.THE OMAHA SUNDAY BEE: JUNE 16, 1918. v .v V: FARM AND RANCH LANDS Kansai 1-ands. IVOR 8AXB 300 MtN good, level Improved v tarns, near town; 136 In fin wheat; half goa; also Itt acres flat alfalfa land. Im proved, near town; It alfalfa, (0 wheat, 10 meadow Address Hellen, Fort 8cott. , Kan, ' Miisoori Lands. &ANDT 4ft aerea, big home, orchard, near tows; tl.100; term. McGrath, Mountain View, Me. .Minnesota Lands. k&ND agents, attention; write me for price Data, term, ate., for about 10ft farm lo cated in the Red River valley. The auret train farm In the world; never a orop failure. Every year' crop now producing about the value of the land. Prospect for big crop. Freent value will double within a year. E. F. Andru. 330 Endlcott Bid-., St Paul. Nebraska Lands. DOUGLAS COUNTY 120 - ACRE FARM Fenced and cross-fenced, email Improve ment. Only 110,200. A mighty good buy. L Conner. 305 S. 18th. Omaha, I AM NOW READY To cut up the famous old 8tevenon place, which 1 considered one of the best farma and moat productive in thla coun try. It consists of acres, has more than a mile of White river along its edge and forming south and east boundary. I am cutting thla place up In 80s, 160s, or larger The place will make three good small farms, each piece with running water and timber and blue grass bottom. Then are about 1(0 acre under cultiva tion, and the big end of the balance of the place cut upland hay. Good country school one-fourth mile distant; Fort Rob inson depot three miles; city of Crawford Is to all and one-half miles from any traot Any 80 acres of this place will make nice little farm; ISO acre tracta will make a dandy farm. Its former owner, Ira Stevenson, died recently, and I am cut- ting up this place to settle up the estate for hi widow. First come, first served. Coma Immediately and get a choice. Two 10'a go at $31.00 an acre; on 160 acre traot goes at $31.80; one 130 tract with log house and large barn, sheds and oorrala, but not quite so much farmable at $30 per acre. I will ohange these Into My bap or combinations desired, com aw onoa A RAH T HTJNOERFORD, Crawford. Dawes County, Nebraska. LOOK INTO THIS. aTav I quarter of land, 4 mllea from Spring. Neb., six mllea from Brule, Man, H under ditch, $10 per aore; K level Jwt above aiten, loo per aore; taoie land good for oultlvatlon or paature, $25 per gor; the quarter under ditch and the quarter just above the ditch la all under cultivation, wheat and corn, and is looking fine. One-third of thl crop goes with the tand ; land la all fenced, lay on tin publlo roaa, two winamius on place. The beat bargain In thla western eountry. Will take half oaah, balance ( year. Will sell all or part Batter get In on thla quick, or you win mis tn wheat and corn crop, and th land la going up aaeh day. Will only hold the above prise open for one week. Write tn at one when you can Investigate thla land. Can ahow It any time. Remember that thla year's crop will pay one-third f the price of land. Addrea P. W. Whltworth, Car U. P. R. R.. Ogallala, Neb. GOING TO WAR Obliged to aacrtfto three farm lease, aropa all underway. Sift-aero farm, ftt aerea In fine oorn, Vfti-iiA Mature and timber, alao two 80. acre farma, one-half cultivated, balance pasture and timber. Thla land la I and T miles north of Florence. '"'Wagons, Implements, horses, cattle and ehtckena Included. BIRKETT & COMPANY 260 Bee Bldg., Doug. 838 or H. C. Harm, Florence 3531. 473-ACRES sub-Irrigated river bottom land baa not failed a crop In 30 years, 160 acres hay meadow, 50 acres alfalfa, 80 sores crop, balance pasture, 3 mllea from town, 3 fine grove of tree, orchard small house, garage, granaries, several .ranch sheds, barns and corrals. Soil Is mostly dark sandy loam and well adapted to raising sugar beets, corn, wheat, al falfa, or for dairying. Everything can be ralaed here that Is raised on the two and three hundred-dollar Iowa and eastern Nebraska land, also the heavily taxed Ir rlgated land. In a well settled community ana on main-sine u. r. K. ri., convenient to good markets. We invite closest In vestigation., Price $125 per acre. Write or inquire Box 68, Ogallala, Neb. -:, CHERRY COUNTY HAY RANCH. Ranch of 6,200 aerea of deeded land and 840 acres of achool land, located five miles from town, two miles from loading sta tion on Northwestern railroad. 1,000 acres very choice never falling hay land, will eut 800 tons year In and year out. Hay crop failure unknown. No awampy land. Balance of ranch good pasture land, well grassed. Good eight-room house, bunk house, barn, sheds and other buildings, all In good? repair. Two good creeks on place furnish an abundance of stock wa ter. 650 head of cattle and horses now on plaoe that can be bought. Price $13.60 per aore. If yon want a well balanced eattl ranch wtlh proper amount of bay and pasture, close to town, well watered and Improved, at bed rock price, arrange to see this at once, aa It will not be on the market long, KLOKE INVESTMENT CO., Omaha, Neb. 33ft acres, 8 miles from Hayes Center, Neb. Heavy black soil, 310 acres level, 108 acres In crop, balance will cut a lot of hay. One-third crop and hay goes to purchaser. $35 per acre. Shedd Investment Co. - - 887 Railway Exehg. Bldg. Tel. Douglas 4364. Omaha, Neb. FARMS FARMS FARMS If your farm Is for sale and your price Is right, where you have good goods for the money, list with me. I have all kinds of customers for all kinds of farms, but the value must be there; within less than 60 mile of Omaha preferred, any sis from 10 aerea to 1,000, or up. Let's GET BUST. - ORIN S. MERRILL COMPANY, 1817-1218 City National Bank Bldg, " WHEAT LANDS Over 1,800 .acres. 14 miles north of Hemlngford, Neb., all In one body, fenced. 80 per cent smooth tillable, Food hard land. Fine wheat and other grain land, nd aure potato producer. Here is a bar gain for someone, to buy and divide and sell In small farms. Terms to suit. Ask for plat, then look It over. KLOKE INVESTMENT CO., Owners, Omaha. $40 ACRES Western Nebraska; Improved; $25,500; Mortgage, $5,000; equity, $20,600. Want clear income or smaller farm for part, balance cash. . 1(0 acres, Improved, $3,000; mortgage, $2,000. Want clear house or new auto and cash for $4,000 equity. HUFFMAN, 413 BEE BLDO., Omaha, Neb. 840 ACRES; western Nebraska; improved; $25,600. Mortgage $5,000. Equity 120- (00. Want clear Income or smaller farm for part, balance cash. 160 acres; Improved, $3,000. Mortgage, $2,000. Want clear house or new auto and cash for $6,000 equity. HUFFMAN. 413 Bee Bid?., Omaha. Neb. A SNAP In cattle ranch. 1.440 acres finally - Improved, all new buildings Two hundred acres tn crop Best or black land, no , sand or rock. This la on the market for only 80 day. Price $25 per acre. Halt cash. Oood terms on balance B. Combs. Blgnall. Neb ONLY 16 MILES OF KANSAS CITY. Only $126 an acre. If same distance from Omaha ' would be worth $250 and Kansas City Is larger city than Omaha. Well Improved, Mighty fine 280 acres. THIS IS A SNAP. I. CONNER. 205 8. 18th. Omaha. NEBRASKA FARM LANDS 4PIB 8URK INVESTMENTS For best land at beat prices wHV Deo Antlll. Blair. Neb Wis) specialize In selling Nebraska ranches. White A Hoover, 454 Omaha Nat'l Bank ' Bldg. South Dakota Lands. yOR SALE Stock ranch and live stock. 176 eattl. 10 hones Deeded and leased land. Plenty of water. An Ideal place for - dairying. - Box 133, Sulphur. FARM AND RANCH LANDS Oregon Lands. YOUNG man not afraid to work, to help develop Mollybedenum mine. Apply after ip a. m T3 s. lsth. Wyoming Lands THOSE enlisting In U. S. service time ap piles on homestead. Booklet. Duff, Caa per, Wyo. - WHEATLAND Wyoming farm. $t per a.. tnoludlng paid up water right. Henry Levi ACM Ry lander. 114 nnane wan RANCHES of all else and ktade. eaa term A Patsman. SOI Keroecb Bit CH"K"B FARMS NIlMon f Bldg Miscellaneous. . GOOD FARM BUYS Improved 160 Acres The best In Washington county. 18 acrtf pasture, five in alfalfa; balance cultivated, small orchard, improvements, 8 -room house, barn for 8 bead of horses. cement floored oorn crib, I cattle sheus, chicken coop, pump house and garage. 800 rode of 84-lneh fencing, ( miles to Calhoun or Bennington. Cheyenne County, Neb., 160 Acres 6 miles eaat of Sidney. 1 miles south of Colton on the Lincoln Highway. 7 room house, barn 8 head horses, granary, buggy shed, chicken house, well, wind mill and variety of young fruit, 30 acres rve. 20 acre wheat 40 acres corn, t acres oats. 1 acres alfalfa. 3-acre garden. balance TO aorea pasture. Price $40 per acre, half cash, balance 5 years, a per cent O'Keefe Real Estate Co., Realtors 1018 Omaha Nat'l Bank Bldg, Doug. IT18 240 Day Growing Season Farm, $3,900 Receipts Last Year 117 acre Maryland tnonay-maker, level land, clay subsoil, high cultivation, equal to beat western land at half the price, wire fences, home-use wood and timber, Short, mild winters, plenty of rain.. 800 fruit trees. Largo house, stock barn, gar age, wagon, poultry, amok bouse. Im plement barns. On Improved road, only 1 H mllea to railroad town, near Baltimore, Philadelchla and world's best markets. Aged owner, retiring, makea low price of $6,300, leas than half cash. For list showing wheat corn, hogs sold for $3,800, ses page 82 Strout's catalogue with fun details this and other farm bargalna. many with etock, tools, growing crops Included. On page 11 see details 10- aera state road fruit, truck and poultry farm, near big city; new 7-roora house, barn, other buildings for only $1,000, $600 down cash. Catalogue mailed free. E. A. Strout Farm Agency, Dept. 307$, 305 8. 18th St., Omaha, Neb. FREE TO FARM HOME 6EEKER8, ' IN FORMATION ON LANDS IN MANY STATES. INVESTIGATE BY US. CATH OLIC COLONIZATION SOCIETY. TJ. S. A., ASHLAND BLOCK, CHICAGO. FARM LAND WANTED FARMS WANTED. Don't list your farm with as U yon want to keep It B. P. 8NOWDEN A SON. 610 Eleetrin Bldg Douglas (871 WANTED TO BUY Ford sedan body. Phone Florence 646. ill ii ii i ea AUTOMOBILES AUTO EXCHANGE CO. A NEW CAR SHORTAGE is bound to result from the government order to curtail passenger ear production still further. , Prices for new ears hav advanced and will continue to go higher. Thl will creat a greater demand for reliable used, such aa we sell, and they will advano also. 0 Sixty day from now we will be unable' to offer such value as wr can give the public at present. Our policy of rebuilding and reflnlshlng used cars make It possible for us to offer used car that will Insure our cus tomer Maximum service at the minimum Investment Ford touring $ 200 Ford touring, 1917 400 Ford touring, 1917, newly painted ... 400 Ford touring, 1918 450 Ford sedan, 1917 850 Maxwell touring, 1916 360 Overland touring, model 75 400 Chalmers touring, 6-30 650 Briscoe touring, newly painted 376 Saxon alx, 1916 touring 450 Saxon six,' 1917 touring 650 Grant six, touring 375 Chalmers six touring, newly painted.. 500 Bulck 25 touring 400 Bulck 87 touring 400 Chevrolet touring, newly painted .... 825 Bulck six, 1916 700 Mollne Knight, 7-passenger 700 Reo touring, electric lights and starter 275 Marvin speedster, classy and fast.... 200 Packard six touring 660 Packard twin six, a bargain. Scrlpps-Booth, a bargain. We have a few older cars that are not quite so stylish that we will sell at Just about whatever you think they are worth. We ask you to call and Inspect out ex ceptional line of used cars. Our special inducement Is "th greatest value for the least money." Your old car taken a part payment AUTO EXCHANGE CO. Douglaa 6035. 3069 Farnam St. OLD FORDS. NEW FORDS. MR. FORD OWNER AND DEALER. Before buying a truck see Affordable Truck Co.. Omaha made truck unit fit any Ford, make guaranteed 4 and 1-ton truck out of anybody' Ford. $165 F. O. ; B. Omaha. DEALERS WANTED Factory and office 1307-15 S, 20th St DOUGLAS .2053. LOOK AT THESE We are selling out our remaining stock of used cars at ridiculously low prices. Only a few left, so come and see them at once. Hudson, model 6-40. Hupmoblle, model 33. . Hupmoblle, model N. Hupmoblle, model K.' 8orlp-Booth 4 cylinder. Chevrolet, model 4-30. VICTOR MOTOR qO., 1526 Farnam M. Douglas 1181, AUTOMOBILES MEEKS AUTO CO. Used Car Bargains Some good used car that yon can rely on. They are In A-l condition, only used a abort time and look like new. 1617 Apperson and Chummy roadster $1,360 1917 Bulck light six. looks and runs good 776 l17 Oakland light alt touring 535 HIT Saxon six touring 66ft 1917 Maxwell tourlnx. like new 440 1917 Maxwell roadster, overhauled and repainted s.,, 33$ 1117 Ford touring, good conditio .. 410 hit rora roadster, overhauled and repainted 376 116 Hudson six-forty, good as new,. 685 1916 Overland, model 83, good buy.. 410 1(16 Overland, model 63. runa good.. 286 1818 Veil touring 366 1816 Glide touring 340 1916 Overland, model 7ft. a real buy 1S6 115 Rambler touring 166 116 Studebaker, four 7 passenger... 166 All above car have electric starters and will be demonstrated to your entire satis faction. You should see these before buy ing. MEEKS AUTO CO. Middle State Garage Douglas 6!0 2028 Farnam St. We try to please. Fords our specialty. We ARE THE USED CAR MEN. When better used car values are of fered, we will offer them. 1317 Hudson super alx touring $1,300 Late 1917 Bulck six touring 800 115 Bulck C-37, good tires 600 1917 Bulck six touring ., 760 1817 Bulck six touring 700 181 Bulck six touring 650 1(17 Chevrolet model 4-90 400 1914 Hupp 33 roadster 260 1917 Briscoe touring, repainted 350 WE ARE THE USED FORD MEN. 10 TO PICK FROM 10 .$ 700 . 610 . 436 . 425 . 326 . 300 . 835 . 286 . 450 . 360 Practically new Sedan 118 touring 117 touring 1117 touring 1(16 roadster 1(1$ touring 11(8 roadster ,. 1(18 touring . 1(17 touring Ford truck Every car demonstrated to your entire satisfaction and sold under a 24-hour trial and money back it not satisfied guarantee. Open Sunday, ( to 3. TRAWVER AUTO CO. Doug. (070 1(10 Farnam. iGUY L. SMITH Offer EXCHANGED CARS Of known quality and value at x- tremely low price. GOOD USED CARS are advancing every day In price and value, We have a few HUDSON SUPER-SIXES Touring ear Touring Sedan Touring limousines and Cabriolets. 1 Overhauled and reflnlahed with the same guarantee and service aa a new car. Each and every car as good as new. Cars of other standard makes In equal ly as good condition. Dodge Sedan Chalmers roadster , Studebaker sedan Enger touring car. GUY L. SMITH "Servloe First." 256$ Farnam St Cor. 26th. Douglas 19701 THE WELL-BEATEN PATH to our doors made by patrons who place product worth above all else, convinces us that we have been right In exaotlng, al ways, rather higher standard than others have deemed essential. Packard 6, touring. Cadillao 4, touring. Hudson 4, Sedan. Mitchell 6, touring. Auburn 4, touring. Chandler 8, touring. Maxwell 4, touring. Ford touring, 1917. ' ' Ford roadster, 1916. Ford coupe, 1917. Overland 83, touring. Overland 75, touring. Overland 85-8, touring. Willys 84-4, touring. Willys 88-6, touring. Overland 90, touring. Overland 90, roadster. Overland 75, roadster. Overland 83, roadster. Overland 81, roadster, , Open Sundays Guaranteed Motors Van Brunt Automobile Co. 2406 Leavenworth St. Phone Tyler 2138, Watch our Saturday Special. USED CARS Good used car are scarce; buy a first class used car. Here are real bargains: Ford tourings. t Olds four touring. Studebaker touring. Maxwell touring. These are In first olass shape. Nebraska Oldsmobile Co. 255( Farnam. Tyler 3336. Auto Parts Co. Used-Car Bargains When better used car values are offered we will offer them. We are the only used car company In town that sells these cars with the money-back-lf-not-satlsfled guar antee. 8 1917 Bulck Sixes, 3 roadsters, 3, tour ings. New Hudson Super-Six. 1(15 National Four 1(17 Republic Truck. 1(17 Ford Touring. 1(13 Ford Touring. 1313 Cadillao Touring. 1(14 Hupmoblle. Auto Parts Co. 2106 Farnam Street OOOD USED CARS FOR SALE. (-Ton Republic Truck. 1-Ton Republic Truck. 1 Ford Ton Truck. 1 Maxwell Touring. 1 Maxwell Roadster. 1 Ford Touring cars. 1 Ford Runabout. HOLMES-ADKINS CO.. Authorised FORD SALES AND BERVICB STATION. 4(11-17 So. 34th St. Omaha, Neb. . Phone South 420. AUTOMOBILES RADIATORS Wrecked and leaky radiators repaired and rebuilt; large stock ueed radiators on hand Maihid fenders and lamps repaired tike new. New honey-combed Ford radiators, 11$ model. $22; 1917. $2$. OMAHA RADIATOR AND TIRE WORKS. 1(18 Cuming Bt Omaha. Neb LISTEN We will av you 6ft per cent 00 your tire bill. Trade your old tire for new one Tubes vulcanised I cents cas ing 50 cent up. Rebuilt, 3 In 1 casings for sale. 83 up. U. 8. machine for sale. V. 8. Vulrsnlser Co.. Branch 16. 820 13th St.. Omaha FCJRDS exchanged, bought and sold; w re build your Ford with a Kelsey streamlin body Ilka new; ears eold for cash or tiro paymenta Sol & Ooldtron 3867 Farnam St. Harney 6546; agent wanted. BARGAINS IN USED CARS All makea With and without starter. 36 to pick from. Phone D. 1341 or call at 1516 Davenport BOYLAN AUTO CO.. ALL klnde of cars for hire, with or with out driver, by the mile or by the hour. Fords, !e per mile. Douglas T$ft Ne braska Sen-Ice Garage. NEW Maxwell car. 1(16 models, for sal. 3300 cash, balanc monthly payment a desired. Anwrs strictly confidential Bos 403. Bee. CUMING) OARAGE. 3416 Cuming St, D 3831. Storage, day and night service, carbon burning, welding, general auto re pairing. FIVE-PASSENGER King, run less than 6,000 miles, 1915 model, but made to last a lifetime. It's a big bargain for 3500 Phone Harney 1341. No trades ONE Saxon Six-Roadster, in fine condition; alto American Roadster, cheap. North Side Garage, 4303 N. 20th. WE ARE THE USED CAR MEN. TRAWVER AUTO CO., 191ft Farnam St. Douglas (07ft. MEEKS AUTO CAR. USED CAR BARGAINS. 3028 FARNAM ST. DOUGLAS (290. BARGAIN'S IN USED FORD CARS McCaffrey Motor Co. 16th and Jackson. Ford Agents. Doug. 8600 WANTED FOR SPOT CASH, 100 USED CARS; quick action; no delay. Auto Ex change Co., 069 Farnam St, Doug. 6036 QUALITY USED CARS. VAN BRUNT AUTOMOBILE CO 2406 LEAVENWORTH ST. BARGAINS In used cars ORR MOTOR SALES CO., 40tb and Farnam. Harney 414. USED CARS AND TRUCKS, AT BARGAIN PRICES. 2020 Farnam St., Omaha, Neb. 60 FORDT WANTED, AUTO PARTS CO., 8106 FARNAM ST. GOOD USED CARS. GUY L. SMITH. t(th and Farnam St Douglas 1(7. TELL A BINKLEY. Commercial body builders. 3818 Barney St D 1640 OAKLAND, Sensible Six. MARSH OAKLAND CO., 2300 Farnam St FOR SALE Three 1-ton trucks, good con dition. Reasonable pries Telephone Douglas 6370. WANTED TO BUY Light auto. Describe, state terms; reliable party. Box 8968, Omaha Bee. GOOD second-hand delivery car, oheap. In quire 1218, W, O. W. Bldg. WANTED TO BUY 1917 Ford coupelet for cash. Hoefelman, Platte Center, Neb. ELECTRIC starter, for Ford, nearly new, sell cheap. South 288 Auto Livery and Garages, RANT A FORD DRIVE IT YOURSELF 12c a mile, 85c per hour minimum charge. Sundays and holidays, , 60o per hour. FORD LIVERY CO.. Dougla 8622. 1314 Howard St Repairing and Painting. EDWARDS. E. 8.. 2618 Kth St. Web iter 1103. For the beat results with repair worn consult us. Starters and Generators Repaired. AUTO ELECTRIC SERVICE CO. anything electrical about your auto. 316 8. 19th St. Douglas 6488. Tires and Supplies GUARANTEED TIRES ONE HALF PRICE. 8,000 Miles Guaranteed. 30x8. $7.76; $0x8H, 38.75; 32x8H. 110 15; 38x4, 313 86; 84x4. $13 85; 65x4 V,. $16.50 Write us today for particulars AGENTS WANTED. Expert Radiator and Tire Repairing "2 IN I" VULCANIZING CO., 1616 Davenport St. Omaha. D. 3(14 TIRES. New 80x8 Firestone .$89" New SOxSVi Non Skid 12.(0 New 82x3 V, Firestone 16.86 30x3 Guaranteed Tubes 3.10 30x3 Guaranteed Tubes 2.80 Good used Ford tires 6.00 Other sixes In proportion. Retreading and vulcanizing. OMAHA RADIATOR & TIRE WORKS, 1913 Cuming St., Omaha, Neb. BIG bargains In brand new tires and tubes, 18 standard makes to select from. Seeing 1 believing. COME IN. Wholesale and Retail. Send for our price list OMAHA CUT RATE TIRE CO., "Nebraska Tire Bargain Center." Douglas 2910. , 810 8. 19th St. NRWt7rES AT PRICE, ALL SIZE NEW 30x3 Republlo $8 75 Ford tubes. $2.00 NEW 80x3 FIRESTONE non-kld. $14.76 NEW 82x3, FIRESTONE tires 314.90 KAIMAN'S TIRE JOBBERS. 1721 Cuming BUT Lee puncture-proof pneumatic tires and eliminate your tire troubles Powell Sup ply Co. 2061 Farnam Bt INSIST on Q AG quality retread and save 60 per cent on your tlrea Bargains In new and slightly UBfd tires O & O Tire Co.. 2415 Leaven'th St. Tyler 1261-W TIRE price wreckers. This Is no 2-ln-l tire" COMBINATION TIRE FACTORY, 422 S. 18th. Agts Wanted. Omaha. Neb Motorcycled and Bicycles H A R L E Y-DAVIDSON MOTORCYCLES Bargains In used machines Victor H. Rons, the Motorcycle Man, 27th and Leav enworth. EXTRAORDINARY bargain Powerplus In dian motorcycle, almost new. 2734 Blnndo St. REAL ESTATE IMPROVED West. DRAKE COURT THE COURT BEAUTIFUL Offer to th publlo th latest and most up-to-the-minute apartment to be had In Omaha. Planned and built especially for people of refinement, and situated In a residential part of the ilty with In a block or two of four main atreet car lines. The Pergola ahaded walks and lawns make It difficult for you to realize that you are not located tn the suburbs of Omaha Instead of the heart of the city Three-room apartments with th 6 room accommodations, consisting of liv ing room, dining room, kitchen, whit tiled bath, light, airy un room, dressing room with a bullt-ln dresser and an abundance of closet space; each apart ment Equipped with two disappearing wall beds, automatlo package receiver, garbage Incinerator, Ice box Iced from outside, and all the modern conveniences of the day. Windows In every room, woodwork of dark stained California gum, wood and walls decorated to suit tenant. Artistic French doors separate the dining room from the living room. Summer rate, $45. SEE US AT ONCE Rental office located In apartment No. 73, building No. 7, Drake Court, and Is open from 8:30 a. m. to ( p. m. Tele phone Tyler 671. "DRAKE REALTY CONSTRUCTION CO. 2 2d and Jones. Rental Office. BRAND NEW, OAK FINISH, $3,950. 6 ROOMS, COMPLETELY MOD ERN, TWO-STORY, CLOSE-IN. Living room across entire front, dining room and kitchen downstairs. Three nice bedrooms . and bath upstairs with white enamel and mahogany finish. Each bed room Is a corner. Paved street and pav ing paid. Only 83,(50 on very easy terms. BEDFORD-JOHNSTON CO., REALTORS, $1$ Keellne Bldg. Doug. 8 144.. REAL ESTATE IMPROVED Vest. BUNGALOW BARGAIN Five-room stucco bungalow with fire place, full basement large garage and chicken house. Full lot high and sightly, two blocks from car on 36th avenue. House has been built about four yeara but has just been newly decorated and pa pered and Is In excellent condition. Build ings alone would cost 33.700 to build to day and lot Is worth 3600. Our price for Immediate sale on easy terms (3,000. Better see this today. 8undays call: M. O. Headley. Colfax 3483, or E. A. Holslngton, Colfax 3803. Charles W. Martin & Co. Realtors T43 Omaha Nat'l Bank Bldg. Tyler 187. 5-ROOM BUNGALOW WEST FARNAM $4,000 Practically brand new. Beat of oak wood work and door; built In bookcase and kitchen cabinet. Full basement with laundry and heating plant Large attic over entire house. Lot 60x138. Paving paid in full Located one block from Saun ders school; two blocks from Fsrnam ear line and only four blocks from new Cathedral and Parochial achool. rmstrong-WaIsh Company, Tyler 1536. 333 Securities Bldg. BEMIS PARK HOME $6,350 buys sn unusually well built, ! story and attlo, 8-room modern house, fin ished In quarter sawed white oak, oak floors on first floor, quarter sawed pine second; tiled front vestibule, living room, dining room, kitchen, first floor; 4 corner bedrooms and bath, second floor; stairway to floored attlo; all walls back plastered, canvased and hand decorated In oil: house alone cost owner over $7,100; lot alone worth $1,600. Terms: 1-8 cash, hsl ance monthly. Immediate possession. Key at our office. See us about thla at once. GEORGE & CO., City Nat'l Bank Bldg. Doug. 76$. West Farnam District Seven-room stucco house, only t year old, with hardwood finish In first story, whit enamel, with birch mahogany doors upstair, oak floor upstairs and down; cemented porch, full cemented basement; all modern conveniences; built for a home and occupied by owner. Immediate possession If desired. Pries, $8,000. Term can be arranged. J. H. DUMONT & CO., 418-1$ Keellne Bldg., Dougla 69ft. 131 NORTH 35T HST. Thl nearly new 2-story, 8-room, mod ern stucco house, has tiled front vestibule, coat closet, large living room, with brick fireplace; attractive dining room, sun room and kitchen, first floor; finished In oak; $ large bedrooms, sleeping porch and tiled bathroom, 2d floor, finished In white enamel; oak floors throughout; full cemented basement, hot water heat. Terms: About $2,000 cash, balanc $60 per month. Price on application. GEORGE & CO., Doug. 766. WES FARNAM New and Modern Cottage, $3,800 on Terms Five rooms; full light basement; attic; finished In oak and oak floors. Fronts eaat and convenient to school and car. Shuler & Cary, Realtors Douglas 6074. 204 Keellne Bldg. Cathedral District Home Of 8 rooms, strictly modern, east front, lot In good location. Price (6,600. Terms It desired. '. . , , O'Keefe Real Estate Co., Realtors 1018 Omaha Nat'l Bk. Bldg. Doug. $71$. 4205 FRANKLIN STREET, PRICE, $3,550 On and a half blocks east of th Benson and Deaf Institute car lines. Owner leav ing city and offers for first time his home. Six moms and sleeping porch, oak finish, strictly modern, lot 40x160. $600 down and $26 per month. See this today. It won't last. OSBORNE REALTY CO., 701 Om. Nat. Hk. Bldg. Tyler 496. A GREAT BARGAIN. 4161 Davenport, high class modern 8-r. quartered oak trim and floor; living room 14x28 ft., open fireplace, central hall, house newly painted; price reduced 20 per cent for quick sale; will cost at least 16 per cent mora to build house alone than la ssked fur house and Int. ED O. HAMILTON, 108 Bee Bldg. D. 5101. A DANDY FOR $4,250 IMMEDIATE POSSESSION A real home, full two-story, seven rooms and tiled bath, strictly modern, oak fin ish; lot 60x160 feet; dandy shade; paving paid. Well worth $6,000, but owner Is willing to sacrifice. Terms to right party. Call OSBORNE REALTY CO., 701 Om. Nat. Hk. Bldg Tyler 496. CAPITOL AVE.. DUNDEE, $6,000. Fine bungalow, finished mostly In oak; large living room with fireplace and four bedrooms; a very sightly location, JOHN W. ROBBINS. 1802 FARNAM ST. $4,650 BARGAIN Located In the Central West Farnam dis trict where values are Increasing rap idly. ,We have a dandy full two-story six-room home, strictly modern, hardwood throughout, with expensive decorattona; garage; lot 50x140. Convenient to the new Yates school. $1,500 down. OSBORNE REALTY CO., 701 Om. Nat. Bk. Bldg. Tyler 466. FINE MODERN HOME 8 rooms. In fin condition, hot water beat, corner lot, paved street, fine neighborhood, plenty large shade trees, owner non-resident, must sell; easy terms. Located tn west psrt of Oms- S. S. & R. E. MONTGOMERY. 213 CITT NATL BANK B1.7M1 WEST LEAVENWORTH BARGAIN PRICE, $3,800 Nonresident owner says sell. Six rooms and sleeping porch. Oak finish. Splendid lot. OSBORNE REALTY CO., 701 Om. Nat. Bk. Bldg. T.'ler 4(6. NINE-ROOM, hot water heat, near High ' aohool, $3,800. Great bargain. O. P. Stebblns, 1610 Chicago. BEMIS PARK Six rooms and bath, 2-story modern house, east front large lot paved street. Make offer. Walnut 1431. 5-ROOM cottage and furniture. On paved street and car line. Would consider an acreage In exchange. Call H. 3968. EIOHT-room, modern, near High achool, 32,750.00. Great bargain. Red 6476. North. . 2219 OHIO STREET, EIGHT-ROOM BARGAIN PRICE, $3,000 Term If desired. Widow leaving city and wants to sell her all-modern home; choice lot 42x120. One block to the 24th St. car line or Dodge car. Jf you are In the market for a home not too far out don't fsll to see thl for real value. OSBORNE REALTY CO., 701 Om. Nat. Bk. Bldg. Tyler 4(6. LATEST IN A BUNOALOW 6 room on th first floor, finished In oak, 3 rooms and sleeping porch on 2d floor, unfinished; full cement basement; modern; 1 block from th car. 4547 Bedford Ava REAL ESTATE IMPROVED North. MILLER PARK BUNGALOW OWNER DRAFTED Must sell AT ONCE, nearly new oak finish bungalow on Laurel avenue, near 24(h street Ha living room with built in bookcase, dining room with built-in buf fet, kitchen with bulltln cabinet, two bedroom, on of which I a sun room and bathroom on th first floor; two good bedrooms and flnlhd torroom on the second floor. Full basement, beat of furn ace, paved street, excellent neighborhood and only two blocks from Miller park. A REAL BARGAIN AT $4,300 TERMS. Sunday calls:- IS. O. Headlsy, Colfax 3483. or X. A. Holslngton, Colfax 2303. Charles W. Martin & Co. Realtors 743 Omaha Nat'l Bank Bldg. Tyler 137, ALMOST NEW HOME SMALL PAYMENT DOWN-BALANCE LIKE RENT 1(17 Evans street, almost new, strictly modern home, large living room aero front with veatlbul entrance and coat closet, dining room with paneled wall and window seat, fin kitchen with pantry and rear veatlbul. all sn tint floor. Three bedroom with large closets, sua room and bath on seoond floor. Thl I a delightfully arranged and beautifully finished home. Oak floors and oak finish on first floor; plumbing , heating and lighting feature th very latest House ha Just been beautifully decorated throughout, and newly painted on outside. Full set of screens, shades and curtain rod go with house, alao Lion water heat er. Lawn nicely sodded and paved street close to car. Price only $4,400; $300 cash and eaay monthly paymenta. You cannot equal thl bargain in any part of town. Open today for Inspection from 1 to 6 p. m. PAYNE & SLATER CO. 614 Omaha Nat'l Bank Bldg. Doug. 1616. MILLER PARK NEW BUNGALOW Owner Drafted and Must Sell Six rooms, completed less than on year; oak and whits ensmel finish; bullt ln buffet; an attraotlvo home for $4,766. Easy terms and a bargain. Shuler & Cary, Realtors Douglas (074. 104 Keellne Bldg. Prettiest Mile 8-room modern house, near Grand Ave., on the "Prettiest Mite." House tn a set ting of fine young forest trees; lot very wide. Florence boulevard at this point highly Improved. Aoross the street the beautiful residence and grounds of C W, Martin. e PRIC1B 88.30ft. THIS PRICE IS UNDER THE MARKET. ACT QUICKLY IF IN TERESTED. HARRISON & MORTON REALTORS. (1$ Omaha National. S. $14. MILLER PARK New (-room strictly modern stucco home, south front on Redlck Ave., facing Miller Park. Living room with fireplace, dining room, kitchen first floor; 8 largo bedrooms and tiled bath 3d floor; floored attic; full basement, furnace heat, nicely decorated, beautiful fixtures. Oak throughout; now vacant; Immediate pos session. Price 35,360, on , reasonable terms. This Is an attractive home and well worth th money. J.L. HIATT CO. QrtA FIRST NATIONAL BANK BLDQ, 63 TYLER HANSCOM PARK HOME AT BIG SACRIFICE Owner must sell at once. Oood (-room, all modern home on Park Ave., near Hick ory St. Beautifully finished and excep tionally well built. Lot 60x142. Paving and all special paid In full. If you want a larg home facing Omaha' prettiest park, one block to car Una, and near new Park schoolj look at 1737 Park Ave. Price cut to (4,850 for quick sale, THE BYRON REED CO. Doug. 8(7. 1(13 Farnam. BEAUTIFUL BEVERLY HILLS ACRE AND LARGER TRACTS ON WEST DODGE ROAD . A little over a mile west of Dundee, and immediately 1 south of the famous Peony Farm. The first high ground west of Fair Acres, the natural site of a high-class subur- ban home subdivision, such as we have developed for your" future home. " " THE LOGICAL DEVELOPMENT of Omaha is westward, and an acre tract purchased in Beverly Hills today should sell within five years for double the price paid. That this is a safe conclusion is illustrated by the fact that the best lots in Dundee and Happy Hollow addition today sell for $3,000 and up. This means an aver-1 age of over $18,000 per acre. . . ' '. BEVERLY HILLS-SELLING RAPIDLY - ;. ' The best people in Omaha are buying sites for subur- , ban homes in and near Beverly Hills. While there are -nearly 200 acres in this tract, it is now selling so rapidly that you should make an immediate selection. PRICES $800 AND UPWARDS Very Reasonable Terms of Sale. Call or Write for Circular FOR SALE BY CHAS. W. MARTIN & CO., 742 Omaha Nat'l Bank Bids Tyler 187. , THE BYRON REED CO., 1612 Farnam St. Doug. 297. . REAL ESTATE IMPROVE! Norh. MILLER PARK MINNE LUSA A SNAP FOR $4,750. Seven room stucco bungalow, textll shingle roof, beautiful oak finish, fireplace bookcases, sun room; every possible eon venlence, cholc decorattona. Only on block to park and car. If you ware something complete, small upkeep ant splendid value, let us show you this About half cash, balance assy terms Shown by appointment only. OSBORNE REALTY CO., 701 Omaha Nat'l Bk. Bldg. Tyler 48$. MUST BE SOLD QUICK. BIG CUT IN PRICE. Well built house, ft rooms and bath, all modern, has garage, let (0x138, ahsde, fruit paving all paid. Immediate pos session. $2,400. Mortgage on thla Own er will take $800 cash for equity. Aa extra lot adjoining ean bo bought at bar gain price on easy term. . Near Sixteenth snd Evans atreet. P. J. TEBBINS, (REALTOR), 606 Omaha National Bank Bldg., D. 218$ BUY THIS HOME Elderly widow must atll her new home three large rooms, quarter sawed oak. bullt-ln bookcase, etc., on first floor, threi larg bed rooms and til bath on second floor full cement basement, hot watet heat lot 50x128, good garage with drive way; location, 118$ Meredith avs. A bargain at $4,280; reasonable terms. ' M'CAGUE INVESTMENT CO. Dougla 416 SHADE SHADESHADE. -PRETTIEST MILE. 88x300 FT. 8-room, oak finished home, with hoi water heat Extra toilet on lit floor. Larg double garage. Lots of fruit and shade trees. Exceptionally larg east front lot. Price slashed to $8,350 oa very easy term. BEDFORD-JOHNSTON CO., ' REALTORS, 323 Keellne Bldg, Doug. 8140. BARGAIN NORTH. $1,00 buy the $-roem oottag at No. 4003 N. 36th St: water 'and toilet In house; lot $6xll with barn In rear; $100 down and balanoo at $10 per month with Interest at ( pr cent BENSON & MYERS CO,' REALTORS, 484 Omaha Kat'l Bank Bldg. Doug. 748. ' NEW OAK-FINISHED BUNGA- LOW, . $150 CASH, $30 PER MONTH. Completely modern. In good location, with full basement; furnace and floor drain; large lot and house nicely deco rated. This snap can' be sold thl wseb for $3,100, on very easy term. BEDFORD-JOHNSTON CO., REALTORS, 323 Keellne Bldg. " Doug. 3140. BARGAIN NORTH. $1,000 buys the 6 -room cottage at 4008 North 35th atreet Water and toilet. In house. Lot 36x110 with barn In rear, f $100 down and balanc at $10 par month. ' with Interest at per cent - BENSON 4t MYERS CO.. REALTORS. 434 Omaha Natl Bank Bldg. D. 7748 - THE BEST BUY IN OMAHA (-room house. eleotrlo lights and water, . $2,260. Call Colfax 40(4. II1NNB LUSA homes and tots offer th best opportunity to invest vom money. Phone Tvler 111 THE BEST BUY IN" OMAHA. ' ' . Five-room bouse, eleotrlo lights and water, $3,3(0. Call Colfax 40(4. South. FIELD CLUB- $l$,00O.0O. Two-tory brick residence of I rooms, located In a beautiful district; two block from Field club, three blocks from car lino and Hansoom park: first floor has living room with fireplace, din. Ing room, sun room, kitchen and pantries t second floor has four bedrooms and baths oak floors throughout, with oak, birch, 1 mahogany and snarael finish; splendid basement; fin vapor heating plant; ele gant lighting 'and . plumbing fixture; house practically new. This Is a beautiful home and must be seen to be appreciated. $7,(00.00. - Two-story colonial stylo V house of T rooms; first-class neighborhood: Lot 68x101, with fine lawn and shrubbery; " living room with open fireplace, .dining room, kitchen and pantries on first floor: I bedrooms, sun room and bath on 2nd ' floor. Oak floors, birch snd enamel fin Inn, fine plumbing and lighting fixtures. Oond basement. Including furnace, laun dry and fruit room. This Is a bargain. , C. A. GRIMMEL, Realtor.' 4 Om. Nat. Bk. Bldg. ph: D. mV 5 ROOMS, MODERN," ' ' NEAR HANSCOM PARK $3,150 A neat, clean, attractive eaat Trent mod ern house on a full lot and paved street Two blocks from car. Tho house Is oak finished in reception hall, living room and dining room and has hardwood floor. Full cellar with good furnace.- I most attractively decorated and In a fine , neighborhood. i- 'f : ' '.' A.rmstrong-Waish Company, , Tyler 1686. 888 Securities Bldg. FINE HOME V ? C . Hers Is a bsrgals In a new stucco home In the Field club district - Large living room, dining room, kitchen, vestibule and butler's pantry on first floor; four bed rooms snd bath on second floor; oak fin ish and floors; un-to-dat In every way; very best vacuum heating plant; largo Inf. located 3308 Walnut 8t. All new home In this addition. Price, $7,(00. Terms. NORRIS & NORRIS : 104 North Kth St. 'Phono Douglas 4270. - A i