'4 BRINGING UP FATHER ; OoPTTtfbt. HIT, International Nawa Serrloe. t Drawn for The Bee by George v McManus STECHER AND ZBYSZKO TO CLASH IN DECISIVE WRESTLING GO TONIGHT Match at Auditorium This Evening to Determine Con tender for Crown Now Held by Earl Cad dock; v. . . ' Doors Open at 7 O'clock; Governor to Attend; Both Men Fit. Joe Stecher of Dodge, Neb., and Wladek Zbyszko, once of Poland, but now of New York, will clash on the wrestling mat at the Omaha Auditorium tonight Carl Marfisi will promote the match. w FACTS ABOUT BIG MATCH ' PrincipalsJoe Stecher of Dodge, Neb., against Wladek Zbyszko of New York. Preliminaries Adam Krieger of Lincoln against Joe Miller of Omaha. Tom Ray of Omaha against Fred Moormeier of Cortland, Neb. Teddy Brothers, rube wrestling exhibition. Time-First preliminary 8 o'clock. Main match about 9:30. t - Place Auditorium. Referee Edward Smith of Chicago. Promoter Carl Marfisi of Omaha. Timekeepers Frank McCaffrey, Bert Murphy and Charlie Garvin. Floor Manager Harry Walker. Manager of Joe Stecher Anton Stecher. Manager of Wladek Zbyssko Jack Curley. Doors Open 7 o'clock. Band concert from 7 to 8. This match originally was sched-0 filed to take place May 28. Just prior I to this date, however, Zbyssko was taken into custody by federal officials on a complaint trumped up by an en emy of Zibby's in Russia, and the inaicu wee ceucti un. nw - uji Jubby was released and the match re scheduled for tonight ATTRACTS WIDE INTEREST. The bout is attracting wide spread Interest In wrestling circles, ITpon this match hinges a match with Earl Caddock, champion of the world. Gene Melady, manager of Earl Cad dock, has informed Joe Stecher that with a victory over Zbyszko he will sign articles with Joe for the match with the champion in September. If Zbyszko beats Stecher he will get the match with Caddock. ; Stecher and Zbyszko met once be fore. It happened in New York last winter. The event was a two-hour draw. The match tonight will go two hours and 30 minutes. Unless there U a tall within this stipulated time, Ref eree Edward Smith will declare a de cision. ' ' t , Bonus, Fpr. Fall, , : Carl Marfisi. promoter, will stive a bonus of $1,000 to the winner of the first fall and a $1,500 bonus if one wrestler wins two falls. - Sixty per cen of the gate receipts will go to the 'wrestlers. Of this 60 per cent, the division will be 60 per rent to the winner and 40 per cent to tae loser. Stecher and 'Zbyszko are both ffl . Omaha. Zbyszko arrived Monday and Steelier yesterday. Jack Curley, manager ot Zbyszko, and Anton Stecher, manager of Joe Stecher. ar rived yesterday. Referee Edward bmith is due today. ' Three Prelims. Three preliminaries will be held, Doors, will open at 7 o'clock. From that hour until the match starts "the erreatist jazz band in the world," as Carl Marfisi calls it, will keep things ;ively. . , . The advance sale of seats last night Nad reached the $3,000 mark. This, . ander ordinary circumstances, means :lA. 9.11 laflv liAnll ' Vffarft.t a4Maa fan who1 hope to see the match and who : hfte not ye purchased tickets, to do sO today in cVder to be sure of ob taining good Ideations. "We will have olenty of scat)," says Carl Marfisi. 'but the choice ones are going fast." Both Siterchef and Zbyszko were -pronounces ntf oy physicians yester- ' Governor Attends. ; ' Governor Neville and his staff will ittend the match. A telegram from Ihe governor was received by Marfisi yesterday. He will arrive in Omaha '.hi afternoon. - Many out of town fans are coming for the match. Orders for seats have been received from many points in Nebraska and Iowa. Harry Walker, doorkeeper at the Crpheum, is floor manager, head rsher ana major domo of the match, tlevwill have charge of all the seats 7illard Challenged Vancouver. B; C June 11. Tommv T jrns. " former heavy weight cham- r 'rn. In Canadian forces here, wires -. Witt-. i...n.,.i.i. ;utinit.. ; .:tmg him to meet Burns m a four :ad bout at military tournament : in July for benefit ot Red j-ross. . Hsrenee W&nti Game. The Florence Merchants are desir- l of getting a twilight game with i -9 team Thursday evening. Phone 7 t v f 1 lnfft J14;. 1 v 1 TU-HER-t1ORV I a I ( -. I rVE COT TO tKHEAK J j CqU l MR h0W 5 M CHANCE MUWER VAMT rvciffilE IT O W' OUT TONICHT- V . c JONES 60T AT ( TO MAKE A. TO BOftRE YFO ECTlMi My HU512AND aDET I J Oinrr moore U ITL I the front ' T , nnS ToTRrT05 T civin- a chowder oarunc:1 ooor-ivonder I t.a-wav.. y nT itom WfVL out tonight-to TT ' TT ' ? - V-y. ' WHAT HE VANTS- j y V LEDT "" " ' . M ' HUTCHINSON IS VICTOR, 2-1 OVER ROURKE SQUAD Both1 Pitchers Keep Hits Few and Scattered and Good . Fielding Is Feature of Contest. Hutchinson, Kans., June 11. (Spe cial Telegram.) Johnnv Wiffli. Packer third baseman, broke up the first came of ttic trir tir tnHiu whon he .cracked out a double to right neia, scoring Maniort, who had drawn a pass. The final count stood 2 to 1 for the salters. Both teams played errorless oau, cut Manske, Omaha twirler, grew shaky at times and although the Packers were unable to hit him he .issued eight walks, two of which were brought in by Cleveland and Waffli with doubles. Jackson's aggregation pushed across their lone ta(ly in the fourth inning when with two gone, Hanford, right fielder, tapped a rain-bringing fly to "Grover" Cleveland, who executed a maxixe, but waited to get his hands on it. Callahan stepped into the second ball pitched and a double to right scored Hanford, Defate flew out to Nolt. , ' . The Packets cjime back with the old determination and tied the score. Nee and Bradley flew and grounded out. respectively, and Block walked. Cleveland won back the favor of the fans when he made up for his visit to AHadisvostok, during the descent of Hanford's fly, by smacking out a double to center, scoring Block. This ended all scoring on the part of both teams until the Packer's half of the ninth frame. Al Nolt pulled the old stunt the boys used during the days when all fighting was done with swords in the seventh inninsr when M-fnn,r singled to center and Monske follow ed witn a low ny to Kolt. Al failed tO tret tO the bill hut rm.frJ much business of having caught it with g.-ace and ease. McMeneny ran back to first and before he dis covered the ruse T. Frainer had peg ged the ball to Nee, forcing Mac. out. jine winning run in the ninth hap- Dened after Trai nrr tiarl r nnnH nut to Defate, followed by Nolt flying out iu xioiaerman. Aianion orew a pass, as did Javnes. and wnffli th fans on their homeward journey re joicing when he smacked a double to right field, scoring Manion.' Koestner Wins Ninth Straight When Wichita Defeats lowans Wichita, Kans., June 11. Koestner Won his ninth ctr-..'rrkt - ...i ........ ..l(s.,, Kaiuc WIICII Wichita defeated Des Moines here this evening. 6 to 2. The Wichita team completed three double plays. ui wuiui prcvcniea a run. score. Da Motne 0 M 1 it M 1 t 1 wichu ....... ,i t o i s a i Bitlerlea: Delburn and Breen. U welly n: Koeatner nd Tryn. Omaha Boxer Will Appear In Show at Grand Island Paul Murray of Omaha has been m" m. d, t0 box six rounds with Gorilla Jones at Grand Island, July 4. Murray is now working out for the go at Twenty-fourth and Frank lin street and he is looking for some training partners. THE BEE: OMAHA, WEDNESDAY, JUNE. Mat Rivals Who Clash in Omaha Tonight J, -wt.jrvj l 3 y i Omaha Again Trails OMAHA. L AB. R. BH. VO. A. E. BaahniiK, If 8 0 S 1 0 0 inoKmn. in ........ 4 0 6 U 0 0 I'onun, so., B 0 0 0 3 0 Hunfurd, rf 8 1 1 o O O Callahan, 8 0 8 2 4 0 Ilrfatc, tb 4 O 0 S Hnhlrrman, rf 4 0 0 8 O 0 McMrnrjr, e 8 0 t t I 0 Maluku, p... t 0 1 0 1 o TotaU .'.......tS I S tt 15 "5 HfTCHINSON. Wuffll. 8b 5 0 . 1 J 1 o l , S 0 1 8 4 O Bradley, lb 4 0 1 11 0 0 HI"", rf 81 0 3 0 lylttnd, ........ 4 0 1 o Trainer. If 8 0 1 4 0 0 Nolt, cf 3 0 0 t 1 0 Manion, 8 10 8 11 HajmM, p .....n 8 0 0 0 0 0 Totala ..tO 8 I II 13 1 Two eat when winning run tu scored. Omaha ........ 0 0 1 0 0 0 O Ol Hutchinson ...0 0 0 1 0900 18 Two-ban hit) flevrlnnd. Bradley, Nr, fallnhan. Basra on balls I Off Manske, S oft lUynes, . Strurk entt By Manske. t by Jnynes, t. DouM playi TleTelnnd to Ne to Bradley. Btolrn basest Doulra, Callahan. Left on baseat Hotrhlnson, ; Omaha, S. I'mplrei Shannon. Tims! 1:54. Oklahoma City Uses Four ; Pitchers to Defeat St. Joseph Okla' oma City, Okla., June 11. Oklahoma City used four pitchers to day to defeat St. Joseph, the final score being 8 to 7. Score: OKLAHOMA CltT. ' ST JOSEPH AB.H.O.A.E. AB.H.o1a.B. M'Clsllnss Jill Brbker.Sh 41810 Conrey.lb I II I OOooney.lb 4 8 4 10 Pltt.rf S t 4 4 0Dnlls.-f 118 0 0 r.lk.rf 4 8 t OWatson.rf 8 0 0 4 0 PI1tHf 4 I s a nr.t.k ti . . . . Brlebck.lhS 8 1 OMuelW.lb I 8 8 10 Benson.Sb 4 18 0 OSnead.Sb 4 1 8 S 0 Bsnner.o 1 1 i i tn..!,.... j . Tedsrhl.p 0 0 1 OBlulokt.p 10 0 10 nowin.p looi nr.osehen.p 10118 8nsrki.ii BBS nn .k . . "II & v V V 0 Grahsm.p 10 0 10 TITrrS Totala M11S414 0 ToUli IS IT 27 11 1 Batted foe I.uschen In ninth. St. Josenh ....A a t J a s Oklahoma City 81880001. I Two-base hits; Conroy, Talk. Brlebeek. Pllta, Snead. Mueller. Home runs: Falk. Brubakr. Saeriflna blt mi.ii.. roy. Banner. Benson, gnead. Watson. Stnipk out; By Hewitt. 8: by Luschen. 8: t.y Tedwhl. 8; bv Hawltt, 4. Stolen hsses: Brlebeck. Pitt, Talk. Brubaker. Left on hn: St. Joseph. 4; Oklshoma City, 8 Today s Sport Calendar tournament, at Oklahoma City. Mlrhlraa tta tnapshontlne toarnament, at Flint. Illinois Ktato trapshootins; toarnament, at raona. reansyiTamsv Htat trapshootins toarnament. at Lancaster. Boxing-1 ttay'Loore acwlnst Jack Dona las, H retrad T, at Cincinnati. t IT' 4 ; 1 I . ' J i , ' ; i' - ' ! -' y 1 n CHICAGO TAKES GAME OFF BOSTON; FABER ON MOUHD (lowland Signs Two Catchers, North, Semi-Pro From Lake Front, and Jacobs of Joliet Club. Chicago, June 11. Chicago cele brated flag-raising day today by de feating Boston, 4 to 1. The locals bunched hits off Jones and won cosily, Faber, who enlisted in the navy and expects to report Friday, was on the mound for Chicago and pitched in fine form. He was given sensational support in the pinches, catches by Murphy and Felsch being features. A number of jackies from the Groat Lakes naval training station gave an exhibition drill and assisted in the hoisting of the American league pen nant. Manager Rowland announced after the game, the signing of fwo catchers, North, a semi-professional from Chi cago, and Jacobs, of the Joliet plub and former Three-Eye leaguer. A new service flag, bearing 13 stars also was raised. Score: BOSTON. CHICAGO. AB.H.O.A.E. AB.H.O.A.E. Hoopsr.rf t 1 I 0 OLelbold.lf 3 110 0 Shnan.lb 8 18 4 OMurphy.rf 4 0 4 0 0 Strunk.of 8 110 0r.Colns.2b 3 8 4 1 0 Ruth. If 4 0 S 1 OFolach.cf 4 0 8 0 0 Mclnls.lb 4 0 3 1 OWesver.ss 3 10 4 1 Thomas, 3b 4 118 OGandlMb 4 1 13 0 0 Soott.ss 4 18 3 ORIsbertMb 8 0 110 Arrnew.o 3 8 0 1 OSrhalk.o 8 13 10 McCabe.p 0 0 0 0 OFaber.p 8 0 0 1 0 Jones, p 10100 gchann-.o 1 0 0 0 0 Totala.. 10 7 27 10 1 Trueadla 1 0 0 0 0 Totals.. 33 T 84 19 0 Batted for McCabe In ninth. Boston 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 01 Chicago 0 0 0 0 1 0 3 0 4 Two-bass hits: Hooper. Bchalk. Stolen bases: Lelbold (3), E. Collins, Weaver. Sac rifice hit) Shean. Sacrtflca fly: Strunk. Left On bases: Boston, 7; Chicago, 7. First base on errors: Boston, 1. Base on balls: Off Jones, 0; off Faber, 1. Hits: Off Jones, ( In seven innings; off McCabe, 1 In one Inning. Struck out: By Faber, 3. Wild pitches: Jones, Faber. Winning pitcher: Faber, Los ing pitcher: Jonea. Athletics Defeat Detroit 8-1. Detroit, June 11. Pounding Cunningham and Carroll Jonea for It hlta and aided by four errors, Philadelphia won from Detroit. 8 to 1 today. Cunningham was taken out after he had given seven hits tor six runs In three Innings. Burns got three singles, a double and a triple in five times at bat. Score: PHILADELPHIA. DETROIT. AB.H.O.A.E. AB.H.O.A.E. Jamean.rf 6 10 0 OVItt.Sb 5 13 3 0 Oldrng.lf 6 3 3 0 OBusch.ss 4 0 14 0 OCobb.lb 6 1 311 0 OVeach.lf 3 1 3 3 8 0 3 1 10 0 10 0 10 1 3 3 0 0 3 0 C.Wlkr.cf 1 Burns.lb 1 Grdnr,3b 6 Prklns.o 4 Shnon.ss 3 8 3 13 OHellmn.rf 4 0 1 0 8 0 lF.Wlkr.cf 4 0 3 3 3 4 OSpencer.o 3 0 4 14 6 OCnghm.p 1 1 Dugan, 2b Adams.p 3 10 3 OC.Jones.p 3 1 3 0 Dyer.p 0 0 0 0 0 Totals 8 1 27 14 1 . Totala 33 t 37 1 4 Philadelphia .83100100 18 Detroit ......0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 Two-bass hits: Burns, Gardner. Vltt, Jam leson. Three-base hit: Bums. Stolen base: Shannon. Sacrifice hit: Adams. Double playa: Vltt, Young and Cobb: Voung, Cobb and Vltt; Shannon, Dugan and Burns. Left on bases: Philadelphia. 7; Detroit, 18. First base en errors: Philadelphia, 4. Bases on balls: Off Adams, 8; C. Jonea. 8. Hlta: Off Cunningham, 7 in three innings; off C. Jones, I In five and one-third Innings; Dyer, one in two-thtrda Inning. Hit hy pitcher: By .Adams (Spenosr). Struck out: By Adams, 1; by Cunningham, 3. Losing pitch er, Cunningham. Senators Lose to St. Louis, St. Louis, June 11. Shaw, who pitched seven Innings ot Monday's 14-lnnlng contest, came back today and outpltched Davenport, but owing to the poor support given him Washington lost to St. Louis, 4 to 3. Shaw had one bad Inning the third when a base on balls, a triple, 4 wild throw by La van and two misjudged, pop files, one which fell for a double and the other for a single, netted the locals three runs. Score: WASHINGTON, 8T. LOUIS. ABH.O.A.E. AB.H.O.A.E. Bhottn.rf 4 3 4 1 OTobln.cf 3 110 0 Judge.1), 4 0)3 3 OMalsel.Ob I 1 III FoRttr.lb 4 0 3 4 OSlsler.lb 3 117 0 0 Mllan.cf 3 10 0 ODsmlttrf 3 10 0 0 Shanks.lf 4 0 0 0 0 8mith.lt 3 10 0 0 Morgan, Sb 8 3 3 3 0Oedeon.2b 4 0 0 4 0 Lavan,sa 4 110 2Gerber.aa 3 0 14 1 Anamth.o 8 18 0 OHale.e 3 0 4 1 0 Bhaw.p 8 0 0 8 0 Dvnprt.p 8 0 0 8 0 Totala 11 7 34 11 3 Totals 37 6 37 16 1 Washington ..0 0 1 1 0 0 00 03 St. Louis ....0 0300 010 4 Two-base hit: Milan. Three-base hlta: Smith, Alnsmith. Stolen baaas: Maisel (2), Tobtn, Milan. Double playa: Shaw, Foster and judge; Davenport, Malael and Staler; Shotton, Judge and Alnsmith. Left on bases: Washington, 6; St. Louis, 1: First base on error: St. Louis, 1. Bases on balls: Off Shaw, I; off Davenport, 3. Struck Out: By Shaw, 1; by davenport. 6. Indiana Take Yanka Into Camp. Cleveland, Juno 11. Cleveland defeated New York today, 4 to 3, In 13 Innings. Chapman led off in the 12th for Cleveland with a base on balls, dashing to third on Speaker's sacrifice. Wambsganas bunted to Caldwell, who fumbled. Chapman scoring. Bagby had New York shut out until the ninth, ' when a pass and five hlta tied the score. Plpp was put out of the game by Umpire Nallin in the ninth for protesting a decision. Score: NEW YORK. CLEVELAND. AB.H.O.A.K. AB.H.O.A.E. Ollhly.rt 4 10 0 OEvens.lb 3 0 0 4 0 Pckpgh.sa 1 Baker. 3b 6 Pratt, tb 4 Ward.lb 1 Plpp.lb 4 Beck, lb 1 Bodle.lf 4 OTurner,8b 10 1 IVhpmn.ss 4 10 0Siyilir.cf 4 10 OWmbgs.lb 0 13 ORoth.rf 4 10 Ovtood.lf 4 0 1 OMUler.lb 3 1 11 CThomas,o 8 3 1 OBagby.p 3 3 0 l'Oraney 10 0 Marsans,ct 1 Walters,e 4 Caldwll.p 5 Russell 0 Totala.411114 14 3 Totals.. 44 1334 11 1 One out when winning run was scored. Ra for Pratt In ninth. Batted for Evans In ninth. New York 0 0000000300 03 Cleveland 0 0000800000 14 Two-ban hltsv Baker, Gllbualsy. Three base hit: Roth. Stolen bases: Chapman, Roth. Sacrifice hit: Speaker. Sacrifice fly: Bodle. Double plays: Pratt to Pecklnpaugh to Plpp, Plpp (unassisted), Bagby to Chap, man to Miller. Left ew bases: New York. 0; Cleveland, 11. First base on erroVs: New York, 3; Cleveland. 1. Baaea oa balls: Oft Caldwell, ti off Bagby, 3. Struck out: By Caldwell, 8 , 12, 1918. CUBS WIN NINTH STRAIGHT GAME; DEFEAT GIANTS Several Military Units Attend and Are Supplied With Base Ball Equipment; Causey Weakens. New York, June 11. Chicago won its ninth straight game here today, defeating New York on bat and ball fund day, S to 3. It was a see-saw game, won by Chicago in the ninth after New York had taken the lead in the preceding inning. Causey, a young local pitcher, after holding Chicago to one hit in five innings, weakened in the ninth, when the Cubs scored three runs on singles by Mann and Killifer and doubles by Merkle and Deal. Several military units were present and were supplied with base ball equipment. Score: ' CHICAGO. NEW YORK. AB.H.O.A.E. AB.H.OA.E. Flack, rf 3 0 2 0 0Yo'g,rf,2b 4 0 4 2 0 Holl'er.ss 4 0 2 6 OKauff.ct 4 10 0 1 Mann, If 3 3 2 0 OBurns.lf 3 12 0 0 Merkl) lb 4 2 14 0 0Zlm'n.3b 4 116 0 Pask't.cf 3 110 OFletc'r.ss 4 2 2 7 0 Deal.ib 3 111 OHolke.lb 4 112 0 0 Zrldr.2b 3 0 8 6 lMcC'ty.c 4 15 2 0 Kllllfer.o 3 1 3 2 0Rod'lz.2b 10 10 0 Hen'rlx.p 3 0 0 1 OWtlh't.rf 3 0 0 0 0 Teareau.p 0 0 0 1 0 Totals 29 7 27 14 lAnde'n.p 0 0 0 1 0 Thorpe 110 0 0 Causey.p 2 0 0 3 0 Rariden 1 0 0 0 0 Totals 85 8 27 22 1 Batted for Anderson In third. Batted for Causey In ninth. Chicago ,.0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 New York 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 85 03 Two-base hits: Kauff, Merkle, Deal. Stolen tases: Burne, Zimmerman. Paskert. Sacrifice hits: Paskert, Killifer, Deal. Left on bases: New York, 0; Chicago, 4. First base on errors: New York, 1, Bases on balls: Off Tesreau, 3; Causey, 1; Hendrlx, 1. Hits: Off Tesreau, 1 In two and one third Innings; Anderson, 1 In two-thirds In nings; Causey, 5 in six Innings. Struck out: By Tesreau, 1; Causey, 2; Hendrlx, 3. Wild pitch: Anderson. Losing pitcher: Causey. Pirates Belegate Braves. Boston, June 11. Pittsburgh took Bos ton's place at the bottom of the first div ision today by detesting the home team 3 to 8, In sixteen Innings. Sanders was hit harder than Hearn, but the visiting pitcher was invincible in the pinches and allowed only one hit In the last eight Innings. The winning run resulted from singles by Mol wltst and McKechnle, Schmidt's sacrifice, an Intentional pass to Sanders which filled the bases, and Caton's bunt on which Mol (wlts scored. After Wickland had singled and Smith had walked In the sixth, Kon etchey's triple acored Boston's two runs. Score: PITTSBURGH BOSTON A.B.H.O.A.E.Rawlns.ss t 3 3 Caton.ss 6 16 6 lHerzog,2b 6 O10 Carey.of 0 7 1 OPowellcf 7 2 17 UVcklnd.rf 1 3 0 0?.Smlth,3b 4 1 6 Cutshw,2b 0 3 1 0 2 Hincmn.rf Blgbee.rf Klng.lf Molwtx.lb McKen,3b Archer. o 3chmldt,o Sanders, p 0 0 0 OKntchy.lb 6 3 21 0 10 0Rehg.lt 8 0S 3 23 1 OWilson.o S 12 4 OHearn.p 1 4 3 0'Massey, 1 0 3 2 0Conway 1 0 0 8 1 Totals 63 11 48 30 I Totals 46 8 43 31 8 Batted for Rehg In sixteenth. Batted for Hearn in sixteenth. Plts'brg. 000000110000000 13 Boston .0 00008000000000 02 Two base hit: Konetchy. Three base hit: Wickland, Rawllngs, Konetchy. Stolen base: Wilson., Sacrifice hits: McKechnle, Carey, Schmidt. Caton, Konetchy, 2, Hersog. Sacrifice fly: Sanders. Double plays: Carey to Archer; Rawlins to Heriog to Konetchy f2). Left on bases: Pittsburgh, 6; Boston, 13. First base on errors. Pitts burgh. 3; Boston, 2. Bases on balls: Off Sanders, 7; Off Hearn, 5. Struck out: By Sanders, 6; By Hearn, 8. Holcroft Wins Blind Bogey Contest at Seymour Lake A group of golfers participated in a blind bogey contest at Seymour Lake club Saturday and Sunday It was won by A. R. Holcroft, whose score was 95, that number being bogey. Golf Professional Shearman has arranged a nice program of events for this season. Other scores inthe contest were: H. M. Anderson, 87. R. Russell. SS. J. W. Doyle, 10. R. Yates, 82. George Francis, 30. George MacDonald, ti. Fay Powell. 84. A, W. 8ldney, 13. Dr. D. B. Flaugher, 81.J. M. Speed, St. R. a Ledwlch, 111. R. L. Dennis, 100. Aug. Radsuwelt, 108. Otto Radxuwelt, 84. William Jettsr. 88. A. R. Holcroft, 85. Graham Becomes Champion Trap Shooter of World Peoria, 111., June 11. J. R. Graham. Long Lake, 111. won the Hercules cup carrying with it the world's trap shooting championship from Bert E. Lewis, Auburn, in a special 200-bird match. Lewis was in the lead all the way until the final 25 pairs of. doubles was reached. Graham n overcame a five target lead and was in front by four breaks when the match ended. It included 150 birds at 18.20 and 25 yards and 25 pairs of doubles. Avoca Wants Game. Avoca, la., wants a ball game for next Sunday. The Avoca team guar antees expenses up to $35 for a good Omaha team whici. vUl make the trip to Avoca Sunday. E. E. McMur ray is manager of the Avoca team. American Asportation. Louisville, June 11. Score: St. Paul Louisville ., R. ..6 ..2 H. 14 8 E. Batteries: Pleroy and Glenn; Board man and Kocher. Toledo, June 11. Score: R. H. E Kansaa City g u Toledo n Batteries: Hoff, Johnson and Onflow McCoIl and Kelly.' . Standing of Teams WEST. LEAGUE AMERICAN ASS'. W. L. Pet. W. L. Pet. Wichita .. .25 11 .694Columbus ..2110.677 iti'trhtnson 23 17 ,676Kansas City 20 13.106 Des Molnea 21 17 J63Mllwaukee .20 14 688 i'u.a. City .20 18 613Loulsville ..21 16 .683 Omaha 18 20 ,487Indlanapolls II 24.563 St. Joseph ..18 21 .462St. Paul ...18 20.417 Joplin 16 19 441Mlnnepolle 11 20.417 Sioux City .11 28.282ToIedo .... 7 28.200 .NATIONAL LEAGUEIAMERICAN LEAGUE. W. L. Pet. W. L. Pet. Chicago 31 12.721Boston 30 20.600 New York. ..20 15 .659! New York.. 27 20 .574 Cincinnati . . 23 23 SOOlChicago 24 18 .558 Pittsburgh.. 20 23 .465!Cleveland... 26 24.620 Boston 20 25 444'St. Louis ....22 13 488 Philadelphia 18 25 .419, Washington 24 26 .480 St. Louis ...It 25 .419Philadelp'la 17 2 .395 Brooklyn... 17 28 ,378iDetrolt 15 27 .357 Yesterday's Results. WESTERN LEAGUE. Omaha, 1; Hutchinson, 2. Wichita. 6; Des Moines. 2. Oklahoma City, 8; St. Joseph, 7. Sioux Clty-Joplln game postponed, rain. NATIONAL LEAGUE. Chicago, 5; New York, 3. Pittsburgh, 3; Boston, 2. Other games postponed; rain. AMERICAN LEAGUE. Philadelphia, 8; Detroit, 1. Chicago, 4; Boston, 1. Cleveland, 4; New York, 8. St. Louis, 4; Washington, 2. AMERICAN ASSOCIATION. St. Paul. 6; Louisville, 2. Toledo, 6: Kansas City, 5. Oamea Today. WESTERN LEAGUE. Omaha at Hutchinson. Des Moines at Wichita. Sioux City at Joplin. St. Joseph at Oklahoma City. AMERICAN LEAGUE. Boston at Chicago. New York at Cleveland. Washington at . St. Louis. Philadelphia at Detroit. NATIONAL LEAGUE. Chicago at New York. Cincinnati at Brooklyn. Pittsburgh at Boston. St. Louis t,t Philadelphia. AMl'SEMEM'S. Tonf THE Joe Stechers Wladek Zbyszko at the AUmTORDURS The Winner to Meet EARL CADDOCK FOR CHAMPIONSHIP OF THE WORLD Prices, $1.10 to $5.50, Including War Tax. Ladies Are Especially Invited. Tickets at Paxton Hotel, Loyal Hotel, Merritt'. 16th St. today. ToNight Doori HOME OF THE BIG DOUBLE SHOW FIVE OF CLUBS Plerrott's Dream TOM DAVJF.S & CO." In "Chack-Mattd" VAN VERNON Just To Amuse You CONRAD A GOODWIN Musical Novelty ' Charlie Chaplin in "His Dare Devil ' Queen" Win Fox Presents TOM MIX In "ACE HIGH" LAKE VI EW Omaha's Greatest Attraction. Dancing Every Evening CARL LAMP'S JAZZ BAND One Night Only. Thursday, June 13, Grand Prize Waltz Contest for Frizrs. PHOTOPLAV9. iffwfci Is Delightful at I Last Times Today and Thursday 13 hS DOUGLAS I J Presents" LJ5fc ,3 Charles m: 7? Hk Own I . Home Town . i . . Benny Leonard to Fight Britton at Philadelphia Philadelphia, June 11. Articles of agreement were signed today by Ben ny Leonard, lightweight champion of the world, and Jack Britton, claimant of the welterweight title, for a six round fight between the two men in this city on the night of June 25. The bout will be held at Shibe park, the home of the Philadelphia Ameri can league base ball club. According to the agreement the men will weigh in at 141 pounds ring side. Refuses Offer of $125,000 For Famous Thoroughbred London, June 11. (British Admir alty Per Wireless Press.) J. B. Joel, race horse owner, has refused an offer of 25,000 for his horse, Black Jester, which won the St, Leger in 1914. THis action was taken by Mr. Joel on the ground that it would be against the national interest to allow the horse to leave the country. Clarks Beat Blair The Walter G. Clarks sprung a surprise on Blair, Neb., winning by a score of 8 to 5. Don Martin was on the mound for ' the Clarks and held Blair to 7 hits. Heflinger led at the bat with two tw-baggers atnd a single. The Clarks would like to schedule a game out of town next Sunday. Call Douglas 9167 after 6 p. m. AMUSEMENTS. BIG MATCH Merchants' Hotel, Hen.haw Hotel, Store, Omah. Auditorium, all day Open 7:30 P. M. PHOTOPLAYS, Muse FRANK KEENAN IN "LOADED DICE" FRIDAY Constance Talmadge LOTHROPfiS" THEDA BARA la "CAMILE" HAMILTON h..":; DOUGLAS FAIRBANKS la "HEADIN SOUTH" 1 I MANAWA PARK j WILLIAM sSffi - J "the mM I TIGER ffl MAN fW.. !