1 - THE OMAHA SUNDAY BEE: JULY f28. 1918 WATCH flE BEE "HELP - WANTED" there are NO EEdaJliAE SEASONS Sot Getting Columns EACH AY. , , Good' JITbs KEEP LOOKING Want Ad Rates (Cut With Order.) lye pr word each Intertlon to par word (or three consecutive Insertions lo par word for each additional Inaertloo No ad taken (or lea than total of "e or leaa than 10c per day. charge. a ear Una (ooont f worda to line) one time to par Una each time. I coneecotlve time to per Use each time. 10 eonswutlv tlmee Illliliuno niiiiiLv Ho pat line Pr weeS CARDS OF THANKS AND rt'NEBAL NOTICES, 10a par line ....aacb Inaertlon minimum Chanra. CO Cents.) Contract Bateo On Application. , For eonvnlnee o( advertleera want ada will be accepted at the (ollowlnf office: VAIN OFFICE ; Bee Building Ames Office 4419 Nortb 24tb St. Lake Office ....A... .3613 North 24tb St. Vlntoa Office 3461 South 1Mb St. Park Office 2616 Leavenworth 8L Walnot Offlca 1 North 40th 8t South Side N s' Council Bluffs ..14 Main St.. North THB BEE will not be responslbl for more than one Incorrect Inaertlon of an advertlae- tnent ordered tor mora than one time. TJe THB TELEPHONE It Ton cannot eon v leniently bring or aend your ada to any of the abov office. Aak tor a Want Ad Taker and you will receive tbe aame good aervlce aa when dellverlnf your ad In paraoa. I PIIONE TTLEB 1,000. J Want Ad Column Cloaa : JBrntn Edltlona yAI Morning Edltlona ; Sunday Edltlona 10 P. M. Satnrdar Evening DEATH & FUNERAL NOTICES. KEBRASKA LODGE) NO 1. A. F. 4 A. M . MASONIC rUNKRAU The funeral eervlce of our late Peat Maetor Brother William 8. Rowe, will be held at hi late resldenc. 1922 Locust St, at I p. m. Sunday. July 23, HIS. The lodge will aaaemble at Maaonlo Temple, 19th and Douglaa 8ta., at 2 p. m. All Maater Maaona are Invited to at tend. CHARLES H. MANLEY. W. it FRANK WILCOX. Secretary, EcDERMOTT Charlea, aged 85 yeara, died Saturday afternoon after a lingering III seaa. Survived by hi mother, one brother and glater. Funeral Monday morning at home ( his mother. 441S 8. 18th St. at 1:101 to St Bridget' church at o clock. Tntei ent Holy Bepulcher cemetery. AWYER Howard W., age 40. " He la aurvlved beside hi wife, by ona "lt"t; funeral notice later. -ffUNERALJDIRECTORS. HtTL7SE & RIEPEN t Pioneer Funeral Director Mt Bo. lth St Phono PW- ""STACI & FALCONER nndertakera.'ld ft Far. H. 400. UNDERTAKERS and llcenaed embalmera; - , ,. alaa private amDuianc. " Willi C Croaoy, in w. ana iTJu DODDER CO., Funeral Director. r U Faro. Mgr., tid and Cumins Bta, Phone Dougla 7T. Auto ambulance. "HOFFMANN FUNERAL HOMB. Hoffmann duality aarvlca, coat leaa. 4th and Dodga. ' JJDUalS) V fniiu a nrvTi.ir.MAN. unaeriaKer and .halwir. 3411 Farnam 8t Harney 893 FLORISTS. foT-u ' LEE L. LARMON fit? Souglat 8t Dougla. 3244. XDONAGHUE uSVSStn Flower ahlppea every w uwn ijj; VTaTH Careful Florlet, 04 Farnam St. L, Hewderon .1313 Farnam, D. 1243. MONUMENT ft CEMETERIES. WEST LAWN offera aympathetlo lervlce In HUdden (borrowi perpetual eare; no ae.aa- ,.t mi aaav terma Phone WaL 320. VnwtrMt dlaplay of monument iu the e,J."d SUtii FRANK 8VOBODA, ISIS. 14 IS I I3tb Phone Douglaa mS-11213. MARRIAGE LICENSES. Permit to wed have been laVuod to the following! - . . Nam and Realdenca. .-.-. V Age. Fred a Wllllama, Decatur, Neb.. ....... 25 Cerdte Morrow, Decatur, Neb. IS Henry Bnow Da via, Omaha 24 Clara F. Burt. Calhoun, Ala.. ...21 George WaUdn, Chicago, 11L 'J Basal Owen, Chicago, III....... 9 Thomag E. Ijrnk. Omaha Alleen lynk. Omaha WI4 WUUara D. Monaell, Sidney, Neb.. .23 Itna Wilson, Omaha " SPECIAL NOTICES ihrYNHTARl.K'a SALE. Three planoa, aev ral piano tool and benchea, roll o( mualo and aeveral other artlolc. will b offered (or aale at Oordon Van A Stor age warehouaa, Monday, July 29th, 3 p. m. Alao ona Oldamobll car, at Black- atone garage, v, m M ,M, , , , - LOST FOUND REWARDS. REWARD. A liberal reward will be paid for any infr.rntwn leadlnal to the recovery of tb Cadillac car atolen from the C- H.Hull garage during the night ot July 25th. The r.ir.enaa No. 1U3704; angina No. A 10. Two Goodrich cord tire on rear, on Gatea half lole tire on right front wheel. Cap on end ot crank ahaft waa dented, one cap off tool box look, on greaa cup off ne rear aprlng. NOTIFY CHIEF OF POLICE, MARSH ALLTOWN, IA. OMAHA COUNCIL BLUFFS STREET RAILWAY COMPANY. Person having loat eome article would do well to call np the office of the Omaha A Council Bluff Street Railway company to ascertain whether they left it to tbe treet ear. -, - - - Many article each day ar turned In and the company I anxioua to reatore them to the rightful, ownera. JvOST On roller coaaier at Rrug park, a pocfeibook containing about 93 in stiver, registration and claaalf Icatlon cards, vre " eetpta, etc Finder please keep money - and return other article to O. P. Berk- ehlro, Omaha Bee. Composing Room. LOST Gladstone grip containing lady' wearing apparal-and umbrella attached between Gretna and Omaha on O. L. D. road. Liberal reward It returned to iwner, Miss Mat tie Heireekom, Wise Memorial hospital, or leave at Bee office. 1J8T Pocketbook on Dodge and 10th gtUepot car, containing 313.00; check, v 34-40O C. B. car book. Return to addreaa, 3830 N, 81st St (or reward. Opal Rica LOST Friday, in- north part of city, black (elding pure containing bills and ehVk. Finder pleaaa notify Roy Sutton, 26th and Blondo treet. -. t EoST Boston acrew tall brmdle bull dog. white neck and breast Reward (or any Information. Pleaaa call So. 752. JvOS'f Batoa bull female pup. Reward If returned to 2430 Seward. Webster 3637. fcOST While Persian cat Reward. 4:1 N. 4 fitS St Harney 2493. FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS. Furniture and Household Goods. OU1CK ACTION QUICK SELLING. Stat Furniture Co.' July 'Clearance Hal High-grade rug are being aold leaa thaa present wholesale coat Furni ture is Period and Colonial design ar ' being shamefully sacrificed. W make a specialty of complete home outfits; alao hotel and rooming housea Railroad (ar (re to out-of-town buyer within ao mile ( Omaha on purchaaea of 823 or mora STATE FURNITURE CO.. 14th and Dodge Sta TeL Dougla 1817. yHESE GOODS MUST BE - SOLD MONDAY Golden aak dining . room table and hair, dining room mg, lea box, whit namal gaa range, large bra bed, box . 3tattrea and iprings, two carpet In good Condition, Mrs. 1. C Henry, tii g. a6th av. tfcCi'liAL TRUTH . FOR BARGAINS Full line ef furniture, ga aud coat oil ctovea. ruga, baby earrlagn. trunk, eta. Loyal rata. Co, tU ti. ieU . FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS. Furniture and Household Goods. FURNITURE A HARDWARE BARGAINS. Bed, springe, mattress, dreaaora, chlf. fonlers, tablea, chalra. china and kitchen cabinets, ruse and linoleum, trunka anjd eult caaea, gas stoves and ice boxes, full line acreen wire, poultry netting, garden toola 1839-47 Nortb 24tb St. TeL Web. 1607 Open till p. m SACRIFICE on account leaving city. Ele gant Jacobin sideboard, Frncn cnarr, ro orm Inlaid with gold, upholstered In rose aatln. Nearly new aewlng machine; paintings, bric-a-brac, etc, 823 S. 35th Ave. - HOUSEHOLD GOODS Including beda, alao child'a bed, dining room aet, refrigerator, gaa range, wawtrobe with mirror, daven port, library table, etc. 1843 North 17th treet. HOUSEHOLD gooda, Including din g and bed room acta, refrigerator, ga. range. etc. 913 N. 40th at. FURNITURE. Z ruga 2 beda, 1 dreaaer, etc. I'm II Douglaa 9260, all day. GOLDEN oak dining room aet and other furniture.' Call Harney 123. . Dairy Products. FRESH country buttermilk; butter; beat ot cream; atrlctly freab egga; delivered to any part of Omaha. Phone Soutb 2J or Tyler 629. Wagner's. Pianos and Musical Instruments. FOR SALE 14,000 ft. birch lumber, Fa. thoroughly dry, random width, 1 Inch thick, 12 to 1 ft. length. Flna (or In terior work. Beat lumber (or mahog any finish. Jenaen Omaha Toy Co., Doug. sun. WE have aeveral Vlctrolaa that w took In on tradea (or aale; In good condition. Rouaa Phonograph Parlora. Cor. 20tb and Farnanv Sta. A. HOSPE CO.. 1513 Douglaa. have planoa . to rent at 13 60 per month, or will aell on easy term. Boats, Yachts, Etc TAKE A RIDE ON THE LAKE A H-foot cedar boat, 4-foot beam, with i pair oara, aall and rudder, (or aale. Price, $40. Thla boat la In good condition and would coat new 1160. Call' Walnut 204t or aea J. 3. DUMONT & CO. ! 41-1 Keellne Bldg. Phone Douglaa 300. Sewing Machines). SEWING MACHINES We rent, repair, aell needle and part e( all aewlng machinea MICKEL8, NEBRASKA CYCLE CO., Uth and Harney Sta. Doug. 1363. Typewriter and Supplies. .. , . t ; - : f n r TYPEWRITERS, all makea, aold, ' rented and repaired. . TIIE N. W. LONO COMPANY, -r 1913 rfprnam.1 Tel. D. 3969. TYPEWRITERS aold. rented and repaired. Rent an Oliver 3 month (or 93. Central Typewriter Exehange, 1903 Farnam. Wb buy, aell or exchange typewriters; guar, typewriter 310 and np. Write (or list, Midland Typewriter Co., 1404 Dodge. Store and Office- Fixtures. WE buy, aell and make deaka, eafea, ehow caaea. ahelvlng. etc Omaha Fixture A Sup ply Co., llth and Dougla'. D. 2724. FOR BALK Hardware atock and (Ixturea, eaatern Nebraska. Addreaa Box 463. Oma ha Bee. 1 Machinery & Engines. FOR SALE A good well-drilling machine. Cenh or terma. 600 ft. capaolty. equipped with gaa engine, alao have 8t0-ft pip. W B. Merry, 919 Water HrT, Sioux City. Ia, FOR SALE Cheap, curb extractor, In good ahape. Writ C. B. Hill, Phllllpaburg, Kan. Miscellaneous. SHOWER BATHS , 10 good ahower bath (or aale. CHAMBl!HS-0'NEILLr'c0.r ' '"l? 102 Leavenworth 6t BANKRUPT SALE 3 new national ticket reglatera, 133 chair, 40 table, 1 large double meat and vegetable Ice box which coat 1500 1 year ago; 1 aafe. Call W. A. -"Ilorton, trustee, Monday. Douglaa 6920. 0 Mlk LOWO renovated and made up In new feather. proof ticking. 1907 Cuming. Doug, 2437. FOR SALE Good atenotype. .120 Box 897, Omaha Bee. SWAPPERS' COLUMN FOR SALE or trade: 13 head horses; 4 hacka; 1 carryall; 1 3-aeated rig; 1 car riage; 1 nearly new (take drag; 2 double deck delivery wagon, nearly new, M. E. Munapenker, " Plattamouth, Nob. FOR, SALE OR EXCHANGE Automobile atock and lease ; lake ehore location; beat garag town In northwest; muat sacrifice; called to war. Call or writ Laughlln'i Oarag. Madison, S. D. ONE steam tub vulcanlaer; vulcanising apace 4 Inches by 4 (t equipped with mall boiler and gasoline torch. Addreaa, Box Y. 1023. Omaha Bee. I WANTED TO BUY. JENKINS ha Just returned and will give you the lint good aervlce that he gave In lit past Help , win tn war. Bell your old clothea, ahoe. ruga, tooJaNrunk and buy W. 8. S. Will call. Re. D. 8,053. dfftea D. 8844, DESKS DESKS DESKS New deaka; uaed deaka bought, aold and traded. J.-C. Reed. 1201 Farnam. P. 8146, W ANTED A on carat diamond. Muat be a perfect stone, at reasonable price. Ad dreaa B. B., car Koehlor hotel, Grand Inland, Neb. - WANTED Will pay cah for a diamond between on and one half karat. Must be commercially perfect. Anewer by mall toA. B., care Fontenelle hotel, DIAMONDS SOL BERGMAN A CO, 401 -South Uth St WALL PAPER stock, will pay vaan. Ad- arm box Y-6.t, omaha Bee. ANNOUNCEMENTS. Accordeon Pleating. AC'CORDEON. aide, knife, aunburst, box pleating, covered button, all alcee aad tylea; hemstitching, plcot editing, eye let cut work, button hole, pennant. . IDEAL BUTTON AND PLEATING CO.. 300-908 Brown Bldg. Phone Doug. 1933 CORNET Instruction; highly recommended. mono Red 6734. HEMSTITCHING, PLEATING. BUTTONS, O. U. VanArnam Pleating Co..' 336-7 Paxton Block. Phone Doug. 8109. Awnings. AWNINGS AND PORCH FURNITURE. Auto touring tent and camping suppllea SCOTT-OMAHA TENT A AWNINO CO. Billiard Tables. PRIVATE table for part lee at Holme. Brass and Iron Foundries. v PAXTON-MITCHELL CO, . 27th and Martha St.. Omaha. Neb. Bran, bronxa, - aluminum and machine gray Iron caetlnga JBaggage and Express. THE ONLY WAySi.Tf, THE OMAHA TRANSFER CO. REPUBLIC JBLIC AUTO EXPRESS COMPANY will haul everything for you. Package leaa tnan so toe., i cent. Dougla 7463. -s Costumes. FULL dreaa aulta for rent 109 N. 16th St. opposite roatoino. Jons Feldmen Doug, laa 3126. Chiropractors. Dr. J. & Lawrence. Balrd Bldg. D. 8461 Dressmaking. DRESSMAKING; long eiperience; home or ny aay. can Harney 7&e. MISS STURDY, dreaamaklng. Doug, 3286, Detectives, JAMES ALLAN, 113 Neville Blk. Evldenoe secured In all caaea Tyler 1133 Printing and Office Supplies. Watere-Barnhart Ptg. Co. 123 & 13th St ANNOUNCEMENTS. Dentists. Dr. Bradbury. No pain. 821 WjXJff-Bidg. f aft'a Dental Rms.. COS Roae Bldg, P. 2183 Film Developing. FILM "develooed: rolla. 10c: pack. ISe: one-day service, Kaae Studio. Neville Blk. 16th and Harney. Tailors. Dledrlck. P. L. 11(8. 20th Tailor. D. 2432 Towel Supplies. Omaha Towel Supply 207 S llth. D 528. Fixtures and Wiring. TTTP TTM Electric washing machine. LI U XVIYll oiectrlo Irona and reading lampa 223 Cuming St Douglaa 2519. Jewelry. DIAMONDSfeXC 2 at rfmall profit GROSS. 402 N. lth St. Osteopaths. DR. MABLE WESSON, 314 Brandela Bldg T. 2940 R- 4741 ALL kind of piping dona, stove connected and adjuateed; prompt ervlca Webater 1732 or Webater (347. Safes. GAT tfQ BARGAINS. 1212 Farnam. OAl EjO . j 1, Dertght Safe C. Patent Attorneys. PATENTS procured, bought and aold. Inter national Patent Co., 383 Brandela. D. 91 STURGES A T""E J? 8. anf foreign patenta and trademark. 330 Bee Bldg. Rug Cleaning. QUALITY RUO ..CLEANERS, flelentiflo Olive Oil Waahlng. Peralan Rug Cleaning Co.. 3267 Farnam H. 1S42 Medical. PILES, fistula and other rectal dis eases cured without surgical oper ation. Cure guaranteed. Write for book' on rectal diseases with testi monials. 28tBTd,omhlv Wedding Stationery, WEDDlNQ nnouncement and printing. Douglaa Printing Co TeL Douglaa 344. BUSINESS CHANCES. THB OPPORTUNITY OF A LIFETIME. With our knowledge of (our generatlona In the die making abroad, and ten yeara of conatant experimental In the IT. 8. A., we have finally perfected an AMERICAN PRODUCT that makea the moat perfect blue.black Ink In the world (or discrimin ate office and record work. We are Juat In time, a there never waa In the history of the U. S. A. uch a crying demand (or good Ink aa there la now. ' i There I nothing on the market to com pare with it In (juallty and In price. For the AMBITIOUS with a very email lnveatmanOr will offer the opportunity of a lifetime. ' Full particulars, and sample that will will make on pint of Ink will be aent upon application. Referencea required. Act qtilck for territory If yon care to enter Into thl new manufacturing field. The American Ink Product Co., 3933 Jack eon Boulevard, Chicago. FOR SALE Dwelling house; 14 rooms and bath; (urnace heat; furnished; excellent location (or boarding house; olty water and electric lights; located in thrifty and prosperous agricultural community; two bank; two lumber yard; two drug ton; three general merchandise store; two garagea; two hardware atores and Imple ment dealers; three churches; excellent school (acuities; population 600, Eustia New prlnting4lant goe with property. Only paper In Eustia; field I excellent; young blood can make plant clear 3200 a month. Old age. and Inability to give attention to business, reason (or selling. Price, 310,000; ons-half cash, balance on time, C. B. Crist, Euatl, Neb, WAR condition and rapid development have "given rise to many professional opportu nities of exceptional merit In Colorado. A , survey of the state show a large number of attractive openings tor bankers, dentists, druggists, lawyers, newspapers, opticians, photographers, physicians and veterinarians. It you want to locate In a good growing town, address the Colo rado State Board of Immigration, Denver. Colo. PATENTS THAT PROTECT AND PAY. BOOKS AND ADVICE FREE. Send sketch or model (or search. - Highest references. Best results. Promptness assured. Watson E. Coleman lilEYNJR Pacific Bldg. Washington, D. C. ' LIVE DRUG BUSINESS FOR SALE Must sell quick. Am going Into military aervlce. Stock Invoices .310,000 to 313,000. Laat year's business, 320,000. Would con sider trade on farm land. HECKER DRUG CO.. Humphrey, Neb. WOULD YOU Invest a few hundred dollars In a clean, legitimate enterprise, where you have a chance of making from 100 to 200 per cent? You can get tn on the ab solute ground door. No promotion. Ful lest Investigation. If Interested, address (or particulars, Box 1094, Omaha Bee. ' SHOW SHOP FOR SALE. One of the best paying shoe shop for sale with Landla No. 12 outfit; also small stock of shoes. This shop ha never been (or sal before; will give prospective buyer reason (or selling Royal Shoo Shop. Boulder, Colo. LARGE OMAHA RESTAURANT Good location;' old established; hand some fixtures; cheap rent Sale or ax change, v THOMAS O'NEIL ' ; 382 Brandela Theater. LIVE DRUG business (or aale. Muat sell quick; am going Into military service; stock Invoice 810.000 to 312,000. Laat year business, 330.000. Would consider trad on fa rite land. Hecker Drug Co, Humphrey, Neb. MONEY-MAKING picture ahow la college town. No competition. D. E. Donovan, Peru, Neb. ' " FARMERS wanted with a little money who want to own a (arm of. their own by ; making a snmll payment down and the balance on time. Write ua. The Eastern Investment Co., Clear Lake, & D. "We own our own farma." FOR SALE lneral merchandise atock, In voice about 310,000, moatly fall and win ter gooda; will rent or sell building; would consider aoni trad on (arm land. S. A. Sherrerd, Wood River, Neb. FOR BALK Small grocery business In south part of Council Bluffa. Hood loca tion. Established many years, McUee Real Estate Co 103 Pearl St, Council Bluffa HAVE lease on large garage, located on main street; good location for repair shop and auto accessories. Have other business and will turn lease over to re sponsible party. Phone Webster 47. COAL MINE FOR T RADII or sale, control, producing, high grade bttumlnoua, Colorado mine; 340,000 deal; want plantation or mdse.' or live stock. Owner, Box 86. Pueblo, Colo. FOR SALE Undertaking business. Only on In Stanton county; atock carried in two towns; new auto hearse; up-to-date equipment, must aell at once; preparing for army. W. N. Orris, Stanton, Neb. 14.000 buya brick building and property of only picture ahow Iptown of 1,009 popu- lation. Cheap, for quick aale by earner. Pays big Interest on Investment Box 4246, Omaha Bee. , SICKNESS forces me to sacrifice money' making confectionery and Ice cream per . lor. Everything good a new and tb beet money can buy. Rent 330 with It,' Ing rooms. Tyler 1783-W. FOR SALE Complete butcher shop and grocery fixture, in good llv town In - Scottsbluff county. Neb.; small stock gro ceries; 11.200 will buy all. Fltchi Broa V Co. Mitchell. Neb. . - BUSINESS CHANCES. OPPORTUNITY to obtain controlling inter eat In manufacturing business in Kansas City, requires 83,000; well established, profitable concern. Address . Box Y 630. Omaha Bee. FOR 8ALE Well equipped Newspaper and Job of race; good territory; growing busi ness; sacrifice price, easy term, or lease. The Weekly Wave, Odyi. Neb. FOR SALE FOR CASH Saloon In good lo cation, doing good buslnesa Reason for quitting, death. Addreaa H . 1410 Charlea Ht, St Joseph, Mo. GOOD paying drug store, corner 16th and Davenport; new fixtures and fountain, well assorted stock, excellent location; will sell at Invoice. See us at one. FOR SALE Going coal mine In Center vlile, la., district producing 100 ton dally. Will pay for Itself tn alx months. Address, Y 629, Omaha Bee. FOR SALE Office business; suitable for m?n or woman. 336 Paxton Blk.. Omaha. RESTAURANT, with established trade; connection. 802 So. 13th. f aoft drink In Rooming Houses for Sale. CLOSE-IN ROOMING HOUSE, STEAM HEAT FURNISHED 322 S. 26th St., 14 rooms, all modern; good condition; no coal bills; w buy It and furnish hot water the year around. -ARMSTRONG-WALSH CO. Tyler 1536. 333 Securities Bldg. FURNITURE of aeven room (lat, good loca tion, bargain (or caah. 1760 Leaven worth street. TEN-ROOM, modern rooming house for sale; reasonable. 312 Nortb, ill St. uoug 1ns 1 378 SITUATIONS WANTED. Male AN EXPERIENCED bookkeeper, auditor and general accountant middle age, ex empt from draft, desires position In city or country. Wide experience in several lines of business. References, etc., A 1. Box 1055, Omaha Be. MAN, age 32, stenographer trafflo dept., correspondent leading Omaha firms, also eight years principal and teacher, 2 years college. Reasonable salary expected for experience. Box 1090, Omaha Bee, GENTLEMAN, aged 60 years, with 20 years' experience on farm, desires light work on farm. Address P. T. Hanna, 101 No. 18th St. res., or work, 1811 Far nam St., car Miller' Icafe. WANTED Position aa manager. aeveral years' experience in managing and book keeping, best referencea, above draft age, employed at present Address Box Y 637, Omaha Be. YOUNG married man exempt from draft wishes position as salesman either city or country. References, Address Box Y, Omaha Bee. A SPECIALTY salesman now employed wishes to make a change and la open for an Interview. 'Box 1050, Omaha Bee. PAINT, carpet and paper cleaning, the Na tional Cleaning and Service company, 2709 Leavenworth St. Harney 6012. EXPERIENCED DouglftS 8349. carpenter wants work. YOUNG MAN paat draft, good mechanic, wants olty position. Good ref. Web. 6040; Female. POSITION wanted by nurse to care for old lady or children. Red 7236. WANTED Position 3666. housekeeper, - Dg. SPANISH girl wants sewing, rea. Web. 4736 Laundry and Day Work. EXPERIENCED laundry and house clean ing; satisfaction guaranteed. Webster 3680. - Wanted Day work by reliable white woman. Call Red 7839. DAY WORK wanted by colored girl. Call Webster 3293. COLORED LADY wanta bundle washing. Call So. 8989. EXPERIENCED colored woman Call South 2138. want laundry work. WELL EXPERIENCED colored lady day Work. Webster 1302. BUNDLE washing, to take home or work by hour. Douglas 8463. BUNDLE WAStfING, rough dry and finish ed. Red 6873. BUNDLE washing, fancy clothes specialty. Webster 6894. COLORED GIRL wants day work. Ask for Bell. Web. 2978. COLORED laundress wants day work. South 753. CURTAINS laundered, w'k guar. Har. 1130. LAUNDRY work by hour. Web. 2058. WANTED Bundle washing. Call Web. 1873. Day work and bundle washing Wab, 1088. DAY work wanted. Call Webster 698. HELP WANTED MALE. Stores and Offices. OFFICE manager and assistant to general manager, accountant, 3200; credit man ager and bookkeeper, 3125; traveling salesman, established trade, staple com modity, 3125; stenographer and assistant office manager, 3125; bookkeeper, manu facturing firm, 3100; bookkeeper, milling firm, 3150; ledger clerk. $100; general office clerk, experience not necessary, 18 to 20, 365 to 35: statistical clerk, 2100; timekeeper, young man, $75; assistant bookkeeper, experience not required, 365. WESTERN REFERENCE & BOND ASS'N, Originators of the Reference Business, 736 First National Bank Building. BOOKKEEPER, $135; bookkeeper, $125; bookkeeper and cashier, $116; book keeper, $100; office clerk, n100; office clerk and cashier, $110; office clerk, $90; assistant bookkeeper, $86; office clerk, $75; (tie clerk, $75; stenographer, $98; ledger poster operator, $85; Burroughs operator, $80; Burroughs- operator, $75; assistant shipper; ledger clerk, $125; office clerks, $60, $86; bookkeeper and cashier, August 15th. $100. WATTS REFERENCE COMPANY, 1U8 First National Bank Bldg. WAITED. GOOD GENERAL OFFICE MAN, ONE NOT AFFECTED BY DRAFT; MUST BE GOOD AT FIGURES AND GOOD PEN MAN, GOOD OPPORTUNITY FOR RIGHT PARTY. CALL OFFICE MANAGER, SOUTH 2340,, m ' . . V LARGE CORPORATION baa opening (or a high grade aalesman; Insurance, adver tising or specialty experience preferred. A genuine opportunity (or an ambitious man; purely commission baals; position can be mad to pay $5,000 first year, In creasing annually. Stat qualifications fully giving phone-liumber. Manager will be here' to Interview applicant Sunday and Monday. Box 1044, Omaha Bee. Auto truck aalesman, salary and eom. Salesman, good line; sal. and com. Bookkeeper, must oe clean cut mansl above draft, $126, $160. Stenographer, out of city, 3100. Factory man, $75, $100. Correspondent clerk, $100, $125. THB MARTI COMPANY, 1128 W. O. W. Bldg. EXPERIENCED cjerk wanted, also boy to woTX In the stock. J. Helphand Cloth ing Co., 214 N,orth 16th. Bookkeeper and mgr. (small office) ii wk.; office clerks, $76-390; ledger clerks, $100. Co-operative Ref. Co.. 1016 City Natl. Bk. WANTED Experienced "prescription clerk; need not be7 registered; man or woman. A. T. Fried, 600 8. 21st St., Co. Bluffs. Professions and Trades. : " WANTED. ONE DRAFTSMAN STATE EXPERIENCE AND SALARY 1 BOX 4758. WANTED Young man to work lit the pree room. Apply to 8upt Be Publishing Co. WANTED A registered pharmacist Qulg lejr Pharmacy, 16th and Davenoort Bta HELP WANTED MALE. Professions and Trades. '. WANTED. ' ' Exerienced competent second miller to work in our new 2,500-bar-rel mill; excellent pay; easy mill to handle; splendid diance for ad vancement and to learn milling on a big rale. ' Write state agqQif in draft give classification outline experience. Also need 'a good bolterman at 45c per hour. ' r Good flour packers at 45c per hour. i , OMAHA FLOUR MILLS CO. SHIP WORKERS: STEADY WORK, LONG JOB; COME, DON'T WRITE; RIVET ERS, HOLDERS ON HEATERS. STRUCT URAL IRON WORKERS, BOILER MAKERS; BEST' PLACE TO WORK; NEW YARD AND NEW EQUIP MENT; BEST PLACE TO LIV'B THE METROPOLITAN DISTRICT WITH ITS VARIED AMUSEMENTS AND ATTRACTIONS IS YOURS FROM WHICH TO CHOOSE YOUR HOME SURROUNDINGS. APPLY SUB MARINE BOAT CORPORATION EM PLOYMENT OFFICE, NEWARK BAY SHIP YARD, PORT NEWARK, J. J. WANTED Express Handlers. Drivers and Chauffeurs. Increased Salaries. AMERICAN RAILWAY EXPRESS CO. Apply Union or Burlington Station office. PRINTER All around man who can take full charge of well equipped country of fice. Good wages and permanent Job to married man who can make good. Write or phone Clay County Patriot, Clay Cen ter, Neb. i WANTED. MACHINIST HELPER. APPLY LOOSE-WILES BISCUIT COJ iztn and Davenport Streets! WANTED An experienced man t han die our lunch oounter nights.' Mist be able to furnish reference aa to honesty and ability. Apply in person. Bruns wick Restaurant, Fremont, Neb. WANTED Flrst-claas tailor. Prefer el derly man, or one above draft, age. Good wages paid to right party. Address May Clothing Store, Coxad, Neb. WANTED Licensed assistant engineer, eight-hour shift, $100 per month. Apply to engineer Blackstone Hotel. LEARN barber trade, low rates now; Call or write Barber College, 1124 Doug las St WANTED Carpenters and car repair men. steady work. Call Armour Car Shop, list and G streets, South 8lde. WANTED Upholsterer (or furniture de partment. Box 41406. Bee PRINTER To operate hand power paper cutter. Bee, Box 854, or phone D. 1835. Salesmen and Solicitors. T BOND SALESMEN One of the largest, strongest and most conservative firms in the country has an opening in its bond department for salesmen for Illinois and Iowa. v Young men who are draft exempt or In deferred classifications will receive pref erence. We want men of Integrity, sell ing ability. Initiative, energy, good ap pearand and character and for men of this kind the future Is only limited by their own ability. In order to receive consideration, ap plicants should state clearly age, draft standing, dependents, business connections for the last five years and give at least five references. Address Box 1054, Omaha Bee. SALESMAN. Wanted a gentleman who Is looking to better his position and has a few hundred dollars to Invest tn one of the best selling specialties on the market, protected and1 used by the government; no competition. We want such a man to take state agency or as much of state as he can handle through sub agents. This, is nSTake schema. Bradstreet and Dunn's Agency for reference; Investigate. For interview address Box 1034 Omaha Bee. ATTENTION STOCK SALESMEN. ' We have an exceptionally strong line.up on a farm truck proposition and have good territory in Utah, Idaho, Nevada, Wyorn. Ing and Washington. Attractive tcommis skn and selling features. We have this Job lined up right. KNOX & READY, Suite 624 Mclntyre Bldg. SalW.ake, Utah. GENERAL AGENT for Nebraska by large casualty company Issuing an unrestricted health and accident policy; large commis sion and renewals. If you are nofmak lng $6,000 a year call on or address Mr. Scott, Home Office Manager. Hotel Flat Iron, Omaha. Neb. " SPECIALTY SALESMAN For eaatern Nebraska and Western Iowa. Old established corporation are addlyg five' more salesmen to their present or ganisation". Must be order .getters. Ask for Mr. Renne, Hotel Fontenelle, Omaha, Neb., July 29-80. FIRST-CLASS salesman, six year last em ployer, open tor position with good ro table firm as salesman In Colorado and Wyoming. Live In Denver. Can qualify y for bond. Best of references. F. A. Anderson 3052 Wyandot St., Denver, Colo. IRRIGATED LAND SALESMEN Must have knowledge o( (arming atock growing and irrigation. Must own car and give time to the work. Address Bar ley J. Hooker, 940 First .. National Bank Bldg., omana, rtett, WANTED A local and state representa tive (or Iowa and Nebraska. Must be able to invest small capital and devcte all or spare time. Rfg-V-Llte Mfg. Co 118 E. Jackson St., Mankato, Minn. WANTED A grocery salesman (or gen eral: store. State age. married or single, .experience, references and salary ex pected. Position 1 steady. Apply The Diiresj Mercantile Co.. Dixon. Neb. FARM MORTGAGE SALESMAN. One who understands Irrigation farming preferred. State experience. Harley J Hooker, 940 First National Bank Bldg.' Omaha, Neb. - " WANTED Registered druggist to manage drug store at Cheater, Neb. Present man -ager to be called Into army soon. Write or wire Acnen Drug Co., Chester, Neb. M MAN to accompany me on auto trip to Portland. Ore. Box 1132. Bee. Agents and Canvassers. SONG writer, composers, poets; big oppor tunity. Write Peerless Music Co.. Cleve land, O. Trade Schools. THOUSANDS of government posltlona open to men and women. Examinations soon. I tell you how to obtain a government position. Information FREE. Write George W. Robblns, formerly with the government. Civil Service Kxpert-Jer-dan Bldg., Washington. D. r HELP WANTED MALE. Trade Schools. BE AN AUTO and tractor expert In a few weeks; earn $90 to $300 a month. Our big (ree book explains. Bahe'a Auto School, v 2130 Oak St. Kansas City, Mo. Teamsters and Chauffeurs. WANTED TEAMSTERS - v ' And coal yard man. Highest pay and steady job. Call Walnut 301. UPDIKE LUMBER A COAL CO. CHAUFFEUR, single, white, private Job, good wages, permanent place. Give age, experience as driver and mechanic, last employer, tnree good references and wagea desired with room and board. Bo: 6182, Omaha Bee. Miscellaneous. i FARM HELP WANTED Grand " Forks county, North Dakota, needs 2,200 men, August 1, (or harvest and threshing. Uniform wage scale; har vest, $3.60, and threshing, $4.50, -per day. with botrd. Apply Rex E. Wlllard, county agent, or U. S. Employment service. Grand Forks, N. D. WANTED LABORERS or. handy men; steady employment, good pay. No time loat on account of weather or material. APPLY GAS WORKS, r , 20th and Center St. WANTED. LABORERS. 40 CTS. PER HOUR. APPLY MONDAY MORNING. LEHJJACK CONSTRUCTION CO., 26TH AND CENTER. ELDERLY GENTLEMAN FOR DOORMAN. MUST HAVE GOOD APPEARANCE AND PLEASANT MANNER. LOOSE-WILES BISCUIT CO., 12TH AND DAVENPORT STREETS.- , WANTED AT ONE Switchboard opera tors (or large steam power plant Steady work; good chance (or advancement Give training and prevlou experience, Ne braska Power Co. ' WANTED Men 19 to 60 yeara old, for gen eral yard work; steady work for good men. Apply timekeeper, Union Stock ' Yards Co., South Omaha. RAILWAY MAIL CLERK examinations Aug. 10. Hundreds wanted. $1,100 year. Sample questions 'free. Franklin Instl- tute, Dept. 23-F, Rochester, N. Y.: FARM hands wanted for haying and har vest, also a few men by the month; good wages. Address W. A. Dickinson, county agent, Charles City, Ia. MEN wanted; good wages and reasonable hours. Apply MANEY MILLING CO., 27th and Arbor Sta. WANTED Stablemen at once. Apuly American Railway Express Co., 1107 Capi tol Ave. . x WANTED MEN FOR GENERAL WARE HOUSE WORK. 36-hours. Call at 1208 Jonss St. YOUNG .colored man to work In cleaning place. 2907 Leavenworth. VHELP WANTED FEMALE. Stores and Offices. ASSISTANT office manafeer and bookkeeper, $125; stenographer. Insurance office, up town, $85; bookkeeper and assistant on credits, $100; bookkeeper, small wholesale house, exceptionally fine office, up town, $65 to $85, depending? on experience; as sistant bookkeeper and stenographer, retail establishment, $65 to $75; bookkeeper, small wholesale house, up town, $85; sten ographer, some experience, small office, $65; general office clerk, some typewrit ing,' 365 to 375. WESTERN REFERENCE AND BOND i ASS'N, Originators of the Reference business. 736 First National Bank Building STENOGRAPHER High class position In main office of large corporation, (or com nntent woman stenographer. Pleasant wnrlrln conditions, hours 8:30 to 5:00. Salary 320 weekly. Must have at least - two years' experience, be able to take rapid dictation, transcribe notesflorrectly and turn out neat and attractive letters. Apply in writing, stating briefly your ex- , perlence and qualification ( General ' Manager, Box 1285, city. Steno. and bkkpr., wholesale, J6, lioo. Bookkeeper, splendid future, $90, $10e. Officf clerks, $5, $65. , Diet, opr.,' several months exp., $o5. File , clerk, Ins.. $75. ' Office clerk, middle aged lady, $50, $65. Stenographers, Ins.; $60, $85. Stenographer, whelesale. $75. Only., 60c to register. THE MARTI COMPANY. . 1126 W. w. '. STENOGRAPHERS. $100, $9o. $90, $85. $80, $75; stenographers. $70. $65, $60. $60, $40; -steno. and 'diet opr., $76; dictaphone op erator, $75; stenographer and book keeper, small office, $86; typist, $76; led ger clerk $75: bookkeepers, $50, 385; blller,, $75'; typist and clerk. $50; typist, $45J Burroughs operators. 380, $75, $6e, $50. Office clerk 5aaF'fur.e?; WATTS REFERENCE COMPANY. H38 First National paw WE HAVE position open for high class , young woman stenographer with nhllltv. ' Must e thoroughly competent in taking dictation able to operate billing macM" act aa asslstant to accountant and will ing to work. Thl is an exceptional opening. In .answer .tat previous ex perience, salary expected and give refer- ences. Box iue. GOVERNMENT Needs 20.000 Women Clerks la t linn A SI TF lBT Vl Jl TSB at Washington. Hiinm.- In August Experience unnecessary. Women desiring government positions write for free particular to J. C. Leonrd (former Civil Service Examiner). 626 Kenols Bldg.. Wasningion. GOVERNMENT will hold civil rvtc. ex amination in Jniu i" ------ wom.n clerk, needed at Washington. Wo men desiring government clerkehlp writ, fur free Particular to R. E. Terry, (for mer civil .ervlce examiner). 315 Colum bian Bldg.. wasnina : : i ttiAVAiivhi WANTED By wnoiesaio ui., .-v. competent .tenograpner. edncated; good .rthtJ Phone Tyler 2060 or addres. P. O. Box 696, Omaha, Nen. COMPETENT buslnesa woman a a tenog- rftnher OOOO Bnti'J r - advancement. Telephone Ml Olsson Monday for. appointment at Dougla 769. WANTED Bill clerk on. with some knowledge 01 X tv ii.v. .j n.. THE OMAHA NEWS CO., 15th and Dav- nportst. xp. w..ch yi:.,J $76; Burroughs- aaains r: ' " rn.Onerative Ref. Co.. m' -r ' FIRST dais stenogra pher Immediately. Box 1011, Omana nee. GOOD .tenographer "vlng South Side. Box 113. Omaha B HELP WANTED FEMALE. Professions and Trades. WANTED Young Ladies u lizrv telephone operating. Good wages paid while lsarning, rapid advance ment, permanent positions. Apply to C . LAMBERT 1807 Douglas St x GIRLS WANTED. , Wanted experienced operators on power" machines, making shirts and o vera lis Can alao use inexperienced girls. Apply at once. BYRfrE & HAMMER DRY GOODS CO. 9th and Howard. WANTED. EXPERIENCED TRIMMERS AN I -MAKERS, GOOD .POSITIONS. APPLY AT dNCE. ' ' M. SPIESBERGER. & SONS CO., 1014 Farnam St WANTED 15 experienced sewing machine operators; steady work and best paying position In the city. Omaha Auto Top Co., 709-11 South Uth St. , - J WANTED 15 experienced sewing machine , operators; steady work and best, paying position tn the city. Apply at once. Oma ha Auto Top Co., 709-11 South 15th St JANITRESS wanted, 540 First Nat'l. Bank Bldg.. Colored not considered. DEMONSTRATOR wanted , Call at 2963 Pacific street. for Genigola. Saleswomen and Solicitors. WANTED rtouiperent Baleslad'y for gnneral store In Nebraska. Must be capable to look after dry goods department. State alary and reference in first letter. Ad dress Box Y 631, Omaha Bee. Household and Domestic. WANTED Ten bright capable ladles to travel, demonstrate and sell well known goods to established dealers. 325.00 to $50.00 per week; railroad fare paid; week ly advance for traveling expenses. Ad dress at once Goodrich Drug Co., Dept. 514, Omaha, Neb, EXPERIENCED white girl for general housework. Three In family. No laun dry work. Good wages. Mrs. H. H. Fish. Harney 2480. MIDDLE.AGED woman for. general house work on larm. una witn good refer, ences. Write Frank Cuda. Bee. Neb.. route 1. ' - WANTED Experienced girl for general housework. No laundry Work and good Wages. South 934, - WANTED A competent white woman for general nouseworg; no wasning. tail Harney 1116. GIRL for general housework; no laundry. help cooking, small family, 'good wages. 3311 Woolworth Ave. . - WANTED At once an experienced cook. Mrs. N. B. Updike, 3614 Jackson streett GIRL for general housework, family o( three; no washing. 140 South jWth. COMPETENT white woman for general Good home. 2218 Plnkney. housework. WANTED A competent second maid. ' Ap ply zti 8. ,3Zd Ave. Fhone Harney 206. Hotels and 'Restaurants. WANTED Six experienced counter girls for cafeteria; unless you have had cafe teria experience do not apply; ali one thoroughly competent salad girl; also 3 experienced floor girls; wages no ob ject. Apply at once. Harmony Cafeteria. Douglas 8797, 1509 Harney St. WANTED Two respectable'white girls, one lor dining room and chamber., work ; oue for dish-washing and laundry vJofls. Al dresa Box 304. Valentine. Neb. Trade .Schools. WANTED Ladles to learn barber tr Special rates and Inducements. TRi-CITY BARBER COLLEUh 1402 Douglas St Miscellaneous WANTEp Girl between 18 to 26 years for cashier "In picture show, evenings. Queen Theater, 607 Eierce St. WANTED Girls, or women broom con, Jorters. Oinahii Broom Factory. 1346 S. 0th St. HELP WANTED. Male and Female. WANTED Men, ladlea and boys, iearu barber trade; big demand: wages while learning; strictly modern. Call or write 1402 Dodge St. Trt-Clty Barber College. Phone D. 2147. WANTED Pianist and violinist for cafe teria; must come well recommended. Ap ply at once. Harmony Cafeteria. 1509 Harney St. Douglas 8797. QOLER Barber College wants young men and ladles to learn the barber trade. Call 'or write for free catalogue. 110 S. 14th ' St. Omaha. NeB. -EDUCATIONAL. Van Sant School ot Business. Day and Evening Schools. 220 Omaha National Bank Bldg.. Douglas 689U SHORTHAND and .typewriting taught In three months Special night classes. For particulars call Webater 3405, FOR RENT ROOMS. Furnished Rooms. SANITARY modern rooms for mep only. $2.60 per week. Sunshine Apartment. 603 N. 17th St J. B. Robinson. 443 Be Bldg., Dougla 8097. IN Field club district, beautiful cunroom, large windows. In new, private, mod ern - home. One block from car line. Harney 3672. MODERN (urnlahed room, permanent or tranalent. Including large (rant room suitable (or three gentlemea 1711 DndKe. 206 S. 20TH AVE. Furnished rojom, mod ern, also basement room, cheap; walking distance. Phone Harney 2783. MODERN (urnlahed rooms tor men only at the Sunshine. 308 North I7tb St Reason able ret ' TWO-ROOM apartment, also sleeping rooms with hot and cold running water. 2474 - Harney. Douglas 4933. 3121 CalKornia 2 furnished, modern, ground floor.'nlce yard. Harney 4001. - 205 S 25TH AVE. Apt 7, tn private fam- ' "y- y - ! NICELY furnished rooms.1 22d and Plnk ney. Phone weosier em. NICELY furnished room In modern apart ment f walking dlstano Red 4232. 623 8. 31ST AVE. Private family. Modern. Call Harney 4468. . - i STRICTLY modern (urnlahed roora at HI r N. 35th S V Y A ft A.