THE SEE: OMAHA. Former Omaha ,Boy Is -Meeting Notables In His Work "Over There in Omaha, the guest of her mother, Mrs. C. A. Shafer, 4114 North Nine teenth street. She received the fol lowing letter from her son:, "I am way down here on the south east coast of France, very near to Spain and not far south of Bordeaux. It is near a seaside resort, Arachon, which you can find with ease on any map. It is a French school for the pilot de chasse, before we go to the front, and we have been sent here because our own school, as yet, has not been opened. "I have ,made some very good friends among the French officers, as one of them took me to dinner in town at the Marquise d' O'iley. "At the salon I had the pleasure of meeting the Countess ' d' Lesseps, whose father, tried to build the Pana ma canal." ... Lieutenant Loyd, when he lived here as a boy, was a great admirer of The Bee, and after school hours would visit the office, and in his boy ish way, would help get out the pa per. , f Looking for work? Turn to the Help Wanted Columns now. You will find hundreds of positions listed Nemaha County Picnic Arrangements Complete A meeting of all committees on the Omaha Nemaha county association which will hold a picnic at Elmwood park, Saturday, August 10, met at the home 'of Mr. and Mrs. Pete Dykstra, 803 North Forty-third street, Thursday evening. A committee of arrangements and' program for the. picnic was named and will consist of Miss Helen Hitt. Mrs. Pete Dykstra, Mrs. Ed Lowman, Mrs. Dollie ' Winkleman, Mrs. Hal I Ra'iney, Mrs. J. D. Rainey, Mrs. R. J. Bourne and Mrs. C M Buck From present prospects the picnic will have an attendance of at least 500, independent of invited guests from Nemaha county, who may be present It will be an old fashioned picnic to which every person in Omaha, Douglas county and Council Bluffs, who formerly lived in Nemaha county, Nebraska, are invited. Basket lunches will be brought by those who attend and if coffee is served all per sons must bring their own sugar. Picnic lemonade will be noticeable by its absence, due to the necessity of conserving sugar. This is the 'only disappointing feature of the picnic; for the kiddies, now discenable. Federal Trade Commission To Probe Cost of Essentials Washington, July 19. Production costs of 20 essential commodities are being investigated by the Federal Trade commission for the confidential use of the war making branches of the government. Twelve of the inquiries are for the use of war industries board for the food administration, two foi the fuel administration, two for th army and one for the railroad adminis tration. The investigations . include cost in quiries into bituminous coal, ,petro leum, coke, pig iron, ingots, rolled steel, copper, zinc, nickel, lumber, sand and gravel, locomotives, textilei and various food supplies- 200,000 Go on Strike .Buenos Ayres, July 19. Two hun dred thousand laborers axe on strike throughout the republic, accoiding to the estimate of the newspapers here. Lt. Richard E. Loyd, who passed his boyhood in Omaha and Tekamah, is having great experiences and is meeting the notables'of France, "over there." . He is a member of the aviation corps of the American expeditionary forces. His home is now, at Chicago, but his mother, Mrs. L. m. Loyd, is in determining lair prices on pur we eat at their mess. Saturday night there. chases for the government, three are JULY :.CLEARANC Cash Pricings Which Make These Clearing Sale Offerings Truly Matchless Bargains, Superior Merchandise Values, Broader Assort ' menu for Your Selection in the i IS SALES " r, ii 1 lil;:i::ii:i:ilHi!iinini!il:!ii!iiiiiiiiiiMiiiiiisnti CMiniitlrtmilwiiniuiiiHiii!iiiiinini!ii!iiMi:w : July "Clearance Silk Suits ! Nearly 100 Beautiful New Silk Suits that sold regularly up to $49400 ; a choice assort-1 ment of clever styles in best I r colors. Clearance Sale Price, I I $24.75 ftYDEN Open Saturdays Till 7 P. M. The Cash Store July Clearance SihVDresses 1 . Silk Jersey PETTICOATS Best grade of Klosefits, In 1 white only. Great bargains at Our Cash Sale Price I Baggage Special (ior Saturday only) 17 or 18 leather steel frame traveling bag, leather lined, drop catches. Regular price, $9.50, Saturday Our Snecial Cash Price ......... S5.50 !lii:il;ti;ilMlMiiii:!i!iiiiiiiiiiitiiiii!iiui:il!ili!lilliii:iliilMi:iril $6.95 100 Summer Coats at JUST HALF -"Silk Coats and" Cloth Coats, in a wide range of the season's best styles and colors for your selection. s , They Say a Word to the Wise Is Sufficient I I Buy Your Winter Coat Now j Z - Is the Word We Give Our Customers f : Our New Stock of Winter Coats Are Ready I Select your Coat Saturday by payment of a f I small deposit we will hold your selection for you 1 I until you are ready for it. ' .... ; , f Special Showing of Plush Coats z Fur trimmed, plain or fancy styles; all sizes, regu-1 Mars, 16 to. 46; extra sizes up to 56. Three very! special lots. Your choice, at 1 I $25.00, $35.00 and $45.00 iraiiajiiHaiiaitatiaMaiiattcnaiiitiaiiafiaiianafmKaitaitaiiiiiaiiaiititaiiiiiaiiaiianaiiaiiaTiaiiauiirvtiaiiaiiattiiiaitaiiaiiafiatiair July Sale Specials in Toilet Goods Locust Blossom or Whita Rose per fume. Price per ei 20c 6 Oo Daggett 4 Eamsdcll Cold Cream. Our Cash Price.;....'. 35c 25e Woodbury' Tooth Pasta or Face Cream, Our Cash Price.. 17c $1.00,Newbro Herpielde hair 11.00 Lliterlne. Our Special Cash Price ..7 75o S1.00 Hair Brushe. Oar Caeh Prica 49c Spotlen Hair Bruihes, eaniUry backi and hand drawn bretlei, all guaranteed perfect. Caah Price 49c 85a Freetone. Our Cash Price.. 25c 40c Orchard Whita. Our Special Cash Price 29c $1.00 Beef, Iron and Wine. Our Cash Price..... 79e $1.00 Peruna. Our Special Cash Prica . 79c Eagle Brand Milk. Our Special C- h Prica 20a 86c Williams Shaving Stick, powut-r or cream. Our Cash Price. .... .J9c 25a Woodbury Soap. Our Cash Prica 17c 12o Jap Rosa Soap. Our Cash Prica 7'ic Bring us your Prescription, , We are always lowest. t Now's Your Time to Buy I Fiber Silk Sweaters'! Corset Dept., Second Floor 1 All Our Silk Fiber Sweaters, values to $12.50, in rose, copen, purple, 2 green, pink, etc., in the newest f styles, with broad collars and sashes all sizes. Our cash price for a i Saturday, only $7.00 j Ladies' and Misses' Fine Shetland a Sweaters, in copen, rose, etc. Reg- ? ular $10 Sweaters, all sizes. Cash a a Price Saturday $5.00 $4.00 and $5.00 Slip-On Sweaters, I with paneled waist line, with i sleeves, in rose, etc. Saturday Our ii i Cash Price $1.50 Are you going to- knit a sweater or a a socks for your soldier boy? Don't ? waste time on anything but the best, I I all wool yarn. Try the Bear brand, I per hank. . . . .$1.10 and $15 fillllllllllll!Illllllllllllll!l!IIIIIIIIIIIIIIt!ll!l!l$HUIIIIIIin!ll!llllllT July Sale of Military Wrist Watches We have a very complete stock of military wrist watches with radio light dials, at very lowest prices. $10 Men's Wrist Watch, with radio-light dials, guaranteed movement, gunmetal case. Cash Price $7.00 $18 15-Jewel Military Wrist Watch, lever movement, radio light numbers and hands, sterling silver case, pigskin strap. Cash Price.. .$14.75 $15 Men's Wrist Watch, 10- jewel, lever movement, radio light f igures and hands, nickel case. Cash price. . .$12.00 $1.25 and $1.35 Men's Nickel Watches, guaranteed time keepers. Cash Price. . . .95 Many other splendid items' for the comfort, convenience and pleasure of the soldier boys in our jewelry and sta tionery sections. Get our cash price before buying elsewhere. jj Over 200 of Them, charming designs in taffeta, crepe de 1 chines, fine foulards, georg- I ettes, etc., in the summer's most wanted shades, many 1 evening dresses and dancing frocks included. Sale price, 1 $19.75 I , Dainty Summer I DRESSES ; That sell regularly at $15 io jj $19.50, in ginghams, lawns and voiles, over 200 for your selection, sizes up tox 53s. Your choice $10.00 Georgette Blouses 400 Beauties An immense Variety of clever designs, -in all sizes and colors, beaded and embroidered. Our Special Cash Price $4.95 V life . I Three Rousing Specials Saturday in Children's Summer Dresses Children's Wash Dresses Made up in the sea son's many styles sizes 2 to 6 and up to 14; worth up to $1.50. Choice, Saturday, at 75c Children's Wash Dresses In ginghams, lawns and voiles, col ors and white ; sizes 2 to 6 and up to 14; worth $2.50 and $3.00. Saturday $1.50 Children's, Wash Dresses-Of the better kind; made u p in lawns, voiles and ginghams ; col ors and 'white; all sizes; worth $4 and $3.50. Saturday $2.50 r!iiil!iiiriiir;iiii!iiiiiiiiiii:;iiiit;iiiii:i!!iii!iw Get a Real Summer Suit Saturday Big Manufacturer's Stock Purchase T One Thousand Suits -in- Palm Beach and ICool Cloth Regular price, $12.00. Good assort- ' ment of styles and colors for selection. Our SPECIAL JULY CLEARANCE PRICE ' rillllllllill.'illllillllllllil.'llllllltllllllTllillltliirililliillll;!!!:!:!!':!:'!!!! I ' Buying ! All Wool Clothes j ; Is I Real Economy When You Buy Hart Schaffner j &Marx I guaranteed Suits you are cer i tain of all-wool fabrics and the I very best of style and work- mansmp. . e m i We Show the Most Complete Lines of These Better Suits I West of Chicago, at I $25 up to $60 m iili;iiiiiltiliilHIMiiiliiluiiiiitliiluitiliilusiiniijiiiitijiuiiiiiiii l!lll!ilillllll!llnit!llllllIIIMIt1IIIIItl!lllllllIIHHnlilllllllM !! - - S Iatarestiof Casb Specialties in Our f Sale of House Furnishings I 90 lbs. capacity, White Mountain Rtfrigtr 9 .nn. mMm oak easa. with white anamal I finish. Our Special Cash Pries $26.60 ; a 8-tsl Water Coolers, oak finish. Our Cash s . Price -2 b 2-qt. White Mountain Ice Cream Frcexer. a Cash Price S2.7S 5 a 4-qt White Mountain lee Craam Frecxef. s Cash Prica S3.85 9 6-lb. Electrle Iron, complete with 6-foot a ? cord. Cash Price $3.75 a " la-Inch Lawn Mowers. Three patent tern- s - n.nii M.Hc. ball bearine. hieh wheels 5 Cash Price $SO s O' Cedar Oil Mops, regular $1-25 size. Our S Cash Price , 5 Two-burner ovens, plain door. Our Cash " Pri ; 3JS 9 Two-burner Heavy Gaa Plate. Our Cash Price ....'r. 3JS s Gem Safety Rasors. Cash Price 89c Half-inch, 7-ply moulded Garden Hose. Cash a Price per ft......... 17e a Tllllliajl1llllinilllllllllllll!llllllllllnlllll!llll!lllll!!lllll!Hllllllllllllll All Men's Panama ancl Straw Hats Must Go Quickly-Here's Cost Prices That Will Move a Good Share of the Stock Saturday a Anvon nMinina Panama Hats, all sizes and shapes, value to $6.00, Saturday, our Cash Price ..$2.75 Panamas and Leghorns, value to $4.50, Sat urday, Our Cash Price : . .$1.95 Extra Light Soft Straws, high crown, pencil rim, value $3.00, Saturday $1.00 Sennits and Split Braids, 600 of them, all sizes, high and low crown, yacht shape. Just the thing to finish out the sea- CAp son with. Value to $2.50. Saturday. tJUt Silk Top, White Duck, Palm Beach and Madagascar Roller 50 to $1.00 Golf Caps, Shop Caps, Engineers' Caps, Bakers' Caps, Auto Caps Always a Full Line. I v Drive Up and Pick 'Em Out. -.J A Big Gash Purchase of Boys' Wash Suits s a a to ba Closed Out Saturday and Next Week. An entire manufacturer's surplus of Boys' Wash Suits placed on sale Saturday. About 1,000 wash suits to. pick from. Every con ceivable style and the choicest colorings, In dark, heavy galateas; just the thing for fall wear. In poplins, madras, kindergarten cloth, ginghams and plain white. Oliver Twists in a dozen different shades;. Tommy Tuckers, Junior Norfolks and other nobby styles for the little fellows. Every suit a guaranteed fast color. Sizes IV to ft years. Every suit made to sell frem Q "V ?2.00 to ?2.50; Saturday kJZJC at one price. . . Boy' Department Third Floor. J eeiii'auaumiauaitauanaitatiairirajiiaiii!aMa!miiananci)aiia!tauaiiaHiiianaiiiiiaiteiia'iaiieai:tauaranauaiiaMat:!tina!iiiiai ( Big July Clearing Shoe Sale ; 1 JAsTi ttV Woman's Canvas Shoes, 2- strap slippers and laca ox- fords, broken sires in the I shoes, but all sizes in ox- I fords. Uuy more than one ' tair ii you can. a low andhigh' 5 heels. Hayden'a Cash Price, Sat- urday. ..$1.00 Closing Out Woman's Kid and Patent Strap Slippers and Pumps, a .. I former prices up to $4.00; broken size lots, but enough sizes so ' that you can find what you want Hayden'a Cash Price. . . .$1.95 a . . Woman's- Whita Nil Cloth Laca Shoes, Goodyear -welted, with f Vaughn's whits ivory leather soles and heels. Sold all season for $1.50. Hayden's Cash Price $2.95 g ' 5 Jr. Child's Spartan Calf Low Laca Oxfords, with chrome elk soles, f $ 1.50 values. Hayden's Cash Price ................... $1.00 Misses' and Child's Patent Leather Strap Slippers, $2.50 values. All I sizes up to 2. Hayden's Cash Price .$1.50 Grovar and Queen Quality Shoos for Womeni Stetson' and Crossett a , Shoes for Women. 5. .... "More par pair, but LESS by wear." I HAYDEN'S GROCERY DEPARTMENT LICENSE NO. CU49S S bars Beat 'Em AU, Swift's Prids or plamond "C Soap 2Sc cans Sunbrlght Cleanstr. . . . . .2Sc S cans Old Dutch Cleanstr ......21c 8 pounds bulk Laundry Starch... .Sic . No. I cans 9aktd Beans....... ti. 14c ' No. 1 eana Baked Beans........ SV'tc Fancy Ripe Olives, can 10c Fancy Queen Olives, bottle, 10 and 15a 3 pounds Pearl Barley ......... ,23c , 1 -pound pacjiage ,Sehepp's coot- nut ,. S3c H-lb. pk. Sehepp'a Coeoanut.....l7c Quarter Oil Sardines, can x ..... .7c Fancy Sweat Cookies, pound..... lSe Washington Crisp Cora Flakes. pacKage ,. ...iVs 1 pound package Corn Starch... ...c . I pound tall cans Salmon., lc , Large bottles Sweet or Sour Gher ' kins, Chow-Chow or Piccalilli SOc Jell-O, assorted flavors, package.. 1 1 Advo Jell, package.... ....10e It os. jars Pure Fruit Preserves, 26c H os. jars Pure Apple Butter.... 25c We Carry the Largest and : Freshest Llna of Dried Fruits in the City. . Fancy v. Santa Clara Prunes. - pound ............10, 12Vs 1 New Evaporated Apricots, pound.. 20c Extra Fancy Evaporated Apricots, pound . ... .v ...... ..' 2Se Silver' Prunes, pound .lte Fancy Bartlett Pears, pound lSe New York Evaporated Apples, pound 15c Fancy Seedless Raisins, pound.... 14e Not-a-Sepd Baisins, package ,16c The Tea and Coffee Market for 5 - the People. e Diamond B "Blend, tor .Ice Tea. pound 40c Choice Sun Dried or Basket Fired Japan Tea,, pound 40c Fancy Spideft Leg Jspan Tea, pound ...SSe Tha Best Oolonar or Cnnnowder Tea. pound SSe Golden ' Santos Coffee, pound.,. ..SO . E pound for,,,,....,........ 95c Msraealbo Blend. Coffee, pound ..5e Hayden's. i .Special Blend Coffee, pound....... .35c) 8 pounds for 81-00 The People's VegetabU Market It pound New Potatoes te th peek . SOc 8 bunches ' Green Onions..... 8e 8 bunches Fresh Beets ..10c I banehe Carrots 5c Fresh Ripe Tomatoes, pound lc Fancy Wax or Green Beans, pounds, 18c S bunche Rhubarb Sc Lrge Cucumber,' each.... TVie-15c S bunches Fresh Radishes..- Sc Fancy Imperial Valley Cantaloupes. 7Vi and 10c Large Juiey Lemons, doten 35c ' Butter, Eggs, Cheese. Best Tub Creamery Butter, 43c Oleo.. Gem Nut Lilly SOc Swift's Snowflake or Premium.. 33c Fresh Peanut Butter, ' pound 25c Wisconsin - Cream Chees 26e Bulk Sweety Pickles, qt 35c Pickles, Preserve and Jelliee V AU Kind at Lowest Cash Price;:ati::i:ii:i:i:::''iiMi:it:i:iai:t;:si!:ti::si)Si:B!:ni:iBTiaMSiiiBliSi'Bn(r(!iiiitiiiiirstiaMMSiiBiiSMttiS i A Remarkable Reduction in i i Our July f j Clearance Sale of Hosiery j Special for Saturday In Our Sanitary Market Fancy Pork Loin Roast, . , pound 19c Choice Fresh and Smoked Meats of all kinds at Lowest Cash Prices. i J Women's Pure Thread Silk I Hose, black, white and all I wanted colors; worth upo' I $1.75. - Special price.. S1.19 1 Women's Thread Silk and I Fiber Hose, extra good wear- ing quality; all colors and ex- 1 tra sizes. Cash Price.... 85 I Women's Cotton Lisle Hose, f black; white find tan, 25c val- 'I ues. Cash Price.... ,...15r I Children's Mercerized JUsle -I and Cotton Hose,xwortH"39c. I Special Gash Price 25 S 1 i 1 i,i!liili;ilj;i!il!ii:a!iini!!!;i!iniuinliiil'ilitfi:iui!i!:iiilt!:liiinniiii:i!!:i fiMsitsTius:ie''S''simif!istTarBiiii!eusi!srsnsi!St'SS!iinsiiS!muaiisiisussiiSuBimiisiistisns!tsiisitsiiBi!SiisiisiiB!iftisi!Biff r elgygM r1 ' 1 fcv - ' ' .