Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 21, 1918, Image 1

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'The Omaha Daily Bee
For Iowa and Nebraska
Fair Wednesday and Thursday.
Thermometer Reading t
S . in.,
1 p. m.
p. m.,
1 p. m.,
. m.
a. m.,
S p. m.
t p. m.
4 p. in,
B p. m.
p. m.
"The Start and Stripes
VOL. 48 NO. 55. 0,h. k o. , a . OMAHA, WEDNESDAY MORNING, AUGUST 21. mSl:,;Z:Z:V0 SS TWO CENTS.
16 it. m.,
11 a. m.
v ... , i
Carlepont Captured and Poilus Only Two and
One-Half Miles from Pontoise; Germans
' Fighting Hard Against Danger of
Exposing NoVon Region to Ar
tillery Attacks by Fur
' ther Retirement.
By Associated Press.
With the French Army in France, Aug. -20. The op
eration oegun at v o ciock
gin's troops between the Aisne and the Oise, southeast of
Noyon and northwest of Soissons, looks this evening to be
. a splendid success. General Mangin has taken from the
Germans at Cuts and Mont De Choisy the last heights re
maining south of the Oise in that region.
The French forces fighting on a front of about 15V-.
miles, advanced to an average depth of about two and one
half miles and captured numerous villages More than
8,000 prisoners have been taken. '
At Mont De Choisy the French troops are within two and
one-half miles of the O'se at Pontoise, the direct road to which
is now under lire of the French batteries.
Carlepont,' to the southwest, is also in the hands of the
French; tonight and from this place their guns command an
other road to the Oise at Sempigny, directly south of Noyon. i
South of Roye the town of Beuvraignes has been occupied
by the French after bitter.fighting. ' - -
London, Aug. 20. According to latest information re
ceived here, General Mangin's line now runs from La Queno-
tierie, north of Bailly, to Champ De Merlier, to Petit Maupas,
to Cuts, to Hill 160, to Vezaponin and to Valpriez farm, five
, miles northwest of Soissons.
The French have captured Vezaponin and are on the
r plateau east of Tartiers. From that point the line is uncertain,
but the French are nrocressinc towards f!melit. t
The Germans are trtakinc
is east of Le Mesnil. The advance is over most difficult ground
but the attack is still proceeding.
East ot Arras along the Scarpe river the British in sharp
lighting have advanced their line slightly to the east of the
village of Fampoux, wtiile farther north, astride the Lys river
tne .tsritisn nave reached L Epinette'and north of Merville have
captured the villages of Vierhoek and LaCouronhe, according
to Field Marshal Haigs communication from headquarters to
With the French Army in FranceS
Aug. 20. General Mangin, with his
right solidly on the heights north to
k. A i tr :
uic iiaiic aiuuiiu x uuicuuy, la sweep
ing the Germans off the high ground
south of the Oise, obliging them to
retreat across the river or retire east
ward. In either event the success of
the movement will expose the region
"about Noyon to artillery attacks
from the south, the southeast and the
z Germans Fighting Hard.
The German are righting hard
against this . danger, relying principal
ly upon machine guns as in the
. Thiescourt regjon, thus indicating
tliat some of their artillery already
is across or is on the way across
the river Oise. The count of prison
ers and an inventory of the booty
taken still are incomplete.
One corps in this operation had
(jpunTed 1,500 prisoners up to noon,
and had immense quantities of cap
tured war materials of all sorts.
. The artillery preparation, which was
most violent, began yesterday morn
ing and the enemy, anticipating an at
tack, hastened to reinforce his lines,
sending up two of his best divisions
.vnicli were held in reserve. These
d.visiohs arrived during the night in
motor lorries
An hour and a half after the order
was giveq to. attack, infantrymen
were past Audigncourt and Vassens
and were followed immediately by
batteries of three-inch guns. The first
line 9i defense was then breaking.
X Ravine Filled With Mustard Gas.
The Germans on retiring filled the
ravine with mustard gas. This, how
ever, proved only a temporary trouble,
the entire .ravine being turned in a
short time and the French troops
progressing toward Blerancourdelle,
eight tniles southeast of Noyon.
Farther to the right Tartieres, two
and a haif miles southeast of Morsain,
was entered at 9 o'clock and columns
of prisoners began to appear upon -the
plateau to the rear.
The artillery reaction was very
weak over this part of the 'front. ;
French aviators, flying way down
under the low lying clouds, kept the
staff regularly 4 informed as to the
progress of the attack and harassed
the enemy with machine gun fire. No
German fivers tried to interfere with
(Continued on ! Two; Column One.) ,
tnis morning m- general Man
stiff resistance of TTill 1fiO whirVi
American Navy Begins
Campaign Against U-Boat
Bases by Bombing Ost'end
London, Aug. . 20. The Ameri
can navy's air campaign against
German submarine' bases in Flan
ders began August 15 with the
bombing of Ostend.
While details are lacking, it is
said the operations generally were
successfully and that the Ameri
cans are particularly good at night
News has been received here
that one of the American naval air
stations in Italy was recently at
tacked by a large force of enemy
airplanes, which dropped more than
a dozen heavy bombs, none of which
did any damage. American air
planes and anti-aircraft guns beat
off the enemy machines.
Nearly Every House Is Now
Entitled to Fly a Service Flag
The Bee has secured a limited supply of handsome
paper service flags in correct colors, 11 by 18 inches, with
from one to five service stars, to be pasted on the window
pane. They are of the same quality and workmanship
as the American flag which we distributed and they may
be had at any of our offices by our readers at nominal
price in exchange for attached coupon.
Omaha Bee Service Flag Coupon
Good for one service flag when presented with 3 cents at any of
the following offices:
i rt:i
One Sent Down by British
Tanker, Which Dodged Tor
, pedd; Other Rammed
by American Vessel.
An Atlantic Port, Aug. 20. A 400
foot enemy submarine was sunk off
the Atlantic coast by the gun crew of
a British tanker, according to an of
ficer of the tanker. The talc of tlx
battle between the tanker and U-boat
was told today by John Crosby, chief
mate of the former, from his bed in a
hospital where he is being treated for
Crosby is said to be in a serious
condition. A .remarkable feature of
the case is that he felt no ill effects
during the engagement which took
place last Friday, and was in good
lieami until yesterday morning. 1 hen
safely jn port, he collapsed.
: "The second mate on the
bridge about 3 o'clock m' the after
noon," Crosby said. "There was never
a sign of any craft around, but he
caught the Streak made by a torpedo
coming toward the tanker. He yelled
and the ship was thrown out of her
course. 1 he torpedo mjssed by a few
feet. Everyone was on deck by that
time, but we saw. nothing of the
Dodges Torpedo.
"What we did see was another tor
pedo. We zig-zagged, dodging the
missile just as prettily as could be. It
went by us. Then the submarine came
out of the water with her guns ready.
She was all of 400 feet long and could
make 17 knots an hour. Our boat
was good for 11j knots, but we be
can to go with the U-boat coming be
hind. She opened up with Iter guns
and the tight started.
"I was acting as spotter for the
gunner, calling the shells ,as they
kicked up the water about the U
boat. Our 26th shot took the sub
marine right. It did not blow up with
a bang. What it did was to swing
around slowly and drift broadside on.
We did not slow down, but made for
port as 'swiftly -as we could travel. I
am sure our shot destroyed the enemy
' Steamer Rams Sub.
Washington, Aug. 20. The Navy
department announced today that the
captain of an American steamer had
reported that his vessel rammed and
probably sank a submarine about
9:30 p. in., on August 17, near Winter
Quarter shoal, off the northern Vir
ginia coast.v The captain stated the
submarine was struck on its port
bow, bringing it along side.
The submarine crew hailed in
strong German accents, saying they
were friends, the captain said, but
he replied they were no friends of
his. He kept "on his course-, he said.
The steamer is now in port with a
badly damaged bow and a quantity of
water in its hold. The captain thinks
he sank the submarine.
omh Offlo. Ht Bid.
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to ineude wrapping
and poitagc
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neiums rrum ci rrecmcis in
Nebraska Favor Republi
can Congressman; More
head and Neville Lead.
450 precincts throughout the state
out of 1848 give Senator Norris 7,165
votes to Congressman Sloan's 6,848.
Returns at 3 a. m. from
213 of the 1848 precincts in the
state showed Congressman
Sloan maintaining the lead for
the republican nomination for
United States senator over Sen
ator Norris, in the Nebraska
primaries. Sloan had 3.250
and Norris 3,079. Sloan was
leading Norris in Douglas coun
ty by 148 out of 1,434 votes
cast. The city vote throughout
the state came strongly for
Sloan from the start, but as re
turns v from country districts
came in, Norris showed a ten
dency iiL-creep up. .
Figures at midnight gave Ross
Hammond 2.755 votes in 2-13 precincts.
Madgett had 659 votes and Mercer
766 on the republican ticket..
Returns of the vote for S. R. ,Mc
Kelvie, republican candidate for the
nomination for governor, and of his
opponent, Walter Johnson of Omaha,
were not received, but there is no
doubt of the overwhelming: victory
of McKelvie.
On the democratic side. Governor
Neville was leadinjr Charles Brvan for
the democratic nomination for gover
nor by approximately 2 to . 114 nre-
cincts outside of Douglas county gave
Governor Neville 4.330 to Brvan's
2.265. Douglas countv cave Ntville
1,458 and Bryan 435.
Morehead trims Metcalfe.
uespite K. L. Metcalfe s strenuous
campaign on a platform of Ameri
canism, at midnight he was trailing
.x-tiovernor Morehead, 2 to 1; 142
precincts outside of Douglas county
gave Morencaa to Metcalfe s
Douglas countv fieures were More-
head, 1,078: Metcalf. 470. Attornev-
General Reed was down in the race
for the senatorial nomination, beinc
bad fourth with 1.060 votes for the
219 precincts tabulated. F.Horar
Howard was third in the race with
1,268 votes. Price received harelv
above one vote a precinct. Returns
at midnight gave him 284 votes from
-18 precincts.
Neville Beats Bryan.
The same ratios on the demorratir
side were maintained in Lancaster
county, according to returns i 12
o'clock. Governor Neville carried Lin
coln by 2 to 1 over Bryan. Bryan lost
even his own precinct, Precinct A,
Ward 5, by a vote of 19 to 24. Ross
Hammond was leading in the race in
Lincoln for the republican nomina
tion for senator with 234 votes, com
pared with 126 for Norris and 25 for
Sloan. Hammond carried his home
town of Fremont by 266 to 206 for
Sloan and 70 for Norris.
Congressional Tickets.
The probable nominees on the re
publican congressional ticket are as
First District C. F. Reavis, in
cumbent, no opposition.
Second District A. W. Jefferis.
Third District R. E. Evans, no op
position. Fourth District Adam McMullen.
or C. H. Denny.
Fifth District William E. An
drews. Sixth District Moses P. Kinkaid,
incumbent, no opposition.
The democrats leading in the con
gressional race follow:
First District S. P. Cresap.
Second District C. O. Lobeck, in
cumbent. Third District Dan V. Stephens,
incumbent, no opposition.
Fourth District W. H. Smith, or
(j. jsreisinger.
Fifth District A. C. Shallenberger.
Sixth District Charles W. Pool.
( Are You Reading
Oh, Money! Money!
Author of "Pollyanna" and
"Just David."
Today's Installment on Page 6
Douglas County Returns
One hundred and sixty-two
county give:
U. S. SenatorRepublican.
Sloan 2,000
Hammond 1,893
Norris 1,792
Mercer .... 1 1,316
Madgett 408
Governor Democrat.
Neville 3,945
Bryan .....1,158
Nonpartisan Ticket
precincts In Douglas county on the nonpartisan ticket give:
Chester H. Aldrich 1,182
Charles B. Letton 949
Grant G. Martin 1,002
William B. Rose 1,126
Ernest B. Perry 702
George F. Corcoran 671
Owen P. Stewart 386
W. H. Clemmons 561
Charles M. Sutherland 597
G. W. Whitehorn 342
Harvey L. Sams 436
M. A. Carriker '289
Frank W. Judson U03
jBhn R. Webster 1.243
Isaiah D. Evans 461
Bryce Crawford '(Unopposed I
Mississippi Returns
Indicate Defeat of
U. S. Sen. Vardaman
Jackson, Miss., Aug. 20. Returns
from the central and southern por
tions of the state showed Represen
tative B, P. Harrison running far
ahead of Senator James N. Vardaman j
in the democratic primary. F. F. i
fwoel, a former governor, was third.
Cardaman lost his home city, Jack
son, and was beaten in his ward, 121
to 28. Warren county, in which Vicks
burg is situated, gave Harrison 1,238,
Vardaman 104.
Politician's expressed the belief that
President Wilson's letter stating that
he "could but regard Vardaman's elec
tion as a condemnation of my admin
istration by the people of Mississippi"
had a strong bearing on the vote.
Carey Choice of Wyoming
Republicans for Governor
Cheyenne, Wyo., Aug. 20. Returns
from today's primary election in
Wyoming were slow in coming in,
but indications from the meager re
ports received tonight were that
Robert D. Carey had been nominated
for governor on the republican ticket.
On the democratic ticket, William B.
Ross, who was stronelv sunoorted
by prohibition advocates, was leading .
frank u ttoux, incumbent, in the
race for the nomination for governo.
The race for the democratic nomi
nation for United Sta'tes senator ap
peared close. The supporters of John
B. Osborne claimed his nomination
over James W. Fisher and W. W.
Senator Francis E. Warren and
Congressman Frank W. Mondell had
no opposition on the republican
Son of Former President
Grant Grantee Divorce
Reno, Aug. 20. Jesse R. Grant, son
of General Grant, former president,
was granted a divorce from his wife
yesterday at Tonopajj on grounds. of
desertion. She lives in San Diego.
She did not contest the suil this time.
aunougn nve years ago she had a de
cree at Goldfield set aside!
Son of Senator La Follette
To Receive Shoulderstraps
Chicago, Aug. 20. Philip LaFol
lette, son of United States Senator
LaFollette of Wisconsin, is among
the 200 out of 2.300 students at the
Fort Sheridan officers training cimo
rwho have been recommended for a
Visit Italian Front.
Rome, Aug.. 20. The American
congressional naval committee, head
ed by Representative Lemuel P.
Padgett of Tennessee, today visited
the Austro-Italian battle front. King
Victor Emmanuel received the mem
bers of the committee. After visiting
the Venetian battle lines the Amer
icans will start for Paris Wednesday, j
precincts of 168 in Douglas
t ,
U. S. SenatorDemocrat
Morehead ... ...2,890
Metcalfe ....1.132
Howard 450
Reed 431
Price . 128
Congressman First District.
Jefferis ".'."".. . .4,842
Dodge ........ 2.160
George Holmes 965
Arthur E. Baldwin 930
C. W. Peasinger 453
C. T. Self 264
Fred B. Cherniss 345
Perry Wheeler 781
Robert W. Patrick 681
William E. Lovely 510
Julius S. Cooley 552
J. E. Gibney 263
Mabel Johnson, ................. 720
Mary G. Keenan 449
M. ASamt 3$
W. J. Coad 495
L. B. Johnson ................. 352
FredD. Wead 69J
C. G. Carlberg ..: 641
Winner of Republican
Race for Nomination
Omaha Lumber & Coal
Company Yards Bums .
With Half Million Loss
The lumber and coal yards of the
Omaha Lumber & Coal company at
Fortieth and Lake streets burned to
the ground at 1 o'clock this morning
with a loss of $500,000. The officers
of the company are President, J. C.
Wharton; secretary. G. A. Wharton.
Illinois River Disaster Due
To Negligence and Incapacity
Washington, Aug. 20. The licenses
of Herman F. Mehl and George T.
Williams, master and pilot, respect
ively, of the steamer Columbia, which
sank in the Illinois river near Peoria
in July with the loss of nearly 100
lives, have been revoked, the steam
boat inspection service announced to
day. Mehl is charged with inatten
tion to duty and incapacity, and Wil
liams of unskillfulness and negligence.
Allied- Squadrons Attack
Hun Airdromes and Grounds
" London, Aug. 19. -The official state
ment of the air ministry on bombing
and raiding activities, issued tonight,
"On the night ot August 18-1V our
squadrons attacked hostile airdromes
and lauding grounds. Various ground
targets were also attacked with ma
chine gun fire. One of our machines
has failed to return."
Print Paper Stocks Low.
Montreal, Aug. 20. Stocks of news
print paper on hand at the mills in
the United States August 10. were
the lowest on record, according to the
report of R. S. Kellogg, secretary of
the news print service bureau of New
York at its quarterly meeting here to
day, i
I (Sv v
Smith-Howell-Oodgfl Combtoa
Goes Up Against Knock
out in Effort to Rule
Douglas. ,
The Smith-Howell-D o d g e
machine was badly wrecked in
the county primary yesterday,
with Jefferis leading off with a
total of 4,842 irr 162 out of 168
precincts, as against 2,160 for
Dodge, a majority of more
than two to one. , .
Jefferis ran like wildfire,
carrying every precinct except
one. Even in the Fifteenth
precinct of the Ninth ward,
where the primary election,
was held in Dodge's garage,
Jefferjs received 38 votes to an
unlucky 13 for Dodge.
Clark, Shotwell. Shriver.
The machine candidate! for sheriff.
county attorney and treasurer, as
well as others, were defeated.
Unofficial returns,- from 132 pre
cincts gave Shriver 2,158, Granaen
1,873 and Beisel 1,463 in the treasurer .
rate. j -V i'., i r
f In 100 precincts Shotwell -was lead-
county, attotueyship nomination, with
Boucher; the -machine candidate, fifth
or sixth 'in the list. -
By the same token of unofficial re
turns Sheriff Clark leads Hollister,
who was put in by the machine at
.t. -i .. . i. i H 1. 1 ... r
WIC' eicvruui iiuui uu iiuug. u.i
, Sloan Carries Douglas.
Sloan has a safe lead over- Ham
mond and Norris in this county.
Unofficial count of 75 precincts
show Holfeldt and Pickett running
closely together for the democratic
nomination for sheriff, these totals
being 758 to 754. , .
In the democratic county attorney
race O'Hara leads Abbott by 100
votes in 60 precincts. i
Carlberg and Wead are in a close
contest for the water board republi
can nomination.
For County Commissioner. .
The first county eommlssionership
republican contest shows these figures
from 28 of the 34 precincts in this
district: McDonald. 491; Dunn,s477; "
Rogers, 324; Wiig, 309. .,
Albert W. Jefferis, successful repub-..
lican congressional candidate,: was.
pleased when he scanned the early re
turns. '":'
. "I ca only thank my friend for
what they have done for me,M.was all
the comment he would coffer.
The total, vote of Douglas eounty
was light, estimated by election com
missioner Morehead at 13,500. '
When Bob Smith, Dodge's cam
paign .manager, was told a week ago
that Jefferis would win, he replied
"You don't know the forces.that are
working for Dodge." ,
The vote was exceptioally light.n
I the First of the Fourth 31 votes
were cast. This board were the first
to bring in official returns, appearing
at the election coissmiontr's office
at 8:30 p. m., half an hour after the,
close of the voting. - -
The First bf the Fifth, at'Fifth and
William streets, only 28 votes were -recorded.
In the Ninth of the Tenth,
at Dundee school, 140 votes were
cast. , ' tr
A voter in the Ninth of the First ?
wrote in the name of Jerry Howard
for the water board. Jerry insists that
he was nominated on the democatic -legislative
ticket. ' ' . '
Serious Wool Shortage :is '
Threatened in United States
San Francisco, Cal., Aug. 20. The
army," navy and Red Cross require'
900,000,000 pounds of wool and the:
country's production this year will be.
280,000,'000 pounds,
wool will go into clothing for civil
ians this year, said Lewis PenwelV
United States wool administrator, whf
arrived here today from Oregon.
Penwell addressed a gathering of .
wool men and declared that owing to
the demand of ships for war purposes,
no tonnage could be spared to bring
to this country wool for civilians,
clothing. , i
Remains More Than Four
'Years in Ignorance of War".
Montreal. Aug. 20. Reaching; civil
ization after an absence of five, yean
among the Eskimos in Grant land, in
the Arctic circle Frederick Smithert "
has just learned that there is i wat.
going on. bmithern is a fur trader.
He is passing, through Montreal to.
day en route for his home in New
York. He said he would enlist theit
in the United States armyr- .