Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 21, 1918, FIRST, Page 4, Image 4

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    MAMF.s nF MEN
T. A. Hollister Makes Eleventh
.Hour Filing for Sheriff,
Backed by Smith-
Howell Machine.
. (Continued rrotn Vf One.)
the last minute. This same political
machine had been flirting also with
C. E. Foster for the county attor
neyship, but the way the cards came
out, J. J. Boucher filed for county at
torney and Foster filed for police
judge. , , ,
Other candidates in this combina
tion arei R. B. Howell for governor
N. P. Dodge for congress, and I. L.
Beisel for treasurer. It is also pro
posed to take in Ross L. Hammond
for United States senator. C. L.
Saunders, who is out of the city, was
filed by a representative of the ma
chine for the state senate. '
Dewey Unopposed. -1
Frank Dewey drew a lucky number
in that he has no opposition for the
republican . nomination for county
clerk. He attributes this to the fact
that he filed on his birthday anniver-
Henry C. Tichmond, who filed for
the legislature on the democratic side,
remarked that he did so at the be
hest of R. L. Metcalfe.. . V
Tom O'Connor," county commis
sioner, and Tom Hoctor, former may
or of South Omaha, will contest for
the democratic nomination for conn
ty commissioner in the Fourth dis
trict. Politicians averred that Long
Tom and Short. Tom will kick up the
dust some when they get up their
. speed. . .
Many for Legislature.
Thirty-three republicans and 23
democrats filed for the lower house
of the legislature, while 14 republi
cans and. 12 democrats filed tor the
senate. .,
- Isidor Ziegler of this city paid a
filing- fee with the county treasurer,
indicating liis intention to file for the
republican nomination for lieutenant
governor. t
Filings for the municipal court may
be made until August ,10, on account
of the nonpartisan feature of these
Itate Representative Republican. !
James Allan Private detective.
Once in legislature. - , .
John A. Lovgren-Real estate busi
ness; never held office. .4
John Larsen Served term tn legis
lature; once member of South Omaha
city council. ' .
i? T. Ra;iv Caroenter.'
Victor D. Reynolds Office aupply
business. . -
George A? SargentFormer police
man; now a salesman.
Chris Lyck Formerly in saloon
business. t '
. M. McDowell Former assistant
city building inspector. ?
Herman C. Timme With' Wood-,
men of the World.? Active Improve
ment club officer.; v i
George C Porter Lawyer; former
ly secretary of ttate socialists. '
Nc'.s A. Lungrcn Member of last
lelris1ature,: now. insurance business.
George E. Turkington Attorney
and 'pat estate. "'' "
Jo' n Hi Berger Retired; member
of Grand 'Army of "Republic'
Tohn Lvnn Former city employe;
now in charge of South Side labor
i temple.
Louis Berka Realtor: served as
ritv councilman and oolice judge.
A .1 i . . r 1 . - t .1..
Ki. tu oarKcr rormcr jusutc oi wc
peace. - 1 -
-J. Frank Burgess Member 1915
legislature; once secretary of Board
of Education." , .;.-.
. Harty A. Foster Served two terms
as state representative; Member, of
present city charter convention.
James L, Johnson Manager of the
Florence Growers' Exchange. :
A. C, Harte Former county com
missioner. , '
A. F. Hansen 2907 Douglas street.
,A. L. Bergquist Coal dealer; once
in South Omaha police commission.
Lew Pixley P.ioneer resident; city
employe for several years.
J. A. Davis Member of 1913 legis
" lature. " . ,,
. R. C Druesedow State represent
ative 1913 and 191 S.
George B. Dyball Formerly in dai
ry business; ran for city commission
Tony Costanio In newspaper
street sales business.
E. Vaks President of Omaha Junk
I Peddlers association. -
T. I. O'Keefe Lawver.
Howard M. Goulding President of
Omaha Bottling Co. 1
Harry Asher Insurance business.
I 'B. Park Billings Dental supply
. Samuel Mancuso Real estate.
Suite Representative Democratic
. R. A. , Schneider Cigar manufac
;urer; present member.
. R. H. Bremers Lawyer.
. D. William Fleming Former rail
road man and deputy county asses
sor. . '
Albert Van Houtte Packing house
. oreman.
Fwin L. Huntley Publisher "The
Jack Casson Laborer, 1
John L. Donellan Wholesale lum
)er. Fred W.' Anheuser Lawyer; for
mer city prosecutor.
Henry Anderson Banker at Flor
.nce. , :' .', : - , .: ..." '. " .
Gerald M. Drew Lawyer. .
Otto H. Stuben Salesman; ran for
.. L.- B. Day Lawyer.
Philio E. Horan Lawyer.
John M. Welch Former city meat
inspector; - -.'7:,':.-': -V, . t
C. A. Haloenny Store clerk.
Frank Keegan Present member of
legislature, -.'-v.:.!
WL'liam E. Lovely Lawyer,,
' F. M. Herinff Stone business,
William Kain Forty-ninth and R
streets.. : .,',, ,..: .
Charles C Redwood Lawyer.
E. A, Calelly Farmer. "
Jerry Howard Member present
legislature; night superintendent of
city hall.
M. Courtney Mailer.
State Senators Republican.
A. H. Bigelow Lawyer; candidate
once for attorney general on Bull
Moose ticket
. Charles W. Sears Lawyer; nomi
nee for attorney general on repub
lican ticket four years ago.
W. J. Broatch Former mayor.
F. W. Fitch Lawyer; once deputy
county attorney.
Raymond T. Coffey Lawyer.
J. M. McFarland Lawyer; former
state senator.
.Irving G. Baright Building and
loan business.
John W. Cooper Lawyer.
W.-1. Kierstead Retired; pioneer
John W. Robbins Real estate busi
ness. ,
Henry J. Beal Lawyer, South Side.
Charles E. Byars Publisher Val
leq Enterprise.
Charles L. Saunders Former state
Thomas W. Blackburn Lawyer.
State Senators Democratic.
Charles O. Anderson Lawyer.
James H. Craddock Present state
Jens Nielsen Present state repre
sentative. A. A. Lamoreaux Formerly in ice
I. Konecky Employe county treas
urer's office. ,
J. M. Tanner" Publisher Nebraska
F. J. Birss Bridge and construc
tion business.
John F. Moriarty Lawyer; present
state senator.
' C. L. Shamp Secretary of national
organization of stationary engineers.
John E. Reagan Former state sen
ator. '
D. C. Patterson Real estate.
Henry C. Richmond Secretary of
State Council of Defense and former
member of legislature.
County Attorney Republican.
Abel V. Shotwell Lawyer; first
time a candidate.
Charles Battelle Lawyer.
C. W. Britt Judge of municipal
J. P. Palmer Lawyer; member of
191 S legislature.
Henry C. Murphy Lawyer; nom
inee in 1916.
J. T. Boucher Lawyer.
County Attorney Democratic.
H. L. Mossman Lawyer,
James O'Hara Lawyer.
Ray J. Abbott Deputy county at
torney. '
County Commissioners Republican.
Henry McDonald Present commis
sioner. Fred C. Rogers Former mperin
tendent county hospital.
Henry W. Dunn Former c'lief of
police. '
.Julius A. Wiig Tin shop.
Charles F. Kuncl Meat ,market.
. Fred Bruning Former county com
missioner. i ;,V
P. J. Trainor Former mayor of
South Omaha and former city com
missioner. 1
John Van Wfe Salesman.
William Jensen Laundry business.
Franck C. i Gardiner Bricklayer:
ran for city commissioner.
John i. Jensen Grocery and meat
business. ; :
Charles Unitt Clerk of lodge.
County Commissioners Democratic. :
Ed.1 J. McArdle Stamp and stencil
business. ' . -, Y , . (
J. P. Connolly Former ' county
commissioner; member of Board of
public recreation. -. v
Sophus , F. Neble Present county
Adam Sloup Fo.mer deputy sher
iff and now in soft drink business.
Thomas O'Connor Present com
missioner. : :
Thomas Hoctor Former mavor of
aoutn umaha.
Arthur L. Anderson Former rail
road traveling passenger agents-
John Liddeil Former member of
the leeislature.
Police Judge Republican.
C. H. Kubat Lawyer; former jus
tice of peace.
H. H. C'aibprne-f-Iawyer; former
justice of peace.
Joseph W. Marrow District court
Morris Milder Investments; for
mer saloon keeper. ,
Arthur c. Thomsen Lawyer.
C E. Foster Former police judge.
Police Judge Democratic.
J. M. Fitzgerald Now serving.
Ray J Madden Now serving.
Norman C. Gault Lawyer.
County Treasurer Republican.
W. G. Shriver Real estate; former
county assessor.
I. L. Beisel Former deputy treas
urer; twice defeated for same office;
at present employed in city clerk's
office. .
Charles A. Granden Burcesa-Gran.
den, electrical fixture business.
County Treasurer Democratic
M. L. Endres Present incumbent.
County Clerk Republican.
Frank Dewey Present incumbent.
County Clerk Democratic.
Joe Wrieht Former denutv hr.
iff; barber shop. .
a. iJ. Vule Clerk in narkino- house
Register of Deeds Republican.
Harry Pearce Present incumbent
Frank W. Bandli Cigar business;
former incumbent. '
Register of Deeds Democratic.
P. M. Tobin Formerly in offie of
register of deeds.
Frank V. Lawson Lawyer.
Sheriff Republican.
M. L. Clark Present sherjff.
;T. A. Hollister Lawyer. ,
, Sheriff Democratic
,' John M. Hofeldt Farmer at Wa
terloo. '
Patrick T. Lavelle Former demitv
sheriff. .
CO. Pickett Cigar salesman; ran
four years ago for register of deeds
and two years ago for district clerk.
County Surveyor Republican.
; L. E. Adams Present incumbent
Peter A. Edquist Former county
County Surveyor Democratic. '
Edward J. Krigbaum Carpenter.
County Superintendent Nonpartisan.
Milton A. Sams Superintendent of
Valley schools.
" John E. Gibney Instructor " in
Creighton university.
Miss Mary G. Keenan Sister of
Present County Superintendent Keen
an. Mrs. Mable Jolinson Waterloo.
Water Board Republican.
F. D. Wead Present member of
C.' G. Carlberg Real estate busi
ness. Water Board Democratic.
y. J. Coad Present member of
Judges of Municipal Court.
George Holmes Present judge.
A, E. Baldwin Present judge.
C. W. Pc- ger I awyer.
Justices of the Peace.
Ed Leeder Justice of the peace;
former member of legis'ature.
George S. Collins Former South,
Side justice of the peace. Member
of city charter convention. Tax col
lector. Joseph Moron Groce.. South Side.
Maurice J. Roach Constable in mu
nicipal court.
Joseph O. Burger Lawyer, Reagan
& Burger.
H. Glen Moran Justice of the
W. D. Wood Insurance. '
Henry J. Bremmers Court report
er. Constables Republican.
A. B. Hensel, F. W. McGinnis, Zack
Ellis, D. D. Ringer. G. C. McLain.
Road Overseers.
Mat Pettz, Benson; Augustus Doll,
West Center; C. S. Frye, Irvington;
M. R. Decker, Elk City; E. R. Kidder,
Douglas precinct; Andrew Nevey,
Florence precinct; J. E. Quinn, Elk
horn; Tony Zimmerly. Waterloo; Os
car Talctt, Valley; Thomas Thomp
son, Irvington.
Republicans Call
County Convention
For Next Saturday
The republican county central com
mittee yesterday called a county con
vention for next Saturday at 2 p. m.,
at a place to be announced during the
week by Chairman Howell.
Myron Learned. E. L. Gustafsori,
D. L. Shanahan, Harry S. Byrne and
Clyde C. Sundblad were appointed
as a committee to present to the
county convention a list of new coun
ty committeemen and one of delegates
to be sent to the state convention at
Lincoln July 30.
It was decided that delegates to
the county convention will comprise
the present county committeemen
and on? additional republican to be
selected by each of the committee
men. Harry S. Byrne was secretary of
the meeting. Chairman Howell an
nounced that at the convention he
will submit his resignation, as he
expects to be .out of the city during
August and otherwise feels that he
will be unable to do justice to the
position. '
Peter Eggenberger, v,
Ex-Representative, !
s : Killeriby Mad Bull
Geneva, Neb., July 20. (Special.)
Former State Representative P"ter
Eggenberger was killed on his farm
near Strang by a vicious bull. The
animal had no horns,- but trampled
and bunted him to death. Mr. Eggen
berger had twice represented this
county in the legislature, served as
county supervisor and in other offices
of trust.
File Petitions for Dungan
For United States Senator
Hastings. Neb.. July 20. Special
Telegram.) Petitions for the candi
dacy of Judge Harry uungan tor tne
democratic nomination for the United
States senate were signed here today
and forwarded the secretary of state
Judge Dungan this morning informed
the circulators that he did not wish
to enter the race, but the persons
backing the movement have persuad
ed him to take the matter under ad
visement and he will give his de
cision early next week. Judge Dun
gan is now serving his third term as
judge of the Tenth Judicial district.
Fremont Republicans
Endorse Ross L Hammond
Fremont, Neb.. July 20. (Snecial
Telegram.) Resolutions pledging
their support o the government in
the successful prosecution of the war
were adopted by Dodge county re
publicans after the convention here
today. The candidacies of Ross L.
Hammond for United States senate,
Dan Swanson for state land commis
sioner and R. C Evans of Dakota
City for congressman for the Third
district were endorsed.
Frontier County Insists
On English Language Only
Eustis. Neb.. July 20. (Special.)
All languages other than English are
to be relegated to oblivion if the
Frontier county council ot defense
has its way. Acting on advice from
the State council, in the matter of
speaking foreign languages, the coun
ty council has issued a proclamation,
printed copies of which are being
posted in conspicuous places, urging
that the use of all languages other
than our own be discouraged, espe
cially in public places, schoolhouses,
public conveyances and over the tele
phone. - ;
Greatest Human Vitalizer
"During the winter of 189T and 1898,
1 was io badly afflicted with catarrh of
th haad and thought I muit surtly die
trom It. After trying many doctors and
all other recommended remediea made
known to me. 1 wi induced to use
PtTina. I waa cured entirely by vein
twelve bottle of Pcruna ar.d one bottle
ot Manalin.
Since that time. I have never been
without Peruna I nae it for colds and aa
a general tonic during Spring and Fall
months and find it the greatest human
Sold Everywhere
Harry E. Sackett of Beatrice
and Isidor Ziegler o: Oma
ha Qualify for Lieuten
ant Governor.
Lincoln, Neb., July 20. (Special.)
David Mercer of Omaha filed as a
candidate for the republican nomina
tion for the United States senate to
day. Other filings were those of W.
B. Rose of Lincoln for the supreme
court; James S. Gillman of Red Cloud
for the republican nomination for con
gress; Charles Q. DeFrance, demo
cratic nomination for state auditor;
E. B. Cowles of Lincoln, republican
nomination for state land commis
sioner; George C. Fitch of Central
City, prohibition nomination for sec
retary of state.
B. J. Ainlay of Nance, Fred G. John
son of Hastings and one or two
others filed for the state senate.
Other well known men filing were G.
S. Christy of Johnson, the well known
fruit man; W. W. Haskell of Ord,
newspaper man; Thomas E. Brad
street of Grand Island; J. M. Cox of
Howell in Lincoln.
R. B. Howell of Omaha came to
Lincoln this afternoon and filed for
republican nomination for governor.
Mr. Howell made no statement re
garding his entrance for the honors,
but will have something to say later
This makes three candidates for
the republican nomination, Mr. How
ell, Walter Johnson, also of Omaha
and Samuel Roy McKelvie of Lin
coln. There are two candidates for the
democratic nomination, Gov. Keith
Neville, and Charles W. Bryan of
Harry E. Sackett of Beatrice and
Isiedor Ziegler of Omaha filed as can
didates for the republican nomina
tion for lieutenant governor.
Ukrainian Railway Men
Strike for More Money
Amsterdam, July 20. Strikes in
volving all the Ukrainian railways
have been started, according to a tele
gram from Kiev to the Rheinische
Westfaelische Zeitung of Essen. The
men have demanded increased wages
and the restoration of the employes'
Quake in Panama
Panama, July 20. Earthquake
shocks have been felt 80 miles to th"
west of this city. No casualties nor
damage occurred. ? , ,
, Gipson Bank Examiner.
, Lincoln, Neb., July 20. (Special.)
H. P. Gibson of Rising City has
been appointed bank examiner by the
Vote for the author of the
Honest Election Law
N. P. DODGE for Congress
"A Real Bargain"
"We All Enjoy"
When you buy quality and
still save money, it makes
one happy.
We Save You Money
Packard Pianos
D. 1973 15th and Harney
I Was
h - -
Mr. Was. A. Hartmum. 117 H S. Sea
ond St., Muskogee, Oklahoma, thus da
scribes his case. Bead his letter. -
Liquid sr Tablet Ferns J. i.-li-'
H - pj:
Name Twenty Delegates to the
State Convention; Endorse
Congressman Shan; Score
Hesitant Patriots.
The Saunders county republican
convention was held at Wahoo Friday
and 20 delegates to the state conven
tion were selected.
A motion was passed endorsing the
attitude of the republican candidates
in condemning the Nonpartisan
league. Adam McMulle.n of Wymore,
candidate for congress in the Fourth
district, adressed the convention
Resolutions were adopted fleclarina
the convention's "loyalty to the flaar
of liberty and freedom, the red, white
and blue, and insisting, upon a con
tinuation! of the war until Prussian
ism and Hunism shall be stamped
from the earth and until all nations
however small shall be safe in he
enjoyment of the rights and privileges
of a free, liberty-loving people"
Commend Sloan.
Another resolution commended the
republican congressmen from Ne
braska for their support of all meas
ures in congress for the prosecution
of the war. Special commendation
and endorsement of Congressman
Sloan were voiced in these worde:
"We take pride in the republican
leadership attained by Congressman
Charles H. Sloan during his eight
years of service. We appreciate the
interest he has shown in all agri
cultural legislation and the results
that he has accomplished along these
iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii!!iiiiiiii!iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiini Phone Tyler 300Qil,n,ll,ll,ll,ll":,1,,ll,1',,1,il,1,,ll,ll,",l!,ll,il,ll,ll,!'li,ll,,l,l,,ll,""l,ll,","
Is a charming Chifforobe in ivory enamel, as useful as
it is decorative. In our sale there are two such Chif
forobes, both bargains, but like hundreds of other
ieces they are being
There is probably more than one piece of
that will just fit into your home
$87.00 Mahogany Chest
William and Mary
$80.00 Triple Mirror Dressing Table to
match $57.50
$14.50 Bench to match $10.00
$35.00 Walnut Dressing Table. Adam
type $36.00
$30.00 Colonial Mahogany Serving
Table $15.00
$14.50 Walnut Dining Chair, Queen
Anne style $10.00
$318 00 Eleven-Piece Dining Room Suite, fin
ished in Douglas oak, modern design, consist
ing of Buffet, Wood Door, China Cabinet,
Serving Table, Host's Chair and Side Chairs;
now at S258.00
$57.00 Jacobean Oak Buffet, very pleasing
type, new $45.00
$30.00 Serving Table, to match S23.00
$14.00 Ivory Bedroom Chair, now for $9.50
$10.00 Mahogany Folding Table, for. .5.00
The rhermatic
Thermatic with one well, 8-quart capacity, aluminum vessel,
soap stones, rack, tongs, recipe book and fitted d10 PA
with castors. Price only V ImiUU
Sanw cooker but 12-quart capacity and all d 1 A Cf
equipment iJ)14iJU
Two-well, as illustrated, 8-quart capacity and &OA ff
all equipment ,,- &tTJJ
Be sure it's a Thermatic with the sanitary
Several Cross Seam Rugs, made from our traveler's
. Tapestry Brussels Rug samples, in the 9x12 size, just as
good as our regular stock except in the one extra seam
across the rug. Regular qualities from $29.50 to $35.00.
In the July sale, for .19.50 and $22.00
$150.00 Royal Bengal
$55.00 Ha,rtford Body
$40.00 Axminster Rug, 9x12, now for$31.75
$105.00 Mahal Wilton, 9x15 $75.00
$18.00 Axminster Rug, 6x9,. ...... .$13.75
$30.00 Hartford Body Brussels, 6x9, $23.75
$96 50 Anlo-Indian, 9x12 82.f0
$111.00 Anglo-Persian,, 9x12. slightlv soiled
.-for $89.00
9x12 Bmssels Rng, made from traveling man's
' Mwnle, with cross seam; worth regular nrice,
- $34.50: snal for..- $22.50
; $150.00 9x12 Taupe Colored Roslyn Rug, no
8"ws $117.50
$267.60 9x15 Arden Seamless Rug. mulberry
coloring, special, at... $195.00
$168.50 10-6x13-6 Hartford Saxony, $105.00
lines which are beneficial to Nebras
ka's leading industry. We commend
him for his adherence to republican
issues and principles and for his sup
port in congress of all measures to
make the war prosecution effective
and successful.".
Special commendation was made,
by resolution, of the people of the
county "for their generous contri
butions to every branch of jur war
activities, enabling Saunders county to
have the proud distinction of being
the banner county in this class of
work, not only in Nebraska, but in
the entire United States, having con
tributed for Red Cross purposes more
than $225,000." . ,
The resolutions also condemned
all persons halting or hesitating in
British Casualties
London, July 10. British casualties
reported in the week ending today to
tal 16.981. compared with theaggre-
1 Place a High Valuation on Your Feet
I No one can afford to hve Foot Troubles it interferes
El Ml. 1. J 1 - KT-.t i m V.1
wiiii wurK. aim pleasure, xuuai ruui xrouuies tan veiy
easily be corrected. I specialize in correcting and treat
ing all kinds of ailments of the Foot.
Office open from 9 a. m. to 6 p. m. Examination Frea.
DR. F. F. FU N DE E?
Chiropodist and Foot Specialist.
(Graduate of The Illinois College of Chiropody, Chicago.)
527 Securities Bldg., Corner 16th and Farnam.
Phone Douglas 3480.
414-416-418 South 16th Street
snapped up by discriminating
of Drawers in
style, now
Cook Without
Fire These
Hot Days
A Fireless Cooker will not
only mean a cool kitchen,
but better cooking and con
servation of food, fuel and
labor. Let us show you the
BEST Fireless Cooker made,
Rug, 9x12, now
$71.60 Standard Wilton, fringed, 9x12,'
for $57.50
$110.00 Hartford-Saxony, 9x12, fpr. ..$69.00
$24.50 Hudson Seamless ' Tapestry, 9x12,
for ....rt $16.75
$36 00 Axminster, Oriental patterns, 8-3x10-6,
for $29.50
$12.75 Seamless Art Bugs, 8-3x10-6. ..$9.95
$101.00. French Wilton,, fringed rug, 8-3x10-6,
for $79.50
'$120.00 Royal Bengal, seamless, 8x10, $87.50
$3fi.00 Heavy Axminster, mismatched, 9x12,
for ..i $25.75
$46.50 Bigelow Bagdad Wilton, 6x9, $37.50
$124.00 Standard Wilton Rug, 10-6x13-6,
for $87.50
$60.00 Smith Axminster, 11-3x12, for $47.50
Brussels. 9x12,
gate of 14,911 reported in the previous
week. ' ' I
Acrobatic Flight Kills
. Cadet Making Tail Spin
San Diego, Cat, July 20.-Albert
Melvin Emery, a cadet flier attached
to the aviation school at Imperial
beach, near here, was klled south of
that place late today, falling 3,000 feet
in a tail spin. Emery was dong acro
batic flying at the time of the acci
dent. " .".
His home was in Washington state.
Band Concert Attraction ' ; f
Today at South Side Park
Franek's Union Band will play 'i
concert at Spring Lake park on the
South Side . Sunday afternoon. The
concert, will start at 2:30 o'clock. The.
concert will be arranged to please all.
Overtures will be interspersed with
se'ections from poular song hits and
patriotic airs.
$90.00 Ivory Enamel Chifforobe (very
fine piece) $75.00
$75.00 Handsome Dresser to match with
large mirror . SfiO-OO
Adam Style Ivory Chifforobe. .$32. 00
$106.00 Walnut Buffet in Queen Anne
style, elegantly finished, for $80.00
$78.00 Extension Table to match,
for ,f?0.00
S42.50 Serving Table $30.00
$25.00 Host's Chair with dark Spanish
leather seat $1 8.75
$20.00 Side Chairs to match $15.00
$56.00 Mahogany Chiffonier, Adam
type $38.00
$11.00 Mahogany Bedroom Chair, for $7.50
$7.00 Rush Seat Dining Chairs (3 only),
each $4.50
$14.00 William and Mary Dining Chair with
Spanish leather seats (3 only), each $7.50
$13.50 Mahosrany Chairs, with damask uphol
stery, as illustrated $10.00
Sale of
A very attractive assort
ment of good Cretonnes in a
large variety of designs and
color schemes is offered in
one large lot at a price that
will certainly eave yon much
expense. The pieces range
from S to 85 yards to a pat
tern. The regular prices from
65e to $1.25. All in one lot
Monday only, at, per yard
? 3
1 B