Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 06, 1918, Page 4, Image 4

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The OmaiHa Bee
victob rosewatesTeditob
fas iwcouo mi ree aw ts s mm """"ST!
to tt ot ao otherwise credited la Uil tp. end also tfcs "J-
pnblliiMd berets. 411 HfhU of noWlmttoe of ou special disMbe
sre sue raw nil '
om.M-rh. see itBiidwo. rtic4fpiri thi raUku.
Booth masha-tlll N St, K tort-SM fa a
Counotl Blsfft-H H lUt g Bt Kale-Hew Bk ComaHsee.
Lincoln- UUK tl!41a. WeHmntoa--Ull 0 SI
Daily 69,021 Sunday 59,572
Inmi elrcaWioa for om moot, solaanbed aad own to Dwigw
WHltims '.treulilloo Hunt
Subscriber leaving the city should have Tho Be malleyl
to thorn. Adore changed a eftoa requeetod.
i il'iMiii,iiiniiiiiiiiiHiinr"
.Whew! It certainly it.
r-1 j"a
Mr. Weatherman; Have t heart
Berlin has heard the eagle's scream and doei
not lik the sound.
We know now something of what the kai
aer'i future la going to be like.
Even the mercury has the habit and is going
over the top with more regularity than ia locally
appreciated, y ' '
Still, those "pretty words" must console a lot
of democrats who can aee no other hope of win
ning la Nebraska thia fall.
"Back, back, back to Germany 1" is now the
marching hymn of the Huns, who will learn
other new funea as time goes on.
Old King Corn lives through at least one
siege of hot weather each year. Dog days have
little terror for this grand old monarch.
- The ice man nobly responded to the call of
the day and helped make life endurable, even
without the atimulut of the "ninny" plant
Another reason for electing a republican con
la4nat Afneriri wilL then he aura of a
legislative body with a will to win the war.
The Bee's ice and milk fund for the babies
is about the best thnng now before the people.
It la 100 per cent' charity and is doing a world
of good these hot days and nights.
"Listen to us call the kaiser names, ahouta
the Omaha Hyphenated. It was different last
spring, when it was trying to get the legislature
to extend the privilege of the vote in Nebraska
to atien enemies until 1920.
Omaha's school children are to be sifted and
sized up according to . standards that require
"expert, application, while the oeRctt in the
school budget mounts higher and higher. Is it
not almost time to get rid of some of the fads
and get down to real common tense methods in
the city schools? f ' ,
A sweeping and til-considered assertion,
made by a Red Cross director, that Omaha
women are slackers puts an unjustifiable blemish
on the record made by faithful workers. It it
doubtless true that many women are not en
gaged several hours each day in doing tome one
or another of the tasks set for Red Cross volun
teers. This is no proof that these are not mak
ing sacrifices because of the war. The truth is
that the man who made the assertion now com
plained of is unacquainted with the domestic
problems in many homes. Not a home in Omaha
has been untouched by the war; in the great ma
jority of. them the question of how to meet the
demands of the family on the shortened power
of the dollar is ever present and in itself en
gages an always increasing portion of the wo
man's time. The going to the front of husband
or son hat added to household duties and per
plexities in a way that is beyond the comprehen
sion of those who are not actually facing the
fact This burden of the war has not fallen on
the well-to-do. With it all the women of Omaha
have bravely encountered the problems and have
gloriously contributed of time, money and pa
tient effort to the great work of the Red Cross.
jNo one who is not thoroughly familiar with the
sacrifices made ana the Hardships endured
should comment on the achievement. Omaha
women are not slackers and the work of the
Red Cross will be better sped locally when such
charges are no longer made, either in petulance
or pique.
Allied Victory and the Future.
The extent of the victory (of the Allies is
now becoming apparent. In sweeping the Ger
mans from the Aisne-Marne salient our armies
accomplished a notable feat of arms, but they
did more than this. The greatest victory is over
the German spirit of conquest . Ludendorff may
deceive the citizens of his country through his
ludicrous accounts of the withdrawal,' but he
will not be able to blind the soldiers as to what
The men who lunged forward in May, driv
ing by sheer weight across the fields from which
they were forced to retreat in July, will not be
fooled by sophistry, no matter how attractively
it ma be put. They know the mettle of the men
tf whom they are opposed; they have seen their
Kst storm troops checked in mid-assault, their
best (hock troops turned aside by the oncoming
foe They have seen the Prussian Guards over
come by Yankee boys go'i.g into their first bat
tle, r-rve seen one machine gun eest after an
other routed out and destroyed. They have
abandoned dead and wounded in thiir light and
left hshind them immense stores of military sup
plies, together with hug) quantities of loot, all
prepatcd for transfer to Germany. The German
high command will have tome trouble in making
these men believe again that they arc opposed
by Insignificant "forces of weaklings.
Ginnany's power to resist is n.ot broken, but
her capacity for offense has received a severe
blow. .What the Allies' plan is is'not disclosed,
but it may safely be assumed that the advantage
won will not be lightly allowed to pass. Back of
the Alsne we will hear of desperate fighting, while
it is well within the range of possibility., that
Prince Rupprecht of Bavaia will again be given
an opportunl'y to show his quality, for the hold
of the Bavarians on the Flemish coast is to be
broken before the general retrograde movement
sets irt.
.'Von Ludendorff certainly present! hit case
in a plausible light He could see nothing to be
gained, to he withdrew his men to tave their
lives. So considerate of him, don't yon know.
But one wonders why he did not at the tame
time withdraw several ehlploadt of munitions,
assembled to open the road to Paris. ' His story
is not yet complete. I v
Democratic Platform and State Issues.
The engineers of the Hitchcock-Mullen-Neville
machine are not yet able to swallow their
chagrin over the outcome of the Hastings con
vention. ; It had been their intention to adopt a
one-plank platform, in which President Wilson
and Gilbert M. Hitchcock should be coupled as
co-workers for the salvation of the world. This
was to be supplemented with an endorsement of
Governor Neville's administration, which meant
that his subserviency to the "Hindenburg line"
should be approved. Progressive and Insurgent
members of the party showed fight and the big
bosses did not dare try to carry out their pro
gram. The hastily revised document that finally
'was read to the convention and adopted it
far"" more notable for what it omits than for
what it contains. Especially is It silent on some
points that are of great interest to the people of
the state. One of these is that of development
of the water power f Nebraska, on which issue
the republican platform Is very clear. It may
have been omitted by the democratic high com
mand because Edgar Howard has made it one of
the chief corner stones of his senatorial campaign.
- However, the document promulgated at Hast
ings contains a lot of abuse for the kaiser, which
may serve as a, substitute for any definite pledge
on 'important state issues. Voters may draw
their; own conclusions. .
America Supreme on the Watere.
Hog Island launched its first ship yesterday.
And in that simple statement residea a ttory
that signalizes an epoch. Some time, when the
war is over, we may listen to the illuminating
tale how what was a swamp less than a year
ago is now the greatest shipyard in the world.
For the immediate present it is enough to know
that this mighty engineering project has reached
the point where It can contribute it enormous
output to" the tonnage that floats under Old
Glory and which is rapidly building up the
mightiest flotilla that ever floatgd under one
Our greatest need at the beginning of the
war was ships. To support the army we have
now in France would require then almost the
combined -merchant tonnage of the world. Im
provements in methods of loading and unload
ing, the driving of vessels at express speed
through the danger zone, under convoy, and
other improvements in methods reduced the es
timated requirements of tonnage from 20 per
man to five or even less. While this was being
done the big shipyards of America began to
turn out commerce carriers at a rate unheard
of, and the feat of transporting 50,000 soldiers
to Europe in December mounted to over 300,000
in July. .
Finally, comes Hog Island, leviathan of con
struction, and from its ways we may expect a
continuous splash of boats, slipping into the
water. America has built and is building the
greatest commerce-carrying fleet of all ages,
and our supremacy on the high seas is estab
lished. And just as our advantages onMand are
used for humanity's advancement so will the
seas be made to contribute to thespread of lib
erty because they will be under the domination
of a nation of freemen.
Pipe This, Ye Smokers
Probability of Tobacco -Rationing at Home
Very Remote
Those who woo My Lady Nicotine have
little to fear that they will be placed on to
bacco rations, and numerous reasons have
been advanced for the uselessness of such, a
Some of the most important reasons ad
vanced which tend to show the lack of neces
sity of such a movement are that the amount
of tobacco in the United States is sufficient
to meet all demands, that the source of sup
ply is chiefly domestic, that the supply for
men in the service s bc.n provided for, that
England, too, has a large supply of the weed,
that Cuba has ?nly one outlet for its produc
tion, and that through the United States.
All Of these reasons point to the improba
bility of a rations basis being proclaimed,
and there is aparently little fear on this score.
Present stocks of tobacco, according to
the present census figures issued by the
United States government, twice each year,
April 1 and October 1, amount to 1,465,168,
711 pounds of lejtf tobacco in the United
States to April 1, last, representing ah in
crease of approximately 60,000,000 pounds
over the corresponding date of last year.
This stock of tobacco, it has been esti
mated, is enough to last for more than three
years, according to the present rate of con
sumption. England, too, has a large supply
of tobacco, and its stocks of tobacco on hand
are of proportions equal to those held in the
United States, and will last equally as long.
The source of our tobacco supply is, for
the most part, domestic, very iittle depend
ence being placed upon imports of the prod
uct Tobacco for cigars comes from various
places, the filler coming from Pennsylvania,
Connecticut and Cuba; binders, or first
wrapper over the filler, from Connecticut and
Florida. From this it can be seen that the
tobacco trade does not have to go outside of
the United States to obtain its raw material.
Cigaret tobacco is also procured largely
in the United States, principally from Vir
ginia, Kentucky and Tennessee. Turkish to
bacco is not generally used in the lawer
priced cigarets, especially those that sell for
10 and 15 cents a package. With regard to
the latter commodity there are large quan
tities of Turkish tobacco in England, but. the
scarcity of ships has held up its shipment
here. There are also large shipments of
Turkish tobacco being held in Cairo, Egypt
This cannot be moved for lack of ships. But
this affects the question of imports more
than it does the stocks on hand. Cuba finds
its only outlet for tobacco in the raw state
in the United States, there being practically
no demand from other countries, especially
England, which had heretofore been a large
purchaser. South America is also receiving
very little tobacco from Cuba, because of the
ship question. . '
H. N. Konwiser, editor of the Tobacco
Record, says that the prices on cigars have
advanced from 60 to 70 per cent to the con
sumer, and cigarets have advanced as much
as 100, per cent. The greatest advance on
the latter has been due to the shortage of
tobacco used in some of the brands, prin
cipally Turkish. . .
General reasons for the higher cost of
cigars and cigarets is the shortage of labor,
and the better pay that is being received in
other lines. There have been instances
where one large manufacturer found it
necessary to keep up a steady demand for
new employes as learnerr, and on two or three
occasions as necessity demanded, the pay for
learners was increased, and .even this failed
to bring the required amount of help.
Principal imports of tobacco consist
chiefly of Turkish tobacco and Sumatra
wrappers. There l ave been no general ship
ments of tobacco to the United State- re
cently, due, as has been stated above-, to the
shortage of ships in which to mke the trans
portation 'to this country. There have .been
a few occasions where two or three interests
in the tobacco trade have chartered ships for
the purpose of carrying tobacco here. Re
cently permisison had been granted by the
War Industries board to imp . t 33,000 bales
of Sumatra tobacco, a large proportion of
which come3 from Holland. When Holland's
ships were taken over by the government
of the United States there were approxi
mately 17,000 bales cf this tobacco on board,
most of which has gone to the trade. To
gether this would be enough Sumatra to
bacco to supply the United States and Can
ada for a considerable period.
Exports of the . roduct have been
t?ken care of ' .ough thj government, the
Young Men's Christian association, the Red
Cross and the Knightj of Columbus. Ex
pprt figur however are not available.
The output of tobacco in the finished
rroduct is just as great, but not appreciably
greater, than it has been heretofore, the in
crease keeping pace with the increase of pre
vious yearj. From time time large orders
are placed for cigars, cigarets smoking
tobacco fo. overseas service, but it has been
figured that this demand would be the same
if the smokers were in this country, ex
cept that instead cf the orders being placed
in bulk they would be placed through the
natural channels;
Vive La France !
Uncle Sam's Homage to the Spirit of the French
Colonel Watterson in 'the Courier-Journal.
First Washington; then Lafayette, and
now yet once again the Tri-color and the
Stars and Stripes entwined in glorious em
brace upon a battle line for human freedom.
Except for France, America must have
gone down in the revolutionary fight. Our
good Brother Jonathan was nearly "all in"
when Jeanne D'Arc appeared upon the scene.
After a century and two-score years, Uncle
Sam, returning the visit, puts his arm about
Lisette's fair form and says in his big, manly
voice, "Cheer up, old girl, they shan't tech
a hair o' your headl"
It has not been history's wont to render
poetic justice. But here we have it in fullest
measure, fans shall complete the story of
. The Red Cross Serves
That fine service of the Red Cross organ
ization which is to look well, and is even now
looking well, after thejocating and marking,
by name and otherwise, of the grave of
every American soldier falling in battle, or
dying of wounds or in service, which we
have had earlier opportunity to applaud, is
but an incident in such forms of service being
rendered by that body.
To maintain communication between the
men not dead, but "temporarily out of it,"
whether wounded or "missing" that dread
war-word filled with so many direful possi
bilitiesthe Red Cross organization has cre
ated and is maintaining a bureau to serve
as a medium of exchange between every pos
sible source of information oyer there and
every anxious source of inquiry over here.
This is a new piece of administrative ma
chinery in the great system of organization.
In the casualty lists, and such information
as may accompany or follow them through
the military department much must neces
sarily be left unsaid, which, to those the
most concerned, will be of the most urgent
moment General Pershing has just made
announcement that measures are being taken
for the relief of such natural anxieties in the
best possible ways and at the earliest possible
moment His reference is undoubtedly to
the department of Red -Cross activities now
being bt ought into active effort, and which
is coming none too soon.
Wounded soldiers will be kept in touch
with their friends at home, to. whom their
progress toward recovery, or away from it,
will be indicated. In the event of death, that
fact and every other fact concerning which
the bereaved will be solicitous, will be con
veyed. For the missing, every effort will be
made to trace them and make report of the
result Such of the missing as are found to
have fallen prisoners to the enemy will be
traced, as far as possible, into their imprison
ment, and, as far as German regulations or
disposition will permit, put in touch with the
Red Cross organization, and, through it( with
enquiring friend. This is a work which is
already growing rapidly and is destined to
grow much more rapidly during the immedi
ate, and a continuing, future. The Red Cross
serves and does not stand or wait -St Louis
Globe-Democrat - ' '
Yorktown and Pershing is our answer to
Rochambeau. -
The ancient ioke used to have it that
good Americans hoped to go to Paris when
they died. It carried a cynical suggestion
not meant to be flattering to the morality of
either. Yet he who pictures the gay French
capital as the wickedest city in, the world
knows not New York, or London, and con
fesses himself ignorant of Hell-for-Sartin on
the Ganges and Yuba Dam on the Yarra, not
to mention many other seaports of less note
in deviltry.
In other days the wickedness ot fans was
got up largely for "the entire stranger." Its
picturesque varieties were for. the most part
imported, lhe Jfrench are in nature, tem
perament and habit a decorous and Orderly
people. They are a refined people. They
may be bloodthirsty when roused, but they
are not brutal, like the British, nor ob
streperous, like the Yankees. They take
their pleasures irt' reason, There is, indeed,
a background of sobriety, not to say of piety,
which, though it be not observed upon the
boulevards, nor in the regions about the
Place Vendome, nor yet between the Gardens
of the Tuileries where nevertheless the
children play and the Arch of Stars, which
invites tne ciysian rictus iu wuuuuc uiui
iiromenade out to the Wood of Boulogne,
jet abounds in the less ambitious streets and
in the myriads of simple homes. 1 he novels
of Balzac and Daudet srive us only an oc
casional glimpse of these. The bizarre lends
itself more readily to the uses ot hction, and
we oftener see the eccentricities than the
virtues of French character and life.
It is perhaps because of this that the pro
ceeding of the French in the war their
solidarity, their puissance, their quietude
has surprised those who thought them a
spectacular, exclamatory people. They set
copy for the rest of us. In spite of the dif
ferences in language, customs and environ
ment there is a certain affinity between them
and ourselves which is likely to draw us
closer together as the events of the field, the
camp1 and the hospital become a common ex
perience. Many an American boy will find
a French wife. The more the merrier. Half
a century hence may the Yanko-Franco chil
dren prattle a dual tongue taught them by
the grandsire wno oore tne i n-coior ana tne
grandsire who brandished the Stars and
Stripes 1
Vive la France! Hurrah for the French I
Homage to the memory, salute for the effigy
of the maid of Urleans, whether in marble,
or in bronze, or in the loving fancy of our
heart of hearts I We need no longer make
the appeal, covered by the following lines
written in extremis, for it was answered
when the Hun put foot upon the soil of
of Arc, Joan ot Arc,
Don't your eyes
From the akles
See the foe?
Don't you see the drooping fleur-de-lis?
Don't you see the tears of Normandy?
Joan of Arc, Joan of Arc,
Don't you .hear ua calling you?
Come, lead your France to victory! -,
One Year Ago Today to the War.
War revenue bill reported by the
senate finance committee.
Kichard von Kuehlmann became
minister of foreign affalra in the Ger
man cabinet -
American oil tank' steamer Cam
pana sunk by a German submarine
off the French coast.
rii n tr (VlehraitA.
l Alfred Bloom, of Alfred Bloom
John A. Gentleman, undertaker,
born 1881.
. MaJ. W. O. Gilbert of the Judge ad
vocate' denartment United States
army, born 1866. -
nenra-e w - CherrlnKtoa. attorney
at-law, with the claim department of
the Union Facmo Kaiiroaa company,
. born 185. '
Thin Day in History.
- 1861 Act of congres confiscating
the property. Including alaves. of ene-
inir-s of the United State.
1863 The north observed a day ot
thanksgiving for victories in tne civil
1870 The French army opposing
the Germane commenced ita retreat
to tho Moselle.
1914 Austria made a declaration
cf war against Russia.
Germans pushed Russians
back close to Petrograd railway in
Courland. -
IMS Germane launched vigorous
attempt to retake trenches on the
' nime line. ..
Just SO Years Ago Today
The director of the Grand Opera
house have let a contract to Win-
cote A Riley for Important changes
In the interior of the house.
The different persons connected with
the coming "Siege of Sevastopol"
wntcn is to entertain Omaha a guests
during the fair, are grinning to ar
rive in the city to push forward the
Revel France, one of Omaha's fa
mous bass singers, bas accepted
position as a member of Dockstader'a
minstrel at a very lucrative salary
and leaves within a few days tor New
A bill of sale waa filed with the
county clerk conveying from futo
Lange to Christ W, Knicely the stock
of hardware et". at S'T
tpenth street The consideration was
Round About the State
Columbus figures that $100.00 Is a
moderate tax on a ti.otorlst who tried
to climb a street lamppost At this
rate it Is cheaper to climb a tree by
the side of the road.
Urging the people to save money
and salt it the Wymorean says,
"Money will buy more In 1923." The
Wymorean steps to tne head of the
class of the cheerful prophets.
"Kaiser Bill." observes the Edgar
Post, "is now looking for the man who
said the Americana would not fight' "
More than that Bill Is hiking home
ward to muss the false prophet's
Columbus Telegram and Arnold
Sentinel lift the price a trifle to meet a
fraction of the increas.J cost of paper.
The former takes the elevator to $3.60
a year and the latter to (2. Bargain
terms ror prime goods.
Old and L .w swlmmt .s- holes ron
tlnue Increasing the score of bathing
victims. In moit cases the victims
were too young to know the risks
they take In venturing into unfa.
miliar streams. Parents cannot al
ways know what their youngsters plan
to do, but greater vigilance and
stressed advice make for safety.
uniy tnree or the docen or so sen.
atortal charmers have thus far ven
tured Into print with their pictures.
Whether this is due to modesty or the
expense deponent aalth 'not It la
worth noting, however, that Morehead,
hioan ana Maageu nav the courage
of their faces. Unless the rest of the
bnnch boldly come into the pitiless
publicity of print voters may conclude
I tney lear me worm, . .
I 'vt
shotguns will do for the present but
oerore long tne ooya wm do Rising
sawed-oft howitzers.
St Louis Globe-Democrat: May
another summerIf not sooner -find
mi, nMla, riH aAllnr hnva hiimA flflr&in
and we'lV give them the time of
their lives when tney come.
Washington Post: Instead of an as-
send the smell of fried onions against
. . J. .1 . i .. L. n
tne enemy, ana uraw iae inuauu
boches out of the dugouts in spite of
tnemseiveai '
Brooklyn Eagle: We draw near the
fourth anniversary of that famous
n ulnar nf th Kaiser: "Rumamber that
you are Germans!" In case they do
not rememoer mere are otners wo
will never forget
- Baltimore American: Turkey does
not want to go to war with the Unltea
States. Reading about what the
. ... Hnln. . h. frnnt. the
TT 1IS34 maw m Kiai Bjtsw - -
unspeakable Turk haa concluded he
Knows wnen re is wen on.
Louisville Courler.Journal: The
fVnuii Print la iiimii misrA as lift V
Ing said he would start a war Just for
tne sport oi n ii ne were upu
k-nn 1 .irlna n Innlp a It, the
kill VII t? WQ.a.a .v
sport of it is all he will get put of the
war Daddy started.
New York World: There are now
HI .n.ilnn. chln.viia fa the
United States, with forty-four otners
partly complete. Here is prep-- -
ror peace as wen as war o :
1 a mnA nrAmltlnff an i.lltDUt OI
hlna sufficient to dominate the seas.
Twice Told Tales
Soeakine 'Amcrtcan.
A French soldier who came proudly
up to an American in a certain bead
quarters town the other day asked:
XOU spin rrencni
"None," answered the American,
"not yet"
The Frencnman smiiea complacent
ly. "Aye sptx Engieesn," he said The
American grinned and the Frenchman
lookedr about for some means to ugw
his prowess in the foreign tongue. At
that moment a French girl, very neat
and trim in her peaked hat long coat
and high laced boots, came along,
The Frenchman Jerked his head to
ward her, looked knowingly at the
American and said triumphantly
The American roared. , .
''Shake," he said extending a hand.
"You don't speak English; you speak
American." London upmion.
He Used to Have 'Em.
The artist was paintings sunset red,
with blue streaks and green dots.
The old rustic at a respectful dis
tance, was watcning
"Ah," said the artist looking up
suddenly, "perhaps to you, too, nature
has opened her sky pictures page by
pager nave you seen the lambent
flames of dawn leaping across the livid
east; the red-stained sulphurous islete
floating in tne lake of Are in the west;
the ragged clouds at midnight black
as raven s wmg, blotting out the shud
dertng moon?"
"No." replied the rustic shortly;
"not since 1 signed the pledge." New
l orn uiooe, .
7 .Wt A.
Nebraska's Water Power.
Omaha, Aug. J. To the Editor of
The Bee: I notice that Henry Ford
wants us to develop water power from
the Missouri river and other large
streams in the state. Now, while we
have had the Loup and Platte rivers
water powers surveyed by competent
engineers, and their reports show up
wards or zuu,uuo horsepower available
that can be developed in sections at
small costs, yet no horsepower can be
had from the Missouri, he is entirely
wrong in referring to that stream for
the reason that water must have a
fall to produce power, and the Mis
souri river haa a fall of only seven
Inches per mile. If a dam was built
SO feet hltrh from the hndrnrk. and
from bluff to bluff, the cost would ap
proximate a billion dollars and the
water would be dammed back over
all the land to Decatur, Neb., and the
sediment in the water would fill it
with mud in SO days, and for these
reasons the scheme is entirely imprac
ticable. However, the loud and
Platte rivers have a fall of seven feet
per mue, and ' Columbus, the. place
where the first development would be
installed, is 700 feet higher than is
The first bill that the next legisla
ture should pass ought to be a water
power district bill, and all the counties
near the river from Grand Island to
Omaha Should Join In. the organization
of a district to develop the water
power in sections as fast as it is need
ed and the power sold tovthe consum
ers in the district at cost, with the re
sult that factories all over the land
would be attracted into this district
Since coal has gone out of sight
Omaha alone is paying out 83.000.000
yearly ror coal, almost doubling the
cost of steam power. I hope the citi
zens will grasp their opportunity
which Mr. Ford tias unselfishly pointed
out to tnem. D. C. PATTERSON.
Removing Ward Boundaries,
Omaha, Aug. 4. To the Editor of
The nee: Your editorial suggestion
to the charter revisers to cut out the
wards is a sUp in the right direction.
ui course, it is not possible to con
veniently erase all territorial lines,
but we do have toe much limitation
irom a political point of view.
For instance. I notice several candl
dates that have been tried and found
wanting, and another who Is entitled
to a medal for persistina- in office.
seeking and who has Just as persist
enciy Deen eiectea to stay at home.
unaer tne commlslsoner districts.
as at present outlined, a pair of these
candidates have more than a fair
chance of being nominated and elect.
ed, whereas they wouldn't i and much
chance If left to the vote of the entire
county. '
Someone will say. "Well.-but thev
win represent tne people or their dis
tricts ana tne people of the district
are entitid to rpresentation." And.
with no better reason than that our
omciais in tne past, and more or less
at present (especially our county com
missionersj, nave represented classes
instead or the people as avwhole.
s me or tne candidates vould not
think or running for office if the peo.
pie at large got a crack at them. -
Lets have as few wards and dls.
trlcts as possible. NORTH SIDE.
''Don't you avar chansa your mind about
am ouen now. iTa rouna tnat I am
Just Uabls to ba wrong the aecond time
aa tna mat' Boston Transcript.
"Aw, I'm making qulta an Impraaalon
ou oiisa riuouuD. uui tnay lay aba'a a
aesperata lurt."
'Ia aba actually going around with yon?''
"Aw. yea."
'Sha mint, ba deaDarata." Loulivllla
"Ton write poetry, ahT"
'Tea," laid the man addreaaed. "I do."
"Do you get anything valuable for Joor
poetry T"
"I would not make that atatement aa a
claim. I do get the magazine It ia pub
lished by." Baltimore American.
Old Gentleman) (viewing the Nlaara
cataract Believe me, my friend, the Falls
aren't what they were to years ago.
veteran Hackman Nobody knows It bet-
tern' me, boss. Why, there'a lots o' days
hen I don't turn a wheel at all! Buf
falo Express.
"Some of you men whs play poker day
and night ought to be taken up for loafing."
i'layin- poker in Crimson Gulch." an
swered Three-finger Sam thoughtfully,
"may be non-essential. But It you per
teck your Interests it ain't loatln' "
Washington Star.
Here and There' ,.
a rainfall af m inch over one acre
of ground will fill over 600 barrela of
45 gallons each.
Awird!nsr to scientists not a single .
microbe exists In mountain air above
the height of 2.000 feet r
nti ash tree la very' injurious to
vegetation growing in its shade, while ..
few plants will grow unaer a yew.
rhe feathers with which birds are
covered are sail to combine the high
est degree of warmth with the least
weight. , , , .
Pennsylvania is now mining ap
proximately 250,000 tons of anthra
cite x;oal every day to meet the war
time demand. '
In the Spanish war less than 20
conereseional medals of honor were
awarded, and In the Philippines cam-
paign still ftwer-were gainea. '
Successful experiments' were re- -cently
made of manufacturing paper
from sawdust the first newspaper to
be printed cn the new material being
the Aberdeen Express.
It has been discovered that paper
pulp of excellent quality can be made
irom the leaves of the maguey plants
which -grows extensively in Mexico
and the Central American countries.
Schiller, Isben, Oliver Goldsmith,
Oliver Wendell Holmes, Sir Arthur
Conan Doyle, and Dr. Robert Bridges,
the poet laureate, are among the fa
fous poets and authors who have been
medical men as well.
The idea of .farmers' co-operatlv
societies is not new. Sixty jrears ago
a convention of farmers at Centralis, .
111., discussed plans for wholesale buy
ing and selling agencies for those en
gaged in agriculture.
Among royal inventors ia the duke
of Oldenburg, who some yeans ago
patented a new design ior the screw
of a steamship. The Idea Is to prevent
"cavitation" or the forming of a hol
low In the water, when the screw fa
revolving at top speed.
The largest and fastest battle crui
ser in the world is being built by the
United States. It will have 180,000
horsepower and a speed of 8S knots.
A submarine torpedo la a metal
cylinder loaded with a high explo
sive and equipped with a detonating '
apparatus. Sometimes it is equipped
with a propelling and steering mech
anism, automatically operated.
Girls I Make bleaching lotion
if skin is sunburned,
tanned or freckled
Saueeze the Juice of two lemons
into a bottle containing three ounces
of Orchard White, shake well, and
you have a quarter pint of the best
freckle, sunburn and tan lotion, and
complexion beautifier, at very, very
small cost
Your grocer has the lemons and
any drug store or toilet counter will
supply three ounces of Orchard White
for a few cents. Massage this sweet
ly fragrant lotion into the face, neck,
arms and hands each day and see
how freckles, sunburn, windburn and
tan disappear and how clear, soft
and white the skin becomes. Yes!
It is harmless. Adv.
Don't Let Soap
Spoil Your Hair
(All rights reserved.)
Wa have heard our Country's call and we're
coming full and strong:
Wa are coming with a force that will move
the world along!
And we're pressing back the tyrant on land
and on tne aea;
Shouting, hurrah! aa 'wa fight ta make
men free.
Hurrah! we'll lead the cause for democracy
to all:
Hurrah 1 In freedom's march, must all ty-
rants fall;
Wa will teach It ta the world, that all men
ahall equal be;
Shouting, hurrah I tor the flag that make
men free.
For the love of right and truth wa our
banner have unfurled,
And the foes of equal rights to defeat will
all be hurled;
And our boys who bravely fight crowned
with honor all shall be.
Shouting, hurrah! while they fight to make
men free.
Wa have made the sacrlftoe, and wa'l sac
rifice again.
And we'll ne'er give up the strife till there's
freedom for all men;
And the glory ot our flag, yet, still greater
shall It be.
When our boys have won in the fight to
make men tree.
When you wash your hair, be care
ful what you use. Most soaps and
prepared shampoos contain too much
alkali, which is very injurious, as it
dries the scalp and makes the hair
brittle. -
The best thing to use is just plain
mulsified conoanut oil, for this is
pure and entirely greaseless. It's
very cheap, and beats the most ex
pensive soaps or anything else all to
pieces. You can get this at any drag
store, and a few ounces will last the
whole family for, months.
Simply moisten the hair with water
and rub it in, about a teaspoonful is
all that is required. It makes an
abundance of rich," creamy lather,
cleanses thoroughly, and rinses out
easily. The hair dries quickly and,
evenly, and is soft, fresh looking,
bright, fluffy, wavy and easy to han
dle. Besides, it loosens and takes
out every particle of dust, dirt and
dandruff. Adv.
increases strength of delicate, nervous,
run-down people in two weeks' time ia
many instances. It haa been need and
endorsed by aueb men aa Hon, Leslie M,
Shaw, -former Secretary of tha Treasnry
and Ex-Governor of Iowa: Former United
States Senator Richard Rolland Kenney
of Delaware at present Maior of tha V. S.
Army; Genera John L. Clem (Retired)
the drummer boy of Shiloh who waa ser
geant in the U. S. Army when only 13
years of age; also United States Judge
G W Atkinson of the Court of Claims
of Washington and others. Ask your
doctor or druggist-about it
WllVrwrx II
si'Jiir'iif'w-iiu'i.nyji;tisi:uv' y
1 mmmBmrmmmummma-rfi- at
ni hreak ub
titer barium
n JEY TIm da
will clear your skin
No one knows the humiliation of be
ing a "wall flower" better than the girl
with a red, rough, pimply complexion.
If your skin is not fresh and smooth,
or has suffered from an nnwise nse of
cosmetics, try ResinolSoap and Resinol
Ointment for a week and see if they
don't begin tomafceablessed difference, V
They also help to make hands and arms
oft and white, and to keep the hair
live, glossy and free from dandruff. .
All drninhtt 1 dealer, !n toilet feeds sail Has.
faol Ointment and Resinol Soap. Yot'dbeMstM
theal Trial baa. Write DepM. Rsslaaj lakw