Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 10, 1918, Image 1

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    'The Stars and . Stripe
, Forever." - .
Americans Cross River on Part
of Bridge Under Fire and
. Overpower Germans Left
. in the Village.
By Associated Press.
Paris, Aug. 9. (Havas
Agency.) American troops
have captured the village of
Fismette on the north bank of
the Vesle river, a short dis
Hance . northwesj of Fismes.
With the village they took 100
With tne American Army on the
Vesle Fr,ont, Aug. 9. Vicious tut in
. effectual thrusts were made last night
tand today by the Germans against
the line west of Rheims. The net result-was
a smart repulse by the
French, against whom the mosftfe
termined attaclc was made, and the
inclusionof the northern suburb of
"Fismes in the American line in addi
tion to about 100 prisoners.
Throughout the night and day the
operations in ?he Soissons-Rheims
sector were characterized mostly by
artillery fire, in, which the Germans
shifted their long range guru from
time UQtime .to- reach villages and
roads which they themselves trav
ersed i week ago.
Cloudiness; continued to , interfere
' with aerial operations, although both
sides wer busier than during the past
few days. Two German planes were
brought down by the Americans.
The occupation of the northern su
burb, leparated from Fismes by the
Vesle, took place after a terrific ar
tillery bombardment' which was be
gun yesterday. The village was vir
tually reduced when the order to ad
vance was given today.
i ' Rush Across River. . ,
'fhe Americans ruihed over the
river, leaping, running and crawling
cross on the debris of a heavy bridge
which was blown up by the Germans',
its piers and other .timbers so faliing,
however, as to make the ruinsavail
, able. " .
In the village a rather weak re
sistance was encountered. The Ger
man force which-had been left there
had beenunable to retreat to their
own Mines Because of the heavy artil
lery fire and when brought in to the
Aemrican lines, the majority were
wounded.- A great many of . the de
fending force were killed.
A German lieutenant led a party of
: leis than 30 men in a thrust against
v what probbaly appeared to be a
weak point. : A' machine gun section
caught the party under its fire and
annihilated it. x
- The only general action loday was
when the French and Americans laid
down a1ox barrage and carried out a
reconnaissance.' There was some be
lief , that the Germans had withdrawn
fiom a large part of this position and
it Was desired to learn if the enemy
was still there. ' He was.
Five Nebraska Men
Are Reported Killed
: In' Battle in Fi
Two Nebraskans ' were reported
killed in action in the casualty lists
(M i?- TOlo)Pl OR Rn'nnrxn n nnnrp
: JuiyiL,lL U wUuuvl UuvJ IMhJuv Mljuilr
'. : ? t ' - - " v : ' - .
given out yesterday by the War de
partment, and .one is reported miss
t ig. . '. '
! , Private Gilbert Sutherland of Ma
vale, with the army forces, was killed
in action, as was Private JamesS.
' Hodges, of Overton, enlisted inhe
marines, " Private Henry Fuehrer of
Emporia was reported missing.
Corporals Lester C. .Cb'ok of Al
bion,. Lewis H.' Robertson of Mason
City, and Waldo H. Crosier of St.
' Edward, Neb., are. reported" killed in
. . action. , .
Dutch Deputy Sugaests
, i Mediation by Holland
' ' London,, Aug. 9. Rumors are cur
rent in Dutch OwJitical circles that
Deputy Nolens intendstb suggest toj
. . t . i . .i. i . i . rr t
inenew caoinei inai it maKc an oner
, for mediation to , both belligerent
grops. according to Amsterdam dis
patches to the Central News. '
The Nieuwe' Courant oi the Hague
warns the government, against any
such attempt, saying t)iatjt might
;j bring Holland .into difficulties . with
. . the group-wltich does not desire
mediation. -.- " , , .
y . Paris Again Bombaided. ,'
- Paris, t Aug. 9. 'The Paris region
- tvas again under bombardment today
irom the German lonz range cannon.
VOL. 48-NO.
Head French Red Cross
Mission in Omaha.
General Pau, Retired Army Of
ficer of Franc, Greets
Omaha Women; Kisses
- " Their Hands.
Clad in an unpressed palm beach
suit, soft collar, with his gray hair
closely clipped, and with, flowing
prince imperial whiskers, General
Gerald Pau, retired, of the trench
army, spent a half-hour in Omaha
Friday afternoon. J --'
General Pau.,. who Is general presi
dent of the French' Red Cross, is a
member of the French military mis
sion on its way to Australia. The
head of the mission is M. Albert
Metin, formerly French cabinet min
ister of labor and blockade.
When the train drew into the sta
tfon, General Pau was not the least
backward member . of . the . French
party to kiss the hands of several of
the members of the Red Cross com
mittee, which had met the commis
sion. Major le Commandant F. X.
D'Andre also distinguished himself
by his osculatory performances. Miss
Margaret Hennessey was his victim.
Purpose of the Mission.
The purpose of the mission, so far
as General Pau is concerned, is to
thank the Australian commonwealth
for the services which its army has
rendered in. France. The particular
mission of Monsieur Andre is to c?-
(Coutlnued on rune Two, Column Fire.)
Wind Sweeps Strip
Of Country Mile Wide
In Day County, S. D.
Aberdeen, S. D., Aug. 9. A wind
that approached cyclonic proportions
swept a strip of country a mile wide
across Day county tonight, leveling
barns and hay stacks and doing much
damage to grain in shock and stand
ing. Most of the damage was be
tween Andover and Bristol, 40 miles
Cast of Aberdeen.
Reports of wrecked buildings were
received from Vienna in Clark coun
ty. 50 miles south of Bristol. -Fargo,
N. D.,Aug. 9. A high
wind caused considerable damage to
standing grain south of Moorhead,
Minn.", tonigh. : Slight damage in the
vicinity of Fargo also was reported.
A heavy 'rain,' accompanied by hail,
feU in Fargo. ; ,
LStreet Car Conductor
Robbed by" Two Negroes
T. T. Machal. 2612 Soutr Twelfth
street, conductor on an Albright
street car, was held up by two ne
groes at 1 o'clock-this morning and
relieved of a changer containing $5
and a 17-jewel Hamilton watch.
Cmraf Hall 1R 2110 Spwjlrd street.
was rounded up and will be held for
identification. Machal says he can
e'asily recognize .the holdups.
"Oh, Money! Money!"
-y Eleanor H Porter's
Latest Novel,
In which Maggie Duff is a
character as unique and
interesting a'Tollyanna"
and ; Just David." , Her
story, as told by Mrs.
Porter in her latest novel,
will appear .: in daily in
stallments in . . ,
Commencing Next Sunday,
Great Quantities of War Stores Cap
tured and Heavy Casualties In
flicted; Germans Also Give
Ground oh Two Sectors
In Flanders
. By Associated Press.
Giver a curving front of more than 20 miles the British
and French troops are continuing to sweep back the Germans
eastward across the plains of Picardy from the region north
of the Somme east of Morlancourtito the eastern bank of the
Avre northwest of Montdidier.
, As on the first day of the
made Friday over the entire battle front. Many villages were
captured; the bag of prisoners was largely increased; numer
ous guns and great quantities of war stores were taken and
heavy casualties were inflicted. The losses of the Anglo-French
forces are relatively small.
To the allied forces there have fallen 17,000 German
prisoners and between 200 and 300 guns, many of them of
heavy caliber, and innumerable machine guns, French mor
tars and kindred small weapons.
Huns Fall Back in Flanders.
To-the northi of the Picardy theater the Germans also
have given ground on two Important sectors on the Lys sali
ent, northwest of La Bassee, and in the region southwest of
Yprel, north of Kemnjel. On the Lys sector territory over a
front of more than seVen miles was evacuated by the enemy,
while to the north of Kemmel the British advanced their line
over a front exceeding 1,000 yards,;
These maneuvers seemingljr indt-p
cate the uermans either considered
their grond insecure or that' Crown
Prince Rupprecht's army has been
materially decreased irt strength to
rush reinforcements to the battle
zones where the German arjnies in
the south are being sorely harassed.
f German Flanks Give Way.
x After the British had penetrated
flie Picardy salient to a depth of near
ly 13 miles in the center toward the
important railroad junction of Chaul
nes, the northern and southern flanks
of the battle front gave way before the
pressure respectively of the British
and French.
On the north the British captured
Morlancourt and" pressed on east
ward, while on the south, northwest
of Montdidier, Pierrepont, Contoire
and Arvillers were taken by the
French, who drove in their wedge
to a distance of more than eight and
one-half miles.
The tanks, armored cars and cavalry
are still working throughout the en
tire region, while airplanes are soar
ing far behind the lines, bombing
transport and troop movements and
also paying particular attention to
the bridges over the Somme by which
the enemy is endeavoring to escapi.
All behind the line the Germans are
destroying ammunition depots as they
quit their positions.
Montdidier Salient in Peril.
With the new turn pf events Mdnt
didier is in an unfavorable position
with the - allies hammering awr.y
crossfire at the Germans holding it
and with the only railroad leading
into the town also finder their guns.
A forced evacuation of the town
seems possible. With further pres
sure eastward and northward the en
,tire Montdidier salient may have o
be abandoned.
There has been little 'fighting of
great moment on the Vesle river, ex
cept in the nature of reciprocal artil
lery duels. The Americans have made
another crossing of the Vesle, and
captured the village of FismeUe,
northwest of Fismes.
Mob Pursues Man Caught
Tampering-With Auto Lock
. , ; '. ; 1 i,
Charles Richardson was arrested in
the doorway of i Sixteenth street tail
oring establishment, Friday where he
had taken refuge to escape a persuing
mob. . Pie was committed to jail.
It mav be possible, the police say,
that Richardson is. ajnember of an
organized gang that 'has been' steal
ing automobiles during the past three
months. In the hope that they can
force him to talk, and give them a
tangible clew to work on. Richardson
will be held without bail Vhile he
is being investigated. '
li is alleged that Richardson - at
tempted to steat a car. belonging to
Gibbon, 605 Omaha National
Workinar on the Lock.
Gibbon's car ,was narked at tne
curb, on the east side of thecourt
house near Farnam. street.Y When
first seen Richardson-was in the car
working oa the lock -with" a. monkey
aha Dai
offensive, material progress was
I. W. W. Leader Testifying at
i Trial Dramatically 1 Com
pares Wage and
Chattel Slaves.
Chicago, Aug. 9. William D. Hay
wood, characterized by" government
counsel as the swivel chair king of a
conspiracy to upseh America's mili
tary program, stoutly denied on the
witness stand late today that he had
ever advocated violence and re-asserted
his views that essential social re
forms must be brought about by in
dustrial rather than political methods.
The general secretary-treasurer of
the Industrial Workers of the World,
in short dramatic sentences struck a
comparison between the "wage slave
of today and the chattel slave of the
period before the civil war."
"The black man of the south before
the War was better off," he asserted.
"This slave had but one master who
owned his body. But this master fed
him - well. He was iwclL housed and
given substantial clothes, and his
free hours were spent with his family,
croonim; southern melodies. Do the
workers of the present age spend
their idle hours crooning songs like
the Suwanee river?
"Now these black men have been
brought to East St. Loui3 or the Chi
cago packing plants and neither life
nor happiness is secure."
Liberty Bonds Above Far,
New York. Aug. 9. Liberty ZVi
per cent bonds sold at 100.02 on the
stock exchange today, the rise above
par probably being influenced by the
favorable . war news. This is the high
est price paid this year for this Issue.
. 1
wrench. His actions aroused the
suspicions of "Jack" Light, proprietor
of a barbershop nearby.
"What are you doing there?" asked
Light as he stepped up to the front
end of the car. Richardson made no
reply but leaped from the car and
started ona run south on Seventeenth
street. -
Raising an alarm of "Thief," Light
started after him.- By the time they
reached Harnejf street a big crowd
was in pursuit. Richardson made his
way to Sixteenth street, followed by
a crowd of several persons. ,He was
captured by Light and J. H. Grimm
of Blair, and turned over to Serge'ant
Rose. 1 . .
Cries of "Lynch him!" " Put him
in jailand keep him therel" "Don't
let hinr out on $500 bondsl', were
shouted at Sergeant Rose, and he had
almost to fight-to protect the pris
oner from the mob.
10, 1918. i?lV?'oXUT w TWO CENTS.
Retreat .of Germans
Reaches Proportions
Of Rout in Places
Washington, Aug. 9. The start
ling rapidity of the British-French
advance in Picardy, coupled with
new successes in Flanders and on
the Vesle, produced an impression
among some army officers that a de
cisive niomeirt, perhaps the -final
battle, was approaching.
The German high command
seemed to stand face to face with
a vital decision.
Eithep his reserves must be
rushed in and a pitched battle
riskedor all he has gained at stag
gering cost abandoned and a with
drawal begun without delay.
The French and British have gone
ahead with such rapidity in Picardy
thatthe German retreat must have
reached the proportions of a rout in
places. The whole bottom of the
great Picardy salient has been flat-i
tened out in two days. If he is
forced to withdraw, the last men
ace to Paris will be removed.
Rules Which Would Take Care
of Classification ir New
Draft Favored by Sec- -retary
of War.
By Associated Press.
Washington, Aug. 9. New 'draft
regulations under which the govern
ment would do the selecting, rather
than leaving it to the registrant, are
under consideration by the War de
partment. This was disclosed today
by Secretary Baker after he had ap
peared before the senate military com
mittee to urge prompt enactment of
the new selective service act extend
ing the age limits to include all met
between the ages of 18 and 45.
The war secretary made it plain
that he is not satisfied with the pres
ent system under which the regis
trant must claim deferred classifica
tion, as many men with dependents
hesitate for patriotic reasons to make
such a claim. In this connection Mr.
Baker said he was inclined to the
opinion . that the marriage relation
will in itself constitute deferred clas
sification. No Change in Work or Fight Order.
What Mr. Baker has in mind is to
lay down a 'set of questions which the
registrant would answer and then
have rules which would take care of
the classification. He is understood
to regard this as the fair and equi
table system.
The discussion on the draft ages
before the senate committee, Mr
Baker said, followed much the same
lines taken by General 'March," chief
of staff, and Provost Marshal General
Growder; The committee, he added,
did not 'indicate any disposition tp
question the necessity for tne change,
which is urged so that the War de
partment can quickly secure the men
necessary to win the war.
mL' "There was some discussion" Mr.
Baker said, "as to whether it wai
Continued oa Tg Two, Column St) ;
Alex Bloomquist f
Drowned in Carter
1 Lake While Bathing
Mex Bloomquist, 32, 1317 South
Twenty-seventh treet, was drowned
in Carter lake near the old red ice
house at 10 o'clock. At midnight the
, , , i . , " I -V
Doay naa not Deen recovered. i
Bloomquist was interested in the
A. V.' Harmon Co., 612 South Thir
teenth street. He and Harmon, both
in bathing suits, were boating and
swimming. While in a shallow part
of the lake their boat drifted away
and Bloomquist started after it. Har
mon heard a splash and feeble cries
for help, but owing to the darkness
was unable to locate his partner.
Mrs. Bloomquist ..and their two
little children were a,t the park at the
time of the drowning. M
National Party Filings.
Pierre, S. D., Aug. 9. (Special
Telegram.) Under the title ot na
tional party on the last day for such
filings, W.,T. Rafferty af Watertown.
filed as a candidate for United States
senator, J. DWiff of Freeman for
congress in the First district, . and
Knute Lewis', Lake Preston, for gov
ernor. The name's all went on the in
dependent lisW '
Horsemen Working Far Back Toward
Somme;Tanks and Armored Gars -
Running Over Country and; ; .
Cleaning Way For
The Infantry
By Associated frets. , ' v .
London, Aug. 9. Fighting was still continuing between
the Anglo-French forces and the Germans southeast of Amiens,
according trthe British official communication received from
Field Marshal Haig this evening. The general line of Pierre
pont, Arvillers, Rosieres, Rainecourt and Morcourt had been at
tained by the allied troops. . ,
The official communication also says that 17,000 prison
ers and between 200 and 800 guns have been captured on the
Somme-Ancre front. '.v VV'
Paris, Aug. 9. The official communication from the war
office tonight says that the British and French troops contin
ued their advance today and won new victories after break
ing the enemy's resistance, t The , French troops took 4,000
prisoners, besides a great quantity of war materials, and cap
tured several important towns on the southern end of the bat
tle zone. ;
Cavalry in Action. " '
With the British Army in France, Aug. 94 The British and
French divisions have gained more ground in the great battle
ragng in the Amiehs-Somme district. The latest reports appear
to show that the Germans are retiring now in great haste., !
Printers' Ink, Colors and Chem-V
icals, Lead Pencil, Bronze
Powder Plants to Be
New York, Aug. 9. Seizure of four
more enemy towned corporations with
a total capitalization in excess of $2,
000,000 was announced here today by
A. Mitchell Palmer, alien property
custodian, after a conference with the
Washington advisory committee of
the selling branch of his department.
The companies which will be sold
undep the supervision of Joseph F.
Guffey, sales manager, at public auc
tion and with the approval of the ad
visory committee, are: J .
The Berger and Wirth company of
Brooklyn, manufacturers of printers'
and lithographers' inks.
The G. Siegle company of Rose
bank, S. I., manufacturers and import
er of colors and chemicals.
A. W. Faber of Newark, N. J., man
ufacturer of . lead pencils and station
ers' supplies.
George Benda of Boonton, N. J.,
manufacturer of bronze powders, a
branch of the concern of the same
name in Fuerth, Bavaria.
"Flight Surgeons" to Keep
: Close Watch on Army Fliers
Washington. Aug. 9. To keep close
watch on the health of army aviators,
training fields and camps, both in the
United States and France are to be
supplied with "flight surgeons," and
physical directors. It was announced
today that in future, surgeons will
live in close touch with the fliers and
will direct necessary periods of rest,
recreation and relief from duty.
Italian Airplanes Drop
- Manifestoes in Vienna
Rdme, Aug9. A squadron of Itaf
ian airplanes, commanded by Capt.
Gabriele D'Annunzio, has flown over
Vienna and dropped manifestoes. The
planes were not molested,
Field Marshal Foch
In Great Good Humor'
Paris, Aug. ,9. (Havas
Agency) Those who. have
met Marshal Foch in the last
few days are unanimous in
tleclaring that he is in great
good humor, according to
La Liberte.
Premier Clemenceau, who
dined with the marshal yes
terday, said he found him
radiant, and looking .20
years younger than when he
had last seen him.
For Nebraska Fair; cooler
west and central portions. ;
Thermometer ReJlnr
S a. m. .M 1 p. bi
i a. m v.7
1 . m .,..
B . m .....68
S a. m 73
)0 ft. m .....74
It a. m ....78
13 m 78
t P. m
S p. m. ....... ....ftt
4 p. m. ...........ho
5 p. m. ... , .H7
6 p. in. . ....... .AK
7 p. m. ,.,..M
8 p. m. ..,,..81
The scenes . on the', battle ground
over which the allies already have
passed gave evidence of this haste
in abandoned guns, stores, and even
regimental and artillery maps and
papers. : -.U
Aerial obserers - report large
streams of transports and men hur
rying eastward in full retreat
Beaucaurt fell to the allied forces
this morning and Lequesnel also was
taken after hot all-night fighting. '
Allied cavalrymen have been oper
ating for more than 24 hours. Thev
rode through great holes torn in the
German line by the infantry. Today
was ideal for their operations, being
clear and sunny.
The cavalry is working far back
toward the Somme and is still round
ing up villages, while tanks and arm
ored cars are running over the coun
try, clearing a way for the troops or
killing horses drawing enemy sup
plies. The drivers of . motor trucks
and lorries are chasing parties of Ger-,
mans here andhere, scattering them
or running them to earth. ,
Great Work Done by Cars. '
The details of some of the work"
of these armored cars show that they
have performed valiant aefvice. One :
of them ran into a tpwn yesterday
while a German corps was having
lunch. It turned its guns through the
corps' quarter windows, killed some
of the staff and then chased others -who
escaped from the house. At Ro
sieres another car-set an enemy train
on fire. N i v
A group of cars met, far inside the-'
enemy lines, .a German supply col
umn and halted it. Four mounted :
German officers came up to see what
the trouble was and were shot from
the cars, which then proceeded to
make quick work of the column.
At Framerville the cars engaged a
train loaded with the enemy and fin.
ally set it on fire. Tanks entered this
town soon afterward, help the arm
ored cars clean it up and then hoist
ed flags on the roof, of the building
which had been German corps head
quarters. One car met a' high Ger
man officer riding in an automobile
alongi the road. , The officer was killed
and his machine captured. - -
Enemy Snipers Busy.:
All along the line 4his afternoon
snipers and isolated machine gun bil
, (Contlnurd oa Pairs Two, Column One.)
Auto Manufacturers
Told to GeVon 100
Per Cent War Basis
Washington, Aug. 9. Manufactur
ers of passenger automobiles were v
advised today by the war industries
board to get on a 100 per cent war
work basis for their plants before
January 1, 1919. In a letter addressed
to fhe National Automobile Chamber
of Commence, responding to its pro
posal for a voluntary SO per cent cur
tailment of passenger . car produc- -tion,
the board says the manufactur
ers can be sure of continuing their
industry and preserve their organiza- ,
tions only by-converting to war or
ders. ( :
Roosevelt's Vacation Ends.
Dark Harbor, Me., Aug. 9. Former
President Roosevelt brought his va
cation on tbe Maine coast to a close
today after-a visit of two weeks with
his daughter, Mrs. Richard Derby
With Mrs. Roosevelt he left for Nev
York, .
. v - v x- -