' V ... .. ... . X -v . V v THE BEE: OMAHA, TUESDAY, JUNE ' 18, 1918. It ; I .- X t: MARKET OWNERS HELD FOR PROBE OF RECENT FIRE New Proprietors of Empress Market Undergo Inquisition at Hands of Fire Commissioners. Simon Epstein, Wolf Jonisch and J. Cohn, owners of the Empress mar ket, in the Bushman block, which was damaged by fire, believed to be of incendiary origin, shortly after midnight, were Uken into the office of Sheriff Clark, under escort of Deputy Fire Warden Troutman and Barney McArdle, deputy state fire commis sioner. There they were subjected to an inquisition which lasted for several hours. State Fire Marshal Morris and Chief Salter of the fire department occu pied a number of hours in the store after the fire investigating condi tion. They found that 44 gallons of a mixture of turpentine and lard had been ditributed .throughout the store and this mixtue, exposed in six open buckets, had generated gas. The flopr was also saturated with the mix ture and oil-soaked rags were found hanging from the buckets. - Started in Basement. According to their investigation the fire officials found the fire had started in the basement near an open register, around which a quantity of paper had been strewn. On Saturday, t is alleged, the pro prietors had employed a negro named James Peoples, Twenty-sixth and Patrick avenue, and four assistants to paint the interior of the store. Dur ing the busiest hours these men put in their time painting a display stand, extending, in front of the west front age of the store and around the north side on the alley. They had covered two-thirds of this stand or bench, which was about five feet wide, with a thin coat of gVeen paint. The woodwork on the two sides 'of the narrow show windows had alsd beent painted in white. "The five man accomplished, the work which one man could have done in two hours," said Warden Morris. The proprietors claimed that the men had worked until 11 o'clock Sun day morning on""the job, besides the time that had been put in Saturday. Curtains Are Drawn. Heavy curtains had been placed over the show, windows to obscure the view from the street Sunday morning, while the work was in progress. Simon Epstein sad that he haj been jn the store as late as 8:15 Sun day night and had found everything all right He gave as his reason for being at the store at the time that he had promised Hugo Bilz some hard shell crabs, had forgotten them and had gone to the store after having been reminded by Bilz. to make -his word good. Peoples, the colored painter, having charge of the job, was subjected to a police examination lasting for two hours at the central station. One of the most important items brought out in the investigation was the statement to police of A. Savad. 1445 North Nineteenth street, who claimed that he was passing by the store about an hour before the alarm had been turned in and that he saw men inside moving a heavy object around the windows. Firemen say that this was about the time that the fire started., Lives In. Jeopardy. Had the alarm been turned in five minutes later the building would have been doomed and human lives put in jeopardy, is the statement of the fire men. The heat generated would have expanded the gas in the room and there would have been an explosion which would have menaced the lives of firemen and spectators for half a block around. Deputy Fire Warden Morris took samples of the mixture of turpentine and gasoline to the city chemist to have it analyzed. The market was purchased June 6 from Rosoif Bros, by Sim'on Epstein, Wolf Jonisch and J. Cohn. They claim $3,500 was paid for each sec tion of the store and $5,000 for the fixtures. They carried $10,000 insur ance on stock and fixtures, and the damage done by the fire is estimated at $12,000. Boost Wheat Priceto Care For Freight Rate Increase Food Administrator Wattles of Ne braska is advised by Herbert Hoover that the recent advance of 25 per cent in freight rates will not cut into the profits farmers make on wheat. Freight traffic experts will hold a meeting June 25, when they will work out a scheme by which the sel ling pice of wheat will be increased at terminal points sufficient to ab sorb the increase per bushel in freight rates. IOWA DETECTIVE AND WOMAN ARE HELD BY POLICE v J. N. Wilkerson and Mrs. J. W. Noel Are Held in Connec tion With Alleged Visit to Ottumwa. J. N. Wilkerson, private detective, who gained considerable prominence through his connection with the Red Oak trial of Rev. Lyn G. J. Kelly J during the Villisca ax murder case, j has been arrested at Ottumwa, la., with Mrs. J. W. Noel, widow of a Villisca photographer. It is charged that the detective reg istered as L. R. Johnson of Center ville and that he registered his com panion as Mrs. N. Norton and baby of Albia, la. Wilkerson, admitting the false reg istrations, obtained bail for himself and Mrs. Noel. He asserted that he and the woman were on business in connection with insurance claims in connections with the death of J. W. Noel at Albia. Wilkerson and Mrs. Noel will be tried in justice court at Ottumwa next Wednesday. Noel. Villisca photographer, who was found dead last fall in the rail roads yards at Albia. was one of the principal Wilkerson-Kelly supporters at Red Oak. His death was surround ed by mystery, but the indications were that he shot himself. The detecive who fs in trouble at Ottumwa was nominated a few weeks ago for county attorney of Mont gomery county, of which Red Oak is he county seat. His name was writ ten, on the ballots. BLAKE SCHOOL FOR BOYS LAKEWOOD. N. j. Summer Muloo from Jul) to Ootobcr. Bapln preparation tor oollese (or boya wlthlng to enter gotemment nerrlca. Mllltarj tratulna bv experta, horMback rldinj. land and tutor porta. If you ban a ion from IS to ID jou will be Interested Id our new booklet 4ddrea nwrrrarr. Bell-ans Absolutely Removes Indigestion. Druggists refund money if it fails. 25c One-Minute ; Stfite Talk Greater Nebraska meth ods in planning a complete stock is so broad in its scope, ao. thorough in detail that ' men who know say it is a real revelation. i ' We especially like to talk to men who believe they are 'lard to fit," as well as to men who think the clothes they wear cannot be im proved. Put Your Cloth PrebUm Up to Men Who Know. SHOP EARLY STORK CLOSES P. M. t f I Summer Comfort in Cool Clothes , THERE'S no need to sacrifice either appearance or comfort in your summer dress suits that'll keep you looking-as spruce and trim as they'llkeep you feel ing cool and easy, are to be found aplenty among our Braridegee Kincaid Clothes You'll find Fabrics especially well chosen for summer use Style bal anced with comfort to a nicety; you've rarely seen Tailoring, precise as only over 50 years' ex periencecan guarantee. $25 "$30 $35 $40 $45 Featherweight Clothes, Palm Beach Suits, Cool Mohairs, Tropical Worsteds, $10 to $25 Un't and Young Men's Cloth Entire Second Floor Main Building and Annex. , hMriftM MIT I SEE OUR WINDOWS TODAY -CORRECT APPAREL FOR MEN AND WOMEN COMPARX OUR VALUES ALWAYS- FOR YOUR CONVENIENCE ' We maintain . a WANT-AD and INFORMATION DESK in the lobby of the BEE Building, to the right of the elevators, a . step off Farnam street. "Keep your-eye .on the Bee" I Store Opens at 8:30 ' 1 Closes at 3 5:00 Daily 1 Saturday at I 6:00 miijaiHwim!i!MtR 5raite Stores Store Opens at 8:30 Closes at 5:00 Daily Saturday at 6:00 Tuesday Thrift Sales Affording Excellent Economies "Thrift" has a double meaning these days it means no curtailment in buying things you need but rather getting" just what you want at prices that are well below those you could rightly expect to pay. If it were not for the fact that this is a big establishment, and makes, its purchases on a scale commen surate with its greatness, we could not offerIN THESE TIMES, merchandise at the prices quoted here and a fair warning is this even this store cannot expect to make announcements like these very long. . ' Special Sale "Viko" Aluminum Ware Very Excellent Weight At Lowest rrices ALUMINUM is so much more satisfactory than any other ware for kitchen and cooking purposes, that when it may be obtained for little, if any more than you would pay for other kind? of ware, no housewife will let an opportunity tp .profit by this pass by. "Viko" Ware is made by one of the oldest and largest Aluminum Ware factories' in America FIRST QUALITY in every respect and of good, substantial weight. 2-quart Rice Boilers . 6-quart Berlin Kettles 8-quart Preserving Kettles 10-quartSkillet (wood handles) 2-quart Coffee Pots lirQuart Tea Pots 114 -quart Tea Pots, with ball . . 6-quart Kettles with cover .... 5-quart Tea Kettles Values to $2.25, Choice at $1.49 4-quart Sauce Pans with cover 44 -quart Mixing Bowls .... 1 1- inch Colanders 1 V-quart Rice Boilers 12- cup Muffin Pans . . 1 3?quart Lipped Sauce Pans. 3-quart Stew Pans...... v 3-quart Mixing Bowls 2-quart Sauce Pan with cover..... 9-inch Fluted Cake Moulds .... . . . . . . . . . . 9-cup Muffin Pans Basement Brandeis Stores Values to $1.98, Choice at $1-19 Values to 98c, Choice at 59c IV. Soaps and Washing Powders at Remarkably Low Prices 10 Bars Diamond. C Soap for 38c 10 Bars Pearl White Soap for 42c 10 Bars White Borax Naptha Soap for c 10 Bars Fels Naptha Soap for 57c 6 Bars Ivory Soap for 33c Excel Soap, (it floats, a fine white soap for toilet and bath), - 7 bars for 33c 3 Packages Britt's Powdered Am monia for . . , '. . .21 6 bars "Goblin" Soap, superior for toilet and bath for 24c Steri Foam, cleans toilet bowls, a cleaning brush with each can, the two for 27c Rex Lye, 2-cans for 15c Old Dutch Cleanser, two. canj, for 15c Sunbriba Cleanser, 2 cant for 10c Mb. Package Powdered Borax, i for 10e 2Mlb. Package Powdered Borax, for 22e 5-lb Package Powdered Borax, for 43c Boa Ami, bar or powder, 2 for lie Large Package Golden Rod Borax Naptha Washing Powder,forlf Small Package Golden Rod Borax Naptha Washing Powder, ft for !--Jf3 No phone or mail orders accepted. Basement Brandeis Stores E S Frame That Soldier Boy's Picture Here are Standard Frames in beautiful de signs, complete with glass and backs, at the very low price of. .98c This is a Third Floor "Thrift" offering. Domestics Mill Remnants Dreis and Wrapper Percale, light and dark colors, in serviceable lengths, a yard 9c Mill Remnants 36-Inch White Voile, very sheer and clingy with tape edge, very desir able for waists and dresses, very special fojr Tuesday a yard 16 H 36-Inch Fancy Printed Dress Poplin in a splendid assort ment of new printings and color combinations, very de sirable for wash suits and skirts, worth regularly 35c, at : 22tfc Mill Remnants 36-Inch Seed Voile and Fancy Printed ' Drets Voile in long service , able lengths, special Tues day 15c Basement Brandeis Stores Lawn Porch Dresses, $1.29 Also for House and Street Wear Fancy Figured and Striped Lawn, several styles. In today's market they are worth $1.50 to $2.00. Com plete range of sizes, 36 to 44. - Middy Blouses at 49c For Misses and Girls. Several styles and some are fancy trimmed. One-style Coat effect with belt. They are worth 75c to $1.00 Children's White Dresses, 50c Sizes 2 to 6 years, and trimmed with fancy laces and embroidery. This price does not pay for the material, let alone the making. Several styles and mighty good dresses. Lingerie Blouses at $1.00 Draperies One Big Counter of Odd Curtains, many can be matched in pairs, some worth up to $3.98 a par, special each 39c 750 Pairs Nottingham Lace Curtains, 2V and 3 yards long, in white, cream and Beige, worth $2.00, special, at 98c Curtain Remnants, odds and ends accumulated during the season's business, all on one table at half price. Basement Brandeis Stores A lot in white and colors, voiles and organdies, many different styles and all sizes in the lot As good a .blouse as you ever bought at $1.00. Hundreds of them on sale for this Thrift Sale Basement Brandeis Stores Basement Shoe Items Low prices on Footwear is almost a thing of the past, and if it were not for thertact that fortunate pur chases gave the opportunity to obtain these at a con cession, we could not quote these prices now. TENNIS SLIPPERS 500 pairs, for men, women, misses and youths lace styles, with rubber soles. .Men's Tennis Slippers 85c Misses' and Youths' Tennis Slippers. .89c Women's and Boys' Tennis Slippers. . .75c . Barefoot Sandals at 89c These are seconds of the $1.25 quality and sizes range from fcifc to 2 if your size is in this lot buy them. Basement Brandeis Store Toilet Needs And Bathing Caps Mme Isabell's Face Pow der, 50c size, at. . .29c Palmolive Soap, regularly 2 for 25c, a cake. .10c Milk of Magnesia, 8 oz. bottle, special .... 19c Bathing Caps, assorted Styles and colors, at 29c Majn Floor, Rear Brandeis Stores WAKE UP, AMERICA Wake up everyone and go to see the moving picture at tho Auditorium Wednesday and Thursday sights FREE TICKETS IN THIS STORE. tafe Stores Notions Men's and Boys' Collar i Bands, each ..... . .5c Fast-C o 1 o r e d Darning Cotton, 2 for ...... 5c . 200-Yard Basting Thread, 8 spools ie. .... .25c , Elastic Sanitary Belts, each 15c Shell Ha!r Pins, good qual ity, each lc' Skirt and Suit Hangers, each 5c - Best Dressing Combs . . 25c Baby Sock Garters, fancy, 2 pairs .25c 12-yd. bolts Rick Rack, all sizes, for ....... . 35c Rust-Proof Hooks and Eyes, black and white, card .......... .lV4c ; Boys' Pants Bands, all. ages, each ...... 10c Girls' Ribbon And Bow Holders, each 5c Ocean Pearl . Buttons, card ....... . . .... .5c Knitting Needles, pair, 10c Main Floor Brandeis Stem Improving Every Day 1 aW 4 '