rHE OMAHA SUNDAY BEE: AUGUST 11, 1918. A j, t ' . " Se -" r , , ,L M III "I I I II II I . - MW ma I I HUM I HIII-IIM I I I J-'1 ,' t , I I I I ' I. ,. - ' - - T.. - - ...,--,T. - .., .. . . . f -r ; - ; ' ' ' 1 AMMtroMg wp8E win hme a kini ' .seiise f what tin 'fotmir..raay jhave In gtira f ip ttannu shoinld make ira j v. -L REAL ESTATE EXCHANGES. ACREAGE TO EXCHANGE. 1-A (-room bungalow and garsgs, til clear; exchange modrn hme Jn city; pay cash difference. 1 scree, 4-1 oom house, all clear; exrhanjtJ f'ir iurtl value kome Jn rlty . 2 acrea, 7 -room modern, fruit, cloie in; will take 13,500 horn In etty and nmt money. INTER-STATE REALTY TO.. -tU-14 City Nat'l Bank Bl-t.r, Tyler 1672. tolt Co. (arm, good aoil. fair Improvement!, Xi per a. Would consider good houae lat rml, Mr Pees, ill Brsmlels Thes Bldg. REAL ESTATE INVESTMENT. Investment, Brick-Business Building, Douglas Street Near Uth St, close, to heart of town. Trackage In alley. Three-eiory and base tiient building containing over 10.000 sq. It floor apace. Elevatora, electric light, etc. All modern. Heavy conatructlon. ' Kental, 12.400 per year. Price, fit, 000. One-third caah. . Iouglaa street It the main artery to and from Iowa and thla property 'will .constantly Increase In value. Pays a bandaome return and la absolutely aaft. Armstrong-Walsh Co., tS3 Securities Bldg. Tyler 1621. Farnam Street Corner racing I atreeta, II ft on Farnam. It ft. on Harney and 117 ft on 4 2d St. partially occupied by l-room house. Fine location for either apartment! or flata. Jrtce only 17.500. - "- - Alfred C. Kennedy Co., Realtor, Doug. 731. REAL ESTATEUNIMPROVED. West. "AVEST DODGE STREET ACREAGE. .10 ACRES ; ; ' On paved road, seme trees, high, trtghtly, near tchool. Price f par aore. A bargain. - . J 40 ACRES High, tightly, gsntly rolling, mils South ot Dodge St.; 4 mtlss west of Elmwood park; H mlla to school; good Improvement!: on main road leading treat Thia 49 la bound to Inereese In slue. Price and terma on application. O'KEEFE REAL ESTATE CO.; REALTORS. Hit Omaha Nat'l Bank Bldg. Pong, Wl. North. ARCADIA COURT , Buy a horn alta In thli beautiful new addition, which la all paved, ornamental lighting system, aewer, water, gaa, double parkways, planted with treea and clump ehrubbery. Located Vi block aouth of Millar park, on direct car Una to lth and Farnam Btrssta. Prlca $706 to 1900. on tba exceptionally eaay terms of $21 oath, balanoa H per month. , , W. Farnam Smith & Co. H. M. Christie, Dept Mgr. ' Hit Farnam Bt. Tel. Doug. 1044. Even lnga Tyler. 111. South FOR SALE I lota, Just tooth ot Clmwood Park In Overlook addition. Owner leaving City. Will oell cheap for ossh. Addrea Bos T lilt, Omaha Baa. ' REAL ESTATE-SUBURBAN. Benson. 32-ACRE IMPROVED FARM , Located I hi mllea west of Benaon. Haa ' good 4-room houae, barn for It head ot ' cattlo and four horses; double corn crib, 'chicken home lgx24; all bulldlnga are ? early paw and nicely painted. Hog house iincedrfcd croas fenced, only 40 feet to Splendid well that baa 12 feet of water. T acres tn alfalfa, I acrea In paature. Rmall bsarlng orchard. Thla la a farm that haa been worked by owner and Is In splendid eondlttonand elegant quality ot land. It yon want one of the beat little ' farms near Omaha you should ba aura to look thla over. Owner will aell crop, atock and farm machinery and give poeseaalon Immediately If wanted, ' Fries of , farm " 112,000. Corns in and ws will taks you out and show you the property any time. , HASTINGS HKYDEM, 1114 Harney 8t Phone Tyler 10. FOR SALE : f-roomr modern home, well heated, on paved street In Benson. -- Has ground equal to t ordinary lots. Reduced for quick sale to 14 ISO. 1500 caah, balancs sasy payments. 1 Will make further discount from above price to party who can pay equity ' of ll.Ttt In caah. For complete details sail Douglas Sttl; ask for Mr, Moore. Dundee. GOOD DUNDEE HOMES tIJSt for t nearly new t-room, 2-story, modern house, burtgalow type, ftnlahsd In oak and" birch, with oak floors through ' out: nsar 41th and Douglas atreeta, terms, 1.150 cash, 150 per month. ti.100 for an attraottvo l-room, mod ern bungalow with garage; on Farnam street between 4Sth and 41th. 11,141 for a l-room, 1-story and attic, modern frame house, with outside sleep ing porch, combination cement driveway, an Webster street, near Sid. 16,100 for ft 7 -room, 1-etory and attic, modern, stucco house, H -block from car Una, with outslds sleeping porch: maid's Quarters on Id floor: finished In oak and quarter-sawed pine, with oak , floors throughout: Immsdlato possession r" key at ur office. It.tOO for ft brand now 1-story and attle. T-room, stucco houss; ons block from csr line; surrounded by new homes; finished In oak and birch throughout; orica we- place; built-in bookcases; buffet, ate: l bed rooms: tiled bath and outslds eleep tng porch; also two rooms finished on third floor. Something deslrabls and priced right Reasonable terms can be mads on any of ths above. GEORGE & COMPANY, ' REALTORS. City Nst'l Bank Bldg. Phono Douglas 784 UNUSUAL BARGAIN In a Vroom strictly modern Dundee home, half block to ear on Underwood Ave. Oarage, paved alley, high and sightly. For quick sale, prce, 13,760.00 O'Keefe Real Estate Go., - - t M " Realtors, " 10rt Omaha Nat'l Bank Bldg. Doug. I71S 16.000. DUNDEE: IL00V CASH. Fins bungalow, finished mostly In oak; largs living room with fireplace and fonr bedrooms; ft very sightly iocstion. JOHN W. ROBBIN8, 101 FARNAM ST. UNDKS HUM 4300 down for ft strictly modern, brand new,- 4-room bungalow. ' Liberty bond or W. 8. stamps samo as ' cash. Donrlss 4 or Colfax 411. owner. Miscellaneous. FOR SALE. Two beautiful lota south ot Elmwood Park In Overland addition; full site lots tftxlt. Will take Liberty bonds as pay. went Ownor going to camp, moat S1L Act oulck. Address Bos T til. Omaha Boo.. ' v;," -. '. Acreage. ACRES .WEST : craa tn Falraerea. 1 I acres with about mils frontage on Dodge street, paved road ear Falraerea. 40 acres 44 mils west of Fairacres. I acre s miles west of Fairacres near Dodge street paved road. -ll aeres t miles wast of Falraerea on Dodgo street road. ' FOR PRICB AND TERMS BES GEORGE & COMPANY tSUsr lUfl Baak Bids. PhOM B. HI. REAL ESTATESUBURBAN Acreage PUBLIC SALE 50 LOrs 50 Near car line, school, church and store. An Ideal place to keep a few chlckena, pig, or a cow. Excellent for gardening. Sale will continue all day Sunday and till 10 p. m. Look at thene v LOW PRICES. $52 to $92 per lot. No lot over $92.00, The owner lives In California and has put excep tionally low prices on them lots near Omahssta aell thera quickly. If tho owner lived in Nebraska ha would prob ably aak a great deal more for this fine garden ground. Lots In this neighbor hood aold tor I or I times this much 5 vmrs sro. TERMS OF SALE: $1 down; 50c a week on each lot. HOW TO REACH, THE SALE Taks any etreet car that runa on ZUh street and tranafer to the West Q ear, and get off at ths end of the car Una at 42d snd Q streets." flaleamen will be there to take you to seo these lota. Don't fall to taks advantage ot this bargain sals by non-resident owner. "We also have a few homes with several lots suit able for poultry raising and gardening, which will be sold on very easy terms. If you can't come tn the day time, come at night, We will be on the ground until 10 p. m. tonight. The aala will positively close Sunday night. If you want to take advantage of these bargalna don't wait till the enle Is over. H. H. HARPER COMPANY, BALES AOENTS. REAL ESTATE OTHER CITIES. FOR SALE Largs aoreage aubdlvldtd Into an addition having six thousand Inhabi tants. , Manufacturing altea. Acre home tracts. Located In most prosperous and growing city of ths southwest. Is new paying dtvidenda. Will sell part or whole and accept good revenue property ss part payment. . Address: Owner, Benjamin Kiam, Klam Bldg., Houston, Tex. FOR 8 A LB or trade for realdenoe property In Omaha, I rooms; large lot; some fruit; good, outbuildings; In Blair, Neb. Harney l7l. REAL ESTATE-WANTED. WANTED-RANCH OK FA KM Prsss brick business block and realdencs property) also 110,000 worth mortage pa s'" S. & R. E. MONTGOMERY, til City Nat'l Bank Bldg. WANTED i or t-room bungalow, in good location In the northweat or Hanacom park district. Must bo priced right Call Monday, Tyler HI. FINANCIAL. Real Estate, Loans and Mortgages. BIX PER CENT FIRST MOKTOAQlSi Secured by Omaha reatdoncts aro safe Investments. Let us ahow younha aecur Ity In ths following loana; tOO Security valued at...,. $ 1.700 100 Security valued at........... 2,000 1,000 Security valued at.... 2,100 1,100 Socurity valuod at 2,800 1,100 Security valued at 1,000 1,400 Security valued at...., 1.600 2,200 Security valued at,.,.,....,. 1,000 2,S0t-Securlty valued at 1.760 4,000 Security l!ued at, v10,000 B. H. LOUOEH, INC., tit Kenllno Bldg. , v LOANS ON CITT. PROPERTT. W. H. Thomas & Son. Kecltoe Bldg. H. W, BINDER. Money on hand for mortgage loans City National Bank Bldg. - QUICK ACTION ON LANDS. W. T. ORAHAM, 404 Bee Bldg. Douglas lilt. OMAHA HOMES EA8T NEB. FARMS. O'KEEFB REAL .ESTATE CO.. lOld Omaha Nat. Bank Bldg. Doug. 1711. CITY AND FARM LOANS. I, 6 V and S Per Cent J. H. DUMONT CO.. Keellne Bldg. 1100 tn 110,000 MADE promptly. F. D. Weed. Weed Bldg.r llth and Farnam file. - Private Money. - SHOPEN COMPANY rouglaa4lt. Miscellaneous LOW RATES. C O. Carlberg, lit Brandels Theater Bide:. Tnug Ml FARM AND RANCH LAND 3 Arkansas Lands AUGUST 20TU 'Our seat excursion to McOehoo. Ark W. 8 FRANK. 101 NEVILMD Bt.K. Colorado Lands. X HOMESTEAD relinquishment ot 240 aeres oy owner; my boys are going Into the army; am old and nearly blind; muat aell 100 aeres broks on the (lace; all well fenced; all In fins, crop; all kinds of maohlnery; 4 or 6 bead of horaea; I double harness; I cows; will sell all or Just ths relinquishment on land, Addreaa Fort Morgan, Colo., R, F. D. Routs No, I, Box H-D. Maryland Lands Maryland water front farm. Mild climate. ist g s. rtussell Realty Co . Baltimore. Md. Florida Lands. DEAL small Florida farm, containing 97 tica Trunin ons ana one-nait miles of court house of Montlcello, Jefferson coun ty; heart best farming aectlon of stats. Forty acres In cultivation, balance timber and .pasture, all under wire fence! cross fenced for pasture. Running orsek, well and springs; good five-room house front ing publlo road. - Hammock land, dark gray loam, red clay aubsoil.. Splendidly adapted to grains -and grasses particu larly good for bog raising. Pries only 3 per acre. Address B. L. Hamnert r"..-.-. uo.siupiueni .(.ni, sraooa.ro. Air Lino Railway, 1180 Royster Bldg., Nor folk, Va. , , Iowa Lands. IOWA FARM BARGAIN 160 acres, all under ths plow except 10 acres alfalfa and 60 acres mature. n lsvel sxcept about 60 acres; ths very best of soil; no overflow; no river menace; no sloughs or othsr defects. One ot ths big crop producers of Iowa. Tho Improve ments aro worth 117,000, and conaiat ot a t-room house, with running water, sewer and cellar; barn tor 22 head and mow for 10 tons of hsy; hay barn 10x34 x20; les houss for It tons; chicken house 12x79; hog pen, with running water and cement platform; 2) cribs, granary, ma enins anea, wagon abed, shop, pump nouss, scaiea, aprmg water, clstsrn, 1 wells, reservoir and water system; woven wire isncing; walnut and : oak grove, Buiidtnga and feed lots on high ground. Pries 260 psr acre; liberal terms. Lst us show you a strictly first-class farm; ons that tn aplta ot the recent severs hot wave will harvests, a full corn crop. J. H. DUMONT & CO., 411-11 Keellne Bldg. Phone Douglas (It. Missouri Lands. GREAT BARGAINS $6 down. IS monthly nuys to acres: gooa rruit ana poultry land, near town, southern Missouri: prlca only 1210. Address Box 282-C. Spring field. Mo Nebraska Lands. ' FARMS FOR SALE. tot acres about 61 miles northwest ot Kearney, U mils from loading station. miles from good railroad town; about 221 acres praotlcally perfect Wood River valley land, balance paaturs; good aoil; cheap aet ot Improvements, small grove, family or chard; H miles to school. Real bargain at price, 111,000. 240 acres less nght-or-way, to acrea wood River valley and balanoo rolling 120 acrea tn cultivation, 20 acres alfalfa, balance pasture ana ,wua hay meadow; t room bouse, stable for S horses, well. windmill, new chicken house, hog house, granary. Price 157 H psr aero; good ' terma ' ' lit sores. Improved Wood River valley farm, practically ft perfect quarter; lt , miles from good railroad town. Price ' 111,000; well located, exceptionally good vain. C. TC DAVIES. Kearney. Neb. WE specialise In the sals of Nebraaka ranches, large and small. White HooV- r. . Oasta Natl Sk, BiU FARM AND RANCH LANDS Nebraska Lands. 80 Acres Improved. All well fenced and cross fenced; al most new 4 room house, small barn and chicken house, well snd pump; contains 16 seres pssture, with some shade. 21 acres fine hay meadow, 40 acres under cultivation. All level land. Stt mllea to Calhoun. Prlca for quick aale, 15.400. Improved 10 Acres. About one half, high, level table land; II acres pssture, I seres alfalfa, balancs high state of cultivation, small orchard. Improvements, l-room bouse, barn for crib and granary, cattle shfds, chicken coop, pump bouae, garage and two wella; 100 rods of 14-lnch woven wire hog fen cing; I miles to Calhoun or Bennington. Ask us for pries and terms. Cheyenne County, 160 Acres 4 miles east of Bldney, t miles south of Coltnn on ths Lincoln Hlehway, 7-room house, barn for 6 horses, granary, buggy ahed, chicken house, well, windmill and variety of young fruit trets, 20 acrea rye, 20 acres wheat, 40 acres corn, S acres oats, t seres-alfalfa, all fit to cultivate, except 10 acres. Price, 18,400, half cash, bianco S years at I per cent. WASHINGTON COUNTY FARMS O'Keefe Real Estate Co., Realtors. 101(1 Omh Nat'l BanH Bldg. Doug. 2715. t'Oll SALE Sec. 10-U-M, being unim proved, 660 acres, 21 miles due south of Bushnell, Neb., and on main truck road and rural routs. Well settled neighbor hood; lend Joining on north and south la Improved; achool mile. 600 acres Is tillable wheat land, level to gently roll ing for tractor and In one body; 160 roll ing to billy, well grassed pasture In n. w. corner. Black loam, no sand. Bargain price, 10,000; 12,000 cash; 12.720 March 1; 14,380 6 years, I per cent. If ten miles nearer Bushnell this section would sell for I2S per acre In a hurry. Also own lsvel half section whest land. Kit Carson county, Colo., and level 120 acres wheat land, Sedgwick county, near Julesburg. Particulars on request. Will F. Sleden topf, owner Council Bluffs, la. CHEYENNE COUNTY, NEBRASKA, BARGAINS Fins 14 sac. Imp. farm near Lodgepols. Can give possession March 1, 1919. H sec 4V4 miles from Lodgepols; all broks out and fenced, ready for fall wheat; land lays perfect. 160 acrea with 100 acrea broke out, ready for full wheat; Vi crop goes with land delivered to market Lend level as a floor; 7H miles from town. Fins improved quarter, 110 acres under cultivation; fenced snd cross fenced. Pos - session March 1, 1919. One-third this year's crops goes with land If sold soon. Writs C. L. TATE, III OAMHA NAT. BANK. OMAHA, NEB. LAND AT PUBLIC SALE. 1200 acres of land nesr Cambridge, Inl rurnas county, Belonging 10 me estate of Albert Brown, deceased, to be aold In aeparate tracts at Cambridge, on Aug. 20, 1911, at 2 p. m., to settle estata. Much of this Is fine alfalfa land, on Re publican river valley, and Is well Im proved. 26 per cent of bid to bs paid In cash at time ot aale, balancs when sals Is confirmed, by March 1, 1911, when possession given. A. A. Mousel, Cam bridge, Neb.,, referee In partition; Lambe A Butler, Cambridge, attorneys. 640-ACRE RANCIt" 140-acrs Improved ranch. Cherry coun ty Neb. 120 acres In cultivation; 4-room sod house, 20x36; frame barn with steel roof, 26x64; corn cribs, etc., cavs; wind mill with csment tank: trees near build ings and grove In norfhwrst corner of the land; the finest ranch In Southeast Chsrry county. Owner has lived hers 11 years and mads money. Price 110 per acre. H cssh; balancs long time. Would constdsr Omaha residence as part pay ment . WHITE 4k HOOVER. 464 Omaha Natl. Bank Bldg. Douglas County Farm Great Bargain About 20 acres timber, 10 acres valley In crops, balancs paature, little waste land, total 120 acres. Not Missouri val ley, no overflow. Improvements small but good. Owner says muat aell and cuta prlca to 90 per acre, easy terms. Alfred C. Kennedy Co., 206 So. 18th St. Douglas 722. Owner Called to.olors TV1U sacrifice one McPherson county Improved section. Plenty farm land, bal ancs good meadow and pasture. Might exchange for good clear property. Thla is a good farming and stock proposition and investment. Alfred C. Kennedy Co., 206 So. 18th St. Douglas 722. 11 ARMS AND RANCHES Ws havs several Very stthactlvs prop erties for sale In Dawea, Keya Paha and Brown counties. These ars places that ws havo personally Inspected, and tan recommend as being good buys. Send for list and photos stating as to your wants Kloke Inv. Co., Omaha. OR SALE 800-acre ranch, 191 acres cul tivated; well Improved; two wells, tlna water; fins cattle country; lots of grass; gas tractor, threshing outfit and other farm machinery; soms crop, all for 116,. 000; possession at once. Near Wellfleet Come and lee It H. J. Seeley, Wellfleet, Neb. OR SALE 1,600-acro ranch land 14 mllea from, town, one half mils from school; all fenced and cross fenced, three wells with largs reservoir; 100 acres In cultiva tion, nsw houss, good barn and sheds: largo grove; 60 Veres of good corn to go with placs. , Write owner, W. L. Maya Mullen. Neb. 160 Acres Dodge County Well Improved, 114 miles from good town. Price 1206 per acre. Thla la a bargain. Write quick. ' GRAHAM-PETERS CO. 129 Omaha Nat. Bank Bldg. WKITU me tor pictures and prlcea ot my farms and ranches In god old Dawes oounty. Arah U Hungerford. Crawford, Neb. FOR SALE Best large body, high grsde, medium priced land In Nebraska, Very little money required. C. Brsdley. Wol hsek. Neb. FOR SALE OR TRADE 160 Improved farm 1H miles from Litchfield, Neb. Address 686 Brsndels Bldg., Omaha, Neb. MERRICK COUNTY Improved corn and alfalfa farms at the right price. M. A. LARSON. Central City. Neb 160 ACRES improved, close in. paved road. Nllsnn. 421 Securities Bldg. Oklahoma Lands. OKLAHOMA farms In northeastern rain belt for aale at 150.00 to 190.00 per acre. The kind of soil sold In the north at 1250 per acre. In tracts from 80 to 80S. Ws havs no failures. This year oats 75 bu shels, wheat 29. I'll snow you. Calhoun, School Superintendent Afton, Okla. IMPROVED fsrms In a aectlon that haa never had a drought Always lots of rain fall Small caah payment; ten years for ths balance.-' Write W. H. Jonee. Immi gration Agent, Texaa. Oklahoma A East ern Railroad Co.. Broken Bow. Okl. Oregon Lands. IRRIGATION. N "In the "Heart of the Range" Ths Jordan Valley Project, Malheur County, Oregon. An empire in the making, land II. 01 per acre plus ths cost ot ths water. , Ton can file on graslng homestead entries nearby. Literature and full particulars and excursion date on request. HARLET J. HOOKER. 940 First Nat'l Bsnk Bldg.. Omshs, Neb. South Dakota Lands. FOR SALE OR TRADE III aeres farm and ranch eomblned. A snap at lit per acre. Fall River, S. D. Walnut 1485. Wyoming Lands. V WHEATLAND Wyoming farms, 160 per a Including paid up water rights. Henry Levi ACM. Rylander. 864 Otnsha Nst'L DO you want a farm of your own, large or small T If so, write Storm A Young , nan. UulttWWfQ, FARM LAND WANTED. FARMS WANTED. Don't list your fsrm with as if yon want to esp It. E. P. 8NOWDEN SON. 10 Electr. Bldg. Douglaa I27L AUTOMOBILES. AUTO EXCHANGE CO. 2059 Farnam. Ire too ooino to but A motor car THIS TEAR? f If you havo completely mads up your mind that youare going to buy a ear within tho next II months It is absolutsly imperative that you buy now If you want and Intend to get ths most for your money. Cars will never bs ss cheap ss thsy are today, and from Indications will advancs , steadily In pries. NOW IS THE PSYCHOLOGICAL MOMENT TO BUT. Ths following cars aro listed at a price that will advancs from ISO to 1100 within ths next tew moaths: Ford touring . Ford roadstsr. ..1200 .. 176 .. 421 llks new. Ford touring, 1117, newly painted Ford Sedan, 1917, lots of extras 1660 Overland touring, model II, new tires 1400 Overland roadster, model 76 171 Willys Knight rosdstsr, llko nsw....... 1600 Jeffries touring, thoroughly overhauled 1600 Bulck 17, In good ahaps ....1400 Chalmsrs light six. llks new Briscos touring Studebaksr six, seven-passsngsr Packard six, newly painted., Serviceable 40 h. p. touring ear .1660 .1271 .1461 .110(1 .1119 Saxon six, 1117. touring, Bulck roadster, 1917.... ..1100 ..100 Packard, twin six, reasonable S' passengsr, Cadillac Coups a bargain. If yon are dlssatlsflsd with year old car, trade It to us for ons yon can use. AUTO EXCHANGE CO. Douglas 1016. tilt Farnam St SERVICE GARAGE "CO. t . 16th and Leavenworth Bts. Pbons Douglas 7000. f "THE USED-CAR MART" W. F. OERKE, MOR Ths f lnsst and largest display of used cars will be found In our salssroom and prospsctlvs buyers will do wsll to call and Inspect them. 1 1917 Bulck t Touring, t HIT Oakland t Touring. 1 HIT Oldsmobllo Touring. 1 1917 Scripps-Boolh I Club Roadstsr. . 1 lilt Hupmoblls Touring. 1 wire whssl Stuta Touring. 1 1917 Davis Touring (I). 1 Enger t Touring. , 1 Bulck T IT Touring. I Maxwell Touring. , 1 Chsvrolst Touring. 1 Wtnton t Touring. 1 Peerless Limousine." 1 Cadillac t Touring. 1 National Touring. I Studebaksr I Tourings 1 Butck t Racer; special. 1 Mercer Roadstsr. 1 Mercer Raeeabout " Fords 1915. 1916, HIT, lilt. 1 Tourist Trailer. All the abofs listed ears are In excel lent mechanical condition, and will be demonstrated to buyers', thorough satis faction. ' , ! ALWAYS OPEN Ws try to pleass. Fords our specialty. WE ARE THE USED CAR MEN, When batter used cars values are offered ws . will offer them. 1917 Dodgo touring. 4.000 miles. ...... I 109 1911 Dodge touring, perfect shape..... T2I 1911 Stuts bearcat 1,000 llt Hudson 4-40. like new 80S 1817 Maxwell touring, good tires...... HI 1117 Briscoe 4, repainted 1914 Cadtilae 4, good tires 350 450 1916 Saxon six, repainted 425 TOO 160 1917 Chalmers light six, chesp at,... 1914 Studebaker four, repainted,,..... FORDS! FORDS! FORDS! FORDS 191T touring ....14151191 touring ....ttj 1114 touring .... 226191T roadster .... 415 1911 touring .... IS0I191T roadster .... 400 1916 touring I25l91t touring .... tit . Every car demonstrated to your entire aatiafactlon and sold under ' ft 14-hour trial, and money j beck If not satisfied guarantee. 1 ...V FRAWVER AUTO CO. . 191 FARNAM ST. DOUGLAS 9070. OVERLAND 15-4-1111. l-passenger, two months old, gons l.tOtmnea, excellent condition and ft bargain for quick sal Victor Garage Company HIT-IT K. llta St. . Phono Webster WT. AUTOMOBILES. Unless ths buyer of a used ear fs In the hands of a reputable dealer, he Laa ths choice of two alternatives, to stick a gun at ths dealer and wring the truth lrom him or take the ear to the maker of ths system and get tb.elr sad facts in ths matter. WE GUARANTEE OUR CARS " 1911 Malbohm Roadater. 1915 Hudson Sedan. 1916 Mitchell Touring. 1915 Maxwell Touring. 1916 Velio Touring. " 1916 Chandler Touring. -1914 Allen Touring. 1916 Maxwell Touring... 1911 Ford Touring. 1911 TofA Tow Car, 1917 Ford Roadater. 1916 Auburn Touring. 1917 Studebaker Six. 1918 Overland 90 County Club. 1919 Overland 10 Touring. 1918 Overland 90 Roadster. 1917 Overland 75 Roadster. 1916 Overland 88 Touring. 1917. Overland 85-6 Touring. 1916 Overland 82-6 Touring. 1916 Overland Panel Body Truck. VAN BRUNT AUTOMOBILE CO. 2401 Leavenworth St. Phone Tyler 2121. REDUCTION IN PRICES ONE WEEK ONLY Ws ars making a reduction tn price, for this week only, on ths new used cars we have on hand. Allow ua to ahow.you our stock. We can satisfy you. 1118, 6-cyI., Studebaker new; Ideal all-year car. Sedan, llkeft 1911, l-cyl., Studebaker Touring, per fect condition; a bargain. 1915, 4-cyl., Studebaker Touring; light and economical. Have ons brand new. aeries Ml, 4 cylinder, l-paaaenger roadster, never been run. We will offer special price on same for one week. THE BONNEY-YAGER 'AUTO CO. . -STUDEBAKER DEALERS Phono R. 174, 1556-ft Farnam St. 191T PAIOE-STRATFORD. Just thoroughly overhauled. Absolute ly first-class mechanical condition. Ty ler 67L ONE AND ONE-HALF TON TRUCK ; CHASSIS IN EXCEL LENT SHAPE; DUAL TREAD IN REAR. 1650 CASH. VICTOR MOTOR CO,, 1626 FARNAM ST., DOUG. 6481 AUTOMOBILE SCHOOL. Reliable course. Ws teach tire work, mechanical work and alectrlcal work. Opena Sept 1. Write for free catalog today. y OLD, RELIABLE NATIONAL' AUTOMOBILE SCHOOL. 2814 No. 20th St., Omaha RADIATORS Wrecked and leaky radiators repaired and rebuilt; largs stock used radiators cn hand. Mashed fenders snd lamps rspalred like new. New stock of Ford honeycomb radiators OMAHA RADIATOR AND TIRE WORKS. 1911 Cuming St Omaha. Neb. O'ROURKB -GOLDSTKOM AUTO CO, Distributors of x Kelsey Streamline Bodies, Ames Bllt Touring and Commercial bodies. NEW AND USED FORDS FOR SALE. 1701 South 14th St Phono South 199. 2117 Farnam St Phons Harney 1641. FOR SALE A good Jpassenger Studebaker oar, in good repair; gooa reasons xor sett ing. Address E. E. Zimmerman, cars N. T Llfs Ins. Co., R. 137, Omaha National Bank building. Tel. Tyler 137. Leave word If I am not there. , BARGAINS IN USED CARS All makes. With and without starters, St to pick from . Phons D. 1241 or call at lilt Davenport BOYLAN AUTO CO.. FOR SALE OR TRADE SO h. p. Mitchell chummy roaaaier, nign speea ana power. Wilt accept Ford. In Al condition as part payment A bargain. B. E. Frank. Route t. 76A. Benson, Neb. 8CRIPPS-BOOTH ROADSTER, nice car, 1550; Grant s . touring, almost gooa as nsw, 1660, Both cara in fins shaps and a splendid buy. Barnum-Smlth Co., 2122 Cuming St. FOR SALE Lexington automobile, slx-pas- ssngsr; good as new, newiy patntea ana lust overhauled: reason for selling 'owner nas gons Into service. Walnut 1740. ' CHALMERS Master Six, 1916; driven 7,000 miles; has, had best or care; is in perfect condition; man of family enlisted; must lell. 1708 Hawthorns Avs. Wal. 2441. FOR SALE At a bargain- Reo three- quarter ton truck used psrr time for eight months and "In good condition. Address Box T. til. Omaha Bee irOR SALE 1 American Tool Works shaper. 16-ln. stroke: 1 1 H.P. l-phass Gen. Electrlo 220V motor. Ten uinaier. is Harnsy street. D. 1540. USED CARS AND TRUCKS AT BARGAIN PRICES. STANDARD MOTOR CAR CO.. 1020 Farnam at.. Omaha. Neb. BEST automobile buy in Omaha. Coat 11,100; 1400 will buy it; 7-paasenger tour ing; It h. p. Martin Investment Co., D. 6691 ar H. 1803. OAKLAND. 8enslbls Six. - S300 Fsrnsm St WE ARE THE USED CAR MEN TRAWVER AUTO CO.. 1919 Farnam 8t Douglaa 9070. HIGH GRADE USED CARS. AUTO CLEARING HOUSE. 2032 Farnam. WANTED FOR SPOT CASH. 100 USED CARS; quick action; no delay. Auto Ex- ebange Co- 2069 Farnam at Doug. 1031. , QUALITY USED CARS. VAN BRUNTVAUTOMOBILB CO. I40t LEAVENWORTH ST. BARGAINS In uaed cara ORR MOTOR SALES CO., 49th and Farnam.' Harnsy 411. ft GOOD USED CARS. OUT L 8MITH. llth and Farnam 8ta Douglaa 1170, BARGAINS IN USED CARS McCaffrey Motor Co. llth and Jackaon. Ford A rente. D. 1500. FOR SALE Bargain, King I aeven-passen ger car, run 1.600 miles, like nsw, extra " tire, call Harney 1944. MEEKS AUTO CAR. USED CAR BARGAINS. 2411 FARNAM ST. - DOUGLAS III BARNLM A SMITH. 2122 Cuming, cars bought sold and exchanged. used COMMERCIAL GUIDE A representative list of the best business houses in Omaha, an J Council Bluffs. When in need of any article refer to the list below. Ycu can depend upon excellent service and Auto Livery. SHERMAN, A. W.. 2311 N. 24th St. Webster 2883. Auto livery and storage. Automobiles. M.CAFKREY MOTOR CO., 10th sndHow ard. Doug. 3500. Ford cars snd repairs. Authorised agents for Ford cars. M'INTYRE-HAYWMID MOTOR CO.. 2427 Farnam. Douglas 2406 Strarns-Knlght and Regal cars. SAMPLE-HART MOTOR CO.. 18th and Burt. Tyler 613. 100 per cent Ford aerv Ice to Ford owners. AMERICAN STATE BANK. 18th and Far nam. Wead Block. Phone Tyler 80. , Auto Painting. ROESSIG, W. F. 144 40th. Har. 1448 We make oldautoa look like new ones. Auto Repairs. QREENOUGH AUTO RADIATOR REPAIR ING, -10 2 6 Farnam. Douglas 2001. AMERICAN MACHINE WORKS. 110 8. llth Doug. 4881. Automobile work, cyl. boring pistons fitted, auto parts made to order. BERTSCHY MFQ. & ENGINEERING CO.. S. E. Cor. 20th and Harney Sts., old parts ' made new, new parts made, too. D. ?662 Auto Tires. TWO-IN-ONE VULCANIZING CO.. 1616 Davenport St. Douglas 291. Auto Tops and Trimmings. ENGLISH, THOS. F.. 2318 Harney. Doug las 37S6. Satisfaction guaranteed. The best Is none too good. Attorneys. DICKINSON, CHAS. Douglas 1804. T.. 511 Paxton Blk. FISHER, H 1418 First Nat. Bank Bldg. D. 1966 Attorney and counsellor at Isw. FITZGERALD. JAMES M., 1017-20 City Nat. Bank Bldg. Douglas 4503. GRAY & BRUMBAUGH. 313-14 Omaha Nat. Bank Bldg. Red 3157. General practice in state and federal courts. Abstracts of Title. MIDLAND TITLS: GUARANTEE &-AB- STRACT CO., 1714 Farnam St Douglas 2865. Adding Machines. DALTON ADDING AND CALCULATING MACHINES, 424 Ramge Bldg. Doug. 1449. Baggage and Transfer. OMAHA TRANSFER COMPANY. "THE ONLY WAY." Telephone Douglas 295. 14th and Jackson. FORD TRANSFER CO.. 817 Douglas St. Tyler 3. "Always at your service." FOLEY AUTO EXPRESS, 1007 ft Howard. V. 141. Let ua contract to do hauling for YOU. Biscuit Manufacturers. ITEN BISCUIT CO., Capitol Ave., 12th to 13th St. Doug. 2123. Snow White bakery. Mfrs. of crackers, rakes and cookies. Blue Prints. FENGER, N., 305 Brandeis Theater Bldg. Douglas 2762. "Blue prints that satisfy." Boiler Manufacturers, DRAKE, WILLIAMS, MOUNT CO.. 23d and Hickory. D. 1043. Mfrs. of boilers, tanks, smokestacks and oxy-acetylene welding. Building and Loan Associations. OMAHA LOAN AND BUILDING ASSOCIA- TIO, N. W. cor. 15th and Dodge. Doug las 370. 6 per cent real estate loans. Butter (Wholesale). ALFALFA BUTTER CO., 120-24 N. llth St Douglas 3903. W. W. Richardson, Pres. Cash Registers. MORRIL CASH AND. CREDIT REGISTER CO., SU9-221 City Nat'l Bank Bldg. Douglas 4403. ' E. W. Hart, Pres. Chiropractors, 10TH YEAR IN OMAHA; fired out of Con tinental Blk.; new location, 494-496 Bran dels Th. Bldg. Dr. L. N. Carpenter, D. 6381 Cement ProdtictJ. OMAHA CONCRETE STONE COMPANY. 28th Ave. and Sahler St. Colfax 886. Confectioners. A. B. SWEET SHOP, THE, D. 2920, 16th & Jackson. Dainty luncnea ana ice cream. Fancy and staple groceries. Dentists. EADES, DR. Q. F., 201 Paxton Block. D. 1728. Not yf cheapest, but the pest. Dry Goods (Wholesale). BYRNE & HAMMER DRY GOODS CO., 9th and Howard Stg.. Douglas 206. Cloaks, suits, ladles' and men's furnishing, srt goods, millinery and draperies; all kinds of fancy and staple Dry Goods. Drug Store.-.. POPE DRUG CO., 1302 Farnam. D. 2672. Gen. Aet NYAL'S FAMlLt bmisuim, F.lertriral Goods LE BRON ELECTRICAL WORKS. 318 S. 12tn. iJOUgiaa sue. unrjoii trlcal repair worka and contracting com pany In the middle west. Electrolysis. Superfluous hair removed, electricity; needle work guaranteed. JUiss Aiienaer, 04. see. 8 87c. . Engineers, Consulting & Supervising. HENNINGSON ENGINEERING CO.. 1123 Farnsm. D. 8229. BKitiea municipal im provement engineers; sewer, paving, elec. light, water wqrKS, appraieau. repori. ivncnsnv A BENNETT. 424 Bee Bldg. Douglas 1430. Heating, ventilating ana power plants. Engineers and draftsmen. Foundries (Iron and Brass). PAXTON-M1TCHELL CO.. 2614 Martha Bt. Harney 1662., Mncnine, gray iron, utaw, bronze and aluminum castings. OLSEN SCHL1NGER, 1407 Jackson, a. 7491. Braas, bronze ana aluminum call ings. Groceries and Meats. PUBLIC AND EMPRESS MARKETS. Douglas 2793. wnoiesaiera ana iv.". of everything ln eatables. Watch for date of. opening In f irst inri 1 ran, jm . . . .xt Ana XT SCHNAUBER & HOFf MAW. 4J n. iu Douglas 1420. Htapie irrmtrir. nnu Hardware. PETERSON JilCHBLSUM HAnu.A, CO., THE, 4916-18 d. iiiu sji. Phone South 171. AUTOMOBILES. DORT rosdster, excellent condition. Webster 3344. 1808 rinitney FOR SALE One 1918 five-passenger Briacoe ..,!.. .ar. Call DO, IK,. t mm: A IX 19 18 Stearns Knight chummy roadster. 3413 Dodge St Repairing and Painting. EDWARDS. E. S.. 2616 18th Bt weo ater 1103 For tho best results with repair work consult us. Automobiles Wanted. CAR WANTED 1916 or 1917 PjfWr. Peerless, winton, oiui. "''"" oimllar .car. In good shape, at bargain. Address Box Y tn. - Starters and Generators Repaired. iiiTrt ELECTRIC SERVICE CO. Anything electrical about your auto. 116 8. llth St Douglas 6488. Awto Livery and Garages. RENT A FORD DKIve. n iuuiww. 12o a mils 150 per hoar minimum charge Sunday and holidays, too per hour. FORD LIVERY CO.." n,i.. 1622. , Howsrd St ' ' WHS WMTTltirjIT TT Auto Tires and Supplies. ""BARGAINS IN USED 'TIRES WHILE THEY LA8T: HOtS 16-80 12x4 1 I. II SOtSU 17.00 13x4 It. 00 si.su. 1.00 s 11.00 Other stses up to 17x5. Tires shipped subject to examination On deposit of one dollar : Omaha Radiator & Tir.e Works. 1819 Cuming St- Tyler 917. Omaha. values. Fish (Wholesale). BOOTH FISHERIES CO. 1308 Leavenworth St, Douglas t!2"t.' Hospitals. FORD HOSPITAL. 20th and Douglaa Ste. 1 Douglaa 240. In charge of Dr. Michael J. Ford, surgeon-ln-ihief. The most com plete hospital -'n the west. Hotels. MERCHANTS HOTEL. 1508 Farnam. Douglaa 648. Ice. OMAHA ICE AND COLD STORAGE CO., McCague Blk., 15th and Dodge. Douglas Ice Machines. BAKER ICE MACHINE CO. 654. Wholesale and retail Ice. 19th snd Nicholas. J. L. Baker,-Pres. Jewelers J. HENRICKSEN, THE LOYAL JEWELER. Douglas 1574. 201 N 16th St. . Live Stock Commission. ROSENSTOCK BROS., 126 Exchange Bldg.. Omaha. Stockera and feeders our specialty. Lumber. INDEPENDENT LUMBER CO.. 40th and Leavenworth. Harney 424. Lumbering Along." "Just Mirrors and Resilvering. OMAHA MIRROR, AND ART GLASS CO.. Douglaa 8025. 1614 Cuming' St. Osteopaths. ANDERSON. DR. MARY E. Douglas 3996. 606 Bes Bldg. Patent Attorneys. PATENTS procured, bought and sold. Inter natonal Patent Co.. 683 Brandiea. D 6691. Packers. CUDAHY PACKING CO. South 2340. South Omaha. Paints, Oils and Glass. BARKER BROS. PAINT CO.. Douglaa 4760. 1609 y, Farnam St. Physicians and Surgeons. DAVIS, DR. WILLIAM WINDLE. Physician and Surgeon. 1120-21-22 FlrBt Nat. Bank Bldg. Tyler T3I. CAMPBELL, DR. S. M., Physician and Surgeon, 1804 Farnam St. Douglas 1220. Pleating and Buttons. VAN ARNAM'S DRESS PLEATING. HEM-t STITCHING AND BUTTON CO., Doug. 310t. Rooms 336-37 Paxton Blk., Id floor. Printers' Supplies. BARNHART BROS. & SPINDLER, .1114 Howard St Douglas 1076. Printers supplies. 1 Printers. OMAHA PRINTING CO.. 13th and Farnam. Douglas 346, Printing, stationery and office furniture. Tank Manufacturers. NEBRASKA & IOWA STEEL TANK CO. 1301 Willis Ave. Webster 278. School Furniture and Supplies. OMAHA SCHOOL SUPPLY CO., 1108-12 Nicholas St. Douglas 1911. "Everything for schools." DOUGLAS PRINTING CO., 109-11 N, 18th St Douglas 8647. Fine commercial printing. EDDY PRINTING CO., THE. 322 Bee Bldg. Douglas 8647. Fine commercial printing. Stationery and Supplies. OMAHA STATIONERY CO., THE, 307-309 8. 17th. Douglas 805. Offlcs, typo, writer, architects' and engineers' sup plies. Loose-leaf devices. Storage Batteries. BATRY VIM CO. OF OMAHA, 215 S. 20th St Phone Douglas 7661. We rebuild dead storage batteries to full efficiency. Sporting Goods. TOWNSEND GUN CO., 1514 Farnam. Douglas 870. Outing and camping supplies and outing clothing. Tin and Sheet Metal Works. CARTER SHEET METAL CO., 108-10-12 8. 10th St. Douglas 602. Skylights, steel ceilings and galvanized sheets. Tents and A wings. NEBRASKA TENT & AWNING CO., 1204 Farnam. D. 3329. When you think ot tenta or awninga think of Douglaa 8829. ' Typewritersnd Supplies. CENTRAL TYPEWRITER EXCHANGE. 1905 Farnam. Douglas 4121. All makes. Undertakers. HULSE A RIEFEN.J701 S. 6th. D. 1226. f Undertakers and embalmers. Personal at tention given to all calls and funerals. - HOFFMAN, LEO A., Cor. 24th snd Dodge Douglas 2901. Experts tn embalming and funeral directing. Private chapel HEAFEY & HEAFEY. 2611 Farnam. Har ney 265 Undeertakers and embalmers. CROSBY, WILLIS C, 2511-13 N. 14th St Phone Webster 47. Banks. OMAHA NAT'L Bank. Farnam Sts. Tyler 100; 17th and Wall Paper and Paint. YETTER WALL PAPER CO., 1414 Harney, Phons Douglaa 930. Wall paper and in terior decorations Wholesale and retail. BOKWALK.H., 211 S. Main St. Doug. 683. We handle the best In wall paper and paints Council Bluffs Directory Barber Shops. HOOD'S BARBER SHOP. i9 W. B'dway Red 1307. Baths in connection. Observe the number of clean towels used on each customer. Boots and Shoes. PIERCE SHOE CO., 419 Weat Broadway. Phone 669 Strong & Garfield's men's shoes Wright & Peters and E. P. Reed's ladles' shoes. Dr. Reed's Cushion Sole Shoes., Coal and Ice.i DROOB ELEVATOR CO.. 620 Pearl St Phone 2840. Caterers to heat and cold. Lumber. QUINN (H. A.) LUMBER CO., 2d and Vine Sts. Phons 137. "Qnlnn for Quality snd Quick Service." -AUTOMOBILES. Tires and Supplies. GUARANTEED TIRES. ONE-HALF PRICE. , 1,000 Miles Guaranteed. 30x1, 18.26; 80x8, 19.71; llxlH. 111.11; 13x4, 113.75: 14x4, 114.00; !5x4Vs, 111.16. Writs us todsy for particulars. AGENTS WANTED. Expert Rsdlstor and Tire Repairing. "2 IN 1" VULCANIZING CO.. - 1516 Davenport 6t, Omaha. D. 2114. NEW TIRES AT HALF PRICES. 30x3 Republic. 19.75; Ford tubes, ll.lt. S0x3H IMPERIAL TIRES, 111.25. 30x3 NON-SKID PULLMAN. 114.11. 32x314 NON-SKID CONGRESS, 116.41. 84x4 NON-SKID M'GRAW. 12145. KAIMAN8' TIRE JOBBERS. 1721 Coming. BRAND new tires and tubes at' 25 to 40 per cent off list price. Send for our ' price list OMAHA CUT RATE TIRE CO.. Pong. 2916. 210 8. 19th St INSIST on O. & O. quality retread and save 10 per tent on your tlrea Bargains la nsw and slightly used tlrea O. e O. Tire Co.. 1411 Leaven'th St Tyler 1161-W. BUY Les puncturs-proof pneumatic tires and elimlnato your tire troublea Powell Sub-: ply Co.. 2061 Farnsm St r ,- . MOTORCYCLES AND BICYCLES. UH A R L E Y-DAVIDSON MOTORCYCLES. Bargains in used machines Victor U Root, the Motorcycle Man, 27th anil Lear ' enworttl ' . . .. ., ; .. . 1 I