladle of Security, for the eympathy and Jural " offerings at the death of Our -anther, Mrs. 3. V. Deer. J. T. BEER AND tNiuuntn. VI- ' FUNERAL DIRECTORS. '4 HULSE & K1 Cirri M I'loneer Funeral DlrCtor m n. lath St. Phone Doug. 111$, SfACK & FALCONER independtnt Undertaker, lid Far. H. I(l UNDERTAKERS and licensed embslmera; also private ambulance. Call Webstar 47. Willis C. Crosby, Itil N. mn at. b7"L. DODDER CO.. Funeral Director. f. U Faro. Mgr., lid and Cuming 8ta Phone Doug-la 77, Auto ambulance. unrruiNH B-irNKRAI. HOME. Hoffmann quality aervlca. coata lea. 14th and Dodge. Douglaa II U. !OHN A OENTLEM AN. undertaker and mhslmr. Mil Fsrnam l Hamee $ FLORISTS. Fontstielle Florists.. LEE L.LARM0N 1114 Douetss St. Douglss 1244. CTONAGHUE Est. m. 1623 HARNEY, , , Flowera shipped everywhere. Eat, prepaid, jh A TfT Careful Florist"l4U4 Ka'rnam Bt. ' I, H-nderson .1511 Kanism t 114s MONUMENT ft. CEMETERIES. WEST LAWN offers sympathetlo service In - sudden sorrow; perpetual care; no assess nients: lots an easy terms Phone Wsl. H10. THE largtiat display of monuments In the United Htates FRkNK SVODODA, lilt. t n llth Phone Douslas tS7l-st1 ' ' MARRIAGE LICENSE ""Marriaue licenses wers Issued to the fol lowing named personal Name and Address. - Age. Carl A. Banger,!, Fostorla, Kan... 12 Ethel Jenks, Verdigris, Neb.. 22 l.t. 'A t l.hl.. Tlvl .1 . . JA Msni'.a Jay, Des Moines, la.,.,.. 40 Jay McReynolds, Omaah. .............. 35 Katherlne Rots, Omaha................. S3 Walter W. Plummcr, Omaha..,.,,..,,.. 11 Mabel 1. Henderson, Omaha. ........... II John H. Ballard, Omaha........ II Saruh Porter, Omaha. ............ .n .. . 27 John A. MacOregor, Omaha., over 11 Cntre C. Plnklcy, Omaha ........ . .over II BUILDING PERMITS J. Bluiao, 5014 South Eighteenth street, addition to dwelling, 11,350; Stanley Mlshak, v'673 It street, remodeling dwelling, 11,100; , Kd Porter. 1101 Miami tsreet, remodeling f mn dwelling. 1500. BIRTHS" AND DEATHS Deaths Cecelia Ruser, tig, 4021 North Fifteenth street; Caryl 8trauV, 26, 405 Lin , coin boulevard; Anion Petersen, 14, hot- Births Pedro and Doty Gonnok, 1205 .South Twenty-fifth street, girl: Frank and Nancy Snyder. 3340 Harney street, girl; Lei ter and Ella Plott, 4713 North Thirty sixth avenue, girl: Joseph and Anna llelda. 3470 South Fourteenth street, girl; John and Anna Jonoltla, 2111 V street, boy 'Edward snd Anna Smith,' 490 Evana street, girl; Charles and Beda Ivatsman, 1711 South Tenth street, girl; Soflo and Rosa Musco, 1311 South Fifth street, girl; Salvatore and Carmela d'Agosta, ISIS Pierce street, girl; A. and Josephine Povlas, 16U Washington street, girl; Raymond and Veata Gearhart, 2631 Bancroft street, girl; Joseph and Smma Kulhetuk, 1601 Martha street, boy; Walter and Caroline Larsen, 4717 Military! avenue, boy; Wallace and Bern Ice Towne, 121 North Sixteenth street, boy; Howard and l.utlla Lessard, 6513 Bedford avenue, girl; C. and Mary Olson, 2420 Harney street, boy; Alex and Mary Hansen, 1614 Seward street,' girl; James and Josehlne Frye, 1521 Grand avenue, girl; J. and Mae Nichols. 1104 bahler street, boy; Mllo and .Alice Blase, til Ohio, street, girl; Francis and Luclle Maning. Oberton, Neb., gtrlt Austin and Uenevleve, Stols. Council Bluffs, boy; Julius and Sadie Spigle, Lincoln. Neb, boy; Mathsw an,d Marls Craig, 2111 Franklin street, boy; Elmer and lngomar Hansen, l3MOisden vl'nu';lB0y- ",,M" ' SPECIAL NOTICES ; DENTISTRY. The tnflnnary of Crelghton university college of dentistry will reopen on Sen- tember 3. All kinds of dental work done under careful supervision of the prates sors. ' Estractlons free. ' Chlldren'a teeth straightened. 110 South llth St. ATTRACTIONS. A'f .liberty, lady's orchestra, violin, cornet, .piano; experienced mualciana. Bos 1101. a Bee POLITICAL. GEO. a COLLINS Demorratle Candidate for Justice of HUa Peacs. I Tears jostles of tba Peace.. "; LOST FOUND REWARDS, MARE Strayed front near Benson. Call Tyler 2471-J. LOST Cameo pin with pearls. Bos 1171, Omaha, Bee, Seward. LOST FOUND REWARDS. Omaha a- council, bluffs street l.AILW AT COMPANT. Persons having lost soma articles would do well to call up the office of tbe Omaha A Council Bluffs Street Railway company to sscertain whether they left It In tba street car. Many article eacb day are turned In and the company Is anxious to restore them to the rightful owners. LOST Liberty bond of ISO at L'nlon Pacific building. Return to Edwin Stanley, S614 f'ounfy road. Reward. LOST Sunday, time book for 1915 contain. Ing 2 liberty bonds of $5") each; register rare, classification card and 1 receipt. John Masalarow, 290 It St. Phone South 1777. LOST Memorandum book, between llth and 25th on Leavenworth: reward: re turn to Coakley'a Overall Laundry, 1711 ... e .Ullll,,H. FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS. Furniture and Household Goods. FINAL WEEK OF ACOL'ST SALE OF FURNITURE. Thla will be the greatest week for bar. galna In the furniture and house furnish ings In the hlntory of Omaha. Every needful household article will be material lv cut in nrlce. Call this week today would be tbe best time to secure the betT ter choice. We make a specialty of com Diets homo outfits, also hotels and room nig houses. Railroad fares refunded to out-of-town buyers within 50 miles of Omaha on purchases of -Z0 or more. STATK FURNITURE CO., 14th and Dodge Sts. Opp. U. P. Bldg FURNITURE A HARDWARE UARUA1NS. Beds., springs, mattresses, dressers, chif foniers, tablea. chairs, chins and kitchen cablneta. rugs and linoleum, trunks and ault cases, gas alovea and Ice boiea. fuU line acreen wire, poultry netting, garden tools. 1831.47 Nortb 2ltb St. Tel. Web. HOT Open till p m ACTUAL TROTH FOR BARGAINS Full ' line of furniture, gas and coal oil stoves. rugs, bsby carriages, trunks, eta. Loyal Furn Co.. Ill N llt'j H)R SALE CHEAP Must sell by Hat- untay. Leather couch and rocker, kitchen cabinet, table, chairs, lawn mower, shovels, etc, yo Hawthorne Ave.. Walnut 1441. MAHOGANY setee and chair to match, green velour upholstered, Walnut 824. 3S2 Cass St., Avt. COMPLETE household furnishing for sale, all first-class. 31111 Lincoln lilvd. Har ney 241. HOUSEHOLD furnlturs with piano for sale, at 21120 C St. Phone South 1657. FUTtNITURIC (or sale In Dundee home. Call Walnut 1911. Pianos & Musical Instruments. WE nave severs I Vlctrolaa that we took In oa trades for sale; In good condition. Rouse Phonograph Parlors, Cor. lOtb and Farnam Sis. A. HOSPE CO., 151 Douglas, bsve plsnos to rent at 13.60 pei nontb. nr will sell on easv terms 185 MAHOGANT Vlotrola with 325 wortb of records. Good ss new. WMlnut 1322. Balry Products FRESH country buttermilk: butter; best of cream; strictly fresh eggs; delivered to -any part of Omaha. Phone South 2 1 or Tyler 621. . Wsner's. Lumbei and Building Materials. LUMBER. URICK and Other nullding'MateriRl For Rule. CHAMBER O'NEILL CO.. 2102 Leavenworth Bt. Store and Cfefke Fixtures. WE buy. sell snd make disks, safes, show cases, shelving, etc. Omaha Flxiure ft Hup. ply Co.. llth snd Douglaa l. 2724. FOR SALE Hardware stock snd fliturea. eastern Nebraska. Address Do 464. Oma- 4t Bee Sewing Machines. SEWING MACHINES Wa rent, repair, aell needles and parte of all gewlng machines. MICK ELS, NEBRASKA CYCLE CO.. 15th and Harnev 8ta. Doug. 1661. Typewriter and Suoplies. OUR EXCHANGED MACHINES DEPART MENT. Is ths largest of Its kind In the west. You can always find just whst you wsnt hers. Wa buy, sell, rent, repair and ex change typewriters of every kind. Es tablished nearly 20 years. CENTRAL TYPEWRITER EXCHANGE. Ino 1005 Farnam. TYPEWRITERS, all makes, sold, rented and , repaired, - THE N. W. LONG COMPANT, 19H Farnam. Tel. P. 3H9. UNB! (-column Burroughs Adding machine tor aale at a bantu In. 1005 FARNAM ST. TYPEWRITERS sold, rented and rmulred. Rent an Oliver 3 months for 15. Central Typewriter Exchange, 1905 Farnam. ADDING MACHINES, all nmkea bought. rented and sold. CENTRAL TYPEWRITER BXCHANGE. 10S FARNAM 8T. WE BUY, sell or exchange typewriters: guar, typewrltera 110 and up, Wrlta for list. Midland Typewriter Co., 1404 Dodge. Miscellaneous OMAHA PILLOW CO. Feat bare steamed, rsnovated and made up In new feather. proof ticking 1107 Cuming. Doug. 1467. 1 AMERICAN tool wka. shaper, l(l-lr.; 1 76-lb. power hummer, fine shape, fell A Blnkley. 2311 Harney at HOME-GROWN late grapes for salo. Flor ence 414, WANTED TO BUY JENKINS hss just returned and will give you the aame good aervlca that ha gave In the past. Help win tbe war. Ssll your old clothes, shoes, rugs, tools, trunks and buy W 8. 8. Will call. Rea. D. 1031, office D. 1144. DESKS DESKS DESKS - New desks; used desks bought, sold and traded J. C Reedllol Farnam D. 6141 WANTED TO BUY A quantity .of pure strained honey. Quote quality and price. Box 4734. Omaha Bee. , DIAMONDS ffitt.0' ANNOUNCEMENTS. KEEP Dancing Academy, 24:4 FHrnam; class and dance every Monday and Thurs day; learn to dance for 15, where danc Jng Is a pleaeure. Phone Douglas 7850. HOM E GUARDS PICNIC Beresford7 S.ifX Labor day, For concessit ns apply to Drawer k. ueresford, . 1. Accordeon Pleating. ACCURUKON. sids. knife, sunburst, bog pleating, covered butlona. all sixes and styles; hemstitching, pivot edging, eye let eut work, button boles, pennanta. IDEAL BUTTON AND PLEATING CO.. auu-am crown mag, rnone Do,ig, 1136. HEMSTITCHING. PLEATING. BUTTONS. f. U. VatiArnam Pleating Co.. 336-7 Paxtnn Block. Phone Doug. 1 101. Baggage and Express. THE ONLY WAY -gS in h, OMAHA TRANSFER CO. REPUBLIC AUTO EXPRESS COMPANY will haul everything tor you Packages less thsn l lbs.. 16 centa Douglss 7461. Awnings. AWNINGS AND PORCH FURNITURE. " Auto touring tents "and camping supplies. eJUTT-MAMA TENT AWNING CO J!??'IL,LJron Foundries. , nr a v4wi lyibUb V - . 27th and Martha Sta.. Omaha. Neb. Brass, bronxe, aluminum and machine sFy iron cssnngs. Billiard Tables. PRIVATE tables tor parlies- st Holmes'. Chirop xactors. Dr. J. C. Lawrence. Balrd Bldg. D. H461. SI-lNUGRAl'H. Dr, Edwards. th. t'srn Coitumes. FULL dross suits for rent lot N. llth St.. opposite Postofflre. John Ftldman Doug, laa till. , .. Detectives, . JAMES ALLAN. Ill Neville Blk. Evidence secured In all eases. Tyler 1111 grigting snd Otnce Supplies. Waters-Bsrnhart Ptg. Co.. 414-t6"8. lsth st. Dentists. Dr. Bradbury. No pain. 121 W. O. W. Bldg Taft'a Dental Rme.. IPs Rose Bldg. D lilt" Film Developing. FILM "developed; rolls. 10c; packs, ilol one-day service, Kase Studto. Neville Blk.. 14th and Harney Dressmaking. MISS STURDY, dressmaking Doug: 4316 Fixtures snd Wiring. rvTIDfTM Electric wsshlnc ' maeaine. AyUAVXiis electrla Irana a nd reading lanpa. I3:i Cuming au Douglaa till. ANNOUNCEMENTS. Jewelry. HI A M OMFiQ w p 0,l fric ijiiiiiiumyu privllese to buy sees at small profit OROS3. 4H2 N '6tb St Osteopaths. DR. MABLE WESSON. 614 Rrsndets' Bldg T 2I Rea.. 471 Patent Attorneys. PATENTS procured, bought snd sold. Inter national Pstent Co.. 53 Rrsndeis. P. 461 STL'ROES A 8TUHGES. U 8. sue foreign patents snd trsdemsrks 130 B'e Bldg Tailors. Dledrl-k. P L 216 8 20th Tailor D 2432 Towel Supplies Omsha Towel Supply 2"7 H iith D 623 Medical. PILES, fistula and other rectal dis eases cured without suriical oper ation. Cure guaranteed. Write for book von rectal diseases with testi monial. ZR. E. R. TARRY. 240 Dee Bldg.. Omah-. Safes. BARGAINS. 1212 Farnam. CJ A Fr?Q J 1 Dsrlght Safs Co UJ Wedding Stationwy WEDDING announcements snd printing. Dniitrlas Printing Co. Tel. Douglss 644. MEDICAL. RUPTURE successfully treated ithOUt a aurglcsl operation. Call or write. Dr Frank H Wrsv. 316 Bee Bldg BUSINESS CHANCES. AN unusual opportunity being a flourishing buslnesa showing better than iio.uuu a year profit In one of the best towns In South Dakota. Unl'es you have 150,000 do not waste your time nor our by writ ing. Bank references. Bent of reasons for tselllng. Rigid Investigation solicited. RelllngHnd organizing ability essential. No brokers. Box 654. Omaha Bee. FOlt SALE First class stock of groceries. New, up-to-date fixtures. Location the best in one of the most progressive towns of 4,600 In the stnte. Doing at present over 1100 dully average sales. Must sell on account of poor health. Will sell at right price If taken soon. Investigate. Address Lock Box 322, Holdrege, Neb. WANT PARTNER IN LAND BUY. Tract of 5,000 acres, largely under cul tivation; several sets of buildings; good part of state with railway facilities. Can be had at great bargain. Want partner to Join and share In profits. Address Box 1S67, Omsha Bee. EIGHT PER CENT first mortgage farm land Improvement bonds. Send for free photo map and Illustrated booklet of Arizona Irrigated farm lands, where big crops sn,1 big returns sre made Charles A. l.lnd.ney company, Phoenix, Arlx. BEHI.ING CLOTHING STORK at York, tor Immediate sale. Established 40 years. r clean stock. Invoice 118,000. Fixtures 11,600. Long term lease. Best location In city. Owner called to service. SOFT DRINK parlor for sale; good loca tion; good business. Am selling on account of poor health. Located at 1202 Douglas. Telephone Douglas 7722. POIl SALE A good psying ip-to-date drug store In an up-to-date building. Owner wishes to retire. Address Box Y-663. OTSha lies. f FOR SALE FOR CASH Saloon In good lo cation, doing good bualnesa. Reason for quitting, death. Addreaa H., 140 Charles St.. Ht. Joseph. Mo FOR SALE Confectionery and lunch room. County aeat. population 2.500. A good proposition. Plenty of business. Write William Tlmm. Ord. A BARGAIN In a complete body and cab wood working shop, with complete equip ment, blacksmith shop In connection. Box 1.1ns, Omsha Bee. THE new town of Grslnton, Perkins county Neb,, needs a blacksmith shop and garage. Address Mayor Powers for par-. tlrulars. TWO-chalr shop, will sell fixtures and rent building, or sell everything. Writ C F. Richmond, Wllnonville, Neb. AUTOMOBILES. 1 TON Ropubllo truck, used 10 month, newly painted, fine condition. 1800. 1 Ton Republic truck, 1-year-old, new ly painted, just overhauled, 1700. 1 "4-ton Republic (Tuck, used ' I months, good condition; bargain, 1410. A 1-ton attachment for Ford, at cost. ANDREW MURPHY & SON, Omaha. Neb. RADIATORS Wrecked and leaky radiator repaired ' and rebuilt; large atock used radiator cn hana. Mashed tendera and lamps repaired like new. New atock of Ford honeycomb radiators OMAHA RADIATOR AND TIRE WORKS. 1116 Cuming St Omsha. Nab CAR FOR SALE. I expect to be called to war before long. An Overland Model 79, running condition, all electrlo equipment except storage bat tery. Engine Just .overhauled. Will dem "onstrate any time. Sell for 1190. Body and cushions In fine shape. Address Box Y-655, Omaha Bee. , v Orant Six touring , ,,1660 Scrlpps Booth roadster 580 Both cars are In tha best of condition and are ready to go. BARNUM AND SM1TU CO., 2112 Cuming St. Douglus 1044. FOR SALE OR TRADE 10 b. p. Mitchell chummy roadster, high speed and power. Will accept Ford In Al coudltloa a part payment IA bargain. B. E. Frank, Route . T5A. Benson. Neb FOR SALE A good 6-passenger Studebaker car, In good repair; good reasons for Bell ing. Address E. S. Zimmerman, car N. Y. Life Ins. Co., R. 337. mnha National Bank building. Tel. Tyler 137. Leave word If I am not there. ONE Packard chassis, $350; 1 Peerless truck with body, 1450. Both machines In good condition. NEBRASKA WHITB CO.. Fred C. Rogers. Mgr. 1407-21 Canltol. BARGAINS IN USED CARS All makes. Wltb and without startera, 25 to pick from . Phone D. 1241 or call at 1616 Davenport. v BOY LAN AUTO CO.. FOR SALE Al a bargain. Reo three quarter ton truck , used part time for eight months and In good condition. Address Box Y. 612. Omaha Bee FOR SALE 1 American Tool Works shsper. 16-ltt. stroke; 1 3 H.P. 3-phaae Gen. Electrlo 120V motor. Tell A Blnkley. till Harney atreet. D 1540. USED CARS AND TRUCKS AT BARGAIN PRICES. STANDARD MOTOR CAR CO.. 1020 Farnam st.. Omaha. Neb. OAKLAND, Sensible 8n. , MARSH OAKLAND CO. 1300 Farnam -fit WANTED Secondhand Ford engine or Ford without body. Albert Buttta, Schuy ler, Neb. ui,ueuunii,B seaan 'radically new. Will sell cheap. Am going to' California for the winter. vCar at Webster 1282. WANTED FOR SPOT CASH. 1U USED CARS: quick action; no delay. Auto Ex chang Co.. 206 Farnam at Doug. lOSt. WE ARE THE USED CAR MENi " TRAWVER Ay TO CO., . 1910 Fa run m St. Douglas 1070. BARGAINS In used cars ORR MOTOR SALES CO.. fMi and Farnam Harney 414. GOOD USED CARS. . . GUI L. SMITH. A Jtitb and Fa 11 am Sta. Dnugla 17. MAXWELL roadster. 111 model, fully equipped; extra tire, and tubes. Call Har ney 7194 after p. ni. , 4 r "BARGA"lNS"iN"fcKDCA"RSiv ,." McCaffrey Motor Co. 16th and Jackson. ForeV Agents. D. 160. MEEKS AUTO CAR! ' USED CAR BARGAINS. 1021 FARNAM ST DOUGLAS 2I. BARNUM A SMITH. 2121 Cuming. ' used cars bought, sold and exVhani. FOR SALE New 1811 model Ford. Call Tyler 247 W - . Repairing and Painting. EDWARDS. K B. 1U llth St Wsb. ater 1101. For the beat result wltb repair work consul us Automobiles Wanted. " v CAR WANTED 111! ofiilf PackarAT , Peerleea. Wtntoa. fltuta,-? Locomobile or almllar car; In good shape, at bargain, Adrtrwa Box Y 2. Omsha Bee - RENT A FORD DRIVE IT VOIIBsf:i.l. lie a mils, 15c per hour minimum rhsrg auuaar ana nonaays Stic wrnnor FORD LIVERY CO.. Douglaa 1621 ji, Huar St, 1 AUTOMOBILES. Starters and Generators Repaired. AIIW. Kl UlTRIP KbtUVll'lA I'll Anything cicatrical about your anlo lie a llth St. Douglas 1411. Tires and Supplies. GUARANTEED TIRES. ONE-HALF PRICE. 1.00 Mites Guaranteed. 30x1. 11.35; lOxltt. 1175: 32x3. 111.11. 34. 111.76; 14x4. 114. rn; 16x4Vs. 114.25 Writ us todsy for particulars . AOENTS WANTED. Expert Rsdlstor and Tire Repairing "2 IN I" VULCANIZING CO.. 1516 Davenport St.. Omsha P. 214. ""BARGAINS IN USED TIRES WHILE THEY LAST: 20x3 ...16.60 12x4 1 l.5 10x3 17.00 llxf 10.- 32x3 1.00 14x4 11.6 Other slzea up to 17x5. Tires shipped subject to examination on deposit of on dollar. , Omaha Radiator & Tire Works,' 1819 Cumin St., Tyler 917 Omaha. -NEW TIRES AT HALF PRICE8. 10x1 Republic. 11.75; Ford tubes. 12.2s. 30x3 IMPERIAL TIRES. 113.25. 3Ax3tt NON-8KID PULLMAN. 114.11. S2x3tt NON-SKID CONGRESS. 116.45. 14x4 NON-SKID H'GRAW. 121.45. KAIMANS' TIRE JOBBERS, 1721 Cuming. REAL bargains In slightly used tirea; new tlrea at vety low prices. O. and G. Tire Co., 1411 Leavenworth st. Tyler 1261-W. BUY Lee puncture-proof pneumatic tlrea and enminsie your lire irouoiea. i-owen sup ply Co 2(i6t Farnam 8 BRAND new tires and tubes at 25 to 40 per cent off liat price. Send for our price list i OMAHA CUT RATE TIRE CO.. Poig g. 2916. . 110 8. llth Bt. MOTORCYCLES AND BICYCLES, H A R L E Y-DAVlDSON MOTORCYCLES. Bsrgalna In used machines. Victor H. Rooa. the Motorcycle Man. 171b and Les. enworth PERSONAL. THE Salvation Army induatrlal Horn so licits your old clothing, furniture, maga. tinea. We collect. We distribute. Phone Doug. 4135 and our wagon will call. Call and Inapect our new borne. 1110-1111-1114 Dodge atreet. lNYONE knowing tha address of Mrs. Alice Fritche Thomas will please have her communicate with Mra. Hohiborn. 4682 Olennay Avenue. Cincinnati, O SITUATION WANTED. WANTED By ths Mid-West Land A Leas ing Co. managers for eastern Nebraska and western Iowa. Write for territory. Jay C. Crosby, Llndell hotel, Lincoln, Neb. WANTED By an experienced married man. not subject to draft, position aa telephone manager and troubleman. Address Lock Box 116, Bloomfleld, Neb. Male. HANDY reliable, Industrious man wanta light work; fair wagea. Miller, 613 North loth St. Phone Douglas 117-U. ' HEDGES trained, lawns nntwed, floors waxed, windows cleaned. Delaney, Doug las 7918. PAINT, carpet and paper cleaning, the '.im tlonal Cleaning and Service company, 2701 i.eavenworm or. Harney suix. jJan wants aituation where he fan lenrn driving and repairing of motor trucks. Call Miller, Douglaa 170. evenings. Female. EXPERIENCED young lady desires posi tion aa. bookkeeper or assistant bookkeeper. Must have good wages. Write Miss Pearl Bishop, 1216 6th St. Fremont, Neb. Laundry and Day Work. DAY work, fax 1286, cleaning and Ironing. Call Col morning or evening. BUNDLE and family washing; call and de liver. Wal. 1663. WANTED Bundle waahlng. Call Webster 1873. CO LURED laun dt ess wanta day work. South 763. 1 BUNDLES carefully laundered. Call and deliver. Web. 4283 DAY work wanted Call after 6. Web. 4426. BUNDLE washing to take horn si Web. 1199. Day work and bundle waahmg Web lux. LAUNDRY work by the Webster 2061. DAY work wanted Call Webster 611 BUNDLE washings to take nome. Web. 1391. CURTAINS laundered, w'k guar. Har. 1130. BUNDLE washings wanted. Tel. Red 673. HELP WANTED MALE. Stores and Offices. BOOKKEEPERS, 1200, 1175. 1125, 1110, $100, Stenographers, 198, 184, 176; ledger elk., till; shipper, $85-1100; office clerk, 190; correspondent, $100; boy, $66. WATTS REF CO., 11J8 1st National Bank. YOUNG married man for responsible posi tion with exceptionally good future; sal ary depends upon previous experience; :, minimum of $1,300 per annum. WESTERN REFERENCE A BOND ASS'N. DRUG CLERK Patterson, 10th and Hickory. Piofessions and Trades HELP SAVE THE CANADIAN CROPS When Our OWN HARVEST Renulrements are l'nmnl.i.H United States Help Badly JNeeaed Harvest Hands Wanted. Military demands from a limited popu lation hav made such a scarcity of farm help In Canada that the asneal nf the Canadian government to the United Statea government for HELP TO HARVEST THE CANADIAN GRAIN CROP OF 1118 meets with a request for all available as sistance to go forward as aoon aa our own crop la secured. The allied armies must be fed and therefore It la necessary to save every bit of the crop of the continent American and Canadian. Those who respond to this appeal will get a f WARM WELCOME. GOOD WAGES, GOOD BOARD AND FiND COM FORTABLE HOMES. A card entitling tha holder to a rate of 1 cent per mile from Canadian bound ary polnta to destination and return will bo given to all harvest applicants. Every facility will be afforded for admission Into Canada and return to the United Statea. Information as to wages, railroad rate and routes, may be had from tbe UNITED STATES EMPLOYMENT SERVIfJE Branches at Hastings, Lincoln, North Piatt or Omsha. WANTED Exnresa Handlers , Drivers and Chauffeurs. Increased Salaries. AMERICAN RAILWAY EXPRESS CO. Apply Union or Burlington Station offlc CHANIC: TOP, AV AGES AND STEADY WORK. SEE O. L. RHODES. MARA THON AUTO J REPAIR SHOP, 1310 JACKSON. ST. 1 - " -'WANTED. Young nut no! raft axemnt with soma me chanical' ability for machine shop work; to sucb A man w offer good pay, ateady work wrth plenty of overtime. . NELSON LOOSE-LEAF CORP. 2125 , LEAVEN WORTH STREET. AN aLPs,KiENCEO upholsterer and cut , off-saw operator for the Ralston ITurnltur factory ; permanent position, best of wages and splendid living conditions. Ap ply Orchard Wilhelm Co.. 414-1$ South ISth St. BRICKLAYERS and painters wanted, union job. Slftte wages per hour when writing. Write -or call on Secretary ( Board of Ed ova Hon. Lincoln, Nebrasks. i,VANTI:;i Competent llnoti'De operator for W Norweglnn-Danlth work. Goo wagea. Ktcsdy .lob Decorah Posts. Deoorah. la. WANTKD Upholsterer for furnlttuv partiueut Bug 414U&, Be 4 HELP WANTED MALE. ?rofessions and Tradej. WANTED Man not subject o draft. In electrical stock room. Experience not necessary. Must have references. La Bron Electrlcsl -Works T 1 N N E R and plumber wanted at once, 15.00 per day; atrsdy job. Don't inswer unless you can couie at once. L Wilson. Dunlap. la. EXPERIENCED up-fit ter. chard Ac Wilhelm Co. Apply to Or WANTED - good butchers; beat of wagea. Apply at John Pa v laa. 5140 South 24th St HEJLPEIV on delivery trucks Apply Or chard A Wilhelm Co Salesmen and Solicitors. WEf.L known manufai-lurt r wdesires the services of three accustomed producers for plastic roof cement and paints. Sal ary, bonus and commission, with excel lent future. No lookers. For personal Interview call on U R. Ostran, sales manager, 1 to 6 p. m. Castle Hotel. WANTED Steady Industrious man for detlvery wagon; wa want a man who wishes to make 110 per month or better and also advance himself to a better position. 260S LEAVENWORTH ST. WANTED First-class tailor. Prefer el derly man. or one above draft age. Good wagea paid to right party. Address May Clothing Store. Cozad. Neb Agents and Canvassers. High-Class "County Con tract" Man Wanted at Once. To place exclusive agencies to handle patented automobile tires, that will revo lutlonlise tire business and eliminate tire troubles. No Investment required by salesman and Big Money. for the right man. . Call or writ 1015 W. O. W. Building, Omaha, Neb. Boys. WANTED Young man or boy over 16 yeara for machine ahop assembling work. NELSON LOOBE-LEAF CORP. 2425 LEAVENWORTH. MORNING carrlera wanted Dundee routes for Omaha Bet.. Apply Walnut Station 40th and Cuming. WANTED Bellboy. Apply Hotel . Keen, llth and Harney streets. WANTED Office and messenger boy. Ap. piy 400 Electrlo Bldg. Trade Schools. WANTED Tire repair rnen: good salary: uooa-wear Tiro and Uarage company. 27th and Leavenworth streets, Douglas 4.700. Teamsters and Chauffeurs. EXPERIENCED tnuck driver. Apply driver. uuaany Packing Co.. 14th and Jones Sts. Miscellaneous. LABORERS and track men, 40 centa per hour at start, wan car tare; 10 hour. APPLY. TRACK AND ROADWAY DEPT., 22D AND NICHOLAS STS.. OMAHA & CO. BLUFFS STREET RAILWAY. - WANTED LABORERS or handy men; ateady employment; good pay. No time lost 00 account of weather or material. OMAHA OAS WORKS. 20th and Center Sta MEN WANTED To unload hay. Apply to timekeeper. UNION STOCK YARDS, South Omaha.' RAILWAY MAIL CLERK examinations Aug. 10. Hundreds wanted. $1,100 year. Sample questions free. Franklin Insti tute. Dept. 23-F. Rochester. N. Y. WAf'TED Men 11 to 60 years old for gen eral yard work; steady work for good men. Apply timekeeper, Union Stock Yarda Co.. South Omaha. WANTED Stableman at once. Apply to American Railway Express Co., 1107 Cap. Hoi ave. PORTER for office building. Apply to Al fred C. Kennedy Co., 206 South 18th St. ""HELP WANTEP-FEMALE Stores and Offices. AMERICAN TELEPHONE AND TELE GRAPH 'COMPANY offer an exceptional opportunity to several bright, well edu cated young ladies, between ages of 18 and 22, to learn LONG DISTANCE TELEPHONE work. Those with gram mar school education preferred; Interest ing work; congenial surroundings: liberal salary paid while learning. Apply to MISS CARLSON, 656 Brandels Theater Building. STENOGRAPHERS, $100. $95, $90, $5, $80, $76; stenographers, $70, 165. $60, $55, $50; bookkeepers, $110, $100, $85, $76; typists, $91, $84. $80, $75; compt. opr., $85; ledger clerk, $78: file clerk, $52; stono. and bkkpr.. small office, $75; steno., beginner, Beatrice, $50, $65; office clerk, R. R. of fice. $86. WATTS REF. CO.. 1138 First Nat. Bank. STENOGRAPHERS. It you want a position In an out-of-town bank see us at once. Several positions open now. No charge until you air lo cated. Bank positions only. THE CHARLES E. WALTERS CO., 1434 First CNat'l Bank Bldg., Omsha. BOOKKEEPERS. $100. $90, $85. Ledger clerk, $80. THE MARTI COMPANY, 1126 W. O. W. Bldg. WANTED Young lady for office work, fair education, about 18 years of age, liv ing with parents. Salary $8 per week. Mr. Becger. 31 r Balrd Bldg. BOOKKEEPER, $110: ledger elk., $85; typ ist, bft-so; sienos. t-uo; file clerk, 150. Co-Operatlve Ref. Co., 101 5 City Nat'l Bk. WANTED AN ASSISTANT CASHIER. UNION OUTFITTING CO., , IITH AND JACKSON UTS. WANTED Experienced lady for assistant bookkeeper. Call Harney 1122. after 6 p. m. Pleas call at once. ASSISTANT bookkeeper, real estate. $75-15". WESTERN REFERENCE A BOND ASS'N. Household and Domestic. EXPERIENCED girl for general house work; good cook, no laundry work, city reference. Mrs. A. B. Warren, 411 South x40th St Harney $20. HOUSEKEEPER g- Wanted middle-aged woman, wlthouf children; small house; be your own. boss. Address Box 1047, Lin coln. Neb, WANTED Girl for general housework; good wages; no .washing and small family. Harney 111. WANTED A competent cook. Good wagea. PPiy. jim. u. mors. 3708 Farnam 8t WANTED-r-A girl for general housework In a family of two. 3507 Harney St.1 WANTED a competent nurse tuald. Walnut 15. Call Hotels and Restaurants. SEVEN chambermaids, either white or colored. Honsekeeper. Wellington Inn. Professions and Trades. WANTED AT ONCE It experienced power sewing machine operators. ,W guarantee experienced op erators wl earn 2S centa per hour at piece wnrk. Thla guarantee la given for operators to learn our work and expense for pertbd of 4 weeks iNlce, clean and ateady work all tha ear ' Oil All A AUTO TOP CO - '01-11 S 15th St WANTED Young ladles to Insulate wires. i,int -worn, good pay. Extra par for overtime. J Le Bron Electrical Work.) - HELP WANTED FEMALE. Prcfesbions and Trades WANTED Young Ladies to legn telephone operating. Good wages paid while learning, rapid advance ment, permanent positions. Apply to C. F. LAMBERT, 1807 Douglas St, Miscellaneous. LADY mualciana ' and singers desirous ut being coached tor Chautauqua concert and vaudeville work. Write now. Slgnor loiuuiro, Arlington Ulk. Studios tpe cept. asi. WANTED Names women-girls wishing try examination tor government positions. 1I0O month Addrrva Y-649. Omsha Bee. WANTED Woman for telephone operator. Appiy vrpneum Theater, lotn and Harney HELP WANTED. Male and Female. TEACHERS WANTED This Is harvest time lor Pest positions. High school teachers. witn degrees, $900 to $1,200; normal grad uates. grades, $630 to $1,000. Innumerable auperlntendenclt-s, $1,200 to $1,600. School service locating gooW teachers at gojd sal arles. Stewart School Service, Lincoln, Neb. wan I ED Men, ladles and boy, learn barber trade; big demand; wage while learning; atrlctly modern. Call or writ 1401 Dodge st Trl-Clly Barber College rnnne v. Z147 s mir,u iaiiit.iJiATi!;L r r-ilen. women. Governmant war positions. 1100 month List free. Franklin Institute, Dept. 131 O. nocnester. in. y. MULER Barber College wants youn-men ana isaies to learn the barber trad. Call or writ for tree catalogue. 110 a lltb St.. umana. Neb. WANTED Pan washers and glass washers HOTEL FONTENELLE, 18th and Douglas. EDUCATIONAL. BOYLES COLLEGE. DAY SCHOOL. NIGHT SCHOOL. Originators of Intensive Training for of flee workers. Courses In Bookkeeping, Shorthand. Stenotypy, Typewriting. Ball- road and Wlrelesa Telegraphy, Civil Serv ice, uomptometry, and all English branch es, catalogue tree. BOYLES COLLEGE. Telephone 18th and Harney St., Dnulas 1565. Omaha. Nebraaka RELIABLE AUTO SCHOOL. Best electrical and self-starter courses, Easily learned. No books. Free catalog, .national Auto school, 28X4 North 20th St. Omaha, Nebraska. Van Sant School of Business. Day and Evening Schools. 120 Omaha Natlc ial Bank Bldg. Douglai 1810 FOR RENTROOMS. Furnished Rooms. SANITARY modern rooms for men only $2.50 per week. Sunshine Apartments, 601 n. iitn st J. . Robinson. 442 Bee Bldg Douglas 8097. Buuwtn lurnianea room, permanent 0 transient, including large front room suitable for three gentlemen. 1711 Dodge. NICELY furnished outside room with hot and cold water; breakfast and dinner. Harney 3369. , MODERN room free to elderly business man tor tending lawn. Box 1840, Omaha Bee, 2701 DAVENPORT, 2-room suite, modern, electricity, gas range, garage. Harney 4989. NICELY furnished rooms In private modern nome, one block to car. Webster 4971. GRAND HOTEL 520 S. 13th, new manage- ment. nice, clean rooms, $2 up a week. 1611 HOWARD: nice clean sleeping rooms. Board and Room. BEAUTIFUL furaished room with bath ad' joining, breakfast and dinner. To mar tied couple where both are employed or 2 gentlemen. Harney 3361 or 3619 Far nam. 2124 DOUGLAS Cool, neatly furnished room; plenty of hot water; board If de sired. Housekeeping Rooms. TWO or three front rooms; electric vacuum cleaner; washer; iron; light; heat; gas Icebox: cabinet; private home. 2117 Wirt St. Hotel t COOL rooms, $2 week; alao apartments wltb Kitcneneftea. gden hotel. Co Bluffs " Unfurnished Rooms. HEATED rooms in Crelghtou Block, lltb ana Douglas sts, D5342 XWORLD REALTY CO FOR RENT FURNISHED. LATONA APARTMENTS. Completely furnished, best of aervlce. 541 S. 24th St, Call Douglas 1533. Houses. SEVEN-ROOM house, furnished, sleeping porch, vacant Sept. 1, Field club district OMAHA LOAN & BLDG. ASS'N. FOR RENT HOUSES. West 2568 Douglas, rooming house $32.00 2049 North 2 2d. modern, 7 rail 28.00 JOHN N. FRENZER. Dtjuglas 654. North. 6-ROOM modern house for rent, 3420 Call- iornia St. Call arter 7:30 p. m. J-ROOM modern bouse, entirely new. 2740 Titus Ave. Tel. D. 9125.' South 6-ROOM bouse, strictly modern S. 25th St. Red C82. $30. 1643 tAiscellaneous. HOUSES IN ALL PARTS OF THE CITY. CREIGH SONS 4k CO.. BEE BLDG. LINT your property for rent or aale 1 FIRST TRUST COMPANY. Realtor Tyler 721. Itb Phopen IT Co. Rentals Douels 4228 FOR RENT APARTMENTS. West UNDINE APARTMENTS. 3 rooms and bath with 5-room accomnu- dations. Thoroughly modern in every de tail. Located 2652 De' Ave. $35 pel month, summer, and v 1U winter. See us at once. Sunday call Doug 8454 TRAVER LROS. CO., 819 1st Nat. Bk. Bldg. Doug. K8S6. 23D AND CALIFORNIA Only three apart ments left In this new fireproof building; $115 and $40 summer; 140 and 145 winter; 1 and 2-room apartments, with 3 and 4 room accommodations; ll convenienses. See Janitor. Apt 1, 2221 California St FOR RENT, 1-room bflck, all modern; nice neighbor hood; good furnace. Located at 1717 Park Ave., fronting park. TRAVER BROS. CO.. 81 First Nat l Bank Bldg. Doug. 6886. EXTRA CHOICE CLOSE-IN FLAT. NEW BRICK; NOTHING BETTER IN T-. ' CITY; FOUR UEDKsjOMS; $50. 0l TO FAA1ILT ONLY. ARTHUR E 'VOO. MAN. 2223 CAPITOi- AVE. HAMILTON A Pit!., ftrepruof: fine lawn and flowers; best location; 24tH and Farrtam Prices ressonable. Call (). 1473- TIZARD Palace block, centrally located, I or 4-room apts.; also 4-room flat Superb Apply 224, N. 23d Phone Red 4212 4-ROO.MS and bath. 127.60. Ing month. Bemis park. 16 extra hest- DouglM 5CQ7. North 3 ROOMS snd bath, second floor. Stesm heated. 115 summer. lb Jl Maple , St., Tyler 1812-J. - Miscellaneous ON ACCOUNT of leaving city,; will sublet one of the most attractive five-room apartments In Omaha for balance of term of lease. Phone Walnut 174. Sagamore Apartments. 3124 Cass St FOR RENT APARTMENTS. Miscellaneous. TWO rooms with 3-roum accomiuodaiiom and 3 rooms with 4-room accommodation In the Ccr?-iado, 22d and Capitol avenu, 1 walking distance. $33.50 o $37.50. BENSON & MYERS CO. REALTORS. 421 Omaha Kat'l Bank Bldg. Douglas 74$. PETERS TRUST CO.,- Specialists In Apartment mansgement FOR RENT Business Property. STORES FOR RENT 1609 N. 24th St.. suitable for retail 01 shop, living rooms In rear. 612 N. 16th at., second floor for pbotc gallery shop or living rooms. ' 713-15 S. 24th Wt., best transfer corner In city. $20 and $25. 3102-4 Sherman ae., corner Wirt, mod. em store, cement basement, finest loca tion for first-class grocery or market Armstrong-Walsh Co., Tyler 1536. 33.1 Securities Bldg. Stores. 2410 CUMING st, $30.00 Alfred C Kennedy Company. - Realtors. . 205 8. 18th. st. - Douglas 722. STORE, No. 16th St., near postoffice, ,ow rent. G. P. Stebbins. 1S10 Chlcsgo Sf Office and Desk Room. ATTRACTIVE offices at reasonable rentals In the Bee building, where service ts REAL. Keystone IV. Co., Tyler 131. WANTED TO RENT. Miscellaneous. WANTED TO RENT A large stock and grain farm; have horses and machinery enough to run any size tarm. Addresi Box Y. 651. Omaha Bee. GENTLEMAN wishes room and board is refined Christian home near 26th and Farnam. Box 1886, Omaha Bee. MOVING AND STORAGE!. FREE RENTAL SERVICE. FIDELITY IITH AND JACKSON. DOUO. 281, STORAGE. MOVING. PACKING. REASONABLE RATES. FREE RENTAL SERVICE. COMPLETE LIST OF ALL VACANT HOOSE8 AND APARTMENTS. Globe Van and Storage Co. For real ervics In moving, packing and storing call Tyler 130 or Douglss 4118. METROPOLITAN VAN & STORAGE TO." Owned and operated by Central Furni ture ator; offlc on Howard St., between 16th and llth. Phone Tyler $400. Hav your moving bandied Just yon would an order for new furniture. That' tt war we do It Ask to see our dally rental Hat. FIREPROOF WAREHOUSE. Separata locked rooms tor household goods and piano; moving, packing and hipping. OMAHA VAN AND STORAGE CO., 806 8. llth. Douglaa 411$. OMAHA EXPRESS CO. LARGE moving vans; careful men. Fur niture pack., storage. 1417 Chicago. D. 115 JO Pl?l7Ti Expreaa Co.. Moving. . J. SXEjEjU Packing and Storag. 1207 Farnam St. Web 174$: Dnugla 614. REAL ESTATE IMPROVED Vital. 9-ROOM HOME, - IMMEDIATE POSSESSION PRICE $6,250 Attractive home, having hall, ltvlns room, music room, dining room and kitchen, four large bedrooms, one small bedroom and bath. Oak floors in first and second stories, hot water heat, larg4 porch, full lot with shade trees, fruit and shrubs. If you want a well buiM home in an exceptionally good neighbor hood at two-thirds what it would cost to Milld, let us show this tq you. J. H. DUMONT & CO., REALTORS. 416-18 Keeline Bldg. Phone Douglas 690. NEW COTTAGE, WEST 4411 Farnam St., Is a nifty new cottage, just completed; 6 rooms, all light. a-nd airy and good size; built-in latest fea tures; white bathroom and an unusual basement; light and clean and attrac tive. A large lot, 50x128 feet, with 1 good auto driveway in from 44th St Owner and builder In the house will tell you about It. He Is leaving town te superintend large construction work al Des Moines. Price $4,450, on terms. He says It would cost more today. HARRISON & MORTON. 916 Om. Nat. Bank Bldg. Tel. D. $14. BEMIS PARK. A 7-room house, located on Myrtl Ave., Just west of 33d. Attractive and well lo cated; pleasant yard; can be bought at A a reasonable price for $500 down and 136 a month. ALFRED C. KENNEDY COMPANY, REALTORS. 205 3. 18th. Douglas 721. NEW BUNGALOW, West Farnam District. New strictly modern ' 6-room bungalow at 4411 Farnam St. Oak finish, nicely decorated, full basement, furnace heat, large 60-foot lot Price $3,500, on reason- ame terms. J. L. HIATT CO. 900 FIRST NAT'L. BK. BLDG. PHONEflQ TYLER OO 615 NORTH 34TH, $4,700 Danny 7-room new modern home; Just listed; a well-built, nicely arranged home, In a very desirable location : has living . room, dining room, den, kitchen and three bedrooms, full two stories; oak finish. Ar range with us for inspection. GLOVER & SPAIN, Douglas 3962, 119-20 City National. 6-ROOM new stucco, modern house, Dundee, ijui in. sum Ave. Tnres sleeping rooms, oak floors, full ba'sement, $2,400. Month ly payments. Phone Walnut 1920. FOR SALE 3-roora cottage In good con union, screened porch. Easily moved. Bargain. Owner leaving town. Address. Diets Club. Cottage 8. Tel. Colfax 3750, LOT with all Improvements; on paved street; good district; $395 to $495: $1 down: $5 per month. Doug. 5074. North New Bungalow in Kountze , Place, $1,000 Down and $40 a Month. 6-room brick bungalow, in the prettiest part of Kountze place. 5 rooms and batb on first floor,-1 room finished on second. Quarter-nawed oak finish ar.d floors; built-in fireplace; beamed ceilings; col lonnade openlnBs: built-in bookcases, buf fet; panel walls; built-in features In kitch en; full cement basement; furnscs heat; south front on paved street, paving paid: large lot; garage. Owner is leaving city and has offered to sacrifice this at $5,600 on easy terms.i Payne Investment Co., 637 Om. Nat. Bank Bldtr., D. 1781. AilLLEK PARK bPKCIAt.; Buy at the old price one of. the best built homes In this choice district; aeven room and bath: fireplace; bookcases; buf fet: clothes chute; wall plugs: laundry tubs In basrment snd all the little feature that nuke a homo convenient; dandy sleeping porch: heated: narrow oak Voul) throughout; Vak finish on 'irst floor; floored attic: screened In frul.t yorch; full brick foundation ; you can save' $1,000 on this home over the cost lo duplicate. For appointment call . ' OSBORNE REALTY CO.. 7"1 Omsha Nat. Bank Hldg Tyler 498. FOR SALE Modern 6-room housx; good lo. ration; near Omaha university; hot wa ter heat; large screened, windowed sleep ing porch: large screened rear porch; fruit trees: ownr leaving city $3,300; bargain. Fleming, 2706 Pinkney; Web ster 6S97. - 1457 PINKNEY STREET $400 DOWlr - l. $37.80 MONTHLY Six large rooms, reception hall, two Ptores, pantry, rtar entry, linen closet, oak finish and floors In part, full basement, creened-ln frorrt porch. Call at boos today. Phone Webster 2071. IF you sre going to buy a borne, see this rtrst: s fine five-room house; electrlj lights, ga and water. Price $2,000, owner at $11 Uaederson. 9 i : A a 1 ''1 i i V.. ' 4