Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 15, 1918, Page 2, Image 2

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Says Mexico, as Sovereign
Nation, Cannot Permit In
terference with Control
of Oil Claims.
- Mexico Gty, Aug. 14. Replying to
a protest from Great Britain against
provisions of- the oil decree of Feb
ruary 22, which was declared to be
confiscatory and in violation of the
rights of English companies holding
oil claims, the Mexican government
hat declared that it does not recog
nise the right of any foreign govern
ment to protest against decrees of
this nature. It holds that the Mexi
can government is free to adopt such
fiscal legislation as is necessary. - It
suggests that recourse to tht courts
would be the proper method of deter
mining whether the oil land decree is
unjust and confiscatory. "
Applies to American Interests. .
Washington, Aug. 14. So far from
mitigating the severity of the origi
nal decree of February 27t last, Impos
ing new taxes and restrictions upon
the foreign owners and operators of
oil properties in Mexico, in the opin
ion of officials here, the reply of the
Mexican government to the British
protest against that decree has only
added to its obnoxious nature. Al
though Secretary Aguilar'a note was
directed to Great Britain, it is said
the substance is of equal application
to the American oil interests.
All fighting Forces f
Must Be Sent to Front,
is Ludendorff Order
.. By Associated Press.
" With the French Army in France,
Aug. 14. The anxiety of the ( Ger
mans concerning - the , depletion of
their reserves appears to be confined
by a document signed by General
Ludendorff, copy of which was cap
tured among other papers during the
recent fighting.
'The state of our resources in men
and the .economic situation in the in
terior," says the document, "oblige
us to tend back to the lighting torces
all the men of the, armed crvice.".
U-Boat Toll Shows"
50 Per Cent Reduction
Paris, Aug. 14. The allied and
neutral shipping sunk by enemy sub
marines during July amounted to
270,000 tons compared with 534,839
tons sunk in July, 1917. This radical
decrease in losses is doubly signifi
cant when the' increase in merchant
marine navigation resulting from the
American ship building effort is con
sidered. The entente nations, con
structed during July a tonnage in ex
cess of 280,000 to that destroyed dur
ing the month by eneTtty operations.
,,Dr, Newell Jones to Leave
' For New York on Friday
Dr. Newell Jones, Omaha physician
and well known specialist in chil
dren's diseases, will leave Friday for
New York to report to American
. A . . IT. III H
XCU VIV99 UCaU4UllKlli G anil
in the near future for France, work
ing under auspices of the Red Cross
with diseases of the Frencn children
who have been made homeless in the
'" waft ' 't , s-':.
Tears of Ferdinand May -
Indicate Loss of Sanity
Geneva, Aug; 14. The ' German
newspapers, say that King Ferdinand
ot Bulgaria, tnW is at Nauheim, fre
quently .is seen in tears' and appears
greatly depressed. V A .German neu-
' rotic expert has been sent to Nauheim
from Berlin by order of Emperor
William. 7"" :
Senator Gallinger of NewM
Hampshire Seriously III
Franklin. N. H.. Aug. 14-United
States Senator Jacob' II. Gallinger
was reported today in t serious con
dition from heart trouble and bhyst
cians expressed anxiety regard his
illness. He is 81 years of age,
V. Vwlnit. a.. tA T7 .TJ
New York, Aug. $4. Several hun
dred members of the theatrical pro
fession paid tribute to the memory
of Miss Anna Held at funeral services
here today. The casket containing
the body of the actress was draped
with the American and French flags
and surrounded with a mass of flow
ers. The body will bt bfied in Paris.
where Miss Held began her career,
but will be in a vault here until after
, . u;q war. -' : :
Horaford'e Act Pfeasphata -SS
for diminished vitality , or depression. A
Miwtw win ana very refrsnhing, Adv,
A Army Orders, ,': ". ;'!
Washington, Aug. 14. -(Special Telegram.)
Tht appointment-of Sergeant (flrat clue)
: Willis w. Mercer, quartermaster corps;
Sergeant (first oiasa) Edwin Blols Barrett
aa second lieutenants, sanitary eorna Ma.
tionel army, ere announced and Sergeant
dim ciuii Louie sawyer aa second Utu
'ensnt quartarmsstsr corps National army,
The Weather
Hepwts tnm SteUoa at 1 r; X.
Station. Btataef Tamp. Hlglt.N Rata'
Waatnar, I p. ra . at.
Chicago, elaar .,:......7i it
Davenport, partly cloudy II M
Oenrer, rein II U
Dea Molnee, part cloudy It tl
Dodta City, claar.... ..! . , II
render, cloudy .. H
North Platte clear Tl 71
Omaha, clear ........ ..TS v II
Pueblo, partly eloady...T4 IS
Rapid City, cloody......TI ' ' II
St Lonia, rata .........II H
, Be nta Pa, ram .........II Tt '
Sheridan, cloudy Tl ; II
Sioui City, partly eloody T II
Valentin, partly cloudy. Tl ' Tl
; T
' lea
Indlcataf trace mt precipitation.
f . . h. A.' WKLBH, Mtoroloaiat
CawtpeVmtlv) tacI VecarC
IIIS. 11T. UK. Illl.
. Hlchaat rterday S4 tt v To 14
Sj.owaat yaaUrday ... .T . IT II - II
fciean temperatura .. ' f S ' TS : II : Tl
lrclplttlOB ........ .U M ,11 .
ATtmparatnr ana precipitation aepar
urea from the normal 1 -,
Norijiat tenporatura , r,ih Tl
tor tna day. 1
Total exceaa alnea Uarck l.....kv.......l7l
Normal praclpltation
lfl-lencr for the day.......... .14 Inch
TntHl precipitation nine Mar. 1. .11.11 Inehaa
1 i-fu-iency ain Siareh 1. ...... 1.14 Inehaa
I'.-f!( lBin,y for cor. period, HIT., LIT Inehaa
Duficteucy for cor, period, atllM Mi incha
Five Canadians Force
Band of 100 Teutons
to Surrender to Them
With the Canadian Forces in
Picardy, Aug. 13. During the open
ing days of the present . offensive
five members of a well known bat
talion captured more than 100 Ger.
mans. In a dense fog one morning
the party suddenly came upon a
fully manned German trench. A
corporal in the party gave the order
to fire. This show of force brought
more than 100 Germans,. .one after
another, tumbling up out of- the
trench to surrender.
The five men marched the Ger
mans to the rear.
Thity-thfee German
Planes Brought Down
' By Allied, Aviators
London, Aug. 14. Twenty-one
German airplanes were brought down
and 10 driven down out of control
yesterday, according to an official
statement issued tonight on aviation
operations. Six British machines are
missing as a result of the ierial en
counters. British and American air
squadrons co-operated in an attack
on an enemy airdrome and destroyed
six machines parked near the hangars.
Paris, Aug. 14. The official state
ment says: "Our crews have downed
or put, out of action 12 German ma
chines.' On the night of August 13-14
our bombing machines dropped 32
tons of projectiles on enemy objec
tives. Violent fires broke out at Ham
and Noyon, which received as their
share 15 tons of explosives."
. - ,,. .
I New Registration Ordered
Aug. 24 for Youths of Age
Washington; Aug. 14. Registration
on Saturday, August 24, of ail
youths who have reached the age of
21 since the second registration last
June was ordered today by Provost
farshal General Crowder, under a
proclamation by the president The
purpose is to add quickly to the al
most exhausted class one to meet
army draft calls in, September. .
vAbout 150,000 young men will regis
ter. Jdoit of them will Qualify for
class one, and.- therefore, will join
the army probably within a month, af
ter their names arc recorded,
There will be no new drawing to
establish the order of liability of the
new registrants. The prdvost marshal,
general's office announced tonight that
the 1,200 numbers drawn for the June
5 registrants would be sufficient to
cover - the August 24 registrants "in
the largest districts in the country i
Huns Order Finn Drive v
, On Entente at Murman
Washington, Aug. 14 A report
from Stockholm reaching the State
department today from sources con
sidered reliable, says the German gov
ernment has addressed an ulitrnatum
to the Finnish government requiring
that the Finnish army prepare to
march against the entente forces on
the Murmansk . coast within two
weeks. . ' -
Another Stockholm dispatch say
the Russian sailors are declaring they
will fight the German government
rather than give up their a1 ip., or
will blow up the Russian navy rather
than have it fall into the hands of
the Germans. It is stated the bolshe
vik leaders, Lenine and Trotzkv.
have been seen in Kronstadt bv Rus
sian sailors. , I
Street Railway Strike
, Threatened In Denver
Denver. Colo.. Auir. 14. Union em-
ployes of the Denver Tramway com
pany, ..operating the local street car
lines, voted today to call a strike if
the company would not agree toned
eral. mediation of their demands for
wage increases averaging 22 cents an
hour. .The company had previously
offered an increase of 6 cents an hour.
The union s, ultimatum was delivered
to the company this afternoon, and it
was said byv union officials that a
"reasonable time" would be given 't
company, to formulate its answer. -
Wilson Will Cro$sWater, :
Report From Paris Paper
Paris, ' Aug. ' RAccordine to a
statement by; Deputy Maurice Da
mour, appearing in the Journal today.
rresiaent wuson win make a visit to
Europe and Paris. .The Temps says
that neither the minister of foreign
affairs nor the American embassy has
been advised of any intention of The
president, to cross the. Atlantic.
!'r Ziegleria Washington ,
Washington, Aug. -J4. (Special
Telegram.) Isidor A. :; Ziegler of
Omaha, candidate for lieutenant kov-
ernor on the republic ticket, who is
in wasninffton-on business connected
with the potash industry, said today
that he would not be able to get
noma m time for the Nebraska pri-
maries. . . . , r .
Young Girts Warned Not
To Flirt With Soldiers
; Washington, Aug. 14. Warning
to young girls to be watchful of
the acquaintanceships they make
with soldiers was issued today by
the War and Navy departments'
commissions on training camp activ
ities. The commissions say the
warning it not -intended to reflect
on the character of the men in the
service, who as a whole art clean
and upstanding, and that it should
not deter young women from par
ticipating . in well-ordered and
wholesome entertainments in war
camp communities. Nevertheless,
Hit statement says, no young wom
an should approach or ' converse
familiarly with a man in 'uniform
unless . introduced . by a mutual
friend, or unless ht hat been prop
erly vouched for bj the community
.organizations. ' s .
In a Cup of .
LessSufcr- Nr
cotfee Troubles
DeStfous Flavor.
(Con tinned Frees Page One.)
state of war, and that the government
desired to continue its relations with
the entente as it did with Germany
under analagous circumstances.
' Demand Public Explanation.
"The consuls demanded that to be
acceptable any explanation must be
publicly made by the head of the
government himself. They also point
ed out that the question was insep
arable from that of the departure of
the members of the former military
mission. After having agreed to fa
cilitate the departure of these per
sons, in accordance with international
law, the government, they said, had
raised absolutely inadmissible' objec
tions.;1 Uhe foreign representatives
also stated that thev could not see
in this attitude, anything but confir
mation of Lenine's declaration of the
existence of state of war. Tchit
cherin said that he would give a reply
within three days.
' "On'the nhrht of Ausrust 2, a reply
was received from Tchitcherin. , Its
stated that inasmurh as Lenine s ut
terances were made behind closed
doors in a meeting at which an agent
of the allies could be present only
owinir to a soecial courtesy on the
part of the soviet, government, oub-J
lie explanations couia not oe given
about non-public utterances. As to
the member of the military missions
Tchitcherjn said that negotiations had
been begun with the German authori
ties to procure safe passage from Pe
trograd to Stockholm for these offi
cers, nassage through Archangel be
ing impossible because British cruis
ers had already begun the bombard
ment of the? islands covering Arch
angel.; - ,
Hostages Taken.
"A third report from Consul Gen
eral Poole refers to the arrests of
British and French citizens at Mos
cow. On the afternoon of August S,
there was a conference between Tchit
cherin and the consuls general of Jap
an, Sweden and the United States,
with the following results:, '
"First, the soviet government gave
solemn assurance that all persons
having diplomatic or unofficial char
acter, would not be molested; second,
Tchitcherin stated that the allied mil
itary missions would not be allowed
to depart, as. had already been prom
ised; third,, rharxivil persons arrest
ed were hostages for thj lives of so
viet members in territory occupied
by the allies. Tchitcherin said that
these persons are civil prisoners ar
rested, in accordance with the prac
tices of,war, for internment. He add
ed that no responsibility could be as
sumed for their future safety because
Great Britain and France had at
tacked Archangel without a declara
tion of war.
"Mr- Poole stated that he was with
out knowledge of what . had taken
place in the north, but warned Tchit
cherin that the peoples of the allied
nations could not be intimidated and
that the initiation of a system of re
prisals by the soviet gdvernment could
. a s . . t m
oniy result in individual memoers oi
the government being held personally
responsible, and in the loss by the bol
shevik, cause of whatever respect it
might now have in the minds of the
civilized world. ,
Consulates Violated.
"A fourth message from Mr. Poole,
dated, August 6, stated that the au
thorities forcibly entered the consul
ates general of France and England
on the afternoon of the 5th and ar
rested the consuls general and their
stalls. At 3 o clock on the afternoon
of the 6th, the consuls general and
part o( their staffs were released
through the untiring good offices of
the Swedish consul general. Mr. Poole
stated that a guard remained around
both consulates and would not per
mit British or French nationals to
approach. V ,
Mr. Poole-pointed out that these
acts occurred immediately following
the solemn assurance given by I chit-
cherin iti that all'persons having dip
lomatic "or consular character woul
be respected.
Feehne that there were no assur
ances that the American consulate
would not be violated at anv moment
lie destroyed his Codes and records.
1 his and the general situation made
it impossible to carry on his functions
and he accordingly asked the Swedish
consul feneral to take over .he pro
tection of American' interests and at
the same time to request facilities of
the soviet government for the imme
diate departure of the American dip-
Ft your own particular : color
hade ia any combination of 14
wood erf til fast colors.
; The ouickeat dye yea know-tvery
ok ol the nlnbsir-ueed ay milUoaa to
' make new ell weieta, Uncerie, eila t10".
Iwalary. waeh troche, enrtelne, ete. Biaapty
veah and Abutdio djrea. Caa
not Injore mom aeueeia ra ,
arte. MakM that ak ami- '
bmbc ae rreea aa a amity
-Aladdin the thrift dye
aoap. Aladdla Prodnekt ,
CaJXorfeCUeaf '
On Sofa EtHrywher
JN4asles)aMftB) arVgsfcsSW
ZNb (Belling or Stains
; The greatest step toward good
government that has ever been
taken in Omaha .was taken when
the Dodge election law went into
effect : , .wV,.
WorM-HeraM Editorial, 1813.
::T;;i VOTE FOR ?'t. f.-.V
i :S-a;.tko Primaries. Jor"
Republican Member Omaha
V'V Water Board.
lomatic and consular staff. The allied
onsuls were doing likewise. - ( " .
' Americans Unmolested.
"All steps were being taken for the
security of private American citizens,
who had not been molested so far.
Mr. Poole added that departure would
probably be by way of Petrograd and
Stockholm. At the instance of the
Swedish consul general the German
embassy had already recommended
to the jGerman goverpment the issu
ance of the necessary safe conduct.
"A fifth report stated that Mr.
Poole had received from Mr. Norman
Armour, secretary of the American
embassy; whom Mr. Francis left be
hind at Vologda when he went to
Archangel, a telegram which stated
that an assistant from Kedroff, com
missioner of the people, had called
to see him and apparently represent
atives of other embassies on the even
ing of August 1. The emissary said
that he had been instructed to ask
the diplomats to go to Moscow as the
soviet authoriites were unable to an
swer for. their safety , in Vologda.
..',: ' ' ' "
A Size for Every Purpose
1 - f a ' t
Built to meet today's demand for trucks -of
dependable performance arid steady
service the jjowerul Kissel-built mo
. 4or, frame, axles, springs and e ception
al braking features are truck necessities
this year..
:i Our transportation expert has solved
problems like yours. Send for him.
Foshier Bros. & Dutton
2056 Farnam
Begins Thursday
$2.00 Shirts .....$1.65
$2.50 Shirts'..... $1.85
$3.00 Shirts $2.15
,$3.50 Shirts .....$2.85
$4.00 Shirts .....$3.15
$4.50 Shirts $3.15
Pease-Black Co.
1417 Farnam Street
New and Curious
That Never Falls to Give
Immediate Results -
Hero is a safe and easy method for stettine at catarrh that invariably
surprises chronic sufferers because
it produces. Thera ia no waiting for results. Just to eita an instance, take
the experience of Mr. H. Elser, Lexington, Neb., who writes: "Dear Sam
Kats: I received your catarrh treatment, and in two days my catarrh was
eone. I am now cured."
Tna Sam mu memo wnjen wie ganuamaa ana
theoaanda of othera have naed, U different from any
thlns you have aver known of. There ia nothlns to
moke, apray or Injeot; no aalvea, creama.. Tibratlon
or masaasa. Erary thins , about it ia natural' and
The exact remedial combination of thla
a aecret known only 10 nyaeu ana my aaaoetstei, al
though 1 will eay thia orach i It la based on the modern
acientitie diaeovery that the disease sertna eanalna
catarrh muat
ha deetroyed aad dialodced from the la
in order to effect a radical and perma-
facted tlaeue
nent cure.
Banish Your Catarrh
Restore Your Health
and Organic Vitality
Catarrh, aa you know, iradaallr
downward from the note, throat . and head,
through the entire aratem, doing damage every
where. Headachea, diaiineaa, deafneaa. head
noiaea, confaaed thought, impairment of 'the
memory, weakened vision, aore ayes, boils,
nervousness, general languor, rheumatism,
lame back, neuralgia, stomach, Hver, kidney,
bladder disorders, weaknesses ef the vital or
gans and many ether maladiea and Oia may.
any or all. be doe to the ravages of the dlaeaae
we eal catarrh. Once cleanse your system ef
the deadly catarrh germ, a task that my method
ia purposed to accomplish, and your entire or
ganism responds, giving you a new sense of
vai vigor ana renewed nealth, Aa Nancy
Davis ofWaynesboro, Miss- writes met
new, wnwn. , s uioa your eaurrn treatment is worm us weignt m gold.
Full (Sox Sent on Trial
Don't aend any money, not even a etarnp, but simply your name and address en
Postal or in a letter, and I will arrange to forward to yon, poatpald, a trial box of the Sam
Kats Catarrh naterieJa. tha same that 1 have aent to tens of thMumt. .n m thm
world. There will be enough of the Mate-Hale for fifteen daya' teetafter which you
nay av . .iw vii. 4uu vourae u you CO oeviue.
The Sam Kats Catarrh Materials are always nut out in these trial packages, no mat
ter tow far from Chicago the sufferer may -live, Including Canada and foreign lands. So
do not heeitate or delay. Write at once. I want you to try thia mysterious remedy with
out risking penny of tout money. I will gladly take nil the ehanees. Plua aiM,aa
SAM jCATZ, Room J, A, HQ 2909 Indiana Avenue, Chicaco, Illinois.
After expressing their thanks for the
solicitude shown Mr.' Armour and his
colleagues referred the agent of the
soviet to their express instructions
from their ambassadors to remain in
Vologda for the protection of- their
nationals and pointed out the impos
sibility of going .to" Moscow under
any pretext whatever.
"The American minister to Sweden
has reported to the department that
he had been informed by the Swedish
foreign office that on August S the
Swedish consul general at Moscow
took temporary charge of American
as well as English and Japanese in
terests." . , 1 .
Italians Occupy Three
, Points in New Attack
Rome, Aug. 14. Italian forces have
occupied Monte Mantelloi Punta dl
Matteo, and the spur southeast of
Cima Zigolon, north of the Adamello
region, according to an official "state
ment issued by the war office, They
have taken 100 prisoners. . ,
St., Omaha, Neb.
- r
Morning at 8 A. M.
$5.00 Shirts $3.85
$6.00 Shirts $4.85
$6.50 Shirts .....$4.85
$7.50 Shirts $6.35
$8.50 Shirts $635
$10 Shirts .......$7.65
$12 Shirts $7.65
o) fo)
Remedial Discovery
of the immediate and pleasing effects
method 11
The audva cut snows the wide extent of
catarrh through the head and threat,
else tnta the lsmca anJ ur. It mi.
nally worka downward thratuh the en
tire aystem. doing damage everywhere.
A. ?
"Since taking the Bam Rata method I feel like
Qhe rashion Center for Womarr
Augijst Sale of
jnot a
v $8.00,
Silk Hose v
With lisle tops arrd soles, splen
did for wear, black, white, cor.
divan, gray and itfsian calf,
$1.25 pair.
Boys' Wash Suits
One ancV two piece white and
colored suits, sizes 2 to 6 years,
aftal Ael ha, up to 9Z.85 suit.
Henry Q.
Former Citys Attorney
Candidate for the Republican
Nomination for
County Attorney
The County Attorney's office is one of the most important
branches of the County Government, and if the duties of the
office are properly administered, the great mass and volume of
important business affairs of the -County should receive the care-
fuT legal scrutiny of its legal department and a fearless perform
ance of public duty in the matte? of prosecution of crime.-
The citizens of my home city placed me In charge of its legal
affairs for three successive terms, with an increased majority
each election. During ray terms of office more- than one-half
million in damage suits and claims were filed against tha City,
..AGAINST THE CITY. ' , .-';;'; ;y;
- Thera ia a feeling in Douglas County that this machinery for
prosecution of crime is out of repair lags and lack pep, and tha
spark plugs of prosecution ara badly corroded. -' -
i If elected County Attorney for Douglas County, I propose
to inaugurate and establish in the performance of the duties ef
Elect me County Attorney and I will jruarahtee that prosecu-
tion will then spell JAIL for offenders against the law. y -.
"Let Murphy Do It"
1 1
Railway I
Commissioner I
I am for the cue-term policy, am
yeare and cut. a
Making the Blue Sky Department f
I more wee to tha people. v
' Just snd quick action on all matters
before the Commission.
Established ISM
have perfected the best treatment in existence today, i-do net inject paraffine or wax
as tt M dangerous. - The advantage ef my treatment are: No loss of time. No detent!
from business. ' No danger from 'chloroform, ahock and blood poison, and no laviagj a
in hospital. Call or write Dr. Wray. 106 Bee Bldg, Omaha,
. - V
: About 200 pairs in which the line
of sizes are badly broken. Excep
rr tional values. Priced Thursday at'
$2.65 Pair
rfnd Oxfords,-several styles;
large - line ib'ut values up to
Thursday, $4.85 pair- '
Dresser Scarfs'
A sale of stamped white linen
dresser scarfs and center pieces.
$1.25 Dresser Scarfs, 85c. 'V
$1.00 Dresser Scarfs, 60e.;
$ 1.2 tfenter Pieces, $85c.
$2.50 Center Pieces, $1.75.
Art Dept., third Floor
' For more than 200 years, Haarlem Of
the famous national remedy of Holland,
haa been recognised aa an infalible relief
from all forma .of kidney and bladder dis-
orders. Its very age ia proof that it must
have unusual merit. . .
If you are troubled with pains or aches
in the back, feel tired in the morning, head
ache, indigestion, insomnia, painful or too
frequent passage of urine, irritation or atone
in the bladder, you will almost certainly
find quick relief in GOLD MEDAL Haarlem
Oil Capsules. This it the good old remedy
that haa stood the test for hundreds of
years, ' prepared in the proper quantity and
convenient form to take. It ia imported di
rect from Holland Hboratorles, and you can
get it at any drug store. Tour money prompt
ly refunded if it does not relieve you. But be
aura to get the genuine uuLiU - M.DA1J
I have a successful treatment for Rupture with
out resorting to a painful and uncertain surgical
operation. 'I ara tha only reputable physician who
' will take such eaaea upon a guarantee to give cat
isfactory results, knave devoted more than II
Tears to the exclusive treatment of Rupture and