THE BEE: 5 OMAHA, THURSDAY, AUGUST 8, 1918. 10 SOUTH SIDE "A STEER A LOAD" NEW SLOGAN FOR RED CROSS GIFTS Cattle Shippers to 3e Asked tc Present War Chatty With One Animal From Each Shipment, "Give a steer a load to the Red Cross, is a motto which will proba .u, k sdnntrH hv cattlemen at the Omaha Live Stock exchange. Ship- pers of cattle -win be asicea to in struct the commission men they deal with to select an average steer from each consignment of cattle and have a check for the amount that it brings sent to the Red Cross chapter in the county in which the shipper lives. Since the average steer brings about $140 at present, the Red Cross chap ters throughout the state. will be giv en a considerable amount if the plan is put into effect ' Already some shippers have been doing this. Hog dealers have been donating animals so generously to the Red Cross that during the past six months more than $300,000 has been given to the cause of humanity. : t ' Cattlemen in the state have hereto fore been appointing men from vari ous counties to get an animal from their neighbors, and, after gathering a sufficient number to ship them to be sold for the "greatest mother on earth."., This method has been found " inconvenient, since it necessitated much riding around the ranges and the cattle from s.trange herds showed a disposition to fight. The new plan was suggested yester- , day by Rufus Hanev of Hyannis, Neb Haney is a well known rancher in the Sand Hills, and was on the mar ket with a, load of tattle yesterday. Stockmen Contributs to the Irish War Fund Liberally A small crowd of stocknien sur rounded the exhibits of the lountess of Kingston, showq in the lobby of the .Live Stock Exchange, building Wednesday, and generously contribu ted to the fund to help disabled Iru soldiers and sailors. Great interest was shown in the relics from bat tlefields of France and an enthusiastic welcome was given to Miss Joy Hig gina when she spoke at noon previous to a lunchec given in honor. A canvass of the exchange for funds was made by the women in the party in the afternoon. Illness prevented the countess from attending. : About $150 was added to the Sham rock fund from the sale of shamrock pins in the exchange lobby during the noon hour. Misses Mary and Joy Higgins, Miss ; Sullivan, Miss Beatrice Neill and Miss Mary Dough? erty sold the emblems. : Squth Side Brevities r teltphoM South to n(J ordar oas ef 'Oma or Lacatonad tl bsalthful, refreshing" ,rrf- Horn Beverage, dellvond to irouf realdeoc. - Omaha Bvrai Co. ,- , Fred Stow, ehlef clerk In the tnaeter mechanto department at the Armour Paok tnr company, now in the balloon 10000! lit. Fort Omaha. .' t . 1 Oreiron' lamha brought by ft. Walter of JJroitan. brought the hlgheet price paid for feeder lamn wis season, vaeu ny wn oll yeutprday for : $17.60 per hundred pounds. Tha, lamb , averaged tl pound: each. .. ', ' Two local Grocers Fined , v For Excess Sugar Prices Two Omaha grocers fell under the ban of the federal food administration for Nebraska yesterday afternoon for taking excessive profits on sales of sugar, and as a result they were put out of business by Oscar Allen, Doug las county administrator, as far as their dealings in sugar are concerned. Joseph Hertzberg, operating the Farnam Grocery, 2553 Farnam street, signed a .statement that he has been selling sugar at 10 cents per pound, one-half cent more than permitted. He was ordered to quit dealing in . sugar until August 20. ' H. J. Knudsen, 4619 Cuming street, drew a like penalty, for a like offense. He too, signed a statement that he had been taking an excessive profit and had been charging 10 cents for sugar, Reese Sets Price of $3,000 On Good Name in Lawsuit Rudolph E. Reese has set a price of $3,000 on his good name and repu tation. '- '" . j In a petition filed by Reese in dis trict court Wednesday, in which he asks $3,000 damages from Claus W. Glandt, he alleges that up to June 30 he - was employed in Glandt s pool hall in Bennington, Neb.; that Glandt Dn . tha "day made , deprecating re marks about him, which were virtual iccusations of thievery, before sev eral of his friends and ended his wicked 'conversation by shouting at Reese: If I had kept you a little onger, you would have owned the A-hole pool hall." l Reese figures that the alleged re narks have damaged his name and reputation to the extent of $3,000, .vhich he asks the court to award Says Wife Won't Stay Home. .. jona uaruner nag niea an an swer and 1 cross-petition in district court to the divorce petition of his wife, Irene, in which be denies her al ligations of cruelty on his part and counters with the : allegations that ; Irene is of such an ungovernable tem per as to threaten his good health and that she leaves his home for weeks . at a time without informing him as to her whereabouts. He bski that her petition be denied and that he be granted the decree. :i - ' ESSE TODAY AND FRIDAY WILLIAMS. HART ia "SELFISH YATES" SATURDAY WILLIAM DUNCAN In 4A FIGHT FOR MILLIONS" FATTY ARBUCKLE in ' "THE WALTERS' BALL' Omaha Man h Promoted to Captain of Cavalry mm f It' " s - Fhoto by Cdy. CLINTON C. NORRIS. Clinton C Norris of this city has been promoted to the rank of captain of cavalry in the United States army and is now stationed at Camp Clark, ready to go across the big pond. Norris had a lucrative position witn the Prudential Life Insurance com pany, where he was assistant superin tendent, and resigned to enter the of ficers' training camp at Fort Snelling, where he received a commission as first lieutenant He was stationed at Camp Dodge, and later sent to Camp Clark and' transferred to the cavajry, where he has now bee,n promoted to be a captain. - AT THE THEATERS Partners Trade Places. Paul LeMarquand returned yester day from a two months' fishing trip in northern, Minnesota, where he really caught some fish. At least he says so, and his appearance indicates he has been doing well. Mr. Le- Doux, who has been looking after the Empress all alone, starts today for his turn at the finny tribe, bent on learning whether the tales told by LeMarquand of the way they are bit ing have any foundation. The biting refers to the fish) and not to the mos quitoes. New Treasurer at the Empress. L. J. beroy has signed papers for the season1 with "Old Man" John son, and will be . secretary-treasurer of the Gayety during the coming sea son, lie will divide some of the managerial sesponsibility. for Mr. Johnson is looking ahead to another strenuous winter of railroad travel in the interest of Gayety . bills, and doesn't teel like doing all the work. Mr, Seroy knows the game', and will be an addition to the Gayety staff. Promises of the Press Agents. XmpreaaThe management of the Em preae theater hue aa a apeclat attraction for the laat half of thta week, Paul Hayco, RuMlAlft hanrimlff klnv. whA urMl mh- h ability to releaae himself from any of the - .www K"" ) 1 1 1 1 1 Hla final eacape from a atralt Jaoket, will he annnmnHatittri In full uUw u. audience In exactly two mlnutea. During nia inree-nignt aiay in xnia city, ne will preeent aeveral extra featurea, which will be' announced. Another apeclat attraction on the aama bill will be the De Pace Opera, lnatrumantallata and vocal artiste, featuring ine raraoua v race Brothers, world's greateet exponent of the mandolin. j Oayety Thero air big onea. and plenty of them on the burleaquo wheel, but the one that la frequently called the greateet Of thm all la "The Gotrinn Onnb ing Billy Arlington, which eomea to the unyeiy ior a weea, etarting oaturday mat inee, Jacob Jermoa have apent a for tune In aoenery and eoatumes. John Jer mon, the producer, knowe burleeque back wards, and what the people want The aeat aale open thl morning at 19 o'clock. St. Cecelia's Parish Grnival to Continue Tonight and Friday The leading, feature of the St. Ce celia Catholic carnival at Fortieth and Webster streets tonight, will be raising a 150-star service flag in com memoration of, and consecrated to, the heroes of . that parish who are making the supreme sacrifice in the war.-.- Mayor E. P. Smith and Frank Mat thews will be the speakers. . The carnival wan ienmwfiat inter fered with last nioht hv rain A 1. though a large crowd of pleasure seekers was in attendance, many of the best features of the night's pro cram had to he eliminated. The street was brilliantly illuminated by ciecincuy ana in a smaai way tne carnival was a real representation of the old time entertainment with add ed new features. The monev derived will be divided between the rhurrh and arhnnl end a certain per, cent will be donated to tne Kea Cross. The carnival will be held tnnicht and tomorrow night. Exercises by the Bohemian Cath olic Sokol girls in a drill to band mu sic without verbal commands, formed a pretty feature last night : Ladies of the parish served not coffee and lunch, and across the street one could find various forms of amusement all of which went to help out the carnival financially. tfilllIJlllllltHi:Hitllllll1lUtt!1ltllltlUllllllll Any Part of f ! 8,500 Shares of . I Abe Lincoln j I Copper Co. "Lin. j (GEO. W. PLATNER, Pr.) 40c & mnef vntinnal r4fai mnA " this stock will go fast Write e or wire bttr wir. . I A. L." JAMISON, s 435 Security -Building, , jm Anfeloa, Cal. iitlliillilill'lilhtiiluii(liiliili:iiil!lliiltiitlil:i:ili!liilil;!i T! - J 1 American Casualty List Washington, Aug. 7. Casualties in the army and marine corps overseas to the number of L014 were made public today by War and Navy de partments. This was the largest day's total since the toll of the Aisne- Marne victory began to arrive last Monday, comparing with 963 yester day and 716 the day before. Of the total today, 722 were soldiers and 292 marines. The number of killed in action against as compara tively small, ''aggregating 150 army, 99 and marine corps, 51. The wound ed severely numbered 437 army, 404 and marine corps, 33, while the total of missing was 113, all soldiers. A recapitulation of the seven army lists issued during the day and the one- marine corps list shows: Army. Mar. Corps. Killed in action..... 99 51 Died of wounds 8 2 Died of airplane accident ............ 1 Died of accidents and other causes ........ 22 ... Died of disease ...... 2 Missing 113 Wounded severely ....404 33 Wounded, degree undetermined 73 206 .Totals'"...". ..722 292 Killed In Action. Lt Wlllard H. Haiey, Toledo. Lt Wlleon B. Keller, Barto. Pa. Lt Harold E. Klnne, Oroflno. Ida. Lt. Frank J. McConnell, Richmond BUI, N. T. Lt Frank R. Maraton, Penaacola, Fla. Lt. Francle W. Payne, Charleston. W. Va, Sergt. Oeorje T. Age, Kansai City. Sergt. David C. Harrlnon, Clayton, Dela. Sergt L-elbert McCoyt Washington. Pa. Sergt. Fred B. Stulti, Roanoke, Va. Sergt. William J. Rothmaler, Hazelton, Pa. Corp. Homer L. Berkley, Ursula, Ark Corp. John J. Mulvey, Rah way, N. J. Corp. Charlea R, Patlneaude, Eiaex Juno tlon, Vt. Corp. Herbert Griffin, Columbia, Tenn, Corp A. C. Mock, Altoona, Pa - Corp. laem Skldmore, Layman, Ky. Cook laador Kauffman, Perth Amboy. Cook John Laughon, Odessa. Tex, Albert Agnew, Davenport, la. John Allred, Woodlawn, Mlea. 3 L. Boekenoogen, Aitkin, Minn. Thomas R. Cottlngham, Dillon, S. C. Joseph F. Cottrell, West Webster, N. T. Charlea D. Crane, Martlnsburg, Mo. George F. Dill, Bloomlngdale, Ind Jame Duff, Barboursvllle, Ky. , John Dynan, Brooklyn. Alexander W. Ewlng, Chicago. Michael Oorkovet, Russia. Arthur Grant. Corpus Christ!, Ttt. Clifford Jones, Miles City, Pa. Tony Marcheo, Everson, Pa. Mltrofan Mlckayllk, Philadelphia. Ellsha Mullln. Leahy, Wash. Mussle Opelchuck, Cambridge, Muss Morrltt Personenl, Sbokan. N. T. Rudolph Rablnowlta, Coney Island, N. T. Joseph Rachwal, Brooklyn. Leo J. Bandera. Ewlng, Neb. Roy Nicholas Bnlder, Pilot Hill, Cal. George Bterllng, Crlsfleld, Md William A. Btratton, Fall River, Mas. Daniel W. Thomaa, Globe, Aria, Frank Wright, Methuen, Mass. Kick Baggett, Vellle, Ala. Albert Bowker, Mew Tork. , John H. Cannon, LaOrange, On... ' Carmen Cappuasa, Berwyn, Pa. Thomaa E. Condon, Indianapolis Clarence E. Ellison, Jamestown, Ran. Roy E. Foraker, Bella Plains, Kan. Frank B. Gondeck, Hamtramck, Mich. Holly L. Goodman, Concord, N. 1. Le N. Kenyon. Brooks, la. Grovef C. King, Cans. Va. Albert Lambert. Chester, Pa. Arthur W. Loomla. Cheney. Kan. Arthur B. Mcintosh, Roseland, La. Tony Rutklna, Lambert, Ind. Albert J Schewee, Terr Haute. Burrell Smith, Tlnsley, Ky. Carl T. Weta, Now Tork. Lt Carleton Burr, Boston. Sergt Lester D. Durbln, Cameron, W. Ta, Sergt. Jamea J. McCormlck. England. ' Sergt John Schrank. Hoboken, N. Y. Karat. Josenh Walter, New Tork. Sergt Samuel L. Copeland, Wichita, Kan, Sergt , Herbert I. Bhadle, Chicago. Sergt John O. Stover, Lebanon, Fa. Serat Arthur Q. Sullivan. Eureka, Utah. s Sergt. Hugh M. Todd, Dyeraburg, Tenn. Sergt David M. Vincent, East Highland Park, Mich. - Sergt Joseph B. Warren, Spring Hill, Tenn Corp. William M. Barnett Oswego, N. T. Corp. Leo J. Hill, Steamboat Springs, Colo. Corp. Mearl C. Rockwell, Holly, Colo. Jamea A. Alaobrook. Chaffee, Mo. Ouy R. Balrd, Carllnvllle, 111. Harold H Uartlett, Jacksonville, 111. vln C. Betcher, Ada, Minn. Ernest H. Bonvllllan, Houma, La. Warren Brock. Orleana, Ind. Howard P. Burton, Vevay, Ind. Jamea L. Corey, Argoa, Ind. Charlea F. Cunningham, Cohoes, N. T. Fred J. Dewltt, Nomecne, III. Fred O . Duffer, Shannon, Miss. Thomaa E. Garrett, Highland Springs, Va. Edward T. Garrison, Koener, Ala. Lemon Juice - For Freckles Glrlil Maka beauty lotion at home for a few centa. Try It! Saueeze the juice of two lemons into a bottle containing three ounces of orchard white, shake well, and you have a quarter pint of the best freckle and tan lotion, and complex ion beautifier, at very, very small cost. - . Your crocer has the lemons and any drug store or toilet goods counter will supply three ounces of orchard white for a few cents. Massage this sweetly fragrant lotion into the lace, neck, arms and hands each day and see how freckles and blemishes dis appear and how clear, soft and white the skin becomes.' Yest It is harm less. Advertisement. BACKACHE KILLS! Don't make' the fatal 'mistake of neg lecting what may seem to be a "simple little backache." There isn't any such thing. It may b the first warning that vour kidneva are not working properly. and throwing off tn aoisone aa they should. It this ia the ease, go after the cause of that backache and do it quickly, or yon may find yourself in the grip at an Incurable disease. GOLD MEDAL Haarlem Oil Capsule wilt giv almost immediate relief, from kidney and bladder troubles, which may be the un suspected eaus of general ill health. GOLD MEDAL Haarlem Oil Capsules are imported direct from the laboratories in Holland. They are prepared in correct quantity and convenient form to take, and are positively guaranteed to give prompt relief or your money will be refunded. Get them at any drug store, but be sure to insist on the GOLD MEDAL brand, and take no other. In boxes, three sixes. Adv. - ( ALUM WATER RESTORES J COLOR TO CRAY HAIR A. pleasant, quick, lasting, harmless and or way to bring back the natural, original color to white, gray or faded hair. Yon can have hair alwaya of youthful, natural color, fluffy, glossy, brilliant, dean and odorless, with a clean aealp. Beam, enchant! It'a joy forever. Simply dissolve on bottle of o veto powder in two ounces of water, moisten the hair with some of the solution, and while yt damp, rinse the hair well in tepid alum water (two heaping teaspoons of pow dered alum to on quart U then rinse well in plain tepid water? That ia all. It acta like malc Ovelo powder is, inert, and so BbaoluUly harmless that a child could drink the solution. Any druggist can easily get ovelo powder for you, if he happen to not ha it In stock. Adv, . John A. Harrlsburg, Auburn, Me. Jona Johnson, Milwaukee. John R. Kapaila, Cranesvllle, N. T. i Jobn K. Ochi. Murray City. O. ' John E. Malecki, Milwaukee Jess R. Mannls. Nashville. - George A. M. Kimball. Cass Lake. Minn. Vomer Llndstrom. Lamond, 111. Charlea T. McCormlck, Havana. Cuba. Albert E. Moore, Riverside, lit David P. Norris. New Tork. Jess A Palmer, Huntavllle,' Tex. Raymond W. Flggett. Long Bottom, O. Dewey L. Plttman, San Antonio. Cecil B. Robinspn, Blandvllle, W. Va. Theodore C Rosenow. Kenosba, Wis. Edmund T. Smith. Onarga, lit William F. Smith. Allston, Mass. William A Btavely, Chicago. Stanley Stearns, Hecla. S. D. Jamea P. Weir, Chicago. . John R. Wheeler, Linden, S. J. Alfred Williams. Jr.. Penn Tan. N. T. Sergt Edward P. Palmer, Trenton, N. J. Corp. Claude D. Hickman, Waverly, Tenn. Bugler John K. Hartnett, Preston, Mo. Alphonso Butera, Motupltto. . Province of Glrgentl, Italy. AntonIO Cappela, Port ReMIng, N. J. Fllllppo Oolfatto, Maxsato, Devalo, Italy. Joseph Demlkat, Rockvllle, Conn. Ja F. Mlnnlck, Grenvllle, O. Manuel Perry, Fall River, Mans. - Ralph J. Walker, Cowpens, B. C. - Oeorg Herman Ringler, New Tork City. Claude J. Wade, Toledo, O. Bert B. Windahl, Flgeholm, Sweden. Sergt Albert Hlitrop, London Mills. 111. ' Sergt Le Nelson, Fort Ogden, Fla. Corp. Frank Brown, New Tork City. ' Corp, Martin Conway, Chicago. ' Corp. Charles Ramsdell, Depauvllle, N. T. ' Lee Adams, Troutdale, Va. Nick Capellano, Sanbiaso, Italy. Albert H. Clawson, Indiana, Pa. Samuel Oeller, Philadelphia. Pearl E. Gonnerman, Hurdland, Mo. Staney Kloupe, Chicago. Died of Accident and Other Cauaeee. Corp.' Leo C. Nee, Richland Center, Wis.; George C. Barnlck, Wells, Minn,; John Ella son, Peltoan Raplda, Minn.: Albert' H. Fells, Norcross, Minn.; Joseph Muslelak, Chicago; Harry J. Poaner. Worcester, Mass.; Elbert Robinson, Centralis', 111.; Frank B. Btadler, New Tork City; Angus Stone, For tune Bay, New Found land. Missing In Action. John Coccarro, Magllano, Italy; Peltro Da Prints, Pennepldimonte, Italy; Sennle Dl Gregorta, Montepagane, Italy; Dementco Olammarlno, Canosha Sannlta, Italy; Peter Monxo, Balreno, Italy; Giacchlmo Roberto, Monderouno, Italy. Died of Wound Corp. Wallace O. Cox. New Orleans; Wagoner Willis I Strouss, Sunbury, Pa.; Clayton H. Baker, Tully, N. T. ; Milo R. Chaney, 'Frankfort Ind.; William H. Fergu son, Ore City, Tex.; Robert J. Hall, Kings Mills, O.; Leo A. Schwind, Dubuque, I a. Setb C Cadman, Portland, Ore.; Ballard L. E. Fruit t Danville, Va. Died from Airplane Accident Cadet Percy H. Preston, Pittsburgh. ' Died of Accident. Hogo Evangellcti, Italy. Died of Disease. Theo Roohester, Seat Pleasant Md. Missing In Action. Sergt, John It. Heltxman, Paloui, Wash. ; Marvin. Dotson, Amarlllo, Tex.: Berdest Fancher. Garrison Tex. LIFT OFF CORNS Apply few drops then lift sore, touchy corns off with fingers Dnpsn'f. hurt n bit! Dron a. little Freezone on an aching corn, instant 1v that corn storm hurtinc then vou lift it Tight out. Yes, magic I 'A tiny bottle of Freezone costs but .a few cents at any' drug store, but is sufficient to remove every hard corn, soft corn, or corn between the toes, and the calluses, without soreness or irritation. Freezone is the sensational discov ery of a Cincinnati genius. It is wonderful. Adv. COY SAYS IT HAS PUT HIM BACK ON THE JOB AGAIN Wasn't Able To Do Any Work ' For Four Weeks Before Taking Tailac. "Before taking Tanlae I was laid up in bed for four weeks unable to do a lick of work, but this wonder ful medicine has put me on my feet again and I am now back on, my job," said John F. Coy, a journey man carpenter living at 4821 North Twenty-seventh street, the other day. "I was always a strong and healthy man," he continued, 'Sand a hard worker, too, all my life, up to a few weeks ago, when something got the matter with me and my system was soon all out of whack. I lost my appetite, and my stomach got in such an awful fix that I suffered terribly with indigestion. After eating any thing my food would sour and bloat me up so with gas that I thought at times my stomach would surely burn upv it hurt so bad. My head ached constantly and I would get so dizzy at times that I would nearly fall. I was badly constipated, too, and my hips and shoulders ached so bad with rheumatism that I could hardly get around, and at last I just had to quit working altogether and try to get my health back. ' "I had heard of Tanlac for some time but put off trying it, iill I was knocked completely out, and I have wished many a time since that I had taken it before I diU, for it would have saved me a lot of suffering. But when I did get me a bottle and began taking it my appetite picked up at once, and it wasn't long before I could eat anything I wanted. I kept on taking Tanlac till now all symp toms of my indigestion have entirely disappeared, and I have no trouble at all with gas or dizziness and never know what a headache is. Those rheu matic pains in my hips and shoulders also soon disappeared, and I am now feeling in just as good condition as I was before I was ever sick at all," . Tanlac Is sold in Omaha by Sher man & McConaell Drug Co., corner 16th and Dodge streets; 16th and Harney streets; Owl Drug. Co., 16th and Farnam streets; Harvard Phar macy, 24th and Farnam streets; northeast corner 19th and Farnam streets; West End Pharmacy, 49th and Dodge streets, under the personal direction of a special Tanlac repre sentative and in South Omaha 4 by Forrest & Meany Drug Co. Adv. i M Wooaded Severely. Lt Lester E. Kirkpatrick, Aberdeen, a D.; Lt Ralph W. Hlckey, Bell Fourca. S D. ; iergt Oscar M. Anderson, villUca, la.; Sergt William F. ZempeL Jeaaup. Ia-; Corp. Wilbur B. Mann. Tabor, la.; Corp. Tom R. Evana. Glenwood. la.; Edward M. Fiabiva, Denison, la.; Mechanic Charles L. Casson, De Moines; Martin C Balenalefer, Waterloo. I a.; Floyd C Bank. Washing, ton, la.; Orland L. Canoway. New Virginia. Ia.: Charle B. Evana, Audubon, Ia.; Walter W. Hellig. Shelby, la.; Clarence W. Boa well. Webater City, la.; Robert U Chnder. Rockford, Ia.; Carl N. Dory. Fontenell. Ia.; Walter 8. Henderson. Mount Pleasant, Ia.; Ray W. Hlcok. Waterloo. Ia.: Carl G Kreu len, Sheldon, Ia.,; Erwln Lamberton, Lang ford. S. D. ; Christopher R Polstsn. Al liance. Neb.; George- Kallea, Le Mars. Ia.; Laughlln R. VuPherson. Indianola, Ia.; Homer Raymond Rldenour. Wallace, Neb.; Philip Schmltt, Marcus. Ia.; William Walk, er. Paclflo Junction, Ia. Wounded, Degree Undetermined. Corp. Rollie Benton, 101 Lynch street, Sioux City, Ia.; Errl R. Kreeger, 400S North Twenty-sixth street, Omaha, Neb. Sergt Christie M Peterson, ;Lyons, la.; Corp. Arthur W. Anderson, Valparaiso, Neb.;, Corp. Byron E. Arrles, Plattamouth, Neb.; Corp. Charles H. Rabb. Wilmot. S. D.; Frederick A. Eckiea, Gray, la.; Harry P. Warren, Bellwood, Neb. The War department late today issued two more rmy casualty lists with a total of 143 names, classified as follows: Killed in action," C6; died of wounds, 1; died of disease, 1; died of accident and other causes, 21; miss ing in action, 8; wounded severely, 66; wounded, degree undetermined. 10. Killed in Action. Corp. John Mallet, Platte Ceater, Neb. Privates: William M. Magarrell, Adair4 Ia. - Clifford C. Spotts, Tecumseh, Kan. Wounded Severely Clinton A. Copeland, Cheyenne, Wyo. ; Laurence E. Fleming, Gridley. Kan.; Leon Haws, Scotland, S. D. ' ' Wounded, Degree Undetermined. Corporal Wlllard 8. Bartram, Sioux City. m i i ' To My Friends and v Neighbors of Douglas, Washington and Sarpy Counties: As most of you already know, I have filed for the republican nomi nation for Congi ss in this District, and I would like to have your earn est, active co-operation in, and sup port of, my candidacy. I am particularly desirous of en tering the next Congress, because it will have to deal with the largest problems that have ever confronted any Congress. For twenty-five years I have lived in Omaha and ad vocated the cause of the republican party. I have also traveled thou sands of miles throughout sister states and cities of the northwest, advocating Omaha as the great "Market Town" and Nebraska as the "Garden Spot of the World." It is now my ambition to go to Wash ington and represent the people of this District during the next Con gress. Omaha and Nebraska should have had greater consideration in the selection of cantonments and .depots. The voluntary assurances of . sup port from thousands of republican friends and voters of this , district, representing all vocations in , life, and from a large number of friends who have been voting for demo cratic candidates in the past, indi cate to me that I can and ; will be elected in November if nominated on August 20, and I assure you that my purpose is not simply to secura the nomination, but to be elected in November. n making my campaign, I am not 204 Bankruptcy Cases Filed 7 During Year in Omaha The annual report of R. C. Hoyt, clerk of the federal court, regarding bankruptcy cases, shows that dispo sition was1 made during the fiscal year of 204 such cases. There were at the beginning aI the year 271 applications . pending, and during the year 151 bankruptcy peti tions were filed.' There remain on the docket 218 cases. Of the 151 petitions filed during the year 131 were volun tary and 20 involuntary. Liabilities shown in the cases which were settled amounted to $1,058,- ,.H,i , n Hi. iii.ii i 'i i..u' j u i il i,i ''.,, W J' H ' " VliGfV Its sweet, mellow by durability that approaches mat oi tne i Hardman Piano itself, with its 75 year record A UWol of eoliaity. Same CoHteturntH! j :.7" Schmoller & 1 a y a fa a tMrA, vfv FOSi CONGRESS - ' - Republican Candidate for Congress. 249.04, ; with v assets of $88,854.87 There were no assets at all in 120 cases. '. .t . The classification of the petitioner in the cases which were, settled wast as follows: Farmers, 12; wage earn ers, 78; merchants, 75; manufacture ers, 9; professional, 3; miscellaneous, 27. Enlists in Navy. . Robert Mitchell, 2569 Mandersofi street, left Wednesday for San Fran cisco to enter the naval training school. He was one of . the mail carriers from the Omaha postoffice. SMALL tone is made permanent GRAND floor-space as an upright J Mueller Piano Co. A jf J V 1 tat 1-19 rrnni airec . m seeking the help and support of any particular kind, class, race, blood or political faction, but present my . candidacy to all of the people as man to man, and as one who believes in our country's common welfare, and that its course in the future should be to advance the cause and happiness, of mankind. To my friends fand neighbors I say in all sincerity that I am ntaking this race, not to build up any political machine or faction, but to serve this District and our Country, with whatever qualifications I. possess. ' I take pride in the friendships I have made. When a farmer boy I learned something of the farmer's viewpoint of life, and as a resident of a growing city for t twenty-five years I feel that I know something of city life and its problems, and it shall be my endeavor to advocate such measures as , will tend t to 'ad- ' vance the" cause of agriculture, labor and business. 1 have no political machine 7 or. slates. I rely solely upon the per sonal support of the individual vot ers of - the Second Congressional District. If the people of, this Dis trict and the republican ' voters in particular, are satisfied from what I have done in the past, and from what you know about me or have ' been able to learn from others,' that I would make a satisfactory reprc- . tentative in Congress, and Jiiat I would be elected if nominated, I ask each of you personally for your vote and your active co-operation and support at the primary election to be held August 20, 1918. - ..':.. ,m " - " Yours very sincerely,