THE BEE: OMAHA, TUESDAY. JULY 2, 1918- A3IL THE AGENT vmi r-ftfj VWE HERE MIST fft NO US, SAM MWlM $OVS HCB 'MB. VttSHBYE. 1 tfCTRESEVft THE vkiCUL.l'ME COMB F (WW H " w " TO NO- " ' OMR WM TnHwH -n WW" ITS A KEKf riACE VCR M7 Ciiviiutd tftAlK Mil) BStSL between TH kte 0USE-VJH OTTO. VOO 3,000 htfr lie tr K TCrwr; ------ (yTWS THINK GrKvtjtvtKY fortHs siren of yaw i 3 .Copyright 1918. International - News -, Service. ' ft f A aj DRAWN FOR THE BEE BY HERSCHFIELD . A . .. ... . i. J I I I WC '...II, ..l;t'"yi r'T . I ' ''t&rfSr? . ,-' ,y,KsE Want Ad Rates (Cah With Order.) I Ho pr ord... each lniertlon c par word (or three conercatlv ineertloni lo per word (or each additional insertion Xo ad taken (or lee than a total o( 20c or leea than 10c per day, CHARGE. o per line (count ( word to line) one time to per lino each time, S consecutive, tttnea 10 p line each time, as consecutive timea VITI ATIONS WANTED e per. line , per elt , ' CAKON OF THANHS A.NO . KL.NERAL SQTWKH. !.; pef Hue. ........each lnairtion , (Minimum Charge. CO Cente.) i Coattraet Bate Ob Application. For convenience of advertuter want ada will be accepted at the following office ft MAIN OFFICK Bee builUlug Office ..4410 North 14th St. : Xylite' Office JD14 North 24th fit. Vinton Office 247 Bouth lth HU Park Office ,..,.1(11 Leavenworth St. Walnut Office North 40th hu South Side 2211 N BL Council Bluff ....14 Main 8t North 'i HB! BEE will not be reeponslble for more ; than one incorrect Insertion of an advertise. ii.ut ordered (or more than one time. ' Cue-TUB TELEPHONE If you cannot con vuj.ritly brjng or aend your ails to any of the . above offices. M k (or a Waut Ad Tuker and you will rocelvetba same good service as when delivering your ad In person. ' . PHOMt TYLER 1.000. r ' ' Want Ad Column Close , Evenn( Kdjtlons 11:00 M. .Uorotng Editions 10.00 P. M, , Sunday Fdltlons 10 P. M. Saturday Kventng MOVIE PROGRAM ' ' " North. ALHXmbKA, 24T H AND PARKER. ' LOUISE GLAUM, in "AN ALIEN ENEMY." UKAND. 1STH AND BINNEY DUSTIN FARNUM, in "THE SPY." South APOLLO, 21TH AND LEAVENWORTH, NORMA TALMADGE. in THE SECRET OF THE STORM COUNTRY AND COMEDT. noiiLFF. 2tH AND LEAVENWORTH - DOUGLAS FAIRBANKS, in 'V--:;-';:t; ; ; "MR. FIX-IT." - DEATHS ft FUNERAL NOTICE.. LOU&DGN Mrs. Mary, beloved wife of E. O, Logsdon.' She to survived, beside her husband, by three sons, Michael and Km. manual of Omaha and Mark of Camp Mills, Long island, and by four daugh. tars, Mrs. William Houghton, Mrs. Mary Davis and Misses Margaret and Claire Logsdon. , Funeral Wednesday from residence, 1661 Ames Ave., at 1:20 a. m. to Holy Angel church at f a. m. Interment, Holy Sepu'cher cemetery. WR8TALL Mr. Eva, resident of Omaha (or 14 yean, at the home of her son-in-law, H. P. Van Arsdala, 2104 Bristol 8t Monday morning, after an Illness of three welti mother of Mr. H. P. Van Ar flal. Mrs. Theodore Hobden, Mrs. H. T. Whitman, Mr. O. W, Auchmoody, Oma ha;. Mr. Robert Vint, Lo Angela! Wll- , tiara H. Burstall, Oxnard, Cal.i alitor of Mr,, W. R. Adam, Omaha; Mr. Orae Armstrong, Omaha. TUNdBERO Mia Brlca Amanda, age 41 year, I months and It days, June 10, IDS. Beloved daughter ef Mr. and Mr. John Lundnorg, 3304 Blondo street Funeral Tuesday afternoon at 2 o'clock from N. P. Bwanaon'a chapel, Seventeenth and Cuming streets, to Swedish Mission church, Twenty-third and Davenport street, at 1:10 o'clock. Interment Forest Lawn cemetery. Friends are welcome. UUTFLfcSS, Andrew, aga (2. June 2tth. Funeral from residence. 1711 Dorcas 8t Tuesday 1:40 a. m.l from St. Joseph' church 100 a. m. . Interment at 8t. ' Mary Magdalen Cemetery. He leave two dtlttfttert: Mrs. Met Hoden and Mrs. , ''Tiary Goodman, and three eons: Steavon, Bernard and Fred of Omaha. I Attention A. O. U. W. funeral of Brother John Stone, will be held June II, I p. m. from N. P. Swanson' chapel 110 Cuming. Interment, Forest Lawn Cemetery. American Lodge No. ). ' Hans Borcnson, Master Workman. Alfred Jiiirlon, Recorder, BUH8ALL Mis. Kva M., July 1. 1H. Aged) 71 years. Funeral service from ml. Hnw ?4 Bristol St., 1:10 p. m. Tue. flay, July I. MARRIAGE LICENSES Permit to wed have been Issued to the following: - . .,'. Namt.and Residence. v Age, Georg M. Lundeen, Loveland, la.,....,, 22 Muriel B. Reel. Loveland, la..,,.. 10 Frank k Johnson, Wrsy, Colo....,,.... 21 Margaret A. Overton, Ogdensburg, N. T. ..,,.,...... , ..........over 11 !awrne B. Rodatrom, Omaha 27 woUi Mackey, Omaha 20 John M. Bailey, Minneapolis, Minn 24 Olive. C. La ret n, Fargo, N. D 14 Mrten L. Wright, New London, Wis... 24 OcrU K. Bacon, New London, Wl II Deo Woods, Omaha..1....... 12 J'.achtl Henderson, Omaha..... 21 William J. ;Walsh, Omaha .....over 21 vievio Syram, Omaha. ............ .over 18 Albert iSkow, Omaha.,.,'.... It Vtlborc Chrletieneen, Omaha.,... is t'arvt O. Crispin. Des.Moln, la....... 15 p-ulah B. Barker, De Molhes, la...... IS f'lerre J. McFtdflen. Omaha............ 21 vie'. M. Krlewlne. Omaha. II iphonY M. Hayden. Omtha 26 i.i-i Monro,' Omaha 20 BIRTHS AND DEATHS Wirt he Sherman and Leona Wlnscott iuO! Nerth Thirty-sixth, girl: Robert and Turtle Stewart, 1120 Miami, girl; W. R. and ulay Rennte. 4641 North Forty-first, boy; Joseph and Mary Johndreau, 2021 Webster I'.rret, girl; Morris and Suaaie Arndt, 1417 vorth Twenty-(ourth, girl; Edward and t'loreftea, Norton, S704 North Seventeenth, Kirl: Clyde and Mary Kamblln. Ninth sad . "'r.tut, boy; Pantazta and Louise Damicou. .us. Ill Capitol avenue, girl; James and cb! Wall(er I6S0 Miami, boy; Arthur .id Phyllis sunsbury, 1S1I South Twenty. ' fth. boy. Deaths Karl Bloemer, West Point. Neb., '. ; iire. Anna Poosllc. 2022 South Seventh. 'Ti Jeonl Morgan, 2301 J. street, 1; Dell fillu Greene, 4433 South Twenty-first; .,vlr Knouae, 5416 South Twenty-eighth, D. C. Smith. 1210 Douglas, 43; Jean Vdama, till Davenport, 1 year; Lavtna Wll iams. 1470 South Forty-fifth avenue, .t; abbJ Broslus. 1114 North Seventeenth, ; '.'lara Rocder, 1101 Franklin, 1; Helya Woodbury, Fortieth , and Poppleton, H; .'brlotit Wlnscott. 4001 North Thirty. ! V Infant. --3Sa s bi esBBBscaasaBas s asssasssm , BUILDING PERMITS Fermlt to build hav been Issued to the oPnwIng: S altar PoduukI, 1511 ; South Thirty. i"b, reepalrs to frame dwelling, 1500; (onn Matyja, 1101 Patterson avenue, addi Sot and repairs to duelling. C00; Beard e - Z 1,17 """a-, repairs. 1500. , t m irra'S ii'in ii i iii i iii ii-ii i in t SPECIAL NOTICES i i..l. PiRIX who witnessed the autumo tile accident at 11th sad Jackson Won t 7 p. px. Jens I, Ull; and offered ser- - cv tam mjuruo. Kindly gel In com-1 niunlcatioa at once with F. E Huntley.) j tvnm r.rnanse . pnmi Kr-n una I ,VRNtr. 8. F. NEBLnTjr,'. has located r M74 Vt National Sank Bldg. Tyler FUNERAL DIRECTORS. (.Nt'tK'fAKtHB and licensed en.jlamars; Also private ambulance. Call Webster 47. While C. Crosby. 1511 N. 4th St. OHN A. GENTLEMAN, undertaker . and embalmer, 1411 Farnam St Harney It2. HULBK RIEPKN. undertaken and em t aimers. Tul 8. ldlli Douglas 1221. STACK & FALCONER Indvpi'nriVnr Undertakers, "d A Far. H. 400. G f DflDDKIt CO:. Funeral Director, r' L. rem. Mgr.. Sid and Cuming Bla Phi.n Dun ma a 7T Auto ambulance. Hor'FliTNr"FiJNBiiTi, " hom'b. (inflmann quality service, costs less. 24th and Dodcr DouKlan mill. s ;r ' " rr-cs n mil n n n I tm-r -jr s-m FLORISTS. futeiille ('"l.irisls. LEE L. LARMON - ISM t.iugi Bt fouglae 1244. A. D0NAGHUE Klowr shipped everywhere. Cxp. prepaid PARKlilllJ-'L()VVfl SHOP 411 8. 16. D. 1101. XX2KHft HoTiM. lll'a. Ht'n. jp. 4'y BATH Ca refill Florist. lM4Farnam St L. Hnd"r-Mri. iT,T Farnam. 1 tJM. MONUMENT & CEMETERIES. VVttST LAWN offers sympathetlo service In sudden sorrow; terpetual care: no sssras menta: lots on easy terms. Phone Wal. l TUB largest display-of monumentainth United States. FRANK BVOBODA, 1316. IS 8 11th Phnnea Douglas 1S71-H14 LOST-FOUNP-REWARDS OMAHA A COUNCIL BLUFFS STREET RAILWAY COMPANY fereons having lost some article wouid ' well to call up the office of th Omaha A CosnoM Bluffs Btrset Railway company t ascertain whether they left It lo the street oar. . Many articles sack day are turned to and th company I anxious to restore them to th rightful owners. r TOU lose anything and will advertlss II her you will surely recover It If .'outi.l by ao honest person. If you find any thing of value the honest way is to ad. vtrttee for th owner. LOST -Buturduy morning, Howard watch. Masonto fraternity past master's jewel en graved on back. Presentation Inscription Inside ease. Reward. William Cosh, Doug las I or Colfax 123, LOST A llttls Spit dog between 28th and 10th on Cuming, Thursday afternoon, Answers to name of "Liberty." Reward. Call Hnrney 3254. LOST Between Malvern and Glenwood, black grip containing clothes and papers. Finder pteaas notify Kelly Springfield Tiro Co.. Omaha. Reward to finder. LOST Open-faced octagon shape gold 'Watch with monogram fob; liberal reward. Telephone Douglas 1621. For Salo Milcellaneogus r'RKSH country buttermilk; butter; best of cream; at Hotly fresh egg; delivered to any part of Omaha. Phone South 213 or Tyler 2. Wagner's, Furniture and Household Goods. FURNITURE. HOUSEHOLD GOODS, ETC. OUR JULY CLEARANCE SALE Includes a large stock of late designs, all alses, In high grads rugs. The greatest rug bar. gains ever offered In the middle west. Kxtraordlnary reductions on all (urnlturs snd houss furnishings. Never were gas stoves, dresssrs, extension tables, rockers or Ice boxes sold so cheap. Come early for the cream of bargains. Ws make a specialty of complete horn outfits, also hotels and rooming houses. Railroad fars (rss to out-of-town buyers within 60 mllrs of Omaha on purchases of $20.00 or more. STATE FURNITURE CO., T. Doug, 1317. Cor 14th snd Dodge fits. FURNITURE 4s HARDWARE BARGAINS, Beds, springs, mattresses, dressers, chit . fonlers. table, chairs, china and kltcheo eablnets. rugs and linoleum, trunks and ult esses, nas stoves and Ice boxes, full Una -croen wire, poultry netting, garJn tools. 1331-47 North 34th St Tel. Web ' 1607. Open till p. m. ACTUAL TRUTH FOR BARGAINS Full tin of furniture, gas and roal oil stoves, rugs, baby carnages, trunks, etc Loyal Furn. CO., 128 N. 16th. FOR SALE Bedroom furniture and desk at 110 S. 34th 8t Call mornings. Typewriters and Supplies. TYPEWRITERS sold, rented and repaired. ' Rent an Oliver I months (or IS. Central Typewriter Exchange, 1105 Farnam. WB buy. sell or exchange typewr'tsrs; guar, typewriters 110 snd up. Writ for list. Midland Typewriter Co.. 1404 Djdge. Bottles. ROOTBEER bottle patent stoppers and others Nat Steinberg. 1019 Har. D. till. Sewing Machines. - SEWING MACHINES W rent, repair, sell needle and part of ll sewing machine. MICKEIV NEBRA8KA CYCLE) CO., 16th and Harney St. Dour 1661. Store and Office Fixtures WE buy, sell snd make desk, sstes. (how cue, shelving, etc Omaha Fixture a Sup ply CO.. Uth and Dougla D 1734 Pianos and Musical Instruments. WE hav several Vlctrolaa that ws took la on trtdi (or sale; In good condition. Rouss Phonograph Parlor. Cor. totb and Farnam St. WE TUNE, repair, reflnlsh snd move piano; all work absolutely guaranteed. Phone orders. Douglss 118. A. Hosp Co., 1611 Douglas St. A. HOSPE CO.. 1613 Douglss. hav planoa to rent at 33.60 par month, or win sell on easy term. WILL pay cash or trade (or any piano of standard make. A. Hospe Co., 1M3 Doug, las St. Machinery and Engines. 10x60 Threshing machine In good condition (or sale or trade. Geo. W. Collins. Cres cent, low. FOR BALE Four-cylinder 62-borsepower Twin city engine, burns kerosene. Used less than 60 days. Box 4738, Omaha Bee. Miscellaneous. OMAHA PILLOW CO Feathers steamed, renovated and made up In new feather, proof Mcklng 1307 Cumin Doug 1467. CHERRIES and currants at Ihm's fruit (arm. Walnut 1385. FOR SALE Indian windmill. 85-foot tow- sr. Very cheap, Harney 1742. ANNOUNCEMENTS Accordeon Pleating. ACCORDEON. side, knife, sunburst, bus pleating, covered buttons, all slsea and styles: hemstitching, plcot edging, eye let cut work, button holes, pennsota. IDEAL BUTTON AND PLEATING CO.. 100-108 Brown Bldg. Phono Doug. 1111 HEMSTITCHING. PLEATING. BUTTONS. G. U. VanArnam Pleating Co I3I-T Pax ton Block. Phone Doug. HO. Awnings. AWNINUS AND PORCH FURNITURE. Auto touring tents snd camping supplle. SCOTT-OMAHA TENT a AWNING CO. Billiard Parlor. PRIVATE tables (or turtle st Holmes'. THE ONLY WAY ZZ fit' THE OMAHA TRANSFER CO ANNOUNCEMENTS Baggage and Express. REPUBLIC AUTO EXPRE88 COMPANY will haul everything for you. Package lass than 20 lbs.. 13 rents. Douglas 7463. Brass and Iron Founderies. PAXTON MITCHELL CO. t!7th and Martha Bts.. Omaha, Neb. Brass, brenze, aluminum and machine arav Iron castings Chiropractors. SI'INOURAPH nam l)r Edwards. 24th Far- Dt J C. Lawrence. Ratrd Bldg D 3431 Costumes. FULL dreaa aulta for rent. 101 N. 16th St., opposite Postofflce. John Feldnian. Doug las 7.128. Detectives. JMES ALLAN. I12 Neillle Blk. Evidence .er-ured In all cases Tyler 1131. Dressmaking. MIMS STURDY. dr.-KniHklriB Do-iir. 6396. Dentists. D Biadbury. No pain. 21W. O. PV. Bldg T-.ff Dent. Rms.. s'lS Ruse Bids O 'Tf Film Developing. FILM, developed: rolls, I0o; packs, 16c, nii-day service. Kase Studio, Neville Blk.. 16th and Harney Fixtures and Wiring. riTTPKTM Electrlo washing machines, L U eiectrlo Irons snd reading imps, 1212 Cuming 8t Douglas 2511. Live Stock Hauling. WE will haul your live stock. LIVE STOCK TRANSFER CO., 1201 Farnsm St. Telephone Dotig. 26US. Lawnmowers. ELECTRIC sharpeners; called for and de livered; used lawnmowers for salo. Shop at Maxotirs Station, 2110 Leavenworth. Harney 1303. Jewelry. DIAMONDSwpregb.eVb'uc; r.chk at small profit. OROH8. 402 N. 16th 8t Osteopaths. DR. MABLE WESSON, 614 Brandels B'tl T. 2060. Res 4741. Patent Attorneys. PATENTS procured, bought and sold Inter. 1 national Patent Co., 583 Brandels. P 6691, STURGES A STUROES. U. 8. and foreign patents sna trndemnrks. 330 Bee Bins. Piping. ALL kinds of piping done, stoves compet ed and adjusted; prompt service. Web. sler 1782 or Webster 6347. Rug Cleaning. . QUALITY RUO CLEANERS. Bolentlfls Olive Oil Washing Persian Rug Cleaning Co., 1237 Farnam. H. 1842. Safes. SAFES BARGAINS, 1212 Farnam. J J. Dertght Safe Co. Printing and Office Supplies. Waters-Bsrnhart . Ptg. Cd 524 B. ISth St Tailors. Dledrlck. P. L.. 216 N. 30th. Tailor. D 2482. Medical. PILES, fistula and other rectal dis eases cured without surgical oper ation. Cure guaranteed. Write for hock on rectal diseases with testi monials. DR. E. R. TARRY. 240 Bee Bldg.. Omaha. Towel Supplies. Omshs Towel Supply 207 8. 11th. D. 528. Wedding Stationery. WEDDING announcements snd printing Douglas Printing Co.. Tel Dnucl'e 44 WANTED TO BUY TrtlNtfTNTQ has just returned and UAJ1H1V11XO W glv4 you th me good service that he gave in the past. Help win the war. Sell your old clothes, shoes, rugs, tools, trunks and buy W. S. S. Will nail. Res. D. 8032. Office. 2635 BB PATRIOTIC! HELP UNCLE SAIL SELL YOUR OLD CLOTHES AND BUT LIBERTY BONDS, GIVE ME A TRIAL, WILL CALL. PHONB DOUG 1431. 1211 DOUGLAS ST. DESKS DESKS DESKS New desks, used desks bought, sold and traded. J. C. Reed. 7201 Farnam. D. 6146. WANTED to buy an oak wall case. 12 or 14 ft. long In good condition. T. H. Pol- iock, piattsmouth, Neb. TIT A MflWriQSOL BERGMAN A CO. wiinuunuw 401 South 15th 15th St. CASrf paid for diamonds, estate appraised. Reese 'wr,ffi;l,, f.8M i1""', . BUSINESS CHANCES WANTED To sell or exchange modern 3-room hotel, with up-to-date mineral water bath departments In connection. Will consider good farms In eastern Kan sas, eastern Nebraska, eastern South Da kota, western Iowa or northern Missouri. Hotel located In one of the best oil towns In Oklahoma. Address, , P. O. Box 1048, Nowata, Okla. PICTURE show In town of 800 people for sals or trsds for house In Omsha not ex ceeding $4,000. Price $1,850. Address Box T603, Omaha Bee. FINE BUSINESS PROPOSITION. I want to rent my store building and 5 living rooms overhead at South Omaha. A -No. 1 location. Bohemian settlement Will fix up to suit and put tn soms cssh to stake the right party. Address Andrew Warner, Fremont, Neb. OMAHA restaurant completely equipped large, well- established; god location, costing 111,000. Business reasons; offered 16,000 cash on property. Box 6311 Omaha Bee. , OOOD paying drug store, Cor. 16th atij Davenport; new fixtures snd fountain, well assorted stock, excellent location. Will sell at Invoice. See us at once. FOR SALE Cafe with (Oft drinks, 1c cream and confectionery . In connection. Doing fin business. Good reason for selling. Belmont est. Columbus, Neb. GOOD restaurant, doing good business. Cheap for cash. Inqulr of owner 1610 Capitol Ave. ANY business relating to Canada solicited; lands cared for, leased sold, exchanged, cropped. Frank Crawford. Omaha and Rosetown. Sssk. FOR SALE Grocery and meat market Good location. Part cash or trade.- Sell tng on account of sickness. 4557 So. 18th St.. Bouth Sfd. GUARANTY locate you; any line buslnea; ny tt. Guarantee cell your business. r v Kniest Be Bldg.. Omshs. Neb 6TORK (or sale) rent $1. Good business. F. V. Knlest. Bes Bldg.. Omaha. Neb. GROCERY and confectionery store at 2412 Lake street. Call Webster 311. Rooming Houses for Sale. HOTEL FOR BALE 21 furnished rooms, modern, three railroads, only hotel. Lock Box C, Clifton, Kan AUTOMOBILES OLD FORDS. NEW FORDS. MR. FORD OWNER AND DEALER. Before buying a truck see Affordable Truck Co., Omaha made truck unit fits any Ford, makes guaranteed 4 and 1-ton trucks out of snyboily's Ford. 1165 F. O. B Omaha. DEALERS WANTED 1.1 I'.ry and office 1207-15 8. SOtb St DOUGLAS 20SJ. HIGH GRADE USED CARS FOR SALE. 1917 itudaon super six speedatcr. 1917 Hudiion super six roadnter. 1917 Bulclt six roadster. 1917 Bulck six roadster. 1917 Btiirk six touring. 1917 Republic truck. 1916 Chalmers six. 1915 PalitB 36. 1915 National four. Ford truck, Will Hall attachment. 1913 Bulck 31, 1160. 1913 Cadillac. All above cars are in first class condi tion and sold with money back guarantee. We buy, st'll, snd exchange used cars, or will take your car In and sell it for you. THE AUTO CLEARINO HOUSE, 2033 Farnam Street Formerly the used car department of the Auto Parts company. , HERE'S A HAYNES SIX. ImposBlbls to get new ones. Better see this, used only a few months, cost $3,250; will sell for $1,700; might consider Ford or light car In trade. Phone Mr. Scrlpps. Douglas 3486 or Harney 130. RADIATORS Wrecked and leaky radiators repaired and rebuilt; large stock used radiators on hand Maabtd fendera and lamps repaired Ilk new. New stock of Ford honey comb radia tors on hand. OMAHA RADIATOR AND TIRE WORKS 1111 Coming Sl Omsha. Neb LISTEN Ws will save you 60 per cent on your tire bill. Trade your old tires tor new one. Tubes vulcanised 5 cents css Ings 60 cents up. Rebuilt 1 In 1 casings for sale, 11 up. 0. 8. machine for sale. U. 8. Vulcantser Co.. Branch IS. 120 8 13th St.. Omaha FOR SALE Auburn seven-pasaenger, 1917 model; driven 10,000 miles; just painted' and overhauled; four new tires on re serve: csn be seen at Downtown garage, 13th and Harney streets. Make offer. Rest one takes It. FOR SALE On account of draft the Cum ing garage. This garage Is In a fine lo cation and doing a rushing business. Owner of building will enlarge and give long lease. Cuming Garage, 2413 Cum ing St. FORDS exchanged, bought and sold; ws re build your Ford with a Kelsey streamline body like now; cars sold for caeb or time payments So) S. tioldatrom, 2867 Farnam St. Harney 6646; agents wanted. FOR SALE OR TRADE 60 h. p. Mitchell chummy roadster, high speed and power. Will accept Ford in Al condition as part psyment A bsrgaln. B. E. Frank, Route 6, 75A, Benson, Neb, BARGAINS IN USED CARS All makee. With and without starters. 25 to pick from. Phons D. 1241 or call at 1616 Davenport BOYLAN AUTO CO.. NEW Maxwell cars, 1918 models, for sale. 3300 cash, balance monthly payments as desired. Answers strictly confidential. Box 6082, Bee. FOR SALE Chevrolet 490; touring, first class condition. Call Flint, 219 North Twenty-eighth avenue or phone H. 6767. CUMING GARAGE, 2415 Cuming St., D. 2831. Storage, day and night service, csrbon burning, welding, general auto re pairing. HUDSON Supersix. perfect condition, 1917. would consider light car trade. Box 9876. Omaha, Bee. WE ARE THE USED CAR MEN. TRAWVER AUTO CO., 1910 Farnam 8t Douglas 107. TELL a BINKLEY. Commercial body builders. 8311 Harney St. D 1540. OAKLAND. Sensible Six. MARSH OAKLAND CO, 1100 Farnam 8t WANTED FOR SPOT CASH. 100 USED CARS; quick action; no delay. Auto Ex change Co.. 2059 Farnam St. Doug. 6035 QUALITY USED CARS. VAN BRUNT AUTOMOBILE CO, 2406 LEAVENWORTH ST. BARGAINS In used cars ORR MOTOR SALES CO, 0th and Farnam. Harney 414. USED CARS AND TRUCKS. AT BARGAIN PRICES. 2020 Farnam St., Omaha. Neb. MEEK8 AUTO CAR. USED CAR BARGAINS. 3028 FARNAM ST. DOUGLAS 6290. HIGH GRADE USED CARS AUTO CLEARING HOUSE, 2032 FARNAM. OOOD USED CARS; GUY L. SMITH, 26th and Farnam Bts. Douglas 1170. BARGAINS IN USED FORD CARS McCaffrey Motor Co. !Mh and Jackson Ford Agents. Doug. 3500 WILL pay cash for light touring car. Call Sunday 3829 N. 20th St FORD touring car. Excellent condition. Priced right. 3161 Davenport St. Auto Livery and Garages. RfiNT A FORD DRIVE IT YOURSELF. 12o a mils, 36o per hour minimum charge. Sundays and holidays, 60o per hour. FORD LIVERY CO.. Douglss 3623. 1314 Howard St Tires and Supplies. TIRES. 10x1. plain. $10.35. SOxSti, plain, 311.73. 30x34s, non-skid. $15.40. Good used Ford tires. $6.01 Other sixes In proportion, and vulcanising. and up. Retreading OMAHA RADIATOR AND TIRE WORKS. Express charge paid when cash sent with order. 1918 Cuming St. Oma ha, Neb. GUARANTEEDTlRES ONE HALF PRICE. 1.000 Mile Guaranteed. 10x3. 17.75; 10x$H, $8.75; 12X3H. $10 25: 13x4. 111.25: 14x4, $13.25: 15x4H, 115 60. . Writ ua today (or particulars AGENTS WANTED. Expert Radiator and Tire Repairing "2 JN T VULCANIZING CO, 1618 Davenport St Omaha. D. 2914. NEW TIRES AT ft PRICE, ALL SIZEi NEW 10x1 Republic. $9.25. Ford tubes $3 00 NEW 30x3 LEE TIRES ju'75 NEW 32x34 FIRESTONE TIRES. . 116 85 KAIMAN 8 TIRE JOBBERS. 1721 Cl'MINO. INSIST on G. & O. quality retread nd ave 10 per eent on your tire. Bargain In new and slightly used tire. O a O Tlr Co.. 2415 Leaven'th 8t. Tyler 1261-W AUTOMOBILES Tires and Supplies. TIRE bargains at unheard of prices; all brand new, 13 standard makes. Come In and let our goods and prices settle the argument. SEND FOR OUR PRICE LIST. OMAHA CUT RATE TIRE CO.. "Nebraska's Tire. Bargain Center." Douglas 2916. 310 S. 19th St. BUY Lvo puncture-proof pneumatic tires ana eliminate your tire troubles- Powell Sup ply Co.. 2'ifil Farnam 9t TIRE price wreckers. This Is no 2-ln-l tire COMBINATION TIRE FACTORY. 4:2 S. 13th. A ft Is Wanted. Omaha. Neb Repairing and Painting HOWARDS. E. 8 2616 19th St. Web- iter 1102. For the best results with retail vnnt consult ua Starters and Generators Repaired. AUTO ELECTRIC SERVICE CO. Anything electrical ibout your suto. 316 8. 19tb St Douglas 6488. Motorcycles and Bicycles H A R L E Y-DAVIDSON MOTORCYCLES. Bargains In used machines. Victor H. Roos. the Motorcycls Man. 27th snd Leav enworth. PERSONAL THE Salvation Army industrial Home so licits yonr old clothing, furniture, maga. ninea, We collect We distribute.- Phone Doug. 4135 and our wagon will call. Call and Inspect our new horns, 1110-1113-1114 Dodgo St MISS ALLEN Massage, facial and scalp troatraent 1802 Farnam St.. Room 2 MISS FISHER, sulphur, steam baths and massage. 370 Bran. Thea. Bldg. P. 1559. MAE BRUGMAN, scientific masseuse and baths. 2U8 Karbach Bill. Red 2727. MASSAGE and baths. Miss Halran. 222-3 Neville Btock. Manicuring and mass. 1623 Farnam. R. 11 MEDICAL RUPTURE successfully treated without a surgical operation. Call or writs. Dr. Frank H Wrav. 306 Bee Bldg SITUATIONS WANTED Male. SOME plumber! Your sanitary servant He's Ilooverlzed. Call Colfnx 2772. GENTLEMAN, employed from 12 to 6 p. m., desires position from 6 a. m, to 11 a. m.; can furnish desirable references. Box 9971, Omaha Bee. PAINT, carpet and paper cleaning, the Na tional Cleaning and Service company, 2709 Leavenworth St. Harney 6012. BOOKKEEPING, statements, pay rolls, re mittances, satisfactory service, reasonable prices. Phone Harney 1024. EXPERIENCED carpenter wanta work. Douglas 8349. Female. SITUATION WANTED By middle aged widow as housekeeper In widower's home. Jfco children. Box 4717, Bee. PRACTICAL nursing and cases wanted by experienced nurse. Douglas 8461. YOUNG lady desires filing work. Col. 930. Laundry and Day Work. RELIABLE WOMAN wants bundle washing at home. Web. 6230. EXP. laundress, bundles called for and de llvered. Webster 6322. EXPERIENCED laundress wishes work. Douglas 8673. BUNDLES carefully laundered. Call and deliver. Web. 4283. FAMILY waBhings called for and delivered. Call Colfax 1093. NEAT col, lady wants day work. Har. 4709. DAY work wanted. Call Webster 698. CURTAIN'S laundered, w'k guar. Har. 1130 DAY work by colored lady. Wester 3980, LAUNDRY work by hour. Web. 2058, FOR experienced nurse, call Harney 4994. 1ST class col, laundress with ref. Doug. 8712. GIRL wishes day work Webster 2327. BUNDLE washing, lacs curtalna. Web. 1727. WANT work yb the dRy. South 1613. Day work and bundle washing. Web. 1088. HELP WANTED MALE Stores and Offices. TWO good men, who are experienced In ledger clerk work, are accurate, write a good, legible hand, and are well recom mended, to fill positions as customers' ledger bookkeepers. Permanent position in an old Omaha corporation. Salary to Btart will be made satisfactory to those chosen. Telephone Douglas 608, and ask for the Office Manager, so that arrange ments can be made for Interview. YOU MEN WHO HIRE AND FIRE Advertlss for "help" th same way yor advertlss to sell merchandise, snd th difference lo returns will surprise you. Th next tlm you need help call Tyler 1000. - A trained and experienced ad- ! taker will assist you tn preparing voui i advertisement. GOOD COLLECTOR Wanted by an old es tablished Omaha corporation; must have a thorough knowledge of the city and be well recommended as to ability and thor oughness In collecting; good salary to right man. Telephone Douglas 609 and ask for the office manager, so that arrange ments can ds made tor Interview. WANTED Capable accountant able to take charge of accounting for chain re tail stores. .Must be reliable, energetic. State salary expected. Give references. Out ol city '.position. Haddorf Music House. LEDGER clerks, $100; splendid (uture; col lector. $85;;iedger clerk, $00; billing clerk. $75. $100. iM THE. MARTI COMPANY, 1136 W, O. W. Bldg. TWO ledger - clerks, $100.00; experienced collector. $100; shipping clerk. $100. CO-OPERATIVE REFERENCE CO., 1016 City Nat. Bk. Bldg. WANTED ' Receiving clerk, ' must be (airly experienced- and highly recommended. . ORCHARD-WILHELM CO. ' v 414-18 South 16th St. WANTED Registered and unregistered druggist: no fountain; store closes at 10 p.,m,; joff every other night I p. m. Oscar nun vompgny. biqux cttys Iowa. OMAHA railway mall clerk examinations corAlngr hurfflrtd. wanted; 110 month; aampl questions free. Franklin Instttut. iPRU xji--, .Rochester. N. Y BOOKKEEPERS. $160, $126, $100, $90. - WATTS REFERENCE COMPANY, 1138 First ' National Bank Bldg. GOOD POSITIONS AT ALL TIMES. THE CANO AGENCY. 600 BEE BLDG. LEDGER CLERK, $100. WESTERN REFERENCE a BOND ASS'N. Professions and Trades. A GOOD blacksmith wanted to take charge of a well equipped shop and tools. Will hire by month or rent shop and tools by the month. Inquire at Farmer Stats Bank. Cortland, Neb. WANTED Experienced hotel clerk; state age and experience. Hotel Paddock, Beatrice, Neb. HELP WANTED MALE Professions and Trades. WE NEED CONDUCTORS AND MOTORMEN. Apply in person to the superintendent of trans portation, second floor, Merchants' National Banl; Bldg.. Omaha. OMAHA & COUNCIL BLUFFS STREET RAILWAY CO. OPEN SHOP NO STRIKE. MACHINISTS AND BOILER MAKERS wanting immediate and steady employ ment in well equipped shops, paying from CO to 63 cents per hour for an eight hour day, and under unusually ttractlye climatic and living conditions, should move lo Pueblo or correspond with The Pueblo Employers' Association, Box 47 Pueblo, Colo. WANTED Young man to work In the press room. Apply to Supt. .Bes Publishing Co. WANTED Meat cutters, reliable, capable of running small shop. Call at Basket Stores Office, 108 N. 9th St. Call any day. COUNTRY PRINTER WANTED One ca pable in feeding newspaper press and job presses and apt In setting ads and jobs as directed. Modern equipment 66-hour week, 1 rale for overtime; pay every Saturday. Press, David City Neb. WANTED Body builder, one that can build all kinds of commercial bodies, rebuild hearse bodies; $30 per week: steady job. Bardwell Auto & Carriage Works, Great Bend, Kan. WANTED Auto painter, second man, one that can color, varnish and rub varnish; $20 per week; steady Job. Bardwell Auto & Carriage Works, Great Bend, Kan. WANTED Blacksmith, all-round man; must be first-class mechanic: 530 per week; steady Job. Bardwell Auto 6 Carriage Works, Great Bend, Kan. BAND INSTRUCTOR wanted; liberal sal sry for time occupied; good place for man willing to take other employment Address W. C. Wells, 8ec, Fremont, Neb. WANTED An experienced battery man for Wlllard Service Station at David Citv. David "City Battery Servlcs Station. David City, Neb." WANTED Experienced (urnlturs polisher and cleaner. ORCHARD-WILHELM CO., 414 South 16th Street. DRUGGIST WANTED. EXPERIENCED. Permanent position. St Joseph Drug to., bc. josopn, MO WANTED Experienced automobile repair man. Apply service department, Guy L. Smith, Twenty-sixth and Farnam streets. ACTIVE young man with two years' drug experience; $75.00 and room. Box 1622 Missoula, Mont. WANTED A "good auto repair man for garage work. A. B. Rasmussen, Walnut, la. LEARN barber trade, low rate now. Call or write Barber College. 1124 Douglss St. WANTED Upholsterer for furniture depart ment Box 41406 Bee WANTED Carpenters and helpers; steady work. Phone W. B. Weeks. Webster 1793. Salesmen and Solicitors. SALESMEN. We want 50 live wire salesmen. Apply 650, 651, 652 Brandels Bldg. SALESMAN WANTED Energetic, for fast selling proposition to good merchants; en tirely new. EHEEHY CO., McClelland Bldg., Lexington, Ky. SALESMEN for new specialty sold to drug, shoe and grocery stores, 30 per cent com mission; side line, small sample. Wil liams Co.. 149 W. Ohio St., Chicago. Hotels and Restaurants. WANTED Colored waiters: permanent po sitions, best pay best meals and best treatment In Omaha. Apply to bead waiter. Blackstone Hotel. Miscellaneous. LABORERS For track work, 30 cents per hour at start with car (are; 10 hours. APPLY TRACK AND ROADWAY DEPT. ,221) AND NICHOLAS STS, OMAHA & CO. BLUFFS STREET RAILWAY. MEN WANTED AT THE LUXUS PLANT, STEADY WORK; GOOD WAGES. APPLY AT BOT TLING DEPT. FRED KRUG PRODUCTS CO., 25th and Krug Ave. WANTED. DRIVERS AND WAGON. HELPERS ALSO FREIGHT HANDLERS. AMERICAN. EXPRESS CO., APPLY. UNION STATION. WANTED i men to sell good on passen ger train; must hav cash security. Ap ply Rock Island News Stand Fairbury. Neb WANTED A Janitor (or church work and ateam heating plant Wages $70 a month. Address Box 9968, Omaha Bee. ELDERLY uslness man who appreciates congenial horns (or light services, spats time. Box 9768, Omaha Bee. JANITOR WANTED 640 First Nat'l Bank Bldg. Colored need not apply. WANTED Experienced broom corn sorter. Omsha Broom Corn Factory. HELP WANTED FEMALE Stores and Offices. STENOGRAPHERS and Clerks, uptown of fice, $100. WESTERN REFERENCE a BOND ASS'N. HELP WANTED FEMALE Stores and Offices. GOVERNMENT needs 20,000 women clerkt at Washington. Examinations everywhere In July. Experience unnecessary. Womer desiring government positions write fo) free particulars to J. C. Leonard (formei Civil Service examiner) 525 Kenola Bldg. Washington. STENOGRAPHERS, 150-90. Office Clerks, 350-75. Compt. Opr., $55-75. Typist, $60-85. , Only 60c to register. THE MARTI COMPANY, 1126 W. O. W. Bldg. MULT1GRAPH OPERATOR Wanted at once, must be experienced and , fairly rapid. Permanent position. Apply tn person at 1424 First Nat. Bsnk Bldg. GOOD POSITIONS AT ALL TIMES, j THE CANO AGENCY. 600 BEE BLDG. j WANTED Young lady bookkeeper; mus I have references. Louis Sommer. Walnu 1 12. Professions and Trades. WANTED Young Ladies to J.-ari. telephone operating. Good wages paid while harning, rapid advance ment, permanent positions. Apt,y to C. F. LAMBERT. 1807 Douglas St. AMERICAN TELEPHONE AND TELIi GRAPH CO. Has openings for a few bright, capable refined young women, between 17 and 2' years of age, to fill permanent position-! Work Is desirable, Interesting and edu cational. Carried on in congenial, health ful surroundings. Good wages; excelle;il opportunities for advancement to respon sible positions for those of ability. Thosf living at home preferred. Will be glno to have parents accompany applicant? when applying, to investigate work and surroundings. Apply Miss Carlson, 6tli floor, 656 Brandels Theater building. WANTED Women for order clerks Ir. wholesale dry goods house In ready-to-wear, furnishing goods and notions depts. ; applicants to have had at least two yeai?" experience In dry goods store (wholesale or retail) snd be over 30 years of age. Afl dress Box 9925, Omaha Bee. EXPERIENCED millinery makers, 204 n!" 16th St. Household and Domestic. Girls Wanted To work In factory. Good pay to beginners Gordon-Lawless Co. 8th and Dodge, WANTED at once, white girl for general housework, no washing or cooking, good home, references required. Harney 4572. 13:t5 South 35th Ave. GIRL or woman to do light housework where other help Is employed, no cooking. -Harney 3716. Mrs. E. B. Hamilton. 616 South 37th St. WANTED An experienced cook. good wages; appointment by telephone. Mrs O. C. Redlrk. Harney 121. Refevence required. WANT two girls between the ages of 16 and 21 to act as housemaid and nurse girl, re spectively; no laundry work. Place 4 mile from town Call Walnut 3481. WANTED Competent cook. Apply 206 S. 32d Ave. Harney 206. EXPERIENCED white cook, Danish or Swedish preferred. Call Harney 70. EXPERIENCED girl for general housework;' 3715 South Twenty-fifth St. South 134. Miscel'aneous. WANTED Wet nurse for baby 1 month old yi. neweii jones. ryier 33. WANTED A FLOOR GIRL. CLARKSON HOSPITAL: APPLY HELP WANTED Male and Female. WANTED All Spanish war veterans In Ne braska and western Iowa to meet Lea Forby Camp No. 1 U. S. W. V. at Ton- tenelle park, July 4th. Old-fashioned basket picnic, 12 noon. WANTED Men. ladles snd boy, learn barber trade: big demand; wage srhlls learning; strictly modern. Call or writ 1402 Dodge 8t Trl-Clty Barber College. Phone D 2147. MOLER Barber College wants young men and ladles to learn th barber trad. Call or writ for fre catalogu. 110 a 14th St.. Omaha. Neb EDUCATIONAL BOYLES C JLLEGE. DAY SCHOOL. NIGHT SCHOOL. Every day I enrollment day. Book, keeping, shorthand, stenotypy, typewrit tng. telegrsphy. civil servlcs all commer cial and English branohe. Catalogu tree, BOYLES COLLEGE. Dougla 156S 18th and Hamev Sta. - Van Sant School of Business. Day snd Evening Schools. 220 Omaha National Bank Bids. Donrlas 6810 FOR RENT ROOMS Furnished Rooms. ATTENTION ROOM HUNTERS. If you tall to find the room yoo desire among these ads call at The -Be office (or a Room List Gives complete description o( vacant room la all part of th city. New lists Issued every week. SANITARY modern rooms (or men onlv. 4 ca n . 1. a.. l 1 . . ' v. wwiv. ounsuiu- Apartments, 60S N. 17th St J. B Robinson. 442 Be Bldg. MODERN furnished rooms, permanent or iianaicu .iiviuuius large ironi rOOTtl suitable for one or thre gentlemen. 1711 Dodge St. NICELY furnished southeast front room for one or two persons; laundry privileges. Doug. 8848. 2104 Davenport. MODERN furnished rooms for men only st tho Sunshine. 608 North 17tb St Reason able rent 212 S. 26TH AVE. Nice, clean rooms; Walking distance. Reference exchanged! Harney 4688 , 2124 Cass Front rooms, modern ; nicely furnished, cool. Tel. Tyler 278. NICELY furnished rooms. Private faniilf. Moara optional, nsmey 3821. THE GRAYSTONE 25th and Cass; nlcetv lurnisnea rooms, uousias i4.