THE OMAHA SUNDAY REE:- AUGUST 18, 191S. ML C toditopv Yot message lb dblitaeiredl t .thwasaMdls if jwospects tmETw The Bee Wasnt-Ad n rar? if s age will '-"! "ex Want Ad Rates ' (Cub With Order.) mo per word ." ' each Insertion le per word for thrM coneecutlvsnsertlons la per word for each additional Insertion No ad taken for lees tbao a total of" or leas than lOo pe day. x CHARGE. e per line (eonnt worda to line) on time 1c per line each time, t eonaecatlva tlmee To per Hie each, time. 19 eeniecuttvo time SITUATIONS WANTED 5o per line .....per weeU CARDS OF THANKS AND TINERAL NOTICES. toe per line each Insertion (Minimum Charge. (0 Cents.) Contract Bate Oa Application. ' For convenience of advertlsera want ads will be accepted at tbe following offices: MAIN OFFICE Bee Bulldlne Ames Office 4410 North 14tb Bt Lake Office, ......... .tilt North 14tb Bt Vinton office 14(7 South lltb 8L Terk Office 2(11 Leavenworth Bt Walnut Office ....Ill North 40tb 8L Bouth Bide 1 N Bt Council Bluffs 14 Main St.. North . THE BEE! will not be responsible for more than One Incorrect Insertion of an sdvsrtlsa tnent ordered for mors than one time. Dm TRB TELEPHONE) If f oa cannot con veniently bring or send your adi to any of I tbs above offices. Ask for a Want Ad I Taker and you will receive tbs same good M enrtco as whoa delivering your ed In M psrson. , . , . PHONE TTLEB 1,000. Want Ad Colomns Clot Evening Editions ,... 12:00 M. Morning Editions ..10.09 P. M. flundsy Editions 19 P. M. Raturdty Evening DEATHS ft FUNERAL NOTICES. s fcjNDSTROM Edwerd age 29 years, by ao- Services at Hoffmann funeral home v., "Sunday I p. m. Interment Elks' Rest. ' (Forest Lawn cemetery. Survived by bis wife. Barbara, mother.- Mrs. a. una srtrom, and sister. Mrs. f, Forsellus, Vlvtor. Colo.t another sister, Mrs. E. T. Elwell, . XjOS Angeles, Cal. - CiVRD OF THANKS itfs wish to extend to our many friends our - sincere thanks tor weir many ecu ui kindness and floral tributes In our late I bereavement, the gntlmely death and fu- f 1 ft.iat,4t .nrt and brother. I 93 Wt mi U. WW. UM.U.U., ' - - . Fred W. Cady. . Especially do ws wish to (thank tbs Chamber of Commerce, the War I Mothers or America, jussnoiw .mv FW. A. and tbs boys of the 40th Balloon . Company, Fort Omaha. Mrs. Fred W. 'Cady. Mrs. H. C, Cady, Mr. and Mrs. - Charles H. Cady. ' FUNERAL DIRECTORS. HULSE & RIEPEN Wim9 VSinmrmi Dlroirtora tOt 83. lfltta Bt PhoM Don. 111 "STACK & FALCONER Independent Undertakers. d Far. H. 400. UNDERTAKERS and Uoensed smbstmersl also privets ambulance. Call Webstar 41. Willis a Crosby. UH N. t4th St E.'l DODDER CO., Funeral Directors. 'r. t. Fsro, Mgr., tld and Cuming Sts, Phone Douglss 7T. Anto smbulancss. uArffu a K7M Vlfkivn IT. HflUIIL Hoffmann quality service, costs 1 less. 14tb and Dodge, - - Douglas 11(1. JOHN A GENTLEMAN, undertaker and mhstmer. 1411 Fernsm St Hsrnrr.iix. '.V. FLORISTS. 'ileneUe "LEEL.LARMON la 4 Douglas t. Douglss 0144. Est. ll. at um miry. Pwrs shipped everywhere. Exp. PPjjj: .",1. lirjJn.,T,PHVi .r r"-. rAT CarefuTFlo-st, 1804 Fsrnam St 31 i. r xterenn .Hit Fernam T I14 MONUMENT A CEMETERIES. WEST LAvn offers 'Vmpathetlo service in suddemsrow; perptual cars; no assess- iiuM'tw. on sm-t vrms. rnont wi. --v. THE largest tlsplay t monuments In the United State,, FRfcJg SVOBODA. 1110- ixtn Phone ttouslas 1 071-031 S -RI!?NDEATHS " Blrths-Stevs endTjiip Nowacselt. 1217 South Twenty-aighth,trt, boy; Robert O, and Oladys Simmons 4t Lincoln bouls vard. boy; Joseph a Josephine francl, Omaha, boy; Thomas, 44 constancla PIUus, 1504 V street, twin gl,; p,tr and Rosls Plukes, 2034 R street.,.. Andress and Mary Andrsasen, Flore gjrt. Theodore B. andT May Thall, 1741 ,,n xwenty-nlnth treet, girl; Redrlck 'Vlrglnia Roglln, J (17 v North Twenty-sec i ,tretl boy; ' Harry and Fannls Rudern Boapiu, boy; Howard W. and Lola M. aill. 1111 South Thirty-first street, girl; Jay grsham Bnd Ethel May Cloud, Twenty-fC ,nd Douglas streets, boys Msg andMsrfvtull)tl 8301 Burt street' boy; Frank C i JeMt Ho s warth, . hospital, girl; Russet Mfl porm Flynn, 110 North Twenty-seth tv,nue, . tlrl; James and Emma Rlawa, (j v trti boy; James and Anna Kokeda)7()T gouth ninth street, boy; McNamara ay Elkabeth Cosgrovs, 1171 Blnney street C. Herbert J. and Katharine Livingston, J South Twsnty-nlnth street, boy; KonVi, and Rosalia Rlnksvls, 1(21 South Forti, treet girl; Mlko and Ludvlka Bteckl, 4, south Thirty-seventh street girl: Saij ,Ba vamvunv a. w, - - - - ""WSn tteth street bor. ' i , U Willis. IT. LUI, sin, 11, Fort .Wat 11. 17. 1110 Jcro. Tii.thB Ravmand Yj. Raymond H. McKlnnln, Mrs. Helen Clovaaelll. 17, 1110 Croft street; James W. Russell, t months 160t North Eleventh street; Jemima Cut ((a 1 Florence; Blnkamar 8. Anderson, (igcj Ohio street MARRIAGE LICENSES Marriage licenses were issued to the' to that: lowing named persons : Namo and Address. Robert J. Lynch. Greenfield, la Fay O. Bonney. Greenfield...... ....... .1 Lerov C Dunn. Des Moines, la... .'J Inahelta llllrov. Omaha Harry W. Cross. Council Bluffs. Elisabeth MFrledrlck. Council Bluffs... KOwara u. Jiemmer, ceiievnie, 111. nil.. n,,i.t.n..n nL.h. , ?.2.;7 r- "--."-"-. . BUILDING PERMITS' "Yi Co- "J0 Kewport venFt, '' -ittei ;.iu ..: .nS banaaiow. Si. too. 1.1... k.m.nni.i.. i. .4.1.. SPECIAL NOTICES. THERE will be sold at public auction for rash ths household effects of the Iste Margaret Sandon. consisting of dining room itsble and chairs and rockers, one buffet rugs, one pleno and other house ' bold effects. Sale to take ' place at 031 . X :5th St., Omaha, Neb.. Saturday. Au gust 17, 1011. at 1 o'clock, p, m. M. l'lneen, AdmlnMrstor. NOTICE to buatm merchants: ,1 will not be responsible for any Roods sold to my wife after Aug. 17. O. V. Knonp. I LOSTFOUNDREWARDS. ""OMAHA st COUNCIL BiaiFFS STREET , l.AILWAT COMPANY. Persons hsvlng lost snms artlclsa would do well to call up the office of the Omaha ft Cooncll Bluffs Street Railway company . to ascertain whether they left It Id ths street csr. Many srtlclie sscb dsy ars tnrned tn and the company Is anxious to restore them .to the rightful owners. LOST (12.00 In currency. 1 ten and 1 one- dollar bills, on 10th Bt, near Farnam. Would finder please call. Colfax 41(( or Colfax 21137 Liberal reward. LOST Pair nose glasses In case, marked Charles Vlach; reward. Write KIT South . 13d, or call Harney 1021 Tuesday. LOST Saturday afternoon, a roil of bills'. Between (00 and (t'0. Return to W, J. ' Culley. ears If. P. sllrkendall A Co. LOST Liberty Bond No. 3(70810, amount 1 100.00. Finder will be rewarded by re turning o Bee office, oSTBaby's black purse, with- currency , and white ornament Call Colfax 1017. f Reward. LOST or stolen, suit esse containing letters, pictures, and other valuables. Reward Offered. CaU Colfax Uli, FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS. Furniture and Household Goods. QUICK . ACTION QUICK BELLING. State ' Furniture Co.'s July Clearance Bale High-grade rues are being sold less than present wholesale cost Furni ture hi Period and Colonial deilgns are being shamefully sacrificed Wo make a specialty of complete home outfits; also hotels and rooming bouses. Railroad fare free to out-of-town buyers within (0 miles of Omaha on purchases of 120 or mors STATE FURNITURE CO, lltb and Dodge Sts Tel Dourlas 1117 FURNITURE A HARDWARE BARGAINS. Beds, springs, mattresses, dressers, chif foniers, tables, chairs, chins snd kitchen cabinets, rugs and linoleum, trunks snd suit esses, gas stoves snd les boxes, full line screen wire, poultry netting, garden tools. 1130-47 North lltb 6L TeL Web. HOT Open till t. m. TUB entire furnishings of a most complete ly and elegantly furnished 6-room apart ment will be sold to some on buyer. ' The apartment building . Is the newest and most up-to-date In the city. Telephone Harney (034. ACTUAU TRUTH FOR BARGAINS Full line of furniture, gss and coal oil stoves, ruga, baby carriages, trunks, etc. Loyal Furn Co.. It N HHl LEAVING! CITY Household goods must be sold this week; bargains in leather couch, chairs, kitchen cabinet, etc. 8708 Haw thorne Ave. Walnut 8441. FOR 8ALE Square dining room table and chairs, 1x13 rug, I center tables. Be- gain. Call Harney 3002 from I to T. HOUSEHOLD furnlturevwlth pleno for sals, at 1(39 C Bt Phone South 1667. Pianos & Musical Instrumerts. WE have several Vlctrolas that we tjok in on trades for sals; In good condition. Rouss Phonograph Psrltfrs, Cor. iOln and Farnsra Sts. , L. H08PB CO., 1(1 Douglas, bsvs plsnos to rent at 13.(0 psi oonth, or will sell on easy terms. 186 MAHOGANY Vlctrola with 126 worth of records. Oood as new. Walnut 1323. Dairy Products FRESH country buttermilk; butter;, beet of creami strictly fresh eggs; delivered to any part of Omaha. Phone South 211 or Tyler (30. Wagner's. Lumber and Building Materials. LUMBER, BRICK and Other Building Material For Bale. CHAMBER O'NEILL CO., 1101 Leavenworth Bt Store and .Office Fixtures. WH buy, aell and make dtske, safes, show oases, shelving, eta Omens Fixture A Sup- ply Co.. 11th and Douglss D. 1734. FOR SALE Hardware stock and fixtures, saatern Nebraska. Addrssf Box 4(i. Oma ha nee. ONE roll top desk, good as new. South 717. 4110 S. 24th. Sewing Machines. V SEWING MACHINES We rent, repslr, sell needles and parts of all sewing maehlnea MICK ELS, NEBRASKA CYCLE CO., Uth and, Harney Bts. Doug. 1041 Typewriter, snd Supplies. OVA EXCKANOED MACHINES DEPART- 1 . MENT. Is the largest of its kind In ths west You can always find Just what you want here. We buy, sell, rent, repair and ex change typewriters of every kind. Es tablished nearly 20 years. CENTRAL TYPEWRITER EXCHANGE, Ino ' 100( Fernsm. TYPEWRITERS, mi makes, sold, rented and repaired. . THE N. W. LONO COMPANY. llt Farnam. Tel. D. 1(00. ONE (-column Burroughs Adding machine for sals at a bargain. 1001 FARNAM BT. TYPEWRITERS sold, rented and repaired. Rent an Oliver 3 months (rr IS. Central Typewriter Exchange, 100s Farnam. ADDING MACHINES, alt makes bought, rented and sold, CENTRAL TYPEWRITER CHANGE, 1006 FARNAM ST. WE BUYt sell jor exchsngs .typewriters; guar, typewriters 110 and up. Writs for list. Midland Typewriter Co., 1404 Dodge. Miscellaneous. FOR SALE A large slue Rumely Oil Tractor with 11,000 worth of road grading work. Must sell In 20 days. Address Box '338, Iowa City, la, OMAHA PILLOW CO. Feathers steamed') renovated and made up In new feather proof ticking. 1(07 Cuming. Doug. 1407. AMERICAN tool wks. aha per. lfi-lr..; 1 TB-lb. power hammer, fins shape. Tell A Blnkley, 2311 Harney at T"HE latest edition of ths Encyclopedia Brltannlca, half-leather bound. Coat (SO; .; will sell for (20. Call Harney 2821. SWAPPERS' COLUMN. FOR SALE (-passenger touring car In good condition. Will sell or trade for truck. Tel, So. 4171. WANTED TO BUY. TFNIfTMC! h" Ju,t returned snd UuimUMO wtu ,gv, you tn, itm good servlca tbst hs gsrs In ths past. Help win the war. Bell your old clothes, shoes, rugs, tools, .trunks and buy W. 8. 8. Will call. Res. D. (031, otflcs D. 0(44. WANTED TO BUY. A doctor's offtcs outfit. Also an sxtra t flat-top desk and a roll-top desk. Call Room 4(1, Paxton hotel. DESKS DESKS DESKS NSW desks; used desks bought sold snd traded. J. C Reed, 1201 Farnam. D. (140. WANTED Two second-hand vault doors. Give siss and price In answering this sd. Dlerks Lumber and Coal Company. Broken Bow Neb. DIAMONDS8.', K'ftE t ANNOUNCEMENTS. lKf ZJ!??"' Ad'JT2 Farnam St t " 78M - i9"a!n' U ' viTt ... A fc ' 1 1 1 .' pr ILL serve good home-cooked I o'clock dinner for (100 per plate. Harney 10l(. Accordeon Pleating. i'DDIIb'rtM miA L.lf. I e k tt cut work, button boles, pennante. !1AL BUTTON AND PLEATING CO.. O-llll Brown Bldg. Phone Doug. 1030 HSTITCHINU. PLEATING. BUTTONS! iO. U. VanArnam Pleating Co.. j-T Paxton Block. Phone Doug. 1101. Baggage and Express. TfONLY WAYlSJ VTHB OMAHA TRANSFER CO. KB-iTi ip AUTO EXPRKSS COMPANY wt IBUI ssvurvthlnor fnm unit P.nlr. AwninRS. "Jilft AMCi PCiniU ITITD TV! I T Y T ID -- wnvti rv4'i(i vnnsi ..Vurln tents snd camping supplies. k T IA TENT A AWNINO CO. and Iron Foundries. KXTON-MITCHELL CO. . 'nd Martha Sta. Omaha. Nab, .?iBronl aluminum and machine iI,Zljstings lBillisrd PRIVATL.,,-. -, illiard Tables. jSblvs for parties at Holmes' .JChiropraj:torg. J c-'wrencs. Baird Bldg. t)r Bldg. P. 04(1. orl"WKl. Dr. KilwarUs. X4th. r'.rnam. J Costuntes. F-nh!!!,,U for "t. 100 N. 10th Bt. OPPOSItS Uaffle. J.h. r, lOSItS u0 h I.. IKS . . ... r.. JAIIES Ali, "n N.viiis BlkTvTdenoe i ItiliVUICB. secured lt 4 Printij Wa ters-Bsi"r 'Ucseea Trier 1114 and Office Supplies. art Pt Ca &9s fi itik at . .. . Dentists. Dr. Bradbury W. O. W, Bldg. Tail's Dental is- toTAos oss Bldg. D. tits. ANNOUNCEMENTS. Film Developing. FILM developed; rolla. 10c; packe. l(o: one-day servlcs. Kaso Studios Neville Blk.. 10th and Harney Dressmaking. MISS STURDY, dreeemsklng Doug. 14. Fixtures and Wiring. nttnTriiT einctrio wMhtni mschines. electrlo Irons snd reading lamps. 1322 Cuming st iMuslas IMP. Jewelry. DIAMONDSwPHX.r,opb re.: at smsll profit CROSS. 402 N :0th St., OsteoDaths. DR. MABLE WESSO I4 Brandels Bldg T Rrs.. 4741 Medical. PILES, fistula and other rectal dis cases cured without suriical oper ation. Cure guarantied. Write for book on rectal uiseasei with testi moniaK DR. E. R. TARRY, 240 Bee Bldg., Omaha. Patent Attorneys. PATENTS procured, bought snd sold. Inter national Patent Co.. (1 Brandels. D. 4401 STUROE3 A STOKOES, U 8. en foreign patents and trademarks tin Be Rldg ' ' ' Tailors. DledHck. P L 110H. 2Dth Tailor. D. 2413. Towel Supplies. Omaha Towel Supply 207 8 11th. D. 128 Safes. BARGAINS. 1212 Rarnam. Q A PTFQ .t. 2. Derlght Safe Co. OVf HiO Wedding Stationery. WEDDINO announcements and printing. Douglas Printing Co. Tel Douglas 044. BUSINESS CHANCES., HARDWARE STOCK AND PROPERTY FOR SALE In the best town In western end of the stats of Nebraska. Sidney Is the county seat of Cheyenne county, and has a popu lation of about 1.000; Is the horns of fine schools, both Protestant and Catholic; the farming and agricultural conditions are at top netch, nothing better to be found; ths location of thla bualness Is In the very center of the business part of the town, could not be better; there is only one other exclusive hardware stock here, My reasons for selling are purely personal and do not care to continue In business Ths right man at the helm here could have the hardware business his own way. Any one who cares to know any morO about this proposition may adress Box 413, Sidney, Neb. WE manufacture carburetor for1 Ford cars which Is guaranteed to give double the mileage over sny other carburetor ever constructed, regardless of name, make or price. Money refunded If fifteen days FREE trial not prove It. Entirely new prlnclple--elmple plain tube not a moving part. Guaranteed to start In sero weather without heating o priming. Tre mendous demand. Thousands now In use In Chicago territory. Reliable energetic man who can guarantee sales and carry stock of (600 to 22,000, depending pn de mand, can secure exclusive territory and will easily net $10,000 this yar. No spe cial experience necessary. Will also fur nish carburetors for other cars In about sixty days. Frank A. Urwan, (01 W. Jackson Blvd. Chicago, III. PATENTS THAT PROTECT AND PAT. BOOKS AND ADVICE FREE. Send sketch or model for, search. Highest references. Best results. Promptnsss sasured, Watson E. Coleman fSS, Paclflo Bldg. Washington, D. C. CAPITAL raised through selling stoc of new or go ing enterprises by brokerage house with wide selling connections. Commission only, no advances asked. Mall full Infor mation of your requirements. Securities Sales company, Stock Sellers, 20 8outh LaSalle St., Chicago. III. HAVE sn oil lease in the famous Glenn Pool, Okla, Producing oil wells on all sides! five oil sands; want party to Join ma In drilling It; no stock proposition; have had 14 years' oil experience and be lieve I can make this property worth 10 times amount required to develop In a short time. Full details can be had by calling Sherman. Tyler 1313. WANTED Trustworthy competent man to open permanent branch In Omaha for the established system of fuel saving; posi tively guaranteed to aave 25 per cent of the coal; similar branches operating In many cities; safe Investment; very large profits; good for 110,000 a year and up for right man; must have 13.000 cash and upward to swing It. Uurnall Corporation, North American Bldg,, Chlcgao. PRODUCTION. I offer for sals 40 acres Butler county, Kansas, Including lease and royalty; 2,000 barrels per day from two wells; guaran teed by 10 days' test: nlos line runs: two more wells in by Sept. (. This is ths beef and cheapest real oil proposition tn U. S. today for the money. F, E. McNult, 121 commerce Bldg.. Kansas City, Mo. LIVE DRUG BUSINESS FOR SALE Must sell ifulck. Am going Into military service. Stock invoices 110,000 to (12.000. Last year's business, 120.000. Would con sider trade on farm land. HECKER DRUO CO., Humphrey. Neb. NO ICE THIS YEAR. I control a device that will put Ice In every home whore there Is electricity for a couule of cents a day. (100 secures agency 'option and demonstrator free. No obligation. Fred W. Wolf. JJept 618, 121 N. Wells St.. Chicago. III. BE INDEPENDENT Chiropractlo doe- I tors sarn 23.000 to 16.000 yearly; work for yourself; this good paying profession quickly learned byf correspondence; low rates, easy terms; Illustrated Book and Charts . free. American University, 167 mawerre uunuing, I'hlcago. HHOR SHI1P SYin HITS- One of the best paying shoo shops tor ssle with Landls No. 12 outfji; also small stock of shoes. This sllbp has never been for sale, before; will give prospective buyer reasou for selling Royal Shoe Shop.oulder, Colo. WANTED Oeneral salesmansgers to es 4ablish branch and manage salesmen KERODOX." the new tnexpenelvs heat ty wood, no coal, 1500 to 13,000. N.eces- sary you handle own money. Successful agencies established. Amalgamated Corporation. lit Waverly Place. New York. FOR SALE Two-story hotel, 26x50 feet. ,two lota Office, dining room and kitchen on first floor. Nine bed rooms, cellar, ice house, chicken house and coal house. In ths town of Hsg. present terminus of ths North Platte branch of Union Pacific K. R. Paclflo Hotel, "Halg. Neb. DRY CLEANING aud made-to-order bust- ncsa lor saie, power plant, Hoffman Dressing machine, good prices for work; rent 113 month. Very good crops. Rea son tor selling, going to enlist. Will lease to reliable party. A. L. Uulstlne Webster, 8 t. CLEANING and presalna establishment. fully equipped, up-to-date machinery and fixtures; sell 108 tailor made suits per season; rent (23 per month; good" location; population 1.400. .Have enlisted. For par- mm.ia -Ml. c. Ptaqe, VOXSU, ftCD. "AUD" Cafeteria, one f the largest In the state; 1 located In Lincoln; will pay for Itself fair week; complete equipment; price, exceedingly low. Nebraska business Exchange, 401 Brownell Blrtg., Lincoln, Neb. . . - I MAKE medicine that will cure southern malaria or any other stomsch trouble. Am looking for a man with money and promoting ability. A real chance for the right party. Will prove merits before In vestments. nx Sl, Omaha Bee. ' WANTED TO, SELL-KJood paying shoe store; oesi location on the South 8lde; reason, owner leaving for the army, will sell at a sacrifice. Loyal Shoe Store, 480 South 34th St.. South Side, Omaha. Neb. Phone Buutb U1 , Xnces. BUSINESS CH BEHLINO- CLOTHINO STORK at York, for immediate sale. Established 40 years, clean, stock, Invoice' .118.000. Fixtures 11,800. Long term lae. Best location In city. Owner galled to service. RESTL'RANT Old established, large, cle gant fixtures.' good location, reasonabl rent, sale or exchange; other business reason, Thomas O'Neil, 632 Brandeis Theater, to v. iqnn A. - r uk n u. . 1. fUU (lVfT f .UU Ul 1 I V , X V. Buy.. J vw excellent opportunity to make big profits. you Bincuy legitimate; niBr.esi rcierrnces. Convincing details sent R. Rose, 11 N ew rireei, iow ioti FORD agency and garage for sale. Nev hruMlra tnurn li V WnU.t PIaa Rill? Omaha. - FOR SALE A real cafe In s real restaur ant town; averages 160 a day; Invoice stock, will lump fixtures; reason for sell Ing going o war. Address W. E. Price, Elmo, Mo. AN old established and good paying lock smith shop, must be sold before the 20th of this month; will also consider trade in real estate. Call D. 8168. DRAFT! Will sell my near beer saloon and pool parlor. Clearing (50 a week. 1 Act quick for a tw hundred dollars. Phone Black 1406, Council Bluffs. ADVERTISE. Coast to coaat. 20 words, 100 monthlies. (1.00; 07 weeklies, tl.Op; 20 Sunday papera, (9.00. McCarthy, 421 (, Urnsae HIilK, Los Angeles, Cat. SFT-ITrTnK parlor for sale; good Iocs' tlon; good business. Am selling on account of poor health. Located at 1202 Douglas, leiepnone uougjas liii. FOR SALE A good paying up-to-date drug store In an up-o-date building. Owner wisnes to retire. Address Jtsux 1-653, Omaha Bee. . MANAGER for cafe, run In connection with Central hotel, Ltncoln, Neb. Must have experience and put up 1500 cash as secur lty. Ask for Thompson. WANT to sell lease on Institute giving sanitarium treatments. Reason for sel ling, personal. Address Desk' No. 2 6012 S. 25th St., Omaha. FOR SALE FOR CASH Saloon In good lo cation, doing good business.' Reason for quitting, death. Address II.. 1410 Charles St.. St. Joseph. Mo. FOR SALE Confectionery and lunch room, County seat, population 2,(00. A good proposition. Plerrty of business. Writs William Timm. Ord, I A BARGAIN In a complete body and cab wood working shop, with complete equip ment, blacksmith shop In connection. Box 1303. Omaha Bee. FOR SALE OH RENT Barber shop and fixtures; two pool tables; no" opposition; cheap. Address J C. Farrell, Burr, Neb. FOR SALE Drug store, also desirable residence. Write for Information to the Postmaster, Rldgeland, Miss. BARBER shop for sale or lease, Only shop In town and good payer. Act quick. Write L. B. 22, Royal, Neb. WANTED to trade good live drug business for automobile. Inquire Y-648, Omaha Bee, FOR SALE New apartment, (40,000, or will trade for western lands, walnut 1405. Rooming Houses for Sale. 1 ROOMS, suitable for rooming house. 2037 Harney street, (40, J. H. DUMONT St CO.. 410-11 Keeline Bldg. Phone Douglas (10. SITUATION WANTED. Male. EXPERIENCED - bookkeeper, accountant and general office' man desires position. Middle age and exempt from draft Wide experience, cUan record and A-l refer- ences. Box 1774. HEDOES trained, lawns mowed, floors waxed, windows cleaned. Delaney, Doug' las 7018. PAINT, carpet and paper cleaning, ths Na tional Cleaning and Servlcecompany. 3700 Leavenworth St. Harney 0012 YOUNG colored man wishes work In auto ' shop to Jeorn to repair cars for H wages. Webster 3076. Female. COLORED lady wants position as cook In small town or on ranch. Mrs. McNlchols. 241414 Patrick Ave., Omaha, Neb. RELIABLE colored woman wants day work, well experienced. Webster 1302. Laundry and Day Work. DAY work, cleaning and Ironing. Call Col fax 3286, mornings or evenings. COLORED LADY wants bundle washing. Call So 3038. BUNDLE and family washing; call and de liver Wal. 1663. WANTED Bundle washing. Call Webster 1873. COLORED laundress wants day work. South 7S3. COMPETENT colored girl wants day work. Webster 1076. BUNDLES carefully laundered. Call and deliver. Web. 4283. DAY work wanted Call after 6. Web. 4426. BUNDLK washing to take home. Web. 1309. WOMAN wants day work: reff Web. 2221. Dav work anT bundle washing Wab 1088. LAUNDRY work by the hour. Webster 2068. DAY work wanted Call Webeter 608 JrtLE BU. washings to take nome, Web. 1391. CURTAINS laundered, w'k guar. Har.,1130. BUNDLE washings wanted. Tel. Red (673. HELP WANTED-MALE. Stores and Offices AMERICAN TELEPHONE AND TELE GRAPH COMPANY offers an exceptional opportunity to several brightf- welt edu cated young ladles between ages of 17 and 26 to lesrn LONO DISTANCE TELE PHONE WORK. This consists of estab lishment of telephone connections between Omaha and distant points, such ss Chi cago, New York, Washington, D. C; New Orleans, La.; Denver, Colo., aniLSan Fran cisco, Calif. It Is Interesting work, 'the surroundings are congenial, a liberal sal ary Is paid while learning and advance ment Is rapid. There Is an attractive future for those of. ability. Apply to MISS CARLSON,' 050 Brandels Theater Building. AUDITOR manufacturing firm, (200; credit manager'and bookkeeper, 1150; auto tire salesman, $100. 1125; bookkeeper, undo stand Bohemian, 2125; floor salesman, auto accessories, (00; clerk, assistant to traffic manager, 1100;' assistant book keeper, (100; stock clerk, auto parts, 180, (100. WESTERN REF. A BOND ASSOCIATION Originates of the Reference Business. 736 First National Bank Building. BOOKKEEPERS", "150. (126, (100. (90. I80T join tier over arart ,age, ISO Office clerk over draft age. (80. Bookkeeper and cashier, good place, )100. Office clerk, rood penman, (115. Stock clerk. nirrled man, (SO. Ledger clerk, good pinman, (110. Correspondent, credit de partment. (115. Office clerk, 17 to 20 years of age, (t5. WATTS REFERENCE COMPANY, 1138 f irm national Bank Bldg BOOKKEEPER, have good experi ence, (100, (125. Stenographer and office clerk, (100. Salesman. s4aple line, ealary and commission. Salesman, auto truck, salary and expenses. v 1 Only 60c to Register. THE MARTI COMPANY, w. u. w. Bldg, BOOKKEEPERS, (100-1S6: ledger, clerks, (90-100: 3 dYug clerks, wholesale), (76-100. fo-Operatlve Rof. Co. 1016 City Nat'l Bk. DRUG CLERK , Patterson. 0th and Hickory. DRUG CLERK WANTED. Oood salary, steady Job. Attebery Bros., Morrill. Neb. Piofessions and Trades WANTED A first-class -shoemaker; com petent - to operate champion machinery and take entire charge of shop; good v wages the t yesr round to a competent man. Address F. F. Tully, 223 N. Pins St., Grand Island. Neb W A.NTlD. Ftrst-claSs auto repair man; 76 cents per hour , BENSON ACTO SHOP. ' Military Ave. and Rlnney Sts. FIRST-CLASS barber for good, steady Job. Phone or wire J. 11. Jolmson, Broken Bow, Neb, , HELP WANTED MALE. Professions and Tradej. 'WANTED 20 CARPENTERS GOOD WAGES; INSIDE WORK ALL YEAR ROUND. APPLY MOR'RIS & CO., SOUTH SIDE. ' - CARPENTERS ..' ATTENTION Carpenters are wanted on new government job, quar termaster terminal. Nor- folk, Va. FREE TRANSPORTATION STANDARD WAGES. PORTER BROS., CONTRACTORS. Apply at U. S. Co-Operative Employment office, basement. County Court House, or TT. S. Employment Service, 1118 Farnam St., Ship Monday evening, Au gust 11. SPRAGUE TIRE & RUBBER CO.., 18TH AND IZARD. Wanted High grade millwright Also 2 carpenters. Inquire for Mr, Harding, Supt. WANTED Express Handlers .Drivers and Chauffeurs. , Increased Salaries. AMERICAN RAILWAY EXPRESS CO. Apply Union or Burlington Station office WANTED Upholsterer for furnlturs de partment Box "41405. Bee BARBER wanted. Apply 1041 South 13th street. WANTED Meat cutter, good habits. In quire Basket Store office, 108 No. 1th St, WANTED 2 good butchers; best of wages. Apply at John Favlas, 6140 South 24th f WANTED Picture frame loiner and fitter. Apply Hilton Darling, 1810 Farnam St. Salesmen and Solicitors. WANTED THREE $100 PER WEEK SALESMEN WE WANT THREE SALESMEN TO WORK WITH A PERMANENT ORGAN IZATION INCORPORATED UNDER THE LAWS OF NEBRASKA. NOW "FINANCING LARGE PRODUCING EN TERPRISE, HAVING EXTENSIVE HOLDINGS IN KANSAS AND WYOM INO. PIPE LINE NOW CONNECTED TO OUR WELLS, AND WE ARE MARKET ING OUR OIL TO THE REFINERY AND ARB SELLING STOCK TO DRILL AD DITIONAL WELLS. SALESMEN SUPPORTED BY EF FECTIVE ADVERTISING AND CLOS EST CO-OPERATION THIS IS AN OPPORTUNITY FOR YOU TO MAKE 1100 PER WEEK. EXPERI ENCE DESIRED, BUT NOT NECESSARY. WRITE OR WIRE THE OMAHA OIL & REFINING COMPANY. 823-24 FIRST NATIONAL BANK BLDG., OMAHA, NE BRASKA. WANTED AT ONCE. SEVERAL LIVE WIRE STOCK SALESMEN FOR HIGH INDUSTRIAL CLASS STOCK. GOING CONCERN. DIVI DEND PAYING. SEE MR. M'KEE, 701 BRANDEIS BLDG. SALESMAN WANTED To sell high-class guaranteed article In and around Omaha. Permanent position to right man. Chance to make good money; man with Ford car preferred. O. C. SWINGLEY,, lit North ISth Street. 1 SALESMAN local, each city and country, to establish demonstrating store and send out canvassers for the latest kerosene gas burner for sny, store; saves coal; costs . less; (50 to (200 capital necessary; every housewife buys on demonstration; terri tory going fast. Eddy Burner Co.. 225 6th Ave.,' New York. ARE you Interested In a proposition in Ne braska, Iowa or South Dakota, paying you from (35 to (50 per week? Country workL must hava ham mnrt v... ... - - vi au tomobile. Address 203H Farnam Bldg... WANTED Experienced real estate sales man by one of the largest firms In the city; man not subject to draft; must have WANTED First-class tailor. Prefer el derly men. or orfc above drift age. Oood wages paid to right party Address May uniniin orore. 1 gud. Nh I Wanted Pn.m .. u, ,. , ' .. - - ..v.. aa van " I LUU, III Ul I .out of CitV. 2? v. v., micnen; economical. Kyle l Schamel, Hotel Sanford. f WANTED Special collector. See Mr. Sher man. State Furnlturs Co. 14th and Dodge streets HELP WANTED MALE. Agents and Canvassers. AGENTS Big summer seller: something new concentrated soft drinks; Just add water; delicious drinks In a jiffy.; popu lar for the home, picnics, parties, socials, etc.; small packages; carry tn pocket enormous demand. Agents making (6 to (12 a day. Outfit free to workers In thl territory. Just s postal today. E. M Ffltman. 36 Third St., Cincinnati, O. (500 per month selling a new patented fuel vaporizer for Fords In this territory guaranteed to save 25 to (0 per cent on gasoline; traveling man In Minnesota made 40 miles on one gallon; another man In Texas saved 77 per cent In fuel cost; sold on money-back guarantee. Stransky vaporiser Co , Fukwana, 8. D. TWENTY new patriotic pictures, including "Liberty and Peace " "True Sons of America," "Liberty Mat Frames," "Hu man Liberty Bell." "Victory Honor Roll soldiers' portraits, big sellers, samples free. Consolidated Portrait Co., 1020 Adams St., Dept. 1, Chicago, 111. AGENTS New patriotic pictures Over Top, Freedora-Pershlng-Colored Man No Slack er, etc. Sample free. Portraits, pillow tops, cat free this territory. People's For trait, Sta. D. Chicago. AGENTS Make a dollar an "hour; sell Mendents, a patent patch In this territory Instantly mends leaks in all utensils sample free. Mendet Co., Amsterdam, N. Y. Boys. WANTED Experienced and efficient watchmaker and all-around man, above draft age, capable of taking full charge of repair department; salary and "om mission or straight salary; permanent position and good working conditions. Ad dress W. H. Replogle. .Shenandoah, la. MORNING carriers wanted Dundee routes for Omaha Be. Apply Walnut Station, 40th and Cuming. WANTED A boy over 17 to learn trunk and case-making, Frellng & Steinle. 1803 r itrnaiii cu. 'Hotels and Restaurants. PAJp'-WASHER. (40.00 and board; Ice-man, X0O.00 and board. Apply, Blackstone hotel. 36th and Farnam streets. Harney 945. Miscellaneous. LABORERS and track men, 40 cents per hour at start, with car fare; 10 hours. APPLY TRACK AND ROADWAY DEPT., 22D AND NICHOLAS STS.. OMAHA & CO, BLUFFS STREET RAILWAY. WANTED 1,000 laborers, white and col' ored, for government work, navy yards, Norfolk, Va. Apply United States em. ployment service. Grand Hotel building, Council Bluffs, la. Good wages and free rare. WANTED LABORERS "or handy men; steady employment; good pay. No time lost on account of weather or material. OMAHA OAS WORKS. 20th and Center Sta MAN, wife and daughter, 14 years old; farm or dairy work;, man will 'do milking. cnorea or general farm worn; wife will Keep house if wanted. Alden Garwood, Phillips, Neb. WANTED Door talkers, onenern and erinit ers concessions, agents: also cabaret dano era fol a 25-car railroad shew; also trap drummer. Phono Room 112. Paxton Hotel. RAILWAY MAIL CLERK examinations Aug 10. Hundreds wanted. (1.100 year Sample questions free. Franklin Insti tute, Dept. ?3-F. Rochester. N. Y. WANTED 100 young men, 17 to 25 years of ags ror primary election day, Tuesday August 20th. Good pay. Apply Room soi, umana national BanK Bldg., Omaha WAFTED Men 19 to 60 years old for sren. eral yard work; steady work for good men. Apply timekeeper. Union Stock Yards Co., SSuth Omaha. WANTED Grain shdvelers. Apply at ele. vator. First and Haskell sts. Nebraska ana Iowa Grain Co. 0 WANTED Stableman at once. Apply to American Railway Express Co.,. 1107 Cap. hoi ave. WANTED A Jaintor, must understand steam heating plant. Call In person. See Anderson Beacon Fross, 1210 Howard St, HELP WANTED FEMALE Stores and Gjfficss. STENOGRAPHER and bookkeeper, 1&5 1100; bookkeeper and typist. (120; assist ant bookkeeper, uptown office, (85; ledger clerk, (75; general office clerk, (65-(85; stenographer and clerk, (85-(100. WESTERN REF. & BOND ASS'N. Originators of the deference Business, 736 First National Bank Building. STENOGRAPHERS, (100, (90, (85, (80, (75, (65. Bookkeepers, (100, 190, 86, lib Typist. "190. Typist. 184.. Compt. opr.; (75. Compt. opr., (65. Typist and clerk, (75. Office Clerk, good at figures, sua, Steno. and Bkkpr., (86. Steno. and clerk, (50. Steno.. legal experience, (75. Cashier, good at figures, (70. Office clerk, good penman, (65., WATTS REFERENCE COMPANY, 1138 First National Bank Bldg. GOVERNMENT civil service examinations in Omaha August and September. Govern ment clerk, teacher, inspectress, type writhe renenrrh clerk. Exoerlence un nocessary. Women desiring government positions write for Tree particulars, J. u, Leonard (former civil service examiner) 525 Kenois Bldg., Washington BOOKKEEPER, splendid office, (125, (130. ooKKeeper, oana, so, sau, jiuunnvcyci, whl., (85, (100. Typist and office clerk, (50, (55. . Typist, good at figures, (50, (55. Stenographer to act as secretary, (85- Only 60c to register. i - THE MARTI COMPANY, 1126 W. O. W. Bldg STJT.MnfiRAPHERS. If you want a position In an Out-of-town bank see us. at once, several posiuuu. open now. No charge until you ars lo cated. Bank positions only. Tuu i-MiBI.KS R WALTERS CO.. 1424 First Nat'l Bank Bldg..' Omaha. LADY stenographer, and girl for office ciern, sieauy enii"j-"'". Hartman Furniture & Carpet Co.. 415 So. 16th St. TWENTY-FIVE good positions' to be filled . r, A -.. 1-- ..a , ai once, au bwuu . Co-Operatlve Rcf. Co., 1015 CltylNatH Bk, WANTED Experienced lady for assistant bookkeeper. Call warney u,, simr. 9 p. m. Fiease can at unv. BILLER, (91; 'cashier wholesale house, (76; 2 stenos. (90-(100: stenographer, (65-75, Co-Operative' Ref. Co.. 1016 City Kafl Bk. Professions' and Trade.- ' SHIRT OPERATORS. We nei i experienced operators on power machines, making shlrtj. Any girl whl has "had experience In op. 1 eratlng any powarj, machine can readily letrn to mko shirts. 'Good wages guar anteed. Call any day at 9th and Howards 'Sis. ' . BYRNE A HAMMER DRY GOODS CO. TEACHERS WANTED Science, (90. ' 2125; commercial, at once, (1.000 per yeat; Do- mestlo science. (90, (110; prlncipalships ,and superintendencles for women, (900 to (1.200; innumerable calls for grades, 170. IIW. . ' . . ' v Stewsrt School Service. Lincoln, reo TEN ladles wanted between the ages of IS and 25 for a-road: show.. Good Py. rood treatment Phono Room 112, Paxton Hotel HELP WANTED FEMALE. Professions and Trades. WANTEDYoung Ladies to learn - telephone operating. Good wages paid while learning, rapid . advance- N ment, permanent positions. , Apply tor C F. LAMBERT. 1807 Douglas St, - WANTED AT ONCB 25 experienced, power sewing machine, operators. We guarantee experienced op erators will earn 2t cents per hour at piece work. This guarantee Is given for operators to learn our work and expense lot period of 4 weeks. Nice, qleun and steady work all the yesr. OMAHA AUTO TOP CO 709-11 S. 15th St Saleswomen land Solicitors. WANTED.f ' THOROUGHLY EXPERIENCED MIL LINERY SALESLADY; STEADY EM PLOYMENT AND GOOD SALARY,, AP PLY TO T. F. LIND. HAYDEN BROTHERS. WANTED Ten bright capable ladies to travel, demonstrate and' sell well known goods to established . dealers. 125.00- to 250.00 per week; railroad fare paid; week- , ly advance for traveling expenses. Ad dress at once Goodrich Drug .Co Dept 614, Omaha, Neb. WANTED Collector, young lady for city about, middle aged; experience not neces sary; must be accustomed to walking and know streets well; salary, (15 per Week to start; quick Increase if make good. ' Mr. Becker. 312 Baird Bldg. SALESLADY, neat and refined, for elec- trical appliance store. Room 813 Electrlo Bldg., 16th andFarnam Sts. WANTED Experienced salesladies. H)gh wages. Steady position. Bonoff, 1401 Douglas st. ' Household and Domestic WANTED Competent housekeeper to take full charger Good wages and permanent place td right party. Write or phone Mrs. F. Harden, Ithaca, Neb. EXPERIENCED girl for general house- work; good cook, no laundry work, city references. Mrs. A. B. Warren, 411 South 40th st. Harney 320. WANTED Girl lor general housework, smau Dungaiow; tamtly of two; will pay (8 for competent girl. Call Walnut 1624. WANTED a good girl for cooking and down stairs work; good wages and good home. Walnut 142. WANTED A girl to assist In housework. Call South 197. GIRL for general housework; only two in family; good wages. 3420 Dodge St WANTED A competent cook. Good wages. " Appiy mra. yj. eiors, a; us Farnam at. WANTED A young girl U assist with g'en- erai nousewom. inone narey 80s. WANTED Young colored irl for general' WANTED a competent nurco maid. Call Walnut 95. Hotels and Restaurants. PANTRY girl, white or Solored, (35 with . room ana ooara. Apply uiackstone ho tel, Thirty-sixth and Farnam street Har ney 945. Trade Schools'. -BE AN AUTO and tractor expert In a few weeks; earn (90 to (300 a month. Our big free book explains. Ratio's Auto School, 2130 Oik St. Kansas City, Mo. Miscellaneous. LADY musicians and singers desifous of being coached for Chautauqua concert and vaudeville work. Write now. SIgnor Tolomeo, Arlington Blk. Studios open Dept. 181. WANTED Names women-girls wishing try examination tor government positions. (100 month Address Y-649. Omaha Bee. WANTED 10 ladies between the ages of is ana zt ror a road show good pay ,an good treatment Phone Room 112. Paxton HELP WANTED. Male and Female. WANTED BY BURGESS-NASH CO. EXPERIENCED SALESPEOPLE t . APPLY 1 y SUPERINTENDENT, BALCONY. WANTED AT ONCE-pMen and women for superintendents ana principals; (900 to (1,800; grade teachers, (70 to (100; high school slcence, normal training, domestio science and manual training. (90 to (150. Nebraska Teachers Agency, 205 Press Bldg., Lincoln, Neb. THOUSANDS of government positions open ' 10 men ana women; examinations soon, 1 tell you how to obtain a government position. Information free. Write George W. Robblns, formerly with the govern ment, civil service expert 293 Jordan ttiag., wasmngion, u. j. WANTED Educated, reiiable solicitor for permanent work; dally cash advance op portunity to work up to Important posi tion. Stat experience, ags. Address Hox T 63, umana Bee. WANTED Men, ladles and boys, learn barber trade; Dig demand; wages while learning; strictly modern. Call or write 1403 Dodge St Trl-Clty Barber College. PhonV D. 1147. ' WANTED IMMEDIATELY Men. women. Government war positions, (100 month List free. Franklin Institute. Dept 231 G. Rochester, N. Y. v MOLER Barber College wants young men and ladles to learn the barber trade. Call or writs for free catalogue. lit 8. 14tb Bt. (imana. Men WANTED Pan washers and glass washers UU l tL, FONTENKLLE, 18th and Douglas. EDUCATIONAL. BOYLES COLLEGE. DAY SCHOOL, NIGHT SCHOOL. Originators of Intensive Tratnlna- fnr a. . flee workers. Courses tn Bookkeeping, Shorthand. Stenotypy, Typewriting, Rall- roaa ana mreiess xeiegrspny. Civil Serv ice, Comptometry, and all English branch.' es. Catalogue free. BOYLES COLLEGE, . ' Telephone Doulaa IMS. 18th and Harney Sta., umana.-neoraska. . Van Sant School of Business. uay ana evening Bchqpla. Ill Omaha Nstlctsl Bank Blo Douglas Kit, r V- f 's v t 1