THE BEE: OMAHA. WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 21, 1918. REAL ESTATE IMPROVED North FOB ONLX (4,300 1500 down and 3S per month, we can ell food, honest built bom of all rooms, dan and bath; oak tlnlih; only threa years old; occupied by owner; ca rafe; lot 45x138; why pay rent whan you can buy a bargain Ilka this I OSBORNE REALTY CO.. 701 Omaha Nat. Bank Bldg. Tyler 4. (-ROOM bungalow, all on one floor, nearly new and fully modern; paved atreet; one lot and house, (3,360; ( lota and house, 14.350; near 40th and Grand. A big bar gain f of someone. RASP BROS., 3,10 Keellne Bldg, Tyler '21. IF you ara going to buy' home, tea this first; a fine five-room houae: electric light, gas and water. Prloe 33.000. Bra owner at 1330 Henderson. NEW up-to-date T roonn. oak finish, large Sou fine location; price $(,250; terms. (131 N 14th St Norrle A Norrla. D 4370. 11 J X.N IE LISA homes and lota offer the bst opportunity to Invest your money. Phone Tyler 187. South. GOAD HOME HANSCOM PARK DISTRICT. . . 6-room house, 2-story, modern; furnace aj.-at; house in good condition; haa fire place: good woodwork throughout; this la a well built, substantial noma in a good location; built better than moat new houses: on 28th St., near Pierce: 2 blocks to car: lust right for anyone desiring a good home of their own and la priced cheap at 33.500; terms If desired., F. D. V cad. 310 Wo. 18lh St. Tyler 151. ' Fm'KlY) CLUB DISTRICT, 7-R. . modern house, garage, lot 70x165; price 14,250. fi A. Orimmel Phone Douglas 1615 Miscellaneous. -ROM cottage, twu blocks from car. full lot, (2.000 Terms. (300 casb.balance (20 per month ' BENSON 4. CARM1CHAEL. 642 Paxton Block -FOR RENT AND SALE. HOUSES. COTTAGES AND APARTMENTS PORTER & SHOTWELL. 202 S. 17th St. Douglas 5II1S. 8-R450M modern pressed brick house, for only (4.500; oak finish, fireplace; nice order; near park. W. H. Gates, 647 Omaha Nat. Bank Bldg. D. 1294. WE sell, rent, In&ure and make loans on city property, north. MITCHELL INVESTMENT CO.. 24th and Ames Col. 217. GOOD six-room modern house; close to car line; price (3,250; would take auto as . pari payment. Mr. Pease, 211 Brandels Theater Bldg. FOR quick sale or rent of your property call ' ,-A. J DAVIS CO.. Doug. 7150. 220 S. 13tb St., .Real Estate and Insurance. - W. FARNAM SMITH A CO., , Real Estate and Insurance. 1320 Farnsm St. Douglaa 10(4. v n WF.An RKi.i.s real pstate REAL ESTATE Duslness Property. WE WILL buy your borne or business prop erty and pay cash. H. A WOLFE CO.. Electric Bldg Tyler 22 BUSINESS property and investments A P. TUKEY A SON. (20 First National Bank Bldg. M'CAGUE INVESTMENT CO. Income. Business and Trackage Specialists 16th and Dodge Sts fiouglss 416 Office and Desk Room. THE Bee building has offices that will please you. Better Investigate. Key stone Investmen' Co.. Tyler 181 IE ALESTATE INVESTMENT. . LEAVENWORTH ST. CORNER, $11,500; INCOME, $1,200 BSxlOO. Improved with two exceptional ly well AulU brick flats and modern resi dence.' This is first time property offered at lhlH price. This Is real value and should he Investigated. ' GLOVER & SPAIN Pons Ins 32. 919-20 City National. --T.- - " " "riT-"'''"'' T-T- REAL ESTATE-TO EXCHANGE'. 10 ACRES near Council Bluffs. 7-room mod. house All necessary outbuilding and equipment. Fine crop grapes and crops of Hit kinds. Near paved road and aa hlenl place, (9.000. Will exchange on nice homo in Omaha. Call Mr. Browne. INTER-STATE REALTY CO., 913-14 City Nnt'l Bank Bldg. , Unexpected Vacancies - 8S& California,' 2-r 22T.46. 101U youth 22d. 8-r.. bot water heat, 332.50. Armstrong-Walsh Co., Tyler lWC. 3"3 Securities Bldg. 6 ACRES; 4-room house; 2 miles north of Benson; all clear: exchange for 6-room clear cottage In c ity; sickness demands a change. Call Mr. Browne. Tyler 167?. li ter-State Realty Co. TO exchange for a good stock of merchan dlse. 160-acre Iowa farm, good rich productive soil, land lays fine, extra well Improved; price (250 per acre.. E. Good ' man, Creston, la. GOOD six-room modern house; close to car line: price (3,250; would take auto part payment Mr. Pease, 211 Brandela Theater Bldg. REAL ESTATE UNIMPROVED. South FUR SALE 2 lota. Just south of Elmwood Park In Overlook addition. Owner leaving City. Will sell cheap for cash. Address Boa T 1183. Omaha Bee. REAL ESTATE-SUBURBAN. Benson. 2020 NO. 60TH STREET. 2024 NO. 61ST STREET. 4-Rooms, brand new bungalow with one third acre, modern except furnace, cement walka to car; (200 cash and (25 per month, including Interest. PAYNE SLATER CO. Pouglaa 1016, 160 ACRES, one mile south of Bennington, Nob. Inquire of Mrs. A. Hanting. 4188 Cass St., Omaha, Neb. Dundee. BEAUTIFUL DUNDEE BRICK. (9.60O. Two-story pressed brick home overlook ing Happy Hollow circle; fire place, aun room, sleeping porch, and many other at tractive features; price cut over (1,500 for quick sale; property could not be duplicated for (12.000, BEDFORD-JOHNSTON CO., 223 Keellne Bldg. Douglaa 3140. (6. 000. DUNDEE; (1.000 CASH. Fine bungalow finished mostly In oak; large living room with fireplace and four bedrooms; a very sightly location. JOHN W. ROBBINS. 1803 FARNAM 8T DUNDEE Jjstory frame, 7 rooms, modern house on Webster near (0th St. Must ba sold to close an estate. Price (5.500. C. A. ORIMMEL. Phone D. 1615. TOR property in Dundee, Happy Hollow , and Fairacres, call GEORGE AND COM PANY. 902-12 City Nat. Bk. Douglaa 756. Acreage TEN ACRES uevel garden land, eaat Omaha, Close to car line, clear, want clear rental or home. S. S. & R. E. MONTGOMERY. 213 City Nat'l Bk Bldg. Miscellaneous. FOR SALE. c Two beautiful lota south of Elmwood Park In Overland addition, full size lota 60x150 Will take Liberty bonds aa pay ment. Owner going to camp, must aelL Act quick. Address Boy T tit. Omaha Bea. REAL ESTATE OTHER CITIES.1 '"OR SALE Meats and grocery business In a Nebraska town with 1,400 population; own all butcher and grocery store equip ments: rent building; two acres of land; slaughter house well equipped; reason for selling. Write Omaha Bea, Box 1856. REAL ESTATE WANTED. 4 OR (-ROOM bouses or bungalows In good locatlona wanted at once; have aeveral buyers wanting good homes. F. D. Wead, (10 South 18th St. Tyler 161. WANTED for customers. Improved ranches, - (40 toZSOO acres. White A Hoover, Oma ha Nat'l Bank Bldg. GOOD Omaha Income prqperty for clear weatern land or eastern Nebraska farm. Mr. Pease. 211 Brandela Theater Bldg. IK you want to aell your house, list it with -v ALFRED C. KENNEDY CO., SOI 8. 18th Bt, Douglaa TM. FINANCIAL. Real Estate, Loani and Mortgages. SIX PER CENT FIRST MORTGAGES. Secured by Omaha reatdenca ara est Investments. Let us show yon tba eaeur- Ity In the following loanat I TOO Security valued at f 1.700 (SO Security valued at..'.. 2.000 1,600 Security valued at 2,(00 1,200 Security valued at..... 2,(00 1,200 Security valued at 2.000 1.400 Security valued at. 2.500 2.206 Security valued at 6.000 2,500 Security valued at 5.760 4.000 Security valued at 10.000 . E. H. LOUGEE, INC v (38 Keellne Bldg. No Delay Closing Loans. W. T. GRAHAM, (04 Bea Bldg. Doug. 1531 M LOANS ON CITY PROPERTY. W. H. Thomas & Son, Kcelkie Bldg. H. W. "BINDER, Money en hand for mortgage loans City National Bank Bldg. OMAHA HOMES EAST NEB. FARMS O'KEEFB REAL ESTATE CO.. 10K Omaha Nat. Bank Bldg. Doug. 2T1(. CITY AND FARM LOANS. - I. (Vi and ( Per Cent i. B. DUMONT CO.. Keellne Bldg. (100 to (10.000 MADE promptly. F. D. Wead. Wead Bldg.. 18th and Farnam Sts. Private Money. 8HOPEN A COMPANY Douglas 4338 Miscellaneous LOW RATES. C O. Carlberg. 813 Brandela Theater Bldg Doug Ms FARM AND RANCH LANDS Arkansas Lands AUGUST 20TH Our next excursion to McOehee. Ark W. g FRANK 0l NEVILLE BLK. Kansas Lands. 80-ACRE EASTERN KANSAS FARM Well Improved, level, black loam farm, close to Neodosha, Wilson county, Kansaj. Owner wants Omaha home or will sell on easy terms. There is oil on all sides of this farm and It is not yet leased- price (6,000; appraised for this amount bv loan company, S. S. MONTGOMERY, 21( City Nat'l Bank. Omaha, Neb. Maryland Lands Maryland water front farm. Mild climate. Cat'g'e. Russell Realty Co . Baltimore. Md. Missouri Lands. GREAT BARGAINS 95 down. (5 monthly nuya 40 acres, good fruit and poultry land, near town, southern Missouri; price only S3ZO Aaaress Kox 282 C, Springfield, Mo. Nebraska Lands. LOOK AT THIS. 401) acres, all In one body, not one foot of waste, located right, only a mile from goed little railroad town on main line, with good market, schools and churches About 36 miles out from Omaha's atock and gratn markets, with the advantages of Its wonderful department rtores. etc Miln automobile drive from house Into Omaha, al vays good, wet or dry. Improvements: Six or seven-room house, poor. One of the boat barna in the state of Nebraska: holds 110 tons of alfalfa, stanchions for some 30 head of cowa, and barracks for 100 head of stack ers or fattening cattle; all may ba fed by simply pushing the bay Into the rack from the great mow. Good ailo at door of barn. Abunlin-e of other out buildings The cropa on this farm right now will speak for themselves, both corn and alfalfa, and Us small grain crop shows a record this year not to ba ashamed of. This farm Is priced to sell. "niy (167.60 for a (200 farm. Where will you find 400 acres, almost tevel. not a foot of waste, close to schools and markets,, first class winter wheat, corn and alfalfa land, all in one body that you would aver think of "buying for less than (200 per acre? Such farma are hard to find at any price. If you buy this ona you can cut out and sell off at a profit aa, much aa you wish. Write or phone J. M. DIXON, L. BOX B-526, BLAIR, NEB. AT AUCTION IMPROVED FARM, MONDAY, AUGUST 26. P. M. On the above date at the EMPRESS THEATRE, CENTRAL CITY, NEB., we wm aeu at public auction to the highest bidder, regardless of price, the following deccrlbed real estate: The northwest quarter of section 17, township 14, range 6, west or the stn P. M.. Merrick counts'. Neb., containing 160 acres more or less ac cording to government survey, located 6Vi miles northeast of Central City. TERMS 15 per cent of the purchase price cash day of sale, 25 per cent March 1, 1919. Purchaser to assume a mortgage or 14,500 due June, 1921, jearlng Interest ft ( per cent annually. Owner will carry remainder of purchase price for the same period of time at 6 per cent lntereat. Good and sufficient abstract of title together with warranty deed delivered to purchaser Lrch 1, 1911, when possession will be given. IMPROVEMENTS Good four room house with screened porch, barn for ( horses and good loft for hay, granary, chicken bouse, hog and cattle ahed. Two good wells with best of water at a depth of 20 feet. Place all fenced and cross fenced, 100 acres under plow, 20 acrea In bay, 6 acres alfalfa, balance good pasture. For further Information see or address NEBRASKA REALTY AUCTION CO., Central City. Neb. CORN AND ALFALFA FARM PRICED TO SELL 1(0 acres, 4 miles from town, on the main line of Union Pacifio railroad, one ralf mile from the Lincoln Highway, level road to town. 40 rods to school, 1 H mile to a small station. Land Ilea level, but la well drained; good black ioam soil, very productive; the corn on this farm will rrove thla fact; 35 acrea In pasture with small stream of running water; 10 acres of meadow, balance under clow, brand new 4-room house, well sheltered by plenty of nice shade trees; good stable for six horses and a few other outbuildings, two wells with tha very best of pure soft wa ter at a depth of 20 feet. Price (130 per acre, on good terms. Don't let a small job at home prevent you from Inspecting this farm at once. M. A. Larson, Central City, Neb. SMALL FARMS I have several 10 to 40-ACRE TRACTS. Improved; 10 acres, well Improved, macad am road, adjoining city; 20 acrea, ma cadam road, fair lmprovementa, excellent location; S acrea well Improved, H mile to city limits. good terms; 20 acres, Improved, Ideal laying, good location; 30 acrea, aeveral miles out, small Improvements; 40 acres, nifty, well Improved, 1 miles out, excellent lo cation; 60 acrea, 8 miles out, but near .small town, well Improved, alfalfa. Range In price from (160 an acre to (600. These are all producers. BE A PRODUCER, not a conaumer, loan Uncla Sam aome of your money, or fight. ORIN S. MERRILL , COMPANY, 101B-10K CITT NAT. BANK BLDG 40 ACRES Krug Park Road 40 acrea facing paved road, short dis tance north of Krug Park. lmprovementa consist of a good (-room modern house, oak finish, fireplace, electrio lights, wa ter system, furnace heat; alao a good 6 roora house not modern. Good garage, fair outbuildings, aome fruit This la the cheapest acreage close to Omaha and can be bought on very easy terms. For price etc., call J. L. Hiatt Company, (00 First Natl. Bank Bldg. Tyler 63. FARMS AND RANCHES Wa havs several very atthactlve prop erties for sala In Dawes, Keya Paha and Brown counties. These are placea that wa have peraonally Inspected, and van recommend aa being good buya. Send for Hat and photos atatlng aa to your wants moke Inr. Co Oaaart OMAHA LIVE STOCK Oattle and Hog Prices Were Strong, with. Fair Receipts; Heavy Sheep Run on Lowered Market. Omaha. August 20, 1918. Official Monday . Eatlmate Tuesday ..10,796 . . 5.000 4.473 7.000 25.090 36.000 Two days this week.. 15,796 11,473 61 090 Same days last week.. 16,043 13.724 37 646 8ame days 1 wks. ago. SI. 816 18,064 19,73 Sama days ( wks. ago.18,866 18.454 31,981 Sams days year ago... 80.487 10.835 25,9"9 Receipts and disposition of live stock at the nion Stock yards. Omaha. Neb., for tt hours ending at ( p. m.. Aug. 30. 1918. RECEIPTS CARLOADS Cattle. Hors. Sheen H'r'. naoasn 3 Missouri Pacific 4 1 1 I 34 100 10 1, 33 4 14 11 is 'i 8 i 127 135 1 Union Pacific l C. & N. W east 10 C. A N. W., west .... 67 C St. P., M. & O. 3 C, B. ft Q.. sast 4 C, B. A Q., west 75 C. R. I. & P.. east... 4 Illinois Central J Chicago GL West . .. . 1 Total receipts 182 DISPOSITION HEAD Cattle. Hogs. Sheep Morrta & Co 1,203 90 713 Swift ft Company 1,292 1.546 1.634 Cudahy Packing Co.. .1.764 2,J!4 5.S37 Armour ft Co 1,368 1.TJ5 8,176 J. W. Murphy 2,147 .... Lincoln Packing Co... 61 .... 80. Omaha Pkg. Co... 15 Wilson ;g( ,,,, W. B. Vanwant Co 73 ' .' Benton. Vansant 53 '. Hill ft Son 187 ., . F. B. Lewis ;i8 .... J. B. Root & Co . . 67. J. H. Bulla h .... .... L. F. Huss js ,,,, Rosenstosk Bros 175 .... , F. G. Kellogg 17 Wertheimer & Degen. 146 H. F. Hamilton S9 Sullivan Bros jg .... .... Rothschild ft Krebs .. 80 '. Mo. & Kan. Calf Co.. . 39 Higglns 7 .... Huffman 23 .... Roth n .... Meyers 15 .... .... Baker, Jones ft Smith 114 Banner Bros (5 .... .... John Harvey ;&s .... Dennis ft Francis... ,13 .... .... Jensen ft Lungren 63 .... Other buyers 1.104 .... 31,420 Totala 9,640 8,986 29,080 Cattle Receipts of cattle were estimated at ,uoo head, or 198 cars, and were mad up mostly of wtstern rangers. The beef market opened up on steady to strong basis wun yesterday, good to choice western quotamy selling at (14.50 to 316.60 and medium grades at (11.00 to (13.60. Butche stock was very active and around 26c hlah than yesterday, choice crades aellinr 1 (10.00 to (12.50, medium kinds of cows a (8.80 to (9.60, canners and cutters ruled atrong ana active at (6.50 to (8.60. Stock era and feeders were again 25e higher on a ugni supply, best weighty westerns tell. ing up to S14.Z5. Quotations on cattle: Choice to prime DBsves, i(.uunj)is.uu; good to choice beeves. (15. 0016.50; fair to good beeves, 113.60(g) n. ou; common to rair beeves, (10.0013.00 gooa to cnoice yearlings, 114. 00016.00: fai to good yearlings, (10.0014.00; common to fair yearlings, (7.00 9.00; good to choice grass beeves, (14. 5016. 60; fair to good grass beeves, (U.601S.60; common to fair grass beeves, (9.0011.00; Mexican beeves, (8.60010.60; good to choice heifers, (9.00 11.60; good to choice rows, (9.0011.00; fair to good cows, (8.009.00; common to fair cows, J6.00fip7.76; prime feeders, 113.00 14.50; good to choice feeders, (11. 00012. 50 fair to good feeders, (9.0010.50; common to fair feedera, $7.008.00; good to choice stockers, (10.0011.76; atock heifers, (7.600 39.00; stock rows, (6.60 7 50 ; stock calvea, (6.60Q)10.00; veal calves, $7,000 13.00; bulls, stags, etc., (8.00010.60. Hogs Receipts today amounted to 7,000 head, making supplies for the two days this week, 11,473 head. The market opened active and aales to shippers, 100150 higher and packera, 6 010c higher. After a fairly large proportion of tha recelpta had changed hands at these prices the market weakened and became very draggy closing possibly not much more than steady. Bulk of today a sales were (18.30(3)18. 60; topa going at (19 15. Sheep There was another large run of sheep here today, 133 loads, estimated at 36,000 head, making supplies for the two days this week 61,090 head. Quite a large proportion of today's receipts consisted of shipment from Wyoming. Feeder lambs opened perhaps 16 0250 lower than yester day, (17.26 being tha only price heard of on FARM AND RANCH LANDS Nebraska Lands. '" 160-ACRB BARGAIN. Good soil, level land. Weld oounty, Colo., near Bushnell, (20.00 per acre; (800 cash, balance S per cent, or will rtis count 10 per cent for cash. P. J. Teb- bens, 606 Omaha Nat. Bk., Omaha, Neb. WRITE ma for pictures and prices of my farma and ranches In god old Dawes county, Arab L. Hungerford, Crawford. Neb. FOR SALE Best large body, high grade, medium priced land in Nebraska. Very little money required. C Bradley. Wol back. Neb. MERRICK COUNTY Improved corn and alfalfa farma at tha right price. M, A. LARSON. Central City, Neb Oregon Lands. OREGON LANDS. Irrigation. "In the peart of the Range" The Jordan Valley Project. Malheur County, Oregon. An empire In tha making, land (1.00 per acre plus tha cost of the water. Tou can fila on grazing homestead entries nearby. Literature and particulars on request. Next excursion August 28. HARLET J. HOOKER, 940 First Natl. Bk. Bldg., Omaha. Neb. Wyoming Lands. WHEATLAND Wyoming farms, (60 per a., Including paid up water rights. Henry Levi ft C. M. Rylander. 8(4 Omaha Nat'l. South Dakota Lands. I AM quitting the ranch business and offer for sale or will trada for land or Income property ninety head of horses, Belgian and Peroheron bred, from yearlings to nine-year-olds. Dlnney Moran Lake An des, S. D. FARM LAND WANTED. FARMS WANTED. Don't list your farm wltb us If you want to treep It. E. P. SNOWDEN BON. (10 Elentr. Bldg. Doualas 9871 POULTRY AND PET STOC BARLEY, (3.60 per cwt delivered. Wag ner. 801 N. 16th. Phone Douglas 1142 Horses Live Stock Vehicles. GOOD, gentle, 12O0-lb. Hambletonlan horse, city broke. Phone Walnut (39. MONEY TO LOAN. Organised by the Business Men of Omaha FURNITURE, pianos and notes aa securlt? (40. ( mo., II. goods, total. (3.60. Smaller, larger am'ta. proportionate rate PROVIDENT LOAN SOCIETT. 682 Securities Bldg., 16th Farnam. Ty. 6( LOANS OR DIAMONDS AND JEWELRY I CW SMALLER LOANS. O Of O W. C. FLATAD EST. 1891 lO (TH FLR, 8ECURITII.ES BLDG. XJ. 8 Lowest rates. Private loan bootha. Harry Maleshonk. 1(14 Dodge D. 1618 Est 18(L DIAMONDS AND JEWELS' LOAN8 REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS Oscar F. Ellison to Charlea W. Mar tin, a. w. cor. 26th and Ohio at., 46x110 3,000 Frank O. Seward and wife to E. A. Smith, 16th St., 80 ft. aouth of Fowler avenue, west aide, 40xl3(.. 2,600 Frank L. Marks and wife to Emma V. Svoboda, Florence Blvd., 60 feet north of Newport, west side, 90XX144 8,260 Clara Ferer and husbands to Laura B. Nuqulat, 3(tb ava. 262 feet north of Davenport, east side, 60x60 3,660 Arthur L. Joy and wife to Frank H. Riley, Saratoga at, 202.1 feet west of 27th gt, north aide, 44x181 3,200 Louise L. Myers and husband td Madeline Uerllng Laurel ava., 60 feet eaat of 38th ave., north side, 60x128 750 Arcadia Land Co. to Nebraska Chris tian Missionary Society, a. w. cor. 80th end Arcadia ave., (0x120 1 3(0 Mamie D. Huffltt and husband to Burton A. Wyman, Blnney at., 160 feet eaat of 21st at, north aide, (0x124 1,300 tha early rounds. No fat lambs had been aold but prospects ware that they would have to go at lower prloea. There wss a very large supply of mutton here today. It being estimated (0 cars of ewes alone be ing Included In the supply. A break in prices on aged stuff wss Inevitable but Just how much It Is impossible to say at this time. Quotations on sheep: Lambs good to choice (17.(0017.(0; lambs, fair to good, (1400017.00; lamb feeders. (15.3(017.(6; yearlings, good to choice, 118 00 14.50; yearlings, fair to good, (13.76013.00; year lings, feedera. I13.S601S.IS; ewea, good to choice. (11.00013.50; awes, fair to good. (1O.OO0U. 00. a NEW YORK STOCKS Trading Broadens and List Strengthens; Liberty 3 l-2s Continue Upward Prog ress to High Mark. New Tork. Aug. 30. Trading In stocks today broadened on a slight Increase of activity. The expansion was accompanied ty a general strengthening of tha list, al though shippings, rails and a few special- lies were again most conspicuous. l.toerty jijs continued their upward progress to the new high quotation of lui.H. many lots changing hands at near that figure. Other liberty issues were active, but without spprecisble change. A significant development of 'he day was the adoption of a resolutton by th clearing house committee expressing lis entire sympathy with the "credit conserva tion" recommendations recently advanced by the federal reserve board. Indefinite continuance of tight money Is expected as a result of this action. Canadian Paclflo waa once more the outstanding feature of the Investment ! suea, augmenting Ita recent advance with an additional gross gain of four points. Other trans-continentals were firm. Next to United States Steel, which gslned a trifle, Mercantile Marine preferred was most active. American Telephone registered another substantial recovery, Ita further rise based on tha regular dividend, and Western Union also made up part of Its loss. Domestic bonds were Irregular and In ternationals featureless. Total sales, par value, (7,150.000. Old registered 4s lost ' per cent on sales Number of sales and quotations on lead ing stocks: Closing Sales. High. Low. Bid. Am, Beet Sugar . . Am. Can Am. Car Si Fond'y Am, Locomotive . . Am. Smelt. Ref. Am. Sugar Ref. . . . Am. T. ft T Am. Z., L, ft S... Anaconda Copper.. Atchison , . .' A G ft W I S S L.. Bait & Ohio 400 t.9Tt 69 Vs 69 H 900 47 46 V 46Vt 400 85S 85 86 800 67i 66 6 1,000 7S 4 87 7814 300 110 109H 109 3.S00 97 96 95t, 300 18 18 18 1.100 66 65 66 300 81 81 81 300 103 103 102 400 (5 64 64 1.100 24 26 26 B. A S. Copper. Cal. Petroleum 25 Canadian Pacifio 6.300 162 169 160 Central Leather 78 Chea. ft Ohio 200 58 67 67 C, M. A St. P.... 2,000 49 .48 48 C R I ft Pao ctfs. . 1,000 25 36 25 Chlno Copper 38 Co o. Fuel ft iron 500 47 4v. 47 Corn Prod. Ref.... 600 48 Crucible Steel 1,(00 68 Cuba Cane Sugar 1.100 30 Distiller's Sec 2 (00 69 Erie General Electric General Motors .. 3,(00 163 43Vk 68 80H (8 43 68 ti 80H 68 16V, 145 167 1S0V4 Qt Northern pfd 92 O. N. O. ctfs 600 i 31 81 Illinois Central 96 Inspiration Cop.. 1 600 5 HI 61 61S Int. M. M. pfd. Int. Nickel .... Int. Paper .... K. C. Southern 23,900 103 k WiVt 102 700 SO 29 29 1,400 86 34. 84 600 18 18 18 200 33 38 33 Kennecott Cop. Louisville & Naab 116 Maxwell Motors .. 900 26 26 26 Mex. Petroleum .. 1.900 101 101 100 Miami Copper 27 Missouri Paclflo 400 24 23 23 Mont. Power Nevada Copper . . . . N, Y. Central N. T N. H. & H.. Norfolk & West.. Northern Paclflo... Pacifio Mail 69 20 600 73 73 73 7,(00 43 42 42 200 107 107 106 200 90 89 89 200 32 31 31 600 44 43 43 Pennsylvania Pittsburgh Coal 50 Ray Con. Copper.. 200 24 23 23 Reading 2,300 (0 Rep. Iron A Btsel (00 (3 Southern Paclflo.. 900 87 Southern Railway., 200 23 Studebaker Corp.. 1.200 44 Texas Co 13,600 151 89 92 87 23 43 150 89 (2 8T 23 43 154 Union Pacific 1,600 126 134 124 U. 8. Ind. Alcohol 600 128 127 127 U. 8. Steel 36,600 111 111 111 U. 8. Steel pfd... 300 110 110 ... Utah Cooper (0 Weatern Union .. 300 (1 87 81 Westlnghouse Eleo (00 48 43 43 Bethlehem B 2,000 84' 83 83 Total salea for tha day 190,000 shares. Chicago Live Stock. Chicago, Aug. 20. (U. S. Bureau of Mar kets.) Cattle Receipts. 16,500 head; steers steady to atrong; butcher stock mostly 10 15c higher; about half of receipts were west erns: beef cattle, good, choice and prime, (1(.6018.85; common and medium, (10.00 16.60: butcher atock, cows and belters. (7.2514.25; stockers and feedera, good, choice and fancy. (10.2513.00; Inferior, common and medium, (7.6010.25; veal calvea, good and choice, (16.76 17.76 ; weat ern range beef steers, (13.60tiil6.50; cows and heifers. (9.00(312. 60. Hogs Receipts,' S3. 000 head; market closed 1015c lower than yesterday's aver age. Best morning price was (20.10, but late top was (19.90. Butchers, iilbj 19.85: light hogs, (19. 16019. 90; packing, (18.0019.99; roughs, (17.4017.90; bulk, (18.2519.80; good and choice pigs, (17.75 18.50. Sheep and Lambs Recelpta, 16,000 hesd; market steady to 2(e lower; some western ethers (Oo lower: top weatern lambs, (18.25; top native lambs, (17.76; lambs, choice and prime, (17.66018.25; feeders, 116. 6017.66; breeding ewes, (12.(0018.00; ewes, choice and prime, (U.8612.35; medium and good, J12.35C12.86; culls, (4.5O019.OO. Kansas City live Stock. Kansas City, Aug. 20. Cattle Receipts, 16,000 hesd Including 100 southerns. Mar ket steady. Prime fed steers, (17.00 18.26; dressed beef steers, (U.'016.76; weatern steers, (10.0014.60; southern steers, (7.6013.00; cows, (8 2516.00; heif ers, (7.6014.60; stockers and feeders, (7.50 14.50; bulls, (6.6010.50i calves, (8.00 14.00. Hogs Receipts. 20,000. Market higher. Bulk of sales, (18. 761(40; heavy, (18.90 19.40; packera and butchers, (18.76iQil9.56; light, (18.9019.00; pigs, (16.5018.00. Sheep and Lambs Receipts, 6,000 head. Market lower. Lambs, (18.00ffllS.25; year lings, (11.60016.00; wethers, (10.00 14.76; ewes, (9.0014.00; stockers and feeders, (6.0013)18.00. St. Louis Live Stock. St.' Louis, Aug. 20. Cattle Receipts, 5,900 head ; market atrong. Native beef steers, S11.C01S.Z6; yearlings, steers and heifers, I9 6016.60; cows, (7.50 12.50; stockers and feeders, (8.60 12.00; fnlr to prime southern beef steers, (10.00017.70; beef cowa and heifers, (7.60016.00; native calvei 37.76 16.25. Hogs Receipts, (,600 hesd. Market high er. Lights, (19.(5020. 00; pigs, (14.(0 18.86; mixed and butchers, (19.65 20.00; good heavy, (19.8020.00; bulk of salea, (19.60919.95. Sheep and Lambs Receipts, (.400 bead. Market steady. Lambs, (14.00017.00; ewes, (11.00012.00; cannera and choppers, (6.00 9.00. ' Sioux City Live Stock. Sioux City, Aug. 20. Cattle Receipts, 1,- 000 head; market 16o to 25c higher; beef steers, (11.00 016.50; fat cowa and heifers. (8.00010.60; canners, (6. 6007. 60; stockers and feeders, (8.00013.00; calves, (7.60 14.00; bulls, stags, etc., (7.60011.00; feeding cows and heifers, ((.(008.(0. Hogs Receipts, (,600 head; market 10c higher; light, (18.76019.20; mixed, (18.(0018.75; heavy, (18.1618.60; pigs, (17.50018.00; bulk of sales, 818.20018.76. Sheep and Lambs Receipts. 300 head; market steady. St. Joseph live Stock. St. Joseph, Mo., Aug. 20. Cattle Re ceipts, 2,200 head; market higher; steers, 10.00014.00; cows and heifers. (5.50016.00: calves,. (6.00013.60. Hogs Becelpta, 4,509 head: market higher; top, (10.60; bulk of sales, (18.600 9.45. Sheep and Lambs Receipts, 1.800 hesd: market steady; lambs, (12.60018.60; ewes, 6.00 1I.D0. St. Louis Grain. St. Louie, Aug. (0. Corn fleotember. 1.69 asked ; October, (1.68 bid.. Oats September, 74 He; October, 75 New York Metal, New Tork. Aug, 30. Lead and speiter Unchanged. At London: Spot tin, i(7T GRAIN AND PRODUCE . Corn Prices Are 2 to 3 Cents Higher; Oats Advance Three- Quarters to One and a Fourth; Wheat Firm. Omaha. Aus. 20. Receipts of grain today were 83 rare of wheat. (0 cars of corn, (( cars of oats, no rye and 1 car of barley. Corn prices for arlv trading were from 2 to 9 i,ni, hi.,. Sales were made aiowiy up to a late hour! yellow grades being about the only kind disposed or. uata were ri of a cent higher, the bulk aelllng at the extreme ad vane. wheat sold readily at unchanged pricea. OMAHA GRAIN MOVEMENT Recelpta (cars) Wheat ..... 88 217 $ Corn 60 60 39 Oata (( 36 38 Rye l Barley 1 l Shipments (cara) Wheat 85 42 1 Corn 4o 65 65 Oats 20 18 60 Rye , Barley I RECEIPTS IN OTHER MARKETS Wheat. Corn. Oats. Chicago 1,231 163 724 Minneapolis 414 Duluth 2 Kansas City 343 S8 44 3 Ht. Louis 342 Winnipeg VI PRIMARY GRAIN MOVEMENT Receipts (bu.) Today. Year Ao. Wheat 3,304,000 821,000 irn , 4SS.0O0 Oat 1,964,000 1)3, 1,884, 000 000 Shipments (bu.) Wheat 3,967.000 435,000 366,000 864,000 Corn 376.000 Oata 442.000 U. 8. CLEARANCES, Today. Tear Ago, Wheat 246.000 Corn , 66. 0(1(1 Oats 106,000 Ys' sin Corn No. 1 white: 1 car. (1.88. white: 1 car, (1.72. No. 2 yellow: 2 cars, (1.78. No. 3 yellow: ( cars. (1.75: (-6 car. (1.74. No. ( yellows ( cars, (1.69. No. ( yellow: 2 cars. (1.68; 1 2-8 cars. (16. Sample yellow: 1 car, (1.65. No. 6 mixed: car, 11.(0: 1 car. (1.67. Sample mlieri: I cara, it os; i car, (1.63; 1 car, (1.50. uais no. 2 white: l car. 71 Wo. Ktn. vrdi 1 71,- No'.J,whlt: 11 " 71- No. 4 white: 1 rar. 70Vc. Sample white: 1 !? J"?Oi M". 70o (wheat). Barley No, Wheat No 2: 1 csr. (l.ii. 1 hard: 2 cars. (2UV4: i car, (2.18. No. 2 hard: i car, (2.17 (du- """i. c.r,; ia cars. (I.I6; l car, ismuuy; i rar, (smutty.) No. 3 (durum); 3 cara. (2 12; 1 cars, (2.11; i ca7 (2 10 (smutty). No. 4 hsrd: l car, (2 io; 1 car. (2.09; 1 car. (2.08; 2 cars, (2.06 (smutty.) No. 1 spring: 1 car. (3.14 (mmm. ..... . . . . - . - iyii i car, i.u (smutty). Closing Chicsao Dricea. lufniBhAA Th, ii- by Logan A Bryan, atock and gratn brokers. lit Xnuih m.i..n.i, ...... ...u. Article.! Onen. I High. IT.7.' I r... iv.-.l I-ow. I clo'- Ves'y Corn. Aug. Sep. Oct. Oata. Aug. Sep. Oct. Pork. Hep. Oct. Lard. Sep. Oct. Ribs. Sep. Oct. 1 ( 1 (4 16 1 62 1 (5 161 1 (3 I (( 163 f Tl 79 11 78 70 " T4 72 44 10 44 SO 44 10 44 (0 44 90 44 (0 2( 80 2 80 28 77 26 (0 I 26 (7 28 (7 24 92 25 00 24 (2 00 26 22 25 00 1 (4 1(0 1 64 162 1 66 163 72 70 73 70 74 73 44 25 43 (0 44 (0 44 16 S( 7T 36 71 26 p,7 26 (2 (( 00 (4 76 26 22 24 (8 CHICAGO GRAIN AND PROVISIONS. WJ'..jra'!5ed .,tr"rth. Kansas City, .-rp 22o and closing strong. The sdvsnre brought out stop loss orders, and, although aT:,rS October com closed fio on at (t ssa, 1 u. were oougni by shippers today, and fnm Tm4Ih a-,, . ... . I v'a.X uZ1 r" V"T "l""'i l" iiiac uic price oi ice to consumers , ch.c.,.-. f ?obo;hoiucents pcr hundred' faiied dsmage reporta from southern Nebraska t0,V,0Vf UP- and Iowa as wsll aa tha imith.i nl,ni., Itie lone excentinn was 7,. irWlA'- Emitted,, the Independent strong. Closing prices were I cents over yesieraay, ootober at 74o. ... v..,y it.i.,1,. removal or ins max- Imum price restriction from rtrr meats bv th. fnn .rfmii i ..."L7 about higher prices, closing prices wen a net advance of (07c in lard, 25027. operate one wagon, asked for per Vv.',b' 1 4...60c. n "k: mission to raise the orice. lioth rj extras ana rirsts, unchanged; seconds, "vHnti sianaaraa, 44p44o. Eggs Firm; unchanged. .wTnT8?: r.r?ce.. V.?;", Potatoes-Unchanged; receipts. 61 cars. Corn No. 1 yellow, nnmlnsl- No i. wnusM.i UI ILK. A II STII .1 1 1 ll I low, (1.8001.81: No. 4 yellow. 11 Taunt il ii?4m? ' Wh'U' T1"0i """'ard. Rye No. 1. ll.S7ai.SSU No. 2, nom- Inal. Barley (1.0101.06. Timothy (6. 00 (.On. Clover Nominal. Pork Nominal. Lard (26.67. Ribs (24.26026.12. New York General MrL( New Tork, Aug. 20. Flour Barely steady springs, 111.160111. 40; winters, (10.400 10.70; Kansas, (11.10011.86 Wheat-Steady; No. 2 red, 13(4 track New Tork export to arrive Corn Firm; fresh shelled No. 2 yellow iiu. yenow, S1.J, Both 0. I. f.. now rork. Oats Firmer; standard, (O0(lo Hay Firm; No. 1, (1.651.70; No. t. $1.6601.60; No. S, (1.4001.46. Hops Quits; state, medium to choice. ..... oonmt, iiu, nominal; raclfio ooast. 1917. 1922o; 1(18, 1316o. Pork Unsettled; mess, (49 00049.60; family, (65.00; ahort clear, $45.00062.00. Lard Firmer; mlddlewest, (26.(0026. 7C iuow yuiei; clly ,peclft 0nMj Hc. Rice Steady; fancy head. lOOlOlie: blue rose 9c Kggs Market irreauinr- finj. fresh gathered extras, 4960c; fresh g'ath 7. ."."u,::p"Kea "trft 4648c; Cheese Market firm, unchanged Live Poultry Market 2;chfowl, 2'35c: old roosters. 24 Evaporated Apples and Dried Fruit. New York. Aua 20. Evnrit Dull; state, 13?16Uc. Prunes Quiet; Callfornias. 8016c: Ore. gons, 12l(c. Apricots Firm: choice. lc 16c; fancy, 19e. .reaches Scarce: standard phntn. , , , , ...... '"V"71V, -...i,,, 47ai;. inner, jimiiur rtlltlnn - Steady: loose nniiFii.l. in., choice to fancy Heeded, lU&lc: seedier! fUc; London layers, 2.00. Turpentine and Rosin. New York Cotuin. New Tork, Aug. 20. Cotton closed ateadv sajs, s UOh UQUIIIIO UI 0 IO 1 pOinla.. Cotton futuroa closed steady; October, 32.03c; December, 31.61c; January, 31. 40c; o aa nat- ,1 1 i .at m r ... . ' aeasaivil, Oa.fOU, illaty, Oi.VQC. Nw York, Aum. 20. Cotton future. niMti. ed Irregular: October. 32.26o to December. 81.16c to 30.76c: .Tinn.rv an 7A I to (0.76c; March, 30.80c to 30.96c; May, tiuiifji Savannah. 0 Anir ?HTmn- Firm; 66 bbls.; aales, 66 bbls; receipts. 483 bDls.; shipments, 119 bbls; stocks, 26,883 bbls. I Rosin Firm: sales. 1.864 hbls reini 1,946 bbls.; shipments. 336 bbls.: stock, 65,990 bbls. Quote: E I D. E. $10.6i87S: O, (10.76 ; H, I. (10.6090: K. (11.760112 00: M. (12.00; N. (12.2S; WO. (12.60; WW, (12.76. Minneapolis Grain. Minneapolis, Minn.. Aug. 20. Flour Un- changed; shipments, 72 cents, 447 barrels. Barley 84 99c. Rye (1661.67. Bran (29.81. Corn (1.781.S3. Oat6K70Hc Flax (4.634 4.66H. ,f , ' Dry Goods. New York. Aug. 20. Cotton goods re mained quiet today, with agents fiaurlna on .new prices to conform with government minimum. Broad silks were Inactive end men's wear faced the same problems aa in the past. Kansas City General. Kansas Clly,' Mo., Aug. 20. Mutter and Poultry Urn-hanged. . Kgg Firsts. 39c; seconds, 3.1c Kansas City, Aug. 20. Corn Septumber. (1.71; October, (1.69 V. New York Nugar. New Tork, Aug. 20. Sugar Unchanged. Bnej CUy News fcUec, Fans, 8. Burgesa-Granden Co. Hare Root Print It New Beacon Press. , IV Molnca Couple Married Miss Catherine M. Carter and Leo Jlelf ner, both of Des Moines, la., were married by Rev. Charles W. Savldge Monday. Sues for Freedom Florence Ora Schuler has filed suit for divorce against John Schuler; alleging evtreme cruelty and nonsupport as the grounds tor in action. The school boards of Douglas coun ty are composed of 181 men and two women. Does not the work of county superintendent look like a man s Job? vote ior Milton a. Jams. ('horses Desertion Charglns de sertion and that ahe failed to cook his meals, Smith asks that he be divorced from his wife. Elsie, to whom he was married April 28, 1916. lituid Concert The Omaha Bone mlan band, tinder leaderahlo of Fred Woodard, will play municipal t on cert Wednesday nlsht in the Benson playground, beginning at 7 p. m, Arrives Ovcroeatt Victor II. Black. now a member of the S31st aero snua- don, has arrived safely oversea, ac cording to information ranaivaA H - nia ratner. j. L,. H ack. 2325 Rownrrt street. He waa formerly employed as a arartaman for the city. Axks Divorce and Allmonv Harriet Bobbins socks a divorce from her husband. John M charting: extreme cruelty. She alleges that thev were married October 4, 1906, and that her noma nas oeen anything but a happy one. Alimony ia asked. Oldaitioblle Headquarters Here The Nebraska Oldsmoblle company haa 'r""errea ita Headquarters from Lin. w... M uui'uo, i. j. yy ursi, ma".- Ager of tna service department, has already moved to Omaha with his family and taken charge of the de- Dartmpnt h.ra St?es Nebraska Guards w t? iiuhbiu pi me mirnngton has re turned from ne vlalted Fort Sill, Okla. He met a large number of fh hnv. ih rtiKLJ i.?L..f. f"" i-urasKa mere. He found the enrRSKJlns enjoying army life, but anxious to go overseas to get' into wie ngnung. Two Divorces Granted Two de- c'e?a loT divorce were granted by JuJ8"e sears late Monday. Mrs. Fran- ces Fanclullo was granted a divorce from hr hn.h.n r.u ... i - - ........iiiiv., U , ,m i j i i' , i . ' , ii i if. snrl skA 4 J . r 1 I cuoaociy or two minor chll- T , r,f, ftrge WM Stlon. Mrs. Lulu B lveu pnr.rl r,. - "",""" on lr ground Of nonaunnort lino fl replace goods at Sunderland' jiuy wne ice ueaier Attends Hearing on Question of Prices With one exception, independent :e dealers who were to appear before Iscar Allen. Dnito-la ,,i.. , n . i. o wiiii i y iuuu administrator yesterday and show cause why they should be permitted pendent Ice COmoanv. which nre cented figure, to Vhow that at' the Prent price the company is forced to pay for ice and at a selling orice of 50 cent, per hundred, it K possible tor the company to make y money. According to the her- cornP?ny. wniCIl Operates Seven wag- ons, IS JUSt DreaKing eVetl, With no prOnt tO ItSelt. I j ... .. . , . wo otticr aistnoutors. tne u ack stone company and M. Nelson., who y ouumu uguves mici jus- iiiying ineir request, . . Ice Cream Soda Prices ass . F0 0W POD Oil WaV UD V v" ,,HJ WH Tweiitv-fntir hntira fi" ttiat nnnn. lar carbonized, atmospheric article T:u " 7 1 T ... . ' mi io ten cents pcr Dome, umana drug stores and soda fountains by mutual and syndicated agreement an- iicacu anuuicr Jiwicy io tne price oi uc cream souas. me price is now 15 cents instead of 10. The 24-hour delay in the advance, it is presumed, was to ease the jolt. The price of ice cream has not advanced, manufacturers say, but the . j i L "V""""-11" " l"c soda iotif owners apparently go on tne theory that "yOU never Call ICII. One Man "Winged" When He Assaults Night Watchman While making his rounds at 10 o'clock Monday night, M. B. Billings, night watchman for the Union Fuel r n m nontf ura 3eaaitfa1 Kts tutA a .1 'rr....:..u .-j .u. ui: at aweiiucin oucci auu mc tiuriing- ton tracks, and in defending- himself, drew his revolver and fired several shots. One of the men. I. H. Sut i"", JO oouui iwciiucm aircci, was arrested, but the other eluded can ture. Billings thinks he hit him when he fired his revolver. Sutton told the police the man's name js Ike Hart. New York Honey. New Tork, Aug. 20, Mercantile paper- Unchanged. Sterling Unchanged. Francs Demand, (5.66; cables, (6.66. Guilders Demand, 61c; cables, 52c. Lire Unohanged. Mexican Dollars Unchanged. Time Loans Strong; unchanged. Call Money Strong; unchanged. U. S. 2s. coupon 98 I. C. ref. 4s 77 U. 8, 3s, reg. . 99 I. M. M. 6s.... 99 U. 8. 3s, coupon 99 K. C. B. ref. 5s 78 U. 8. Lib. 3s lM.lS'L. & N. un. 4s 83 U. 8, 4s, reg...l06M K t I III 4s 61 U. 8. 4s, coup. 106 M. Fac. gen. 4s 68 Am. For. 8ec 6s 97 Mont. Power 6s 88 Am. T. A T. c. 6s 87 N. Y. C. deb. 6s 94 Ane-ln. French 6s 84 N. Pao. 4a 81 68 Arm. A Co. 4a SZN. Pac. 3c..'. Atchison gen. 4s 80O. 8. L. ref. 4s ..81 B. . O. r.v. 4Us 76U,,P. T. & T. 6s UN H,th lnl r f,. Ra 'P,nn con. ili.. UK. Cen. Leather 6s 931'enn. gen. 4s 86 ,Cen- Pacific lt 76Roadlng gen. 4s 82 t, n k st s t. a p mu In u jL n iius p.c , mv f' M , a P n 4 Ui 77 Southern Rv 6 (i li,: C R I A P ref 4s OSH'T. & P. 1st 83' c. A B. ref. 4Hs 73Un'lon Pac. 4s'.' D. A R. O. r. 5s 62 U. S. Rubber 5s 804 D. of C. 6s ('31) 92 U. S. Steel 6s.. 98V Erie gen. 4s esii'Wabash 1st 91U General Eleo. 6s (6 French gov. 5s 99 O. N. 1st 4 Vis ..87 lild,,0ffcrcd. U. 8. 2s, reg.... 98 New York Coffee New Tork, Aug. 20. The market for cof fee futures was irregular todny with a con tinued small volume of buxlness. There was further scattering liquldntlon by inar months, but the offerings were absorbed by sellers of later deliveries, and r'-ports that Importers were paying slightly higher prices in tho cost and freight nvirkel gxve futures a steady undertone. The opening was unchanged to two points higher and the market clos'-d net three points higher to one point lower with September selling around 8.3n and May between 9.1tc and 9.14c. Closing bids: September. ,.4c; Oc tober. 8.60c; Deromber, 8.71c; January. 1 79c. March, 8.9lic; liny. 9.13c; .luly. 9 :Nc Spot coffea steady; Rio 7s. N'c; (vintu.N 4s, 11 Vic l.ln.terd. Aug. 20. Linseed 14.60. Duluth, Minn. 40 GREEKS SENT FROM THE CITY AS . RESULT OF BRAWL Men Told to Leave Town and They Hastily Gather Their , Effects an! Take Departure. Early Tuesday morning forty Gree.k laborers were driven out of Council Bluffs by unidentified men who seemed to be acting in accord with a general plan. The Greeks were nearly all railroad workers, who had in curred the dislike of the men who assumed the authority to order them out of town. The roundup begin shortly after midnight and was con tinued until the men marked for 'de portation" were headed toward ElSt Omaha. No violence was used and-,, no panicky or spectacular scenes oc curred. The territory involved -1fj-cluded only the the section in 'the northeastern part of the city. Tlte alleged "undesirables" were quietly but firmly told that they would find healthier localities outside of Council Bluffs. It was alleged that there were no threats of violence and that most of the "warnings" were given in a friendly manner. Despite this a wave of excitement spread through the Greek settlement, mostly bunk cars, and there was hur ried gathering up of personal effects ana a stui more nurried departure. The men circulating the warnings worked quietly and in the darkns$j not one of them disclose! his identity. None of the Greeks thus driven out returned to their work yesterday, and it was said that they would not do so, but would seek employment else where. Provocation for the action is "al leged to be connected with the- shoot ing of Gus Folus, early Sunday morn ing, and the story told by the oartv of Greeks who were alleged to have been held up and robbed by . four masked men. There was some doubt cast upon the story at the time and it was said yesterday that a strong con viction has arisen that the shooting occurred during a dispute among the men themselves and that the holdup story was concocted to protect the man who fired the shot., I ohce investigation, however, failed to disclose any foundation for the theory. 1'olus is still in the .hospital um is recovering. - , Deputy United States Marshil Shoemaker rounded up 22 Greeks Aiontiay night and expected to get 40 more Tuesday. Every Greek in the first bunch had Liberty bonds either $50 or $100 denomination. Al together they held $1,150 worth of' bonds. " Seek to Discourage Sale and Trade of Liberty Bonds The Douglas County Council ' of Defense is taking steps to discour age trattic in Liberty bonds. , It has been brought to the attention of .the --- - w ..... 0 w- . : ... . : . .. . r. t a , nuns sic urging aitvpiancc oi jid- erty bonds in exchange for stocks in the corporations. In other stances, merchants advertise they will' accept bonds in payment for gockds and merchandise. Secretary Leslief the local council has made this state ment: "The government has repeatedly made it known that it is opposed, to these practices, and the State Council of Drfense and the Council of De fense for Douglas county are co operating in an effort to stamn it out. The government desires, for obvioua reasons, that these bonds shall re main in the hands of the original mtr- chasers, and those who insist upon trafficing in them in face of the gbi ernment's known desire in the matter. will expose themselves to undesirable publicity at least. Declares Woman Sold Dog to Him, Then Stole It Back The affection of Mrs. A. Mcfilsf.. 1705 Willis avenue, for the canine ao. cies, particularly one of the bulldog variety, proved stronger than her love for money, according to the tes timony of her neio-hhor. Alhert Rrf. dick, 1717 Willis avenue, who had her arrested Monday on a charge of stealV ing the dog after he had ourchasert it from her. - ""' Reddick declared that he bought the dog on Saturday for $5, and took it home. On Monday the dog disajv peared. Suspicion pointed to the for mer owner as knowing something"! the disappearance and whereabouts' of the animal, Reddick said. Mrs. Moi fet declared she did not know where the dog was, but admitted she was sorry she sold him and would I.U?e to have him back. The case was corn tinued. :; . Dick Kitchen Will Enter Quartermaster Corps Here Dick Kitchen, manager of the Ho tel Paxton, has jut received a releas from the draft direct from Washing ton and expects to enter the quarter master corps at Fort Omaha Thur. day. J . wift & Company Union Stock Yards. Chicago, Aug. 21, 1918. Dividend No. 131 Dividend of TWO HOLLA Its ff2.00 pershar on the capital stock of Swift, h Company wlU be paid on October Int. 1018, to stockholders of record, Autrust31st, IMS, as shown ou the book of the Company. ' F. S. HAYWARD, Secretary. PACKING COMPANY UYTEiT 1116-1118 Douglas S:t Te Douglas 1S2I i