Omaha's Daylight; Snowwhite Independent Packing Plant ! Omaha's "Daylight Snowwhite ; independent racking riant li All of the products of the SKINNER PACKING COMPANY, will be marketed under this Trade Mark Label, which is known to millions of housewives through out the Uned States, quality the highest. ' . ': - . til , - . y. - , - - , Xr v , ' w' V v - ; ., " V TRADE MATK REGISTERED This trade . Mark is known to every wholesale and retail grocer in the United States and, therefore, the label of the SKINNER PACKING COMPANY yn be familiar to our trade the minute we start to ship. ' TRADE MATCK REGISTERED Tk nrucu of the SKINNER PACKING COMPANY will be known throughout the land for their extreme high quality. They will be the best j but not the cheapest. The choicest blends and flavors in culinary art .will becombined in SKINNER'S meat products. Our products will appeal to that class of trade that desires the best and is willing to pay for it. All pro ducts will be U.S. government inspected. The Ner Skinner Plant will be a Real Factor in the Omaha Market ' Th SKINNER PACKING PLANT will b on of tho b!gj.t thing. for tho Omaha market tliat ha nappenad L yaara and of graat adrantaf In halpinf to place tho Omaha market in first place and ahead of all the Lira Stock market in the United States. Successful independent plants, together with the Big Five, is what has given the Chi. cago market first place. Tho now Skinner plant, together with other independent plants organized along strictly business lines, is what will bring about this great advantage to Omaha and to shippers throughout this section. The building ef tho Skinner plant means something to every citizen of Omaha and its tributary territory and to the direct advantage of every live stock shipper .of this section. x Omaha received 40 per cent mora stock in 1917 than was killed on tho South Side. In other words, only 60 per cent was slaughtered here and 40 per cent was shipped to other points on the hoof. The Federal Trade Com mission states this is an additional burden -to tho railroads of 50 per cent and at this time they are already overtaxed. In addition to this many Eastern independent companies buy live stock out of Nebraska, Iowa and South Dakota that never sees this market, and a part of this business will come direct to the Omaha market when it takes its right ful place ahead of all others. . ( Omaha needs more packing houses, and Omaha will have the most modern and efficient plant in tho United States in the SKINNER PACKING COMPANY, OMAHA'S DAYLIGHT, SNOWWHITE INDEPENDENT PACK ING PLANT. - . ,'.r THE SKINNER PLANT NOW ASSURED SUCCESS-WE HAVE THE MONEY ' There never has bean any speculation as to tho erection and operation of the SKINNER PACKING COMPANY plant with the officers of tho Company, and we want to state her positively there can now ba no doubt by any one, because w hat th Capital. The work of excavation in addition to our grading Is now progressing rapidly. Oar basement and foundation pMns will be finished this week and contract placed separately for this class of work In order to rush the plant, ft THE PLANT WILL BE FIVE STORIES. 385x254 FEET, OF REINFORCED CONCRETE. THIS IS THE MAIN BUILDING AND THE FIRST UNIT AND SO CONSTRUCTED THAT THE CAPACITY CAN EASILY BE' DOUBLED. ' Our plans have been pronounced by experienced and successful packing house men the best and most officiant and up-to-date they have seen. Our Construction Engineer and Operating Superintendent is Mr. Charles F. Kamrath, a man who has had twenty-five years' experience in operating and constructing packing plants. The architects are H. P. Christensen & Company, Chicago, pronounced the best in packing house lines. Our plant is being erected on our 40-acre tract just south and west of the present Swift Plant on the South Side, and when the plant is completed and our acreage parked and grassed it will be a real show place from a sani tary and efficiency standpoint. Everyone, and especially packing house men, will be proud of the achievement. PROFITS MADE BY PACKING PLANTS RAN AS HIGH AS 180 LAST YEAR Public statements of th Five Big Packers Is published in th Economist, Chicago's leading financial paper, and sbow for th fiscal year19171 ' , , x , ' MORRIS A COMPANY made i80.3 per cent on capital stock. , ARMOUR A COMPANY mad 21.29 per cent and European and South American business were not included. SWIFT ft COMPANY mad 34.65 per cent on a great increase of capital during the year. CUDAHY PACKING COMPANY, after preferred dividends had been paid, showed 33.84 per cent and increased their capital stock from $5,499,500 to $11,499,400 during the year. WILSOH & COMPANY showed a profit of 62 on Preferred and 20 on Common. The above are published statements of these firm.-Th Federal Trade Commission states even greater profits in addition to the above showing; they state profits run as high as 263 per cent, andhis in view of stock dividends and watered stock. , - NO PROMOTION STOCK-OUR SECURITIES SOLD DIRECT BY COMPANY ho will tell yon that this Is the cleanest, has been the most successful and tho best organised proposition that has over been presented to the investing public in tho middle west. W give you as reference any bank or business man of Omaha or Council Bluffs any live stock commission man or the president or secretary of th Live Stock Exchange, South Side. . 7 Tfaer Is no promotion stock In this Company and .our securities are being sold directly by the Company at the very minimum expense. Th Company If, not In tha lwnds of promoters and is organised on a strictly high-grade basis. Tho acreage owned by this Company was bough at a groat bargain price and the Company owns the acreage at th exact figur for which it was purchased. , Ask any man who knows th facts in regard to this company and THIS IS YOUR OPPORTUNITY TO PURCHASE FULLY PARTICIPATING STOCK The securities offered by this Company have been purchased by th best and most conservative business men, live stock shippers, bankers and farmers. W hav mad a graat record in placing our securities. You can purchase now at par alue, $100.00 per share, a limited amount of our 8 per cent Guaranteed Preferred Fully Participating stock. There J positively only a limited amount left at this price. The great advantage in purchasing this stock is because it is an 8 per cent Guaranteed Fully Participating stock and positively participates in th full and ntir profits of th Company. J It is a part of the Articles of Incorporation that this stock never can be changed by vote of the directors or stock holders, and it will always participate in the full profits. This is a real opportunity for investor, to secure stock which fully participates in tho profits of the Company in addition to the usual rat of interest paid on th stock. . : OUR COST SYSTEM AND OPERATING END HAS BEEN ESTIMATED BY THE HIGHEST AND MOST EFFICIENT AUTHORITIES. THE NET PROFIT FROM THE OPERATION OF THIS PLANT, THE FIRST UNIT, IS CONSERVATIVELY ESTIMATED AT $828,000 PER ANNUM OR MORE THAN 30 PER CENT ON OUR ENTIRE CAPITAL, v -r Notice While The Omaha Daily Bee does not endorse or recommend the pur-! ' chase of any stock, we are authorized to say that any'statements or editorials ap- : pearing in The Omaha Daily Bee in crit icism of certain promotion propositions were not directed at nor did they apply to the organization of the. SKINNER , PACKING COMPANY. ' T Bd 1 km wm& X. MEAT SKINNER PACKING COMPANY Skinner Packing Company, , Suite 912 First Nat'l Bank Bldg., Omaha, Nebraska. I have $ ' , 7 toinvest and with out obligation on my part Would like to have you send me detailed in formation on your coinpanyy at once Name . . . ... . . . . . ... . . Address . . . . . . . . ...... : OMAHA. .U.S. A., ( LLOYD M. SINNER. Pres. aad Tioas. PORTER D. ASKEW, Vice Pre. . ' ' PAUL P. SKINNER. CKsimia-ef tit Board f ' " . ' ' ' ROBERT G1LMORE. Secretary. CHARLES P. KAMRATH. Vice Pres. " . V t 1 r . .t ' y