i - s . Want Ad Rates (Cub With Order.l ' IHe per word eaeS Insertion la par word (or three consecutive Insertion I, mr word (or eaeb additional Insertion - No ad taken (or lew than total of "a , or less than loo per day. . CHARGE. o per lino Poont worde to lino) ooo time ta per lino oocb tlmo. I consecutive times to por iljs oocb tlmo. to consecutive time SITUATIONS WASTED . lie por lln v CARDS Of THANKS AND , rCNERAL NOTICES. I va por tlno oocb Insertion (Minimum Charge, it Cents.) : Contract Bateo 0 Application. For convenience of odvartloaro wlnt ade r ill M accepted at tbo following offlcen alAIN OFFICB Bolldtni t hum Offtco North 4tb St lake Office til North 14th St. tlutoo Offloo 2 Booth Htb Hi t.ri orfipa Kit Leavenworth St Walnut Office North 40th 8t u . ma. Ml ti St r-....ii ni.ifra II Main 8U North THE BEE will not bo repontbl for more than ono Incorrect lnruon 01 an lawtmr went ordered (or more than one. urn, v - Dae THB TELEPHONE !f rou cannot cbn eanloiillr bring or tend your ada to an of h above office. Ask for Want Ad .on nn in receive tbo aame food aervlce aa wbea delivering jour ad Id V VtiONK TTLEB im. vwt A A rolnmna Cloae KnnlDf Editions .11:00 M. urttit. Frtltlnn ,..19.00 P. M Kundsy Editions 1 P. V. Saturday Evening DEATH & FUNERAL NOTICES iiURSE William, age 1 yeara, Auguat 80, ... lain, at I a, m. Funeral aervices from Waynes' ohapel, Jth and Ames Ave.. Wedneodsy evening . . fit Interment, Dunlap. la. Mr. Nurse . i. hv four brothera and two !- " ter.: Chart and Mra. C J. Mllllgan. of Sioux City, la.; A. J. of Omaha. Walter and Mra. H. McDale of Dunlap, la. and i Kcneaf of Decatur. Neb. eTRAUSEK Caryl. Aug. 17. tl. age 2 - '"avJt.r.l nervines will be held from n-.u-u Tinrrnnce Chanel, llth and Cum lng street. Wedneaday, Auguat St, at 10 : e clock A. M. . Service at West I-awn Cemetery, private, Ft'NDT The funeral 'service for I lie la t e Porta Pundt ana ner, aaugmcr, r,mm, will be held at the resident a of N. P. Fell, ' 102 South 16th St., at p. m Wedneaday, , ' Auguat 21. Burial at rrospeci jimi tery nl rrnwlf MAnlon. August It. age 14. irn.ri aervlcea AVedneaday. Auguat 21 , J:I0 o"elock, from rwldonce, 1351 Ktllnoii : nm interment, roreei mn' lery. Frlenda In vlted. FRATERNAL ORDERS. HK.MHKKS of Irfdge No. I V. h. H. are re HUeitect to attend the funeral of our let "- L..ik.p anion Petersen, from realdem- 'list F.lllaon Ave.. Wedueaday, Auguat 21 a, ::0 . clock. j jf, JORQENSEN. , ' . " prealdcnt FUNERAL DIRECTORS. ti..e runaral Dlractora jat Hil lath L Phono Wug, ll fACKOALC0NER Independent Cndertahera d A Far. H. 400, itunroTi v krm and liuenaed embaltnara i. alao private ambolanee. Call Webeter 41 Willie C. croany, idii n. nm fc"'r. rii-inriER CO.. Funeral Dlrectore. r. h. Tero. Mgr., lid and Cuming Ste. ' Phone DOUCiaa ti. uio iniraiin "ijorrMANN FUNERAL HOME. "Hoffmann Quality rvtoe, oot lee. , 24th and Dodge. Pouglaa lit l. JOHN A GENTLEMAN, undertaker and .mhalmer. S411 rarnatn 8 Harne 111 FLORISTS, Fontenell "LEEL.LARMON .1014 Douglas bv A7D0NAGHUE ,!VrnBt. Flower ahlppad everywhere, cxp. prepam. BATH Careful FlorUt. 1104 Farnam St. f, Hendaranw ,ll Farnam Dj34 MONUMENT ft CEMETERIES. WEST LAWN offer sympathetlo eervloe to ;: suddan aorrow; perpetual osre: no aaea- mant: lot on y term. Phone Wal. HO. THE largeat dlaplsy of monuments In the United State. FRANK SVOBODA. 12H- ' to S 1th Phone Pouglaa 171-Mlt MARRIAGE LICENSE "Marriage licenses" were laaued to the fol lowing named peraons: " Nam and Addreta. Age. William R. Haselton, Omaha over 11 JUrguertt at. MeSweeney, Omaha. .ovsr 11 ytneena Dan. Omaha; J Josefa Ogoreve, Omaha 1 w McDonald. Burwell. Neb....... 57 lit W Frealand. Omaha. 4. .. . ..... 41 rtennla. Omaha. ..... ...... 17 Alice Dockweller, Omaha.. ... 33 t . u.ifnar. Dee Molnea. la........ 11 v.lherlne M. Carter. De Mollies 21 BUILDING PERMITS 7. Lluinger Impievemnt company. Fifth and Pacific street, auto ahed. 11,000; Nebraska Power company, 2314-0 M atreet. dditlon, 11,800; Newark Shoe company, 107 North fifteenth street.' remodel plant, II, ooo; F. J, Hermansky. 2725' Q street, remodel store, 11.000: John C. Telaer, 1022 Caa atreet, re. pair dwelling, 11.000. BIRTHS AND DEATHS Tllrths Jeremlnh and Nellie Leahy, 163 north Twenty-fifth avenue, gin; Milton a, and Anna' Kauffman. 1461 Phelps street, boy: David and Minnie Jordo, 2010 Martha Ktreet arlrl: Redo and Elisabeth Lublnkovle, M09 South Twenty-ninth street, girl; 'Joe and Clara Bernstein, 10 North Twentieth street, girl; Edwin and Aline Moberg, 2767 Oumtng street, girl; Albert H. and Teckla Kvnde, S61S South Thirteenth street, girl; John O. and Leone Hultgren, 2170 Saratoga avenue, boy; James W. and Wauneta Croft, ' 2301 Mandoraon street girl; Frank and mille Porokop, 2322 South Sixth street, boy; Oulseppe and Lucia Catania, 1212 South Sixth street, boy; Clarevee'and Mary - Storm, 11W Edwards street, boy, Roy 8. and Ella Oillogly. 1221 Q street, .girl; Charles H. and Ethet K. Newell, 2310 North Twenty-second street, arlrl; James A. and Helena A. Jensen, 4515 North Fortieth avenue, girl. Deaths Earl Holmes, 11, hospital; Mra. Julia B. Glltna. 45, 1040 Caas street; Vergil Irel. 13, 2015 Ohio street; Mary A. Nelson, 53, hospital; Julia Klrrna, 71,. 4314 South Thirty-eighth treetT Mary E. Schlem, It. 5015 Webster street: Harriet B. Barrows, It, 2(17 Camden avenue; John Safarlk, 13, 1610 Dorcas atreet: Bertha Bleats, 11, 1717 . Charha atreet; John Priest, (7, hospital; Maria IWh. 53, 2214 Grand avenue. ATTRACTIONS. AT liberty, lady orchestra, violin, cornet. piano,; -experienced muatciana. Box 1101, Bee. SPECIAL NOTICES. ATTENTION. Bricklayers, No. 1 of Neb., special bual ess meeting will be held Auguat 2ft. C. H. MILLER, Secretary. NOT1CB to bualneaa merchants: I will not be responsible (or any good aold to my wife after Aug. 17. O. F. Knosp. POLITICAL. ' OEO. 8. COLLINS : Democratic Candidate (or v ,' Justice of the Peace. C Tear Justice of tha Peace. LOST FOUND REWARDS. "OMAHA 4k COUNCIL BLUFFS STREET . I 1II.W1T fVlPiNV -' p.raMia havinc lost aora artioles would . v do well to call up tha office) of the Omaha , Council Bluff Street Railway company to ascertain whether they left It to tha , ifMt ear. . . ' ' - Many article each day are turned la and the company la anxious to restore mm to the rightful owner. Lut ' uucia. lline book sor 1915" coDtaln in t liberty bonds ot 150 eecht register . -ard. classification card and 1 receipt. Jl aVasalarew. t0 R St rbon South LOST FOUND REWARDS. LOST At Longeway ball iark, one Diua coat, green stripe. Reward. Phone Tyler J31. MAKE Strayed from near Benson. Call Tyler 2671-J. FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS. Furniture and Household Goods. FINAL WEEK OF Af'GCST BALK OF Fl-'RNITt'RB. Thla will b the greateet week for bar. galna In the furniture and house furnlah mga In the hlatory of Omaha. Kvery needful houaehold article will be material ly cut In price. Call thla week today would be the beat lime to aecure the bet ter choice. We make a apeclalty of com plete home outfits, alao hotela and room nig houaea. Railroad farea refunded to out-of-town buyera within 60 mllea of Omaha on purchaaee of $? or more. STATE FURNITURE CO., 14th and todge Ste. Opp. U. P. Bldg. FURN1TURB A HARDWARE BARUAJP.O. Bed a. eprlnga. mattreaaea. oreaaora, cnu (ontera, Ublea, chalra. china and kitchen cabinet, ruga and linoleum, trtinka and ault caeea. gaa atovea and Ice boxea, full tine acreen wire, poultry netting, garden toote. 1KJI-41 North Sttb BU TL Web. HOT Open till p m ACTUAL TRUTH FOR BAROAINo r uli line nf furniture, aaa and coal oil atovea. ruca. baby carrlagua. trunk, eta. Loyal Furn Co.. SJ N HtU. MAHOGANY aetee and ihalrto match, green velour uphnlatered. walnut sum Caea Ht., A LKAVlNli CITY llouaohold gouda muat be aold thla week: baricalna in learner coucn. chalra. kltcten cabinet, etc. 8708 Haw thorne Ave. Walnut 344 1 . HOt'SKHOLD furniture with piano lor aale, at J:o C Ht Phone South 1S&7. TWO refrigerator and aaveral plcturea at 410 Florence Bivn. Pianos & Musical Instruments. WIS bave aeveral Vlclrolaa that we took In on tradea for sale: in gooo conumuii. Rouae Phonograph Parlora. Cor. 20tb and Farnam Bta. A HoSl'B CO.. 161 uougiaa. nave Viwm to rent at 13.6 pel nonin, or wm i eaav lerrna Ut MAHOGANY Vlctrol with IS6 wortu o reenrda (iood aa new. Walnut 1325. Dairy Products i-kKKH uountry buttermilk; butter; beat ot cream: atrlctly freab egga; delivered fn any part of Omaha. Phone Kuu'.b 116. or Tyler 620. Wagner'. Lumber and Building Materials. "LUMBER, BRICK and Other Building Material For Sale. CHAMBER O'NEILL CO.. J103 Leavenworth DC Store and Office Fixtures. wm hi, .all and make dtaka. aafea, aho oaaea. ehelvlng, eta Omaha Future A Sup plv Co.. llth and Pouglaa I' 74. FnH UAL K Hardware alocK ana naium, eaatern Nebraaka. Addreaa vox 'nia haBee ONK roll tot' d. ok, 717. 4119 H. 21th. good a' new. South Sewing Machines. "SEWING M ACHINES We rent. mmlr. tell needlea nd part of all aewlng inehln MICKKL). NEBRASKA CYCLE CO. IBth and Hrrev Nta loug 1H2. typewriter, and Supplies. OUK UXCHANGED MACHINES 'JliPAUT- M KNT., ! tha laraeat of lt kind HV Hie West. Tou can alway find Just what you want her. W buy, sell, rent, repir ana i change typewriter of every kind. Fj tahllshed nearly 20 years. CENTRAL TYPEWRITER BXCIIANUB. Inf ions Farnam. TYPEWRITERS, all makes, aold, rented ami repaired, ' THE N. W. LONG COMPANY, 11 Farnam. Tel. 1, S1 ONE l-oolumu Burrougha Adding machine (or sale at a bargain. 190S FARNAM ST. TvPtriivBlTKRH anld. rented anil repaired. nnt an Oliver 3 montha for 15. Central Typewriter Exchange, 1005 Farnam. ADDING MACHINES, all make bought. 1 rented and aold. CENTRAL TYPEWRITER 14XCHANGE. 1005 FARNAM ST. urn Tittv. sell or exchange typewrltere; . .oar. tvuawrltera 110 and up. Write for Hat Midland Typewriter Co,,- 1404 Dodge, Miscellaneous. OMAHA PILLOW CO. Feather steamed, renovated and made up In new feather. oroof ticking 1907 Cuming, uoug. 1 AMRRir-AN tool.wks. ahaner. 18-lr,.; 1 . .... a Tl.lh. newer nammer. line sua lit. mi w Blnkley, 2111 Harnejt at i WANTED TO BUY. JENKINS ha Juat returned and will give you the cam good service that he gave In the peat. Help win the war. Sell your, old clothe, shoes. rugs, tool, trunk and buy W 8 S Will call. Re. D. 1033, office D. 6144. DESKS DESKS DESKS New desks; used desks bought, sold and traded J C Reed. 1201 Farnam. D 14 rT a MriMncsuL heroman co U XtiH.J 1 UK) 401 South 15tb St. ANNOUNCEMENTS. KEEP Dancing Academy, 2424 Farnam St. Learn to dance for 15 where learning I a pleasure. 11. 7850, WILL aerv good home-cooked 6 o'clock dinner for 11.00 per plate. Harney 1615. Accordeon Pleating. ACCORDEON. aide, knife, sunburst, box pleating, covered buttons, sll sixes and styles; hemstitching, plcot edging, aye- let cut work, button holes, pennant IDEAL BUTTON AND PLEATING CO.. 100-108 Brown Bldg. Phone Dong 1930 HEMSTITCHING. PLEATING. BUTTONS, O. U. VanArnam Pleating Co.. 110-7 Paxton Flora. Phone Doug. 1101. Baggage jindExgress THE ONLY WAY MJ-gl- THE OMAHA TRANSFER CO. REPUBLIC AUTO EXPRESS COMPANY will haul everything for you. Psckages less than In lbs . 15 cent Douglas 7461 Awnings. AWNINGS AND PORCH FURNITURE. Auto touring tents and camping- supplies. BCOTT-OM AHA TEljT A AWNINO CO. Brass and Iron Foundries. PAXTON-M ITCH ELL CO. 27th and Martha Ste.. Omaha. Neb. Bras, bronie, aluminum and machine ' gray Iron casting Billiard Tables. PRIVATE tables for parties at Holme'. Chiropractors. Dr. J. C. Lawrence. Balrd Bldg. D. 1411. tiUNOGKAI'H. Dr. Edwards. 4lh, Farnan Costumes. FULL dress suits (or rent 10 N. llth St, opposite Potoffle. John Feldman, Dong- la 1121. Detectives. JAMES ALLAN. Ill Neville Blk. Evidence secured In all eaeea. Tyler in. Printing and Office Supplies. Watara-Barnhart Pig. Co., 414-1 So. llth street Dentists. Dr. Bradbury. No pain. 131 W. O. W. Bldg. Taff Dental Rm.. Sbl Rose Bldg. D 111 Film Developing. FILM developed; rolls, 10c: pack, llo: L4W a ullu,niMI "-- one-day aervlce. Kaae Studio. Neville Blk, 14th and Harney. Dressmaking. MISS STURDY, dressmaking. Doug, lilt. Fixtures and Wiring. TATTTIT'TXT Electrlo washing machntea, U U XvXvXIN siectrlo Iroaa and reading lamp. 1221 Cuming at Douglas 1511. Tewelry. DUM0NDSwpr,V.r.,,rtt.pb,7 2 at email profit GROSS. 401 N. llth St Osteopaths. DR. MABLE WESSON, S14 Brandela Bldg T. 34. Res., 4T41 Patent Attorneys. PATENTS procured, bought and aold. Inter national Patent Co.. 1 Braneeis. u. si 8TURGES 4 STUKGES, U. a anf foreign patent and trademark I2 Bee Bldg Tailors. Dlediick. P. L 11 8. loth Tsllon D 2433 Towel Supplies. Omaha Towel Buvply. 207 S. llth. D. 12. THE BEE: ANNOUNCEMENTS. Medical. PILES, fistula and other rectal dis eases cured without su'iicai oper ation. Cure guarantied. Write for book on rectal diseases with testi monial.' D. E. R. TARRY. 240 Bee Bldg.. Omaha. Safes. BARGAINS Uli Faroam. SAFES .1 J. Derlght Safe Ce Wedding Statiory: WEUDINU announcenienla and pnnun. Doualaa Print Inc Co. Tel. iwj" MEDICAL. RUPTURE auccfaafully treated without aurglcal operation. Call or wruo. ' Frank H Wrav. n Bee B'dg BUSINESS CHANCES. LAROEHT and bent equipped garage .n central Nebraska for aale. tu owuaian territory; Paige and MhxwcII agcnclea; will Invoice about JM.OOO; thla can be bought for one-half cah and balance good Ncbraeka land. No better battery aervlce atallon In the ntat. Caa 'nslde . n.l nut nooil atock. new cara and trucka. Rooin to atore 20 car lor the iiiirh ,'iii.n niei'hanlca and aalea man. fine office. Kverything that I necemary to make an up-to-tho-mlniite garage. Owner In draft, with nut bunch un. muat aell at once. Mr. Oaraga Man " thia l your opportunity. Can you graap it. We Invite clont Inapection. Aiareea W. E. Oatea, No. S Uienarlo Apta. Oma ha, Nb. UK. HI, I, NO CLOTHING 8VRK l Vork- ,or lmn,.,llta ui. Katatlnea id year, n atock. lnvolco IH.OOU. Fixture it aofl. Imwi term lease. Beat location In city. Owner called to aervlco. UK on Broadway. 4 a day. J all repreaen tatlwii. All Bcouinmouiilion or orancn nflre Kfflolent helo Your tiualnena our i,nbin TTnlted Bualiieaamen' lload- nuurter 1482 Broadway, N. T. DHAIfT! Will nell my near bcur aaloon .,! niio var or. I lea ring ') a weea. Ait (ulck for a few hundn-d dollar Phone Black 1 405, Council Bluff". HiYlfT DRINK onrlor fr aale; good loca Hon; good lu(neaa. Am selling on account of tioor neallli. Locaieu ai Telephone Douglaa 7721. FOR HALE A good paying up-to-date drug lore In an un-to-diite building. Owner vlalua In retire. Addresa Box Y-G53, Omaha Bee. FOR SALE FOR CASH Saloon In good lo cation, doing good buelneas. Reason (ot oulttlng. death Addresa H., 1410 Charles St.. St. Joaeph: Mo. FOR SALE Confectionery and lunch room. County seat, ioiulatlon 3.1.00. A good proposition. Plenty of buslnuss. Write William Tlmin. Ord A HAKGAIN III u, complete body and cab wood working ahop, with complete equip ment, blackainlili shop in connection. Bos una. Omaha Bee FORI' ag.ni-y Mini Karaite for aula. Ne braska town. F. V. Knlest, Bee Bldg.. iiinslia WANTED in trade good live drug bualneaa for automobile,. Inquire Y-648. Omaha Bee. AUTOMOBILES. Automobiles and Tracks I 1S1S 7-pasetiger, 6-cyllndrr Studebak er; good ahape. Willi prncllcally new Urea; a bargain. I 1SU cylinder, r.-paHM'iigrr Oldptno. bile; practically new; lia been owned but about, two months and driven about 2.000 nilles; u bargain, 1 1917 4 -ton Republic truck, with rni u body anil cab; completed overhauled; In good condition. Nash Sales Company 10th at Howard. Phone Tjlor 010. WEDNESDAY SPECIALS 1914 Cadillac touring, 1400. 1 91 H Ford touring; natural wood wheels and five hew tires, 2615. 191a fltudebaker touring juat overhauled and repainted, 12P0. 1917 Doit e touring; UK new, wo. 1914 Ford touring; a good one, 1-26. 'Every car demonstrated to your entire atlefactlon and sold under a 24-hour trial und money back If not satisfied guarantee, Cotno In and look these car over. TRAWVER AUTO CO., 1910 Farnam. Douglas 907. 1 TON Republic truck, used 10 month, newly painted, fin condition, ssuu. . 1 Ton Republic truck. 1-year-old, new Iv nalnted. tflst overhauled. 1700. 1 v-ton Republlo truck, used months, good condition; bargain, 1490. A 1-ton attachment for Ford, at cot, ANDREW MURPHY & SON. Omaha,' Neb. RADIATORS Wrecked and legky radiator repaired and rebuilt; large atock used radiator cn hand. Mashed fenders and lampa repaired llkv new New atock of Ford boneycomc radlatora OMAHA RADIATOR AND TIRE WORKS. 1911 Cuming St. Omaha. Nab FOa SALE Just like new, Bulck C-37 Is a good buy for someone who wants a used car that has been taken care of. Motor nd starter overhauled this spring; brand new battery and five good tlrea. Price 1550; might take a Ford In on 1 trade. Benson S65 J, 2949 North 69th St. Grant Six touring 1650 Scrlnp Booth roadster 660 Both cars are In the beat of condition aud ar ready to go. BARNUM AND SMITH CO., 122 Cuming St. Douglua 3044 FOR SALE OR TRADE 60 h. p. Mitchell chummy roadster, high speed and power. Will accent Ford in A condition a Dart payment A bargain. & E. Frank- Rout S. 75A. Benson. Neb. FOR SALE A good 5-passenger Studebaker car. In good repair; good ressons for sen. lng. Address E. E. Zimmerman, care n, Y. Life Ina. Co.. R. 337. Jmaha Natlona Bank building. Tel. Tyler 37. Leave word If 1 sm not there. on"e Packard chassis, 1350; 1 Peerlras Both machines In truck with body. 1450. good condition. NEBRASKA WHITE CO. Fred C. Rogers, Mgr. 1407-21 Capitol BARGAINS IN USED CARS All makes. With and without starters, 16 to pick from . Phooe D. 1241 or call at 1514 Davenport BOY LAN AUTO CO.. for hai.k. At a bargain- Reo three- quarter ton truck used par time (or etgnt montha and In gooa conamon. uurrss Box Y. (13. Omaha Bee I : :: : . r iron sale 1 American Tool woras ahaner. l-ln. stroke: 1 1 H.P. 1-phaae Gen Electric 220V motor. Tell uinaiey. ui Harney atreet. D 1640. USED CARS AND TRAJCKS AT BARGAIN PRICES. STANDARD MOTOR CAIl CO, 2110 Farnam at., Omaha, Neb. OAKLAND, Sensible Six. MARSH OAKLAND 1300 Farnam 8t WANTED Secondhand Ford engine Ford without body. Albert Butta, Sctiuy !er. Neb. 1911 PAIGE-STRATFORD, Juat thor eughty overhauled. Absoluely flrat-cla mechanical condition. Tyler $71. I , ... Ol.DHMOBILE sefan. Practically new Will sell cheap. Am going to California for the winter. Car at Webster 12sl. 1 WANTED FOR SPOT CASH. 100 USED CARS: oiick action: no delay. Auto e.x chene-a Co. 2050 Farnam at Doug. (031. WE ARB THE USED CAR MEN. TRAWVER AUTO CO., ' 1910 Farnam St. Douglas 1070 MY nrlvata car: Overland touring, ti-a Many now parts sptenaia vaiue. iwai, 101. FOR SALE Oakland touring Sedan In Ural class condition; In use two montna. tan Mr. Newall Jonea, Walnut 150. BARGAINS In used car. ORR MOTOR SALES -U 40th and Farnam. Harney 414. GtK)D USED CARS. OUT L. SMITH. 26th and Farnam Ste. Douglas 170. BARGAINS IN USED CARS JUnCaftrey Motor Co.-. llth and Jackson. Ford Agents. D 600 MEEKS AUTO CAR. IISCD CAR BARGAINS ,.-, o-sovav ST DOUGLAS . uai.,iI. at kai I H, iiii vuimus), wn cars buuvbt (old and exenangsv OMAHA, WEDNESDAY. AUGUST 21, 1918. AUTOMOBILES. FOR BALE New ISIS model rora. t-u Tyler 1407 W Repairing and Painting. EDWARDS. E. 8., J614 ltb St. Weto- ter U0U For tb bt reult wttn repair work ooaeu't u Automobiles Wanted. CAR WANTED HIS or HIT Packard. Peerleaa, Wlnton, Stuta, Loeomootie or aim liar car. In good abape. at bargain. Addreaa Bo T 621. Omaha Bee. Starters and Generators Repaired. AUTO EI.KCTRIC SKKVICU C. Anything electrical about your auto, 110 lth St. Donglae 1441. Awto Livery and Ganges. RENT A FORD DRIVE IT TOURSh.LT 12o a mile, I So per bour minimum marge Sunday and holiday. 0o per bour. FORD LIVERT CO.. Donglae 13 1114 Howard St Tires and Supplies. GUARANTEED TIRES. ONE-HALF PRICE. 1,000 Mile Guaranteed SOxl. 19.26; 30xH. ! 76; mm. HI. 15. J3i4, IU.7S: 14x4. 114.00: Zbxi'm. tli.il Writ u today tor particular. AGENTS WANTED. Expert Radiator and Tire Repairing. "2 IN 1" VULCANIZING CO.. . ISld Davenport St., Omaha. D. 14. BARGAINS IN USED TIRES WHILE THET LAST: 30x1 1 50 13x4 1 l !S I0x3tt 17.00 11x4 10.00 ISxlH 1.00 14x4 11.00 Other txe up to kid. Tire shipped aubject to examination aa deposit of ons dollar. Omaha Radiator & Tire Works, 1819 Cumin St. Tyler 917 Omaha. NEW TIRES AT HALF PRICES. XOxl Republic. I1.7S: Ford tubes. 12.25. 10x34 IMPERIAL TIRES. 113.25. SOxHi NON-SKID PULLMAN. 114.21. 22xJ', NON-SKID CONGRESS, 115.41. 34x4 NON-8KID M'GRAW. 113.43. KAIMAN8' TIRB JOBBERS. 1721 Cuming. BRAND new tlrea and tubes at 25 to 40 per cent off Hat price. Send for our price list. OMAHA CUT RATE TIRE CO., Doug 2916. 31U 8. 19th St. RKAL bargains In slightly used tires; new J' tires at very low prices. G. and G. Tire Co., 2415 Leavenworth at. Tyler 1261-W. BUT Lee puncture-pronf pneumatic tlrea and eliminate your tire trouble. Powell Sup. plv Cn 20M Farnam H MOTORCYCLES AND BICYCLES, 5 A R L 0 Y-DAVID80N MOTORCYCLES. t4. ,ln. In tied machines. Victor H. I Rosa, tha Motorcycle Mac 27tb and Leav enworth PERSONAL. "THM Salvation Army Induatrial Horna o. licit your old clothing, furniture, maga zine Wa collect. We distribute. Phone Doug. 4135 and our wagun will call. Call and Inspect our new home, 1110-1112-1114 Dodge street. ANYONE knowing tha address of Mra. Alice Frltche Thomas will ulcaae have her communicate with Mrs. Jiontoorn. i Glennay Avenue. Cincinnati, O. EG ROW HOFFMAN, communicate with your mother at Nebraska City at once. SITUATION WANTED, ANTED By the Mid-West Land & Leas lng Co. managers for eaatern Nebraska nml western Iowa. Write for territory. lay C. Crosby, Llndell hotel. Lincoln. Neb. Male. XPERIENCED bookkeeper, accountant and general ottica man desires position. Middle age and exempt from draft Wide experience, clean record and A-l refer ences. Box 1774. ANDY reliable. Industrious man wants light work: fair wages. Miller, 613 North 20th St. Phone Douglas 197-U. ICIKiES trained, lawns mowed, floors waxed, windows cleaned. Delaney, Doug- lua 7918, PAINT, caruet and uaoer cleaning, the TJa tional Cleaning and Service company liui Leavenworth St. Harney 0013 AN wants situation where he can learn driving and repairing of motor trucks. Call Miller, Douglas 1970, evenings. Female. EXPERIENCED young lady deslrea poal- tlnn ws bookkeeper or assistant bookkeener. Must have good wages. Write Miss Pearl niHhop, 12H K 6th St., Frempnt, Neb. COLORED lady Hants position as cook In small town or on ranch. Mrs. McNIchol. 241 4 Patrick Ave., Omaha, Neb. RELIABLE colored woman wants day work. wll experienced. Webster 1302. Laundrv and Day Work. DAY work, cleaning and Ironing. Call Col fax 32s. morning or evenings. BUNDLE and family washing; call and de liver Wal. 3663. WANTED Bundle-, waahlng. Call Webster 1171. COLORED luundres want day work. South 753. . BUNDLES carefully laundered. Call and deliver Web. 423. )AY work wanted Call after ti Web 4426 BUNDLE washing to lake home. V'eb. 1399 WoTTaN wants day work; ref Web- 2221, Dav work and bundle washing Weh ItiSs iAUNDR Y work by -the hour. Webster 2061. DAY work wanted Call Webster BUNDLE washings to take Home. Web. 1.191 CURTAINS laundered, w'k guar. Har. 1130. BUNDLE washings wanted. Tel. Red 673. HELP WANTED-MALE, Stores and Offices. BOOKKEEPERS, 1200, 1175,1125.1110,1100, Stenographers, 191, 84, .175; ledger cl!t.. 1115; shipper, 185-1100; office clerk, 180 correspondent, 1100; boy, 165. WATTS REF CO., Ills 1st National Bank Time keeper-127.60 week; bookkeepers. 1126; office eleBrU. 255-190; stock boys. 155. Co-tiperativ Ref. Co.. 1015 City Nat'i Bk. DRUG CLERK Patterson, 10th and Hickory, DRUG OLERK WANTED. Oood salary, steady Job. Attebery Bros.. Morrill. Neb. Piofessions and Trades. WANTED. First-class auto repair man; 75 cents per hour BENSON AUTO SHOP, Military Ave. and Binney Sta. WANTED Evuress Handlers Drivers snd Chauffeurs. Incrcaaed Salarlea AMERICAN RAILWAY EXPRESS CO. Apply Union or Burlington Station office WANTED FIRST- CLASS AUTO ME CHANICi TOP WAGES AND 8TEADY WORK. SEE O. U RHODES, MARA' THON AUTO REPAIR SHOP. 1110 JACKSON ST. WANTED FIRST CLASS AUTO ME CHANIC; TOP WAGES AND STEADY WORK. SEE O. K RHODES. MARA THON AUTO REPAIR SHOP. 1110 JACKSON ST. WANTED. Toung man draft exempt wllh)ame me- chsuical ability for machine shep worK to such a man we offer good pay, steady work with plenty of overtime. NELSON' LOOSE-LEAK CORP. 242 LEAVENWORTH STREET. I AN EXPERIENCED upholsterer and cut off-aaw operator for tha Ralston Fnrnltur factory.; permanent position. - best of wages and splendid living condition Ap ply Orchard A Wllhelm Co.. 414-11 South ISth. St. WANTED Competent linotype operator for Norwegian-Danish work. Good wages, steady Job. Decorah I'ostea. lecorah, la. HELP WANTED-MALE. " Professions and Trades. WANTED Man not aubject o draft, in electrical atock room. Experience not necemary. Muat hav reference. Le Bron Electrical Worka TINNER and plumber wanted at once. 15.00 per day; ateady Job. Don't trtswer unieaa you can come at once. L Wllaon. Dunlap, la. WANTED Helpera and carpentera. East Omaha; wagea, 45 and If per hour. W. B. Weekea, Webster 171. . WANTED Upholsterer (or furniture de partment Box 4140t. Bee EXPERIENCED up-fitter. Apply to Or chard & Wllhelm Co. WANTED 2 good butchera; beet of wagea. Apply at John Pavla. bl40 sontn ip WANTED Picture frame Joiner and fitter. Anr.lv Milton Darling. 1110 Farnam 8 HELPER on delivery trucka. chard Wllhelm Co Apply Or- Salesmen and Solicitors. WELL known manufacturer desires the aervices of three accustomed producer for plastic roof cement and paint. Sal ary, bonus and commisdon. with excel lent future. No lookers. For personal interview call on L. R. Ostran. sales manager, 2 to 5 p. m. Castle Hotel. WANTED Steady industrious man for delivery wagon; w want a man who wishes to make 1100 per month or better and alao advance himself to a Detter position. 260J LEAVENWORTH ST. WANTED Position as chef or cook In or out of city, 22 years experience, capaoie of running kitchen; economical. Kyle Schamel, Hotel Sanford. wanted Firat-claaa tailor. Prefer el derly man, or one above arart age. uooa waaea Da Id to tight party. Address May Clothing Store. Coxad. Neb. Boys. wanted Young man or boy over 16 year for machine shop assembling work NELSON LOOSE-LEAF CORP. 5435 LEAVENWORTH. MORNING carrier wanted Dundee route (or Omaha Beu Apply Walnut Btatlon, 40th and Cuming. WANTED A boy over 17 to learn trunk and case-making. Frellng & Stelnle, 1803 Farnam St, Trade Schools. WANTED Tire repair men; good salary Good-Wesr Tire and Garage company, 27th and Leavenworth streets, Douglas 4,700. Miscellaneous. LABORERS and track men, 40 centa per hour at start, with car fare; 10 hours. ,- APPLY TRACK AND ROADWAY DEPT, 22D AND NICHOLAS STS.. OMAHA & CO. BLUFFS STREET RAILWAY. WANTED AT ONCE Man to handle water treating plant at - large power station steady work: previous experience not necessary. Call or telephone NEBRASKA POWER COMPANY, 4th and Leavenworth Sts. ' wTnTED LABORERS or handy men; steady employment: good pay. No time lost on account of weather or material. OMAHA OAS WORKS. 20th and Center Sts RAILWAY MAIL CLERK examinations Aug 10. Hundreds wanted. 31.100 year. Sample questions free. Franklin Ins: tlite. Dept. 23-F. Rochester. N. Y. WAf'TED Men 1 to 50 years old for gen oral yard work; steady work for good men. Apply timekeeper. Union Stock Yards Co., South Omaha. WANTED Stableman at once. Apply to American Railway Express Co.. 1107 Cap itol ave. WANTED experienced colored porters and Janitor. Orpheuiu Theater, 15th and Harney.- PORTER for office building. Apply to Al fred C. Kennedy Co.. 205 South 1 Ht n Ht. HELP WANTED FEMALE Stores and Offices. AMERICAN TELEPHONE AND TELE GRAPH COMPANY offers an exceptional opportunity to aeveral bright, well edu cated young ladles, between ages of 18 and 22. to learn LONG DISTANCE TELEPHONE work. Those with gram mar achool education preferred; Interest ing work; congenial surroundings; liberal salary paid while learning. Apply to MISS CARLSON. 666 Brandela Theater Building. STENOGRAPHERS. $100, $95. $90. $85, $80, $7i stenographers, 7, si, i". o, bookkeepers, $110, $100, $85. $76: typists. $91. $84, $80, $75; enmpt. opr., $S6; ledger clerk, $78; file clerk. $52; steno. and bkkpr.. small office, $75; steno., beginner, Beatrice, $50, $65; office clerk, R. R. of fice, $81. WATTS REF. CO., 1138 First Nat. Bank. STENOGRAPHERS IT you want a position in an out-of-town bank aee us at once. Several positions open now. No charge until Vou are lo cated. Bank positions only. THE CHARLES E. WALTERS CO. 1424 First Nat'l Bank Bldg.. Omaha. LEDGER clerks, splendid firm, 180-1S5. Steno. and Bkkpr., $100-$90. Stenographers, $60, $60, $80. $90. Typist. 160-160. Office clerks. $60-$75. .THE MARTI COMPANY, 1120 W. O. W. Bldg. STENOGRAPHER reiT estate, insurance office. $86. WESTERN REFERENCE & BOND ASS'N. Bookkeeper". $110; ledger elk., $86; typli-t, $66-$86.: Stenos, $65-$100; file clerk, $50 Co-operative Ref. Co., 1015 City Na'l Hk. ASSISTANT bookkeeper, somo experience. $66. $7. WESTERN REFERENCE & BOND ASS N. WANTED AN ASSISTANT- CASHIER. UNION OUTFITTING CO., 16TH AND JACKSON STS. WANTED Experienced lady for assistant bookkeeper. Call Harney 1122. after p. m. Please call at once. Professions and Trades. WANTED Young Ladies to learn telephone operating. Good wages paid while learning, rapid advance ment, permanent positions. Apply o C. F, LAMBERT: 1307 Douglas St. WANTED AT ONCE .5 experienced power sewing machine operators. We guarantee experienced op erator will earn 32 cent per hour at piece work. Thl guarantee la given for operator lo lejrn our work and expense ior penno or t weeks Nice clean and sieauy wore an the vear , OMAHA AUTO TOP CO.. 703-11 S. 15th St HELP WANTEDFEMALE. WANTED Young ladiea to insulate wlrea. Light work, good pay. Extra par for overtime. Le Bron Electrical Worka Saleswomen and Solicitors. TWO ladle, some education, free map dla- trlbutlon, home ot school children, alary. Call or phone (or Interview. Geor A- Link, general representative, ' Rand McNally and Co.. Paxton hotel. ' Household and Domestic WANTED Competent housekeeper to take full charge. Good wages and permanent place to right party. Write or phone Mrs. F. Hsrden. Itbara,- Neb. EXPERIENCED girl for general house work;, gooo? cook, no laundry work, city references. Mrs, A. B. Warren, 411 South 40th St. Harney 320. WANTED a competent nurse maid. Call Walnut 5. HOUSEKEEPER Wanted middle-aged woman, without: children; small house; be your own boas. . Address Box 1047, Lin coln. Neb. - i WHITE girl to .assist with housework and care of children; small house; laundress kept Colfax 2116. WANTED Girl for general houaework; good wagea; no washing and small family. Harney 811. WANTED A competent cook. Good wages. Apply-Mrs. G. Stors, 8708 Farnam St Vv'ANTED-A young girl to assist with gen- era! housework. yPhon Harey 801. WANTED A girl .for general housework In a Tamlly of two. 3607 Harney St. Hotels and Restaurants. SEVEN chambermaids, either white or colored. Housekeeper, Wellington Inn. Miscellaneous. GIRLS WANTED NOW. Must be 18 years of age or over. Good places tor both experienced and Inex perienced girls. Cafeteria serves hot lunches for 12c. Steady work and good wages. The more you learn the more you earn. Apply second floor, 13th St. and Capitol ITEN BISCUIT CO., Snow White Bakeries. LADY musicians and atngers desirous of being coached for chantauqua concert and vaudeville work. Writs now. Stgnor Tolomeo, Arlington Blk- Studios open Sept. lstv k WANTED Names women-girls wishing try examination for government positions. II 00 month. Addreis Y-649. Omaha Bee, WANTED Woman for telephone operator. Apply Orpheuni Theater. 15tn and Harney. HELP WANTED. Male and Female. TEACHERS WANTED This is harvest time for best positions. High school teachers, with degrees, $900 to $1,200; normal grad uates, grades, $630 to $1,000. Innumerable superintendences, $1,200 to $1,500. School service locating goodj teachers at good sal aries. Stewart School Service, Lincoln, Neb. WANTED Educated, reliable solicitor for permanent work; daily cash advance op portunity lo work up to Important posi tion. State experience, age. Address Box Y 652, Omaha Bee. WANTED Men. ladles and boys, learn barber trade; big demand: wages while learning: atrlctly modern. Call or writ 1402 Dodge st a,Trl-Clty Barber College. Phone D 2147. WANTED IMMEDIATELY Men. women Government war positions. $100 month List free. Franklin Institute. Dept 231 O Rochester, N. Y. MOLER Barber College wants young men and ladies to learn (he barber trade. Call or write (or free catalogue. 110 & 14tb Ht.. Omaha. Neb WANTED Pan washers and glass washers HOTEL FONTENELLE. 18th and Douglas EDUCATIONAL. BOYLES COLLEGE. DAY SCHOOL. NIGHT SCHOOL. Originators of Intensive Training for of fice workers. Courses In Bookkeeping. Shorthand. Stenotypy, Typewriting. Rail road and Wireless Telegraphy. Civil Serv ice, Comptometry, and all English branch es. Catalogue free. BOYLES COLLEGE: Telephone 18th and Harney Sts., Doulas 1665. Omaha. Nebraska RELIABLE AUTO SCHOOL. Best electrical and self-starter courses. Easily learned. No books. Free catalog. National Auto School, 2814 North 20th St., Omaha. Nebraska. Van Sam School of Business. Day and Evening Schools. 220 Omaha Natlcial Bank Bldg. Pnuglar 6n FOR RENT-ROOMS. Furnished Rooms SANITARY modem rooma for men only $2.60 per week Sunshine Apartments. 601 N. 17th St. J B. Robinson. 442 Bee Bldg Douglas 8097 ' MODERN furnished mom. permanent 01 transient. Including large front room suitable for three gentlemen. 1711 Dodge NICELY furnished outside room with hot and. cold water; breakfast and dinner. Harney 3369. MODERN room free to elderly business man for tending lawn. Box 1840, Omaha Pee. 2701 DAVENPORT, 2-room auite, nwdc-rn, electricity, gaa range, garage. Ha.ney 4989 1611 HOWARD; nice clean sleeping rooms, Housekeeping Rooms. 3 NICE housekeeping rooms, electric lights, gas. bath, private home, close to car line, near the boulevard. Harney 6205 TWO nice rooms for light housekeeping: all modern, furnished or unfurnished.- 1524 North 17th. Webster 1909. Board and Room. BEAUTIFUL furntshid room with bath ad joining, breakfast and dinner. To mar ried couple where both are employed or 2 gentlemen. Harney 3369 or 3611 Far nam. ' Hotels. COOL rooma. $2 week; alao aparlinei.is wltD klrcpenette Bdn hotel Co R'urrs Unfurnished Rooms. HEATED rooms In Creighlon Block, lath and Douglas Sis D 6342 WORU REALTY CO FOR RENT FURNISHED. LATONA APARTMENTS. Completely furnished, best of service. 641 S. 24th St. Call Douglas 1533. Houses. SEVEN-ROOM house, furnished, aleeplng porch, vacant Sept. 1, Field clup district. OMAHA LOAN ft ui.uu. abo a. FOR RENT HOUSES. West 2E Doue-laa. rooming house $33.00 inia North 22d. modern. 7 rms '8.00 JOHN N. FRENZER, Douglas 654 aiis i.i,: a VEX WORTH. 5 rooms, modern except heat, 116.00. Douglas 6947 North. r,.R(ii,M modern bungalow, paved street, good neighborhood, cathedral district, $35 tier month. Owner. 620 No.4.1d St Call Walnut 3834. 6-ROOM modirn house for runt, 3420 Cali fornia St. Call after 7: J" p. m. 7-ROOM modern bouse, entirely new. Titus Ave. Tel. D. H25. 2740 South sTRTivri.V modern 7-room house,: good neighborhood; $25 per mo. jnr. ruase. u Brandela 1 neater mag. 6-ROO.M house, strictly modern $30. 1543 8. 25th St. Red (z.- itscellancous Unexioected Vacancies. 385 California r ....$27.60 1010 South 22d 1 r., hot watvr heat 32.60 Armstrong-Walsh Co., Tvler 1536 S33 Securities Bulg. 385 California St. 1 rms 1103 Park Ave.. 1 rms s1 .ta. kson. 8 rms t .$30.0 . 32.50 . 40.00 ARMSTRONG-WALSH CO., Tyler 153.- 233 Becutiliea Bldg. I , HOUaEs) ' N ALL PARTS 'F fHs, CITY CRF.1GH SONS a CO BEB BLDU i i-i' ... i,riH.rtv for rent or sal wltb FIRST TRUST COMPANY. ' a-.... Tvler TO fbouen Co- Rente la Dougla. 4221. FOR RENT APARTMENTS. West. UNDINE APARTMENTS. 1 rooms and bath with Vroom accommt dations. Thoroughly modem in every de. tall. Located 2652 Dewey Ave. 135 pet i-month, summer, and 145.00 winter. Be u at -once. Sunday call Doug. Mat. TRAVER BROS. CO.. 11 1st Nat Bk. Bldg. Doug. 6881. 23D AND CALIFORNIA Only three apart ments left in this new ureproor ouuaing; 136 and $40 summer; 140 and 145 winter; 2 and 3 -room apartments, with 1 and 4 room accommodations: all convenience See Janitor. Apt. 1. 2221 California St EXTRA CHOICE CLOSE-IN FLAT, NEW BRICK; NOTHING BETTER IN T1.K CITY: FOUR BEDROOMS; 150.00 TO FAMILY ONLY. ARTHUR E. WOOJ MAN. 2221 CAPITOL AVE. HAMILTON APT8., fireproof; fine lawn and flowers; best location: 24th and Farnam. Prices reasonable. Call D. 1472. 1-ROOMS an bath. $27.50. lng month. Bemls park. 15 extra heat Douglas 6607. North 4-ROOM modern apt., 25 Maple Court, 18th and Maple St. Red 682 Miscellaneous TWO rooms with 3-room accommodation! and 3 rooms with 4-room accommodations In the Coronado, 22d and Capitol avenue, walking distance. 133.60 io $37.50. BENSON & MYERS CO. REALTORS. 424 Omaha Nat'l Bank Bldg Douglas 746, ON ACCOUNT of leaving city, will aublet one of the most attractive five-room apartments in Omaha for balance of term of lease. Phone Walnut 974. Sagamori Apartments 3824 CasaBt PETERS TRUST CO., Specialists In Apartment management FOR RENT Business Property. STORES FOR RENT 1609 N. 24th St., suitable (or retail or shop, living rooms In rear. 613 N. 1011 St., second floor (or photo gallery shop or living rooms. 713-15 S. 24th st., best transfer corner In city. 120 and $25. . 3102-4 Sherman ave., corner Wirt, mod. em atore, cement basement, finest loca tion for first-class grocery or market Armstrong-Walsh Co., Tyler 1636. 333 Beemritles Bldg. Stores. FINE new store room and basement al 27th and Leavenworth Sts.; steam heat; for particular see Conrad Young, 122 Brandela Theater Bldg. Dong. 1571. 2110 CUMING St., $30.00 -Alfred C. Kennedy Company. Realtors. 205 8. 18th st. . Dougla Til. STORE, No. 16th St., near postoffice. tow rent. G. P. Stebblns. 1610 Chicago St. WANTED TO RENT. Furnished Apartments and Houses 4 to 6-room furnished or unfurnished mod ern bungalow. Must be clean. In good condition and locality. 3 In family. Fhont Harney 1088 after 7:30 p. m. Miscellaneous. WANTED TO RENT A large stock and grain farm; have horses and machinery enough to run any size farm, Addresa 'Box' Y. 651. Omaha Bee. MOVING AND STORAGE. FREE RENTAL SERVICE. FIDELITY; 16TH AND JACKSON. DOUG. 281. STORAGE. MOVING. PACKING. REASONABLE. RATES. FREE RENTAL SERVICE. COMPLETE LIST OF ALL VACANT HOUSES AND APARTMENT8. Globe Van and Storage Co. For real service In moving, packing ana storing call Tvler 2S or Douglas 4111. METROPOLITAN VAN & 8TORACE 'XX Owned and operated by Central Furnt ture store; office on Howard St., between 15th and 16th. Phone Tyler 1400. Have your moving handled lust as yoo would an order for new furniture. That's tLs way we do It. Ask to see our daily rental Hats. FIREPROOF WAREHOUSE. Separate , locked rooma (or household goods snd pianos: moving, packing and shipping. OMAHA VAN AND STORAGE CO., 101 8. llth. Douglas 411. OMAHA EXPRESS CO. LARGE moving vans: careful men. Fur nlture pack., storage. 1417 Chicago. U 3 J n Pi7i7''n Expres Co.. Moving. . Kj. SXCjCjIJ Packing and Storage, 1207 Farnam St Web. 1741: Dougla 614. REAL ESTATE IMPROVED Vesi 7 ROOMS, OAK FINISH, $6,750. Built strictly for a home; living roorrl 13x24 with large brick fire place; sun room 10x17 feet and all .surrounded with windows; large dining room and enameled kitchen; upstairs has three very fine bed rooms with oak floors, and enameled woodwork with specially made birch doors finished in mahogany and glass door nobs; storm windows and screens throughout, gas heater; beautiful double Trench doors downstairs; large south front lot, very sightly and only one half block from Harney car; heavy con crete driveway and gar.age, shrubbery and nice lawn all in; must see to appreciate. Call Douglas 3140, or Harney 1888. $500 Down and $30 a Month 6-room strictly modern, nearly new bungalow located near 35th and Grand Ave. All on one floor: oak finish and oak flors; full cement basement; furnnc heat; large lot, 48x128, on raved street Act quick, as they don't last. Payne Investment Co., Realtors. 537 O. N. B. Bldg. D. 1761. OAK BUNGALOW; 1150 CASH. Five rooms on one floor, all modern, nice location and near car; full basement, furnace, and floordrain: stairway to at tic and (arge lot; Snap at $2,950; monthly payments" like rent. Call Harney 1898 or Douglas 3140. FOR SALE 3-room cotlago in good con dition. Screened porch. Easily moved. Bargain. Owner leaving town. Address, Diets Club, Cottage 8. Tel. Colfax 3750. 6-ROOMvnew stucco, modern house, Dundee. 1307 N. 50th Ave. Three sleeping rooms, oak floors, full basement. 12.400. Month ly pavments. Phone Walnut 1920. j LOT with all jmprovementa; on paved atreet; good district; 2395 to $495; $5 down: $5 per month. Doug. 6074. North MILLER PARK SPECIAL. -Buy at the old price one of the best built homes In this choice district; seven room and bath: fireplace; bookcases; buf fet; clothes chute; wall pluirs; laundry tubs In basement and all the little feature that make a home convenient: dandy sleeping porch; heated: narrow oak floors throughout; oak finish cn 'Irst floor; floored attic: screened In froi.t porch: full brick foundation; you can save $1,000 on this home over the cost to duplicate. For appointment call OSBORNE REALTY CO, 701 Omaha Nat. Hank Bids Tyler 493. Near Windsor School. $500 Down and $35 a Month Just listed, a 5-rooui. nearly new, "trlet ly modern bungalow, oak floors and oak finish: full cement basement, fjinaci heat; floored, attic; large lot: east f"on1 on paved street; priced at $3,250, a snap. Payne Investment Co., 537 Om, Nat'l Bank Bldg. I). 17M ""LOOK AT THIS ONE A sew 4-rooiu cottage alrea ly turn'.ilied, ''wtlh nice furniture. Nice i ixe lot ttn garage on rear. Owner draf,d ;.nd muM stL Oood location. Near pretty park. East front. Modern except left. Price complete $2,550.00. $300.00 c iBh and ance monthly. DOUGLAS 1014 DAYS OR WAL NUT 677 EVENINGS. T457 PINKNEY STREET" $400 DOWH $37.80 MONTIILY Six large rooms, reception hall, two Stores, pantry, rear entry, linen closet, oak finish and floora in part full basement, acreened-tn front porch. Call at bouse today. Phone Webster 271. FOR SALE .Modem 6-room house; good lo cation; near Omaha university; hot wa ter heat; large screened, windowed deep ing porch; large screened rear porch; fruit trees: owner leaving city $3,300; bargain. Fleming. 270 PlnknaV; Wei tar 17. " I v W"w74Sai -1