THE BEE: OMAHA, TUESDAY, JUNE 25, 1918. Y, 1 FOR RENT HOUSES - ' Miscellaneous. LlT your property (or rent, or sale with FIRST TRUST COMPANT. ' Realtor Tyler 71. HOC8KB IN JLLL FASTS OF TBS CITT. CREIOH SONS CO. BED BLDO. ghopan Co.. Ratala Douglas 4111 FOR RENT APARTMENTS West FURNISHED LA TUNA APTS. 641 6. 14th St. A large II. room, a dress, room and v clOMt combined, a kltch. and bath. comp. f (urn., best of eervlce. D. 1538. TIZARQ Palace block, centrally located, I or 4-roora apt; alio 4-room flat. Superb. Apply 110 N. lid. Phone Bed 4281. Boat, Yachts, Etc PETERS TRUSTW ' Speclaltlata in Apartment management. HAMILTON APTS.. fireproof; fine lawn and flower; bait location, 14th and Farnam Plica reasonable. Call D. 1471. ANGELU8 APARTMENTS 26th Ave. and Douglas; to tub-let one, two-room apart ment. Harney J074. ' ' North. MODERN Satabrook Apt., near postofflce. HI. Q. P. Btebbtns. 1110 Chicago. (ROOM semi-basement apt., new, 114.80. Apt. I, Maple court. lilt Maple. Red THREE-ROOM, low rent, apartment at 17th nd Maple 8ta., phona Webster I7H. South. MODERN St. Louis flat, close In. Phone fax 1374 forenoon and evening. Miscellaneous. . DOUBLE brick flat, nearly new, strictly modern and In fine condition, to lease on long time lease. 8 rooms and reception hall each side, or making 1 fine rooma and 2 reception halls. Very close in and in good location. Rent, $118 per month, or wll leas same and sell furniture. Every room occupied. J. L. HIATT CO., 900 1st Vat'l Bk Bldg. Tyler 61. FOR RENT Business Prop'ty stores. tsTORhf FOR RENT 15th and Douglas. 10t 60. steam heat, rent 1116 per month. WORLD RBALT? CO.. Douglas (343 Sun Theater Bldg bTORli Comer Cass and Sixteenth EL Fins business location. O. P. Stebbina. 1610 Chicago LARUE fine brick store building for rent. with full basement, very low rent first year. 11118 Vinton. Tyler l)5. ' MODERN store. 16th St.. near P. O. Low rent. 0 P. Btebbln. 1810 Chicago. ,. -.QfficTand Desk Room. LAWYEHS It , Is essential for you to .V office In The Bee Rldgr, Keystont In vflstmont Co. Tyler 111. v , Miscellaneous. i , WAREHOUSE BARGAIN - In heart of wholesale district, 5-story 33x36 bids.; very substantial and good light. Heirs will sell for $20,000. We can arrange a loan of half or more of this price. Possession soon. INDUSTRIAL SITE. On Burlington track, central location, paved street, spur track in, about 60,000 sq. ft, $11,000. ' HARRISON & MORTON t m- Nat. Bk. Bldg. !?.JU- , WANTED TOrInT Unfurnished Apartments and Houses. IST your houses for rent with us and get results. Mora requests than houses, give us houses. Payne Invesment Co., Realtors. 637 Omaha National Bank Bldg.. t 1781. MOVING AND STORAGE METROPOLITAN VAN & STORAGE CO. Owned and operated by Central Furni- tur atora; office on Howard 8t between 16th an 16th. Phone Tyler 8400. Have our moving handled Just as you would an order for new furniture. That's the way wa do it Ask to see our aaiiy rental ni. Free RENTAL SERVICL fidelity lsTH AND JACKSON. DOUG. 288. , 8TORAOB, MOVING, PACKING. REASONABLE RATE8. FREE) RENTAL SERVICE. COMPLETE LIST OF ALL VACANT HOUSES AND APARTMENTS. FIREPROOF WAREHOUSE. Separate locked robms for household goosfl and pianos; moving, packing and shipping. OMAHA VAN AND STORAGE CO., 808 8. 16th. Douglas 4168. Globe Van and Storage Co. For real service In moving, packing and storing call Tyler 230 or pougia a, T O P- Tl Express Co.. Moving, J. J. IXCjIUXJ Packing and Storage. 1207 Farnam St. Web. 2741. Doug 14 j OMAHA EXPRESS CO. LARGE moving vana: careful men. Fur niture pack., atorage. 1417 Chicago. D-1364 WEST A SUTTON. Piano, household moving; live stock lauled. D 8721 1606 Cess St REAL ESTATE IMPROVED West. NliVV 6-room. all oak finish, near cathedral; -paving paid; $3,960, on easy terms. Inves tigate. Call days, Doug. 3140; nights, Colfax 1835. j 3621 HAMILTON STREET, $3,160. Oak and birch finished, very modern 6-room bungslow. with sleeping porch, i JOHN W. ROBBINS. 1801 FARNAM. BEMIS PARK Six rooms and bath. 2-story modern house, east front, large lot, paved street. Make offer. Walnut 1481. NINE rooms; hot water heat; near Crelgh ton college. $3,300. Great bargain. G. P. Stebblns, 1610 Chicago St. . North. "UP-TOtTHE-MINUTE BUNGA- J LOWS. Two brand new and very nifty 6-room bungalows under construction at 28th Av. and Camden will be sold at $3,600 - each.. These- places will bo modern In every respect; ona block to car and atore; close to achools and to Miller park; $360 cash will handle and balance monthly payments of $31.50. Sewer, water. Baa nnri electricity all In and paid for; no special taxes. See these at once. WALNUT 677. SAVE car fare and buy war atamps. Buy this 7-room, all modern- home, less than 10 blocks from the P. O. Just painted, i mats outside, and beautifully Ueco. rated Inside. Paving' all paid. A big . bargain at $4,000 cash. Terms or an . exchange considered. Tou get few chances Ilka this. RASP BROS.. 210 Keellne Bldg, Tyler 781. 8-R. HOUSE at 2207 Maple street; nlco or- der; only $2,100. ' W. H. GATES, 847 Omaha Nat'l Bank Bldg. Doug. 1294. KOUNTZE PARK BUNGALOW. 6 rooms and bath oak finish down, white enamel and hardwood floors op; large living room, fireplace, book cases, beamed ceilings, large dining room, beamed ceilings, elegant built-in buffet, large kitchen, 1 nice bedrooms, screened in porch, shada trees, paving aU paid; will sell for $4,200; half cash, balancs terms. P. J. Tebbens. Phone P. 2182. . f WANT an offer for that suburban home at 6911 North 14th SL Chanca for some : ona. ' v . XT H GATES " 647 Omaha Nat'l Bank Bid. P. 1294. klW, 6-room modern bungalow, Miller park . district; garage. Owner will sacrifice equity. Small payment down. Walnut 1729. OAK-FINISHED bungalow, $160 cash and $30 mo. Price $3,100. Immediate pos , seston. Call days, Dong. 1140; nlghta, Harney 1898. t We SEUU rent. Insure and make loans on city property. North. MITCHELL INVESTMENT CO., -24th and Amea Ave.. Cot 117. 6aK bungalow, $150 cash. New, modern. - f. rosma on ona floor. Large lot. Nlca - location. $1,109. Call days, Doug. 114. UlNNE LU8A homes and lots offer the beat opportunity to Invest your money. Phon Trior 187 South. $1,260. Flva-room house, modern accept heat and electrlo light. If 11 S. lltb St Easy terms. Grimm si. Fnsce Douc, ills. J REAL ESTATE IMPROVED South WANT TO LEAVE CITY. Will aacrifice lot 60x100, with two-story trams atora building, fiva Uvinf rooms upstairs, bant and buggy shed. 1414 8. 24th St. two blocks south of Vinton. Wrlta or apply on premises. Herman Kunde.' 1311 8. 12D St A modern 10-room bouss. with garage, room tor mre cars, jl n sleeping porch, viy room In canvas and hand decorated; hot water heat; oil or rnal furnace Located on Hansoom Blvd. One (-room and one 4-roora cottage, both on one lot, live in pno iqu noi in, Price, 12500. Terms. No. 2411 South 20th St. Norrls & Norrla, 104 North 16th St Phone D. 4270. Miscellaneous. "PRETTIEST MILE" Beautiful l-room house In setting of fine young forest trees (double garage), on prettiest part of the "Prettiest .Mile" (Florence Boulevard); fronts Into th elegant grounds of C. W. Martin; house excellently built and best of condition; 71-ft. front; a real home; $1,000 under the market price.'(,800. ACT QUICKLT IF INTERESTEJX ' HARRISON & MORTON REALTORS, 11 Omaha Nat. Douglas 114. t-ROOM cottage, two blocka from car, full lot, 19.U0U. aerma, easu, tit per month. BENSON AND CARMICHAEL Ml fftxion rwocii HOUSES. COTTAGES AND APARTMENTS. PORTER SHUimnui, 101 S. 17th St. Douglas 6011. IF you have a house for sale or rent, for oulck results call Douglas 1150 or Wsbster 819. A. J, Davis Realty Co.. 220 a 11th. HOMES AND HCMESITES. " , PAYNE INVESTMENT CO.. 817 Om Nat. Bk. Bldg Doug. 17(1. W. FARNAM SMITH & CO. Real Estate and Insurance. 1320 Farnam St. Doug. 1064. BEST modern house that on hundred cash and monthly payments will buy. Today only. Walnut isia. fr'p WRAP SELLS REAL E8TATE. REAl ESTATE B'ness Pr'pty VVB WILL buy your home or business property and pay cash. H A. WOLF CO.. Ki.ctrle ' Bldg. Tyler 16. BUSINESS property and Investments. . . at- TTIKIT.T and SON. S20 First National B"k Bldg. v T ...... ,,!!.- NUl'STMltNT CO income. Business and Trackage Specialist. 1Kh and nodgo Hie REAL ESTATE Exchanges G40 ACRES, IS miles southwest ot Ains- worth, 4X0 acres deeaea, mu Domiu, ii - ... Imnrnv,mntn: SOOd Well nice suiau mi -' 1 and mill. Price. $2,000 for all; will take good car as part payment. nu6uo. -Uainert Atnsworth. Neb. J6-ROOM house, good location to rent rooms. Will excnwige li.uvu . cottnge. Call Wm Browne, Tyler 1672. REAL ESTATE Unimproved Vest. CLEARVIEW LOTS. $1 DOWN, 11 A WEEK. PAYNE & SLATER CO. South FOR SALE 2 lots, Just south of Elmwood Park In Overlook addition. Owner leaving City. Will sell cheap for cash. Address Box'y 1188. Omaha Bee. LARGE garden lots, near ca.r line, South Side, $140 to $200. $1.00 down, 60o per week; no interest; no taxes. Phone P. 6074. REAL ESTATE SUBURBAN T Benson. . ACRE and half, five-room bungalow; part modern. Benson 684-W; Dundee. DUNDEE, $5,500 This home Is well located, convenient to school. Has living room, dining room, sun room and kitchen, first floor; three bedrooms and sleeping porch, second floor; solid 'concrete driveway and garage for two cars. This property is in excellent condition and must bo seen to be ap preciated. GLOVER & SPAIN, Douglas 8962. 819-20 City National. Dundee Bungalow Five rooms, oak finish In living room and dining room, built-in buffet in din ing room, complete and modern In every respect; lot 60xl06Vi; look at 4640 Dodge street then see us. The Byron Reed Co., Phone Douglas 297. 1012 Farnam St. DUNDEE BARGAIN $500 DOWN. Liberty bonds taken same as cash, new 6-r. bungalow, quarter sawed oak floor, oak and white enamel finish, elegantly decorated, south front, 2 blks. to car. Sew ard Bros., 588 Brandels. D. 3840, Col. 4193. Owner says sell. Acreage. ONE ACRE TWO-ROOM HOUSE GARDEN ALL IN $1,450 TERMS This Is located west of Benson; fine acre; about one-half in potatoes, balance in tomatoes, beans, peas, cabbage; also berry bushes and fruit trees. Fine cave and well; good shed and chicken house. Small 2-room house, with electrto lights. Call Tyler 60 and ask for Mr. Clark. HASTINGS & HETDEN, 1814 Harney St. Tyler 60. Miscellaneous FOR SALE Two beautiful lots Just south of Elmwood park In Overlook addition; full Else lots, 60x150. Owner leaving the city will sell cheap for cash. Act quick. Address Box T 1166, Omaha Bee. REAL ESTATE WANTED WANTED RANCH OR FARM Press brick business block and residence property; also $30,000 worth mortgage pa per. S. S. & R. E. MONTGOMERY, 218 City Nat'l Bank Bldg. WE HAVE aeveral good reliable buyers for 1 and 6-room houses and bungalows with $300 to $500 down. Call Osborne Realty Co. Tyler 498. 701 Om. Nat. Bank Bldg. List Tour Property with 3. J. MULVIHILL. IftO Brandels Thea. Bldg. Douglas tl. FINANCIAL Real Estate, Loans and Mortgages. WB want 100 mortgagaa on Omaha resi dences; fun da on hand for quick closing. E. H. LOUGEE INC. 838-40 Keellne Bldg. QTJICK ACTION ON LOANS. W. T. GRAHAM. 604 Bea Bldg. Douglaa 1531. 5V2 PAUL PETERSON. 5V2 164 BRANDEIS THEATER BLDO. H. W. BINDER. Money on hand tor mortgage loans. City National Bank Bldg. OMAHA HOMES EAST NER FARMS. O'KEEFE REAL ESTATE CO., 1018 Omaha Nat Bank Bldg. Doug. 1711. CITT AND FARM LOANS. 6. 614 and ( Per Cent. H. DTJMONT CO.. Keellne Bldg. ri rrl Ntr.v n rrt -iffBNET O 79 JO HARISON A MORTON. OY2 O 811 Omaha Nat, Bank Bldg. $100 to $10,000 MADE promptly. F. D. Wead. Weed Bldg.. 18th and Farnam Sta. MONET to loan on Improved farma and ranches. Rloka Investment Co., Omaha. Piivute Money. SSOPEN COMPANY, ponglaa 4238. LOANS ON CITT PROPERTT. W. H. Thomas & Son, Keeline Bldg. LOW RATES C O. CARLBERO. Ill Bran- dels Theater Bldg D 6(6 FARM AND RANCH LANDS Arkansas Lands. JULY CND. Oar next excursion ta MoOehss. Ark. f W. I. FRANK, 201 NEVILLE BLK, FARM AND RANCH LANDS Colorado Lands. COLORADO. A fine low mountain raach, 1,624 acres, private Irrigation system for 708 acres. Including 400 acres alfalfa and bottom land hay; will cut 80S tona hay each year; exoellent Improvements, fenced and cross fenced, plenty ot rain for grass and suna mer crops; priced for quirk sales at $16 per acre; one-half back at ( per cent. Silver State Really Co., Fowler, Oole lows Lands. $50,000 PRODUCED LAST YEAR On 1,300-acre farm 11 miles from Slous Clty. Ia.; threa crops will pay for lha farm and equipment; you can buy this farm for $116,000; one-third cash; balahce long time at t per cant Interest. If bought soon; no farm having such soil and buildings In tha middle weat; posses sion March 1, next. , See owner, 1330 S. 18th Ave., Omaha. Minnesota Lands. WE have improved farms at $11 to $60 per acre. Black loam soil, clay subsoil, , prairie land. Soma special bargain In un- improved rpralrls land. Easy term. Sura crop country. Wrlta for list Em pire Farms company, Thief River Falls, Minn. - ... Nebraska Lands. NORTH LOUP RIVER , RANCH 2,520 ACRES "This ra,nct ts crossed' by the North Loup, river, 1.000 acres being ram, hay and alfalfa land;' food buildings; l-room house, new barn.7 being built, costing $2,600; granaries, cribs, hog houses and ail buildings necessary for a wall equipped ranch. Fenced and cross-fenced; $9,000 worth of Improvements; cuts 600 tons of hay and alfalfa; thousands of bushels. ot corn raised last year) 7$ acres of ry and small grain: Land 'grows excellent tim othy and cloVer..: Upland not rough and well grassed. Price $16.50 per acre. For aala on most reasonabla terms to respon sible party. This Is bargain. Stock can be bought with tha place. WHITE & HOOVER, 454 Omaha Nat. Bank Bldg, FOR SALE at a bargain, 2440 acrea be yond the sand hills in Dawes county, Neb. This land la located between tha Burlington and Northwestern roads.1 Within six miles of a shipping point and from 9 to 12 miles from three small towns. Has a small frame house and barn. There Is a school house on the land, 80 rods from the house; 7S acres In alfalfa, which does fine here as well as the grass, which is excellent on whole tract. This makes a fine ranch. The land is fenced and cross-fenced Into sev eral tracts which all Joins. This land has no sand but has a deep, rich aoil. Plenty of water can bo had. Possession can be given at once on most of tract. Price $12.60 per acre. For further In formation write Q. W. Joseph, Crawford, Neb. FOR SALE 480 acres Buffalo county farm, to settle an estate; 220 acres pasture; 25 alfalfa; 20 of wild hay meadow, balancs farm land. Land roiling with heavy clay subsoil. Fenced and cross-fenced; 1 good wells and wlndmolls; 7-rdom house; barn 40x42; other outbuildings; 6 miles from railroad town; mall and telephone; sold subject to lease; possession March 1; price $42 per acre, half cash; terms on balancs. P. U. box iao. lyearney. wn NEBRASKA FARM LANDS ARB SURB INVESTMENTS. For best lands at bast prices write Geo Antui. piair. ro. WE specialise In selling Nebraska ranches. White & Hoover, 454 Omaha Nat'l Bank Bldg. 160 ACRES Improved, closeln, paved road. Nllson, 422 Securities Bldg. RANCHES of all alsea and kinds, sasy terms. A 4. PaUman. 801 Karbach Blk. South Dakota Lands. , FOR SALE Stock ranch and live atock. 175 QtHa n hnripfl Deeded and leased land. Plenty of water. An Ideal placa for dairying. Box 133, Sulphur, 8. D. Wyoming Lands. whkatland Wyoming farma. $60 per a., including paid-up water rights Henry Levi ACM. Rylander. 684 Omaha Nat'l FARM LAND WANTED riU9 WANTDin. Don't list your farm with as If yon want to Keep it E. P. 8NOWDEN A SON. 610 Electrlo Bldg. Douglas 8171 POULTRY AND PET STOCK 2,000 DAT OLD chicks. Rocks, Reds, Or nlnetons. Leghorns Webster 1708. 1211 Charles. WHEAT screenings, $2.60 per 100. Delivered. Wagner. 801 N. 16th St.. Phone uoug. mi. Horses Live Stock- Vehicles For Sale. HOLSTEIN and - Jersey cow and calf; heavy milker. South I486. MONEY TO LOAN Organized by the Business Men of Omaha. FURNITURE, planoa and notes as security. $40, e mo., H. goods, total, $8.60. Smaller, larger am'ta. proportlonata rats PROVIDENT LOAN BOCIBTT 432 Securities Bldg.. 16th. Farnam. Ty. (((. LOANS OR DIAMONDS AND JEWELRT. 1 Of SMALLER LOANS. OOT J- O W. C. FLATAO EST. 1881. O 6TH FLR. SECURITIES BLDO. TT. 860. DIAMONDS AND JEWELRT LOANS. Lowest rates. Private loan booths. Harry Mslsohock. '.614Dode D 6819 Est 1891. WEEKLY BANK CLEARINGS. Gains Mada Over Last Week and Ago. m Tear Bank clearings In the United States for the week ending June 20, as reported by telegraph to Bradntreet's Journal, New York,- aggregate $6,519,606,000, against $6, 962,436,000 last week and $6,462,417,000 In this week last year. Canadian clearings aggregate $213,717,000, as against $217, 015,000 last week and $199,839,000 In this week last year. Following are the re turns for this week and last week; New Tork $3,603,247,000 $3,373,512,000 Chicago 613,007,000! 436,129,000; 491,630,000 467,272,000 876,647.000 Philadelphia Boston I Kansas ttty ... St. Louial San Francisco Pittsburgh, .... Cleveland Detroit Baltimore . ... Cincinnati 313,213,000 159,067,000 169,685.000 158,406,000 157,254,0001 98,093,000 169,776.000 98,098,000 108,112,000 73,628,000 58,664.000 78,439,000 63,679,000 44,868,000 110,603,0001 91,047.000 72,065,000 69,770,000 New Orleans ... 49,409,000 OMAHA 48,774,000 48,725,000 'Minneapolis . ... Atlanta 26,007,000 41,976,000 56,007,000 43,182,000 29,138.000 41,627,000 Los Angeles ... . 28,714.000 Richmond . , . 41,660,000 29.648,000! 35,488,000 Milwaukee .. .. Seattle 28,471,000 39,664:000 Louisville Buffalo '32,067,000 21,190,000 24,167,000 21,668,000 22,672,000 Denver ........ 22,664,000 - 26,280,000 Portland,-.-Ore.;., St, Joseph , .'. . St. Paul 28,828,4e ' .14,608, 000 18,228,000 14,660,000 ' 12,564,000 12,176,000 '15,270,600 Salt Lake City 12,487,000 Houston ....... Indianapolis . . " 12,039,000 I' : li720,000 - 15,603,000 11,858,800 9,682,000 16,703,000 11,647,000 10,797,000 ; 14,087,000 ' 11,221,000 10,061.000 Fort Worth . . . 16,878,000 Memphis ' ...... .. , 9,808,000 Washington . .. 15.097,000 Providence . ... , -. , 11,992,000 Toledo ........ Nashville ....... Columbus Des Moines .... . - 10,512,609. , 11,383,000 . .' ,J 0,906,000 . . 9,024,000 . " 8,422,000 Hartford ...... 8,485,000 Savannah ..... Sioux City .... Oklahoma . .... i ,728,000 , 7.890,000 6,478,000 7,647,000 7,671,000 ., 8,278,0001 . '7.735.000 . 7,801,000 ' 8,573,000 '. .'7.768.000 Rochester ... .. Spokane Wichita Tulsa ,. - 7,754,00 -7,(52.000 . '11,662,060! , 7,643,000 , 6,221,000! 11,81,000 Norfolk " ' 7.491,000 4.818,000 Duluth Akron '. ' 8,249,000 ,9ie,ooo .$. 619,606.000 6,014,000 Oakland '5,888,000 Total V. e... $6,962,435,000 Outside N. T.. .$8,016,259,000;$2,688,923,000 Last week's. St. Lonls Mv Btock. . St. Louis, Mo., Jan 24. Cattle Receipts, 8.000 head; stood cattle steady, others lower native beet , steers, $11. 60 17. 60; yearling steers and heifers, $9.50 15.60; cows. $7.60 13.76; stockers -and feeders, $8.50012.00; native calves, $7.75014.00. . Hogs Receipts, 13,200 head; market steady; lights, $16.2016.25; pigs, $16,009 16.26; mixed and butchers, $16.06016.25; good heavy. $16.10011.10; bulk. $16,190 16.25. Sheep and Lambs Receipts, 4,000 head market steady; Iambs. $17.00020.50; awes, $12.00014.00; canners and choppers, $7.00 10.00. St Joseph Llva Stock. ' St. Joseph, June 24. Cattle Receipts, 2.000 had: market strong ta 16c higher steers, $12.00017.86: cows and heifers, $6.00 ataiS.OO: calves. $6.00014.60. nous neceiDis. l.uvv ana marnvi ivw 20c lower; top. $16.16; bulk of sales, $18.90 16.10. Shaep and Lambs Receipts, 1,000 head prospects lower; lambs, $14.00018.(0; ewes, $7,oooia, se, . OMAHA LIVE STOCK Brisk Demand Brings Ten to Fifteen-Gent Advance in Oattle; Hogs Take an Early Slump ; Omaha, Jans 14, 1111. Reretnt wer: Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. Ritlmate Monday .... 4.400 10.000 11.000 6.700 4,147 4,884 1.34T Sams days week age.. 7,(61 10.43T .$ 8,1(1 7,181 Same day 2 wka. ago r,7s Sama day I wka. ago.. $.47$ Same day year ago .. $,(40 d i. .a 4ianniin at itvs stock at the Union Stock yards, Omaha, Nab., for 14 hours ending at a oeioca p. &, . 1918; RECEIPTS CARLOADS. v Cattle. Hoga. Shp. H'r's. C, M. St P u Wabash Mo.' Paclfta 14 Union Paclfla . II 14 1 46 ( 9 II 4 45 ! 'i i C. N. W.-east...... It CAN. W asst....,, 26 r at . VI A O 11 C, B ft Q., east...... 10 C, B. Q., west s P R I. A P.. east.... 18 C, R. I, P., west Illinois Central ,. Chicago Ot. West.... I Total receipts .181 141 49 DISPOSITION CARLOADS. . Cattle. Hogs. Sheep Morris A Co 39$ 1.774 661 Swift Co 746 1,478 1.018 Cudahy Packing Co... 790 2,171 1.785 Armour Co 1,144 1,129 1,705 Sch warts A Co. 1,141 .... J. W. Murphy 771 .... Lincoln Packing Co., i 88 .... .... S. Omaha Pack. 'Co., 21 Wilson Packing Co.. 121 ; Cudahy, K. C , 286 Swift, K. C 10 Swift, Denver 1,440 F. B. Lewis 41 '. J. B. Root A Co 18 Rosenstock Bros. .... 66 .... .... Warthelmer tc Dsgen.. 254 Sullivan Bros. 41 Rothschild A Kerbs.. 11 Huffman . . 14 .... .... Roth . (... 77 Meyers 25 Banner Bros 17 .... .... John Harvey 299 .... .... Jensen & Lungren.... 75 .... .... Pat O'Day 1 Other buyers 47$ 1,688 .... Totals ....6,191 1,061 7,188 Cattle Cattla receipts were moderate for Monday, about 4,400 head and the quality of the offering was not as good as last week on the whole. Demand tor desirable beeves was somewhat more urgent and prices any where from strong to 100160 higher than Friday. Choice beoves sold at $17.60018.00 and bulk of the fair to good kinds around $16.26017.26. On the fair to pretty good kinds prices were much tha same as they were last week and tha sama was trwe of desirable yearlings. Medium and common cattle met with a vary Indifferent demand and half fat yearlings were very hard to move. Best of the cows and helfera also sold strong to 10015c higher than Friday while canners and cutters showed no par ticular change. In stockers and feedera de sirable kinds wsra scarce and atrong while on the general run of atock cattle tha mar ket showed no Improvement. Quotations on cattls: Oood ta choir beeves, $17.00017.60; fair ta good beeves, $15.16016.60; commoni to fair beeves, 111.60 016.26; good to choir yearlings, $16,000 16.70; fair to good yearlings, $12.00014.00; common to fair yearlings, $9.00011.00; good to cholcs heifers, $12.00014.00; good to cholca cows, $11.50011.60; fair to good rows, 18.60010.60; common to alr corns, 17.0008.76; prima feeders, $11.75012.60; good to cholca feeders, $9.50011-00; fair to good feedera, $8.0009.26; common ta fair feeders, $7.5008.60: good to choice stock ers, $9.75011.75; stock heifers, $8.00910.00; stock cows, $7.7509.26; stock calves, 8.o 010.60; veal calves, $7.50013.26; bulls, stags, etc., $9.60012.75. BEEF STEERS. No. 14.... 49.... 36,.., 71.... Av. Pr. No. .. 711 $14 00 16... ,.)26l 16 IS 19... ..1141 16 (5 .10... ..1207 17 80 19... A. ir. ,11001 118 00 ..107118 60 .1220 .1(71 18 76 17 10 16.... ..16(9 It 00 STEERS AND HEIFERS. I.... 671 776 675 720 I 4)0 75 I.. 668 780 764 840 I 71 10 15 11 00 14 60 7 10 7 75 ( 15 I 16 I 71 26 10 00 10 59 11 00 11 76 II (0 30.... 7. 16. I. V... I.... 10 60 It 00 COWS. 11.. .. 711 .. 801 ., 881 .. 786 .. 780 .. 904 ..1070 .. 117 ..1066 .. 174 ..1210 7 (0 24., (26 760 (27 I2( 181 (42 1060 1082 1031 1180 1817 (.. 7 (5 a oo 8 26 8 60 9 00 I 60 10 36 10 76 11 10 12 26 14.. 4.. 18.. 21.. I.. 4.. 4.. 21.. I.. V HEIFERS. I 700 7 60 14 611 7 71 Ritn Thsra wera 148 load of hoga r- celved her estimated at 10,000 head. They took off a few centa 1 th hog yard again thl morning. Shipper began trading early at S to lOo lower prices than they paid Saturday, a large ahara of thalr atrlng cost ing around $16.10, but It will not take many loads to f 11 their orders tnis morning. Packers also reduced their bids securing their string at $16.00016.06. The general market la 1O016O lower than Saturday. Bulk of sales rang from $16.96018.10, with top at $18.26. Sheen Ther war 4 loads ot snsep re ported today, estimated at 12,200 bead, al most half as many aa tna total ror lasi week. The odor of sag brush was very evident this morning, th majority of th run being western. Actual sales wera slow in being consummated. Th early market was about ateady. Quotations on sheep: Yearlings fed, good to choice, $18.00011.50; rearing ted, fair to good, $12.75018.00; yearlings, chotc light feodlnr. $11.00011.75: ewe, good to choice, $11.50012.60; ewes, rair to gooa, $10.00011.60; spring lambs, $l.oooi.- CH1CAGO GRAIN AND PROVISIONS. Defeat of Austria, and Possible Separata Peace Breaks Corn. Chicago. Jun 24. Increasing magnitude of tha Austrian's defeat together with Lon don talk of a possible separata peace with Austria brought about a sharp break in corn value today during th last 10 min utes of trading. The market cloaed heavy, K to cent net lower, with July $1.4314 to $1.48 and August $1.46 to $1.46. Oat finished to 1. off ana provision un changed to 10 cents higher. Until attention became focused on tn lgniticanc of th foreign dispatches, tha corn market had been dominated by th bulls xcept Just at the outset A down ward initial tendency resulted from bene flclal rain In Kansas, but reports of frost In Ohio, Michigan and Indiana aoon led to a strong advance. Notwithstanding that there had been no crop damage outside or a few localities, persistent buying remained Inv evidence up ta tha final hour. Then selling became general and price rapidly fell, deprived of any adequate support Oat were relatively weak throughout the day. Rains where needed, gave an advan tax to tha bears. Besides, demand from the east was slow, despite a big falling; off In tha visible supply total. Better cash Inquiry for meats helped to lift the provision market. At -first, how. ever, prices reflected temporary weakness of hogs. Kansas City live Btoek. Kansas City, Mo June 34. Cattle Re eeipts. 12.000 head, Including $00 southern market ateady. Prime fed steers, $17,000 17.71; dressed beef steers, $11.00011.76; western steers, $10.60017.76; cows, 16.600 13.00; heifers, $9.00014.09; stackers and feeder, $7.80012.50; bull, $7.11011.00; calves, $8.00014.00. Hogs Receipts, 14,000 head, market low. er: bulk. 116.00016.20; heavy, 118.100 16.10; packers and butchers, $16.00014.26; light. $16.85M6.2(: DISS. 816.00018.60. Sheep and Lambs Receipts, 1.000 head; market lower. Lambs. 816.00018.60; year lings, $11.00 01( 60; wetners. $12.00014.00; wes, $10.00 0 13,00; stockers and feeder, $6.50015.25, Coffee Market. New Tork, June 24 Th featur in th market for coffee futures today was con. tlrtued evening np of July contracts in an ticipation of notices on Wednesday. Much of thl list oonslsted of switching from July to later months and there was little change In prices, with the market opening one point higher and closing net unchanged, July fluctuating between 7.95o and 7.96c, whll March sold at 8.47c; July 7.96c; August t.(tc; October I.16e; December 8. IS; January l.lle; Maroh l.4le; May l.(io. Spot coffee irregular; Rio 7, 114c; San to 4c, 10 HO H 14c. Turpentine and Oil. Bavannah. Oa., Jun 14. Turpentine firm 63 bbls; sale. 244 bbls.; receipts, 174 bbls.; shipments. 314 bbls.: stocks, 38,(8 ddis Rosin firm; sal 8(1 bbls.; receipts, 889 bbls.; shipments, 1.641 bbls.; stocks. II, 661 bbls; Quota: B. D. X. F. O. K, : $9.81; X. 19.(0; M, 19.91; N, 111.10 WO, 110.40; WW, $10.61 GRAIN ANDjPRODOCE First fairly Good Ran in Two Weeks is Received; Little Change in Gash Corn. Omaha. Jun 14, 1(11. Madarats arrivals t corn wers reported over Sunday, the first fairly good run at this cereal for mora than two weeks. 1$$ cars showing up. Reosipt of athsr grains were light with 17 ears of wheat, 64 cars of oata and 6 cars of rye. Vary little change was noted In th corn market with respect to cash prices, all tha good grade atuff sailing at Saturday's price. There wss a noticeable active de mand for good whit corn, while tha yel low and mixed were not such a quick sale. Ona car of No. 1 whit brought $1.11, whll th No. whit sold at 11.7$ and $1.10. Na. 1 whit sold at $1.74. N. t yellow at $1.67 and No. I mixed at 11 61. Sample grade (tuft was easy to dispose of, thes sale tanging from 7(a to $1.10. A few lf sales of corn sold a) cent up. There was very 'little doing In cash oats. Th demand wa light and spot fig ures slumped to and llo, tha good grades selling at th extrem decline. No. t whit sold at 76Vs and th No, 4 and sample gradea at 75Vio and T4, respectively. Rye wa steady and barley firm. A part oar ot No. 4 barley went at $1.00. Clearancea were, wheat and flour equal to 711,000 bushsls; corn, none; oats, 100,000 bushels. Primary whsat receipts wr 48T.800 bushels and shipments 49,000 bushel, against receipts jot (28,006- bushels and ship ments) of 165,000 bushels laat year. Primary corn receipt wr (18.000 bushe ls and shlpmenu (00,000 bushels, against receipt ot 1,159,000 bushels and shipments of 629,000 bushels last year. Primary oats receipts wr 1,401.000 bushels and shipments 627,000 bushels against receipts of 912,000 husbsls and shipments of 1,021,000 bushels last year, Whsat Corn Oats Chlcsgo Minneapolis Ill Duluth , 1 Omaha 17 Kansas City 10 St Louts II 161 100 lit 71 II These sales were reported todsy; Corn No. 1 white: 1 car, $1.13 No. I white: 1 car, $1.80; 1 car (shlppr' weights). $1.79; ( cars, (1 to I.I per cent damaged), $1.19. No, $ whit: 11 1-6 car (4 to 6.60 per cent damaged), 11.74. No. 4 white: $ cars (7.10 ta I per csnt damaged), $1.68; 1 car. $1.18; 1 car (( I pr cent dam aged), $1.67. No. I whit: I ear (T to 1.20 per cent damaged), $1.66. No. ( whit: I cars (11.1 to 12.80 per oent damaged), $1.15; 1 car (12 per oent damaged), $1.32; 1 car, $1.11; 1 car (I per cent damaged), $1.30; I cars. $1.80; 1 car iio.m per cent asm aged), $1.26. Sample whit: 1 ear (12 per cent damaged), $1.11; 1 car (heating), $1.06; car (48 per cent damaged), sua. sxo, yellow: 2 2-5 cars (3.10 to I per cent dam aged), $1.62. No. I yellow:, 7 cara ((.I to I per cent damaged). $167. Ne. I yellow: 1 car (8,26 per cent damaged), $1.47. No. I yellow: I ears (14.60 per cant damaged), $1.20; 1 car (14.(0 par cent damaged), $1.11 Sample yellow: 1 car (24.20 par cent damaged), $1.10. No. I mixed I car, ((.I per cent damaged), $1 62. No. I mixed: 1 1-1 cars (11.60 epr cent damaged), $1.15. Sample mixed: 1 car (10 per cent damaged), $1.30; 1 car (21 per oent damaged), $1.10; 1 cars (18 to 11.10 per cent damaged), $1.11; I cars (11.1 per cant damaged), ILK; 2-6 car (37.60 per sent damaged), 90c ji 1 car, (31 per cent damaged), 80c; 1 ear, (to per cent damaged), 75c Oata No. 1 white: 1 cars, 7 6 HO. Bampi whit: 11 ears, 74o; 1 car (barely mixed), 74a Barley No. 4: 1-6 car, $i.o. Omaha Caah Prices Corn: Na. 1 whlta, 11.88; No. 1 white, 31.7601.80; No. I whit, $1.74; Ne. 4 whlt. $1.6701.69; No. I whit. 81.66: No. I whlt. $1.80 01. $6; sample white, (Oc0$1.16; No. 1 yellow, $1.6$; No. I yellow, $1.(2; No. I yellow, $1.67; No. 4 yel low, $1.47; No. ( yellow, (; sam ple yellow, $1.1001.13; No. I mixed, 11.12; No. ( mixed, 11.26; sample mixed, 75c1.80. Oats: No. 1 whit. 76tto; No. 4 whlt. 1(Ho; sample, 74c Barley: No. 4, 1.00. Chicago closing prices, lumisnaa in Bea by Lagan Bryan, atock and grain brokers, 816 South Sixteenth street, Omaha. Art. Open High Low Clos Ysty. Corn I July 14! 1 46 141H1 4IH 14414 Aug. HIH 1 41 146 I 44 141 Oat July 71 72 71 Tt 71 Aug. (8 (8 (7 (7 68 Pork Jtly 41 M 41 46 Sep. 41 II 41 10 41 16 41 10 41 10 Lard .July II 17 II II II 10 H II 17 17 Sep. 21 17 II 41 21 12 21 1( 21 II Rlba July 21 17 It 00 21 12 II tt 21 17 Sep. II It 1 11 47 fll ll( 11 14 It 16 OMAHA GENERAL MARKET el .. T .1.. XT li. M Wa t !6c; No. I, 1I0. Rib. No. 1, !4t); No. 1. llo; No. I, 10o. Rounds, No. 1, 27c; No. I, 17o; No. 1, 11C Chuaka, No. 1, 21c: No. I. 11 Ho: No. 1. 17o. Plates, No, 1, 18o; No. 1, 190 ; Na. t, 16. Fish Fancy frossn large cattish, 1 to s lbs. average, per lb. 26c; this 1 fancy freab frossn atock of tin quality; fancy fresh catfish, odd slss, large, 18c; fancy fresh halibut, direct from ship, last express, ?3C lb.; fancy black cod, large size, 16e lb.; fancy fresh trout sis to suit 81 "! fancy fresh royal whlt chlnook salmon, 20o lb.; fancy fresh whlteflsh, 18c lb.; fancy fresh yellow pike, 13o lb.; fancy freab pick erel, 16o lb.; fancy fresh red chlneok sal mon, 26o lb,; fancy fresh blood-red bull heads, large, 21o lb.; medium, 18 lb,; fancy fresh pickerel, 12o lb.; fancy fresh rock bass, lb., each 20c; fancy fresh yellow ring perch. lb. each, 19c; fancy freab herring, llo lb.; fancy haddock, lie lb.; fancy steak cod, saetern, llo lb.; fraah crap pies, 20 022o lb.: frssh buffalo, large, 12c lb.; fresh whlt perch, lie ID.; ireen oreasea earn. lane. 10c lb.: fancy steak cod, west- en, llo lb.; fancy gulf red snapper, 22e lb.; fancy frozen large bass, 10a lb.; fancy frossn skinned whiting, odd else, flaky, almost boneless, 16 -lb. basket, per basket, 13.(6; round, 7c lb.; fancy frozen round pink salmon, 14o lb.; fancy frozen red salmon, 22o lb.; fancy frozen pink sal mon, too lb.; fancy frozen sturgeon, 10a lb.; fancy frozen Spanish mackerel, its id.; fancy frozen native Fall macnerei, jic id.; fancy frozen Iiounoers, izo id.j zanoy frozen ole. llo lb.; fancy froien western red snapper, lOo lb.j fancy frozen llvr smelts, 12o lb.; fancy frozen No. I whlta mullet. 6o lb. ; fancy frozen Canadaln Tulll-, bee whlteflsh. average lb., loc; tanc frozen Canadian whlteflsh, large, dressed or round, llo lb.: fancy frozen Canadian dressed pickerel, 12o lb.; fancy frozen Cans dlan round pickerel, lOo lb.; fancy irozen dressei herring, large, to lb.; round, la lb,; fancy baracuda, 14o lb.; fancy a, rock baaa, 14o lb.; fancy roe shad, 24e lb.; fancy shad roe, per pair, market; fancy smoked Chinook salmon, 10-lb. boxes, 2lo lb. t fancy kippered salmon, 10-db. baskets, $1.00; fancy smoked whlteflsh. lake fish, 10-lb. basket, $2.10; fancy kippered cod, 10-IO. baskets, $2.60. Fruits Oranges 80, se, izss, ass, azts, $7.60; 150s, 176s, 216s, 200s, 25s, $8; lemons, Sunklst, $11; Red Balls, 100s, $60s, $10; bananas, 1.07o lb.; California peachea, $2 box; peaches, southern, cox; Cali fornia plums, $3 crate; California apricot. $3 crate; California eherrle. red and black. No. $ boxes, $3 box; H. O. cherries, 10 lb. market basket. $1.(0: 24 pint cases, $1.60; cantaloupes, standard 46s, $4.60; pony 14, $4; flats, 12 to 16, ll.7(; egg piama, dozen; watermelons, Jo lb., crate xtra. Vegetables Potatoes, new. lo lb.; head lettuce, $4 crate; $1.21 dos.; lsaf lettuce, 60a do.: cabbage, car lots, 4o lb.; less quantities, 6o lb.; onions, yellow California, 100-lb. aacks, l$o lb.; onions, H. Q. 20c do.; radishes, lOo do.; asparagus, 60c doz.; Florida celery, $1.75 do.; Telephone peas, 15o lb.j cuoumbers, ' 2 do, boxes $2.60 to $2.75: box; beans, wax, $$ hmp.; green, $1.60 hmp.; summer squash, $1 doz.; beets, 40c do.; carrots, 40o dos; arti chokes, $1.(0; green peppers, 60c; tomatoes, 4 basket crate, $1.26; lime, $6 basket; gar lic. 1714c. Mlscellsneou Crackerjack, checkers, chums, $6.80; cases. $2.86; car pop corn, 18o lb.; shelled popcorn, 1 lb. pkg., 4 doz. ease, $4; three B. honey, 1 lb. glasses, I doz. case. $2.86; salted peanuts, $3; pea nuts, 17 o to 20o lb. Rloux City Live Stock. ' Sioux City, June 24. Cattle Receipts, 1,100 head; market steady; beef steers, $10.00016.71; tat sow and heifers, $1,150 12.50; canners, 16.0008.00; stockers snd feeders, $9.60 0 10.(0; feeding cow snd heif ers, $7.6008.60. ) Hogs Receipts, 7,500 head; market 10o lower; light, $18.10; mixed, $16.00; heavy, $15.90; bulk ef aale. 316.90016.10. Sheep and Lamb Not quoted. Vty Good Market. New Tor, June 24. Cotton good traderi did little today pending th anouncement from Washington as to th basis of prloe ta be established tor trading under price fixing condition by th government. Th wool trad alee was held np tn antlelpa- tlon' ef prle fixing. Haw silk was higher, with th demand fair " HEW YORK STOCKS E Traderi Look Upon Austrian Defeat an an Incentive for Maintaining Prices on 'Change. New Tork, Jun 14 War news was th chief Incentive for today's atrong nd mod erately actlv tock market, traders attach ing much sentimental vain ta th Austrian retreat Bulletins from th wt front also gave Impetus ta the advance, which encem passed many leading Issues, rails exeepted. United Statea Steel made a gradual rlss ef t points to 109, Ita highest lsvel In a month on the turn ever that completely swamped all ether Issue. Related Issues, especially Bethlehem and Crucible ateel moved forward In almost equal degree Baldwin Locomotive wa th center of additional activity during th morning, ex tending laat Saturday'a substantial gain with an additional t points, but this wa largely eancellsd later. Metals emerged from their protracted pa. rlod of Inactivity at advances of 1 to I point In expectation of th adoption ef more liberal attitude by the government to ward producer and refiner, Tobacco, oil, motors and leather war th objects of successful bullish attention from professional Interests, extreme gains 1 to I points bsinc fairly well maintained, notwithstanding realising for profits at the end. Royal Dutch ell was the only notable exception, Ita further recession of 1 points effacing It sensational advanc of th pr. vloua fortnight Salea 860.000 shares Neither tlm nor call money rates wen disturbed by last week' contraction In bank reserves, but local Institution are tak ing precaution against hsavy withdrawal Incident to the thrift stamp drive. List of leading stock; and closing quota tlan yesterday: Closing alas. High. Lew. Bid. Am. Beet Sugar .. American Can .... Am. C, A r Am. Locomotive ,. Are. S. 4 Refg.,,. Am. Sugar Refining Am. Tel A Tel Am. ., L. 8,... Ansoonda Copper., Atchison .' A. Q W. I. I. S. L. Baltimore Ohio. 11. S. Copper . . . Cal. Petroleum , . Canadian Pacific. Cen. Leather .... Cheaapesk Ohlp C. M. A St. P.... Chicago A North. . . C, R. I. P Chlno Copper Colo. Fuel A Iron. . C. P. Refining ., Crucible Steel .... Cuban Can Sugar Distillers' Securities Erie (Jen. Electrlo .... Oeneral Motors . . Oreat North, fd ... Ot North. Or Ctfe 48 11.700 47 41 1,100 11 81 1,600 (8 (7 7,701 71 77 47 81 (7 78 113 96 17 1,400 8,300 1,100 IT 18 (8 86 96 17 64 16 68 15 (00 1.100 101 108 108 100 66 (5 (4 1,100 16 16 16 100 10 10 10 147 1,100 (( (I (8 1,100 17 66 68 100 41 41 43 100 11 11 91 1.800 11 11 11 1,000 40 11 19 1.100 60 41 49 1,400 4t 41 41 11,400 68 66 (7 1,000 11 11 11 1.400 16 l( 19 700 16 It 16 148 144 to 11 16 (I 101 II 16 II 12 111 11 tl H V 1 14 lH 71 40 1,600 14( 144 "4,700 14 i$ "t',000 i$ ii" 17,700 101 101 1.(00 18, 17 1600 11 11 'V.800 $$ ii'' 100 111 lit Illinois Central ., Insp. Copper , . ., M. Marine pfd.. Nnternatl. Nickel. Internal. Paper .. K. C, Southern , . , , Ken. Copper Lou, A Nashville.. Max. Motor Mex. Betroleum .. Miami 'Copper 100 17 17 11,100 too 1,100 19 .16 17 14 11 mo. Pacltlo Mont. Power .... Nr. Copper N. T. Cntral .... 1,100 11 19 1,000) 71 71 1,100 41 40 N. T.. N. H. H.. Norfolk Western. N. Pacific Pacifls Mall Pan, Tl. Tel.... Pennsylvania Pittsburgh Coal ..' Ray Cona. Copper.. Reading 1,000 104 JO 400 17 17 101 87 .... 10 .... 10s 1,100 41 41 43 1,600 14 II 68 800 14 14 14U 10,100 11 11 tl 11,700 11 . (it: Rep. Iron A steel 8hat Aria, Copper , , 11 racirio Railway .... uv is at ii 1.400 14 14 $4 1.100 46 44 444. Stud. Corporation Texas Co. ...... Union Pacltlo ., U. S. I. Alcohol .. 1,000 161 1(0 162 .. 700 lit 1 1Mit .. 1,(00 111 114 U( .. 171.704 101 107 101 100 111 1U 111 .. 4.100 11 0 (0 .. 1,100 II f( 15 100 (0 10 0 U. S. Steel ... IT. . Steel pfd , Utah Copper Wabash pfd "B West TJnlon .. West Electrto Total sale for th day, (50,000 hare. " fl 41 Mew Tork Money, New Tork. June f Mr-,m. 0.... Vn m ' . - . ' .... per oeni; SIX months. I psr ent Sterling fllxty-dar bills. I4.tiu Mm. merclal (0-day bill ea bank, 14.71) com mercial 10-day bills. $4.71; demand. $4.74 l-ll cables. $4,717-11. sranoe Demand, $(.71; aablas. $1.11. Oullders Dsmand, I0o; eablss 61o. Lire Demand, 1 8,. II; cables, $8.90. Rubles Dsmand. HUa: sables. 11 nominal. Bar SUvsr 90o; Msxlcan dollar, 7T. Bonds OovsrnmsnL Irraeular: rilrn4 firm. ' ' 1 Tim Loans Steady; It dava. lustiai psr cent; to day, 5 06 psr cent; six months, 8 01 per csnt tall Money Firm: hlsh. 4 ner ,nt. low, 1 per oent j ruling rat, 4 psr cent; closing bid, 1 psr cent: of fared at a use cent; last loan 4 psr cent. U. B. Is, reg... tl QtNo. 1st 4 16 do coupon ... II 111, Can. ref. 4s 71 TJ. 8. Is, reg... I(lnt M. M. I.. II do ooupon ... 19 K. C. S. ref. (a 71 V. S. Lib. A tt. un. 4. 14 U. S. 4s, reg... 108 M. K. T. 1st 4 (0 do coupon ...106 Mo. Pao. sen. 4a 8114 Am. For. See. I 17 Mont Power I. (I Am. T. es T O. 6 II N. T. C. dab. (a 94 U Anglo-French I. t2No. Pao. 4.... 10 Arm. si LO, st -oo 3S si Atchison gen. 4 II O. 8. L. ref. 4. It B. A Q.f ' ,s 79 Pao. T. 4k T. I 10 Bath, at 1 r. Is 10 Penn. con. 4a. I6U Cn. Ls erla.. 14 do gsn. 4s.. 17 Cen. Padtfla 1st. 79Readlng gen. 4 12 c. u. cv. .. ll9. L. at S, F, a. Is (( C. B. A Q. j. 4 (4So. Pac er. I., 11 C.M.A8.P. e.4 7( So. Ry. I 89 O. R. I. A p, r. 4 67'Tex. Pao. 1st. It C. A 8. r. 4a 70Unlon Pacltlo 4 14 ia st n. u. r. os siftu. a. Rubber 5 79 ivor u. s tmiii si V. 8. Bteel (... S7V4 Kris gen, 4... (4 Wabash 1st .... SiU IIFrsnch Qvt. IVts tl Bid. i Oen. 10. I. New Tork Oeneral. New Tork, Jun 24. Flour Quiet, 110.71 011.11; winter, flO.liOH.ll; Kama, 110.10 Oll.II. Corn Spot, firm; fresh shellsd. No. 1 yel low, (1.18 44, and No. I yellow, $1.71, coit and freight New Tork. Oats Spot, easy; standard, MOMKo. Hay Quiet; No. 1, 11.40; No. 1, I1.30O 1.10; . No. I, $1.0001.10; (hipping.! (OOlOo. Hops Quiet; tat, msdium to choice 1117, 11041a; ISIS, nominal; Paolflo coaat 1117. lOOllc: ltll. 14 01(0. Pork Barely steady; mess, 147.00041.00; lamuy, (iit.go; snort clear, H6.oogp5Z.og. Lard Dull; mlddleweit, 114.1(014.15. Tlllfl NiMH' ttv Mt AAlfll Iahm I7S. Rice Firm: fancy head, iooioli; blu rose, $. Butter Steadier; receipts, I Oil tubs: creamery higher than extras, 4(046tto; extras, II score, 44 Vis; firsts, 41Vs044o; packing stocg current mage, No. 2, jj 81330. Eggs Steady; receipts, 14,121 cases; fresh gathered extras, !tVO40o; fresh gathered atorage packed firsts, 17V0ltc; fresh gathered regular packed extra firsts, ilhi time; do firsts. 6U7c. Cheese Steady ; receipts,' 1,091 boxes; state fresh specials, 214 024e; do average run, Uttc. Poultry Alive dull and no price estab lished. Dressed, qulst; western chicken, fresh, 45 Sue; fowls, 3036c; turkeys, 15 OHo. I ' Chicago LIT Stock. Chicago, June 24. Cattle Receipts, 12, 000 head; market atrong and unevenly higher on all classes of killing cattle x cept common light yearling eteere and bologna bulla, which sold ateady; calt and stockers' market ateady. Beef cattle; Good, choice and prime, 114. 25018. 00; common and medium, 111.76(5516.16. Butcher atock: Cows and heifers, I7.75O11.00. Canners and cut teri K.75017.71. Stockers and feeders: Good, choice and fancy selected. 110.750 11.25; Inferior, common and medium, 11.15 O10.76; veal calves, good and choice, 115.50 14.25. Hogs Receipts, 17,000 head; a few hogs easy, 10 cent lower; general market on good hog, (teady to I oenta higher, ex cept oa common packing, which were hard to move. Bulk of aalea, 111.11 01(15; butcher, 111.2(011-15; packing, I1I.IIO K.K; light, 111.15911.45; rough, 111.110 16.10; pigs, food to choice, IK.KOK.M. Sheep and Lambs Receipt, 11,000 head; market Unevenly II to 10 cents lower than cloaed last week. Shorn lamb, choice and prime, Ilt.7i017.26; medium and good, 114.00011.76; cull, (.(0Oll.00. Spring lamb, good and choice, I1I.00O1C7S; ewea choice and prime, IU.7IO1160; medium and good, MpOU-76; culs, 4.50l.60. For good retulti try the Bee .Want Ad columns, i ., OMAHA TEACHERS QUIT SCHOOL FOR BUSINESS WORLD Lure of More Pay Calls Many from Teaching "Youths -to Shoot;" Shortage Expected. Public school tetcheti .of Otnahi sre deserting their posts and entering .. . . , , , ,1 j tne commercial woria Dy me dozens, Shortage of clerical help, due to thl government taking 10 many, clerki, has made openings for the echool teachers, who are quick to taxe ad vantage of it. "Never in my 13 yean of experience In this, work, says Misl Watts of the Watts reference bureau, "have I; seen 10 much unrest among the school teachers. It leema as if they all wanted to get out of the school room and into office?, Some of them. -of course, are only going into clerical work for the aummer vacation, but manv of them express the intention of ataying by it permanently." Miss iielie Kyan, assistant superin tendent of Omaha public ichool, aays that evidences of the exodua of teach en from their work have not yet ....k.J Um i.IiaaI KAiipil T r t i nr. ;. nations would not. come fn until August, the aays. I ' v 4. I1C IllOAIIIIUIIt BlltlJ VFi . W. ichool teacher is $1,200 for 10 month's work. Most of the teachers receive $100 per month for 10 months, or lets. An office talary of $85 would, there fore, be sufficient to call many of the teachers into the new line, and this is not excessive. In fact one teacher, with no experience in office work, has started in at thii salary with a prom ised raise. Most of the teachers, how ever, are starting with less pay, in the hope of making more if they ere able to make good. v Twenty Thousand Workers in Cologne Are Out. on Strike .Xondon, June 24. Extensive trikea broke out Thursday in Co lnon ant Mms1hpim. nfi tna Rhine. owiqg to a reduction in the bread ra tion, 20,000 persone quitting work in munition factories, according r.o dispatch to the Daily Mail from The Hague. ' Booth St. rant Uv Stock. .,. a, Paul .Tuna J ..Cttl Reeetots. 1.100 head; killer 15JBo lower; steers. 7. (0O17.00; cows and heifers, 7.OO014.OOt v..l calves stsady at 17.00814.7(1 stockers and leaders slow snd weak at (.l0tll.0O. Hogs Reotlpts, 7,400 neaoi mamei ,ie lowers rang. IU.1I91I.I0;-bulk of Ml, IH.tS4JK.90. . ... . , Sheep and Lambs Receipts. 1,151 head; in laser to 11.00 lower en beep; lambs, wUrv ir.ioail.l awes, ll.00eil.00. crapormiea ppiw -"B ...... New Tork, June li. Evaporated appJeB dull; sUt. 14im. . ' Prune firm; California, 14; Ore gon, 14H144. ' Apricot qultt; ehoto JTUt! tr fcrlo lie; tanc HO 10. Peach quiet; standard llOtltt) Im1( UHOMoi fancy 11014. Raisins stsady loos moMStst It noio to fancy needed. 10HOU; aeedle l0 11 I London layer 11.00. .- LOCAL WEATHER RECORD Omaha, Jan , lll.. Ills. 1117. III. Ult. Lowest last night .... , Precipitation T. .00 .0 . Normal tsmpsratur tor today, 7 de- Deflolenoy ta preorpltatlos since Xarsk t 1.(1 Inch. Excess corresponding ported 1117, II el an Inch.. i i . ' Deflclenoy oorrespondla period li Inches. ' ' Oeneral Weather Condition. Bhower occurred wtthla th last tt in Tnw. nnrtharn r Iflaaour!. Ne braska, South Dakota and west. Into the mountains. The fall were moderately heavy at point In central Nebraska, and 115 tnohes ooeurro at norm ivoup. a likht showers occurred In astern Nebraska Saturday night. Temperatures hsro rla In th ontral valley and plains states dur ing the last 14 hour, om my are onw what lowr In th mountains. Th oat. look I for unsettled weather In this vicinity thla afternoon, followed by partly cloudy to night and Tuesday, with no Itaportant Chan aeln temperature. . IcmmTrfRSNSFEiQ Tharkal P. Hamklnd and wife to Etta M. Compton, Reynold trt. 110 (set west of Thlrty-flrt street, outh ld, 120x111 Etta'M. Compton to Tharkal P. Her, kind, outhwe cornr Thirty-ninth ninth and Pra treet, 10x114.. '.v Th Byron Rd Co. to Elvera a Hu tead, northwet comer Flftylxth and Dorcas streets, IMxltl.. George M. Redlck and wife to Andy Jensen. Florano boulevard, 74 feat south of Ames svnu, wt ld, . 40x114 Richard Dervln t Mary Guerin, north out corner Thirty-eighth and U treet, (0x120 1 Robert M. Clay snd wlfs to C Gorg , Carlberg, Forty-third etreet, 17.1 -, feet north ot Ruggle street, west , aid, 10x110 Joslah B. Flckes and wife to Water- V loo Creamery Coi, northeast corner ' Twenty-fourth and Leavenworth I (Ot lit 1 ,111 tie streets. !3,!xlt.l II ,to Ben Handler and wife to Douglas O. Russell, Twenty-sixth street. 110 feet south ot Caldwell strat, east side, 10x70 Marie Iron and husband to Rosalind Brtckcy Hull, Fortieth street, 161 fset north of O street, esst ld, 60x180 '.j John D. Hsxtbaussn to Mary- Has thausen, Twenty-eighth street, 221 feet north ot Bristol street, east side, 42x120 ,.. Harry R. Riley and wife to Ruth S. Thomas et al, Harney (treat, 1(0 feet west ot Forty-second street, outh side, 60x122.75 lot 1TI t S San Joaquin Light & Power Corp. First and Refunding . r 6 Mortg-ags Cold Bonds Du August 1. 1950 1. Longest established of all . hydro-electric plants on Pacific Coast. ' 2. Practically no competition. 3. Large possibilities for ex pansion. , , 4. First mortgage on about 60 generating capacity. 5. Seasoned and time-tested earning capacity. , Pric to yield boate.40 , TheNationalGty: Company , Carrnteitnt Ofett im $ CiU$ Chicago 137 So. La Sail St