. 1, ' w THE BEE: DMA11A, FRIDAY, JULY 12, 191S. TEUTON TREATY SCRAP OF PAPER, ESTHONIA FINDS Charge German Dictatorship in Baltic Province Estab lished Despite Terms Made at Brest-Utovsk. By Associated Press. 'Stockholm; July 11. Representa tives now in Copenhagen of the Es- vvthonjan diet, and government have protested .to Germany against Ger many's occupation policy and oppres- - sion in that Baltic province., Mr. Morris, the American minister to Sweden, his sent to President Wil son a copy of the protest, which de clares: "Despite the assurances of Count von Hertling, the German imperial chancellor, and the terms of the Lrest-Litovsk treat-, Germany has established a military dictatorship in Esthonia. Before the entrance of German troops, Esthonian troops had re-established order in most districts, but- the Germans disarmed these troops, suspended the government, took-all the functions into their own hands a"d created advisory commit tees composed of German residents, who do not compose more than 2 per cent of the population. "German has been introduced as the official language, although it is not understood by 90 per cent ,of the people. Suppress Free Speech. "By,, means of unscrupulous penal ties the Germans have suppressed free speech and political activity. Those newspapers which have been allowed to continue publication have been compelled to publish pro-German propaganda. Prominent Esthonians who mSdestly protested Against the oppression have been arrested." ' In Conclusion, the declaration pro tests against Germany "plundering the country, seizing foodstuffs to such an extent that the native population is left to starve, while German soldiers send double rations to Germany." Russ Despise Teutons. Amsterdam, July 11. Describing conditions in Petrograd as told him by a German doctor, the correspond ent at Kiev of the Weser Zeitung says tne Russian middle classes do not want a monarchy. Neither do they want bolshevism. What they want is to retain certain things won by the revolution. Germans, tne correspondent says he was told by the doctor, were high ly disliked, though, more German is heard on the Nevski Prospect than ever. Petrograd, adds the corrc sponaent, a picture ot chaos in which only one feature stands out clearly: Antipathy to Germany. American Casualty List Washington, July 11. The army casualty list ( today 'contained 68 names, divided as follows: Killed in action, 5; died of wounds. '10; diedof disease, 2; died of accident and other causes, 1 ; wounded severe ly, 26; wounded slightly, 1 ; missing in iction, 23. The list: Killed In Action. Corp. William O. Gorner, Harris burg, Pa. Corp. Richard Haugh, Sault Ste. Marie, Mich. Wagoner Tipton J. Brewer, Finley, 1 enn Alex Swiaski, Philadelphia, Pa. Don C. Wade, Ogden, Utah. , John L. Walter, Leiden, Kan.' William J-WrightXhestnut Hill, Pa. Frisoner (Previcusly Reported Missing) Frank II. Daly, Hyde Tark, Mass. Missing in Action. Capt. Joseph F. Williamson, Sebas- topol. Cal. Michael Bayer, Cleveland, 0. Luther Bradley. Morrilton, Ark. Christ W. Zarnescu, Dysart, Sask., Can. Marine Casualties Washington, July 11. The marine corps casualty list today contained 35 names, divided as follows: Killed in action, 13; died of wounds, 4; severely wounded, 18. The list follows: Killed in Action. Joseph A. Synott". Montclair, X. f. Sergt. . Arthur Russel, Oshkosh, Wis. Corp. Henry L. Dowdlc, Chicago. John F. Blalock, Hamlet, N. C. Christian Boelmi, Irvington, N. J. William H. Coughlin, Chicago Frank D. Fairclough, Beacon, X. Y. Roy J. Ford. Detroit George O. Hamlet. Anniston. Ala. Paul M. Ridwell, Bcrkeler, Cal. Edmond J. Labonte, York Beach. Me. Charles A. O'Connor. Orlando, Fla. Raymond F. Schaufelc, Cleveland. 0. JDied of Wounds in Action. Lt. George H. Yarborough, Mullins, S. C. . Norman D. Hutchinson, Eaton, Colo. Walter B. Pickartz, Chicago, Harry A. Wendell, Chicago. Wounded in Action Severely. Lt. Aaron J. Ferch. Correll. I.linn. Sergt. Claude S. Corson. Doylstown. Pa. Sergt. John h Kelly, Philadelphia. Corp. Frank J. Endicott, London, Ens. Corp. Odom P. Martin. Ringling, Okla. Corp. Jerry Vucic, Chicago. Robert A. Caughey, Harvey, 111. Paul W. Chantler, Greene, N. Y. Patrick J. Doyle, Wakefield, Mass. George A. Harney, Woodson, 111. Richard M. Henneberger, St. Louis Bradey T. Leveridge, Sc'ranton, Tex. James A. McCloskey, Texas City, Tex. William T. Manda. West Or.imre N. J. ' John D. Quan. Chieaso. ' Louis Schoemlaub, St. Louis. ', Sam Schalter, Cincinnati. Drue C, Wilson, French Camps, j Miss. j The list notes that Dental Surgeon Weeden E. Osborne of the navy, at tached to the marin'e corps, was killed ! in action June 6. burgeon Osborne was cited post humously by General Pershing for a distinguished service cross for hero ically .aiding wounded at trreat risW to his life during the advance oirJ tsouresches, Usborne is said to have been the first naval officer killed in action while fighting with the land forces in France. 4 American Jews Will Send Commission to Palestine New York, July 11. A commission representing leaders of Jewish faith will proceed to Palestine as speedil as war conditions will permit, to in vestigate the status of Jewish re ligious institutions, it was announced here today. lhe announcement was made it the close of a convention of the Orth odox Rabbis of America. A commit tee was appointed to confer with Zion ist organizations regarding the work of the Palestine mission. To Enlist Negroes for British Forces in U. S. New York, July 11. Authority to enlist colored soldiers in the British army has been received by the Brit- Joseph P. Socia, Gettysburg, Pa, Died of Wounds. Lt. Jouctt F. Singleton, New York, City. Corp. Charles R. Maler, East Pat chogue, N. Y. . Ralph J. Carpenter, Semanole, Okla. tjon, U. Ernest aCrter, Semanole, Okla. Tadency Gihocki, Jersey City, N. J. David Gorcister, Los Angeles. Gordon K. MacKenzie, Concord, Mass. " Tom Marallo, Proval Signa, Italy. Troy H. Rhymes, Silsby, Tex. Gustave Stankus, Chicago. Died of Disease. Cook E. W. Rupert, Saltsburg, Pa. - Charles E. Setchel, Los Angeles. Died from Accident. Frank Levine, Brooklyn. Wounded Severely. Lt. Irvin R7 Johnston, Montgomery, Ala.; Corp. Homer W. Bennett, La donia, Tex.; Corp. Thomas P. Conroy, Cornish, Me.; Corp. John Kokolich, Wayne, Mich.; Wagoner Harry Green, Detroit, Mich.; George W. Barta, Big Fork, Mont; Charles E. Birk, Jersey City; Charles A. Chand ler, Haubstadt, Ind.; Antonio Cipri ano, N. J.; William C. Fox, Auburn. Mass.; George Geiss, New York City; Alexander E. Grenier, Lynn, Mass.; Claude L. Hibdon, Linn Creek, Mo.; James J. Kelley, Dorchester,' Mass.; Meve K. Kenololos. East Hammond, Ind.; William Legeres, Chicago; Parker Massingil, Kirkland, Ala.; Noah M. Milliken, Enville, Okla.; James C. Peterson, East Boston. Mass- Robert R. Pilcher, Ozark, Ala.; Antonio J. Potrier, Van Buren, Me.; Martin J.,Ryan, Coolbawn, Ireland; Ralph L, Stratton. Des Moines la.; Walter E. Vann, Hazclgrecn, Wis. Wounded Slightly. Vivian B. Mayo, Evanston, 111. ' Missing in Action. Corp. Chester Zientarski, Buffalo, Sterling Bias, Sheridan, W. Va. Mdney G. Braman,-Rosalie, Kan. ( arl R. Burgess, Arnold, Kan. rnanes uysart, benia, N. C. Joseph A. Edelin, Cleveland, O. I elix E. Elliott, Crutchfield, Kv. Helmeth A. Goetz, Renville, Minn. James W. Hope, Bridgeport, Conn. Harry K. James, Bristol, R. I. t Iiarles C. Jatho, Albany, N. Y. John M. Jones, Utica, N. Y. Josef Mazurcak Detroit, iMich. Miner Rehberger, Cheviot, O. John D. Sears, Swatwood. N. Y. Dewey L. Simmons, Newalla, Okla. I'rederick Steinmiller, Kingston, -'de Summcrr.cld. Gatewood. W. . i -'td Swcjtlaiid. PawtucLrt. R. I. day. The applicants must be British subjects. GIRLS! USE LEMONS FOR SUNBURN, TAN Try It! Make this lemon lotion to whiten your tanned or freckled akin. Squeeze the juice of two lemons into a bottle containing three ounces of Orchard White, shake well, and you have a quarter pint of the best freckle, sunburn, and tan lotion, and complexion whitener, at very, very small cost. Your grocer has the lemons and any drug store or toilet counter will sup ply three ounces of Orchard White for a few cents. Massage this sweet ly fragrant? lotion into the face, neck, arms and hands and see how quickly the freckles, sunburn, windburn and tan disappear and how clear, soft and white the skin becomes. Yes! It is harmless. Advertisement. I 1 Spinal Disord Causes Nervousness Nervousness is of many kinds. It quite often affects the mind, and may be a fore runner to invalidism or in sanity. When there is pressure on the spinal nerves leading to the stomach and the brain, it produces a condition of un due excitability and reduces the, power of the body to nourish itaejf. Such nervous weakness can only be removed by adjust ment x of - the joints of the backbone to relieve the nerve pressure. Spinal adjustments have been a means of relief in hundreds of cases. Call for a free spinal analysis. DR.JOSEPHC.LMENCE l EsnniHttd as a CHIROPRACTOR Jnce 32 Bard Bktf. NV. Cor. ffSDoutflas Stt UNOV . K.,T fit 4 Friday and Saturday Offerings that will give ybu remarkable savings. Take advan tage of them at once.- This is the Economy Center of Omaha, be cause the biggest busi ness centers here at all times. Share and save. These Offerings Are All Merchandise That Ymt Wnnt a,....ta;. ri c. d tl to You at Much Less Than the Present Dav Wholesale Prices-CAN YOU AFFORD TO MISS THEM? Women's, Misses' and Children's Ready-to- Wear--At Greatly Reduced Prices HUNDREDS OF DRESSES, COATS, SUITS, SKIRTS, BLOUSES, ETC. ORE SSES We have grouped ail the Women's and Misses' Silk and Satin Dresses into one big lot for Friday and Saturday selling at these extreme low prices $8.95 to $15 Dresses $7.93 Over 500 to choose from many different styles; every dress an up-to-date,style of Crepe de Chine, Satin, Taffeta, Fine Silk Poplins, etc. many of these styles have Georgette sleeves. $5 to $10 Dresses $3.95 One lot of odd garments, such as Satin and Chiffon Party Dresses, Silk and Satin Street Dresses, Cloth Dresses of various lands; over 200 to choose from. Wash Dresses All Women's and Misses' Wash Dresses in the Basement have been regrouped into these special lots: 89 for $1.00 to $1.50 House and Porch Dresses. 81.29 for $1.69 and $1.80 House and Porch Dresses. 1.95 for $2.50 to $2.95 House and Porch Dresses. $2.95 for Fancy Dresses, that were up to $5.00. $3.95 and $4.95 for Fancy Dresses, were to $10. SMOCKS All the Middies and Smocks in the Basement, now divided into special price lots, this way: 75c and $1.00 Middies are now, each At9 $1.25 and $1.39 Middies are now, each 95ck $1.49 to $1.95 "Middies and Smocks are now $1.39 $2.39 to $2.15 Middies and Smocks are now $1.95 $3.49 to $4.95 Middies and Smocks are now . . . SKIRTS Hundreds to choose from all real bargains every Skirt right up-to-date for style and general make up. ' $3.95 and $4.95 for Wo men's Skirts of Taffeta Silk, Fancy Foulard, Satin. All Wool Serge, etc. in two big lots at the ex tremely low price stated, $3.95 and $4.95. $2 to $3.50 Skirts, 99c and $1.69 All the bal ance of the Women's and Misses' S u mm e r Tub Skirts divided into these two lots dozens of styles, fancy and all white skirts. ,made of good Bedford cords, Repps, Pongee, Ga bardine, etc. Girls' Skirts, 69c Girl?' fancy and all white Middy Skirts, values $1-00 and $1 .25 ; special for this July Clearance Sale, at 69c COATS We have divided all the Women's and Misses Long Silk and Satin Summer Coats in the Basement into two very low price lots; also a few Fancy Cloth Coats. ' ' ' ' $12.50 Coats at $8:95 Long Taffeta Silk, Satin and Fancy Cloth Coats excellent styles and surety of satisfaction in these garments. Coats to $20 at $12.95 Long Fancy Taffeta Silk, Silk Faille, Satin and other Fancy Long Summer styles. All new and up-to-date styles. 1 Hundreds of Cloth Coats of various kinds: grouped into two very specialots for Friday and Saturday selling. ' Coats to $10 at $3.95 J All Vool Chinchilla and other kinds of White Coats, AU 'Wool, Fancy Colored Jersey Cloth Coats, etc. f sleeveless Cordu roy and Jersey Cloth Coats. -, Girls' Coats at $1.00 We have grouped the balance of Girls'' to 6, 6 to 14 and a few 13 to 17 year size Coats, all into a 6ne-priced lot. A icw wasn L-oats as wen as tne uotn Coats; about 200 in all. .$2.95 1200 Metal Photo Frames 25c Each Black enamel and fancy gilt photo frames for the soldier1 boy's picture. A wonderful value, special purchase of 1200 frames, at the lowest price ever quoted, plain, oval and fancy. V Ladies' Brooches, gold filled, birth stone centers, at less than one half regular price, special at 27c Mitset' and Baby Bracelet., gold, hand engraved, expan " sion styles, wortlf to $1.00, special at 50c Gold Filled Lavallieret, pearl pendant and birtji stones, warranted to wear, worth $1.00, special at 69c Ring All the fancy stone set rings in sterling silver, 69c All the Genuine Cameos in Brooches and Bar Pins, 20 year guarantee, your choice at $1,00 Men's Link Buttons, in gold ' plate and pearl set, choice at 27c AH Ladies' Gold Filled Brace lets, plain and engraved, that sold up to $4.50, special, $2.50 Imitation Cameos, pearl set and sterling silver frames, worth $1.00, at 49c Importer's Sample Line, Pearl Earrings, beautifully shaded , pearls, fish scale lacqured. values to $5.00, special at 69c to $2.00 Ladies' Hand Purses, strap backs, in American Seal, Cow Hide Lambski'i, 5 styles, your choice at $1.00 Lingerie Clasps, engraved and plain sterling silver and fro'd plate, your choice, a Pair i9c Basement Gift Shop GIRLS' Cotton Frocks for girls at these low uiria' White and Colored Cotton D for Friday and Saturday. 59c for $1.00 Dresses Sizes 2 to 6 and 6 to 14 years. Embroidered and lace trimmed white dresses. 95c for Dresses to $2 Sizes 2 to 6 and G to 14 years. White dresses, many different styles; fancy lace and embroidery trimmed. $1.95 for $4 and $5 Dresses Sizes 11! to 17 years; fancy white dresses, elaborate creations. est prices. We have divided all of the resses into these special bargain groups 65c for Dresses to $1.25 Sizes 2 to 0 and 6 to 14 years. Colored tub dresses; many different styles. $1 for Dresses to $2 Hundreds of paet colored dresses for girls of 2 to 0 and 6 to 14 years; a few 13 to 17 years. Many different styles. At $1.69 and $2.39 All of the better frocks, sizes 6 to 19 years former prices up to $4. Japanese crepe, fine gingham, fancy novelty "wash ma terials, etc. Infants' White Dresses at 25c ; Une lot of Infants' White Dresses, with fancy embroidery trimming, a number of styles to choose fipm and value 50c Big Purchase Men's Sport Shirts O) To Go Friday and Saturday at . . . THIS IS A WONDERFULLY low price for these practical and popular Shirts they are suitable not only for sports, but for business and work wear as well we have oougnt a Dig quantity oMhem in a variety of materials and colors and patterns plain and striped Madras and some ,wjth silk collars. ALL bliKS and every man who has a need should share in this sale. . . . 59c quality a good Men's Suspenders, 19c. High grade Suspenders, of good elastic webbing; with leather ends, in assortment of patterns. Men's Hosiery, 19c. v 125 dozen, run of the mill quality, in all the Spring shades male of mercerized lisle; in as sorted shades and sizes 9 ',3 to 11 . Four-in-Hands, 19c. So dozen Men's Fancy Silk Four-in-Hands, with flowing ends, in plain and fancy stripes exceptional value. Men's Union Suits, 55c. Athletic style, cross bar Nainsook, sleeveless; knee length; closed crotch; one-button seat; in all sizes. Domestics at Lowest Prices 22 c Mill Remnants" Red Seal, York and Everett Classie Dress Gingham, plaids, checks, stripes and plain colors, lengths easily matched for dresses, waists, etc., a yard 36-inch Fancy Printed Dress Poplin, in a variety of pretty new figures and stripes, on tan grounds, very desirable for outing suits, wash dresses 1 Q and skirts; special, yard... I7C Mill Remnants American and Simpson Dress Prints, medium and light colors; special, a yard J-C Tussah Silks, 36 inches wide. A silk and cotton wash fabric, very desirable for wash dresses and waists, foundations and linings, in a variety of pretty plain shades, worth regularly 00c, Bleached Pillow Cases, made of icnnd nnalit.v blpnch. e.i niusiin, at less than today's mill cost, 45x30, at 26 and 42.v'i3 25c Assorted Wash Goods, including suitings,'v white goods, percales, etc., in long mill lengths; 17J " special at, yard 1 i'gC Mill Remnants PUJn White Voile, 06 inches, very sheer and clingy, for ladies' and misses' -J J waists and Uresses; special, at, yard. ... 1 Z C White Madras, 36 inches wide, in a variety of neat stripes, very desirable for men's and boys' shirts, pajamas, etc., a good 30c value; very spc- Q cial, a yard lJC Fancy Printed Dress Voile, 38 and 40 inches wide, all new 1918 styles, and printings, very sheer and crisp for making pretty summer waists, ytZ etc., usually 40c, special, yard ZOC Milr Remnants Dress and Wrapper Percale, 36 inches wide, light and dark colors, long 1 n 1 serviceable length1, a ya rd lO'z'C it iU , WAISTS $2.89 for Crepe de Chine, fancy plaid and stripe Taffeta Waists, values $3.00 and $4.00. $1.69 for Women's Fancy Lin gerie and stripe Tub Silk Waists, values $2.00 and $2.50. V j . S9 for hundreds of pretty Cot ton Waists, many different styles, values $1.00 and $1.25. 49 for Women's all white and fancy colored stripe Cotton. Waists many different styles, all new, ' fresh and cfisp and values run up to $1.00. Notions , J. & P. Coats' Bast 6-Cord ' Thread, Spool for .........4c O. N. T. Crochet Cotton, ball. .7c Large Bolts of Bias Tape, bolt .Be Fast Colored vash Edging, at .5c Wooden Coat Hangers, 8 for.. 8c Wooden Skirt Hangers, 3 for. . Be Fast Colored Darning Cotton, black only, at .lc Safety Pins, 3 sizes, card . .. , . 3c " Ocean Pearl Buttons, card'. . , .3c Rust Proof Dress Clasps, card v3c Rust Proof Hooks and Eyes., 3c Large Pieces of Gftrter Elastic. 5c Hat and Romper Elastic, black and white, at lc Basting Cotton, 200 Yard spools, 8 for ,-.19c J. O. King's Machine Thread, 8 spools for .19c Real Human Hair Nets, Regal ' . brand, each, Shell Hair Pins, 6 in box . . .3Jc .Boys' and Girls' Skeleton waists with garters at . ..23c Remnants Inside Belting, each" .5c Rick Rack Braids, all sizes... 5c Large Packages Wire Hair Pins lc Knit Underwear Women's Pants, Cotton, lace trimmed, extra sizes, at ..39c Women's Cotton Shaped Vests, in wing sleeve and sleeveless, -all sizes, special each .., ,19c Union Suits, girls, tight knee, in sleeveless and short sleeve, sizes 2 to 16, at each, ...,29c Infant's Shirts, in cotton and some part wool, at eaeh . .15c