Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 06, 1918, Page 5, Image 5

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Conducted by Ella Fleishman
T Let us smile along together, t
X Be the weather X
What it may. w
Y Through the waste and wealHi f
X of hours, a
Plucking flowers
J By the way. f
Fragrance from the meado s 3.
S Naught of heat or hatred know- t
Kindness seeking, kindness sow
ing, Not tomorrow, but today!
ever seen in my life. There is no
plumbing or sanitation," she wrote.
Mrs. Kalk is billeted with a French
family and has the attic room, sparely
furnished, for her living quarters.
The secretary of the navy has hon
ored Mrs. Kalk by inviting her to
christen the U. S. S. Kalk, in memory
of her son. The ship, which is now
under construction in a Massachusetts
shipyard,; will be launched in Decem
ber. Whether Mrs. Kilk will return
to this coutry for this ceiemony or do
the honors by proxy has not yet been
Vacationers Do Red Rross Work.
Nebtaska patriotic Vomen. who
are spending vacatior.3 in Colorado
Springs and Manitou are keeping up
with their Red Cross work by de
voting hours at the headquarters.
Hundreds of visiting women register
there weekly to do gauze work and
especially knitting. There are now
several contests on for knitting of
socks to finish a qujU set for the
Pike's Peak region and several visit
ing women are taking part.
Mrs. Henry F. Bowen of Omaha
is one of those entered in the sock
contest. Among other Omahans sojourning
in Cotorado are the Misses Hannah
and Celia Cooper, Mrs. D. 6. Sher
man, Mr. and Mrs. W. P. O. O'Brien,
Peter Delaet, L. C. Yoakum, W. D.
Nelson, M. E. Cronin, Mrs. J. T.
Beattie and daughter, Lucile; the
Misses Mabel and Jennie Michel
sen, Miss Jessie A. Robeson, Ray
Ryan, Gerald J. Mahcney and A. C.
.iMiwH-H-H"?1 '1' & 'i' !' 'I' '1' 't' 'H
General Harries Speaks
At Banquet in France;
Mrs. Kalk Present
Omaha', NebH and Brest, France!
Though nearly a continent' and an
ocean are between the Jwo, news from
Brest is particularly of interest , in
Omaha, for it Is, properly speaking,
"news of Omahans in Brest"
N An tnterssting meeting t in' France
....... Ut n( Vfra Plnra Qtantrtn Kalk.
n aa mat v .v.m -
mother of the naval hero, Lt. Stanton
Kalk, who lost his life in the sinking
of the Jacob Jones, and another Oma
lian, Gen. George H. Harries, formerly
of the Electric Light company, who is
now serving In France. The meeting
took place at a banquet given in honor
of Fred B. Freeman, regional secre
tary of the Young Men's Christian as
sociation, in the United States naval
base hut, to which Mrs. Kalk is giving
her services. Mrs. Kalk is the sister
of Mrs. T. F. Kennedy of Omaha.
General Harries, always in demand
as an after-dinner speaker in this city,
bears the same reputation in France,
for he was one of the principal speak
ers at the banquet.
There was plenty to eat at the din
ner, for butter and sugar and other
rarities in France are plentiful in Brest,
according to a letter received by Mrs.
Kennedy, but of Brest itself, Mrs.
Kalk has no flattering opinion.
"Brest is the dirtiest town i have.
hJ. "Dreamland AdTCnteir"
- , ? JJy Daddy THE LAW OF BIRD LAND beginning Monday and ending Saturday
Dinner for Soldiers.
Mrs. J. J. Amish entei tamed at din
ner Sunday at her home in honor of
Mr. John Tanuska, who is at home
from Camp Cody on a hort furlough.
Covers were laid for 15 quests.
Card Party.
A card party will be given Tuesday
by the women of Holy Angels par
is at the school halt.
Mr. and Mrs. W. G Graham and
daughter, Mary Elizabeth, returned
Sunday from a motor trip to Camp
Dodge to see Mr. Harold Graham,
who is in the fourth officers' training
! H-M-W
Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Goodrich and
Miss Isabel Pearsall left Saturday
for Lake Okoboji to spend the re
mainder of the summer with Mrs.
Charles W. Pearsall.
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel G. Cary
have taken an apartment in the
Genoa. '
Rev. Edward P. Hickty of Middle
town, O., was a guest at the home of
Mrs. James H. McShane, last week.
Dr. F. J. Wearne returned Sunday
fiom a month's vacation in New York
and Atlantic City.
Miss Sophia Heend, who has been
visiting in the city for the past month,
returned Sunday to her home in Clin
ton, la.
Mrs. "7ack Carberry, accompanied
by her sister-in-law, Mrs. T. J. Don
ahue, left for Camp Dodge Sunday to
visit Sergt. Jack Carberry.
Boxes Reserved for War Benefit
All Boyd theater boxes have been
leserved for the patrons and pat
ronesses of the Irish toldiers and
sailors benefit Tuesday evening, when
Miss Joy Higgins will tell about her
recent trip abroad with the labor com
mission and the Countes of Kingston
will show war films. On the plairorm
with Miss Higgins and the countess
will be Mayor Ed P. Smith, Arthur
Mullen and Colonel Bannister,
Additional patrons arc
F. W. Judson, atate director American Red
Cross. t
Jlr. and Mrs. Charlea T. Kountie.
Mr. and Mri. Ward M. Burgesa.
Mrs. K. W. Nash.
Mr. and Mra. Loula C. Nash.
Judge and Mrs. John J. SvllrVan.
Mr. and, Mrs. J. A. C. Kennedy.
Mra. Ben Oallagher.
Dr. and Mra. O. Alexander Toung.
Mr. and Mra. P. T. McOrath.
Mr. and Mrs. T. P. Redmond.
Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Newbranch.
Mr. and Mrs. Myron L. Learned.
Mr. and Mrs. David Cole.
Colonel and Mra. T. W. MoCullough.
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Polcar,
Mrs. P. H. Cole.
Dr. and Mra. T. J. Dwyor.
Mr. and Mra. T. P. Reynolds.
Mr. and Mra. George Kleffner.
Colonel Heraey,
Major and Mrs. Hamilton.
The Fighting Kingbirds.
Peggy Is summoned to attend the trial
of Blue Jay tor stealing General Swallow's
bride. She starts for Blrdland In a won
derful aerial chariot supported and drawn j
by Birds. On the way they are attacked by j
a large flock of Crows.) j
THE Crows raced eagerly toward
Peggy's train. The Bluebirds,
the Warblers, and the Tanagers
seemed such easy prey that they were
keen to attack. They had not had
good hunting that day ana teit no
jiesuauon aooui uiaKiux a mcai uui
of smaller Birds.
Pfggy. knowing how self-preservation
is the first law of the Birds, ex
pected any moment to have the Scar
let Tanagers drop her and flee. But
they did not. They bravely held fast
to the c.ariot, which the Bluebirds
pulled along as fast as they could fly.
The Yellow Warblers, which were
fr sav tliptnsplvpc rhncp rather
to stand by Peggy
Just as the swiftest of the Crows
carted ahead to begin the attack,
there came shrill battle cries from be
neath the chariot
"Thseel Thsssl Thseel Fight!
Fight! , Fight!"
Up at the Crows earns the King
birds Peggy thought they had fled. But
they had no idea of fleeing. They
were so eager for a battle with the
Crows that they had hidden just to
make the Crows think the other
Birds were defenseless. Then when
the Crows, taking cowardly advantage
of their size and numbeis, had swept
down on supposed easy prey, the
Kingbirds were ready to give them
the surprise of their lives."
When the first Crows saw the King
birds they stood right up on their
t.-.ils trying to stop their swift rush.
But the other Crows coming along
like t swift flowing river swept them
The Kingbirds pitched into the lead
ing Crows with a fury that made
the black feathers fly. The Crows
squawked an screeched. They had
no desire to fight the pugnacious
Kirgbirds, and so tried to run away.
When they turned they became tan
gled up with the Crows behind them.
Instantly the whole Crow army was
thrown into a mad panic. Crow
fought Crow, pecking, tearing, claw
ing. The whole mass had onlv one
idea to escape from .'the wrath of
these small winged terrors. It was a
case of attackers being attacked, and
they weren't brave enough to strike
back. .
The Kingbirds added to the con
fusion by hoverinn above the strug
gling bunch of Crows, and darting
down tor repeated slashing attacks.
Every peck of a Kingbird struck
home, and the Crows screeched the
louder and fought the harder among
themselves to escape.
Peggy, alarmed as she had been,
now couldn't help laughingi The
Crows were getting just what they
deserved. And they were so scared
that they were doing more harm
among themselves than the King
birds could possibly do. Indeed, there
weref so many Crows that if they
hadn't been cowardly bullies they
might have beaten the Kingbirds
by force of numbers alone.
Beneath the fray it looked r
though a black snowstorm were rag
ing. This was caused by the feathers
the Crows were tearing out of each
otherwith quite a number contribu
ted by the. slashing smashes of the
The Crows on the outer fringe of
the row fled when they saw the battle
ahead and soon the tangled mass
cleared up yy all could use their
wings. Then how the Crows streaked
it for himel And the Kingbirds
spurred them on with furious dashes
among them.
Peggy had all sorts of thrills
watching the affray. It was like see
lag an exciting foot ball game from a
reserved seat Only her comfortable
throne, floating about in the air, was
better than any reserved seat she had
ever been in.
Officer Martin did not follow the
pursuit of the Crows. Instead he
led the way straight for Birdland.
The Kingbirds chased the Crows into
a heavy forest, then remembered
their duty as guards and came hurry
ing back. Not one of them had lost a
feather, and they were as fresh and
noisy as if they had just been having
a frolic among themselves, instead of
putting a whole arniy to rout.
Judge Owl had his court in a
rocky ravine not far from the castle
of the Giant of the Woods. It was
already in session when the Scarlet
Tanagers softly lowered the aerial
chariot to the ground and Peggy
stepped out to greet the Birds.
"Hello, every one I" she called' out
Judge Owl, seated on a big flat rock
high above the others, frowned down
upon her severely as he hooted a
"There's a place for noise.
And a place for boys, '
And usually it's the samel
But here In my court
Is no room for sport,
And levity's not In the game."
."So, Princess Peggy," continued
Judge Owl, solemnly, "I am obliged
to punish you for disturbing the dig
nity of my tribunal. Bailiff,' will you
kindly conduct the prisoner forward?"
Blue Heron, looking very officious,
towered above Peggy. In one claw he
carried, a club larger than that of
Officer Martin.
Peggy was a bit disappointed and
puzzled by such a reception. She had
expected something far different
when she had been brought there in
such a beautiful aerial chariot She
hung back in embarrassment, but
Blue Heron gave her a little thump
with his club that sent her forward in
a hurry. It didn't hurt but it carried
the threat of a greater whack if she
didn't take the hint
Judge Owl glared down at her.'
"Princess Peggy," he said, "your
offense is very serious and I must
make the punishment fit the crime. I
sentence you to pay two laughs to
this court."
This, sentence seemed so absurd to
Peggy that she burst right out in a
peal of laughter.
"Onel" said Judge Owl. u
"One," repeated Blue Heron.
"One," said Officer Martin and all the
Birds. They did it so solemnly that
Peggy burst out in a ringing "ha, ha,
ha 1"
"Two," said Judge Owl. ,"The fine
is paid. Bring in Blue Jay and his
There was a great stir as Kingfish
er, Blue Heron and Officer Martin
ushered the prisoners into court, and
Peggy saved the third laugh which
bubbled to her lips. She might need
it later on.
(Tomorrow will He described the opening
of the trial and the strange position in
which Peggy finds herself.)
r si!
5imple SIITi0n's kSm
Children Are Now
Organizing Canning
Clubs for Winter Fogd
During the month of August can
ning teams are being organized in the
junior canning clubs. The children
who have been learning to can at the
various schools this summer are
quite ready for team work. Each
school is eagerly working to organize
the winning team.
The canning division of the foodl
administration acivises me use 01
glass containers for canning instead
of tin containers. It is urged that all
sorts of available bottles can be used
for fruit juices providing they can be
properly sealed.
Miss Mamie Killian, a student at
the University of Omaha, is planning
a canning lesson in her cooking
classes next week. She has been con
ducting these classes in her home this
summer. The members are girl
friends living in her neighborhood.
Miss Nellie Farnsworth, who will
be out of the city during the month
of August, has Jeft Miss Hedvic
Provaznik to take charge of the work
in her office. Miss Provaznik will
spend one-half day in the office, 219
Union Pacific building, and the other
half day she will devote to the boys'
and girls' canning clubs.
The question of preserving eggs in
water glass was brought to the at
tention of the food administration
recently. It is not advisable to pre
serve the summer eggs for winter
use. The supply of fall eggs will be
more likely to keep through the win
ter months. Eggs can also be pre
served in the spring to advantage.
BUI IJI 11 11
To Aid War Work'ftimpaign.
Mrs. C. H. Dietrich of Hastings is
one of the noted speakers that has
been secured by the speakers' bu
reau, for the war work campaign of
the Y. W. C A. in Nebraska.
Mrs. Dietrich is the wife of C. H.
Dietrich of Hastings, who was gov
ernor of Nebraska, and also United
States senator.
Mrs. Dietrich is a graduate of Bryn
Mawr college and has spent consider
able time in Washington.
In Hastings she is a member of the
board at "Sunnyside," a home for
aged persons. She was active in the
women's suffrage campaign and is an
ardent women's club member.
One of Mrs. Dietrich's first talks
will be given at the Nebraska Ep
wprth Assembly, now convening 111
Lincoln. Mrs. Grace Gholson, state
director for the war work campaign
is particularly happy in securing Mrs.
Dietrich for Wednesday afternoon.
The first address for that afternoon
will be by Secretary Fred E. Aden,
on "The Red Triangle in the Camp."
Another topic is "The Language of
Liberty," to be followed by a talk
on "Girlhood in India," and closes
with a "program of field events for
New Stations to Enlist Nurses.
Two new statkms have been opened
for the nurse's drive at Thompson
Belden and Kilpatrick's stores. A
nurse will be at the HifTerent stations
in the afternoon to answer questions
Miss Joy Higgins pave a four-
minute talk preceding tne lecture by
Gunner Dcpew Sunday evening at
the Boyd theater. Miss Higgins
spoke in behalf of the war drive for
Albright Auxiliary.
The Albright auxiliary of the Red
Cross, through Mrs. J. M. McCarthy,
chairman of hospital garments, and
Mrs. C L. Altstadt, chairman of knit
ting, have donated $20 in cash and a
silk quilt in addition to the work done
during the last four months, which
consists of 100 sweaters, 50 pairs of
socks, 70 hospital bed shirts, 5 blue
bed shirts, 15 pajamas, 15 blue serge
dresses, 5 pairs of operating leggins,
10 pairs hospital socks and 50 govern
ment shirts.
More than one-half of the inven
tions due to women have been those
dealing with improvements in dress,
furniture and cooking appliances. .
A clever woman of Belfast, Ireland,
has invented a new process of knitting
hosiery which makes it possible to
detach the feet and attach new ones.
. Miss Ida M. Morse left Saturday
for Rapid City, S. D., a here she will
join friends who will accompany her
to Sylvan lake to spend the month of
Mrs. J. N. Horton leaves tonight
for Newport Nes, Va , whers she is
called by the serious illness of her
daughter, Mrs. Frank A. Pence.
Rev. Thomas Anderson of the Ben
son Baptist church and daughters
will spend the next two weeks camp
ing out at Lake Manawa.
American Aeroplanes
Guard" Paris, Says
Miss Joy Higgins
Miss Joy Higgins, who will speak
Tuesday evening at the Boyd theater
upon her recent trip as a member of
the American labor commission to
England and France, will give Oma
hans an opportunity to hear one of
their own people tell experiences of
this remarkable journey. Every day
was full of interest and experiences
there were without number. Miss Hig
gins says that one of the thrilling
sights to an American in 'France are
the long lines of aeroplanes. "We had.
gone out to this great field to Inspect
the French aeroplanes and what met
our sight but a line of flying machines
with the emblem of a buffalo, the
American insignia. Standing at at
tentionto receive us were the avia
tors, standing beside each plane.
These formed a part of the flying
squadron which guards Paris, The
French general, who was with us
said, "Look, America is guarding
Paris." Then, one by one, these birds
flew up in the air until the sky was
dotted with them."
Electric Washer
Complete the letters of Simon's Sin they will spell the name
of a tree. Answer to previous puzzle DRILL
vasa mm mm
. Ask For and GET X
Cet the Round Package
Used for Vi Century.
pAvold Substltutexpl
Made from clean, rich milk with the ex.
tract of select malted grain, malted in our
own Malt Houses under sanitary conditions.
infanti and children thrive on it. Agret with
the weakeit ttomach of the invalid or the aged.
Heed no cooking no addition of milk
Nourishes and sustains mora than tea, coffee, etc.
Should be kept at home or when traveling. A nu
tritious food-drink may bo prepared in a moment.
A glassful hot before retiring induces refreshing
sleep. Also in lunch tablet form for business men.
To ho a Packago Homo
s-Ita Got;
everybody store
Monday, August 5, 1918.-
-Telephone, Douglas 2100
Tuesday a Remarkable Sale of
IT seems like the good old'times to be able to
- present such a delightful collection of at
tractive and nicely-made blouses for only one
dollar each.
The materials, workmanship and style would
warrant a considerably higher price if we had
not planned for this sale months ago.
The materials are:
Voile , Organdie Linon
Checked Voile Striped Voile
Fancy Weaves etc.
The blouses are white, some with stripes and plaids In as
sorted colors. Lace embroidery and tucks form trimming, others
are tailored. (
Every woman will want them for immediate wear, as well as
to lay away for future service, when such blouses may be selling
r double this special price of $1.00.
Burf eM-Nstb Co. Sscond Floor.
New Wash Skirts at a Third and
Better Under Intended Selling
Price, Tuesday at
$3.95 and $4.95.
THERE'S a score or more of the very latest models,
plain tailored and dressy effects for afternoon wear.
The matenals are gabar
dines, pique, waffle cloth, cord
ed poplins and fancy stripes,
in plain white, tan, blue, light
green, etc.
They're all finished with the
popular wide or narrow belt,
pockets in many novel shapes
and pearl buttons.
You'll need one or more of
these skirts before the summer
is over for afternoon and vaca-
U. tion wear, and the saving is
Bur(,s-Nsb Co. Second Floor.
Smartly Trimmed Hats for Mid'
Summer Wear in the Down'
stairs Store Tuesday at
hats for wear at the
present time. They are
in a variety of styles such
as sailors, drop and roll
brims. Some have soft
brims of silk, satin or
georgette, in navy, blue,
white and pink, smartly
trimmed with ribbon
bands and bow novelties.
Specially priced for Tues
day, at $1.98.
Burfts-Nash Co. Down Stairs Stora
.. .
Specially Priced Utensils That Will Help
'make Ytfar Canning Successful
"Conserve" is the word of the day a
live up to it in every sense. As they will
ning successful no waste whatever.
Cold Pack Canners, at $4JO0
A handy oval boiler of heavy charcoal tin
well polished, fitted with a strong removable
canning rack which holds 8 jars; has tight-fitting
Wire Holders, 6 for 50c
Can be used on each jar for canning In your
wash boiler or a large kettle. Tuesday, 6 for
Boiler Trays, S0c
Made of heavy tinned wire, fits No. 8 or 9
wash boiler. Can be hung on the edge of boiler
by the handles. Special, 60c
nd these canning utensils will help you
save labor as well as making your can-
Cooicer Trays, 45c v ,
Folds flat, has hook on handle, Tound shape,
made of retinned wire, 45c.
Jar lifter, 35c I '
Fruit jar lifters, protected with rubber. Spe
cial, Tuesday, 35c
Family scales, weight to 24 lbs. by ounces.
Special, $1,79.
Universal food chopper, complete with full
set of blades. No. 2 size, $2.25.
Ideal fruit jars, with glass covers. Pint size,
doien, 98c
Boyd fruit jar caps, porcelain lined, doz., 35c.
Best quality fruit jar rings, 3 dozen, 25c. '
Bortaaa-Nasb Co. Down Stair Store
Parifine wax, round bar, at 15e,
Tate's jelly bag and fruit strainer,