' " - ' " THE BEE; OMAHA, SATURDAY, JULY 13, 1918, , i s at'" IBSfP BSe WILSON VETOES $2.40 A BUSHEL PRICE OF WHEAT Members of Congress From Grain States Will Make Fight for Passage of Bill Over His Veto. By Associated Press. Washington, July 12. In vetoing the $28,000,000 annual agricultural ap propriation bill because of its amend ment fixing the government minimum wheat price at $2.40 a bushel, the president informed congress today that he did believe the farmers of America "depend upon a stimulation of price to do their utmost to serve the nation and the world at this time of crisis." The president .said the patriotic spirit of the farmers has been "worthy of all praise and has shown them playing an admirable and most gratifying part in the full mobiliza tion of the resources of the country ." Members of congress from whea' growing states will, make a fight- to pass the bill over the veto, but indi cations 'are that the wheat price pro vision will be eliminated, leaving the guaranteed price at $2.20. President's Message. ' The president's message follows: j "I regret to return without my sig nature so important a measure as H. - R..9054, entitled 'An Act Making Ap propriations for the Department of Agriculture for the fiscal Year End ing June 30. 1919, but I feel con strained to do so because of my ear nest dissent from the" point of view of principle as well as wise exped iency, from the provisions of that part of Section 14 which prescribes a uni form minimum price for number 2 northern spring wheat of $2.40 a bushel. I dissent upon principle because I believe that such in clastic legislative price provisions are insusceptible of being ad ministered in a way that will be ad vantageous either to the producer or to the consumer, establishing as they do arbitrary levels which are quite independent of the normal market conditions, and because I believe that the present method of regulation by conference with all concerned has resulted in the most satisfactory man ner, considering the complexity and variety of the subject matter dealt with. "It is evident that the present method of determining the price to be oaid for wheat hsVhaH t!i mnct stimulating" effect upon production, the estimated crop of spring wheat for this year exceeding all high re cords in a very remarkable and grati fying way. By an overwhelming majority of the farmers of the United States the price administratively fixed has been regarded as fair and liberal and objections to it .have come only from those sections of the country where, unfortunately, it has in recent years proved impossible to rely upon climatic conditions to produce a full crop of wheat and where therefore many disappointments to the farmer have proven to be unavoidable. Trusts to Farmers' Patriotism. "Personally, I do not believe the tarmers of the countrv rlpnpnH nnnti the stimulation of price to do their utmost to serve the nation and the World at this time of crisis hv evr-rt- ing themselves to an extraordinary ocgrec to produce tne largest and best crops possible. Their patriotic spirit in this matter has been worthy of all praise and has shown them playing a most admirable and gratify ing part in tne lull mobilization of t ine resources oi tne country. To a very greatly increased production of wncat tney nave added an increased production of almost every other im portant gram, so that our granaries are likelv tn overflow and tlio anvi" ety of the nations arrayed against uermany with regard to their food supplies nas neen relieved. Ihe administrative method of agreeing upon a fair price has this very great advantage which any ele ment of rigidity would in a large part destroy, namely, the. advantage of flexibility, or rendering possible at every stage and in the view of every change of experience a readjustment which will be fair alike to produce auu vuiiaumer. Price of Flour Affected. "A fixed minimum nnV nf fc? d( ..- bushel would, it is estimated, add $2 per barrel to the price of flour; in Other words, raise th nrii-p-nf fnr from the present price of $10.50 to N.su at tne mill and inasmuch as we are anticipating a crop of approxi mately 900,000,000 bushels of wheat, mis increase would be equivalent to tne immense sum of So87.000.000. 'Such an increase of the price of wheat in the United States would lorce a corresponding increase in the price of Canadian wheat. The allied governments would of rmirc l1P obliged to make all of their purchases at tne increased figure, and the whole scale of their financial onerati'ons in thfs courty, in which the government V me united states is directly assist ing, would be therefore correspond ingly enlarged. The increase would also add very materially to the cost of living, and there would inevitably ensue an increase in the wages paid in practically every industry in the Country. These added financial and economic difficulties, affecting prac tically the whole world, cannot, I assume, have been in contemplation by the congress in passing this legislation." Experienced and Responsible Packers And the necessary mater ials for packing your household goods, etc., be fore they are put in our fire-proof warehouse will be furnished on proper notice. Of1, Ah A VAN & STORAGE CO. Phone Doug. 4163. 806 S. 16th St. Handkerchiefs Clearance Many people have the impression that Hand kerchiefs are high priced but this is not so at least in this store ' Our stock is immense and our vaiues are sim ply wonderful in spite of the fact that high prices rule in the whole sale market. At 3Y2c each Big lot of Women's Hand kerchiefs, with, embroid kerchiefs, with embroidered ered initials; some slightly mussed; excellent value. At SV2c each Women's Fine Lawn Hand kerchiefs, with embroidered corners in colors and white; neatly hemstitched, some with colored edges.- At 122c each Women's Handkerchiefs, in all linen, with initials and colored edges, also plain hemstitched Lawn with em broidered corners in colors , and white. At 2l2c each Men's Fine Mercerized Cot ton Handkerchiefs, with in itials; plain hemstitched and very good quality Handker chiefs. Main Floor on Saturday Please Shop Early IT-1 i J A J I LJsnf Morning Hours Are Best Women's Suits Underpriced Special for This July Clearance We have gathered together three special groups of Suits at prices that have been radically reduced for this July Clearance Sale. It will be a wise investment to buy a Suit for next fall because the present conditions indicate that prices will go higher and higher each month. Suits, $10 Were $15 to $22 Shepherd Checks, Norfolks and Buck led Belt styles, Hair line stripes with nar- row belts. Suitable for vacation and buting wear. Suits, $15 Were $25 to $35 All Wool Serges, Navy Blue and Black; Shepherd Checks, plain and belted models, braid trimmed. Suitable for wear well into early Fall. Second Floor Suits. $25 Were $39 to $65 Finest Tricotines, Poiret Twills, All Wool Serges, in navy blue and black, tans and grays, some Jersey Suits and some Taffeta Silk Suits. Drugs and Toilet Needs Hughes' Ideal Hair Brush, special at 98c Grave' Tooth Powder, 25c size, special at 16c Sanitol Cold Cream, 35c size, special at 22c Armand's Bouquet Face Powder, 50c size, special t 33c Eau DesQuin Hair Tonic 65c siie, special at 49c Mm. Isabella Toilet Wa ter, $1.00 size, special at 79c Djer Kiss Vegetal, $1.40 size, special at. . . .98c Shar Aid, 50c size, spe cial at 33e ' Lysol, 50c size, special at 37c Valdona Castoria, special. . . at 16c Putnam's Dry Cleaner, 25c size, special at 19c Palm Olive Shampoo, 50c size, special at 29c Hay's Hair Health, spe cial at 59c Milk of Magnesia, 6 oz. size, special at 19c Sloan's Liniment, at. . . ,29c Energine Cleaning Fluid, 25c size at 190 Elmerito Castile Soap, 12c bar, at 8c Palm Olive Soap, a bar. . .8c Essex Peroxide Soap, a bar 7c AUadin Dye Soaj, a bar. .8c Creme Oil Soap, a bar. . ,7c Rubber Sheeting, special a yard. . 49c Main Floor Rear Girls' and Flappers' Tub Dresses $6.95 Made of splendid quality ginghams, tissues, cham brays, in stripes and plaids, combinations of organdies and piques, styles that for merly sold for $9, $10 and $12, special at $6.95 Colored Wash Dresses $1.59 Made of fine ginghams, stripes and plaids, suitable for immediate wear or for school wear later on, light and dark patterns, sizes G to 14 years, regularly $2.00 and $2.50, your choice Saturday at $1.59 Children's Coats, $3.95 A group pt Children's Coats, made of very nice materials, wool serges, shepherd checks, various combinations, all neat models that have been selling well during the season for $5.00 and $7.50, at $3.95 Second Floor is) I Women's $4 I White i Wash Skirts 90 Fresh, new, clean White skirts, made of Gabardine and Basket weaves, all the new pocket effects, wide belts, large pearl but- tons. All lengths and waist mea sures. Second Floor rru ' fo7f l QJ 2 Boys9 Suits p Knickerbocker or Long Pants Odd lots and broken sizes of Knickerbocker Suits, priced for quick clearance. A big variety of light, medium and dark colored suits, in gray and brown mixtures, medium and heavier weights; some of these suits have two pair of pants, sizes 6 to 17 & 7 c years, at O.O Short Lots of Youths' Long Trouser Suits that are way below their wholesale value today. Some plain models, also pinch back and full belted models in grey, brown and blue mix tures. Just the thing for work or school. Boys, here is an opportunity to spend that money you are earning to a great dQ yf" advantage. Sizes 15 to 20 years, V I O Boys Wash Pants, to fill out the season with. Remember tht value of cottons today and compare the price. Plain tan stripes, black and white checks and dark colors, all sizes 5 to 16 r years, at OtC Second Floor, Men's Bldg. Petticoats Silk Petticoats, $1.98 A very special pur chase of Tub Silk Pet ticoats, in dark pat terns, Paisley and Dres den designs, with deep flounces and neatly tucked styles. These are regular $4.00 val ues special for Satur day . $1.98 Second Floor 100 Show Room Model Hats ' $5.00 Bought of D. B. Fisk Company, Chicago Made Up to Sell for $10.00 We purchased these Hats at a very special price, mL0f f.Sem t0 you in this Juy Clearance Sale at F THE PRICE THEY WERE MADE TO bLLL FOR. aro e f b.t quality' Georgette Crepe, some are wide side sailors and mushroom effects made over wire frames. Colors are white and flesh. Make excep tionally fascinating Mid-Summer Hats. Second Floor. 9 Blouses New Georgette Crepe Beaded designs, in the front and ball buttons, large pointed collars, shown in flesh, white and beige, each, at $5.50 .New Smocks In cotton, crepe and linen, with embroidered designs and smocking in contrasting colors, also colored collars, cuffs and belts, colors white, ?reen, blue, beige and rose, specially priced at.... 81.95 to $13.95 Second Floor Ladies' Hosiery Women's High-Class Fancy Novelties in Ital ian Silk, as Well as Thread Silk Hose, in Shoe shades, some are embroidered, others lace stripes. These are extra value J1 QC from a well known manufacturer. V Women's Pure Thread Silk Hose in all the wanted shades, with lisle tops, spliced heels, toes and soles, medium weight, d 1 if" all full fashioned at 4liO Women's Fiber Silk Hose in all colors, seam less, double heels, toes, lisle 'JQ tops, at a pair tC Main Floor Women's White Footwear, $3.95 .Splendid Values for Saturday Pumps, Were to $7, at $3.95 Several styles of plain and Colonial White Nile Cloth Pumps, with turned or welted soles, covered Louis heels and good range of sizes. $5.50 to $7 Pumps, at $3.95 "Red Cross" Patent and Kid Pumps, reduced for clearance black kid and patent kid, turned soles, leather covered Louis heels; sizes to 8. Bathing Shoes, at igC 49c inj 69c $9.00 Oxfords and Pumps, at $4.95 Gray Suede Oxfords and Pumps, silver gray, with Louis heels, medium and narrow toe shapes, sizes 3 to 7 and widths from AA to D. Main Floor, Rear r Cf j. Children's Hosiery Children's Socks in all styles and sizes, fancy tops, plain tops, rolled tops, checks and stripes, at, a pair ..25. 35. 39tf Silk Socks in plain colors, pink, sky, white, also'fancy stripes, all sizes, 65, 75. 85 Misses' Silk Lisle Hose, in white and black, all sizes, fine ribbed, fast black, light weight, at, a pair, Saturday... , -50 Boys' Hose in medium weight, double heels and toes, fine ribbed, all sizes from 6 to 11, at, a pair ; 35 Main Floor mrday-Aljoit Hal i nice An IMMENSE stock of High Grade Jewelry, which we bought in iuis ai 11 um oc 10 duc ana bbc on the dollar. This is a very fine, clean stock, all bright and new and in perfect condition. Every Piece Absolutely Guaranteed Diamonds, Watches, Clocks, Solid Gold and Gold 1 Filled Jewelry Men's Wrist Watches $5.00 Watches, at $2.89 120.00 Watches at $12.00 Men's Watches $9.00 Silver Watches $5.00 $20.00 Elgin Watches $12.98 $30.00 Elgin Watches.... $17.98 $14.00 Watches, at $5.98 (Elgin and Waltbam) Men's Chronometers $14.00 Chronometers $7.50 Ladies' Bracelet Watches $20.00 Bracelet Watches. .$10.98 $27.00 Bracelet Watches. .$15.98 $ 9.00 Bracelet Watches $5.98 The Diamond Jewelry $5.00 Diamond Rings, genuine tut diamond $2.98 $10.00 Diamond Rings, genuine cut diamond. $5.98 $12 to $15 Diamond Rings, 8-100 karat, at $6.98 $20.00 Diamond Ring, 15-100 karat, at $12.50 $40.00 Diamond Ring, 23-100 karat, at $22.00 $80.00 Diamond Rings, 1-3 karat, pure white $56.00 $9.00 Diamond Mounted Gold Scarf Pins, at $3.98 $12.50 and $15.00 La Vallieres, at $6.98 to $27.00 $9.00 to $50.00 Diamond Set Brooches, at. .$3.98 to $27.00 $10.00 to $50.00 Scarf Pins, at $5-98 to $29.50 Main Floor Solid Gold Jewelry $3.00 Gold Rings $1.50 $3 to $5 Tie Clasps $1.19 $2.50 to $6 Scarf Pins $1.19 $3.00 to $6.00 Brooches $1.89 $4 to $12.50 La Vallieres. .$1.98 Gold Filled Jewelry $4 to $6 Cameo Brooches. .$1.98 $1.50 Camqo Scarf Pins 69c 50c to $1.00 Brooches 29c ?3 to $4 La Vallieres $1.00 $1.25 Baby Locket at 69c $Ji to $6 Bracelets $1.98 50c to $1.00 Beauty Pins 29c 50c to $1.00 Scarf Pins. 29c 1 v 1 - jH - - , - ' " I