THE' OMAHA 5SUMUAY Ui-l.: JUKE lb iyi8. v 14 A REAL ESTATE IMPROVED South ; . FIELD CLUfe . Near- Wuolworth n 33d. Reception hilt living room, dining room, kitchen, f entry and Ice box apace en first floor. Oak flnlh and floors. 4 bedrooms, and : bath on second. AU room ar good eiie. Fine lot. 40x158. East front. Pavlnf Mid. Good rant. Property la Id ex cellent condition and know of no better bargain. Arrange with oa to inspect. Armstrong-Walsh Company Tyler ltl( IS 8ecnrlttea Bldg. FIELD CLUB DISTRICT IS.KO -uyt 1 -story, 7-room. modern house finished In oak let floor, quarter ' sawed pine 2nd. having 4 bedrooms with large clothes closets. Has hot water heat. Well constructed, la good condition, lo cated on high sightly eaatyfront lot on Stth St. between Field citiQ ana uearen worth. Reasonable terms GEORGE & CO. laa TSI. HANSCOM PARK BARGAIN. PRICE $4,750 Facing tbe park wo have a dandy sight room, strictly modern horns, two fire places, buffet, oak floors, dandy plumb ing, splendid lot iOxUt feet. Owner tl taking big sacrifice to make a quick sals. Shown by appointment only. OSBORNE REALTY CO., 01 Om. Nat. Bk. Bldg. ' Tyler . ' A REAL COTTAGE BARGAIN . Five rooms and bath, all modern, new .plumbing, furnace and everything; large lot, (2x111; shade and fruit trees; lo cated two blocks from West Bids Park car: fine neighborhood; pries, 12.1(0; suitable terms can be arranged. Look at this today. 2601 8. 24th St. M'CAGUE INVESTMENT CO. 2,2S0 Five-room house, modern axoept heat end electric light. 1111 B. 11th Bt, ' Easy terms. Grlmmel. Phone 1. Mil. , 3006 S. 34TH STREET room, two-story dwelling, living room and dining room finished In oak, oak floors throughout antlr houee; plenty of Closets nicely decorated. Pries, H.760. C G. CARLBERG, Realtor, III Branaeis Theater mag, t)ANDT nearly new bungalow, l-r. and bath. ' oak finish, book cases and gas mantis, full screened porch, fins largo oast front lot: fenced, on nice payed street, near West Bide car. Price only U.70; i7Q ' ' cash needed. - -It A BP BROS., 11 Keellne Bldg. Tyler Tit. 3002 S. 34THSTREET l-rsom strictly modern bungalow, I.TB9. Xasy payments. C G. CARLBERG, Realtor, 111 Brandels Theater Bldg. CHS (-room and one 4-rootn cottage, both on on lot: live In on and rent ths othsr. Price. 12.100. Terms. No. 1411 South V xoth St Norrle A Norrls, 104 North Ktb Bt. Phone P. 4170. . W. KARNAM 8M1TH CO. ,. " Real Estate and Insurance, lilt Farnem Bt Doug. 10(1. '(-ROOM HOUSE for sals or rant, (21 S. inn. Bt warney m. FOR 8ALK Six-room house, full baesment. Inquire (AIT S. 42d. .1 , - Miscellaneous. '-' Bemis Park Home Jut listed an unusually wall-kept homo with 4 bedrooms and sleeping porch, front ing ths parked slop of the water reser voir grounds on ths east Houee heated by ell burner. Owner transferred to the oast Price tor quipk sale, rot session at one. ., Hanscom Parle Cottage comparatively new homo of six room, all modern, on large lot with good old forest 'trees In the yard; well paved street and good surroundings. There ar four rooms downstairs, two rooms ano nam upstair. ' It I substantial and homelike. Owner leaving the city, will sell at 3, 00. . Can be shown by appointment Suburban1 Cottage Hlx Motna with thre lots." corner 4!d ind Francis, for 11.100. This la a block off Center street and eniy a diock rrom southwest corner of Field club golf links. Another six-room cot tag and two lots half block south on Center street on (Ota. - This Is handy to oar line. Both these places ar near good - city school. Dandy, low priced, but highly respectable - homes to get a atart In. Get away from paying rent and havo . a . garden and hlcken. ' j New House, West Seven rooms, full two-story, oak floors and woodwork, full (0x120 ft, paved street with paving all paid. This Is west f th CentreJ boulevard, between the Famam and Harney car line and only twenty blocks' walk to l(th and Farnam treats ; just completed. rady to mov Into; for quick sals, (5.150. This Is 1.00 Csss St U not sold at ono wilt consider leasing. , .. , ;;.. . , HARRISON & MORTON, REALTORS. v ' 1( Omkha Nat Bank Bldf. Tel. t. 114 THE HOUSE YOU WANT If you want a good seven-room hous at a bargain prloe, ae 1010 South Thirty. Ighth avenue. Thla Is a fin neighbor' hood, two blocks trorattho Leavenworth ear . lln. full "t front Xa oa paved strut. Ths hous I ftv year old and . cost the owner (4,000. He has left the city and reduced price to (2.400. This should sell without further advertising. (1,400 caah required, : ,. BURT STREET HOME Klght-roora modern frame house 1401 Burt street Oak floor and finish: hot water heat; garage for two cars; great big lot (0x1(0 with paving all paid; fin had and fruit A bargain at (t.too. NEW BUNGALOW On Victor avenue, between llth and : llth. ' Five room, oak floor and finish; fireplace: built-in bookcases and buffet; exterior rock-faced stucco. An Ideal bungalow". Juet completed. ' H. C. FREEMAN,, ill South 12th "treet. THIS IS A BEAUTY outside and In; fin location. In restricted residence addition, with fine, new home on all sides; one and half-story bonra low; stucco construction. I real rooms; lsrg living rooms across front of bouse; fin dining room, with built-in buffet; plat rail and paneled walls; white en smel kitchen, with one-piece sink and ample built-in featurea; two fine bed room and bath on second floor, finished In enamel, with one-panel mahogany doors. Tastily decorated. This Is well built, well located and well worth th price 94.950. Terms. It will pay you to look thla over. . Benson & Carmichael, Douglas 172 Today Call Walnut 15.- - 20-ACRE FARM, . , NEAR OMAHA . Bit 9-room house, - several acre In earing fruit, balance good pasture and '-erm land. Price $408 per acre. Located north and west of Benson. y HASTINGS HETDEX. . - !! Harney BU. rhoa Tyler 19.. Would you like aa almost new room modern home to a nlc part of ' th city with small down payment a-r.d th balance tikes reatf If eo, make aa appointment at one and sea this aaap"; ate else room - and bath, all newly decorated, full cemsrsted basement ri et , walka: line neighborhood. 9i.2 WALNUT 677. Miscellaneous. 4-ROOM COTTAGE, $1,150 $75 CASH, , $12 PER MONTH. This is neat little coltsge, all newly papered and In good condition. Fin ahade. Chicken house and some fruit Call Tyler (0 and ask for Mr. Clark. HASTINGS A HETDEX, 1(14 Harney St. SOME HOMES WITH LARGE GROUNDS Six-room modern houee at 1711 North list street with three lots making a piece of ground 120x1(0 with front and ahade trees, one lot In potatoes for only 11.000. 8lx-room hous with ground. 140x111 at 111 North 14th street grapes, fruit trees, chicken houss and a barn all for (2.(00. Six-room modern up-to-date houee at I40( North 24th street, with ground TOx 111 with cement driveway to garage, terma (S00 cash and (40 per month to right party. W. H. GATES (4T Omaha Nat'l Bank Bldg. Doug. 1211 BUNGALOW BARGAIN I large, light rooms, with largs attic and full baaement; oak and enamel fin ish, tastily decorated. Owner Is leaving city and baa mads price for quick sals (2,150. Easy terms. Let os put our time against yours and show you this. Benson & Carmichael (42 Paxton Blk. Dougles 1721. YOU CAN'T BEAT THIS new stucce bungalow at ths price. Six fine, large, light rooms; beautifully fin ished In oak and enamel; elegantly deco rated; fine lighting flxturea; complete In very detail; well located In reatrlcted residence district Price, (4,760.' Call us for appointment , Benson Q Carmichael UZ Paxton Blk. Douglas 1T11. (100 DOES WONDERS HERE, l-r., mod. ex. heat, near Kennedy school, (1,600; (100 caah and (16 per mo. Nearly new l-r., oak flnlah, all mod., It acre, T bike, from Benson P. O., (2.2(0; 1100 caah. - (-r., modv x. heat; fine lot and fruit, hear I2d and Miami, (1,400; (200 cash. RAHPBR08.. 210 Keelln Bldg. Tyler Til cottage, two blocks from car, full lot 12.000. Terms, (300 caah, balance ; (20 per month, BENSON AND CARMICHAEL (43 Paxton Block. BEAUTIFUL nine-room, all modern houee, With privet garage, 2010 Dodga Bt FIRST TRUST CO., Realtors. 400 First National Bank Bldg. T. T2I. FOR RENT AND BALK. BOUSES. COTTAGES AND APARTMENTS. PORTER BHOTWELL. III 8. 17th St Douglas 1011. HOMES AND HOME8ITK8, PAYNE) INVESTMENT CO., ,' (IT Om Nat Bk. Bldg. Doug. 1711. F D WEAD HELLS REAL, ESTATE. MONEY TO LOAN Organised by the Msn of Omaha FURNITURE), pianos and notes security 140, I rac. it goods, totat ((.la Smaller, larger am'ta proportionate rate PROVIDENT LOAN SOC1ETT 411 Securities Bldg., llth. Farnam. Ty. ((I Loans Xr diamonds and jewelrt. 1 cf smaller loans. oct X , W a FLATAU EST. 1(11. 10 TH FLR. SECURITIES BLDO. TT 110. DIAMONDS . AND JEWELRY LOANS. Lowest rates. Private loan booths Harr Melashnrk;M4nnde D 1H REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS Ellen . Dungan to John Budslk and ' wit Thlrty-secend street, 141 feet .north of J. street eat sld. Irregu lar IXUS Maggl Huddleston and husband to Henry O. Sell, Fourteenth street 200 feet north of Brown street, asi side, 10x121.1 1,(00 Ejios R. Leigh and' wife to John Mc- Auiirre ana wire, soutneaai corner Twentv-aecond and M streets 40x130. 1 000 Patrick J. Hyland to Stella 8. M"t!llf ' Twenty-eighth atreet, lit feet north of . Leavenworth street, west sld 42x140 1.000 Ingoard Blbbemsen and wife to Con stantino J. Bmyth, Webster street, . 120 feet west of Thirty-eighth street north side, (1x121 (00 Frank C. Blmpeon executor et al to Lena Goettache, Twenty-rourtn street, 1(1 feet north it Castelar street -east side. 28x161 1 Kat G. Croxer et al, executor, to Frank C. Blmpson, Twentieth street, 111 feet south of Castelar street, weet Id (0x201 1 Freeland Auto Co. to William W. Free land aoutheaat corner ThlrtyIlfth and Decatur streets. 10x13...'.... 1 Edward 8. Traver to Oust Konat, Twen ty-fifth atreet lll.l feet south of Castelar atreet, east aide, 11.10x71.1. ' 1 Anna B. Conray to Mary Broslnhan, northeaat corner Thirty-seventh and W streets, 10x121 (00 Ouy B. Robblns to James P. Beach, northwest corner Twenty-alxth and Grant streets, 40x14 1,000 Elisabeth K. Tlghe and husband to Luke McDrath - Forty-fourth street, IIS feet north' of California street West side 100x117.....'.... 115 Hattls Hathaway to Nathan O. Talbot, Twenty-ninth street, 111 feet north of Farnam atreet, rait aide, 10x118. 1,1(0 Ralph E. Solomon to Nathan Romberg Twenty-ninth street, (0 feet south of Woolworth avenue, . west aid 10x102 ) , 1,100 Amos Dean to Margaret M. Burke, Larlmor avenue, 120 feet west of Thirtieth street, north side, l.(x200. 1,000 Alexander Crulvkahank and wife to Amos Dean ' Larlmor avenue, 110 : feet weet of Thirtieth atreet north . Id, 11.1x200 1,000 William A. Wardlow and wife o John It Loan and wife northwest corner Twenty-eighth and Taylor streets, llUxlO 2,100 Ben Wolf and wife to Jacob Berkowltx, Twenty-fourth street, 120 feet south of Sevrard street, east side, (ixllO. I TI0 FAIRACRES HOME Best Value in Restricted Residence District Large corner lot having Dodge Stl frontage of 465 feet and ; Elm wood Boulevard frontage of 295 feet. Location i? one of the high " est and moat 'sightly points in Fairacres district. Landscape gardening and extensive planting of trees, flowers and shrubbery has been done, resulting in one of the most attractive grounds in Omaha. Brick house 9 rooms, two complete bath rooms second floor, large sun room. Hot water heat. Brick garage, two cars. House shown by appointment. Priced to Sell S U. If Interested. v V GEORGE & CO. City Natl. Bank Bldg. PERSONAL TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: I. th undersigned, hereby notify yte publlo that I am In no way, directly or Indirectly, connected with the Win. Berg Co., offices In the Woodmen of Ike World Building, this city. I am fiscal agent for ths Omaha Potash and Refining com pany, offices (22 First National bank building. Th president of this company la F. J. Fltxgerald; aecrstary, F. A. May. Neither the corporation with which I am connected nor any of Its officers has anything to do with th Wm. Berg Co. ' ' L. H. BERG. NO DRUGS, no massage but a wonderfully successful horn treatment for prostate disorders. No failures on record. One third of our patrona are physician. No matter what you have tried, no matter how old th case, thla method quickly removes th cause In a natural, harmless way. Tell us about your caae In con fidence. The Electrothermal Co. Brad ford Bldg., Steubenvllle, O. THE 8alvatlon Army Industrial Homo so licits your old clothing, furniture, maga tine. W collect We dlstrlbuts. Phone Doug. 4115 and our wsgdn will call. Csll and Inspect our new home, 1110-1112-1114 Dodge. St WRITE a Bong Patrlotlo or popular. I compose music and guarantee publication. Send worda today. Tbomaa Merlin, 624 Reaper Block. Chicago. WANTED To adopt little girl between I and I years. No objection to cripple or sick child. If Intelligent Address, Box Y 117, Omaha Bea. JUNE IS THE IN WHICH TO BUY YOUR HOME. DO YOU KNOW that Omaha is growing at a remarkable rate? That there is Hot a HOUSE "For Rent" that is desirable in every way? That VERY FEW new houses are being built? That there is going to be a serious SHORTAGE of Homes in a few months? That we are building a few more beautiful : BUNGALOWS and some larger homes in BEAUTIFUL MINNE LUSA? If you do not get that new home now you may regret it. We are" selling them as fast as they are completed. Act today and get choice of fixtures and decorating. MINNE LUSA is the prettiest and BUSIEST spot in Omaha. Sundftys caII E. A. Hoisington, Colfax 2202, or M. 0. Headley, Colfax 3482. CHARLES W. MARTIN & CO., REALTORS 742 Omaha Nat'l Bank Bldg. Happy Hollow District First Time Offered v , y , " JS 4' -;.:4 Til m I! b til! HrV M ... 'I iiL fed s i W -"'T'Wffi Situated on on of th most beautiful double corner fn this high-claa district: grounds landscaped and highly developed. Hous is exceptionally well built having four large rooms and open lun porch on th first floor, finished In quartered oak; the walls are canvassed and decorated In oil: large fireplace. Second floor consists of four large bedrooms, large sleeping porch with dressing room and combination tub and shower bath, tile floor; oak floors on th second floor; third floor, floored attic. The basement la divided into three large rooms ; entirely plastered. An excellent hot water heating system. 200 bbl. cistern, laundry tubs, Ruud heater; garage and driveway. The price is right in fact, this could not be duplicated for 2S per cent mora than present price. DUNDEE, $6,250 i - On Davenport St., we have a well built modern home, consisting of large living room, dining room, kitchen first floor, with four large bedrooms on 'the second floor; large, floored attic, tile bath and vestibule. Owner leaving the city and is very anxious to close out this week. This hous is exceptionally well built and is worth the money. Living room, dining room, sun room and kitchen, first floor; three bedroom and DUNDEE, $5,500 ' f WELL LOCATED, CONVENIENT TO SCHOOL ' Tiwtnv vnA- 1tntn wwim. inn nvtm and kitchen first floor: thre bedrooms and sleeping porch, second floor; garage and driveway. This property is in excellent condition and must b seen to be appreciated. GLOVER Douglai (9(2. PERSONAL OMAHA Bath Inst Electric, stesm or tub bit he. manages of al minds. 221 Neville Blk. Douglaa Till. 16th and Harney Sta. VINCENT POLVEKA communicate with Delivery for you. Important Mamie (wife). MISS ALLEN Massage, facial and scalp treatment 1802 Farnam Bt. Room MISS FISHER, sulphur, steam baths and maeeage, 271 Bran. Thea. Bldg. D. 1651. MAE BRUOMAN, scientific masaeua and baths 23 Karhach Blk. Red 2727 MECHANO THERAPY MASSAGE. Miss Halran, 222-3 Neville Bloct VINCENT PLOIVKA communicate with wife (Mamie) of Chicago. Important MASSAGE and baths. Mies Halran. 222-3 Neville Block. Manicuring and mass. 1(21 Farnam. R. II. MEDICAL RUPTURE aucceasfully trested without a urglcsl operation. Call or write. Dr. Frank H. Wray. 101 Bea Bldg. Horses Live Stock Vehicles A FEW good horses for sale; suitable for farm or city work; also harness and wagon. A Melcher, 1516 Leavenworth. Douglas 4ft9. MONTH Tyler 187. & SPAIN 919-20 City National. WAV. rr.,t . s- - 7i f WEEKLY A representative list of the best of any article refer to the list Auto Livery. .HERMAN. A W 1111 N. Uth St. Webeter insi Jtuiu iivvrr .no eiorage. t 1ITH TAXI CO., Doug. t80. 1411 Farnam. Funeral caro '"rnlebed Al Smith. Mgr. Auto Painting ROE88IO. VT. r. 144 8 40th. Har. 1441. W make old auto look Ilk new one. Auto Repairs. QREENOUGH AUTO RADIATOR REPAIR ING. 1024 Kamam Douglaa I0U1. AMERICAN MAOlIIXk. WORKS. 110 8. llth Doug 48111. Automobile work. cyL boring. pistons fitted aur parts made to order. BERTSCHI MFQ. ENGINEERING CO.. 8 E. Cor. 10th and Harney Sta. old part made new. oew -art made, too. D. i&Si. Auto Tires. TWO-IN-ONE VULCAN1ZINO rO Davenport ft Dnuglira ?14. 1614 Auto Tops ar.fL Trimmings. ENGLISH. TH03. F.. i3i Harney. Doug las 3781. Satisfaction guaranteed. Tbe best Is non too good. Attorneys. DICKINSON, CHA3. T. Ill Paxton Blk. Douglaa 1804. PISHER, H.. 1418 First Nat Bank Bldg. D, im. Attorney and counsellor at law. FITZGERALD JAMES M.. 1017-20 City Nat Bank Bldg Douglas 4508. GRAY A BRUMBAUGH, 811-14 Omaha Nat Bank Bldg. Red 8157. General practice In state snd federal courts HODDER, E. C. 644 Omaha Nat'l Bank Bldg Douglas 2244 MATTERS. THOMAS H.. Lawyer, 252 On. Nat. (lank Bldg Douglas 4327. Abstracts ot Title. MIDLAND TITLE GUARANTEE A AB STRACT CO.. 1714 Farnam 8t Douglas 2865. Adding Machines. DALTON ADDING AND CALCULATING MACHINES. 424 Ramge Bldg. Doug. 1441. Automobiles. M'CAFFRET MOTOR CO.. 10th and How ard. Doug 3500 Ford cars and repair. Authorized agents for Ford car. M'INTYH1--HA Y WAR MOTOR CO.. 2427 Farnam. Douglaa 2406. Rtearns-Knlaht and Regal car. SAMPI.E-HART MOTOR CO.. 18th and Burt Tyler 613. 100 per cent Ford erv Ice to Ford owner AMERICAN tSTATE BANK. Isth and Far nam. Weed Block - Phone Tyler 80 Biscuit Manufacturers. ITEN BISCUIT CO.. Capitol Ave., l.tb to 13tb St. Douglaa 2123. Snow Whit bak ery. Mfrs of rrarKera. raxe and cookies. Blue Prints. FENGER, N.. 306 Brandels Thtater Bldg. Douglas 27S2 "Blue print that satisfy" Baggage and Transfer. OMAHA TRANSFER COMPANY. THE ONLY WAY " Telephone Douglas 295 14th and Jackaon, FORD TRANSFER CO., 817 Dougla St. Tyler 3 "Always at your service - FOLEY AUTO EXPRESS. 1007 Howard. T. 141 Let ua contract to do hauling for YOU. Boiler Manufacturers. DRAKE. WILLIAMS. MOUNT CO. 23d and Hickory D 1043 Mfrs of boilers, tanka. emokeetarks and oxy-acteylene welding Electrical Goods. LB BRON ELECTRICAL WORKS - ; 318 8. 12th. Douglas 2176. Largest Me trical repair works and cor.trarling com pany In the middle west Jewelers. J. HBNR1CKSEN. TH. I.OYAL JBWELBjR. Douglaa 1674 201 N 16th St Building and Loan Associations OMAHA LOAN AND BUILDING ASSOCIA TION. N: W Cor. 15tb .nd Dodge. Doug las 870 per cent real etnte loans Drug Stores. POPE DRUG CO.. 1302 Farnam. D. 2672. Gen. Agt. NVAL'S FAMILY REMEDIES. Butter (Wholesale) ALFALFA BUTTER CO.. 120-24 N llth St Dnualse 390P. W W Richardson. Prea Cash' Registers. UOHRIi. CASH AND CREDIT REGISTER - CO.. 218-222 City Nat'l Bank Bldg Douelas 4408 1 W Hart. Prea Chiropractors. I0TH YEAR IN OMAHA: fired out of Con tlnental Blk; new location. 494-496 Bran dels Th Wdr Dr I,. N Carpenter D. 631 Cement Products. OMAHA CONCRETE STONE COMPANY. 28th Ave. and Saliler St. Colfax (86. Confectioners. ROGERS' CONFECTIONERY. 24tb and Farnam Sta. Phone Douglaa 127. A. B SWEET SHOP. THE. D 2920. 16th Jackson Dainty lunches and Ice cream. Fancy and staple groceries. Delicatessen. ALVORD'S DELICATESSEN. 2557 Fanum. D 3454 Picnic lunches a specialty. Dentists. EADES, DR. O. F., 201 Paxton Block. D. r728. Not the cheapest, but thi best Dry Goods (Wholesale). BYRNE ft HAMMERS DRY HOODS CO.. 9th and Howard Sta. Doujlas 206. ' Cloak, eults, ladles' and men's furnishing, art goods, millinery and draperies; all kinds ot fancy and staple Dry Goods - Electrolysis. . Superfluous hair removed, electricity; needle work guaranteed. Miss Ailender. 621 Bee. 8.87c. Engineers, Consulting & Supervising. HENNINGSON ENGINEERING CO.. 1122 Farnam. l 8- Skilled municipal Im provement engineers: sewer, psvlng. elec. light water works, appraisals, reports ANDERSON A BENNETT, 424 Bee Bldg. Douglas 1430 Heating, ventilating and power plants. Engineers and draftsmen. Florists. BRANDEIS FLOWER DEPARTMENT. DOUGLAS 2020 Foundries (Iron and Brass). PAXTON-M ITCH ELL CO, 2614 Martha bt Harney 1662. Machine, gray iron, arm. brome and aluminum castings. ' OLSEN A SCHLINGER. 1407 Jackson. D. 7491. Brass, bronae, ana iuminun Ings. Fish (Wholesale) esajl BOOTH F1SHE S CO. 1308 Leavenworth, Bt. Douglas (26. Hotels MERCHANTS HOTE 1508 Farnam Do-jslae 648 Hospitals. FORD HOSPITAL. uil and Douglaa Bt. Dougls 840. In chargef Dr. Michael J. Ford. surgeon-ID -chief Th most com Olete hnnltl In the wsl Hardware. PETERSON 4s MICKBLSON HARDWARE CO- THE. 4914-18 8 34th St, South Sld. Phone South 171. . Institutions. NEAL INSTITUTE!. 1503 Soatb Ittk St COMMERCIAL GUIDE i . business houses in Omaha and Council Bluffs. When in neec below. You can depend upon excellent service and values-' Groceries and Mtats. PUBLIC AND EMPRESS MARKETS. Douglas 2713 Wholesaler and retailers of vriblng In eatablea Watch for date of opening In First Nat'l Bank Bldg. SCHNAUBER HOFFMA .08 N 16to Douglas 1428 Staple groceries' and meets W1SI.ER. JOHN. 4.n and LegVenworth. Walnut 3342 Fre delivery Ice. OMAHA ICE AND COLD STORAGE Ct . McCague Blk., IStb and Dodge Douglas Ice Machines. BAKER ICE MACHINE CO.. 664 Wholesale and retail If. 19tb and Nicholas J. L. Baker. Paints. Oils and Glass. BARKER BROS.' PAINT Oo Douglaa 4760 1409V4 Farnam St Live Stock Commission. ROSENSTOCK BKOb.. 12 . Exchange Bldg., Omaha. Ptoekers an feeders our specialty Lumber INDEPENDENT LUMBER CO.. 40th and Leavenwcuh. Harney 424. "Just Lumbering Along." HOAGLAND CO., GEO. A.. 724 a Main 81 Phone 245 Lumber, lln. and "ement Physicians and Surgeons. DAVIS, DR. WILLIAM WIND LB. Physician snd Surgeon. 1120-21-22 First Nat Bk. Bldg. Tyler Til. CAMPBELL, DR. 8. M.. Pbxslclan and Sur geon. 1804 Farnam St. Douglas 1220 Printers' Supplies. BARNHART BROS. & 8PINDLER, 1114 Howard St Douglas 1076. Printer? supplies. School Furniure and Supplies. OMAHA SCHOOL SUPPLY CO.. 1108-13 Nicholas St Douglas "Everything tor schools." 1(11 Printers. OMAHA PRINTING CO., 13th and Farnam Douglas 346. Printing, stationery and of fice furniture DOUGLA8 PUNTING CO., 108-11 N. IStb Bt Douglas 8647 Fin commercial printing. EDDY PRINTING CO.; THE. 322 Bee Bldg Douglas 8647 Fine commercial printing Osteopaths. ANDERSON, DR. MARY f , 60S Be Bldg. Douglas 8998 Soft Dri.. Tank Manufacturers. NEBRASKA & IOWA STEEL TANK 1301 Willis Ave. Webster 278 Stationery and Supplies. OMAHA STATIONERY CO.. THE 307-301 So. 17th. Douglas 805. Office, type writer, architects" and engineers' sup piles. Loose leaf devices Stocks and Bonds. ROBT C DRUESEDOW A CO. Dealers In Local Securities, Stocks and Bonda for Investment. 860 Omaha Nat Bank Bldg. Storage Batteries. BATRY VIM CO. OF OMAHA, 216 8. 20th St Phone Douglas 7661. We rebuild deaO storage batteries to full efficiency. , Sporting Goods. TOWNSEND GUN CO., 1614 Farnam. Douglaa 870. Outing and ramping supplier and outing clothing Store and Office Fixtures. OMAHA HAlUKh AND SUPPLY CO Douglas 2724 S W torner llth and Doug las Sts Largest new and need store and .if flee future house tn America Tin and Sheet Metal Works. CARTER SHEET METAL CO.. 108-10-13 8 10th 8t Douglas 602. Skylight. tee ceilings md galvanlw sheet. ' 1 -Tents and Awnings. NEBRASKA TENT AWNING CO., 1204 Fsrnsm. D 3329 When you think ot tents or awnlnss think of fwuglas 8329 Pleating and Buttons. VAN ARNAM'S DRESS PLEATING, HEM STITCHING AND BUTTON CO.. Doug 1109 Rooms 836-87 Paxton Blk.. 3d floor Typewriters and Supplies. CENTRAL TYPEWRITER EXCHANGE. 1906 Farnam Douglas 4121 All makes Wall Paper and Paint. YETT ER-WAl.L PAPER CO.. 1414 Harney Phone Douglaa 930. Wall paper and In terior decoratlnne Wholesale and retail WIEMER, O. L., 2302 Cuming Doug. 8763 Wholesale and retail wait paper and paints Also painting nid decorating Undertakers. HULSE & RIEPEN. 701 3. 16th. De 1226 Undertaker and emba liners! Personal at tention given to ell calls and funrale HUFFMAN. LEO A.. Cm. 24th and Dodge Douglas 3901. Experts In embalming and funeral directing Private chapel HEAFEY AHEAFEY. 2611 Farnam Har nev 266 Undertake and emhalmer CROSBY. WILLIS C. 25U-1S N. 24tb St Phone WeMter 47 . ANDERSON, CARL A., 14vl Jackaon. Douglas 2418. Specialist Ir. Bosch lgnl tlon systems and Helnse '-rtrlr starter Mirrors and Resilv.-ing. OMAHA MIRROR AND ART GLASS CO. Douglas 6625 1614 Cumins St. Packers. CUDAHY PACKING CO .South 2340 South Patent Attorneys. PATENT8 procured, bouxht and aold. Inter national Patent Co.. 683 Brandela D 6691 Banks. OMAHA NAT L BANK. Tyler 100; 17tb and Farnam St Pipe Repairing. T1IDPC -W repair all kinds Specie' fll WJ attention to mall orders OMAHA TOBACCO CO. OMAHA. NEB Piano Teachers. BELU MAUDE GRAHAM. Studio 14 Stuts- m.... vr.'V DlaMf, -h n.rmAnl man at. !-- e .- ...... .-- Sweeping Compounds. CONTINENTAL -KOMPOUND CO.. 1102 & Main Sty I'none ins swerping conniuuuu (Pst uip) Mr Sdloff. Mar Theaters. NICHOLAS THEATER. 647-649 W. B'way Hlgn Ciaaw puu'w yiajis. -u--...w Wall Paper and Paint. T lyy - J U 2U 3. Main bt. pa A"d pavlnta . Council Bluffs Directory Banks. COMMERCIAL NAT'L BANK. Broadway and 8cott St Phone 41. Barber Shops. HOOD'S BARBER .SHOP. 62 W. B'dway Red 1307. Hatha In connection. Observe tbvnumber of clean towel Died on each cuetomer Boots and Shoes. PIERCE SHE CO., 419 Weal Broadway .. Btmnv A fterflelrf'a men's ahoea 1 Wright A Petera' and E. P. Reed' ladlear hoe , Dr. Reed's Cushion Sol 8 bees Coa. aqd Ice. DRIXIK BLEVATK CO- 620 Pesrl St Phone 3H' Caterers to best and cold Coal Dealer.. O'NEHO. BR)S.. 123 W Broaoway. Phone 2 oai. woon ewn iitii rEW COUNCIL BLUFFS COAL ICS CO. Council Bluffs Directory Florists. GARDINER FLORAL CO Phone 623 IV Pesrl St Garage. BOLTON. (L. H.) TOURIST GARAGE. 1.U--161 W. B'dway. Phone 620. Taxi service, storage and repair wotk. Agent for Reo and Chevrolet cart Groceries and Meats. WINN A FLOWER, 212 16lb Awe Phone 237. When you want prompt service and quality of goods. CALL ON ITS Lumber. QUINN (H. A.) LUMBER CO.. 2d and Vine St. Phot, 137. "Qutno for uallty and Quick Service.' POULTRY AND PET STOCK FOR SALE Pedigreed male Boston terrier, brlndle and white; beautifully marked; batt ears. Douglaa 9527. MINNE LUSA Barred Plymouth Rooks, eggs for hatching. 38.00 ner hundred: et. logue free. Ahlquiat Bros., Florence. Neb FOR SALE Giant Belgian and Rufus red hares. E. W. Gift Carter Lake club. Webster 1431. 2.000 DAY OLD chicks.' Rocks, Reds Or pingtons, Leghorns. Webster 1708. 2212 Charles. THREE very pretty Persian kitten f or ' sale reasonable. Also orange king ' for r V service. 1512 Hickory. Mrs. F. C. Smith... BOSTON terrier. 1 year old. Very playful and fond of children. Colfax 3561 100 SNOW White Rock baby chicks for sale. Benson 288. LEdAL NOTICES. NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. -By direction of the property committee of th board of regents of the University of -Nebraska; separate bids will be received until 4 o'clock p. m. Saturday, June 29, 1918, at ths office of the undersigned for th construction of a laboratory building and the -following equipments for same, viz: heat-s Ini and ventilating, electric wiring and plumbing, according to plans and specifics- tlons now on file at the office of the Su- -perintendent of Construction, room 207. Unl- versity Administration Building, Lincoln, and on file at the office of John Latenser and " Sons, Bee Building, Omaha. Nebraska. Said building to be erected on the University Medical College Campus, Omaha Nebraska, and to cost entire approximately (110.000. Bidders must confec with the Superintend- .i; ent and use the blanks prepared by him for building proposals. Bids must be accompan ied dy cashier's checks or certificates of de posits as required by Instructions accom- - ' panytng plans and specifications. Bids must ' ' be sealed and plainly marked "Laboratory- : Building" or "Laboratory Building Equip ment'' as the case may be, on the outside. The right Is reserved to reject any and all bids. University of Nebraska, J. 8. Dales, - Secretary, Station A, Lincoln. . . '" No. 108, June 12, 16, II. 23. . NEBRASKA EAGLES TO GIVEFISHBAKE Convention Meets .Monday at Fremont for Two Days' Ses sion; Big Delegation Expected. Fremont, Neb., June IS. (Special Telegram.) A fishbake and dance at ¬ one of the resorts will be the enter- tainment feature for the Nebraska Eagles at the opening session of the annual convention Monday. Judge A. B. Duncan, grand worthy vice presi dent of St. Joseph, will make .tn ad dress following the bake. The con vention opens Monday afternoon with an address of welcome by Mayor W..". C. Wiley. A big delegation of Umaha Lagles is expected to motor to ire mont Monday evening for the bake, The convention closes Tuesday. It is expected 150 delegates and members -and their wives will be in attendance.' Ernest Hahn of Fremont, is. state president. . Martin Metscher, local contractor,, who was convicted by a jury in dis trict court on a charge of making seditious remarks, was directed, to donate $50 to the Red Cross and pay a fine of $1 and costs. Metscher was convicted of disloyal utterances to a ? Red Cross solicitor. He ljad filed a: motion for a new trial, but withdrew it. , , The29 young jfien selected from the draft registrants of the county for ' special preparatory training at the state farm at Lincoln, left for Lincoln at noon todaj They were joined at Fremont by 23 draft selects from the counties aiong the Northwestern in the northern part of the state. The Dodge county young men arc: Jay Wormwood, Harry Fredericks, Eli B. Hager, Edward J. Monnich, Le roy A. Hcnze, Harry D. Theede, Vog go A. Jensen. Ray W. Johnson, Niels C. Nelson, Milo C. Royer, George C. Klare, Rudy Mark, Marenus Sorenson, Harry-D: Marquis, Clint E. Nelson, 1 Walter I. Strand, John E. Carlson, Ralph E. Peck, Jamie Jensen, Frank P. Bradley, William L. Weidner, Ed ward S. Nelson, Charles A. Ronuu Charles E: Gaddie, Sumner W. Rob-' inson, Lewis W. Allen, Roy E. Rog ers, George Hendrickson, Peter: Capesius. . - " , Captain Edward J. Robins, Fremont attorney, who is "a pilot at Rockwell field, near San Diego, Cal., met his first accident when his ma-chine came down with such force that it was de molished. Captain Robins escaped with a slight shaking up. He is the only Fremont boy to become a pilot. He has been making flights for the . last three weeks. YANKEE OUTWITS HUNS AND MAKES PARING- ESCAPE Washington, June IS. General ( Pershing today reported that in the VVoevre on the night of June 11 to June 12 a German patrol captured an American sentry at a lrsteninji post. The- aenfrv had two crenades. from Kerne of which he managed to lemove the cap. By striking this grenade against the other, then dropping them and making a sudden dash, he sue- . ceeded in escaping. Naval Director Is Fined . ',' J For Hoarding Foodstuffs Washington, June 15. Dr. Francis S. Nash, a medical director in the. navy, was fined $1,000 today in the District of Columbia supreme court, after entering a plea of nolo conten dere to a charge of unlawfully hoard-" ing foodstuffs. Art identical chargre against his wife, Caroline S. Nash, was dismissed. : Douglas 75& VV9-11 W. oroauway. riwn Douglaa Ttif. ' 1 ;'' ! t " ,