Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 28, 1918, SOCIETY SECTION, Image 16

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f To he earnest: to be Itronr:
X To make lieht the way with
.. ' - aanar: . J" ' . . .
fvSlow to anger; Quick to praiae; X
'Walking steadfast through the f
; I ' days
. . Firm of purpose, sure oT soul,
Pressing onward to the goal
; I Upright, even, undismayed, J
.. ISure serene and unafraid
V 'H "T t'i'l ""!' '' TTI II' T T v r T T r
At Manny
And CdimlEoirtiinig
ONE cannot switch oflE the fight
with a perfectly cold creamed
conscience unless they have that day
done their patriotic stint in their war
garden. Omaha femininity is indeed
doing excellently in this line for the
gardens are not only food producing
but soul satisfying for the flowers are
lovely. Some of the gardens are
carefully planned with the-roses m
one corner, the feathery cosmos in an
other and the golden daisies by them
' selves all carefully boxed in with
fragrant borders of variegated leaves.
Then again you come across another
that is a veritable old-fashioned
, tangle. You find everything from the
' stately geranium to the dusky, red
coxcomb of our grandmother's day in
these beauty spots. The lawns are
' very attractive now. We saw such a
velvety stretch the other day, it
sipped very gently and dufl in one
comer was a beautiful stone bird-bath
v with some vain pink hollyhocks try
ing to see their faces in the water,
i The week has been a bit dull for
with the coming of-the hot days milady
seeks the seclusion of her own home
if she does not flit to the lake and the
result is a deserted country club and
no affairs. ; , . ,
The brides do not feel the summer
lassitude however, for they take their
vows just the same. The appoint
ments tre simple though and you will
- find Miss-Bride-In-July gowned in
cool organdie, instead of the regula
tioft trailing satin and lace.',- Miss
Marie Riley will be . a bride of the
. week, her marriage to Dr. ,D. M.
Nigra taknig place Wednesday eve
ning. We regret that Miss Harriet
Parmelee will have her wedding in the
east for this attractive, vivacious girl
has a host of friends in Omaha. She
. dropped ' in Saturday morning for a
day or two,, however, and everyone
immediately began to olan little af
fairs for this Omahan. Miss
Parmelee will go from here to Mount
Vernon. N. Y., where her marriage to
. Mr. John H. Winchell will take place
' Saturday. :
While we are chatting about wed
dings it is pleasant to note that one
- of the.eood results of this war ll the
re-unifing of many cbuples. ' Family
ties are stronger in this ' time of
trouble and broken strands are knit
together.' Dan Cupid dries his tears
and smiles again as these happy
events - are chronicled, j and many
j hearts are made glad.
- The engagement of their daughter,"
Helen, to Mr. Rawson White is an-
I L If. I If.. ft I-. I
Loftman. The marriage plans have
not yet been determined.
- Miss Loftman, who is a member oft
, the Alpha XI Delta sorority, met Mr.
White while both were members of
the junior class at the University of
Nebraska last year.- She was gradu
ated from Omaha High school in the
class of 1915. Mr. White is a mem
ber of the Sigma Alpha Epsilon fra
ternity. ,K -
For Fort Omaha Ilea.
. Mrs. G. A. Berqulst entertained
,. Thursday evening at her home In
honor of Privates A. J. Edwards, Wil
lia,m O. Mundy, Albert Brian and R.
R. Boyer of Fort Omaha, who will
leave soon for overaeaa dutv. Th
evening was spent with games and
. music and a buffet supper was served.
The table was prettily decorated with
nags and the guests included:
R. Bennttt,
A. Oarnq,
Dora QftrnMW, , ,
Wllllm O. Mun4y,
A, J. Edward,
K. R.! Boytr, .
A.lbrt Stub. ,
Mv BareqvUt,
Cjorrlla Brful(t,
Hnry L,
Kobart BnBtt, :
. rnnels BnmH.
Mrs. Harting Entertained.
Mrs. Elisabeth Hartunf of Toledo,
0, president general of the nationa
auxiliary of the United Spanish War
veterans, arrived in Omaha Tuesday.
That evening a lawn party was given
in her htmor at the home of Mn
Perry Miller. About 50 guests were.
prenni na miscellaneous program
waa given. ,
Mrs. Hartung was present at the
regular meeting of the auxiliary
. Wednesday afternoon when a delega
tion from the Council Bluffs chapter
wi present.
In Colorado.
Omahans visiting in Colorado this
wk tnciuae: - .
Q. L. Orwnfeld.
Wm. A. Bmlth
Mines -,
Halll Thw
Mrrt Thw
fMfl Cooptr '
Bansah Coopr
Mwr -.
J. V. Danlela.
Edna Pottvr
BaaaU Proctor
Edna Rial
' Lttellt Bcott
N. Mantel
H. Van Dola
C. W. Ortman and 0 Walter D. Nelan.
J.yr, Scott -
D. A, R. CardvParty. , I
, A card party will be given Friday
afternoon at Carter Lake club, by the
Red Crosa auxiliary of the Omaha
chapter of the D. A. R, The hostess
es will be, Mesdames Martha W.
Christiancy. E. E. Crane. C H. T.
Riepen, C E. Jaycox, B. D. Moore,
y. K. Hnford, A.; F. Bloom, F. R.
Bloom, T. C Fettegrew, and Arthur
.:. .sorenson. ..
Marriaie Announced.''
M vand Mrs. I. Ropholr announce
V the marriage of their daughter. Har
riet to Mr. Harry Marks, which took
place July 20. The young couple will
rnake their home at 500 ; South
l wenty-ctghtn street
Military Dinner.
, Captain and Mrs. John C Oreutt
and Lt. M. B. Phipps of Boston, Lt
S. W.. Wallaces -New York tod Lt
b- D, Sherwood of Syracuse enter-
:: irjgamt ami Wmmtmm Wed j
n ' '
t '4 $ :::. :'v.'."''-
i ' ; ,'
" "" m , ' '
An army wedding took place at Camp Cody June 10. when Miss Phoebe
Bassor became the bride of Sergt. Joseph
States infantry. k
The bride belongs to the movie world, for she has been a Jf Universal
City for some time. She Is now at Los Angeles, while Sergelpt Williams ia
spending a'short furlough in Omaha, visiting his mother, Mrs. N. L. Williams,
Mrs. Williams will join him at Deming, where they will live until he is
ordered abroad.
tained 20 friends at dinner at the
Country .club , Saturday evening.
Anion? the truesti were Maj and Mrs.
Torn Maher, Capt. and Mrs. A. Lepp-
hardt, capt. ana Mrs. wuuam n.
Faringhy, Mrs. G. Utterback and the
Misses Elizabeth Tierney and Griffin.
Mr. and Mrs. John J. Gaughan of
S'an Antonio, formerly of Omaha, an
nounce the marriage of their daugh
ter, Anna, to Captain Wiston Charles
Alexander, .which took place Sunday,
July 14, in San Antonio.
Bellevue Dinners.
Those entertaining at dinner at
Rtl(vii Fn'Ha.eveninor were W. H.
Thomas, who had six guests: J? P.
Heacox six and, Dr. B. B. Davis four.
.. - . .V ...
Parties Saturday evening were given
by Mrs. D. B. Powell, who had 11
guests, and E. "A. Rastor four.
Americanization Work.
Tuesday, evening. July 23. Mrs.
Walter N. Halsey met with the co
operating ) commuice representing
four nationalities, the ureeic, Italian,
Bohemian, and German, to formulate
plans for the future. Mr. Barrett, the
new reoretentativc 01 inc wcuarc
board ot Umana tor worx among
coming Americans, was present and
. . a .
United States Judge Atkinson,
.v Former Governor, Gives
Opinion of Nuxated Iron
Says Hie Results He Has Obtained Have Beeiv
It help put vlra and venewed energy
into the vins of tn wean, run.
dowfc," infirm and aged Of tea in.
' their atreagth in two
wmIu time.
Of grtat Important U tht publlo fenar-
all? ahould U th opinion iv of Nuxatt4
Iron by United Statta Judi Atkinion. For
twanty yaara Judgt Atkinaon-hae bn in
th publi aarvica Judga of tha United
State Court of ClaJmi at Waihinaton. Gov-
ernor, Member ot Conareaa, and United
B la tea Clatriet Attorney, eta. He ha had
vaat experience tn weif hint evidence? In
eparatina; the truth from the faHe. Sine
Nuxated Iron, or "Far Nuxale," aa the
French call it. ha heen Introduced into thia
eouatry. It ha taken the people- hp atonn.
ratfieta everywhere are talk tna about Ita
ttnnent eala, it beint aetlmated that aver
three million people annually are naint It
la tht country alone. It ha been bth)y
ndoraed and pneoribed by well-known
phytioiant like Dr. Schuyler C Jacque.
formerly Viaitmg Surteon Bt. Klitabeth
Hoapltal. New York City. It ha heen uaed
by many prominent men like Hon. Lealio
It. Shaw, former Presidential Cabinet Of-
fioial; former United State Senator and
Vice Presidential nominee Charlea A,
Town: former United State Senator
Richard S. Kenny, present Aa't Jude
Advocate U. S. AnaTy, who, bear unusually v
tront testimony a to it treat itrength
ana endurance giving properties. f ormer
1.1. , . t n t . .
ncajin uommiaaioner win, a. iverr ox vni
etfo, says It oufht to- be preaeribed by
ejrery phyeteian and used Ut every hospl-
til in thia) country.
Ther are thousand of people who are
nervous, "rundown." weak and .anaemic
who lack trngth and vitality and who
feel the need of something to build them
up and put renewed energy Into their
vaina. b they do not know what to
take. It la therefor valuable to have a
man like Judge Atkinson g, into the merK
of Nuxated Iron, teat It on himself and
the. om. out frankly and boldly .ndall
W Peopr about IV Judga Atkin aayal
nwmw. hii
Spring I hav tried . your
tion. Nutated Iron, a a tenia
I following on tha rigor of
"Only i this !
valued prescript
mJl 1 .-II ... -I a
an mwr.MTW iv nrim R. warn . uiui mm
the east winter. Th. r.nlt h.M tn .1.
naverk kal r-
retulu war
pay marvaiou. I have m
course to a medicine whoa
m a sa at it
L. Williams of company H, United
outlined the work of ,the board. Mrs.
A. C. Fernald, chairman of the
woman s committee of the Douglas
County Council of Defense, was also
present. Two new members. Miss
Mary Killian affd Mrs. Anton Krecek.
were appointed at this meeting to as
sist with the Bohemian work.
Mrs. J. E. Fitigerfand and daughter,
Gertrude Marsh, will spend the re
mainder of the summer at Lake Hu
ron, Mich. , .
Mrs. R. C Peters and Mrs'. W. J.
Miller motored to Westpoint, Neb.,
and back last week.
Miss Maud Miller gave a picnic for
her own and another Sunday school
class Wednesday at Riverview park.
Ikfiss Elizabeth Palmer left Wednes
day to visit friends in Denver.
Mrs. Charles Mallory, 4916 Chicago
street, has been appointed hostess at
the Fort Omaha Young Men'a Chris
tian association hut. .
Mrs. Mary E. VanGiesoa and Mrs.
H. B. Lemere, with Mary Jane and
Harry Lemere leave thia week to
spend the month of August at Any
nandale, Clear Water lake, Minn.
" !-
. . .
dt fM
P 1 ieations
which India-
y Iminat
i tins ao
f t quently
brlnae to
tha people
w h make
ut of md-
icamanta. ,
"It la with'
out habita
tion that I
N a a ted
Iron to par
ion who In
the itrea of
United Sutea Judf a W.
Atktniaa, former Gov
of Weet Vlrimla, Mmbor
of Can (Tea and V. S. At-
toraey. Read hla opinion of
pay leal
or mental labor hare permitted the tyatom
to become debilitated, the body eahauated or
the nerve run down. It ha factored my ap-
petit and my vitality. I feel that I have
drapped off th burden of month of toil In
the few weeka that I have been following;
tha very simple direction tor th ua ot
Nuxated Iron.''
if you are not ttrona or well, yon owe
it to yourself to make the following teat:
sea how long you can work or how far yon
cap walk without becoming tired. Next take
two five-grain tablet ot Nuxated Iron
"" m Pr day after ' meala for two
weea. i nen teat your airengio again ana
how mucB .ou " twned. Number
"nervous, run-oown people wno weraailme
u th5 rfc,n ." "ow. Mtonlahingly in-
eraoaea ineir ao-engin ana enavranc simply
r,tkin iron in the proper fhrm.
JfL J5SL 5?J!Z
SJS. anSIS'ch iJ ShTtT
wtuoh as waU known arnttists evsrynbai- DnUk
wntoa as wu anown se amensra everywDare- mi I Its
Ul otost laortaole Ira product It Is easily aatiral-
"'""t Wank.
!!USS SVt?!. ?.""uf sweatee
. . . . . .
5ST? L '"f rssuita ewy
Pnrdiaasf et they will lefune your awnsy. It I l
hbss4 aa this ally by Bbamsa A McConssU Dm
6c. and iu ethsr druttiau, Adr.
t--,f,,;, -
1 h
Oomhlaa Ciuallty. good workmanship
lulv deal and you have the
Add to thee a uarante of eatltfaatla.
nd you have the kmdrf w"k "Vm!
PredMine. Phono Tyler I M. W
u jov. loth Otrctt
T Luncheon parties at Field and
f ' Bridge tournament at the Field jr
T rliih ' ' , r ; t
Dinner-dance at Happy Hoi- j
low and Carter - Lake clubs. T
X Nigro-Riley wedding at St. X
Peters church. .
Dinner-dance at v Field and
- Country clubs.
I Luncheon at Happy Hollow
T . i . r v.r ii t . T
ciud, rait, wuuam ounon, a.
T hostess.
Happy Hollow and Prettiest
Mile clubs.
X Children's dancing party at the
Fiell club. ,
T Dinner-dance at Seymour Lake, T
; ; Winchell-Parmelee wedding in
Mount Vernon, Y.
.Dinner-dance at Country.
Carter Lake clubs.
11 ti M8"l-l-iI"H"l'l"i"i-
Seymour Lake.
. The Omaha Spanish club will give
a dinner to Dr. C. F. Secord, of Gau
temaula. Central America, at the Sey
mour Lake Country ciub Monday
evening at 8 o'clock. Dr. Secord, who
has Just returned from Washington,
D. C, while visiting in the states, will
lecture again in Spanish, describing
his experiences and duties as medical
missionary to that part of Spanish
America. ;
Mr. and Mrs. G.. C. Kuenne had
as their guests at the dinner-dance
Friday evening Mr. and Mrs. W. A.
Pie!, Miss Irene Piel and Mr. Irving
Horton. Mr. and Mrs. F. G. Roberts
entertained Mr. and Mrs. Charles
Grant, Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Walder,
Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Rose, Mr. and
Mrs. M. M. Murray and Mr. and
Mrs. C. F. Stregner. In the party
entertained by Mr. and Mrs. Julius
Lamb were Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Math
son, Mrs. Jessie Low and Mrs. Al
berta Bickinson. Mr. and Mrs. F. E.
Hoveyx entertained Mr. and Mrs. W.
B. Tagg and Mr. I. L, Reece.
Mr. James Martin entertained 12
guests; C. A. Rollins, 10, and parties
oi eignt were given Dy Mr. W. A.
Truelson, J. J. Shimm, J. M. Mc
Anany, Dr. and Mrs. John A. A.
Nieman, E. M. Searle, jr., had six
guests and parties of five were given
by F. B. Aldous and John Smith.
Iowa's first woman's club was or
ganized 50 years ago in Dubuque.
A General Clean-Up from Cellar to darret. New Sample
Pianos, Player Pianos, Grand Pianos. , Used Pianos taken
in trade and Pianos returned from rent must be sold.
One More Week of Underselling
We must make room for several ears of Pianos and Grafonolas
or pay demurrage and storage Hence this wonderful cut in prices
ana most, iioerai terms.
Buy to Save
Buy f:r Investment
Do It Now
Call Tomorrow.
Some of these Pianos are being
delivered in your neighborhood.
Ask your friends how well they
are pleased. If you have already
. taken advantage of the wonderful
values we are 'of f ering, tell your
neighbors and friends; they will
most certainly appreciate it
Your wornout excuse for not buying a Piano has been antici
pated and provided for. We can meet your price and terms.
Used Piano
$450 Steele Pract Pjano S 30
$275 Kimball Upright... 8 75
$300 Arion Upright 8100
$350 Voss A Sons Upr.. 8135
$350 Flemish Oak Upr.. 8148
$400 Chlckering Upright. 178
Used Player Piano Bargains.
$400 Mahogany Cass.... 8108 I $500 Schmoller & Mueller
$450 Schubert, only..... $250 I $575 Aeolian, only ,
Our Extra Special Offer.
S300 Buys a Brand new Player Piano.
$490 Buys a Brand New Studio Grand.
i Remember. w ara axclusiy
Stomway, Wobor, Emerion, Hardman, Stager VX Son, McPhail,
denmouer ox mueuer; also Aeolian
1311-13 Famam fi A fc 11
aT Bl V
Headquarters for Everything
d NOT " V
Jul I
rilWIV r r Wavaa - - -mw
BRANCH 30fl SO.1551
: WashiimgtdDE
""Sjidety . t
' (Continued From Page One.) -
her work as the head and the inspira
tion of the Day nursery, which is in
itself sufficient to keep one woman
busy. Through Mrs. Andrews' stren
uous efforts the' good work has been
removed, into a new home of Its very
own, at 472 I street, southwest. Mrs.
Andrews spends a part of each day
there and still jias time to be the first
friend to the Nebraska girl
There has been no chance for a Ne
braska girl to feel the- homesickness
or the unhappiness which so many
girls from other states are experienc
ing. In fact, something like 700 have
returned to their homes this summer
because of this. The Nebraska
Women's Washington club has filled
a great want, and has prevented any
such thing happening. Mrs. Norris,
wife of the senator from McCook,
who is president of the club, is one
of the most active in the work of en
tertaining the girl war workers.
Senator Norris left for his-home in
McCook today, to be absent some
Will Go to France.
Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Keegin, formerly
of Nebraska, are preparing vto leave
for France early next week. Mr.
Keegin is connect with the United
States compensation committee, and
goes to France in connection with the
work of that committee. Mrs. Kee
gin also goes in connection with that
work. Mrs. Keegin is the secretary
of the Nebraska Women's Washing
ton club and has been very active in
the interest of the Nebraska girls and
in the Nebraska boys of the service,
stationed in and around Washington.
Mr. James H. Hanley expects to re
turn to Omaha the first of September.
Mrs. Hanley and her little family will
remain in Washington or at the sea
shore if they can find suitable and
quiet1 quarters. Mr. Hanley hopes, to
establish them at Virginia Beach, or
some suclr safe beach, for the re
mainder of the summer and for the
time of absence.
Mrs. Walter N. Halsey, organizer
of work among the foreign women of
Douglas county for the woman's
committee Douglas County Council
of Defense, reports that the work of
Americanization is being ' received
with unexpected enthusiasm by many
of our foreign-born residents. New
Americans are eager to associate
themselves with the constructive ele
ment in his country designing to pro
mote better citizenship, and desiring
to learn how better to "keep the home
fires burning." ;
What constitutes good citizen-
$375 Price & Teeple Upr.
$400 Schmoller & Mueller
$450 Emerson Upright..
$500 Knaba Upright. . . .
$600 Stelnway Upright. .
$650 Smith-Nixon Grand.
representative for th celebrated
riayer riano.
f I t t l Omaha, Neb.
ImmT war -v
m Mutie at Lowest Price.
DrvBarm P Bao1
V T-"SEI " .
" This institution is the only one
in the centra west with separate
buildings situated in their own
ample grounds, yet entirely dis
tinct, and rendering it possible to
classify cases. The one building
being - fitted for and devoted to
the treatment of non-contagious
and non-mental diseases, no others
being admitted; the other Rest
Cottage being designed for and
devoted to the exclusive treat
ment of select mental eases re
quiring for a time watchful ear
and special nursing.
. . My r kwfmr jmrm
WLSjriAf bm VMS
ship?" was brought out by Mrs. Wal-
' T I 1 . . ' . t
ter N. xiaiscy at a meeting oi me
Italian woman's guild at St Anne's
church last Sabbath. ' Several mem
bers inquired about naturalization and
three signified their intention of tak
ing out citizenship papers and all
were intensely interested in the study
of the democratic' principles of gov
ernment Through the co-operation Bl Dr.
Kathleen O'Conner Sullivan, chair
man of the health committee of the
Woman's club and a member of the
Child Welfare department of the
Douelas County Council of Defense.
a most instructive address was also
given by Dr. J. P. Sullivan on "Con
tagious Diseases Among Children,
Their Cause and Prevention." To
keep our country up to its splendid
record, the co-operation of the
mothers is a vital necessity, for in
their hands is the welfare of the child,
the unit of the nation. Contagious dis-
War Time Efficiency
Is Making Every MinuteXount '
The time you spend dusting, cleaning
and polishing floors and woodwork the
old way is time wasted. .
The energy you spend is energy wasted act!
. 1
time ana energy is money.
The easy the quick
the labor and time saving way
is the O-Cedar way. You
save time, work, energy and
cleans, dusts and polishes all
at one time. It gives floors
and woodwork a high, dry,
lasting lustre as it collects and
holds the dust. It cuts house
work in half. It saves its cost
in the savings you make ia
brooms alone. ,
Sold On Trial
Simply deposit the price with your
dealer for a Battleship O-Cedar Polish
Mop on trial. Your money
refunded if you are not de-
lighted with the work it does.
Channell Chemical
Chicago Toronto Landon
Your Hat: Its Significance,
Tov wear it for protection against heat
and eold; wind and rain; aleet and snow.
No on think anything of wearing a hat,
because It 1 the logical thing to do.
Don't yon think It' juat a logical to
afford PROTECTION to your loved depend,
antst Protect them from want and hunger;
suffering and sorrow.
It 1 Just a logical that you eek pro
tection in the WOODMEN OF THE WORLD,
the greatest fraternal society.
Let u tell you about it.
for o0 partieufor pAone or eatl cm
COL C L MATHER. City Manager
Phenen Office, D wg. 4570. Office.801 W. O.W.BU
Home, Benson 354J Home. 2704 Sth Asa. n.ramMn,im.n ! n
HON. W.A.FRA5ER, Sotersitn Commander. OMAHA, NEBI
Investigate Your Investments
THE more deeply you investi
gate the matter of war-time
investments, the more thor
w oughly will you be oonvinced of the '
desirability of First Mortgage Real
Estate Bonds over more speculative
forms of investment
They are the most stable investments
known. Neither wars nor panics, market
fluctuations nor manipulations affect them.
t They are thoroughly safe and at the same
time pay 6 interest. 1
The First AlortgaVe Real Estate Bonds
we offer aroSiecurtd by direct firat.mort
gages on modern, office buildings, hotels
or apartment buildings throughout the
Middle West, and worth about twice the
amount of the mortgage.
They can be obtained in various denomi
nations from $50 to $1,000, maturing in
from 2 to 10 years.
The longer term bonds are a particularly
sound investment, for as the shorter term
bonds are retired the security, already
- ample, js constantly increased.
Our booklet, HcJw To Choose A Safe
Investment," describes these bonds In
detail and contains much valuable infor-
mation which you will be glad to have.
A copy will be mailed you free upon
. request. .-
Bankers Realty Investment Co.
1 ' .: - ' ., -
eases take more of our cmldren "thaa
any other form. ' v '
Sirs. Langford sang beautifully,
"Keep the Home Fires Burning," and
"Baby's Prayer." These women are
learning patriotic songs under the
leadership of Miss Stagne.
Plans for a Red Cross auxiliary
have been begun for this group o(
women, who will start work in Sep
tember. These women are also anxi
ous to take up work for the "little .
Italian children who have become or
phans "over there."
This guild numbers about HO
women. Some of the members "will
enter Miss Farnsworth's cooking
class at the Mason school this "week.
From the families of these women a
number of fine young men went last
Monday to help Uncle Sam fight for
The United States government is in
need of women chemists.
t i