ITHE BEE: OMAHA, SATURDAY," JULY 20, VJl'S. ABIE THE AGENT THE rAEieRi'H MRtWY RtttTVCt) TWO fRMA rttoi&ttiG nHe other owe. powy nxw vmat to u7 efcpieccivMkr MEH-W A VOW rWQN& WOBM WEN t?rr SETS TntM H SAME WW OF icjoYYoBUY Copyright 1918. , International News .. i , Service ' VUUAAJS W THOSE THIKSJ DRAWN FOR THE BEE 3Y (ERSCHFIELD 14 J-8VW A , VUJW top A FW : gj ( m $LM To pi vJr StWW&- 1 fe 3 His MOUSe.jBS a ..-mmivi H uinliiltt KfiCur &1 vik.iE- iicvuMi 1 i"-1" ' Rrrl 10 vmawt UK -r-i 1 ,w 1 Want Ad Rates (Cab WltU OrJar.) tH per word eacb lnceriton 3 par word for tiire euniieputlva Iniertton la per word (or taeb tddllional inwrllon No id taken . for Ins than total of "o or lea than ive per day. t CIIAW.K. la par Una (count t worili to lln ona tlma to per Una each tlina, a cohaecutlva time la per line each time. SO comerutlva time SITUATIONS WA.VTKD tt par line per wee C'ARDfl OF THANKS AND . , r t'l'N'EItAL NOTICES, ISo per Una each tntartlon minimum (5tiar. GO Cent.) Contract Bate On Application. For convenience of advertlaera. waift ad will b accepted at tb following offlwa: , MAIN OmCB Bea Bulldln Am Office 4410 North J4tn Ht. Lake Office Nor lb S4tb Ht. . Vinton Offlc 246? South l(h St. Tarn Offlca ......... .2614 Leavenworth Bt. 'Walnut Offic ......... .Hi North 40th 8U ) South" Side I3U N St Council Bluffa 14 Main St.. North THE! BEE will not be reaponilbla for mora than on Incorrect Insertion of an advertUa tsent ordered (or more than on time, U THE TELEPHONE it you eannot eon eonlently brlns or eend four ad to any of the above office. Ak (or a Want Ad Taker and you will receive tb urn food eervlc a .when delivering your ad to prOBV PRONE TTI.EB 1.00ft. Want Ad Column Clot Ktenlnf Edition! v 13:00 M. ' Morning Edition 10.00 P. M. Wunday Edltlnna 10 P. M.g!t"rj?-?J!?nlnf MOVIE PROGRAM . ""North' - AUiAMBRA. S4T"h AND PARIvER JULE CARMEN, in . "confession" , pathe newm Eranu. ioth and binnky , NELL SHIPMAN AND - ALFRED WHITMAN.' in "THE GIRL FROM' BEYOND" . . . - riouth AfOLLO, 2TH AND LEAVEN WORTH CAKLTLK BLACK WELL AND ALL-StTAK CA8T, In "THE CABARET" WILLIAM DUNCAN. In "THB FIGHT FOR MILLIONS" UOHLFFV 5TH AND LEAVENWORTH . : TUNE CAPRICE, in jLUE-EYED-MARY". FUNERAL DIRECTORS. . UNDERTAKERS and lloenaed embaltnera; ' alia private ambulance. Call Webater 41. Willi C, Croby, tall N. 4th St.. JOHN A GENTLEMAN, undertaker and embalmer, 1411 Farnam St. Harney !. tlUUtfBi RlEkN, undertaker and em balmera 101 H, 16lh. Dounlft 1220. TACOTALGONER" ldpndnnt Undertakera. 3d Far. II. 400. B. U tODDER CO.. Funeral Dlrectora. P. L. Kero, Mgr., 13d and Cumlnv 81. Phone Doua-la 477. Auto ambulance. ffOFFMANN FUNERAL HOME. HoWmann quality eervlc. Coal In. J4th and Dodge. ' Dougla JtCK FLORISTS. v'ontenell , Florist. LEE L. LARMON 114 Douglaa fit. A. DONAGHUE Est. H66. 1623 HARNEY. Flower shipped everywhere. Ejtp. prepaid. BATH Careful Florist, 1804 Farnam St. L. Hendetsnn .151 Farnam T 1248 MONUMENT & CEMETERIES. IV EST LAWN offer ympthet!e service In sodden sorrow; perpetual car; no assess ments; lot on easy term. Phone Wal. (20. ?HE largest display of monument In the United States. FRANK SVOBODA, 1215 t 8 Uth Phone Dnugla 1S73-5JH1. MARRIAGE LICENSES License to wed were Issued to the fol lowing, named persona; 'tarn and residence. Ag. Ralph A. Stava, Omaha. ...over 21 Helen Clark, Omaha over IS Joseph E. Jlatschelet, Guthrie Center, la. 57 Beatrice King, Orchard, Neb.,..,..,,, tt Harry. T. Flannery, Omaha...,...,'.... 2S Anna, May Johnson, Omaha...,..,,., 30 Ralph O, Winger, Keokuk, . la. 41 , iiary e. L,ee, Keokuk, la tH WilUam C. Ronaldson. Denver. Col...,,. 2 jenruue mrt mi, urtmea, i.. ....... II LOST-FOUND-REWARDS OMAHA 4 COUNCIL BLUFFS STREET fin r w a v nuDiu . . u . . n . .... , . &mrmntm h. .In. Inal k n n. ..,1.1.. M...,Jl do well to call up the offlc of the Omaha & Counetl Bluff Street Railway eoreyiny to ascertain whether they left It In th ., etreet cr. . It... fa.H.U. u.k - ' . M . - and th company I anxloua to restore them to the rig htful owner. LOST One 11I Ford teurrfig car; licence No. f63. motor No. 1714640; tire holder- and two extra, tire on left id. low er hair of windshield broken, repaired with a. 'button and bolt; on bright hub cap.. Reward for information leading to vyiif , '. .... . m .vu anjrtuing ana nil advertise It her you will surely recover It It found by n honest person. - If you find any. thing of value th honest way la to ad- 'verttftn for Ih. am n.a . . 1KB colored lady who borrowed coat from SftSSt Cuming. In rtar, will plea re turn me,- Please return at once or detective will be put on trail. Andrew Bnggeyd, . , .. " . C3'3T Small 'brown leather purse lu Hay deo Broa.' basement, Wednesday between 11 and 11 noon. Return to Mr. Jamie on or Mr. Reagan. Haydcn Broa. Doug ! 2600. LADY'S mH purse with two bill and two hal( dollar. Also mal chang. Xear Thompeon, Beldon corner, about 2.15 t,eavo at Bee office. P.eward. LOST, STRAYED OR STOLEN Red year ling heifer with stubby horn; had atrap around neck, with chain attached. Re- warn. x)irax xkj. UiiiT Back from small octagon lady'a watch. Monogram C, E...M. Reward. rnwie t'ongias ;4. COST 32d degree Vaaonlo watch charm, lltward. Harney 3421. . v ' For Salcv Miscellaneoeut Furniture and Household Goods. faUICK ACTION-UICkSETJjNG.r But ' Furniture , Co.' July . Clearance ale HUb-grad .'ruga are being old Use than present wholesale cost Furni ture In Period and, Colonial design are being bamefuUy sacrificed. We make a specialty ot complete bom outfits; also hotels and rooming house. Railroad far Tree to out-of-town buyer within 66 mile f Omaha'oo purchases of $: or more, STATE FURNITURE CO.. 14th and Dodge St. Tel Dougla 1317. ELIZABETHAN dining room suite, very , high grade, good new; $1,209 Is a very modest valuation; will accept for lm mediate sale $499 cah. V. O. Fitzgerald, Ua.-usy lli ur Douglas 4313. " i FOR SAIE Mfecellaneoua Furniture and Household Goods, FURNITURE &, HARDWARE BARGAINS. Beds, springy, mattrecwe. dreKsers, chif foniers, tables.- chnlrs. china and kitchen cablnela, ruga and linoleum, trunks and ult cases, ga stoves and lc box, full linn screen wire, poultry netting, garden tool H39-47 North 2ltb St Tel. Web. : 17 Open till p m Cameras & Kodaks. FOR PALE x SENECA PLATE CAMERA. TOSTCARD ; dizr:, vsed verv little bargain. 16.00. Box C 43. Omaha Bee. Furniture and H ousehold Goods.. ACTUAL TRUTH FUR LIAUUAINS Full ' line of furniture, gaa and coal oil stove. ' rugs, baby carriage, trunk, (to. Loyal Futtt, Co., 223 N. ltr. Pianos and Musical Instruments. WB have aeveral Vlctrolaa that we took In . on trade (or sale: In good condition. Rous Phonograph Parlor. Cor. 20tb and : Farnam St. l. HOSPE CO., 1513 Douglaa. have piano to rent at 13. SO per month, or will (all on ,ay farm. Sewing Machines. SEWINQ MACHINES TV rent, repair, sell needle! and parts ot all aewlng machines. , MICK ELS, NEBRASKA CYCLE CO., 15th and Harney St. Doug. 1 flSS. Typewriters and Supplies. TYPEWRITERS sold, rented and repaired. Rent an Oliver 3 months for 15. Central Typewriter Exchange! 1005 Farnam. WB buy. sell or exchange typewriters; guar, typewriter 110 and up Writ for list. Midland Typewriter Co., 1404 Dodge Dairy Products. FRESH country buttermilk; butter; best of cream; atrlotly fresh eggs; delivered to any part of Omaha. Plion South 2li or Tyler 629. Wagner', Store and Office Fixtures. WE buy, sell and make desk, safes, show, cases, shelving, eto. Omaha Fixture A Sup ply Co.. 11th and nmiclsa D 2724. FOR SALE Hardware stock and fixtures, eastern Nebraska. Addnesa Box 463. Oma ha Bee. Awnings, Tents & Canvas. FOR SALE 300 tenia, 2,000 cot. 100 stack covere. P. M. Ivorr Mfg. Co., 1Q07 Mad ison St.. Chicago. Machinery and Engines. TRACTOR FOR SALE. Have a 12-25 Avery tractor, useu but short time, in A No, 1 condition; have a larger tractor reason for selling. WELTON C. BARNES. South Auburn, Neb. Miscellaneous. ONE complete auto camping outfit; at- tachea to one aide of car; include tent and new atyl cots: rapacity (or (our. Hrand new alx week ifgo. Just re turned (rout overland trip, Will well (or nbout half prle, Call Walnut JlrlJ OMAHA PILLOW CO. Feather steamed, renovated and mad up In new feather proof ticking. 1007 Coming. Doug. 2467. ISO H1DVVAY baby cab practically new, rub ber tired, good springs, 115. 107 N. 41st St. Phone Harney 68S6. . WANTED TO BUY JENKINS hue Just returned and will give you the aame good service that he gave In the pest. Help win the war. Sell your old clothe, shoes, ruga, tool, 'trunk! and buy W. B. 8 Will call. Res. D. 3033. office D. 6144. DESKS DESKS DESKS . ' New desks; used desk bought, sold and traded. J. C. Reed, 1201 Farnam. D. 8146. TiT A M AMncsoL beroman a co. lyiiliauiliyu 403 South 16th fit. SWAPPERS' COLUMN WOULD exohang new motorcycle for lroe , lathe, foot power. D. A, Steel, rear, 4S13 S. 36th. ANNOUNCEMENTS CHICKEN DINNERS. Millard, Neb., .Old Saxon Inn. Tel. phone No. 12, L. i Awnings. AWN1NG3 AND PORCH FURNITURE. Auto touring tent and camping supplies. SCOTT-OMAHA TENT AWNINO CO. Accordeon Pleating. ACCORDEON. side, knife, sunburst, box pleating, covered button, all slits and style; hemstitching, plsot edging, eye let cut . work, button hole, pennanta. IDEAL BUTTON AND PLEATING CO.. HEMSTITCHING. PLEATING. BUTTONS O. if. VanArnam Pleating Co., 3S6-T Paxtnn Block. Phone Doug. 3109. Billiard Parlors. 300-308 Brown Bldg Phone Doug, lu 3 6. Brass and Iron Foundries. PAXTiSvTvflTr'liiri t rvV I7th and Martha St.. Omaha. Neb. Bra, bronze, aluminum and machine gray Iron casting. KKa;endExpress. THE ONLY WAY -gf; TUB UMAHA TRANSFER CO. REPUBLIC , AUTO EXPRESS COMPANY win naui everyming ior you. rackagea is man zo ib,, u cent. Dougla 7463. Costumes FULL tires uf for rent 109 N. 16th St.,' uiiposii rosioinc, John Feldman Doug la 3128. Chiropractors. Dr.-J. C. Lawrence. Balrd Bldg. D. 6461 Jjssmaking. MISS STURDY. dcerarflRklng. Doug. - 6396. Detectives. JAMES ALLAN. Sis Seville Blk. Evidence rnrnn m an cases. Tylejr 113$ Dentists .Bradbury. No pain. 9il VV. Q. W. Bldg, Taft's Dental Him., StViTRoee Bldg. D. 218" Film Developing. FILM develnned: rnl!a 1ft. rl.i.. ' ic? one-day service. Kas Studio. Neville Blk.', 16th and Harney. Tailors. Died rick. P. L 316 8. tflfh Tailor. I) 3433.' Fixtures and Wiring. DTIRTCTN "fie waahlng machine. 3-tJ.lHYli ,lectr)0 lron, n( lamps its Cuming St Dougla JM9 Lawnmowers. ELECTRIC sharpeners; called, (or and de livered: used lawn mowers (or sate. Shop H Maxotir Station. 2910 Leavenworth. Harney 160 jrewejry DIAMONDS "iJMJrL'CS i small prom. jltugS, 408 N. ICth Ft Osteopaths, DR. MABLE WESSON. 14 Braudels Bld. T. 23(10. ltc 474L ANNOUNCEMENTS Piping. ALL kind of piping done, utuves connected and adjusteed; prompt service Webster 173 or Webster 6.147 Safes. SAFE BARGAINS. 1213 Farnam. J J Derlght Safe Co. Patent Attorneys. PATENTS procured, bought and sold. Inter national Patent Co., 683 Brandels. D. 6691 STUROES & STUROKS. U S. anc' foreign patent and trademarks 330 Bee Bldg. Rug Cleaning. QUALITY HUG CLEANERS Sclentllo Olive Oil Washing. Persian Ru Cleaning Co.. 82u7 I'arnum II. 142 Printing and Office Supplies. "Water- Barn hart pTgTco 6241)71 3 1 hBL Medical. PILES, fistula and other rectal dis eases cured without surgical oper ation. Cure guaranteed. Write for book on rectal diseases with testi monials. DR. E. R. TARRY, 240 Bee Bldg.. Omaha. Towel Supplies. Omaha Towel Supply 2078 11th. D. 528. Wedding Stationery. WEDDING announcements and printing Douglas Prlntln Co Tel Dougl 644 BUSINESS CHANCES THERE Are thousands of men and women who wish to follow business, who can bet ter their Income wonderfully by a prop osition from a life Insurance company with nearly 114,000,000 of asseta'and nearly a third of a century old. If you are Interested, we would like to present It to you. All communication confi dential. Address Old Line Bankers Life Insurance Co., Omaha. WELL ESTABLISHED general merclian--dle business on Lincoln highway, 20 miles from Council Bluffs, la., In beat farming district. Glean etock. $3,000 .store building connected: 7-room dwelling on two lareg lot; a bargain, 35,000. Will consider land or city property and cash Addresa Ed Upchurch, Lowland. la. LIVE DRUG business for sle. Must sell quick; am going Into military aervlce; stock Invoices $10,000 to 312,000. ' Last year's business. $20,000. Would consider trad on (arm land. Hecker Drug Co , Humphrey, Neb. BAKERY FOR SALE Doing good business In a good town, three railroads; reason (or selling unexperienced; had a good man as manager, a he is leaving am forced to sell. Act quick. Address Box Y 625, Omaha Bee. FOR SALE FOR CASH Saloon In good lo cation, doing good business. Reason (or quitUng. .daath. Address II., 1110 Charles St., St. Joseph, Mo. UOOD paying drug- store, corner 16th and Aavoitputb, new iixiurre , anu louruain, well assorted stock, excellent location; will sell at Invoice. See u at 'once. UOOD shoe shop, In best business location. equipped with Ooodyefr outfit. Including stitcher; going on (arm (or health. 1524 Vinton. y GOOD PAYING bakery and confectionery, fountain . in. connection; sickness reason (or selling inexperienced; had a good man FOR 8 ALE Grocery stock and fixtures, out of town. Good location and business. Box Y 623, Omaha Bee. FOR SALE Office business; suitable for man or woman. 336 Paxton Blk., Omaha. AUTOMOBILES SPECIALS FOR SATURDAY v 1917 Model N Hupp touring $700 1917 Model N Hupp roadster 750 191! studebaker four touring ........ 250 1917 Ford touring 400 1917 Hrlscoe four $50 1917 Chalmers light aix 700 1916 Ford roadster with 1917 radiator and hood . ...., 325 Hupp 32 roadster, new tires 250 Every car sold under a 24-hour trial and money back if not satisfied guaran teed. Come In and look these -bargains over. , , . TRAWVER AUTO CO., Douglas 9070. 1910 Farnam St. TIRE bargain special while they last, All brand new. SlxSH PI CL Goodyear Firsts...... $20.00 . $2x4 PL 63 Firestone 20.00 34x3 H NS CL Kelly Spring... 24.90 35x4 H PL 83 Firestone 30.25 5xt NS CL Falls... 49.60 Other make and sizes In proportion. Rellner at actual cost. -' OMAHA CUT RATE TIRE CO., Dougla 2916. 310 S. 19th St RADIATORS - Wrecked and leaky radiator repaired and rebuilt; large stock used radiator cn hand. Mashed fenders and lamp repaired J Ike new. New stock of Ford honeycomb adlators OMAHA RADIATOR AND TIRB WORKS. 1913 Cuming St Omaha. Neb DODGE SEDAN. Latest model,- absolutely good as new; car guaranteed In drat class condition; a private owner. Call between 10 and 4. rinrney I74. fORD touring car; (the condition; storage battery charged by generator; run. (rom fan belt; electric lights whether engine running or not; must be en to be ap preciated, O. It. Munger. Phone Douglas 5S. a. m. to 6 p. m. Evening, South 2940 LISTEN We will save you 50 per cent on jour lire diii. iraaa you old tire for new one. Tubes vulvanlsed S cenia. cas ings 60 cent up. Rebuilt 1 in 1 castings for aale, $3 up. U. S. machine for sale. V. a Vulcanlzer Co.. Branch 16. 820 S 13th St.. Omaha. FOR SALE Auburn seven-passenger, 1917 , model; a riven 10.000 mile; just painted and overhauled: four new tire on re servj can be seen at Downtown garac;. '13th and Harney "streets Make offer. Beet on take It FOR SALE On account of draft th ; Cuming garage Thl garage I in a fine location and doing a rushing business Owner of building will enlarge and glv a long less. ' Cuming Garage. 2413 Cum. - la St i onoURKli -UOLDSTUGM AUTO CO Distributor of Kelsey Stretunlin Bodies, T Amea Bllt Touring and Commercial bodies. NEW AND USED FORr8 FOR SALE 3701 South 34th 8t Phone South 399 k 26T Frnam 8t. Phon Harney 6546. " FOR SALE Olt TRADE 6 h. p. Mltihell chummy roadter. high spet-d and power. Will accept Ford lu Al condition a pyt Pymcnt A bargain, a E. Frank. ......... w. .vn. i.r.jown, ften. NEARLY new lord; 3-pasaenger coup with 'electric starter, dTimountable rlma, cord tiree. Call Douglas 8489 Saturday after- w cuniiay morning. OAKLAND. Sensible Six MARSH OAKLAND CO.. ... 2300 Farnam St. AUTOMOBILES CUMING GARAGE. "2415 Cuming St., D. 2631 Storage, day and night aervlce, carbon burning, welding, general auto re pairing ' 1 ' FOR SALE 1913 Oldsmoblle. eight club roadster, wire wheel, extra tire. Tbl carinas run only 400 mile. Owner sub ject to draft Addresa Box Y 606 Omaha Be. BARGAINS IN USED CARS All makes With and without starters, 25 to pick from Phone D 1211 or call at 1516 Davenport. BOYLAN AUTO CO.. 11 R. FORD OWNER AND DEALER. Before buying a truck see ua We can niuko a track out of any Ford. AFFORDABLE TRUCK CO.. 1207 a 20th. FOR HALE At a bargain. Keo three quarter Dun truck used- part time for eight month and In good condition. Addres Box Y. 612. Omaha Bee. NEW Maxwell cars 1913 models, for sale. 1300 cash, balance monthly payment as desired. Answer strictly confidential. Box 6083, Bee. TELL & BINKLEY. Commercial body builders 101$ Harney Bt.- D, 1540 FORD TOURING CAR, 1st 1917 model, per fect condition, fully equipped. Telephone .Douglas 1338. WE ARE THE USED CAR MEN TRAWVER AUTO CO.. 1910 Farnam St. Dougla $070. WANTED FOR SPOT CASH. 100 USED CARS, quick action; no delay. Auto Ex change Co., 2059 Farnam L Doug. 6035. QUALITY USED CARS. VAN BRUNT AUTOMOBILE CO 2406 LEAVENWORTH ST. BARGAINS In used car ORR MOTOR SALES CO.. 40th and Farnam. Harney 414. USED CARS AND TRUCKS AT BARGAIN PRICES. 2020 Farnam St., Omaha, Neb. MEEKS AUTO CAR. USED CAR BARGAINS. 2028 FARNAM ST. DOUGLAS 6290. HIGH GRADE USED CARS AUTO CLEARING HOUSE, 2032 Farnam. GOOD USED CARS. GUY L. SMITH. 26th and Farnam St. Douglas 1970. BARGAINS IN USED CARS McCaffrey Motor Co. 15th and Jackson. Ford Agents. D. 3500. CAR, sprocket, chain, aolld axle, build and bowl tire stock. Col. 1483. 3024 Ames Ave, STEVEN3-DURYEA 6-passenger touring; fine condition. Telephone Douglas 5251. USED Ford 5-passanger car, good condi tion. Partly payment. Walnut 2801. THE AUTO PAINTERS BARNUM-SM1TH. 2122 CUMINO ST. NEW Ford Sedan; sold on payment. Landon, Colfax 3518. AROO car for sale, $90. Doug. 6468.; Automobiles Wanted, antec 1917 CAR WANTED 1916 or 1917 Packard. Peerless, Wlnton, Stutz, Locomobile or Similar car, in good shape, at bargain. AridresseBox Y 621, Omaha Bee. Repairing and Painting. EDWARDS. E. S.. 2616 19th St. Web ater 1102. For the beat results with repair work consult us. Starters and Generators Repaired. AUTO ELECTRIC SERVICE CO. Anything electrical about your auto. 316 8. 19th St. Dougla (488. Auto Livery, and Garages. RENT, A FORD DRIVE IT YOURSELF. 12o mtle, $5c per hour minimum charge Sunday and holidays, 60o per hour. FORD LIVERY CO.. Douglns 3622. 1314 Howard St. Tires and Supplies. CUT YOUR TIRE COST A THIRD. USE "BUILT NU" TIRES, GUARANTEED 3,000 MILES. Size' Plain Non-Skid Slxe Plain Non-Skid 30x3 310.35 $13.50 86x4 $19.90 $23.50 30X3H 12.95 15-40 27x4 20 85 23.85 31x34 13.95 lo.50 33x4ft 21.60 24.50 S2x3'4 14.85 17.90 ' S4x4ft 21.15 24.80 34x31, 16.65 19.85 35x4ft 21.25 25.60 31x4 16.05 18.90 36x4ft 23.40 26.10 32x4 16.90 19.90 37x4 ft 23 00 26.76 33x4 17.60 20.10' 35x5 25.95 29.60 34x4 18.60 21.90 36x5 26.75 32.10 35x4 19.10 22.60 S7x5 27.25 32.75 Radiators repaired, rebuilt Retreading and vulcanizing. Express charges paid when cash received with order. Bargains in used tire while they last: 30x3 $6.00 32x4 $ 8.25 30x3ft 6.50 33x4 10.00' 32x3ft 8.00 34x4 11.00 Other sixes up to 37x5. ' Tires shipped subject to examination on deposit of one dollar. Omaha Radiator & Tire Works. 1819 Cuming St.' Tyler 917. Omaha INSIST on O. A O. quality retread and save 50 per ent on your tires. Bargain In new and slightly used tire. O. ft G. Tire Co., 2416 Leaven'th 8t 'Tyler 1261-W. BUY Lee puncture-proof pneumatto tire and eliminate your tlr troubles. Powell Sup, my Co. 2051 Farnam St Motorcycles and Bicycles H A R L E Y-DAVIDSON MOTORCYCLES. Bargains In ued mschlnes. Victor H, Itoos, the Motorcycle Man, 27th and Leav enworth ,. GIRL'S BICYCLE (Mlckel) nearly new. 113 South 37th street PERSONAL CORA BELLINGY. Restful, magnetic, aatlafactory treat- ments; massage. Room 300. Bromley Bldg., 208 South Thirteenth street, near Farnam. Hours 11 a. ml until 10 p. m. Automatic ; elevator to 3rd floor. THE Salvation Army Industrial Home so licits your old clothing, furniture, maga tinea -We collect. We distribute. Phone Doug. 4135 and our wagon will call. Call and Inspect our new home. 1110-1113-1114 Dodge gtreet MISS ALLEN Massage, facial and scalp treatment 1803 Farnam SU Roou $. OMAHA Bath Inst Electric steam or tub baths, massages of all kinds.. 228 Neville Blk Douirla T38I. ltn and Harney Sts. M1S3 FISHER, sulphur, steam baths snd massage. 879 Bran. Thoa. Bldg D. 1559. MAE BRUGMAN. scientific masseuse and , . ,1. mb D.1 ,T1 BATH and Massage. Miss Halran. 232$ Neville Blk. MEDICAL RUPTURE successfully treated without a aurglcal operation. Call or writ. Dr. Frank H Wrs. $0$ Bee Bide SITUATIONS WANTED MAN and ylfe want (arm at once. Ref erence. Box 313. Douglas, Wyo ' Male HAVE wide business experience. Including ten years as iank cashier. Past draft age. :ashler. Past draft age. Give particulars. P. O. Can you usrmeT Bot 796. Omaha. WOULD like liWlde position of some kind by strong middle age man. Box 735.. Omaha Bee. PAINT, carpet and paper cleaning, th Na tional Cleaning and Service company. $709 Ijeavenworth St. Niamey 6013. HEDGES and tree trimmed. -Dougla 9457. Delaney WILLING colored boy wanta work In garage, learning trado and some wages. Web. 2973. SITUATIONS WANTED Female REFINED young widow, 34, well-educated, with Incumbrance, seeks position in a congenial home where services of n honorable woman are desired. City or route. Triflers ignored. A reference giveu- and required, Mrs. E. Saunders, Station A, Omaha, Neb. WILL give mother's care to children, by day or week; excellent home. Red 8816. Laundry and Day Work. EXPERIENCED colored girl wishes cook ing In boarding or small restaurant D. 6077. WELL EXPERIENCED colored lady for day work. Webster 1202. BUNDLE washing, fancy clothes specialty. Webster 5894. COLORED GIRL wants day work. Ask for Bell. Web. 2973. COLORED lady wanta day work. Call Douglas 7701. CURTAINS laundered, w'k guar. Har. 1130. LAUNDRY work by hour. Web. 2058 WOMAN wanta day work; ref. Web. 2221. WANf ED Bundle washing. Call Web. 1873. Dav work and bundle washing Web 1088 HELP WANTED MALE Stores and Offices. YOU MEN WHO HIRE AND FIRE Advertise for "help" the earn way yop advertise to aell merchandise, and the difference In returna will surprise you. The next time you need help call Tyler 1000 A trained and experienced ad taker will assist you in preparing your advertisement TRAFFIC manager, R. R. exp., $125-$150. Shipping clerks, 35-J100. Cigar salesman, must have experience, alary depends. Timekeepers, $40 and expenses. THE MARTI COMPANY. . 1126 W. O. W. Bldg. BOOKKEEPERS, $150, $125, $110. $90; of fice clerks, $lY0, $90, $85, $73, $65; stenog raphers, $100, $90; shipper, $90. WATTS REFERENCE COMPANY. ' - 1138 First National Bonk. YOUNG man below draft ago wanted for j position wun umana oans; experience not required. THE CHARLES E. WALTERS COMPANY. 1424 First National Bank Building. OPPORTUNITY for you men Inclined to ward machinery sales line. Must be able to operate typewriter. FAIRBANKS, MORSE ft CO. WANTED Assistant bookkeeper and ste nographer. Answer In own handwriting and give experience and reference. Box Nb. '682, Omaha Bee. STENOS.. $65-$90; Adding Machine Oprs., $65; Typist, $65-$75; File Clk $40. Co-Operative Ref. Co, 1015 City Nat. Bk. GENERAL office man, manufacturing firm. WESTERN REFERENCE ft BOND ASS'N TIMEKEEPER, young man, $76-$85 WESTERN REFERENCE & BOND ASS'N WANTED At once, two good machinists. 1601 Jackson St. Piofessions and Trades. Wanted foreman (or Ter minal Grain Elevator, Ex perienced man, a good Judge o( wheat and capable of handling men. Apply to Leo Isrnert. Omaha Flour Mill! Company, 29th ft C Streets. Phone South 623. Ni MEN WANTED. W want 20 able-bodied men (or long Job on Southern Minnesota power dam. Wages, 37ft to 40 cents per hour. Can also, use several good carpenters, 10 hours a day, board, $1 per day, good slweplng quarters; shipping . Monday nlgh,t APPLY 420 BEE BUILDING. OMAHA STRUCTURAL STEEL BRIDGE COMPANY. WANTED. Men (or Baking Department. LQOSE-WILES BISCUIT CO. J Twelfth and Davenport St. ,- BOYS WANTED. MUST BHfl YEARS OF AGE. PAY TO BEGINNERS. GORDON-LAWLESS CO. 8th. AND DODGE STS. GOOD WANTED A garage repairman; a good Job for the right man; must be experienced in auto general repairing and storage battery work. When answering this ad state wages wanted and what experi ence, and glv good references. Phone or write W. E. AMOS, LINCOLN HIGH WAY GARAGE, SH ELTON, NEB. WANTED Young man to work in the press room. Apply to Supt, Bee Publishing Co. WANTED Expre Handlers. Driver and Chauffeurs. I lacreased Salaries. AMERICAN RAILWAY EXPRESS CO. Apply Union or Burlington Station offic. WANTE1 Timekeeper for construction gang on concrete dam near Rochester, Minn. Employ about 125 men. Board in cawip, $1 per day. Salary. $100 per : month. Apply Omaha Structural Steel lili,K. v.,,,, uoi J3IUK. WANTED Experienced barber, $18 guaran teed and 60 per, cent over $27; steady Job; up-to-date shop; using electrltf clipper. - Shaving, 20 cents after July 21. Henry Slttler, Deshler, Neb. AGENTS exempt from draft that have bust, ling ability com and see us. Clean, big money making proposition. No kompetl . tlon Zither agent also wanted. Nu meral Mualc Co.. 22 Arlington Block. WANTED Painter wlh swinging stage to paint atandptpe. , ADDRESS. WATER COMMISSIONER. WIS.VF.R. N'tB WANTED Three mechanics, good py. Lincoln Highway Garage, Potter. Neb. HELP WANTED MALE Professions and Trades. WANTED Competent repair man (or motor trucks. Standard Oil Company, "3randei Bldg. LEARN . barber trade, low rates now. Call or writs Barber College, 1124 Doug las St. , WANTED Upholsterer (or furniture de- partment. Box 414J5. Be WANTED Scond baker; good - wages steady Job Furmon's Bakery. York. Neb. GOOD presses wanted at Holmes tailor shop, 2022 North 24th. Web. 3330. Salesmen and Solicitors. .HIGH-CLASS, EXPERIENCED SALES MAN. ACCuJBTOMED TO EARNING BIG MONEY TO REPRESENT PROMINENT MANUFACTURER OF SPECIALTY LINE. SALARY,' EXPENSES AND DOUBLE BONUS ON SALES. APPLY TODAY, WITH CREDENTIALS, BETWEEN 10 AND 3 FONTENELLE HOTEL, TO W. L. STROTHER, SALES MANAGER. WE NEED MEN who can sell our propo sition In Omaha and In every town In Nebraska. If you canmake a aale a day. you are a $75 a week man. Write or come to see us. 651 Brandela Bldg.. Omaha. Neb. WANTED A local salesman on commission basis for ths Monarch Refutable Fuse. Saves over 80 per cent of cost of fuse maintenance. MONARCH REFILLABLB FUSE CO., 663 Elllcott Square, Buffalo, N. Y. WANTED Salesman (or the best automo bile tire proposition onjgthe market Big commission on sure eell. Fine territory open. Sioux City Tire Service Dept., - 238 West Broadway, Council Bluffs. WANTED Car salesman with reference to sell cars, trucks and tractors. Good line. Will pay salary and commission. Box 705. Bee. WANTED Two collectors for road work. Must have best of reference and be able to furnish bond. Address, Bx. 773, Omaha, Neb. Miscellaneous. MEN WANTED GOOD PAT OMAHA FLOUR MILLS CO. 29th and C Sts. , , South Side. WANTED Laborers, 37ft cent per "hour; 10-hour day. Apply Missouri Paclfio R. 1 R., Forty-fifth and Dodged WANTED LABORERS. or handy men; steady employment, good pay. No time lost on account of weather or material. APPLY OAS WORKS. 20tb and Center Sts. WANTED Men 19 to 60 yeara old, (or gen era yard work: steady work (or good men. Apply timekeeper. Union Stock Yards Co., South Omaha. WANTED Colored porter who can give references. ' Apply Sherman ft McConnell Drug company, 19th and Farnam, second floor. ' WANTED Reliable meat cutter and sausage man. Place has 12,000 population. J. H. ttoebener Meat company, Fremont, Neb. WILL give one-half interest In auto repair business to good repair man. Phone Ben son 298. i WANTED Laborers, 26tlf and Farnam St., at the new building. Klene & Busch. HELP WANTED FEMALE Stores and Offices. WANTED, A STENOGRAPHER. APPLY IN PERSON. 2417 FARNAM ST. i - STENOGRAPHERS, $100, $90, $95, $85, $75; bookkeepers, $76 to $100; office clerk, $60; blller, $85; compt. operator, $96. WATTS REFERENCE COMPANY, 1138 First National Bank. BOOKKEEPER, small wholesale firm, $100. WESTERN REFERENCE & BOND ASS'N STENOGRAPHER, some experience, $75. WESTERN REFERENCE & BOND ASS'N Professions and Trades. ' WANTED Young Ladies to lean, telephone operating. Good wages paid while teaming, rapid advance ment, permanent positions. Applv to C. F. LAMBERT. 1807 Douglas St WANTED Girl who thoroughly understand the manufacture or overalls snd Jackets. Must be willing to work, of good execu - tivo ability to act as (orelady In our branch (actor. Give reference, years ex nerience. aire and full information as to your ability. H A. Baker Co., 5th and .Tone 8ts.. Sioux wity. la. : GIRLS WANTED. To Learn Fur Sewing. Good wage's paid while learning. 'Phone Mr. Hallback, Tyler 120, In the morn ing. National Fur and Tanning Co. Household and Domestic. WANTED A housekeeper by widower with a boy, IS years old. Permanent home for the right party that would appreciate a good home and kind treatment Middle age or younger:' no objections to small child. Phone weo. . jau arter o. WANTED Hand Ironera and 'marker and sorter (or rough dry department and girl (or all department. Evans Model Laundry. 11th and Douglas. WANTED Girl, oc middle-aged woman, (or general , housework; one that would like to 'spend month of August at Lake Oko- boji. Call all I'avenpon pi. vtai. oai, WANTED at once, white girl (or general housework, no washing or cooking, good home. Re(erences required. 1325 South 86th Ave. Harney y72 EXPERIENCED while girl (or general housework. Three In family. No lauri dry work Good wages. Mrs. H. H. Fish, Harney 2480. - A COMPETENT white woman (or general housework by August 1: no washing. Call Harney 1116. WANTED An experienced sirl for general housework. 137 S. 35tb St. ( Call Harney 8913. HELP WANTED FEMALE Professions and Trades MIDDLE.AGED woman (ur general house work on . farm. One with good refer, ences. Write Frank Cuda. Bee. Neb route 1. GENERAL kitchen helper, also student to wait tables. Mrs. A. Miner, 2305 Douglas. Hotels and Restaurants TWO experienced waitresses at once. Fam ily hotel. D. 2076. Trade Schools. WANTED Ladies to learn barber trade. Special rates and Inducements. TRi-CITY BARBER COLLEGE. 1401 Douglas St. Miscellaneous. NEAT appearing girl with some experience for WARE'S CANDY KITCHEN, 1416 N. 24th St. Phone Webster 6466. HELP WANTED Male and Female. WANTED Men, ladlea and boys, learn barber trade; big demand: wages while learning; strictly modern. Call or write 1403 Dodge St Tri-Clty Barber College. Phone D 2147 MOLER Barber College wants yonng men and ladlea to learn the barber trade. Call or write (or free catalogue. 110 8. 14tb St.. Omaha. Neb. WANTED A competent male or (emale bookkeeper In lumber office paying good salary. Douglas 2093. EDUCATIONAL - BOYLES COLLEGE, DAY SCHOOL. NIGHT SCHOOL. Every day Is enrollment day. Book keeping, shorthand, stenotypy, typewrit ing, telegraphy, civil service- all commer cial and English branches. Catalogue free. BOYLES COLLEGE. Douglas 1565. 18th and Harney St. Varf Sant School o( Business. Day and Evening Schools. 220 Omaha National Bank Bldg. Douglas 6890 Musical. CORNET Instructions: highly recommended. Phone Red 6724. FOR RENT ROOMS Furnished Rooms ATTENTION ROOM HUNTERS If you fall to find the room you deslr among the ad cajl at Tb Be offlc for a Room List Give complete description of vacant room In aU parts of th citv New Hat Issued very week NICE clean sleeping and housekeeping rooms in private home. Electric lights, gas and bath. Close to boulevard and Farnam or Leavenworth car lines. Harney 6205. 2516 JONES Fine largo most desirable room In strictly modern home. Easy walking distance. Reasonable. Phone Tyler 1461, evenings. SANITARY modern rooms for - men only. $2.50 per week. Sunshine Apartment. 603 N. 17th St. J B Robinson. 442 Be Bldg. Douglas 8097 MODERN furnished room, permanent or transient, Including large front room suitable (or three gentlemen. 1711 Dodge. MODERN furnished room tor men only al the Sunshine. 608 North 1 Tt b St Reason able rent 206 S. 26TH AVE. Furnished room, mod ern, also basement room, cheap; walking distance. Phone Harney 2782. 25C1 DODGE Double and single rooms; (rood board. Harney 6143. Housekeeping Rooms. 3121ft CALIFORNIA 3 and -3 room fur nished. Modern. Ground floor. Nice yard. Harney 4001. LIVING room, kitchen and porch on the front, gas, electric washer, iron, light. Ice-box; private home. Webster 7168. Board and Rooms WANTED By two refined young ladles, room and board, $6.50 or $7.00, walk ing distance ot Swift'. Box 640. Omaha Bee. BOARD and room, first class; on car line; In refined widow's home. Phone Web ater 6040. , Hotels. CLAREMONT INN, 17 th and Jackon, Transient guests, $1 a day; permanent guests, $5 a week. Douglas 2785. COOL rooms. $2 week: also apartments wilt kitchenettes ojrden hotel Cn B'nff FOR RENT FURNISHED Apartments. FURNISHED LA TUNA APTS. 641 S. 24th St. A large llv. room, a dress, room and closet combined, a kltch. and bath, comp, furn.f best of service. "D. 1583. WANTED Small furnished apartment for two or three months. Modern. Addres L. M. M., care Bee office. Houses. TO RENT FURNISHED 7-room modern .house, 5003 Florence boulevard, "Prettiest Milo,"" garage, ' screened-In porch, large yard with trees Call at house or ' HARRISON & MORTON (16 Omaha Kat'l. Douglas 314. FOR RENT High class, 8 room, modern house, 4151 DaVenport St. Ed. O. Hamil ton, 103 Bee Building. FOR RENT HOUSES West APARTMENT. 5 rooms In the Hudson, 207 South 26th Ave.; heat and Janitor service; $42.50 and $50 per month. Benson & Meyers Co., Realtors, 424 Omaha Nat. Bk. Bldg. D. 7426. TO responsible party large house, at corner Twenty-fifth avenue and Douglas street. Suitable for high class rooms and dining service. Also fine location for lodge or social organizations. Phone owner, Doug- . la 7256. 3304 NORTH Sixty-ninth Btreet, 7 rooms. $15.00. , ; 6922 Bedford avenue, 6 rooms, $12.50. OMAHA LOAN & BLDG. ASS'N. 2568 DOUGLAS. rooming house. $33.00. Flat, 2305 Leavenworth. 5 rm . $20.00. JOHN N. FRENZER, Douglas 554. 7-ROOM house, hot water heat Adults on l ly. Harney 2049. - North. SEVEN rooms modern. $25, near postofficti. O. P. Stebbtmc 1610 Chicago. aouth i ROOMS and den; atrictly modern house; almost new, with garage; $32.60. 1541 So, 25th St. TyUr 1812 J. " Miscellaneous. 620 8, 28th St., 9 rm., all mod., garage. $50.00. v . 2407 Jonea St, 9 rni., all mod.; 28.00.' 60S- S. ,25th St., 7 rm., all mod., 235.00 408ft N. 26th St, 5 ran., mod ex. ht, 19.00. , 1013 S. 23d St.. 5 rms moil. ex. ht . 1G.: BIRKETT ft COMPANY - 260 Bee Rlilg.' Doug. .".S tihuptu-ok it.un Rental. iAiuglua 4;2. H iT ' I "el 14.