Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 20, 1918, Image 1

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ForvNebraska Fair today;
Baegy Bee
warmer. . -
Thermometer Rmdinrai'
.. .VI
. . ,M
m ......M I p.
. m. 71S p.
. m. 71,3 p.
a. m. 72 4 p.
a. m. ....... ...75!5 p.
a. m. , .".Wja p.
. in. ...... ....S8'7 p.
"The 'Stars and Stripes
VOL. 48. NO. 28. t ohi o. .t et Mirth Ma OMAHA, SATURDAY MORNING, JULY 20, 1918. iftu"tJ!tttZ two prmts
:.868 p.
: Mil IMI?. 'HI? K1 w
Qi : " 1 n ' ' "
M0E THM 17,000
Prisoners and m
Uarge German Reinforcements Fail To Stem Onslaughts
of American and French Troops on New Battle
Line Between Soissons and Chateau Thierry;
,The Americans Are Driving Wedge,
: . By Associated Press.
; Notwithstanding the Germans have thrown large rein-
101 American ana Jb rencn troops.
"Friday the Americans and
ward into the deep triangle
Chateau Thierry as its points.
ter attack on the plateau southwest of Soissons, where the al-
II- J j ; j.. j.rj . C- M. l "
jieu guns uummaie mis important town.
.The gains Friday were carried to their greatest depth in
the center of the 25-mile line and on the southern flank north
west of Chateau Thierry where the Americans are holding
' The fighting was particularly hard throughout the day
aroujrd'Soissons and in the region of Chaudun, where the Ger
mans sent in large forces of reserves in an endeavor to push
uowv uic oiucu UUUJJO. iicic LUC .TilUtl JtiUl iXlllllVLy U1U I1ULH.U1"
work, killing or wounding many of the enemy and aiding great
ly in staving off the Germans. . , . -
ThcAmericans northwest of Cha-
teau Thierry have driven in the line
upon ithe plateau northwest of Bon
nes and to the height to the north
representing a gain of three and a
half miles from the point of original
departure at Torcy. While it is not
possible yet geographically to delimit
with exactitude the gains made in the
two days' fighting along the front by
the French and Americans, -it is
known that at its deepst point the
penetration has reached approximate
ly seven miles and that over the en
tire 25 miles it ranges down to about
two miles.
In addition to the infliction of ex
tt emery heavy casualties on the
enemy the -French and American
forces up- to the present have taken
more than 17,000 prisoners, including
two colonels with their chiefs of staff,
and in excess of 360 cannon.
; Enemy Now on Defensive.
The offensive on the entire west
ern front seems to have shifted to
Vim T?acf .nil tiiAet i( PViimo
where the Germans last Monday
started a battle along a 65-mile front
from Chateau Thierry to eastern
Champagne, the enemy is now on
the defensive on most of the sectors
iwhere there is any fighting. Friday
saw the Germans lose additional
ground alon'g the Marne to the
v French and Italian troops. East of
Rheims the Germans have not seen
fit to resume the fighting.
Southwest of Ypres the British have
carried out another successful in
. tursion into the German lines, cap
turing the village of Meteren,. a point
of strategic value for observation pur
poses, while further south Australian
troops gained ground. The two ma
neuvers cost the Germans nearly 400
men made prisoner and the loss of
numDer oi macnine guns.
VLightless Nights
, To Be Resumed as
, T-i i n m
' ruel oaving nan
: Washington, July 19. Resumption
tof "lightless nights,", inaugurated last
tarinf i 4 f gqva ftlpl wil! Krrmi ffr-
live next Wednesdays it was an-
nouncea tonigiu Dy tne tuei aaminis
tration. All outdoor illumination with
the exception of necessary street
lighting will be discontinued after that
date on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesr
J. I T1.....J... i. .....i. a.
New England states, New York,
Pennsylvania, New Jersy, Delaware,
Maryland and the District of Colum
bia" and on Monday and Tuesday of
each week in the remainder of the
- United States. V
.The regulations under which the
''lightless nights" will be carried out
by the fuel administrator last winter
with the exception of the nights desig
nate!!: Street lighting will be re
duced to that necessary for public
lafety; Roof: gardens and outdoor
restaurants and motion picture
theaters are not ' affected' by the
order. ; i
Omaha Boy Member
n - of Crew San Diego
- f Donald Monroe, son of D. Monroe,
2410 South Thirty-first street, was a
member of the crew of the torpedoed
.American battle cruiser, San Diezo.
French battered their way east
which has Soissons, Rheims and
They withstood a terrific coun
Victor Rosewater at Club Meet
ing lrges Need of Repub
lican Party at Helm
in Crisis.
"Wc are going into this campaign
to convince the people that the repub
lican party can administer the affairs
of government better than any other
party and thereby serve the nation,"
John L. Kennedy told members of the
Douglas County American Republi
can club, at a meeting in the City
National Bank building last night.
Placingpatriotism above partisan
ship, he declared that the republican
ahvays has been a party of construc
tive priciples and patriotism, as his
tory has recorded.
"Being patriots first does not mean
that we can not be republicans at the
same time, because the patriotism of
republicans has never been questioned.
"No man should be allowed to go on
any party ticket if his patriotism
can1 be questioned,'' he continued. "It
is the duty of every man to vote for
the candidates who can best serve
their country.
"I am afraid of a patched-up peace
Republicans must stand firmly for a
permanent peace, which we can not
hope for while the kaiser reigns. .If
we are going to have a peace that
will count, we must get it established
before we gather around the con
ference table of nations. The inter
ests of our party ar bound up in the
interests tof our country.
Pride in American Soldiers.
"We. should be proud that the
American soldiers have participated in
the first serious setback the Germans
have had. I would be willing to
(Continued on Page v Two, Column Six.)
Omaha Celebrates Great
Victory and Hangs Kaiser
Thousands of Omaha people gathered at the court house at 8 o'clock
last night to celebrate the allied victories. t
The glorious news of Yankee successes at the war front has fanned
patriotism to white heat and the great mass of people cheered and shouted
in a frenzy of joy at each new announcement of America's valor on the bat
tle fields of Europe 1 s
At the close of,, the festivities the kaiser was hanged in effigy from the
soof of the court house. Thousands of persons cheered themselves hoarse
as the hated symbol was lowered in disgrace and a crowd of boys attacked
the body viciously as soon as it reached the earth.
' "The question will no longer be,-"How close are the Hunso Paris?' but
rather, 'How near are our boys to Berlin?' " declared Mayor Smith, who made
a short address praising the bravery of the American fighters.
John C Wharton presided at the meeting. J. J. Boucher and Capt. Charles
J. Ghdden also made short talks. Rev. A. F. Ernst Jed in prayer fof the
solders who are fighting for the allied cause.
Six French officers, who have been assigned to Omaha as instructors at
the Fort Omaha balloon school, were escorted to the meeting by Captain
Glidden and were called upon for speeches. They were cheered lustily and
Captain Bouvillain, who speaks English, responded. 4 He wears the French
war cross given him for bravery in action.
The meeting had btcn hastily improvised and a call issued by the Daily
Americans Advance in Face
of Machine Gun Fire and
Drive Back Tanks
By Associated Press.
AND THE MARNE, July 19.The Franco-American troops
mad.e an advance late this afternoon on the Soissons-Chateau
Thierry front, averaging about two kilometers (about a mile
and a quarter.) Vicious German machine gun fire southwest
of Soissons hampered the advance for only a short period.
t In the same section the Germans attempted to use tanks
against the Americans, but a hot fire soon compelled the tanks
to retreat.
The advance began with a barrage opening at 5 :30 o'clock.
Tanks were sent in by the allies to assist the'infantry and ma
chine gunners, and the Germans endeavored to stem the tide
with a heavy shell fire. Southwest of Soissons, the Germans
repeatedly attempted to reach the allies' big guns. The Ger
man firing continued until long after dark, but the French and
American guns responded in kind, and gave full protection to
the allied forces as they advanced along the line. Several
towns were captured.
u. ?eav3r reinforcements were rushed up from the north by
the German command in a desperate effort to head off the hard
lighting allies, whose rapid advance would, if continued, sever
the German command in a desperate effort to head off the hard
Inere are still strong German forces south of the Marne.
"Convention Adjourns Without
Hearing Whether ' Colonel
Roosevelt Will Enter
Race for Govsrnor.
By Associated Press.
Saratoga SpringS, N. Y., July 19.
The New York, republican. state con
vention suddenly adjourned today,
leaving unanswered many questions to
which replies were eagerly awaited.
Chief ambng these was whether
Col. Theodore Roosevelt would enter
the race for the governorship. The
prevailing belief was that he would.
The part played by the women dele
gates was not insignificant, fully
one1 fifth of the 1,034 delegates were
new voters, and a woman, Miss Mary
Garrett Hay of New York, was made
chairman of the resolutions commit
tee. .. '
Women figured in one incident that
was out of harmony with the rest of
the session. This was when a dele
gation of the more militant national
women's party displayed from the bal
conies a banner demanding the sup
port of U. S. Senator Wadsworth for
the federal suffrage amendment or
his resignation. At the direction of
Chairman J. Sloat Fassett the banner
was taken away from the women and
crumpled up, but not until they had
struggled futilely to keep its mes
sage before the delegates. .
The platform adopted declared for
a vigorous "win the war" polirjy, com
mended the administration of Gov
ernor Whitman and. "emphatically"
urged the New York senators to vote
for the federal suffrage amendment.
Thirteen Lives Forfeited for
Assassination of Mirbach
Amsterdam, July The Cologne
Gazette says that 13 revolutionary so
cialists implicated in the assassination
of Count Von Mirbach. the German
ambassador to Russia, have been exe
cuted ajd many others are under ar
rest. v
y ' 1 . i - - -
Former - Mexican President
Came to, U. S. to Foment
War, Says Witness in
i King V
' .By Associated Pressr
. Chicago, July 19.The assertion
that the late Victoriano Huerta, presi
dent of Mexico, came to the United
States after he was o'usted from the
presidency in the interests' of the
German, government and with the in
tent to cause war between fexico and
this country, was made on the witness
stand today by Gaston B. Means, dur
ing his testimony regarding an alleged
second will prepared by the late James
C. King, - Means was a witness at a
hearing held as a result of the attempt
of certain heirs to have the will ad
mitted to probate.
During his testimony Means brought
in the names of Count von Bernstorff,
J. Pierpont Morgan, Captain Boy-Ed
and Sejaretary Daniels.
Means said that in 1915 he was told
by a German official that Huerta
would come to the United States in
the interests of the German govern
ment and that he later would return
to Mexico and attempt to embroil the
southern republic and the United
States. The witness said he commu
nicated, this information to a detect
ive agency which brought about the
arrest of Huerta. He added that this
action'caused him to be dismissed by
Captain Boy-Ed from the employ of
the German embassy.
Caused Horn's Arrest.
Later, the witness said, he held con-j
terences with Joseph P. Tumulty, sec
retary to the president; Secretary
Daniels,' J. Pierpont Morgan and John
k. Kathom, editor of the Providence.
(R. I.) Journal, at which he gave these
gentlemen information which resulted
in the arrest of Werner Horn while
en route to blow up a bridge over
which Canadian troops were being
shipped. He testified he had warned
government officials of the destruction
of the parliament buildings at Ottawa.
"Some German agents knew I-was
on familiar terms with Captain Boy
Ed," the witness testified, "and as
sumed anything they said to me would
go no further. I listened to all they
had to say and reported it."
Means said that Mrs. Maud C. King,
of whose murder he recently was ac
quitted, was interested" with him fi
nancially in supplying the German
government witff rubber, in violation
of the Anglo-American treaty trade
agreement. He said Germany still
owed Mrs. King's -"state approximate
ly $167,000s a resulf of these trans
actions. . v
The witness announced tha he had
been ordered by the Department of
Justice to report to the federal bureau
to assist the authorities fn unearthing
German plots in the United States.
Zeppelin Brought down
On Fire Monday Night
fell in flames at the German frontier
near Dalheim on - Monday evening,
the Rotterdamsche 1 Courant " an-J
nounces todav. . ,. '
Remains Afloat 36 Minutes ' After Being
Struck and Nearly All on Board Except
Engine Crew Members Saved.
Washington, July 20.-The Navy department early.this morning received infor
mation that two steamships, which are proceeding to an unnamed port, have
aboard 1 , 1 56 officers and men of the United States cruiser San Diego. These are
in additiph to the one officer and 30 men previously reported landed. The men
are said to be in good condition ttnd so far as known none were injured. v
Boat' ujirichea Without Mis
hap; Many Leap Into Watery
Bridge Officer Goes
Down With Ship. -
By Associated Press.
Point o'. Wods. N. Y., July 19.-Ac-cording
to stories of survivors, there
was' no excitement aboard the San
Diego after the explosion. The cour
age of the men maintained the tra
ditions of the navy. All were pro
vided with life belts and the ship's
boats were launched without mis
hap. Many leaped into the, water when
the decks were almost awash, but
were picked up. Several vessels sum
moned by wireless gave aid. Several
of the small boats put ashore at Fire
The gunners stood by until the last
that they might get a shot at the
The survivors who landed here were
given food and dry clothing after
which they walked a mile across the
beach to Great South Bay, where
they were placed in power boats and
taken to West Sayville. From there
they left for New York in automo
biles. Airplanes on Search.
Several squadrons of airplanes and
a dirigible , put to sea soon after the
San Diego had been hit. Late to
night one of these planes, in a crip
pled condition was seen being towed
across the Great South Bay by a pa
trol boat. No information was avail
able as to how it met its mishap.
The colors of the San Diego were
rescued by one of the sailors who
landed here. The flag had been lashed
to a bit of drift wood and was being
held aloft in the boat when it came
ashore. The Jackie who saved the
ensign climbed up the mast to get it
and then dived into the water.
None of those who came here need
ed medical attention and it was be
lieved that if there was any loss of
life, it was in the engine room and
was caused by the explosion of the
boilers. '
The sailors told of the heroic death
of a quartermaster who had been or
dered to stand on the bridge while
the men were being sent to the boats.
He remained at his post, the sailors
said, until it was too late to same him
self or be saved. As the San Diego
sank they said the quartermaster
turned until he faced the shore where
hundreds of his tomrades were float
ing about in boats and calmly saluted.
Then he went down with his ship.
England Tests New Type
Of Airplane at Front
With Remarkable Success
London, July 19. The newspapers
today give prominence to a report of a
new type of British airplane which,
having been tested at the front with
the createst" success. e atinnt in he
employed there in large numbers. It
is sata not one ot these wonder ma
chines has yet been downed,
Edward A. Rumely
Life Story of Man Who Bought
New York Mail for the Kaiser
on Page Seven jpt Thi Issue..
Point O'Woods, N. Y., July 19. Survivors of the United
States cruiser San Diego, sunk 10 miles' off Fire Island shortly
before noon today declared tonight that many members of the
engine room crew must have been killed by the explosion which
wrecked, ttte warship. They were uncertain whether the vessel ;
was sunk from a torpedo from a submarine or by a mine. The
cruiser remained afloat 36 minuses after it was struck. -1
? " The torbedo or mine struck the shin itist aft of amidshin.
bjoiving up tHe bw guns oi
tKe cruiser were fired at what appeared to be i periscope. The
survivors who landed here numbered 35, including six officers.
The captain and first officer of the San Diego were the last to
leave the sinking cruiser. V N '
Heavy explosions heard here late today were believed to
indicate that some of the patrol boats which dashed to the aid of
the cruiser had met a German submarine and were giving battle.
The explosions continued until after 8 o'clock tonight, and
mariners living here declared they sounded as if depth bombs
were being dropped. , , .w.
Several barrels of crude oil, one of them badly charred,
floated ashore near here and this was believed to indicate the
possibility that a tank steamship also had been sunk.
An hour before the San Diego was struck, a barrel floating
through the water, so fast it was believed it might conceal a
periscope, was sighted by the lookout and a double watch was
posted. v " '
4 By Associated Press.
New York, July 19. German submarines appear to have
renewed operations off the American coast. The U. S. armored
cruiser San Diego was sunk not far from the entrance of New
York harbor today. Circumstantial reports reaching here in
dicate that she was torpedoed.
There were also reports tonight, though not confirmed,
that other ships had been attacked, one being' described as a
coastwise passenger ship. v
Coast guard patrols at Fire Island sighted a submarine
off shore between 10 and 10:30 o'clock this morning, according
to seemingly reliable reports received in Bay'Shore. An hour
later heavy firing was heard.
Whether there had been a toll of lives taken "on the San -Diego
was not known up to a late evening hour. Not more
than 335 had been accounted for out of a crew of 1,144 men
aboard the warship, of which 300 reached New York on a tank
steamship at 10 o'clock tonight. Thirty-two, a lieutenant, an
ensign and 30 sailors were landed in lifeboats this afternoon
on the Long Island shore.
Survivors were reported to have been picked up by other
ships, however, and to be on their way to New York.
The San Diego was sunk at 11:30 a. m. about ten miles
southeast of Fire Island !ght, which , is off the Long Island
shore about 50 miles east of the entrance to New York harbor
and on the marine highway of transatlantic ships bound in and
out of port. , ' i
Although the Navy department announced that the cause
of the loss of the San Diego had not been determined, infor
mation received from reliable sources in the afternoon indicate
submarines had been operating off the coast and that , the
, warship had been torpedoed. There were rumors that the
cruiser had been in collision, also that it had struck a mine,
but reports current where survivors landed on the Long Island
shore bore out the indications that a German submarine had
been responsible. v v
Inhabitants of Bay Shore and Babylon said that they heard
gun fire and explosions at sea shortly before noon. The 32
officers and sailors came ashore in three boats, between 3 and
7 p. m. at Point O'Woods, which is a remote sand. spit. They
were held at the coast guard station, where inquirers were
barred. ;
The firing continued during the afternoon and in the eve- ,
ning, the villagers reported. Fleets of submarine chasers, it"
is known, put out from New York and other coast ports upon
receipt of the news of disaster and destroyers, were also rushed '
to the scene. , Several merchant steamers .were renorted to
have responded to S. O. S. calls
wireless stations and to have stood by picking up survivow.
(Contlnned on Fin Two. Column On.
of the San Diego and shore,
. 4 '-