1 i THE BEE: OMAHA, FRIDAY, JUNE 28, 1918. CZECHOSLOVAK FIGHTERS SEEK RECRUITS HERE f , Four Officers to Be Guests of x Chamber of Commerce at at Noon; At Sokol Hall at Night. Four famous Czecho-Slovak fight ers, Lt. Anton Holy, Second Lieuts. Miloslav Niederle, 1 Oldrich Span- lei and Joseph Horvat, all of whom have participated in many battles in Russia and more recently in France, will visit Omaha Friday, arriving here in the morning at 8:35 o'clock. They are in America to re cruit men of Bohemian (Czech) and Slovak birth, who are either outside - of the American draft age or were not naturalized, for the Czecho-Slovak army in France. The officers after their arrival here will make their headquarters at the Hotel Fontenelle. They will be guests of the Omaha Chamber of . Commerce at noon Friday, when Lieutenant Niederle, speaking in English, will deliver an address. They will speak at a mass meeting of Omaha, Bohemians at the Sokol hall. Thirteenth and Martha streets, Fridav ttitrht. Saturday mornine they !Svill call upon the governor at Lin- . ' coin, iaier g. ing to Crete m tne auer 1 iioon and returning to South Omaha. , Sunday they will hold a consultation with the officers of the local Bo 'hemian societies. , All Draftid by Austria. ' ' 1, f -1 - CC ......... A r I m A Intn . nil OI XIIC UIUCC19 Uldlivu he Austrian army at the beginning of the war, but escaped to ttussia snnn afterwards and took UD arms .with the Russian army, fighting against Austria. After the revolution there in March, 1917, the independent Csecho-Slovak army was organized in 'Russia and these men became mem bers. When the famous Russian re- treat took place, they were holding - the Germans and Austrians back at .. Zhorov. and all were wound; '. at that time. Several months ago the Czecho' Slovak army was transferred to France, via Esaeland. Shortly after their arrival there, these officers were sent to the United States for recruit ing purposes. Omaha and Cedar Rapids, la., are the last two cities that the officiers will visit on their tour of America. Lieutenant Spaniel will remain in Omaha, to take charge of recruiting ', in Nebraska, Kansas, the Dakotas and ' other western states. The remaining officers will go to other large cities and take charge of recruiting. First Year of the War Is Observed by Omaha Greeks The first anniversary of the en trance of Greece into the great war -T. on the side of the allies was celebrated r at a luncheon Thursday in the Cham ber of Commerce. Scores of Omahans of Greek birth or ancestry were present besides army officers, city commissioners and - others. The Greek flag was display ed together with the flags of the other allied nations. Joseph Barker, as chairman of the Chamber of Commerce committee, presided and introduced the speakers. Arthur Wakeley, speaking for the Chamber of Commerce, dwelt on the greatness of Greece in history, its war riors, statesmen, poets, philosophers, whose work is at the foundation of civilization. John F. Stout, Greek consul in Omaha, responded. He declared the patriotism oj the Greek people is " proverbial and showed that they have been pioneers in the cause of freedom, having fought or it before the re publics of today were born. M. A. Hall, British vice-consul here, and Antonio Venuto, Italian consul, " were amon those at the speakers' table. : - Body of William Halbhaus -Found at Bottom of Lake The body of William Halbhaus, 14-year-old Boy Scout who disap peared from the Boy Scout camp at Lake Quinnebaugh near Decatur, Neb.,' Wednesday, was found at the bottom of the lake yesterday after noon by the sheriff of Buff county and his searching party. After saying something about fish v ing to some of his troopmates, the youth disappeared from the camp. The search lasted a day and a night. It was thought possible that the boy might be found somewhere in the large tract of wooded ground which . surrounds the camp. The lad, son of W. T. Halbhaus, 2566 Douglas street, was a popular '- member of troop 11, which is led by . Scoutmaster" G. A. Peters. He was a pupil at the Farnam school and is survived by his parents and a sister. Funeral services will be held Satur day morning at St. Peter's church at 9. Burial will be in Holy Sepulcher cemtery. His father is in the employ , of the Alfred Cornish company. Driver's Skull Fractured -An Striking Windshield John Trummer, 1723 South Nine teenth street, received a fracture of ; the skull and a two-inch cut on the scalp when he stuck his heaH through V the windshield of the Ford truck he was driving Thursday afternoon. The accident happened while the truck was standing at the corner of Eleventh and Dodge streets, Trummer rising suddenly and striking his head on the ' "dished" windshield. He was taken to the Lister hospital. Finn's Band Will Play Big Program at Manawa Sunday " Finn's band will furnish a program of "classical, patriotic and popular , music at Lake Manawa park next Sunday. Fifteen numbers are includ ed . on the program. Such popular pieces as "Over the Top," "Down South," "All America" and" "Our Country's In It Now" will precede the final patriotic march "Freedom For All Forever." Induct Draft Evaders. - Fred . Harlowe, Pierce, Neb., and - Alfonso Sarvantes, Kansas City, al !ged draft evaders, will be inducted into the national army by local ex- emption boards. Harlowe has evaded registration fornore than a year. Sar vantes 'became 21 recently, but failed U. S. War Risk Insurance Board Sends Out Over 3,200,000 Checks to Date fr iian 5 200000 government checks have been sent out to date by the bureau of war risk insurance. Most of these have gone in the form of allotment anct allowance payments to the families of the enlisted men in the army and navy. " The grand total disbursements oi fV, Ki,Y9ii i,n tn T n tip 10 afftrregate more than $98,000,000, of which $97,- 000,000 is for allotments ana allow Checks are going forward at tne rate of more than 850,000 a month. About 380,000 checks for May al lotments, which are payable in June, have already been mailed. - Approximately oa.UuU are going ior ward every day. Pavments under the war risk in surance act are being rushed to the - . . .. r iwa limit by a torce ot more man o,uw employes, working on night and day shifts. , ... Under the terms of the war risk in surance act, allotments made from June pay, together with the govern ment allowances added thereto, can not be paid until July. The first checks for June allotments anrt allowances will pn forward On July 1, just as the first May payments began on July 1. Under the law, those payments cannot be started any soon er. Relatives of soldiers and sailors are urged to remember this fact and thus save unnecessary worry. Judge Troup to Forego First Vacation in Fourteen Years District Judge A. C. Troup has been "on the job" continuously for 14 years, not even taking time off for a vacation. During 1917 the judge, with the exception of one day, was on the bench in district court hearing the unending series of legal entanglements. Judge Troup made a solemn prom ise to Mrs. iroup several months ago. long before war's seriousness had made its inroads into the vacation plans of individuals, that he would "knock off" for a while this summer and take a little vacation trip with her to New York and other far-dis tant points. "Now tfiat the time has come," the judge remarked --Thursday morning, I feel that Uncle bams problems are great enough, without my adding to the difficulties. So I have decided that a long trip would be unpatriotic at this time, and my wife agrees with me." Judge Troup has therefore given up his trip to New York, but to ful fill his promise to Mrs. Troup the couple will take a short vacation trip to the Yellowstone Park. They will leave shortly after the Fourth of July. Building and Loan Companies To Distribute Dividends Over three-quarters of a million dollars as earnings will be distributed July 1 among shareholders of the savings and loan associations of Omaha. Following are the amounts of the semi-annual dividend distribution and the rate per cent per annum. Pet. Amount. Conservative Savings and Loan association 5 $290,000 Omaha Loan and Build ing association 6 210,000 Occidental Building and Loan association ...6 183,000 Nebraska Savings and Loan association 5 Commercial Savings and Loan association 5 30,000 Prudential Savings and Loan association .'6 13,071 Bankers Savings and Loan association 6 State Savings and Loan association 6 Home Savings and Loan Loan association 5Tt Garbage Haulers Threaten To Go on Strike Saturday The police and sanitation depart ment of the city of Omaha and Super intendent Dean Ringer are facing the possibility of coping with a strike sit uation. ' 1 Garbaee haulers, who work in the down town district, and who are on the city pay roll, threaten to walk cut when the week is completed, which will be Saturday. Wednesday was. pay day tor the men. Some time ago they were prom- isea compensation by tne city com missioners of $7 per day for their own services and the use of their teams. Formerly they had been paid at the rate of $5.50 per day. On Wednesday thejr received their pay at the old rate when they vusre anticipating compensation at the new scale. About ight of them met in iront of The Bee building late in the after noon and held an informal indigna tion meeting, at which they agreed to work out the balance of the week and then quit if the city did not live up to its agreement with them. The city owns thf, wagon boxes used in the collection of the garbage and it was agreed to turn these back. The aggrieved men say that it, is impossible for them to feed their teams, keep up their working stock, buy harness anefwagon frames and live at the old rate df pay. Hay and all kinds of feed have gone up in price and they say they have very little margin left for living expenses for themselves and their fam"': s. These men take care of all of iho garbage produced by restaurants 2nd hotels in the business district and their refusal to work would create unpleasant unsanitary conditions. Frank Dewey Files for County Clerk on His Birthday Frank Dewey observed his birthday anniversary on Thursday morning by getting his shoes shined and filing his name with tfie election commis sioner as a candidate for renomina tion for-county clerk. He was re corded in the filing list as a republi can. John A. Longren, 632 North Forty first avenue, filed as republican can didate for the state legislature. George, Holmes, judge of the muni cipal court, is having petitions signed to have his name go on the primary ballots. Tom Hollister states that he ex pects to file as a candidate for the republican nomination of county at torney. Storm Sweeps South Dakota. Mitchell, S. D., June 27. A severe storm, accompanied by heavy rains, swept central South Dakota last night At Fairfax damage to crops and other property resulted. BERGER TO TAKE HAND IN STRIKE; GIRLS STATE CASE Assistant City Attorney Says He Will File Complaint for Not Having Licensed " Operators. John M. Berger, assistant city at torney, met with the striking girl elevator operators in the board of welfare rooms yesterday. "The company has not lived up to its contract with us," declared Merele Swanson. the spokesman for the oper ators. "When we went to work they gave us our choice of working eight hours at $45 a month or working nine hours at $50, which they called boys' pay. We asked for the boys' work and $50. They agreed to give us two weeks vacation with pay. Later we asked for or uvacation and were told that we could have one week without pay. That's no vacation That's only laying off. We could do that anytime." The girls claim that $5 per month was held out for five months as pay for their uniforms, and that now the company refuses to give them their uniforms. "They told me I had nerve to ask for mine," said Pearl Mc Claren, "and I told them that when I had paid for a thing I didn't think it took much nerve to claim it." When the girls were first employed there was a starter, who took the re sponsibility of getting the cars prop erly spaced and timed. That when he left the girls asked that his pay be divided between them to make up for the extra responsibility thus placed on them, and that it was the refusal of this request that caused them to walk out. "It would be different if we were fired," said Miss Swanson, "because if we were not giving satisfaction we wouldn't expect them to keep us, but we know that we were doing our work well. Several of the tenants have called me up at my home since we left and and told me that conditions down there are unendurable and have tried to get us to come back. They say they don't want new girls, they want us." Not to Hire Strikers. The girls also assert that the man agement of the building told them that the "four big office buildings" of theity had been consulted and had promised not to hire any of thi Strik ers, .v - - The operators involved are Merle Swanson, Edna Day. Pearl McClafen and Florence Johnson. One the five original operftors is stilV-..ork ing. Mr. Berger has stated his inten tion of filing a complaint against the management of the First National bank building for employing un licensed operators. Kuhn, Loeb Company , Takes Up 20 Million . In Union Pacific Bonds f headed by Kuhn, Loeb & Co., -has taken up a $20,000,000 bond is sue of the Union Pacific Railroad company. This is the first large railroad financing operation under written orivatelv since 'the arovern- ment assumed control of the. trans- - portation lines. Constipation For this disorder you will find nothing quite equal to Chamberlain's .Tablets. When the proper dose is taken you can: hardly realize that the effect is not nat-. ural instead of having been produced by medicine. ' 31,643 15,000 6,500 2,400 $782,214 Eckford Held for District Court on Vagrancy Charge Jess Eckford, 1217 South Twenty fourth street, arrested on a charge of vagrancy, was bound over to the dis trict court under a $500' bond in po lice court Thursday, whefh the attor ney for the defense brought out evi dence showing that Eckford had been in employment until two weeks ago and that he had attempted to enlist in the aripy. The attorney pointed out that as the young man had just taken to himself a wife," he was entitled to a little vacation without violation of the sedition law. Eckford was ar rested on fi similar charge in Jan uyy and released under bond. Exams, for $1,600 Jobs July 19 in Naturalization Service Positions paying from $1,500 to $1,600 a year in the Inited State's naturalization service will be open to applicants at a civil service examina tion at the federal building on July 19. The government is in need of addi tional examiners in the naturalization servce of the Department of Labor. One hundred appointments will be made throughout the country. To Help Make trong.Keen Red-Blooded American II lUTT 5 in ill ii, ; Wow W Being used br ever three million peo- strength of weak, nervous, run-down folks in two weeks' time in mny In ctances. Ask your Doctor or drug gist about it. Simple Home Treatment to Remove Hairy Growths (Beauty Culture) Two or three minutes use of a dela tone paste will banish every bit of hair from your face, neck or arms. This paste is made by mixing some water with powdered delatone. After the paste is removed, thp skin should be washed to free it from the remaining delatone and it will be clear and spot less. You will not be disappointed with this treatment if you are sure to obtain real delatone from your drue- (9 1 . " ME i NO .INTO1 sc HI' Its carbohydrates are of such a nature as to be readily absorbedalmost 100 per cent of their stored-up energy is inv parted to the body as available heat or muscular energy, for immediate or reserve use. v - Carbohydrates are one of the three essential elements of food necessary to sustain life. The remaining elements of Schjitz Famo protein substances, mineral matter, water, organic acids, aromatic compounds, carbonic acid gasare easily digested or absorbed, and are essential. Invalids may partake of Schlitz Famo freely. "We live not by what we eat, but By what we digest!" Schlite Famo is a worth-while cereal beverage non -intoxicating healthful, refreshing v and satis fying. Good and good for you, . On sale wherever soft drinks I are sold, prder a case from Schlitz-Omaha Co. 719 South 9th St. Omaha. Neb. Phone: Douglas 918 Made, Milwaukee Famous 3 ' " 4 U JV j to register, , , , . J gist. Advertisement