Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 05, 1918, Page 2, Image 2

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Holiday Taken More Gaily in
Paris Than Any Since Be
ginning of War; Wilson
. Honored.
By Associated Press.
Paris, July 4. France today was
aflutter with the Stars and Stripes,
-and American Independence Day
was observed as a national fete day.
Schools were closed and business at
a standstill Parades, puhlis meet
i'lKS. and various other kinds of cele
brations were held in all the other
important cities of the country.
Pariiians look the holiday more
Raily than any since the beginning of
the war. . AU government omces.
banks,-the bourse, and thousands of
business buildings and private houses
were decorated with the American
. The music halls are giving special
American numbers, and in the . res
taurants American dishes are promi
nent The dar in the capital will be
crowded with organized public manifestations.-''
r.-,.- 1 t -:
. The newspapers are filled with arti
cles and- pictures explaining the
meaning of 4he Fourth of July and
expressing the admiration and grati
tude of France to America.
Wilson Avenue Opened.
The notable event of the morning
was the ceremony opening the new
avenue named after President Wilson.
This occurred in the presence of
President Pqincare and amid the ac
clamations of an immense crowa.
Soeeches were delivered by officials.
Paul Deschanel and Stephen Pinchon,
the foreign minister, and William O.
Sharp, the American ambassador.
A procession of troops marched be
tween lines of cheering people.
Meanwhile, airplanes overhead per
formed feats. ;
Pershing Sends Messages.
In a message to Field Marshal Sir
Douglas Haig. commander-in-chief
of the. British armies in France, Gen
eral Pershing said:
"My j dear Sir Douglas: Indepen
dence day greetings from the British
armies in France extended by its
distinguished commander-in-chief are
most deeply appreciated by all ranks
of the American forces. The firm
unity ot purpose,-that on the Fourth
of July this year so strongly binds
the allied nations together, stands as
a new declaration and a new guaran
tee that the sacred principles of lib
erty shall pot. perish, but shall be ex
tended to all peoples.
"With the most earnest good
wishes from myself and entire com
mand to yon and our brave British
brothers in arms, I remain, always
in great respect and high esteem,
"Yours very sincerely,
(ConttaiMA From Tag Oat.)
sent swishing out toward the Ger
man lines end through this conceal
ing shroud the tanks began to crawl
swiftly into action.
Tanks Hurl Explosives, '
Behind these and even riding on
top of them were the irrepressible
Australians, grinning their delight at
the prospects of another good fight
There was a flurry of rifle fire from
the startled enemy, and hostile ma
chine guns began to chatter viciously
as they poured their stream of bullets
out across the dimly lighted No
Man's land toward the. oncoming
bank of smoke, which concealed they
knew not wnat
The German artillery began to re
ply, but' it was without effect The
guns of the-tanks began to hurl ex
plosives. : The Australians charged
on with thetr Iron friends, and as they
went they found, the going easier.
The enemy infantry declined to face
these invulnerable forts and the khaki
clad men from the far lands, who
fought like demons and staked their
lives as they would a sixpence on the
green cloth.
All along the line the Germans be
gan their frenzied 'Kamerad, ,kam
erad, mercy."
About them - their unfortunate
comrades were falling in great num
bers before the fire of the tanks and
the play of the Australian rifles and
bayonets. ,: ".
Three ' Divisions Overpowered. :
One German battalion commander
and nearly all his command were
rounded up and. sent on their way to
the rear. " . "
Three German divisions were oppo
site the Australians the 13th. which
had just been brought to the sector
from the north, the 43d, and the 77th.
Notwithstanding their strength, how
ever, they were unable to make any
showing. -, . .... -
At only one point did the enemy
hold the attacking troops up and
then only for a brief time.
Just north of this, between the
Ancre and the Somme. a minor op
eration was in progress. Here the
British made one small attack and
two raids which kept the whole line
boiling. The British advanced their
line 400 yards along a front of 1,200,
in addition to capturing a consider
able number of prisoners.
The German artillery was shelling
Ilarael this afternoon, but at latest
reports no counter attack had devel
oped and the Australians were con
solidating their new positions.
French Also Score Gain.
Paris, July 4. French troops last
r.ight attacked the German lines on a
front of a mile and a quarter in the
neighborhood of Autreches, north
west of Soissons, and pushed into
the enemy territory for a distance of
nearly half a mile, according to to
day's war office announcement '
Later the French delivered another
attack in the same region, between
Autreches and Moulin-Sous-Tout-vent,
giying them further gains of
territory.; jThe entire operation
netted the French a gain of ground on
a front of approximately three-fifths
of a mile. The French took 1,066
prisoners, ' '
"Little Jack Helps
Milk and Ice Fund
"Please use the enclosed $2 for the
Milk fund and credit it to 'Little
Jack,' who would like all babies to
nave as mucn ana as gooa mux as ne
has," writes "Little Jacks grandpa.'
Think of the undernourished chil
dren of the very poor in Omaha.
Scores of them are sickly because 'of
lack of the simple necessity of pure
A few cents or dollars from you
will give them immeasurable comfort
these sweltering days.
Will you deny them this? Or will
you send in a contribution to The Bee
office for this splendid purpose?
Do it NOW.
Previously acknowledged ....$218.75
Little Jack 2.00
Total 4. V...... 1218.75
(Continued From Pat One.) .
with comprehending eyes the world
that lies about , us and should con
ceive anew the purposes that must set
men free.
For All Mankind.
"It - is significant, significant of
their own character and purpose and
of the influences they were setting
afoot that Washington and his asso
ciates, like the barons at Runnymede,
spoke and acted, not for a class, hut
for a people. ; It has been left for us
to see to it that it shall be under
stood that they spoke and acted not
for a single people only, but for all
mankind. They were thinking, not of
themselves and of the material inter
ests which centered in the little group.
of landholders and merchants and
men of affairs with whom they were
accustomed to act, in Virginia and
the colonies to the north and south of
here, but of a people which wished to'
be done with classes and special in-
erests and the authority of men whom
thy had not themselves chosen to
rule over them. They entertained no
private purpose, desired no peculiar
privilege. They were conscientiously
planning that men ot every class
should be free and America a place
to which men out of every nation
might resort who wished to share
with them the rights and privileges of
free men. And we take our cue from
them do we not? We intend what
they intended. We here in America
believe our-participation in this pres
ent war to be only the fruitage of
what they planted. Our case differs
from theirs only in this, that it is our
inestimable privilege to concert with
men out of every nation what shall
make not only the liberties of Amer
ica secure, but the liberties of every
other people as well We are happy
in the thought that we are permitted
o do what they would have done had
they been in our place. There must
now be" settled once for all what was
settled for America in the great age
upon whose inspiration we draw to
day, t "This j surely a fitting place
from which ealmW to look out upon
our task, that we may fortify our
spirits for its accomplishment, And
this it the appropriate place ' from
which to avow, alike to the friends
who look on and to the friends with i
whom we have the happiness to be
associated in action, the faith and
purpose with which we act
. i ... Plot Written Plain.
"This, then is our conception of
the great struggle in which we are en
gaged. The plot is written plain upon
every scene and every act of the su
preme tragedy. On the one hand
stand the people of the world not
only the people actually engaged, but
many others also who suffer under
mastery but cannot act; peoples of
many races and in every part of the
worldthe people of stricken Russia
still, among the rest, though they are
for the moment unorganized and help
less. Opposed to them, masters of
many armies, stand an isolated,
friendless group of governments who
speak no common purpose but only
selhsh ambition of their own by
which none can profit but themselves
and whose peoples are fuel in their
hands, governments which fear their
people and yet are for the time their
sovereign lords, making every choice
tor them and disposing of their lives
and fortunes as they will, as well as
of the lives and fortunes of every
people who fall under their power
governments clothed with the strange
trappings and the primitive authority
of an age that is altogether alien and
hostile to our own. The past and the
present are in deadly grapple and the
people of the world are being done to
death between them. - , i
"There can be but one issue. The
settlement must be final. There can
be no compromise. No half way de
cision would be tolerable. No half
way decision is conceivable.
Aims of the Allies.
'These are the ends for which the
associated peoples of the world are
fighting and which must be conceded
them before there can be peace:
'l ine destruction ot every ar-
Ditrary power anywhere that can
separately, secretly and of its single
choice disturb the peace of the world;
or, if it cannot be presently destroyed,
at the least its reduction to virtual
"2 The settlement of every ques
tion, whether of territory or sov
ereignty, of economic arrangement
or of political relationship, upon the
When H'a 2 Mow ra it It no tima
to hav your Overcoats eleantd. Do it
now and remember tha Cany Cleaning
Co., We biter 892, ia now cleaning, press
ing, altering and repairing Overcoat for
juat about half what tha price will ba
next fall - , ., ;
Sultan of Turkey, Who U
' Dead
basis of the free acceptance of that
settlement by the people immediately
concerned and not .upon the basis
of the material interest or advantage
of any other nation or people which
may desire a different settlement for
the sake of its own exterior influence
or mastery.
"3 The consent of all nations to
be governed in their conduct towards
each other by the same principles ot
honor and of respect for the common
law of civilized society that govern
the individual citizens of all modern
states in their relations with one an
other: to the end that all promises and
covenants may be sacredly observed,
no private plots or conspiracies hatch
ed, no selfish injuries wrought with
impunity, and a trust established
upon the handsome foundation of a
mutual respect for right.
"4 The establishment of an or
ganization of peace which shall make
it certain mat me comDinca power oi
free nations will check every invasion
of right and serve to make peace and
justice the more secure by affording a
definite tribunal of opinion to which
all must submit and by which every
international readjustment that can
not be amicably agreed upon by the
peoples directly concerned shall be
sanctioned. .-
'These great objects can be put into
a single sentence. What we seek is
the reign of law, based upon he con
sent of the governed and sustained by
the organized opinion of mankind.
. "These great ends can not be
achieved by debating and seeking to
reconcile and accommodate what
statesmen may wish with their pro
jects for balances of power and 6f na
tional opportunity. They can be real
ized only by the . determination of
what, the thinking peoples of the
world desire, with their longing hope
for justice and for social freedom and
opportunity. . ' " .
I can fancy that the air of this
place carries the accents of such prin
ciples with a peculiar kindness. Here
were started forces which the great
nation against which they were pri
marily directed at first regarded as a
revolt against its rightful authority,
but which it has long since seen to
have been a step in the liberation of
its own people as well as of the peo-
Ele of the United States, and I stand
ere now to speak proudly and with
confident hope of the spread of this
revolt, tins liberation, to the great
stage of the world itself.
"The blinded rulers of Prussia have
roused forces they knew little of
forces, which once roused, can never be
crushed to earth again; for they have
at their heart an inspiration and a
purpose which are deathless and of
the very stutt ot triumph.
Immense Enthusiasm Kindled
in Great Britain by Part
America Is Taking in
World War.
By Associated Press.
London, July 4. No country ever
celebrated the national anniversary
of another country as the people of
Great Britain today celebrated the
Fourth of July. Not alone in Lon
don, but in cities and villages
throughout the kingdom, in town halls
and in churches the American anni
versary was commemorated. '
Announcement from Washington
that America has sent overseas her
first million troops kindled immense
enthusiasm and gave "great impetus
to the celebration. Wherever there
are - American ' soldiers and sailors
they re being entertained with great
hospitality. ?
The Fourth bezan in London
Wednesday night." The theaters and
music halls were decorated with the
Stars and Stripes and several thous
and American soldiers and sailors on
leave were entertained at various
places.' "
American Flags Everywhere.
American flags are out on official
and business buildings all over Lon
don. For , the second time in history
the Stars and Stripes wave above
the great tower of the Parliament
buildings in Westminster alongside
the Union Jack. The American flag
is also on the lord mayor's mansion
in the heart of the city. Many Eng
lish people are wearing small Ameri
can flags on their Coats.
The formal celebration began with.
a fellowship meeting in Central hall,
across the street trom Westminster
Abbev. Five hundred seats there
were alfotted to American soldiers
and sailors. The meeting opened
with the band of the Coldstream
Guards playing the Star Spangled
Viscount Bryce, former ambassador
to the United States, presided and
spoke feelingly of the past and pres
ent relations between the two coun
tries. Winston Spencer Churchill,
minister of munitions, then proposed
"a greeting to the president and peo
ple of the United States." This was
ei a j , i i r s
seconded Dy i Annur meignman,
Canadian minister of the interior.
Major George H. Putnam of New
York proposed a resolution express
ing "profound satisfaction that the
two great English speaking races
find themselves for the first time
fighting side by side in the cause of
justice and liberty." The resolution
was seconded by Professor Canby of
Yale university.
Vice Admiral Sims Speaks.
Vice Admiral Sims, commander of
the American naval forces in the war
zone, and General Biddle of the
American army followed. The meet
ing concluded with the singing; of
"God Save the King.": All American
organizations in London had repre
sentatives at the meeting and blocks
of seats were set aside for wounded
British, French, Belgian and Italian
soldiers. : . - --'
Continued From Faga One.)
directing the shipbuilding program,
did not stunt his praise of the men
actually building the ships in express
ing the appreciation of the shipping
board for the work accomplished.
"Your employes will douse - the
kaiser," he said in a telegram to the
yard managements.
Secretary Redfield went in person
to two yards in the Philadelphia dis
trict to take part in the launching
Reports Incomplete.
Philadelphia, July 4. The great
Fourth of July splash of American
ships which Charles M, Schwab, di
rector general of the Emergency
Fleet corporation, said would re-echo
in the ears of the German emperor
took place today as planned by' the
ship builders of the United States.
From one minute after, 12 o'clock last
night, when the . first ship was
launched at Superior, Wis., until late
today cargo-carriers and. other types
of vessels were sent- overboard in
every part of the country to help
build the 'ocean bridge for the allied
fighting forces in Europe.
The offices of the Emergency Fleet
corporation were, kept open all day
and late into the night to receive of
ficial report of the launchings. In
complete reports gave the number of
vessels sent overboard as 52, of which
33 were steel and the other 19 wood.
These figures do not ' include the
launching of naval vessels which are
being built directly under the super
vision of the Navy department. Cur
tailed wire communication due to the
holiday is the cause of the failure of
the corporation officers to receive
fuller reports. The exact number of
launchings probably will not be known
until tomorrow.
Schwab Launches 12 Vessels.
San Francisco, July 4. Charles M.
Schwab, director general sof the
Emergency Fleet corporation,
launched a big vessel for every let
ter in the word "Independence" from
his own yards in this district today,
directed the launching of five more
from other yards, and then said that
he longed for many such days. Eight
of the 12 vessels constructed in Mr.
Schwab's plant were destroyers. Four
were freight vessels, one of these
being the Defiance, which set the
world's record for speedy construc
tion. It was launched in 37 days.
"This is the answer of the American
workingmen to the common foe," Mr.
Schwab told the assembled thousands
as the big Defiance parted the waters
of the Oakland, Cal., estuary. "This
is our answer to General Pershing s
call for a bridge of ships across the
During the launching Mr. Schwab
took time to call for cheers for Presi
dent Wilson and the workingmen
who gave shape and buoyancy to
the great hulls. He stood arm in
arm with the representatives of the
builders and workers m order thut
they might be cheered to the echo.
The launchings gave to. America's
new merchant marine 89,900 of the
250,900 freight tons launched today
from nearly two score yards on the
racihc coast; .'' rv..--! -y.
Forty-two steel and wooden ships,
of an aggregate tonnage of. 250,000,
represented the racihc coast s con
tribtition to the nation's Fourth of
K Help Hoover save wheat-
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You will enjoy it served in many ways.
necipes on tne packageyour grocer nas it.
Minneapolis Cereal Co., Inc. Minneapolis, Minnv
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'' J' fcJv s. 4 . J H . ,.
Every Straw and Panama Hat in my three stores must be sold m'the next three
weeks, and; to accomplish thia without fail, I am cutting my prices NOW, and away
below the usual custom. . r,.-. , . .v-- - "
Your Choice of any Straw Hat in the
housethat formerly u otr
sold up to , 3 l .ou
$3.50, I
at... 7 . -L
Genuine Balilenes, that , weigh next
to nothing and are v . -durable
; worth double p J .40
nriff v. '".... tmm
Your Choice of any Panama Hat in
the house that - q Q r
formerly sold V P ."Q
up to :r-V'
3.50, ,. V. . :
Genuine Leghorns and Bangkoks, in
high-grade qualities; r t r
reduced to this ' , 1.40
price for quick 1
sale . .. .. . . . . . . ... . ...
nji a "T? "T? ic To) n f2? Ti ri stre N 315 s i6th
July launching program. These figures-are
exclusive of, the launching
of a number of war vessels, which
went into the water today from sev
eral coast shipyards!
Congratulated by Lloyd George.
London, July 4. Premier Lloyd
George sent the following message
today to President Wilson:
"I have just heard that a hundred
ships have been launched in the Unit
ed States. Heartfelt congratulations
on this magnificent performance."
Seeks to Oust Officials;
Charges They Painted His Auto
Pierre, S. D., July 4. (Special
Telegram.) Henry Lawrence has
filed a petition in an attempt to have
all officials of Sully county removed,
charging that they participated in
painung ins auiumuuuc yciiuw ujiuu
his refusal to purchase Liberty bonds.
Marshal Joff re Writes
HiGOOaijG VII 1116 I VUI till
Paris, July 4. Marshal Jofffe, in a
special message written for, the Echo j
de Paris -on the occasion of the
Fourth of July) says, in part:' r
"The entry of America into the
war brought the allies moral strength
of the deepest meaning, but the great
sister republic did not want to con
tent herself with sentimental manifes
tations. Thanks to American assis
tance we shall come out gloriously
from the trials of so long a war."
Kiev Swept by Tire.
Moscow, July 4. Details have been,
received of the second big fire in Kiev,
which destroyed buildings in an area
five miles square. Factories, docks, '
mills, barracks, wood and ; grain t
barges, as well as a bridge across the
Dnieper river, were burned.
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